LST application for AIESECUSB 2015

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Local support team aplications

Nuestro comité va creciendo cada día más, lo que nos trae nuevos retos, retos que vamos a superar siempre que tengamos un equipo de trabajo completo y que todos los miembros del comité demos nuestro 100% para hacer de AIESEC USB el mejor comité de Venezuela. Y qué mejor forma de crecer que tener un equipo de Managers que serán la mano derecha de la EB y los líderes del comité local. Esta es la oportunidad de crecer y ayudar a otros a desarrollarse un rol de liderazgo que te brindará grandiosas experiencias y te preparará para otras aún mejores.

Como EB Elements esperamos completar nuestro equipo para hacer de AIESEC USB el Stars Maker que estamos acostumbrados!

Management positions


DDL: 17th July

18th July • Interviews to explore: - Organizational knowledge. - External environment awareness. - National direction understanding

20 to 24th July

Aplication parts

You must submit 1 (one) PDF file of maximum 6 pages

The application must be sent to LCP CC: to all the VPs

Your Profile


General Questionnaire

General questionnaire 1) What motivates you to apply for a role as part of the Local Support Team for AIESEC USB? 2)What do you believe are the short-term changes the committee needs to improve its performance?

3) What impact does the role you're are applying to, play in the development and growth of your local committee? (This is referred to the area you're applying to as well as others) 4) Specify your future plans from this day until December 2015 on a personal level, as well as in your professional and AIESEC careers. What are you goals and aspirations related to positions and roles within AIESEC? 5) How can the role you're applying to help develop the members of your local committee and this way fulfill the goals established in the Team Minimus? In case you don't have enough members to make a team, what short- term solutions do you have to change this?

General questionnaire

SPECIFIC Questionnaire

Talent Planning manager 1) For an appropriate development of our membership you need commitment, disposition and motivation from all the LC members. Which do you consider is the best way you can you promote those behaviors in the induction? 2) Mention two strategies to increase our numbers in membership retention, which means that all our member should finish in good terms the role they have assigned. 3) Mention at least 3 strategies that you could implement to guarantee an accurate allocation of the new people admitted to be an AIESEC member. 4) Describes an ideal member.

Public &Partner Relations Manager 1) Make a list of the companies that you consider are viable to become an AIESEC partner. Select one and elaborate a business proposition that helps you to explain the reasons why the company should become our partner. 2) In which way can the companies listed before contribute to the LC development, especially in the exchange areas. 3) Wich media do you consider are essential for AIESEC USB in order to promote our products. 4) Present two Marketing strategies for each OGX product,that allows you to place AIESEC as an strong brand inside the USB campus and Market, in order to increase the Open and Apply numbers in both GCDP & oGIP programs. We recommend you to consider the segmentation for each program.

Igip selling manager 1) Develop 3 strategies to improve the Selling process of IGIP in AIESEC USB, ensuring the RERAISE of the opened Forms. 2) Define and justify the Value proposition of the IGIP Product for companies. 3) Evaluate via the IGIP flow 2 Companies, and structure an Elevator Pitch for each one in which you make a perfect sale. 4) Do a SWOT analysis of IGIP in AIESEC USB, focusing in our current bottle necks, our current flaws, and how are you going to work from the Selling Department to see that problems fixed. ( minimum of 3 bottlenecks, maximum of 5)

IGIP delivery Manager 1) Develop 3 strategies to improve the Delivery process of IGIP in AIESEC USB, ensuring the customer loyalty.

2) Define and justify the Value proposition of the IGIP Product for companies and Interns. 3) Do a SWOT analysis of IGIP in AIESEC USB, focusing in our current bottle necks, our current flaws, and how are you going to work from the Delivery Department to see that problems fixed. ( minimum of 3 bottlenecks, maximum of 5) 4) Study case: We have a company which forms haven’t been matched or realized for a year. We have a deficiency in the MKT team, who prevents us from doing early publishing in the social media. How do you achieve customer satisfaction, knowing you have to deliver 6 or 9 profiles to the company to match the opportunities in a month, and then realize the opportunities in the following month..

ogip cooperation manager 1) What strategies do you plan to use to reach new ways of promotion for the exchange program? 2) Name at least 4 off-campus local partners that could be EP providers and describe how you would contact and sell OGIP to them. 3) Provide a timeline with at least 3 on-campus allies in which you describe activities with them in order to track the promotion they do to the Global Talent Program. 4) What would you improve the promotion and sale of the Global Talent Program? 5) If you had to choose only one local ally in order to get as many EPs as possible, which one would it be and why

Ogip development Manager 1) What strategies would you use reach a 1:1 Apply-Realize ratio? 2) How would you work with the current national cooperations?

3) What innovation would you bring to the table to improve the time between the Apply and Match status? 4) How would you motivate and do the tracking to your members to guarantee good customer service and satisfaction? 5) If you could choose one country or LC to do a cooperation with which one would it be? In what area would it be? (IT, Teaching, etc)

Igcdp delivery manager 1) What strategies will you use to optimize the incoming match processes which have been affected by the country's situation? 2) Which do you consider to be the main obstacles in the Match process and how would you solve them? 3) Describe the entire Match process, starting from the first contact with the EP until reaching a stable Match status. (You must include a flow line with the tasks each member should do and the action steps involved)

4) What are the main cooperation you would establish for each national project? 5) If you had to choose only one project to Match, which one would it be and why?

IGCDP Project Manager 1) What strategies do you suggest in order to make each project economically sustainable? 2) Mention a new local partner for each project and what would your value proposition be for these new allies? 3) Create a new project which would focus on a social problem and mention your main ally in order to carry on with your project. 4) How would you manage the Task Force President of each project in the realization of each one of them. 5) If you had to choose one project guaranteeing its realization , which one would it be and why?

Igcdp Customer experience manager 1) What strategies do you plan to use to improve the quality of the exchange experience for the intern? (Both before and during the exchange) 2) Mention 3 strategies in order to make Global Family feasible and efficient. 3) Describe the process of elections for Buddy and how you would guarantee that the role is being done in a satisfying matter. 4) What extra benefits would you like to offer the intern and which partners could help you fulfill them.

5) If you had to choose only one project that could guarantee a high quality exchange for the intern which one would it be and why?

Economics Manager 1) Considering the country's economy, what do you think is the main investment the LC should make in order to multiply its profits? 2) What are the economic strong points on which the local committee should lean on? 3) What is the ideal economic flow for the local committee? 4) What are the most important aspects to take into account when making a budget plan? 5) What type of knowledge do you handle in the area of accounting?

Legal manager 1) Whats the importance of the adjustments between the Local Abstract and the National Abstract? 2) What national norms are important to consider in the composition or writing of the Local Abstract? 3) Why is following the rules established in the Local Abstract important for the committee? 4) Mention which aspects you would add to the current Local Abstract. 5) Aside from the Local Abstract, what other Manuals control the Local Committee

Ogcdp in campus manager – selling (X2) 1) Mention 3 strategies to make Global Citizen more appealing and how would you guarantee EPs all year round 2) Mention 2 strategies to raise the numbers in the EWA-Interiew-Apply process and how would you make the flow faster 3) Actual area status according to EXPA. Compare Q1 and Q2 growth in (2015.1) with the years 20132014. Do an analysis.

4) What is OGCDP for you? What role do you believe the area plays in the LC?

Ogcdp in campus manager – Delivery (X2) 1) Mention the main weaknesses in the actual EP customer flow and how you would overcome these weaknesses? 2) Do we currently guarantee the development of leadership in out EPs? If not, how could we change that? 3) Mention 3 committees for LC to LC cooperation and for each one say what benefits you could obtain from them and why would those benefits appeal to any student from USB or USM.

4) What is OGCDP for you? What role do you believe the area plays in the LC?

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