OC Team Application Youth Speak Project 2019.20
Hello my dear future team,
Photo of Ana
As every year the Youth Speak Project needs people to be realized, someone that is ready to give 100% in order to impact the country. Thanks to the job of this team this year AIESEC will get the chance to be known more and do more exchanges in every single LC. We are looking for a team of gamechangers, ready to work and learn as much as possible and create an amazing project in order to #MAKEINITALY. Are you ready?
ow will Youth Speak Project 19.20 look like?
r this year the Youth Speak Project , we decided to add one more touchpoint, touchpoint in order to increase the impact and the legacy of AIESEC in Italy, an boost our brand postioning among youth and institutions
First week of December 2019 – “Sustainability Sustainability week” in Universities
What: the selectioned LCs will be invited to organise one (or more) lesson inside their University about specific SDGs How: Applications will be released soon, alongside the guidelines to run the lessons Why: involve youth in sustainability, boost your brand recognition and University Relations inside your direct market
st week February 2020 – “World’s Largest Lesson” in Schools
at: the selectioned LCs will be invited to organise one (or more) lesson inside their iGV schools about specific SDGs w: Applications will be released soon, alongside the guidelines to run the lessons y: raise awareness about sustainability in children and teenagers, increase your impact and relevance in your city
BEST Conference – “Youth Speak Forum” in Rome
What: a one-day event with panels, workshops and amazing speakers about sustainability How: if you’re an AIESECer, you just need to be present during BEST, tickets for externals will be released Why: involve youth in sustainability, boost our brand positioning and external relevance as an association fighting for SDGs
es might slighlty change after the final planning decisions, taking place next week
C Team Structure
e positions might be released during the months
OC Delegates
C Team Structure
- retain as much as possible partners from last year - find new partners connected to the theme of the event, make them promote our event and pay for the space we provide them - speakers & logistic partners for YSF # of new partners # of old partners retained â‚Źrevenues from partners #of speakers # logistic partners
- relations with RUS - coordination of LCs for relationships w univeristies and/or specific departments do the lessons - template lesson creation - downscaling guidelines for lessons in schools #of lessons # of people present during lessons # of LCs doing lessons # of APD coming from lessons
- OCP - MC Third Sector -MC PR Manager
- experience in sales/ NST ER (preferred)
- experience in MKTG or IGV
Managers (Corporate & 3rd
C Team Structure
OC Delegates
- content creation for YSF Online Promotion planning and execution - Relationships with Media - collecting photos for social media for WLL and Week of sustainability #of external applying to partecipate #interactions with posts and event #publications in media
Responsible for the Delegates experie form the beginning to the end Support MKTG in creation of content delivering it to delegates - Support in iComm
% Conversion external delegates applyi coming
- MC PR Manager
- MKTG experience (preferred)
- Preferably Admission team experie
C Team Structure OC FIN
- ensure sustainability & profitability of the event - incomes form the event - grants - budget execution
â‚Źincomes #grants won % budget execution
- OCP - MC Finance & Legal - Preferably FIN experience
election Process
1st of September
You will receive some tasks about the position you applied for
-Flexibility and adaptability -Crisis management & Solution-orientation Solution -Not applying for EB 20.21 -Speak fluent Italian
-Being part of a National team working for a National Project -Relations with externals -Certificate at the end of the experience -Key learning connected to the position covered - Project management skills
Bit.ly/OCApplicationYSP1920 /OCApplicationYSP1920
MC PR Manager YSP Director
OCP YSP 2019.20
MC BD 3rd Secto WLL Director
Remember what we do it for‌