Special care 3 0 2017@ahu booklet

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Words fromVP

Words fromOCP

Ci ty I ntroducti on

ne i s ui Anhuic oneof , ) t hor ors if HuiCa ( ne i s ui Anhuic n si ne i s ui mousc a tf ghtmos i hee t sof t ya r na i ul lc a oc hel st e ur t a e f , na Chi sof e i t l a i c pe hes st e s i ompr tc I hou. z Hui The . i iBe ndHua nga a i nj Ya , hAnhui Sout cof i t s i r e t c a r ha vec i t nc i t s ydi ghl hi he nt yi snotonl e i nel i s ui Anhuic s l a i e t ngma ooki sofc e c hoi ec t a bor a l e ng ooki olofc r ont tc c i r t hes nt oi s l buta . s s e oc pr

Thet r a ns por t a t i oni nChi nai sve r y c onve ni e nt .Youc a nma na geyour s e l f t oc omet oHe f e i .Thef ol l owi ngc hoi c e s a r er e c omme nde d. Ta keapl a net oSha ngha i〠Be i j i ngor Gua ngz hou,a ndt he nt a keat r a i nt o He f e i .He r ea r et hema ps .

Be i j i ngHe f e i

Sha ngha i He f e i

Gua ngz houHe f e i

sustai nable developmentgoal

Project Ti meli ne

Project I ntroducti on

★Phot oShowi ng-Hol danar ts how wi t h phot osandi nt er act i veact i onar tf oraut i s m. ★Yout hSpeak-Got ol i br ar i est os har eyour exper i enceandyourt hought s . ★Hef eici t yexpl or at i on-Wewi l ldes i gna gamet oexpl or eHef eici t y.Vi s i t i nghi s t or i c ar chi t ect ur es ,eat i ngl ocalf oodandcommuni cat i ng wi t hl ocalpeopl e ★Gl obalVi l l age-Shar et hecul t ur es peci f i cs ofyourcount r ywi t hl ocalpeopl e. ★Maki ngavi deo-Maki ngavi deof ort el l i ng peopl eours t or i esi nt hes ummer . ▲GCDS( Gl obalCi t i zens hi pDevel opment Summi t )i saconf er encewhi chi shel df oral lt he t r ai nees .Al lt het r ai nnesar er equi r edt oat t endi ti n or dert ohel pyout os etexpect at i onandhaveabet t er exchange.Thedel egat ef eei sabout50USD.

Ti ps fromOCT

1.[ AboutFood] Dur i ngwor kdays ,Yourhomes t aywi l lpr epar emeal sf oryoui fyouneed. Dur i ngr es tdays ,maybes omet i mesyouneedt opayi tbyyour s el f . Ands omet i mesyouwi l leatoutwi t hourOCt eam,buddi es ,and ot her t r ai nees ,t henyouneedt opayf oryour s el f 2.[ AboutAccommodat i on] Wewi l lpr ovi dehos tf ami l yf oryouandi ti sf r ee. 3.[ AboutTr ans por t at i on] Tr ans por t at i onexpens eshavet obepai dbyyour s el fbuti ti sver ycheap ( about1USDperday) .Wewi l lpi ckyouupatHef eit r ai ns t at i onorHef ei ai r por t . 4.Pr epar eas hor t pr es ent at i onandapr es ent at i on( us ual l ymul t i medi a pr es ent at i on)aboutyourcul t ur e. 5.Lear ns omebas i cknowl edgeaboutChi nai ncl udi ngf ood,cul t ur eand s oon. 6.Pr epar eaf ew mat er i al sf orGl obalVi l l age.Suchasyournat i onalf l ag, cos t umespos t car ds ,movi es ,books ,mus i ccoi ns ,andwhat everr el at ed t oyoucount r yoryourownexper i ences . 7.Mas t ers omeknowl edge( dai l ydi al oguesi nEngl i s h,s ongs ,dance, et c. ) aboutchi l dr eneducat i onandt hi nkofs omei deasaboutcour s es andt hegames . 8.Appl yf oraMas t er Car d.I twi l lbeconveni entf oryout ous ei ti nbank dur i ngyourvol unt eer i ngt i me. 9.Br i ngs ui t abl ecl ot hes .Thet emper at ur eofHef eii ns ummeri s30℃ t o 38℃. Pl eas ebr i ngt hemos ts ui t abl ecl ot hesbas edonyourownphys i cal condi t i on. 10.I nt er nat i onalSt udentCar dandNot ebook/ l apt opi shi ghl ys ugges t ed t ocar r y.


Edi s onWu Team Leader&OCP Mobi e:+8615555429508 What s app:+8615555429508 Emai l :yuzhi . wu@ai es ec. net

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