Slides Recruitment Info Session

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What is AIESEC?

Founded in 1948

+70.000 Â members

127 Â countries

Largest youth-­‐run organiza?on in the world

Collabora?on with the United Na?ons

11 Local CommiEees in the Netherlands.

7 Full-­‐Time Members

25 Part-­‐?me Members

5 Â teams.

Around 100 exchanges per year.

What do we actually do?

Volunteer Projects

Internships in Start-­‐ups or companies


What does a year in AIESEC look like? Workload


Your Func=on

Tuesday night!

Conferences & Weekends

Team Dinner

What will you gain? Team work

Na=onal and interna=onal network

Personal development

Func=onal knowledge

Public speaking skills Professional working environment

Time management

…and a lot of new friends.

Structure Opera&ons

Back Office President



Incoming Global Talent

Outgoing Outgoing Global Talent Volunteer

Medicine Team

Marke&ng -­‐

Raising awareness about AIESEC among students in Maastricht


Organizing events


External Rela=ons


Conversion from Interested to Applicant

Outgoing Global Volunteer -­‐

Sending students to voluntary projects


Personal coaching of par=cipants


Interna=onal Rela=ons

Medicine Team -­‐

Running a na=onal project for Medicine students


Na=onal communica=on, interna=onal rela=ons


Na=onal Marke=ng

Outgoing Global Talent -­‐

Sending students to professional internships in companies or start-­‐ups


Personal coaching of par=cipants


Interna=onal Rela=ons

Incoming Global Talent -­‐

Receiving students from abroad for internships in and around Maastricht


Acquisi=on of new companies


Account Management


Trainee Management

Next steps? Apply with your CV:

Deadline: 6th of May, 23:59h

Open Office: 3rd of May, 14h SSC room C-­‐1.09

Any  QuesDons?

Thank you for joining!

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