AIESEC in Greece Members Committee President 15-16 Application Form
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Motivation 1) What is driving you to continue in AIESEC? Why have you decided to stand for President of AIESEC in Greece for the term 15-16? How does it connect to your ambition in life in general? 2) How would you evaluate yourself on the Leadership Elements of AIESEC? Please present your strengths and weaknesses based on each elements. Why do you believe you are the right person to lead the entity for this term?
Context 3) Why does AIESEC exist in Greece ? What is its role and contribution to the society ? Connect it to the key trends and challenges you identify in the society and AIESEC’s role in those.
Organizational Understanding 4) How would you communicate/explain AIESEC to – a) A teacher/ Professor b) A student who just entered university c) The CEO of a Global Company d) Your parents *within 50 words each. 4) Please explain in your own words the connection between the AIESEC Vision, The AIESEC way, The AIESEC programs, Leadership Development Model and the Inner and Outer Journey. 5) What do you consider were the main milestones of AIESEC 2015 from creation until present and what should be our learnings from AIESEC 2015 in terms of operations, direction, culture and so on. What do you believe was the impact of AIESEC 2015 for AIESEC in Greece?
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Entity Understanding
7. Please give a brief analysis of each of the ELD programs for AIESEC in Greece. How do you want to see them at the end of term 15-16. Please be as specific as possible in terms of MoS – KPIs – Main Milestones.
6) Which do you believe are the main strengths of AIESEC in Greece and which are the 3 challenges, which are preventing AIESEC in Greece to grow, and suggest 3 main solutions to overcome them. 7) What according to you are the main steps for the next term to ensure collaboration and growth across all LCs to ensure overall growth of AIESEC in Greece. Describe the role of MC, LCs and Federal Board in this.
10) What will AIESEC in Greece remember about the 1516 term? Describe which will be the 3 key milestones you commit to strive for during your term. You may indicate KPIs, MOSs, reach in the market, MC and LC structures. 11) What is the unique contribution of AIESEC in Greece to the WENA region and AIESEC as a whole and what do you envision to be its contribution to the global network in the Term 1516 ?
Blank Paper Challenge You have 1 page to manifest one idea/innovation that you believe can make AIESEC in Greece grow massively in the term 1516.
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Biography Please write a 1 page Biography to help us understand you better as a person and what things made you who you are today. (Remember to write in third person)
Video Introduction To give the National Plenary better view on you as a person please introduce yourself via video during which you will present you as a person and answer the question: What would you like to see yourself doing in 5 years from now, and why? How do you see that your term as MCP of AIESEC in Greece will contribute to achieving this goal? Those questions need to be answered by video with maximum length of 3 minutes. Some things you need to have in mind for the video are:
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make sure that your verbal communication skills are showcased in the video; you need to upload your video in YouTube and put its link in your application; any video longer than 3 minutes will not be accepted; do not use music without copyright and adhere to brand principles; Pay extra attention to the technical quality that video will have. It’s not going to be evaluated Make sure you check that the link of the video, that you have placed at the application works, after submitting the application if the link doesn’t work, it is considered as non-submitting it at all.
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