AIESEC in Italy | MC 2016-17 booklet | 2nd round

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aiesec in MC 16.17 Application Package - 2nd round -

index page 3...MCP Message 4...MCP in italy conditions 5... MC role 6... selection 7...

process: how it works MC Functions JDs

Package 22... Application contents 23... General Questionnaire 24... Specific Questionnairs 25... contacts 26... recap

Dear applicant,

mcp message

The time has come for AIESEC in Italy to start building the team of talents that will lead the Entity for the term 2016/2017. If you are reading these lines, it means that you think that you can be one of the missing pieces that AIESEC in Italy is needing now. And that’s exactly what I’m looking for: the missing pieces that completely fit in AIESEC in Italy’s puzzle and that will make it able to make the great jump towards the achievements we are dreaming. The missing pieces to create the organizational culture and the mindset that will drive young people’s behaviors and will shape Italy as we dream it. And it makes me proud to see that there’s young people out there willing to take responsibility for our organization and our country. Do not be afraid, even for one minute, to show who you really are and what is the talent you want to give to this organization - that’s the only advice I have for you during this election process. Give your best, show yourself, do not settle down on your weaknesses, and learn as much as you can about yourself during the whole election process - starting from now. Best of luck to all of you Benni

mc in italy conditions duties MC is a full-time job. Each MCVP is expected to work 40 hours per week. Working time is Monday to Friday, weekends are free (except of conferences and other representative duties) MC term officially starts on 1st July 2016 and officially ends on 10th July 2017. Transition period will start on 15th of May 2016. Further details will be given after the election.

internationals Flight from your home country to Italy is not provided. Insurance is not covered. Expenses for legalization in Italy are fully provided.

benefits Every MC member will receive a salary, which will be around 200 euros per month - according to MC budget. Food, Accommodation and Transportations in Milan are fully covered (also during Transition period). National Conferences are fully covered, both transports and fod/Accommodation Office Space is provided Wifi is provided both in the office and at home 4 free days per quarter are allowed, plus free days for exams.

international conferences according to mc budget will be required to some of the elected mcvps to attend euroxpro 2016 in bulgaria. IC will be provided (Fee + transportation) to Sub Team leaders and Operations as a priority. Other MCVPs will be sent according to spots and MC budget. Attendance to other International Conferences will be decided together with MCP according to personal development plan, period, duties and MC priorities.

mc role the mc team The MC team of AIESEC in Italy represents AIESEC as a National association in the Global Network and Italy as a nation; the MC is meant to serve the Local Committes and to foster implementation of strategies, behaviors, and innovation driving the growth of the organization and developing the leaders that Italy needs. The team should embody, as role models, the behaviors and values that will make the change happen.

accountability Report weekly to the MCP and Subteam Leader; Report quarterly, as MC Team, to the National plenary; Fill weekly the MC Tracking tool; Store all the informations, materials and contacts according to the IM strategy; Being aware of the world trends; Being constantly up to date with non AIESEC resources on functional topics.

general jd Represent AIESEC in Italy in the National and International Conferences; Cocreate with the National Plenary the Plan for 16|17; Understand and foster the National strategies regardless the position; Create spaces and support system for the Local Committes; Align National Strategies to Global Strategies delivering a tailored approach to LCs; Attend quarter Team Days, with no exceptions. Attend Monthly and Quarter reviews with no exceptions. Deliver the National Education Cycle created by the MCVP OD.

Selection Process: hOW Due to the big amount of changes and innovations that will come in IPM 2016 about AIESEC Experience that will affect the MC structure, by sending this application you are applying as MCVP of AIESEC in Italy. This means that all the applications will be taken in consideration for all the available positions inside the MC. Allocation will be done my MCP once the structure will be ready (not before IPM 2016).

There are still 9 spots available after 1st round.

Applications need to be sent to and before the deadline and complete with all the requirements. Every application in delay or incomplete won’t be taken in consideration.

timeline FEB 27th 11.59 Pm GMT+1 Applications DDL

FEB 28th

Applications check and Official candidates announcement

FEB 29th-mar 3rd


MAR 4th

MAR 5ND-7th

Confidence vote announcement

Interviews and tests

MAR 8th


mcvp organisational development job description The MCVPOD is responsible for the general growth, development and evolution of the organization. By gathering informations on all the organizational levels he’s in charge of proposing the best ways to ensure balanced and healthy growth of LCs. As a TL he’s responsible as well of the alignement of the MCVPs in the delivery of their operations.

measures of success % Growth of the country %LCs P vs A

individual responsibilities Continuity and finalization of OD Model and Growth Model; Responsible of the contry Communication and IM system; Responsible of the LC Planning and Transition Strategy; Responsible for mapping LC contribution to National goals; Responsible for .the overall Coaching system and alignement of Functioanl Coaching; Responsible for NST Structure; Responsible for NSTs OD/Regional Coordinator; Responsible of MC monthly reports; Responsible for the overall expansion strategy; Responsible, with MCP, for organizational proposals on innovation and direction; Responsible, with the MCP, for Steering Team Management. Final responsible of NEC.

competences required Analytical thinking; International mindset and approach; Advanced management skills; Structure and punctuality; Wide knowledge of current situation of AIESEC in Italy; Cross functional experience and strategic thinking; Planning and tracking. LCP Experience required

details The MCVPOD is accountable to MCP, Management Team and National Plenary. Synergies involve all the areas.

mcvp finance and legal job description The MCVP F/L is responsible for the general financial and legal administration of AIESEC in Italy. His role it’s both internal and external : he must ensure wide knowledge of this field to AIESEC in Italy, building strategies to capitalize on it, and represent AIESEC in Italy towards our stakeholders in terms of financial and legal management.

measures of success MC Revenues; MC Investments

individual responsibilities Creation of National Budget; Administration of MC/LC funds; Legalization of AIESEC in Italy and execution of legal duties; Cashflow and bookeeping; Analysis of cashflow and forecast of organizational financial situation; Quarterly financial reports; MC internal management for financial matters; Responsible, with MCP, for extraordinary financial decisions; Management and coaching of LCVPF and NST F; Responsible of Global Full Membership; Responsible for meetings with Lawyers and consultants; Responsible for exchanges legal situation.

competences required Analytical thinking; Knowledge of legalities; Financial skills; Structure and punctuality; Wide knowledge of current situation of AIESEC in Italy; Cross functional experience and strategic thinking; Planning and tracking

details The MCVP F/L is accountable to MCP, Management Team and National Plenary. Synergies involve all the areas.

mcvp business development job description The MCVP BD is responsible for the sustainability of the MC. With the creation and delivery of a national products portfolio the BD ensures the growth in ELD programmes, execution of national partnerships and high quality standards to our partners. As TL of the BD department he’s responsible of managing the team and ensuring performances.

measures of success # of contract signed with the same partner # of new partners % of budget covered

individual responsibilities

competences required

Creation and update of National Product Portfolio; Ensure delivery of all the MC partnerships;

Effective communication; Sales experience and negotiation; Customer centric approach; Conflict management; Solution orientation; IProactivity and resilience;

Planning and tracking of BD activities and BDM; Responsible of keeping contacts with AI for downscaling International partnerships; Ensure alignment of BD area with 2015 goals;

details he MCVPBD is accountable to MCP, Management Team and National Plenary. Synergies involves F&L, MKT department, exchangers and.PR mainly. MCP is involved with main partners.

mcvp bxp job description The MCVP bxp is final responsible for the positioning of the AIESEC brand. With BXP Team he’s responsible of creating new concepts to increase the conversion rate of people that are engaged with AIESEC to people that are developing through AIESEC.. He’s also responsible for monthly reporting and analysis of the brand status.

measures of success People engaged through MKT Activities # Conversion rates for X #NPS measuring brand experience

individual responsibilities

competences required

responsible to design the complete positioning strategy together with his team positioning AIESEC as a national brand, building new concpets to delvier better brand and business results through ATL and BTL. B2B strategy IGCDP strategy: branding Educhange, H2H, CS, Refugee in terms in concept & value proposition Make in italy Brand and concept Lead BXP team: weekly meetings, FA tracking, Strategy and MoS evaluation; Design brand positioning plan: brand assessment, brand characteristics; Brand management strategies: brand alignment policies and guide; Ensure effective sinergy between BXP and other FA Product innovation with FA MCVP Improve MKT knowledge Track, evaluate and improve the customer journey for each program Main target, main channels of each product

Analytical thinking; Advanced management skills; Creative thinking; Result orientation; Open-minded and open to new approaches; Market research; Awareness of global Trends; Awareness of ATL & BTL strategies. .

details The MCVPMKT is accountable to MCP, Management Team and National Plenary. Synergies involve all the areas.

mcvp talent management job description The MCVP TM is responsible for the talent capacity strategies in order to achieve and foster the ELD programmes. Through the implementation of team minimums and with stronger synergies with all the areas he should make the organization faster and bigger.

measures of success # TMP/TLPTMP/TLP NPS and Response Rate, Productivity Coefficient

individual responsibilities Responsible for Team Minimums implementation and tracking; Responsible for TMP/TLP delivery and satisfaction; Responsible of Talent Capacity and Recruitment strategies; Responsible for LEAD framework for EBs based on new LDM; Co-responsible with MCP for LEAD for LCPs; Responsible for LBD and SDP and its implementation on local level; Responsible for productivity; Responsible for Coaching VPTM Team and NST TM Team;

competences required Analytical thinking Multitasking Flexibility High proactivity Change Management Operations understanding

details The MCVPTM is accountable to MCP, Management Team and National Plenary. Synergies involve all the areas.

mcvp ogcdp job description The MCVP oGCDP is responsible to drive the programme growth by presenting and executing the most avanced strategies for the programme. He’s responsible as well for the IR strategy and for cooperation among different AIESEC entities..

measures of success # oGCDP Re and Completed Programme NPS % Plan Implementation

individual responsibilities Delivering of oGCDP strategy to LCVPoGCDP; Coaching and Management of LCVPs and NSTs; Innovation and process optimization; Mapping, together with OD, LCs contribution to the national plan; Execution of IR strategies; Continuity of WENA cooperation project; Data analysis and strategy creation with OD and MKTG based on organizational evolution and market penetration;

competences required Analytical thinking Multitasking Good Gdrive knowledge; High proactivity oGCDP LCVP experience required; Good coaching skills; Innovative mindset

details The MCVP oGCDP is accountable to MCP, MCVPOD and National Plenary. Synergies involve all the areas, especially MKTG, TM and OD.

mcvp igcdp job description The MCVP iGCDP is responsible to drive the programme growth by presenting and executing the most avanced strategies for the area. He’s responsible as well for the IR strategy and for cooperation among different AIESEC entities.. Moreover he’s responsible for analysing all the national issues and create the projects that impact the most Italian society.

measures of success # iGCDP Re and Completed Programme NPS % Plan Implementation

individual responsibilities

competences required

Delivering of iGCDP strategy to LCVPiGCDP; Coaching and Management of LCVPs and NSTs; Innovation and process optimization; Mapping, together with OD, LC contribution to national plan; Execution of IR strategies; Data analysis and strategy creation with OD and MKTG based on organizational evolution and market penetration; Synergy with PR & Government to boost the programme; Creation, with OD and MKTG, of Project portfolio for the Local Level; Creation, together with OD, of a knowledge portal to increase functional knowledge; Contrbution in packaging the iGCDP for corporate sponsorhip; Responsible for S&S implementation in iGCDP;

Analytical thinking Structure; Knowledge about italian society; High proactivity; iGCDP LCVP experience required; Good coaching skills; Innovative mindset;

details The MCVP iGCDP is accountable to MCP, MCVPOD and National Plenary. Synergies involve all the areas, especially MKTG, TM and OD.

mcvp ogip job description The MCVP oGIP is responsible to drive the programme growth by presenting and executing the most suitable strategies to keep growing and performing n the area. He’s responsible as well for the IR strategy and for cooperation among different AIESEC entities.

measures of success # oGIP Re and Completed Programme NPS % Plan Implementation

individual responsibilities

competences required

Delivering of oGIP strategy to LCVP oGIP; Coaching and Management of LCVPs and NSTs; Consolidation ad analysis of programme potential; Mapping, together with OD, LC contribution to national plan; Execution of IR strategies; Data analysis and strategy creation with OD and MKTG based on organizational evolution and market penetration; Synergy with PR & Government to find possible catalysts for the programme; Ensure proper strategies for CEM; Planning and tracking of NPS; Creation of knoweldge center a packages to empower LCs.

Analytical thinking Structure; Innovative mindset; Problem solving; Conflict management; Ability to work with few resources;

details The MCVP oGIP is accountable to MCP, MCVPOD and National Plenary. Synergies involve all the areas, especially MKTG, TM and OD.

mcvp marketing job description The MCVP MKTG is responsible for creating and delivering the brand positioning strategy through our online channels and LCVP MKTG management for national alignment.

measures of success PL vs Ach of LC VPs MKTG #IP and % Sign Up to IP %Conversion, #Promoters #Reach, %Engagement

individual responsibilities

competences required

Implementation of national strategies on local level OGX+TM attraction campaign OGX+TM coversion and promoters strategy Create and implement digital mkt framework for AIESEC in Italy Endomarketing IGCDP mkt strategy delivery

Social media management; Market research; Content strategy; Creative thinking; Graphic design skills; Customer orientation.

details The MCVP D-MKTG is accountable to MCP, MCVPMKT and National Plenary.

mcvp public relations job description The MCVP PR is responsible for ensuring the brand positioning of AIESEC through cobranding activities, contact with media, organizations of national events and participations to other events as sponsor, speaker or delegate. In synergy with the MCVPMKT he’s responsible for execution of brand strategy.

measures of success # Media appearances ROI of PR activities (short and long term) # Attendance to Events # LEAD contacts for exchange Plan Implementation

individual responsibilities

competences required

Execution of brand positioning strategy; Participation to relevant national events to position AIESEC brand; Media coverage of AIESEC activities; Media appereances on newspapers, radio and television; Responsible for delivering cobranding advertising with media; Responsible for managing press office; Resposible, with MKTG department, for content creation; Responsible, with BD, for organizing annual summit; Responsible for annual report; Responsible for media account management.

Excellent communication skills; Excellent writing skills; Proactivity and solution orientation; Orientation to results Knowledge of media and possible interesting contacts; Selling and negotiation

details The MCVP PR is accountable to MCP, MCVPMKT and National Plenary.

od director (2 positions) job description The OD director is responsible for the delivering of LCD strategy among the operations team, tracking a fostering the expansion process and coaching a wider amount of LCs as natural consequence of the regional coordinator strategy.

measures of success % LC contribution to national plan # New Expansion # Expansions to LCs

individual responsibilities

competences required

Mapping LC contribution according to Growth Model; Delivering expansion strategy according to MCVPOD strategies; Constant communication with IG, OE and NST expansions; Monthly diagnosis on expansion strategy status; Monthly diagnosis on LC contribution to national goal; Support in developing a strategy for Regional education cycle;

LCP Experience Wider organizational understanding Excellent operational knowledge; Selling and negotiation

details The OD director is accountable to MCP, MCVPOD and National Plenary.

BD manager (2 positions) job description The BD managers are responsible for delivering the national BD portfolio to our currentand potential partners. The position plays a key role to ensure financial sustainability to the MC and to ensure the proper quality to partnerships.

measures of success % Budget Covered #Contracts signed #Companies NPS

individual responsibilities

competences required

Account management of national partnerhsips; Attendance to corporate events; Creation of partnerships for national iGIP; Cocreation of BD portfolio with MCVP BD; Synergy with MKTG department for showcasing national partnerships; Responsible for delivering national products portfolio;

Selling experience; Excellent communication skills; Innovative approach; Indipendence; Orientation to results Effective communication Negotiation skills

details The BD managers are accountable to MCP, MCVP BD and National plenary.

MCVP Governments, Institutitons and Alumni job description The MCVP GIA is responsible to deal with different stakeholdersin order to boost exchange programmes through partnership, sponsorships, donations etc. The main role is to ensure that this particular stakeholder are involved with AIESEC activities and are actively contributing to the growth of the organization.

measures of success #contracts signed with Gov. % of increasing of X performances #TN Raised with Alumni

individual responsibilities Responsible together with MCP for relationship with Alumni association; Responsible for raising sponsorhips, partnerships, donations or other agreeements with Alumni; Responsible for planning and executing Alumni events together with AIESEC Italia Alumni Association; Responsible together with MCP for Government relationships; Responsible for relationships with Institutions, embassies, umbrella organizations etc. To boost exchange programmes; Responsible of agreement and partnerhsips with other Youth organizations; Responsible for involving Alumni in MC and LC projects; Responsible for creating Alumni portfolio;

competences required PR experience preferred; Good selling skills; Italian speaking required; Wide knowledge of AIESEC as an organization; Good knowledge of AIESEC values, vision, mission and benefit for partners.

details The MCVP GIA is accountable to MCP and National plenary.

application package the application package must contain: Fully Answered General Questionnaire Fully Answered Specific Questionnaire for the position you prefer. You can also apply for more than 1 position! Endorsements: Please provide 3 endorsements that contain a clear perspective on the candidate both in terms of strenghts and weaknesses. International candidates must have an MC endorsement. Candidates for external po sitions neeed to have at least one external endorsement (company, NGO, institution‌) with updated contacts and original signature of the endorser. A video of max. 3 minutes introducing the candidate. It must be uploaded on YouTube or Vimeo, and the link needs to be in a PDF file inside the package. Executive Summary: 1 page summarizing the main contents of your application One page CV A video of max 10 minutes that explains your strategy for the area in the term 1617 (= strategic speech). It must be uploaded on YouTube or Vimeo, and the link needs to be in a PDF file inside the package. Blank Page Challenge: 1 page .PDF file, describing: if you could change ANYTHING you want in the organization, what would you change? You have no limits in answering the question.

The whole package needs to be a .zip or .rar file, all the documents need to be in PDF format. Questionnaire must not exceed the 10 pages(5 for General Questionnaire, 5 for Specific Questionnaire) plus optional cover page. REMEMBER THAT: Due to the big amount of changes and innovations that will come in IPM 2016 about AIESEC Experience that will affect the MC structure, by sending this application you are applying as MCVP of AIESEC in Italy.

GENERAL QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Why are you applying for MC experience in AIESEC in Italy? How is this experience and this organization suiting in your personal goal in life? 2. What is AIESEC in Italy’s role inside our country? What should be in your opinion the main issues we should act upon, and how? Please relate to UN’s SDGs. 3. List the main challenges and achievements for the Entity towards alignment with global changes and what are the main elements that we should act upon in order to be completely coherent with the global context. What should be AIESEC in Italy’s main priority for term 16/17? 4. How do you envision AIESEC in Italy’s evolution, according to what AIESEC wants to become by 2020? 5. List out in order of preference the THREE roles you would like to cover inside MC of AIESEC in Italy 16.17 - why did you choose them?

specific questionnaire: OD 1. Considering the evolutions of AIESEC,, how do you envision the role of the OD Departement? What are the needed evolutions would you bring in term 1617? 2. Considering the growth rate of the current entities in Tier 1 globally. What are the things we need to bring to AIESEC in Italy. What are the GCPs/BCPs you think would be key changes in terms of perfomances and growth for the term 16/17. 3. As IM responsible for the Entity, how would you evolve the internal communication flow? 4. How would you study, manage and track the experience that all the AIESEC stakeholders/customers are having and should have in the current organizational prducts/processes and how would you improve it according to the organizational evolution and customer flow? 5. As MCVP OD, you will be in charge to provide an appeal, clear and concrete Entity's Analysis. How would structure it? What are the things you would analyse and report taht for you are relevant to describe an Entity and to take decisions for the evolution of Entity itself. Provide a concrete example.

specific questionnaire: fnL 1. AIESEC in Italy is still struggling to achieve full financial sustainability as an entity. Please, underline which are the main problems that AIESEC Italia faced during 2015 about this topic. 2. As MCVP Finance and Legat, what would be your strategy for the term 1617? 3. Taking into consideration the current sustainability of the MC, what would be the investments you would undertake to make the entity grow? How would you measure the ROI of these activities? 4. Considering the current MC Finance and Legal strategy, what would you keep and what would you change? For the one you would like to keep, how would you track the further implementation? 5. Being MC VP F&L mean that you are responsible for the team of the LC VP Finance. How can you track them? What are your strategies to work with them?

specific questionnaire: bd 1. What do you think are the main elements of the Business Development strategy needed by AIESEC in Italy in the next term? 2. Please provide an analysis of the current status of the BD Area in terms of MoS/KPIs, strategies and bottlenecks. 3. How would you support and manage the current accounts of AIESEC in Italy to ensure the contract renewal and the partnership upscale? 4. How would you connect the BD department with the core activities of the organization being sure of pursuing the organizational vision and mission? 5. How would you track and manage the BD managers? What do you think are the most effective management tools you can use? Provide a GCP in this field from other entities.

specific questionnaire: bxp 1. Considering your role of TL of the BXP Team,and responsibility of the whole brand positioning strategy, please provide an analysis of the current state of the whole BXP department. 2. How would you ensure the unique direction and strategy of the BXP department according to the MC strategy and exchange goals? 3. Which are the 3 must win battles of the BXP Dept. 16/17?Why did you chose them and How would you tackle them? 4. Considering the evolutions of customer flow and platform, how would you evolve the marketing strategy, and the main mktg activities, of the entity to align to global strategy and direction? 5. Define a long term strategy for the international positioning of the entity and marketing of our OPs. Create a detailed strategy and action steps for the biggest peaks of realizations.

specific questionnaire: tm 1. Please provide an analysis of the current status of TM area in AIESEC in Italy. In your term, how would you take advantage of the strengths and what would be the possible solutions to solve the bottlenecks. 2. Please evaluate current synergy with OGCDP/OGIP/IGCDP/MKTG/OD. How do you envision synergy with these main areas in your term? Please list concrete actions steps and measurement of success. How do you envision the role of tm in the value delivery phase of the new CF ?(not just on the TXP one) of TXP? Please list concrete initiatives, action steps and measurement of success. 4. How would you build an efficient and effective Local education cycle align with operational timeline which ensure members and team leaders with necessary operational knowledge and skill ? Please list concrete actions steps and measurement of success. 5. According the evolvement of customer flow, how would you see the LC structure should be evolved in different areas in the next 3 years? What would be the role of TMP/TLP by 2018?

specific questionnaire: ogcdp 1. Based on the new customer flow and the evolution of the area, which should be the main synergies to focus on and why? What would be the main synergy points with each one of those areas? 2. Provide an analysis of the last 3 years of oGCDP in AIESEC in Italy. Which are the main strenghts that we shoudl capitalize on, and which are the main bottlenecks in the current situation of the area? 3. Which GCPs you could take and from which entities to face the changes of the customer flow and of the platform? 4. Which are the main 3 strategies you would like to implement during your term in order to make the area grow? Describe in details contents, reasons you choose them and timeline of implementation. 5. How do you envision the oGCDP area in AIESEC in Italy in 5 years considering the customer centricity concept, evolution of value delivery and possible further changes of AIESEC? What would you do in term 16/17 in order to start this evolution?

specific questionnaire: igcdp 1. Provide an analysis of the current status of iGCDP in AIESEC in italy: underline points of strength, weaknesses, main bottlenecks and possible solutions. 2. Analyze all the current national projects of AIESEC in Italy. How do you see their evolution in your term? Consider the direction the organization is taking with AIESEC 2020 and the alignment with the SDGs. 3. How do you envision the synergies between iGCDP and other areas? Focus on GIA, BXP, TM and OD. How would you ensure their downscaling at a local level? 4. Define the standard flow of the experience you want to provide to each one of our stakeholder. Consider Opportunity takers, EPs, Hosting family and AIESEC. How would you track and ensure its implementation at a local level? 5. How do you envision the synergy with BD at a national level? How can BD increase the quality of our projects? How can iGCDP contribute to the MC budget?

specific questionnaire: ogip 1. Analyze the oGIP area in AIESEC in italy during the term 15/16. what is the biggest bottleneck that is 1. How do you envision the the synergy at a nationalhow level? can them? BD increase the quality of preventing area towith growBDexponentially? can How you solve

our projects? How can iGCDP contribute to the MC budget?

2. Considering the needed evolution of the area towards the implementation of the new customer flow, What do we need in order to capitalize on the open platform we have now? What should change in our current processes and focuses? How do you envision oGIP in AIESEC in Italy in 2 years time? 3. How to ensure the implementation of the strategies as a MC VP in oGIP area? Provide focuses in LCVP oGIP team management, communication flow, strategies for downscaling at local level. 4. How do you see the role of oGIP in the future regarding shift towards value delivery? How would you ensure LDM implementation in every experience? 5.4.What is the key value that Global Talent is giving to the Italian students? Why do you think this is relevant?

specific questionnaire: mktg 1. Make analysis of the current state of MKTG area (in terms of KPIs, channels, message, target, positioning) supported by data and propose 3 focuses of your term as VP MKTG. 2. Define how AIESEC in Italy can take advantage of the new customer flow in terms of attraction. And propose 3 initiatives never done before. 3. Propose a campaign for OGCDP which will involve 50 000 users online and bring 300 applicants in OP; Conversion 3:1 from applicant to approved; for 2 weeks. Consider Goal, target, channels, message; set a timeline for preparation, execution and involved HR. (Zero budget) 4. Which are the Global Trends in terms of marketing that you want to implement in AIESEC in Italy? 5. Which are them main brand perceptions of AIESEC and its programs that you want to transmit via MKTG activities and national channels. How you are going to execute them?

specific questionnaire: pr 1. Compared to the current role of PR, how would you redefine the PR contribution to AIESEC in Italy? What would you like to do differently, what would you keep? 2. Based on the current situation of the area, analyze the strenghts, the bottlenecks and the synergies, providing concrete ways of improvement per each one. 3. AIESEC is willing to become a movement and Youthspeak is one of the tools to make this happen. How would you capitalize on all its elements for AIESEC in Italy? What other initiative would you undertake? 4. Based on a competitors and market analysis, explain which are the strategic alliances that you would like to develop during your term and how would they contribute in boosting exchanges. 5. How would you ensure to properly exploit the media relations to boost our reputation, credibility and visibility? List concrete action steps and evolution of the work.

specific questionnaire: od directors 1. Please, analyze the current performances of the LCs of AIESEC in Italy. What would be your focus in developing LCD strategies? 2. Provide current strenghts and bottlenecks of the Coaching System. How would you ensure a clear delivery of exchange strategies? How would you ensure their implementation at Local level? 3. Evaluate the current Expansion strategy, underlining its strenghts and bottlenecks. How do you envision its evolution for the next term? 4. How would you structure the support system from the Expansion coach to the Expansion? Explain the two possble different scenarios, where MC is directly coach or the NST is the coach. 5. Which do you think are the main priorities and focus of a Tier 4, Tier 3 and Tier 2 LC? How would you support the LCs in order to achieve a fast, smart and healthy operations upscaling?

specific questionnaire: bdm 1. What are the main products of your BD portfolio you would like to focus on and why? How could you increase the sales volume and in which new markets would you expand? 2. According to your plan, you need to cover 20 000 â‚Ź of the budget for your term 2016/2017. Is December 2016 and after 5 months you covered 2000â‚Ź and your prospect list ( pipeline of contract) is really low only 2 companies. Think and explain your strategy to cover the situation and create a good prospect list and incomes for Q1 and Q2 3. In Italy currently is not possible to sell iGIP. please explain 3 BD GCPs from the network about other products that you would like to bring to AIESEC in Italy in the next term. 4. The Youth Speak Movement is an important part of AIESEC its activities. Explain the aim of Youth Speak movement and your strategy to create revenues through the Survey and the Forum. 5. Create a partnership proposal for a company of your choice. The proposal must be ready to be send out to the company. It needs to be inside the application package in a separate PDF file, 4 pages max.

specific questionnaire: gia 1. What do you think oGCDP needs institutions for? List which department of ministries, foundations, associations or NGOs you would approach and why. 2. Based on SDGs and 2030 Agenda for SD, create a hypothetical partnership proposal to Red Cross OR Legambiente OR Caritas, as potential iGCDP strategic partner. Clarify in the proposal what are the oucome for us and them, and in which specific project we would collaborate. 3. Considering the main synergies that GIA should have (Operations - Finance - TM- PR- MKTG ), describe the main 3 goals to achieve during your term and the 3 main synergy points with all the mentioned areas. 4. How do you think Milan environment would benefits GIA goals and focus? on which kind of stalkeholders would you address to, why and how? 5.v How do you envision the synergy with AIESEC Alumni Italia Association and AIESEC in Italy?





mcp....................................................... Guiscardo urso........................................................................ Guiscardo, MC VP F.............................................. alberto caviglia...................................................................... MC VP OD........................................... denny casabianca.................................................................. MC OD director (MCPe)................... benedetta turrin.................................................................... MC OD Director................................. marco mc vp ogcdp.......................................rebecca ravelli....................................................................... mc vp ogip..........................................vladimir mc vp igcdp........................................ danio ba첫................................................................................. mc vp tm........................................... rachel lun............................................................................... mc vp gia........................................... martina mc vp bd............................................ cristina mc vp bxp.......................................... giuseppe trovato..................................................................... mc vp mktg....................................... yildiz alidzhikova................................................................... mc vp pr............................................ silvia compagno......................................................................

recap! By sending this application, you will apply as MC member of AIESEC in Italy. In the question number 5 of the general questions you will write what are your preferences, and you’ll answer to the specific questionnaire of your preferred position.You can also apply to more than 1 position (that would mean: 5 pages for each specific questionnaire) You will be allocated by the MCP after IPM 2016 - you can be allocated in any position inside the MC. Deadline to send the application package is 27th february 2016, 23.59 GMT +1 you will send it to and

Application package must contain: General Questions + Specific questions, not more than 10 pages + cover page One Page CV max. 3 minutes video introducing the candidate max 10 minutes video for strategic speech 3 endorsements Executive Summary Blank page challenge

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.