Back in January when I decided to apply for MCP 1920, I was full of fear. Non of my surrounding supported my decision, but I knew I had something to give and gain. Being an MCP showed me what kind of leader I am. It has taught me more about decision making and being accountable for it. This position questioned what do I really really want to be in this world, who will I be in the next five years. I have learned so much about myself when I was put into many difficult situations. Being an MCP today, I choose to keep fear my side, this time not to scare my dreams away but to fuel up my dreams. To achieve the impossible. If you are ready for an experience that will shake you up and wake you up. You should apply because aside from your fear I will be there to help you and tell you it is okay to be scared. All the best for a journey out of your comfort zone!
With so much love, Shaima Ali AlQassab MCP 1920
Organizational Development •Setting
long term vision for AIESEC in UAE and ensuring long term decision making and sustainable growth for the whole entity. •Alignment of AIESEC in UAE to the global plan and AIESEC Network. •Keeping an eye on the state of the country and reflecting it on AIESEC Internal operations to capitalize or different trends, and to make sure AIESEC play an effective role in different challenges. External Representation •Represent AIESEC
in UAE in different events and managing relationships with certain Stakeholders. • Communication with the MCPs Network and AIESEC International •Represent AIESEC in UAE in Legislative Meetings
Member Committee Management: •Manage a clear and effective MC Planning process and follow up on plans. •Ensure development of every MC member. •Manage AIESEC in UAE MC activities. (Team days, Reviews, Spaces). •Manage overall department development and growth. National Plenary Accountability:
•Overlook and coordination of activities between
MC and LCs. •Update LCPs with any global, national strategies, and other information. •Ensure professional development of the LCPs •Ensure alignment of communication with MC & LCs and other engagements in national plenary. •Ensure proper functioning of regional coordination. •Ensure alignment of national and international strategy.
Dates & Days The MC Term starts on the 1st of August until 31st of July 2020. The working days are from Sunday-Thursday for 40 hours a week for a full time MC Members. The Members may be required to work over weekends for conferences and other duties. MCP elect must attend IPM 2020
Benefits & Conditions No Accommodation National Conferences Covered International Conference, Not covered Visa Provided, Not Covered No Salary
MC Main Role
Represent AIESEC UAE locally nationally and internationally Create, understand & support strategies with a space & support system for LCs Report to Board of Directors and National Plenary
1)General and Specific Questionnaire - 10 pages maximum (choose 3 questions from each questionnaire) 2)Updated CV 3)Endorsements Letters : 2 Endorsements, in PDF: signed & stamped by MC 4)Blank Paper Challenge – Be creative & show us your vision for AIESEC UAE 20.21 5)Introductory Video maximum of 3 minutes video about yourself, why are you applying & how will you
contribute to a bigger AIESEC in the UAE
6)Two Personality Test: Download the results and attached them in PDF format 7) Personal Statement- describing the following: (1) why you would like to be an MCP(2) what leadership
skills or attributes you hope to improve or develop through this experience (3)What could be the relationship between this experience and your career goals. 8) Description of a project completed in any field - Examples might include an essay, story, painting, drawing, print, photograph, website project, laboratory/scientific/research project, etc. 9) Self- description - of a brief narrative auto-biography.
1. All Application documents should be in PDF format and zipped in one folder under the name format AIESECUAE_First&LastName_MCP_2021 e.g (AIESECUAE_ShaimaAlQassab_MCP_202 1). 2. Application must be sent to: 3. Video uploading can take a really long time, so make sure you upload it a minimum of 24 hours prior to the time you send your application. 4. All files uploaded mist be in a PDF Format.
15 Dec 2019
19 Dec 2019
23:59 (GMT+4) Application Release
1 Dec 2019
Application Deadline
Election Screening & Announcements 17 Dec 2019
â—? Roles within AIESEC: Dates
â—? Conferences attended within your AIESEC
Experience, attach pictures if applicable: Conference
(name + year)
Role inConference (CC, delegate, FACI, chair etc.)
1. What does leadership mean to you? 2. What were the main learnings from your AIESEC Experience so far? How can these learnings contribute to your MC UAE Experience? 3. Why are you standing for MC 2021 of AIESEC UAE? What do you want to take from this experience? 4. In your opinion, what is the role of an MC, and what should be the characteristics that compose the perfect MC Member? 5. How can AIESEC make a difference in UAE? 6. What are your key values? How does that shape your leadership style and how does it connect with your AIESEC experience? 7. What do you think are the main challenges for AIESEC UAE to achieve alignment with the global changes and the 2020 Roadmap? 8. What do you think should be the main priorities for AIESEC UAE for the term 2021?
1. Analyze the Exchange Performance of AIESEC UAE in the past two years? What are your conclusions? 2. Choose a product (OGX & ICX) and provide a complete analysis of the Customer Flow based on AIESEC UAE realities. 3. Analyze the implementation of the new MoS Complete in AIESEC UAE? What are you 3 main conclusions based on this analysis? What would you do differently in 2021? 4. What would be your 3 main priorities to increase the number of leadership experiences provided by AIESEC to youth in UAE? 5. Provide a SWOT Analysis the current state of B2C in AIESEC UAE? 6. What are the most important internal and external marketing trends that we need to be aware of when creating the 2021 strategy and direction? How can it be capitalized on? 7. What do you think is the role of Digital Marketing in the Customer Flow? What are the concrete initiatives that you propose to capitalize on it?
1. Analyze the organizational health and performance of AIESEC UAE in the term1920. What are your conclusions? 2. How would you improve the support given to LCs in different stages of their growth? 3. Provide a SWOT analysis for the Talent Management area in AIESEC UAE? What are your main conclusions? 4. After reading the Refreshed TM Processes, how would you plan to implement them based on AIESEC UAE realities? 5. Analyze internal communication in AIESEC UAE. What is working and what is not working? 6. Analyze the current organizational culture of AIESEC UAE, what are you 3 main conclusions and what should be the priorities when it comes to implementation? 7. What are the main points you would focus on to build Talent Capacity in AIESEC UAE? How would you work on overcoming lack of education and commitment? 8. Based on TM trends and initiatives happening within AIESEC, make a START, STOP, CONTINUE analysis and express your vision for this area.
1. What should be the role of Partnership Development toward achieving organizational goals? Provide 3 main focuses for PD in 1920. 2. How would you improve partnerships and collaborations between AAI Partners and AIESEC UAE? 3. As responsible for creation and execution of new partners acquisition strategy, what will be your key sources for LEAD generation? How would you measure your progress? 4. Propose a GCP from the global network regarding partnership development. How would you implement this GCP in AIESEC UAE? 5. Analyze the financial management of AIESEC UAE. What are your 3 main conclusions and how would you act upon them? 6. How would you improve the financial management of all activities of AIESEC UAE? 7. What do you think of Finance Standards Implementation? How do you think they contribute to the financial sustainably of AIESEC UAE?
+971509459935 With so much love, Shaima Ali AlQassab MCP 1920