NST booklet 2018.1

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NST Applica+ons Lego Army

“Remarkable people make

significant outcomes.”

MC Lego is calling up for you to join us in the journey of building significant AIESEC in Italy. We need a body of people that will help us to ACT FAST, driving AIESEC in Italy forward. We promise you an intense ride, challenging role and opportunity to contribute to building AIESEC in Italy we have never seen.

Timeline: Applica'ons DDL: 21st of January, 23:59 Selec'on process: 22nd - 24th of January Announcement: 25th of January * Selec'on may require virtual interviews or tasks


ECB Member - Complete Bomber (2 posi'ons) Posi%on descrip%on The Complete Bomber is going to be responsible of implementa4on of strategies for standards delivery and Response Rate for one of the product area. Moreover he will be audi4ng LCs and analyzing datas with LCVPs and Country Partners, crea4ng educa4on materials as well. The Complete Bomber is also going to contribute to MAKE IT PERFECT, with case-solving du4es working with MCVP CXP, MCVP Opera4on and ECB Chair.

Ba/le this NST contributes to 50% FICO

Lead Measures for the role: % Standards Delivered % Response Rate # Cases won

Requirements for the role: EB Background required Minimum since 1 year in AIESEC


Content Creator (2 posi'ons) Posi%on descrip%on Content Creator will be on charge of the crea4on and promo4on of the campaigns that we will have for our internal channels. They will be responsible for the development of the visual content and the strategy for increase the engagement of our campaigns at na4onal level.

Ba/le this NST contributes to 80% of ICOMM campaigns achieving 100% of their goal

Lead Measures for the role:

Requirements for the role:

- % of post executed - % of engagement per post - Average of the reach per campaign

Adobe Illustrator (Advance) Adobe Photoshop (Medium) Fast Responding


NST Team Management (1 posi'on)

Posi%on descrip%on -Responsible for co-crea4on and evolu4on of the Na4onal Membership Survey, implementa4on and follow up -Evolu4on of the repor4ng system and rou4ne that follows the survey - Support on the implementa4on of the Refreshed Team Standards

Ba/le this NST contributes to %Blue Members, %Talent Capacity

Lead Measures for the role: %Team Standards Implementa4on, %Reports Delivered, %Blue Members

Requirements for the role: - Knowledge about Team Standards - Availability to have chats with the network for implemen4ng new strategies

NST Educa'on Analyst (1 posi'on) Posi%on descrip%on Responsible for the design and follow up of the Na4onal Educa4on Cycle for LCs, AIESEC Hub Implementa4on and support for the crea4on of Local Educa4on Cycles according to Opera4onal Timeline

Ba/le this NST contributes to %Blue Members

Requirements for the role: - Basic awareness on AIESEC Hub - Knowledge about Opera4onal Timeline

Lead Measures for the role: %LCs following Online Educa4on strategies, %LCs with Educa4on Plan structured for the semester

NST Consultants (3 posi'ons) Posi%on descrip%on Working closely with MC VP in analyzing the performance of the en4ty, par4cipa4ng in crea4on and delivery of strategy and solu4ons to solve bo[lenecks. Consult the LCVPs for/in downscaling the strategies at local level.

Ba/le this NST contributes to %Talent Capacity; %Blue Members

Requirements for the role: - Availability for doing chats - Awareness about TXP Current state

Lead Measures for the role: %Chats Delivered, %LCs implemen4ng Na4onal Strategies, %LCs following Admissions Timeline, %LCs following Team Cycle


Interna'onal Rela'ons OGV Manager (1 posi'on)

Posi%on descrip%on

Working closely with MCVP OGV in analyzing the performance of the en4ty and the en44es they will be in charge to track, keep the communica4on between AIESEC in Italy and our en4ty partners to ensure proper account management and downscale the IR strategy to LC level.

Ba/le this NST contributes to % approvals in Country Partners

Requirements for the role • Team Leader Experience required • Vice-president experience preferred • OGV Experience preferred.

Lead Measures for the role: # applicants in Country Partners, # accepted in Country Partners, # Process Time, % applicant to accepted in Country Partners.

OGV Network Manager Implementer (1 posi'on) Posi%on descrip%on Working closely with MCVP OGV in network management strategies that allow to achieve na4onal projects and goals. Design a communica4on plan and implement through network channels.

Ba/le this NST contributes to

Requirements for the role

X to Y en44es with more than W% of OGV Product Growth Path.

• COMM or MKT background

Lead Measures for the role: % achievement of communica4on plan, % reach of communica4on plan, % of campaign.

preferred • Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator skill preferred.

Consultant for OGV (3 posi'ons) Posi%on descrip%on Working closely with MC VP in analyzing the performance of the en4ty, par4cipa4ng in crea4on and delivery of strategy and solu4ons to solve bo[lenecks. Consult the LCVPs for/in downscaling the strategies at local level.

Ba/le this NST contributes to X to Y en44es with more than W% of OGV Product Growth Path.

Requirements for the role • Team Leader Experience required, • Vice-president experience preferred • OGV Experience preferred.

Lead Measures for the role: For LCs: % Talent Capacity OGV , % SUP - Applicant, % Applicant to Accepted, # Process Time, % applicants in Country Partners.

Consultant for OGV Expansion (2 posi'ons) Posi%on descrip%on Working closely with MCVP OGV and MCVP Expansion in analyzing the performance of the expansion, par4cipa4ng in crea4on and delivery of contents and solu4ons to solve bo[lenecks inside OGV areas

Ba/le this NST contributes to X to Y en44es with more than W% of OGV Product Growth Path.

Requirements for the role • Team Leader Experience required, • Vice-president experience preferred • OGV Experience preferred.

Lead Measures for the role: For Expansions: % Talent Capacity OGV , % SUP Applicant, % Applicant to Accepted, # Process Time, % applicants in Country Partners


B2B iGV Manager (1 posi'on) Posi%on descrip%on

Work closely with MCVP iGV and poten4al CEEDer to co-create na4onal strategies to improve reten4on strategy of enablers we realized in the past. Monitor and analyze enablers experience to provide be[er CRM through LCVPs. Support MCVP IGV in downscaling this strategy to LCs and support them in implementa4on.

Ba/le this NST contributes to # enablers signing 31/7/2018

Requirements for the role • GV background, resales contract by • sales experience • EB experience is preferred • Basic graphic skills (PPT, Canva) Lead Measures for the role:

# of schools hos4ng closing event, # of re-sales Proposals sent by X days from end of the project, # Contracts sent, # debriefing mee4ngs with stakeholders to evaluate collabora4on, LC P/A in enabler customer flow checklist

NST IR (1 posi'on) Posi%on descrip%on Work closely with MCVP IGV and NST team in analyzing the en4ty performance and other en44es he/she will be in charge to track. Keep communica4on between AIESEC in Italy and other en44es to ensure proper management and downscaling on na4onal IR strategies at local level, as well as ensuring alignment and implementa4on of exchange standards.

Ba/le this NST contributes to

Requirements for the role # opportuni4es approved in 6 days • EB experience • GV background Lead Measures for the role: #APD within country partners # of Accepted within country partners # of applicants from country partners # of touch points with country partners # Ac4vity co-delivered with country partners % growth in exchange with country partners

LC Consultants (3 posi'ons) Posi%on descrip%on Working closely with MC VP and NST team in analyzing the performance of the en4ty, par4cipa4ng in crea4on and delivery of strategy and solu4ons to solve bo[lenecks. Consult the LCVPs for/in downscaling the strategies at local level.

Ba/le this NST contributes to % LC P/A

Requirements for the role • EB experience • IGV func4onal background

Lead Measures for the role: #weekly touch points #weekly analysis #consultancy chats delivered on 4me


Social Media Manager (FB) (1 posi'on) Posi%on descrip%on

The social media manager will analyze online trends and create online content strategies, as well as create instant marke4ng posts when necessary. They will interact with commenters and will answer all private messages.

Ba/le this NST contributes to Increase from X to Y the number of visitors coming from social media channels

Requirements for the role

Lead Measures for the role:

photoshop skills (basic) computer skills (medium) easily reachable Italian speaker

percentage of answers and reac4on 4me # of comments answered # of instant marke4ng posts,

Social Media Manager (Instagram) (1 posi'on) Posi%on descrip%on The social media manager will analyze online trends and create online content strategies, as well as create instant marke4ng posts when necessary. They will interact with commenters and will answer all private messages.

Ba/le this NST contributes to Increase from X to Y the number of visitors coming from social media channels

Requirements for the role

Lead Measures for the role:

Photoshop skills (basic) Easily reachable Italian speaker

percentage of answers and reac4on 4me # of comments answered # of instant marke4ng posts # Instagram stories

Content Designer (2 posi'ons) Posi%on descrip%on

Content designers will create online and oine materials for AIESEC campaigns. Content designers will be responsible of the development of graphic design strategies to support the execu4on of MKTG ac4vi4es.

Ba/le this NST contributes to

Increase from X to Y the number of visitors coming from social media channels

Requirements for the role

Lead Measures for the role:

Photoshop (medium)

# of images created # of animated GIFs created # of oine graphic materials created

Videomaker (2 posi'ons) Posi%on descrip%on The video maker supports mktg ac4vi4es by crea4ng engaging videos that showcase our programs and ac4vi4es. They will develop materials crucial to the development of the facebook page and of MKTG ac4vi4es in general.

Ba/le this NST contributes to Increase from X to Y the number of visitors coming from social media channels

Requirements for the role - Video edi4ng skills: (basic required, medium preferred)

Lead Measures for the role: # of videos created

Copywriter (2 posi'ons) Posi%on descrip%on Copywriters are responsible for the crea4on of all post descrip4ons and wri[en elements in all design crea4ons (images and videos) and will work with content designers and video maker to create engaging posts.

Ba/le this NST contributes to Increase from X to Y the number of visitors coming from social media channels

Requirements for the role - Wri4ng (high) - Italian speaker - internet skills (medium)

Lead Measures for the role: # of posts per week # of likes

Blog writer (2 posi'ons) Posi%on descrip%on Will be responsible for the crea4on of blog ar4cles on AIESEC.it . The blog writer will work with the social media manager to create blog content strategies that increase traďŹƒc to AIESEC in Italy's website and support exchange programs.

Ba/le this NST contributes to Increase from X to Y the number of visitors coming from social media channels

Requirements for the role

Lead Measures for the role:

- Wri4ng (high) - Italian speaker

# of ar4cles audience reached per content

New Markets Bomber (1 posi'on) Posi%on descrip%on Managing a[rac4on and considera4on phase in virtual markets and high school markets

Ba/le this NST contributes to From X to Y applicants from high school students, From X to Y number of applicants coming from VaM

Requirements for the role Marke4ng or oGV experience required LCVP experience preferred

Lead Measures for the role: #signups from virtual markets # signups from high schools # high schools reached # virtual markets reached

Marke'ng Ads Manager (1 posi'on) Posi%on descrip%on Managing na4onal Facebook and Instagram ads + ďŹ ltering local ad requests and publishing them

Ba/le this NST contributes to Increase from X to Y the number of visitors coming from social media channels

Requirements for the role Photoshop skills (medium) Italian speaker

Lead Measures for the role: # Ads published # Clicks on ads Engagement on ads

Marke'ng LC Consultant (3 posi'ons) Posi%on descrip%on Working closely with MC VP in analyzing the performance of the en4ty, par4cipa4ng in crea4on and delivery of strategy and solu4ons to solve bo[lenecks. Consult the LCVPs for/in downscaling the strategies at local level.

Ba/le this NST contributes to

oGT Applicants, oGE Applicants, oGV Applicants

Requirements for the role LCVP MKTG experience required

Lead Measures for the role: # Touch points with the LCVPs

Marke'ng Expansion Consultant (2 posi'ons) Posi%on descrip%on

Consultants are accountable for downscaling the strategies to the Expansions and having monthly consultancies with them + followup on those.

Ba/le this NST contributes to

6 Expansions reaching 50% of the checklist by April '18

Requirements for the role LCVP MKTG Experience

Lead Measures for the role: # Touch points with the VPs MKTG

Content Team Leader (1 posi'on) Posi%on descrip%on

The team leader will manage the content team and be directly accountable to the MCVP

Ba/le this NST contributes to

Increase from X to Y the number of visitors coming from social media channels

Requirements for the role Team Leader experience Marke4ng experience

Lead Measures for the role: Weekly touch points with the team, reten4on rate of the team


IR Team Leader (1 posi'on) Posi%on descrip%on Working closely with MCVP oGET and OGT Manager in ensuring the goal achievement and team standards for NST IR Managers. Responsible for the whole IR strategy implementa4on and downscaling.

Ba/le this NST contributes to % of OGE ACC in EYP, % of OGT APP in EYP

Requirements for the role • EB experience

Lead Measures for the role: % of achievement of campaigns % conversion rate APP-ACC in EYP #ACC in EYP #APP in EYP % P/A in touchpoints with EYP % Team Standards delivered to IR Managers

OGET Consultant (1 posi'on)

Posi%on descrip%on Working closely with MC VP in analyzing the performance of the en4ty, par4cipa4ng in crea4on and delivery of strategy and solu4ons to solve bo[lenecks. Consult the LCVPs for/in downscaling the strategies at local level.

Ba/le this NST contributes to

# LCs jumping to Tier 3 OGT, % of OGT APP in EYP, % of OGE ACC in EYP

Requirements for the role • EB experience Lead Measures for the role: % implementa4on checklist EP management in consulted LCs # cer4ďŹ ed members in consulted LCs % P/A of consulted LCs % achievement of campaigns in consulted LCs Ra4o Applica4ons/Applicant in consulted LCs % of Applica4ons in EYP in consulted LCs

IR Manager oGT (1 posi'on)

Posi%on descrip%on Analyzing the performance of AIESEC in Italy and the en44es they will be in charge to track, keep the communica4on between AIESEC in Italy and our en4ty partners to ensure proper account management and downscale the IR strategy to local level.

Ba/le this NST contributes to % of OGT APP in EYP

Requirements for the role • No requirements

Lead Measures for the role: % of achievement of campaigns % conversion rate APP-ACC in EYP #ACC in EYP #APP in EYP % P/A in touchpoints with EYP

IR Manager oGE (1 posi'on)

Posi%on descrip%on Analyzing the performance of AIESEC in Italy and the en44es they will be in charge to track, keep the communica4on between AIESEC in Italy and our en4ty partners to ensure proper account management and downscale the IR strategy to local level

Ba/le this NST contributes to

Lead Measures for the role:

% of OGE ACC in EYP

% of achievement of campaigns % conversion rate APP-ACC in EYP #ACC in EYP #APP in EYP % P/A in touchpoints with EYP

Requirements for the role • No requirements


Internal Audit Manager (2 Positions) Position description The IAM will work independently with IA TL in order to improve the percentage of legality that our Entity is actually having by managing daily operations and activities.

Ba/le this NST contributes to 100% LCs respec4ng internal audit checklist

Requirements for the role • Italian speaker preferred

Lead Measures for the role: Internal audit ac4vi4es managed towards LC and toward MC

LC Consultant (3 positions) Position description

Working on analyzing the performance of the entity, participating in creation and delivery of strategy and solutions to solve bottlenecks. Consult the LCVPs for/in downscaling the strategies at local level.

Battle this NST contributes to

# € invested % of credit managed by LC # revenues impacting LC budget #budget execution

Requirements for the role • VP FIN background preferred, Budge4ng, Investments Lead Measures for the role: #online promo4on investments, #offline promo4on investments, #members with free nights at conferences, #LCs inves4ng money on HR ac4vity, #ini4a4ves to support LC according to matrix criteria, #monthly investments, #weekly investments, #invoices created on 4me #old credits gained #GRANTS APPLICATIONS, #GRANTS RECEIVED #SCHOLARSHIPS GAINED

Finance Director (1 position) Position description This person will work in strong synergy with MCVP Finance to ensure plan execution for finance area at MC and LC level, managing accountancy, MC Plan battles and legalities.

Battle this NST contributes to 100% LCs Investment P/A from X to 90% 100% LCs 90% revenues - Internal Audit Establishment e 100% legal strategy implementation

Requirements for the role • LCVP FIN or LCP experience required, Italian speaker, availability for physical presence

in Milan from February to March minimum, accommoda4on provided, refunds according to budget

Lead Measures for the role: #weekly report based on ba[les #touch points with consultants


Account Manager ER Corporate (2 positions) Position description Responsible for partnership delivery of current partners of AIESEC in Italy, online and offline, trough creation and implementation of a strategy plan in synergy with MC ERM.

Battle this NST contributes to #partnership renewals

Requirements for the role

Lead Measures for the role:

VP background ( preferred) Italian language ( mandatory) Good knowledge of social media usage

#touch points delivered #mee4ngs with the partner %NPS %partnership delivery

B2B ManagerER Corporate (1 position) Position description Create and execute the strategy for corporate lead generation, responsible for whole B2B Marketing ensure a proper corporate sales funnel.

Battle this NST contributes to #revenues coming from CSR #revenues coming from employer branding

Requirements for the role VP Marke4ng background (preferred) Wri4ng skills Design ( preferred) Italian speaker ( mandatory)

Lead Measures for the role: %increase of conversion rate ďŹ rst contact-mee4ng #mee4ngs # posts on Linkedin # events a[ended

PR manager for Expansions and Virtual Markets- ER Communications (1 position) Position description Be the one responsible to make AIESEC massively known through media channels. Be in charge of contacting universities and local newspaper and keep track of the flow of the communication. Contribute with fresh and creative ideas to write press releases about AIESEC opportunities for Expansions and Virtual Channels.

Battle this NST contributes to Articles Published Increase from X to Y the number of articles published

Requirements for the role - Italian speaker - Exper4se in University Rela4ons - good wri4ng skills - AIESEC products understanding - strategical thinking - crea4ve mindset

Lead Measures for the role: - #Media partners contacted - #Press releases created - #press releases sent

PR manager for opportunities- ER Communications (1 position) Position description Contribute with fresh and creative ideas to write press releases about the opportunities GV, GT and GE of the summer campaign. Be responsible for tracking the press review system. Contributing with a market research of new media partners and influencers aligned to our goals and vision.

Battle this NST contributes to

Articles Published (Increase from X to Y the number of articles published

Requirements for the role - Italian speaker - good wri4ng skills - AIESEC products understanding - strategical thinking - crea4ve mindset

Lead Measures for the role: - Press releases created - Press releases sent - New media partners found - New Inuencers contacted

PR manager for External RelevanceER Communications (1 position) Position description

Contribute with fresh and creative ideas to write press releases about the stories of impact of our incoming projects (Educhange and Global Family) and news about the organization in the external world. Be responsible for tracking the press review system. Contributing with a market research of new media partners and influencers aligned to our goals and vision.

Battle this NST contributes to

Articles Published (Increase from X to Y the number of articles published

Requirements for the role - Italian speaker - good wri4ng skills - AIESEC products understanding - strategical thinking - crea4ve mindset

Lead Measures for the role: - Press releases created - Press releases sent - New media partners found - New Inuencers contacted

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