1st Quarter - Newsletter

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Newsletter 1st Quarter | Term 1415

Content 1. Our Activities 2. Functional Update 3. What will happen next ?

Our Activities 1st LC Bonding (29th June 2014)

EP Buddy Recruitment (11th – 15th July 2014)

Before term 1415 started, we had a kickoff start with “Bonding” along the purpose of getting to know each other more.

To make Summer Peak in iGCDP went well, we did promotion to have EP Buddies to help us. At last, we had recruited 26 buddies out of 50+ applications.

Global Leadership Fair 2014 (20th July 2014) Even though GLD’14 was a national event, 6 OCs are from AIESEC Wat Phnom (even VPs). We are proud that we have led this event to become successful and make it a great foundation for GLF’15.

EB Buddy Induction Day (27th July 2014) Just like what we mentioned earlier, 26 buddies were recruited in July. For a proper learning, we provided Induction Day for them, in order to make them understand more about AIESEC and especially, their role as an EP Buddy.

Incoming Preparation Seminar (27th July 2014) On the same day, we did IPS in the afternoon. The objective is to provide basic learning platform for our incoming Exchange Participants who are new to Cambodia. Also, they got the chance to meet their Buddies :D Lastly, we would like to appreciate our alumnus, Mr. Eric KV, for being the Chair.

International Friendly Debate Competition (02nd August 2014) Collaborating with AIESEC IFL and AIESEC PP, we did this event with them as a part of event in iGCDP projects. Also, our Exchange Participants from “Green Hope� got a chance to show their debate talent in front of 500 audiences.

Global Village, CEL (03rd August 2014) CEL, Cambodia Exchange Learning, is the main PBOX in our LC. With support from National University of Management (NUM), this project exists and be able to run Global Village smoothly with fruitful results in Summer Peak.

BoA 1st Meeting (07th August 2014) It was the 1st time to have the privilege to meet our BoA, Mr. Stephen Paterson, Academic Advisor to the Rector and Program Coordinator for Entrepreneurship & Innovation of National University of Management (NUM), for the meeting with the Executive Board team of AIESEC Wat Phnom.

Global Village, CEL (03rd August 2014) CEL, Cambodia Exchange Learning, is the main PBOX in our LC. With support from National University of Management (NUM), this project exists and be able to run Global Village smoothly with fruitful results in Summer Peak.

BoA 1st Meeting (07th August 2014) It was the 1st time to have the privilege to meet our BoA, Mr. Stephen Paterson, Academic Advisor to the Rector and Program Coordinator for Entrepreneurship & Innovation of National University of Management (NUM), for the meeting with the Executive Board team of AIESEC Wat Phnom.

1st Local Committee Meeting (09th August 2014) It was the 1st LCM ever happening in term1415, the EB team was really excited to announce and launch Internal Recruitment. Also, we would to thank our Alumnus, Ms. Lomika, for facilitating an inspiring session.

Internal Recruitment Roughly 2 weeks, we had done the Internal Recruitment in AIESEC Wat Phnom successfully by allocating members and TLs. We would like to thanks to every members and team leaders for staying with us ď Š

Plant Tree Day (14th August 2014) We got the privilege to join "Plant Tree Day" with our Exchange Participants from Green Hope and One Hand, One Hope. Also this event is organized by the Administration of Forestry. Nonetheless, we were interviewed by a TV Channel about AIESEC and participation in joining the event.

GH + OH2 Workshop (19th August 2014) This event is specifically run for the Exchange Participants from GH and OH2 projects in order to raise awareness about Environment and Health to local people, and students. Thanks Westland International School for supporting us to run this workshop.

Leader Summit (31st August 2014) This summit is created for the Middle Management teams to have a clear direction of being a leader in AIESEC. Also, its objective was to drive the leaders to move forward both operationally and strategically.

OGX Global Leader Finally, we have started our OGX campaign with the brand name of “Global Leader�. So far, we have gotten 7 applications. Lets hope to get more, and raise & match the current applications smoothly <3

TMP Youth Talent For 2 weeks, we have launched “Youth Talent�. We got 75 applications; however, 22 of them were successfully selected to become AIESEC members.

Assessment Day (28th September 2014) Before selecting the right candidates for TMP, we did Assessment Day in order to make sure that we are picking the right people. Thanks everyone for putting your time, effort and energy into this Assessment Day.

Functional Updates iGCDP | PBOX | BD/iGIP | OGX | MKT | TM| FA

Our LC Status:

Full Membership

iGCDP  76 realizations (6 projects included PBOX)  10+ diverse countries  Project evaluation  The main revenue stream in LC  3 TN-based (CCC, CWP, CED) & 1 Project-based (CEL) to run in Winter Peak

Incoming Global Community Development Programme

pbox  Run Cambodia Exchange Learning (CEL) in Winter Peak  Target 4 universities (NUM/CUS/Western/CUS) , 1 Global Village and 2 Workshops  Goal: 12 Exchange Participants, 80 participants in class, 200 participants for each workshop

Project Based on EXchange

Bd iGIP  Raise 3 TNs (2 on hold, 1 is in matching process)  Official Meeting: 11  Cold-Call: 30  Provide trainings to iGIP members

Business Development / Incoming Global Internship Programme

ogx  3 oGCDP Realizations  1 oGIP Raise  13 Applications

Out-Going EXchange

Marketing     

LC Membership Cards Meeting with universities (NUM/CUS/UP) in July TMP: 75 Applications OGX: 7 Applications EB Buddy Recruitment: 50 Applications

Talent Management      

Member evaluation: 40 members Finalize Masterlist for Quarter 1 Internal Recruitment Allocate TM into other functions Recruited 22 newbies in TMP Recruited 26 EP Buddies

Finance ďƒź Financial Report for every month and Quarter 1

What will happen . . .

Kick off conference

11th – 12th October 2014

Thanks for reading!!

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