Member Committee President 20.21 application

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AIESEC in Italy

Member Commi*ee President 20.21 Applica'on Package

Dear AIESECER, It’s with a lot of excitement and pride that I welcome you to this applica5on package. I recall that weird feeling inside my stomach when I was in your shoes one year ago, so if you’re feeling weird don’t worry, everything is fine and normal! Being MCP of AIESEC in Italy has been the most challenging experience I’ve had so far, but also the one I cared the most about. Why? First, because of the impact this role has. This role will put you in the posi5on to improve yourself and what is surrounding you every single day. It will force you to take decisions every day, and it’s all about the metrics you choose in order to take them. Will they be your values? Your ego? The pressure of other’s judgement? The best for your people? This is the most challenging part and the one that defines the path of an En5ty beyond one term: it is powerful, isn’t it? Secondly, but not for importance, because of Italy. I truly believe this Country is as beau5ful as paradoxical. You find true beauty in the simplest things, but it’s not simple at all. It’s the most beau5ful place to call home: it has a great history, culture and great people that need to be taken care of, and that will always take care of you. If all of these excites and scares you, you are in the right place amica/o. I wish you the very best in this process,


CONTENT MCP Role MCP Job Descrip'on Process Explana'on Timeline Applica'on Requirements Ques'onnaire

MCP JOB DESCRIPTION Being the Member CommiOee President in Italy means having the biggest responsibility this organiza5on can give at a na5onal level. You are responsible for ensuring alignment and protec'on of the AIESEC brand in Italy, organiza'onal growth, and the development of posi've leadership that will enable the sustainable existence of the organiza5on for years to come. Most important being MCP means to serve your plenary and to guarantee that, as an organiza5on and as individuals, we are striving to build a beGer Country and beGer ci'zens. Clear values and the constant protec'on of the AIESEC Way and its core values are essen5al for making this organiza5on more relevant in our Country, not for the sake of AIESEC, but for the sake of Italy.

MCP JOB DESCRIPTION LEAD the national team ✓ ✓

Define the structure and JDs of the MC 20.21 Select the MC Team 20.21

Manage the planning process and follow up

Track, review and coach the MC on plan execuCon

MC personal development and MC Team acCviCes


Coordinate MC and LC acCviCes

✓ Lead the LCP commission,

engage them in the organizaConal growth, direcCon, evoluCons and management of the EnCty

Downscale Global DirecCons, NaConal Strategies and facilitate organizaConal changes


Ensure the compliance to the InternaConal Compendium

Governance & accountability ✓

Ensure full compliance to the Italian law

Constant report to the NaConal Plenary

Ensure a sustainable management of the financial resources together with the MCVP Finance

Guardian of naConal legislaCve meeCngs

Legal RepresentaCve of AIESEC in Italy (not in case of internaConals)

✓ Ensure the maintenance of the Global Membership

✓ ✓

Represent AIESEC in Italy in the Global and Regional Touchpoints Contribute to global decision making processes Build and foster IR with the key partners




Candidates must submit a wriTen applicaCon following next pages guidelines and answering the full quesConnaire.

Candidates must undergo a process of assessment that will consist on dierent tasks, including but not limited to an interview with externals, with the elecCons sub commission, with another MCP.

Candidates must be present in the NaConal Conference where they will present their proposals, answer Q&A and parCcipate in the democraCc process of elecCon sCpulated in our naConal statute.

The President of AIESEC Italia will be selected in accordance with the
 law and what is stated in our na'onal statute and compendium.




10th of December

6th of 

14th-28th of January

30th of 

REQUIREMENTS Fully answered ques.onnaire NOT EXCEEDING 10 pages + cover. One page CV. One page summary. Candidate introduc.on video (Not exceeding 5 minutes), sent in a different PDF file. 3 endorsement signed and with contacts of the signature bearers. AIESEC Interna.onal or current MC members ones won’t be accepted. Humanitarian VISA applica.on (and possibly the appointment at VISA center schedule) for Russia, as the departure for IPM will be the day aWer the conference. The expenses for the procedure will be fully reimbursed to all the official candidates.

The package needs to be sent at elec' and within the 6th of January 2019, 23.59 GMT +1. Applica>ons that are late or not fulfilling the requirements won’t be accepted.

QUESTIONNAIRE ABOUT YOU 1. Who are you? What are your key values and how do they shape the person you are today? 2. What are your main strengths and weaknesses? And how can they affect your role as MCP? 3. Why are you standing for MCP 20.21 of AIESEC in Italy?


4. Considering the past 5 years, what are the key events/strategies/changes that shaped the most AIESEC in Italy? 5. How would you define an AIESEC in Italy member nowadays? Describe the mindset and behaviours you would like to see and/or change in our network and how would you make it happen. 6. How do you see AIESEC in Italy financial & legal context today? Make an analysis about it and explain what would be the pillars to undertake in the 20.21 term in order to arrive at your ideal state. 7. What are the main trends of Italy today? How should AIESEC in Italy posi.on itself in the Italian context and what do you consider in order to take this posi.on?

QUESTIONNAIRE ABOUT YOUR VISION 8. What is your vision for AIESEC in Italy 20.21? Explain the milestones you'd like to achieve through key pillars, and clarify the why of it. 9. What bothers you the most about the organiza.on today? How are you going to start changing this thing/ these things during your term, while ensuring that the organiza.on is sustainably growing according to its core? 10. According to your vision and the En.ty needs, create and mo.vate a possible MC Structure for the term 20.21. Describe the 3 most important synergies of the team in order to achieve your ambi.on.

APPLICATION CHECKLIST Fully answered ques'onnaire (max 10 pages + cover) One page CV (one PDF page) One page execu've summary (one PDF page) Introduc'on video (max 5 minutes, link in one PDF page) 3 signed endorsements in English (PDF format) Russian VISA applica'on (PDF format)

“Italy is a dream that keeps returning for the rest of your life"

Good luck

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