[MC 1516] Questionnaire

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AIESEC in Poland MC 15-16 Questionnaire

Application Guideline • Answer all 3 general questions. • Choose 2 functional areas of your preference. • For 1st preferred area answer all questions, for the 2nd preference choose 2. • General questions should not take more than 2 pages. • Whole application should not take more than 8 pages without title page. For more information about sumbission and other FAQs please check the MC VP information booklet.

General 1.

What does AIESEC 2015 mean to you? Please evaluate the contribution of AIESEC in Poland in global MoS achievement. Based on that analysis assess what should be contribution of our entity in 2015 MoS (per program) in order to achieve mid-term ambition globally. 2. Considering the context of next year and changes that have been happening in AIESEC in Poland, please share with us what is in your opinion on the MC role? What should be the MC team’s approach towards the network both internally and globally? 3. What kind of team player characteristics are needed in this specific team that works on national level in AIESEC? Evaluate yourself based on the criteria proposed.

Functional questions - OP 1.

What is the role of the VP Operations on an MC team and how does it play a key role in the direction of the entity in co – operation with the MCP? 2. Critically evaluate the current state and proposed direction of the 4 exchange areas of AIESEC in Poland (iGCDP, oGCDP, iGIP, oGIP) keeping in mind the context of 2015. Numerically, what potential does each area have in the 2015 / 16 term? 3. How can each of the back office areas (Finance, TM, OD, Marketing & BD) contribute to operational growth and describe one innovation or new strategy with each synergy point. 4. What is your one BIG idea to make AIESEC in Poland Operations grow by leaps and bounds such that Poland can become a BIG AIESEC entity that competes with other HUGE entities? (such as Brazil, India, Mainland of China, Egypt, etc.)

Functional questions - MKT 1.

What are the main challenges you see for the Marketing area for the next term at the national and local level? Please select 3 top strategies that will both cover the challenges and boost ELD growth in AIESEC in Poland. 2. What would be the proposed strategy to grow our online reach in Poland considering Social Media? Connected to that, how would it affect the current strategy? 3. Make one simple analysis of applicants in any ORS system (local or national), divided by program (GCDP or GIP) and explain what would be your strategy to smartly convert them into ELD participants (consider OGX side in this case) 4. What would be your focus as MC VP MKT and what would be your strategy to coach/support Local Committees. Be brief, with 3 points of improvement in LCs, considering maturity (start-ups, medium and mature LCs)

Functional questions - OD 1.

Evaluate the current state of all ELD programmes in AIESEC in Poland. What should be the general direction of the corner and key strategies per programme assuring ELD development in term 15.16? Take into consideration global recommendations.* 2. How do you see the role of Growth Model in AIESEC? Please take into consideration both the design of the model and it’s implementation. 3. What change do you see as the most important for AIESEC in Poland to go through? Draw a framework of change management process for this case. 4. How do you imagine the VP OD’s role towards MCP, ELD corner, VP IM, VP Marketing, national and global network? What should be the specific areas of cooperation?

* Question no. 1 is obligatory for all applicants applying for OD position

Functional questions - BD 1.


3. 4.

Analyze the Business Development area. Take into consideration account management and MC products (sales & delivery). Choose and explain 3 key strategies for your term as VP BD. Please be specific on why is that a priority, how is it going to happen and what are the expected outcomes of the actions you set. Basing on that how do you see the evolution of the Business Development area in the term 15.16 on national and local level towards ELD programs? * Based on the strategies that you proposed in the 1st question, design the BD corner structure on the MC team and point out the main role of each person including MCVP BD. How will you manage such a team? How do you see your daily work as a corner leader and member of Management Team? What are the most developing sectors in Poland right now? How can AIESEC capitalize on that in terms of new sales? Please be specific and base your answer on real data. What is the most important part of account management according to you? How would you conduct, track and manage account management on national level? Take into consideration the whole BD corner.

* Question obligatory for all candidates apply for MC VP BD position

Functional questions - Finance 1. 2.

3. 4.

Explain why are you applying for this position. Describe how do you understand dual role of finance in AIESEC, how can finance support exchange and what can be the biggest contribution of finance to the network in the following year.* According to you, what is the biggest challenge for finance of AIESEC in Poland? How can we address that challenge? Propose specific actions. Point out three key changes that has been introduced in the financial area during 14/15 term and how is it going to influence term 2015-2016. In the context of term 2015-2016, rank in order of importance the key responsibilities of Finance Director of AIESEC in Poland (teamwork, strategic direction, AIESEC in Poland financial sustainability, governance and accountability, Finance Commission engagement and communication, legal responsibilities towards government) and the reasons for your ranking.*

* Question 1 and 4 are obligatory for applicants applying to Finance position.

Functional questions- iGCDP 1.

What will the national and global plenary remember about the 2015/16 term in AIESEC Poland’s iGCDP area? Describe what will be the key milestones you commit to strive for during the next term to achieve your vision for the iGCDP area. 2. Describe what is your desired ultimate MoS for the iGCDP area in 2015/16 and what kind of strategies for each group of LCs will you implement to achieve your goal? (please explain the logic of putting LCs into groups in you answer) 3. Choose the 3 most crucial strategies that you want to implement in iGCDP in 2015/16 and describe what kind of synergies are needed to implement these strategies successfully (both on LC and MC level)

Functional questions- iGIP 1.

How do you assess IGIP’s current status, what to keep and what to improve? Please state it from following aspects with details: Market potential, Commission culture, Strategy Implementation, Supply & Demand, External resources. 2. Please evaluate supply-based sales strategy implementation, and give your plan on how to better implement this strategy next term. 3. What are your 3 main strategies for IGIP next year? Please list them with detailed plans. 4. What is the biggest challenge for iGIP in the 15/16 term, and what is the biggest challenge being MC VP iGIP?

Functional questions- oGCDP 1.

What should be the growth strategies of oGCDP program for the next term? Please keep in the mind program bottlenecks as well as external and internal (global) trends. Think of at least 3 strategies. 2. How would you implement the 3 top growth strategies for the program? What are the results expected? Please create milestones for term 2014-2015 and why did you choose to have these activities? 3. What are the main challenges to ensure off-peak enhancement and Q3 growth in oGCDP in AIESEC in Poland? Please propose at least 3 solutions/strategies to ensure sustainable growth in every quarter. 4. AIESEC in Poland is working on assuring leadership development in every experience. How would you like to ensure that every exchange participant in oGCDP program actually develops leadership attitudes and becomes a change agent?

Functional questions- oGIP 1.

Taking into consideration new customer flow what should be 3 main focuses of the MC VP oGIP in the 15.16 term to optimize delivery and quality of experiences? 2. Analyze the student market of Poland. What are the biggest issues Polish youth face right now? How AIESEC can answer those issues? How can the oGIP area support it? 3. What should be the growth strategies in 15.16. term for oGIP? Keep in mind bottlenecks of the program for both – external and internal trends. Please name at least 3 of them. 4. Asses the current state of cooperation between oGIP and back office (Marketing, TM and Finance). Propose strategies on how you would like to improve those synergies to achieve growth in the program?

Functional questions– TxP 1. 2. 3.


Please evaluate all starategies and initiatives connected with team experiences (excluding L&D). What should be the main improvements in the next year? Assess the current state of Talent Capacity in our GIP and GCDP programmes. Define the 2 main bottlenecks in each programme and where your assessment comes from. Give at least 3 solutions on how to improve it. During the 14-15 term huge stress was put on productivity. Analyze the current productivity of AIESEC in Poland in each exchange program and give at least 2 strategies on how to increase it. In achieving Ambition 2015 the new management system (EXPA) should support TM. Prepare an action plan with the timeline of new global TxP product implementation (introduction in March) and conducting recruitment on EXPA (first recruitment in October).

Functional questions– L&D 1.

Assess L&D strategies for term 2014/15 and their implementation progress. What would you like to continue and what do you see as improvements needed? Take into consideration both, learning processes and leadership development of AIESEC in Poland. 2. What is your idea of the L&D direction for the next term? What would be your 3 main focuses and initiatives supporting their implementation? Take into consideration TM role and synergies with L&D area. 3. How, in your opinion, should Local Committees work on LC’s culture improvement? What kind of culture should be built on local level to result in exchange growth and maintain productivity rate on high level? 4. Design the conference cycle for term 2015/16 using template attached below. Remember that the conference cycle is one of startegic tools of MC work. Conference

Role of conference

Approximate date

Audience (e.g. EB current)

Special events (e.g. awards gala)

Follow up

Functional questions – OD Manager 1.

What should be three key national strategies to boost growth of low performing local entities? 2. Assess potential for creating new AIESEC entities in Poland and propose action steps to start a new local chapter. 3. What should be three key initiatives that would ensure collaboration between local entities driving better knowledge management and LC2LC support? 4. How do you imagine OD Manager role towards MCP, OP corner, MC VP Marketing, national and global network? What should be the specific areas of cooperation?

Functional questions– BD managers 1.

Prepare the SWOT analysis of Business Development area based on the role of BD team in MC. Take into consideration internal and external factors. * 2. Analyze the product portfolio of AIESEC in Poland in terms of value created for corporate sector and youth. Propose areas of development and expected outcome. * 3. What is the role of GIP in corporate sector? How can BD team in MC drive GIP sales and delivery from national level? Please present 3 initiatives and their expected outcome. 4. Analyze our competition in terms of products and organizational partnerships. Propose 3 solutions that the BD team could implement in term 15.16 to overcome competition. Please be specific.

* Obligatory questions for candidates apply for BD Manager position.

Functional questions – Public Relations 1.

Evaluate the current state of relations with named stakeholders: government, non-governmental organizations, universities, other student organizations. How would you see cooperation with them in upcoming term? 2. What are the challenges you see in Public Relations in the next year on the national and local level? What are the solutions you would implement? Please propose at least 3 top strategies for improvement. 3. Public Relations for growth in exchange: List 3 top strategies that would ensure us results in exchange program. 4. Assess the current communication strategy. What would you like to work on in the upcoming term? List specific things and possible solutions.

Functional questions – Marketing Manager Digital 1.

Evaluation of current situation of online channels of AIESEC in Poland, in terms of communication strategies, numerical analysis, advantages and disadvantages, the channels of following should be included: 1. 2.

Facebook fan pages: Global Citizen, Global Talents, AIESEC in Poland Websites of Global Citizen, Global Talents, AIESEC in Poland

2. Based on the evaluation above, list three key priorities, that can tackle the problems above, with proposed MoSes and KPIs next term. 3. Design an integrated marketing campaign: offline and online marketing activities of one of our products, Global Citizen, Global Talents, and Future Leaders, that can reach 50,000 young people in Poland.

Functional questions – Marketing Manager- IM 1.

Please describe your experience in the Information Management area, listing your skills, abilities and successes within your previous roles. How do your skills and knowledge support ELD programs? 2. Asses the current state of Information Management in AIESEC Poland, at both Local and National Levels, then, from your own point of view, list what (key actions) is needed to reach an ideal state. 3. Propose 3 innovative solutions from IM/IT area to make AIESEC in Poland grow. 4. What are the main bottlenecks of back office and synergies with front office? How can Information Management answer those issues?

Good luck!

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