MC VP Application 19/20 AIESEC in Italy

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MC VP 19’20 Application


Booklet Content Welcome Message MC Role MC in Italy Condition

Benefits Process Explanation Application Requirements

Timeline Questionnaire

MC VP 19’20 Application

Dear AIESECer! We are very excited to see you here. Being MC of AIESEC in Italy is one of the greatest challenges and privileges that we have faced, and there is nothing that we would trade for this experience.

That being said, our entity is looking for a new set of brave individuals that will take the responsibility of bringing forward the legacy and building up a great story that AIESEC in Italy has lived over the past few years. We are looking forward to hear about your dreams and passions for the entity, and to give you all the support you need to lead the generation 19.20.

MC Drums

BEING MCvP The MC team of AIESEC in Italy represents AIESEC as a National association in the Global Network and Italy as a nation; the MC is meant to serve the Local Committees and to foster implementation of strategies, behaviors, driving the growth of the organization and developing the leaders that Italy needs. The team should embody, as role models, the behaviors and values that will make the change happen.

accountability Report weekly to the MCP and Sub-team Leader; • Report quarterly, as MC Team, to the National plenary • Fill weekly the MC Tracking tool; Store all the information, materials and contacts according to the IM strategy; • Being aware of the world trends; • Being constantly up to date with non AIESEC resources on functional topics.


• Represent AIESEC in Italy in the National and International Conferences; • Co-create with the National Plenary the Plan for 18|19; • Create spaces and support system for the Local Committees; • Align National Strategies to Global Strategies delivering a tailored approach to LC’s; • Attend quarter Team Days, Monthly and Quarter reviews with no exceptions. • Deliver the National Education Cycle created by the OD Department.

MC IN ITALY CONDITIONS DUTIES MC is a full-time job. Each MCVP is expected to work 40 hours per week. • Working time is Monday to Friday, weekends are free (except of conferences and other representative duties) • MC term officially starts on 1st August 2019 and officially ends on 31st July 2019. • Transition period will start on 10th of June 2018* . Further details will be given after the MCP election. * For Management Team, PD and OGV transition period may start earlier.

BENEFITS • Every MC member will receive a salary, which will be around 200 euros per month - according to MC budget. • Food, accommodation and transportations in Milan are fully covered (also during transition period). • National Conferences are fully covered, both transports and food/Accommodation • Office Space is provided • WI-FI is provided both in the office and at home

The President of AIESEC Italia will be selected in accordance with the law and what is stated in the Statuto and Compendium of the organization.

Process Explanation

Application The process is divided in 3 parts: 1. Application 2. Review 3. Election

Candidates must submit a written application following the guidelines and questions presented in the application booklet.

Candidates must undergo a process of assessment that will consist on an interview with MCP, possible extra tasks, and a open Q&A with the plenary


For keeping up to date with the process, the MCP elections and the next steps join the MC 1920 Applicants Group on Facebook


Confidence vote & election: In order to reach the selection part of the process by the MCP, candidates must undergo a confidence vote process from the AIESEC in Italy national plenary

Application Requirements

The Application package must be one RAR or ZIP file containing only PDF or JPEG files. The required files are: One page CV One page Executive Summary summarizing your proposal for the entity

Timeline 5th of February

MCP Open Space

Application Release

25th of January

Fully Answered Questionnaire NOT EXCEEDING 10 pages + Cover Page (4 general questions, one question per each block (4), two questions of the block selected) Candidate Introduction Video not exceeding 5 minutes (Video should be send as a link in a separate PDF file) 3 Signed Endorsements. AIESEC International or current MC members endorsements will not be accepted. Endorsements can be from other entities, externals or AIESECers. *International candidates must present a signed endorsement from their home entity MCP

The package needs to be sent to and within the deadline, which is on 18th of February 2019 at 23.59 GMT +1. Late and applications that don’t fulfill the requirements will not be accepted.

18th of February

Application Deadline

Review Process

To Define

20th – 26th of February

MCVP Elections

Questionnaire – GENERAL QUESTIONS 1. Who are you? What does leadership mean for you?

2. Why are you standing for MC 19/20 of AIESEC in Italy? What do you want to take out of the experience? 3. What is the role of the MC and what are the characteristics that compose the perfect MC member? 4. How can AIESEC make a difference in Italy? 5. Evaluate AIESEC in Italy through last 3 years. What are your main findings? What are the key trends that will shape the generation 19.20? 6. What are the 3 internal and 3 external trends that are shaping the role and mission of the generation 19.20 of AIESEC in Italy? 7. What should be main priorities for AIESEC in Italy in 19.20 in order to enlarge the impact and the results of the organization?

Questionnaire – OD QUESTIONS 1. Analyse last 3 years of OD in AIESEC Italia. Identify main innovations and challenges year by year and describe the innovations that OD should have for the term 19.20. 2. Do an analysis of the OD Model of last two semesters and tell your main three conclusion and three action steps to take 3. Propose a strategy to recruit new Expansion Managers with a clear timeline during your first semester as responsible of expansions. Please map your main sinergies to achieve that strategy. 4. Analyse the current status of Expansions 1.0 and drive three main conclusions and three action steps to take.

5. Analyse the current status of Internal Communications (both MC Italy pages, both network managers communications) and underline 3 strenghts and three weaknesses of it, suggesting actions steps to take

Questionnaire – OD QUESTIONS 6. Analyse the strenghts and weaknesses current services provided by MC and design a suggested timeline for the all year

7. Coaching system of AIESEC in Italy: using the START STOP and CONTINUE framework describe the current state and present your main conclusions 8. Evaluate the culture of AIESEC in Italy and drive your main conclusion on how should be lead the organization 9. Analyse the current state of the TM area in AIESEC in Italy and propose the main changes you would implement in your term 10. Analyse the current results achieved with the admission timeline shift and propose which would be your improvements 11. Retention rate for AIESEC in Italy is an historical issue, which steps would you take to improve the situation in your term?

Questionnaire – OPERATIONS QUESTIONS 1. Make an analysis of the exchange performance of AIESEC in Italy in the last 2 years (conversion rates, growth, process time etc.) per product and create 2 strategies to improve each of this indicators. 2. Choose one of our products (iGV, oGV, oGE, oGT) and analyze each customer flow phase implementation in AIESEC in Italy and define an action plan to ensure SOPs “Standard Operational Procedures” implementation at local level 3. Choose one of our products. Make an international relations analysis of AIESEC in Italy, underline what’s working, what’s not and what should be improved. Define an IR plan with at least 2 strategies to ensure cooperations growth. 4. Analyse implementation of Complete strategy within AIESEC in Italy in the last 2 terms 17.18- 1819. Which would be your main conclusions? and define your main proposals for 19.20. 5. What would be your main proposals to improve network management & engagement in order to ensure that every LC growth in exchange performance?.

Questionnaire – OPERATIONS QUESTIONS 6. Create a SWOT of the attraction strategy of AIESEC in Italy in each one the products and propose 3 improvements for these strategies. 7. Which are the main marketing trends both, internal & external, that we need to be aware of when creating the 19.20 strategy and how can we capitalize on it?. 8. Analyse the current role of digital marketing inside the customer flow of the products and define 3 strategies to ensure the fulfilment and improvement of this role. 9. Propose the main changes you would implement in the channels and content strategy consider that your target is generation Z 10. Design the OGX costumer experience from stranger to applicant, taking in account the possible resources implied (online and offline) used to attract and lead nurture him

Questionnaire – PD QUESTIONS 1.What should be the role of Partnership Development towards achieving our organizational goal? 2. What should be the 3 main focuses of PD for 19.20? 3. Analyze the partnership signed and revenues from corporate sector since term 16.17. What are your 3 main conclusions based on the analysis and how would you act upon them during the 19.20 term? 4. Define the main points of your partners’ acquisition strategy. What will be your key sources for lead generation? 5. Analyze the current portfolio for corporate of AIESEC Italy. What would be your main proposals to keep and change in that portfolio?

Questionnaire – PD QUESTIONS 6. What should be the role of PR in the activities of AIESEC in Italy? Define the 3 main objectives 7. Analyse the current portfolio sold at national level for incoming Global Volunteer. Do a SWOT analysis of it 8. How would you improve the partnership and the collaboration between the AIESEC Alumni Italia association and AIESEC in Italy? 9. What kind of institutional cooperation you think AIESEC in Italy should have? Please explain how you would proceed 10. Propose a GCP from the global PD network regarding specific type of partnership that you think AIESEC in Italy 19.20 should implement

Questionnaire – FINANCE QUESTIONS 1. Analyse the current management of local finance network, and present your conclusions in START STOP CONTINUE matrix 2. Analyse Finance Standards Implementation both at MC and LC level: which are your 3 main conclusions and how would you act upon them? 3. Taking into account the current bottlenecks of the entity, which are the 3 investments that can't be missing in MC 19.20 budget? 4. Identify the 5 main sources of risk that AIESEC in Italy is currently facing and adress them with an action plan for the first 6 months of your term (you may want to use a risk assessment and management matrix) 5. Analyse the financial relations between MC and LCs: which are your 3 main conclusions and how would you act upon them? 6. Analyse the financial aspects of our conference management and present your conclusions in a START STOP CONTINUE matrix 7. Analyse the first six months of 18.19 MC budget and present up to 5 recommendations to implement in the second semester

8. Present your SWOT analysis of the Finance and Legal department of AIESEC in Italy. Which are the 3 most necessary evolutions for next year?


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