AIESEC in Poland market research

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Market research

Table of contents 1) 2) 3) 4)

Intro to the topic Basic definitions Market Research from the beginning Flow of the process

Intro to the topic Market research is the practice of examining a market or organization to better understand its current state, future direction, and where we as an organization can add value. It is the process of gathering information about the market and its surrounding and base on them adjusting our organization to current needs and changes on this markets. It brings more relevance to the organization, and allows us to understand or local environment. Reasons for carry out quality research are following: You will know your market and it structures and thanks to this get to know and understand better needs and trends which are present on the market Defining relevance of your LC in your local environment. By defining current needs and trends you will be able to identify opportunities through which your LC can answer these needs and capitalize on them to achieve Organizational goals and build success in long term Good information about your market can make a big difference to your marketing strategy. You will be able to target and position your local chapter among organizations and studens. This can directly improve effectiveness and resuls of your sales and promotion activities.

Basic definitions Market segmentation – process of dividing a market into distinct subsets (segments) that behave in the same way or have similar needs. Because each segment is fairly homogeneous in their needs and attitudes, they are kikely to respond similarly too a given marketing strategy. Remember that market segmentation is not jus about finding companies, organizations or departments to target – it helps us to develop exchange strategies&products for specific sector or topics.

MARKET SEGMENT – group of organization (can be similar in terms of some features/characteristics), which behave in the same way or have similar needs

Taking into consideration our segment can be the whole brand i.e IT companies or social studies, but also it can appear that it is possible to devide this brandch into smaller units which still have potential big enough like: IT hardware or law department.

TARGETING – is to choose our target and identify the best approach and the way how we ant to do this through setting the position strategy like media, internet promotion, networking events et.c

Market research from the beginning EXAMPLE OF OGIP&OGCDP 1) Internal scanning – EP profiles realization history

Internal scanning

Students’ market


Global supply

2) Global supply – TN realization history & check country partners 3) Students’ market - universities segmentation 4) Competitors/opportunities – other organisations delivering exchange programmes

Market research from the beginning EXAMPLE OF iGIP 1) Internal scanning – TN realization history

Internal scanning

Companies’ market


Global supply

2) Global supply – EPs relization history & check country partners 3) Companies’s marketi- companies segmentation, check the market trends 4) Competitiors/opportunities – other organisation delivering international interns

Internal scanning

National research - ogip EP PROFILES












17% 68%


Internal scanning Global supply

National research - ogip Age of EP: recent graduates, III year, V year, II year, I year, IV year Faculty of ep: management, international relations, law, fiananse and accounting, English studies, international business, economics, logistics, etc.

MOST POPULAR COUNTRIES: Business – India, China, Romania Education – Colombia, Chiba IT – Greece (one contract) Marketing – India, China, Hungary

Students’ Internal scanning market

National research - ogip Amount of students: 1,6 mln students FACULTIES: 37,6% social sciences, economy, law 16% technology, industry 11,2% education What&WHERE they are looking for IN INTERNSHIPS? - WORK IN PROJECTS - SEARCHING MOSTLY VIA INTERNET - THEY VALUE IN WORK: POSSIBILITY OF ACHIEVEMENTS, INTERESTING JD, NICE PEOPLE

Students’ Internal scanning market

National research - ogip Why you want to go? 39% practice language 40% experience in my faculty 10% money 9% cultural experience H o w l o n g yo u wa n t t o s tay a b r o a d ? 43% up to 3 months (holidays time) 21% up to 3 motnhs (despite holidays time) 15% more than 6 months 15% i don’t know yet

Students’ Internal scanning market

National research - ogip ,,70% of students says, they can go abroad if they will be offered better experience” ,,Up to 60% students declare, that they want to go abroad for internship or voluntary work”


National research - ogip Other organisations AEGEE, IAESTE, BEST OPPORTUNITIES EU policy Erasmus + Youth unemployment

Where to look for the data? Internal scaning & global supply: MYAIESEC.NET <3 Others: - GUS - OBOP - STRONY MINISTERSTW - NGO’S - OECD - URZĄD MARSZAŁKOWSKI - GOOGLE: raport nt. ...; badania nt. ....

Why now? 1) 2015 final sprint 2) gis 3) New marketing

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