GREETING Hello future leaders! Let me introduce myself, I am Aya, your current President of AIESEC in Universitas Brawijaya 2020. Then I would like to give you a very warm welcome. Welcome home leaders!Looking back when I was at your position, I doubt myself a lot for staying in the organization but knowing that AIESEC in Universitas Brawijaya felt like home and going to serve me tons of development, here I am not only
staying but serving the organization. AIESEC is a youth leadership movement, we already do what we have been doing since 1948 and we have quite a dreamy envision 'achieving peace and fulfillment of humankind's potential.' sounds impossible right? I know.But, because of that from year to year AIESEC never stops moving and engaging every youth in the world and you are one of them. That's going to help us achieve our envision and that's going to be served by us tons of life changing experience. Prepare yourself for an endlessly challenging environment to unlock a better future together and once again welcome to AIESEC in Universitas Brawijaya!
Alifyya Zahra President of AIESEC in Universitas Brawijaya
GREETING Greetings, Leaders! I’m Rizka Muthifalyza, currently Vice President of Talent Management 2020. Welcome to our home, make yourself comfortable, gain knowledge as much as you want in this event! I finally made a decision to make this conference available for the public to introduce you, how we do and what we do in AIESEC! Our organization is aiming for leadership development but not limited to it! Here in AIESEC we also learn
Rizka Muthifalyza Vice President of Talent Management
how to have self-branding that is beneficial for our future. In this conference, we will introduce you to our organization and its culture, also we will have talks with our alumnae to broaden your vision about AIESEC to be a part of us! So please, as I said before, gain knowledge as much as you want in this 2-day conference and I can’t wait to see you guys! Cheers!
GREETING Hi, Future Leaders! My name is Windy Karina Isura and currently, I’m a student in Management major at Brawijaya University. I’m so glad to be chosen as a Conference Committee President of this Youthentic Conference and wish to help you to get to know better what AIESEC in Universitas Brawijaya truly is. When I was still a student in my first year, I wished I had someone that can explain to me so much about this
organization so I don’t get lost and can pick a department and function that suits me. And then, this conference finally happens! I hope this conference can give you guys so much help in getting to know AIESEC in Universitas Brawijaya and help you to become a true leader like I did! With you guys about to read this booklet, I think you guys have made a first move to achieve your dreams in the future. With you guys being a member of AIESEC, I can say this based on my experience, that you will never regret your experience as a member of AIESEC in your preparation of aiming for a bright future! See you soon at Youthentic Conference, then!
Windy Karina Conference Committee President of YOUTHENTIC Conference
TENTANG AIESEC AIESEC adalah platform global bagi kaum muda yang berfokus pada pengembangan kepemimpinan para pemuda dan menjadi ambassador di luar negeri untuk menjalankan project social. AIESEC merupakan organisasi non-politik, independen, nirlaba yang dijalankan oleh mahasiswa dan lulusan baru dari lembaga pendidikan tinggi.
TENTANG YOUTHENTIC Youthentic adalah rangkaian webinar informatif AIESEC di Universitas Brawijaya, yang bertujuan untuk melibatkan pemuda di Indonesia dengan berbagai topik. Melalui Youthentic, kami ingin memberdayakan pemuda untuk menggunakan kekuatan dan kekuatannya. pengetahuan untuk membawa dampak positif bagi masyarakat.
THE GREATEST CALLING : YOUTH’S UNDEFEATED FUTURE Bagi para pemuda di masa ini, mencari panggilan (calling) dalam hidup bukanlah hal yang mudah. Karena itu AIESEC berusaha menjadi platform dimana para anggotanya dapat belajar tanpa merasa takut salah sehingga para anggotanya dapat menemukan panggilan hidup mereka. Arti dari “Youth’s Undefeated Future” pun berarti bahwa kita sebagai pemuda harus mengakui bahwa masa depan memang bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah namun bukanlah hal yang juga kemudian dibiarkan dengan berputus asa. Kita sebagai pemuda harus terus berusaha untuk menjadi pribadi yang tak terkalahkan dalam mencapai panggilan hidup kita. Karena itu, dengan mengangkat tema besar ini kami berharap agar para partisipan yang mengikuti konferensi lokal ini akan menemukan jati diri mereka lewat AIESEC dan menemukan panggilan hidup mereka yang ingin mereka lakukan.