New Family Welcome Guide | Aiglon College

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New Family Welcome Guide 2021 - 2022


Welcome to Aiglon College. We are proud that you have chosen our school, and we are delighted to be able to welcome you and your family to our community. Now that you are enrolled, it is time to start planning your arrival. This guide is written with both you and your family in mind, so that together you can complete the steps needed to begin your first day with confidence and success. We hope that you are excited to join us on the mountain. On behalf of our admissions team and the whole school community, we look forward to seeing you soon. Valerie Scullion Director of Admissions & Marketing 3

Looking ahead . . .

This guide supplements the checklist that is available through your online admissions profile. It is important that you promptly complete all outstanding items.

Important action items are indicated by the red arrow block throughout the guide. Please pay attention to these points and let us know if you need further assistance.

Family webinar (April & June) Curious to learn more about Aiglon? We host new family webinars in the spring and summer for you to hear from teachers, house parents and fellow students.

Helpful tips or common questions are indicated by this blue information block. Welcome! We have a lot to do to get you ready for your first day of school. This guide is designed to help our families navigate the many aspects of life at Aiglon that need to be considered before you set foot on campus. If you are joining us in the winter or summer term, most of this information still applies, but you can expect to receive further details from us right away. Our Executive Director, Mr Richard McDonald, will also be in touch to arrange a short time to speak. Meeting with Mr McDonald gives you the opportunity to better understand the philosophy of Aiglon as well as gain an insight into the vision of the school. 4

Financial information (January) The school confirms fees and financial information for the academic year ahead.

CONTENTS 06 | Visa and travel instructions 08 | New student arrival programme 10 | Clothing and packing lists 14 | Laptop requirements 16 | Boarding life 18 | Daily life 20 | School life 22 | Welcome to Villars 24 | Who can I talk to? 26 | Meet the Aiglon Guardians

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Guardia n Top T Check o ips! u for advic t these circles e from o ur Scho Guardia ol ns their wa . They know y around Aiglon!

Fees invoice (May) Our Finance Office will send an invoice for the year's fees. Payment is required by 15 June. Visa deadline (May) Don't forget! In order to start on time your visa application must be submitted to your Swiss embassy. Learn more on page 06.

College & Careers (August) Years 10 - 12 will learn more about our College & Careers programme and parents will receive details about associated costs and applications.

House assignment (July) Over the summer you hear which boarding house you will be living in —not before! Learn more on page 16. New student arrival programme (August) All new students beginning during the autumn term must be present on campus for our induction programme.

Subject choices (May) Subject choice lists will be sent from the Admissions Office for Years 10, 11 & 12. We will also request original transcripts from you. Transcripts are due by 15 August.


Visa and travel instructions

Arriving at school on time and with your documents in order is important for a smooth transition. Pay close attention to the visa application process for your country and to all relevant travel procedures. APPLYING FOR A SWISS VISA Begin the visa application process as soon as you have enrolled. A visa application can take up to 12 weeks to process, so please do not delay! Please inform us of the date you submit your documents so that we may follow up directly with the local Swiss authorities, if necessary. The required documents to support your visa application are available through your admissions portal profile. Please download these documents to present at the embassy. Families are responsible for applying for the visa. After arrival at school, Aiglon will undertake the application for a Swiss residency permit. The visa is needed for your first entry into the country, but the residency permit will be valid for subsequent travel to/from Switzerland during school trips and holidays. It is updated every two years. TRAVEL New students need to arrive to campus on New Student Arrival Day. An Aiglon representative is on-hand at the Geneva airport on the main day of arrival to assist students and ensure a smooth transfer to campus. For all future travel arrangements, families can arrange their own transport to campus, or the Aiglon Travel Secretary can arrange this for you. The cost of these transfers are applied to your account.


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dly! Be frien make in o y s nd u The frie play a special ill Aiglon w r life, so say hi ou ! part in y to smile 't forget and don 8

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New student arrival programme

The induction programme at the beginning of the autumn term is designed to help you get comfortable with your new surroundings before starting lessons.

It is an important time for you and your family to familiarise yourselves with life at Aiglon and to gain an understanding of the available opportunities. If you aren't joining in the autumn term, don't worry, we will make sure you receive all of the information that you will need. WHAT SHOULD STUDENTS & FAMILIES EXPECT? Uniform fair You will be able to schedule an appointment to have your uniform fitted and collect your needed items. Banks and local shops are also normally present to help you take care of other practical business. Department presentations Meet teachers and other department heads during a series of presentations to help families understand Aiglon's academic programme as well as everything else that is on offer. Unpacking and house meetings It's time to settle into your new boarding house. You can move in throughout the day, meet the house team and then gather for an introductory meeting with your family to receive important information. Parent welcome reception As students meet new friends, parents and families have the opportunity to meet one another during our evening welcome reception. 9

Clothing and packing lists

You will experience all four seasons whilst at school. Knowing the essentials of what to bring and what is provided by the school is important for your arrival. The lists on the next page should aid your packing! SCHOOL LAUNDRY Every item of clothing brought to school, and all purchased items, are required to be labelled with your personal laundry number. This number, as well as labelling instructions, are communicated prior to arrival. Bed sheets, towels and clothing are laundered once per week at the school laundry. SCHOOL UNIFORM PACKAGE The initial clothing charge covers the uniform package. These items must be purchased from the School Shop. Alternative or similar clothing items are not acceptable. New students all make an appointment at the Uniform Fair for a fitting with a designated personal shopper. The school uniform items are then labelled for you and delivered to your boarding house. EXPEDITIONS EQUIPMENT PACKAGE To ensure that all students are properly equipped for expeditions throughout the year, the listed equipment is mandatory. These items can be pre-ordered as the "expeditions package" during enrolment or brought from home. This package is not covered in the initial clothing charge. SKI EQUIPMENT The ski uniform is included in the school uniform package. Additional ski and protective equipment is also required for ski lessons. These items may be brought from home or, with assistance from our PE Department, may be hired and/or purchased from local shops. In December, students are accompanied to help collect these items and a full kit-check is conducted. 10

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Bring g ood grip s In the w inter the hoes piles up on cam snow sure no pus, make t to slip !

UNIFORM & DRESS CODE Uniform and dress code expectations for all year groups are detailed in the Handbook. You should be familiar with these expectations before arrival. Year 12-13 students follow a "business attire" dress code and not the N°2 "Class Dress" uniform. We encourage students to express their style, but in a modest and sensible way. The following is required during the school day: — Business-style jacket — Smart trousers / knee-length skirts (with tights, no bare legs) — Collared shirt or blouse or tailored top — Smart shoes, or boots in good condition (heels, max. 5cm) FREE TIME CLOTHING At the end of the school day and at weekends, students can change out of their school uniform. Our free time packing list provides a guide of what to bring. Please be aware that boarding house storage space is limited!




N°1s SCHOOL DRESS (ALL YEARS) 1 School blazer 1 Long-sleeved white shirt or blouse 1 Formal grey skirt or trousers 1 School tie or silk scarf

REQUIRED (ALL YEARS) 1 Sleeping bag 1 Rucksack (frameless, hip belt, 50-55l) 1 Day sack (waist belt, 24-30l) 1 Sleeping mat 1 Head torch 1 Water bottle 1 Pair of gloves 1 Sun hat or cap 1 Warm hat 1 Picnic set 1 Buff

N°2s CLASS DRESS (YEARS 5 - 11) 4 School trousers 2 School jumpers 6 School polo shirts SPORT & EXPEDITION (ALL YEARS) 2 Tracksuit tops 2 Tracksuit bottoms 4 Sports t-shirts 1 House sports t-shirt 4 Sports shorts 1 Pair of football socks 1 Pack of white sports socks 1 Red outer shell jacket 1 Inner jacket 1 Pair of Aiglon ski trousers 2 Polartec fleece tops 1 Pair Thermal underwear 1 Outdoor walking trousers 1 Waterproof over trousers 1 Waterproof raincoat

RECOMMENDED (NOT COMPULSORY) 1 Paclite towel 1 Camping pillow All items in the School Uniform Package are covered by the initial clothing charge and must be obtained from the school. All items in the Expedition Package are also required, but families have the option to purchase this package from the school, or bring these items from home.

MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 2 Laundry bags 4 Sock wash bags 12

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CLOTHING & PACKING LISTS • Indicated items may be bought from the School Shop. Footwear is only available during the Uniform Fair. WITH SCHOOL DRESS (ALL YEARS) Formal black leather shoes Black socks or tights • Black belt (with trousers)

LEISURE CLOTHING Do not bring unnecessary amounts clothing! 3 Pairs of trousers / 2 skirts or dresses 2 Shirts with collars 3 T-shirts (no big logos) 2 Pullovers or sweatshirts 1 Jacket (outdoor) 1 Tracksuit 2 Pair of shoes (see handbook for details) Smart clothes for cultural trips (2-3 sets) 1 Party dress / suit for formal events 1 Umbrella Sufficient pairs of black socks Bath robe, slippers, pyjamas Undergarments (sufficient for two weeks) Toilet articles Slippers for the classroom (Years 5 - 7)

WITH CLASS DRESS (YEARS 5 - 11) Plain black or brown leather shoes (flat) Belt (black or brown) Sturdy "Timberland style" boots with grip • WITH EXPEDITION (ALL YEARS) Sunglasses (cat. 3 minimum) Outdoor training shoes • Indoor training shoes (non-marking) • Swimming costume • (1 piece for girls, shorts for boys) Walking boots • Hiking socks • Ski socks •

MISCELLANEOUS (ALL YEARS) 1 Dictionary (English/ native tongue) Basic pens, pencils, etc. • Pencil case • Small backpack or shoulder bag • Casio CG-50 calculator (Year 10+) • 1 Pillow • 1 Duvet • 2 Duvet covers • 2 Pillow cases • Adapters/converters for Swiss plugs • Small room decorations

SKI EQUIPMENT (ALL YEARS) Downhill skis Ski helmet Ski boots Ski poles Ski goggles Ski gloves or mittens • Buff or face mask • Back protector • (required for freestyle and racing) 13

Call your fam Find a regular tim ily e to call your loved ones back home so that it becomes a rout ine and you won’t forget. Sundays are perfect, because this is the most relaxed day in ho use. 14

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Laptop requirements

Senior school students (Years 9 - 13) must bring their own laptop. For junior school students (Years 5 - 8), all students use a Chromebook that is included in the fees.

Laptops can be of any make or model, but must have at least 4GB RAM. An iPad is not sufficient for school purposes. SOFTWARE AT AIGLON Laptops are required to have updated anti-virus software installed for both Mac and PC. The operating system must also be kept updated. All software on your laptop must be legal. Aiglon is a Google school and students are given access to needed tools. RECOMMENDATIONS We strongly recommend an extended warranty with international coverage. In the event of a hardware issue, this allows service in Switzerland. Please also consider accident insurance that provides coverage in case of damage, loss or theft of laptop. TECHNOLOGY USE AGREEMENT Students agree to this policy in the enrolment contract and are expected to follow it at all times. Please review this in the Handbook before arrival. 15

PHONE POLICIES Aiglon's mobile phone policies are detailed in the Handbook. While we value the important role of technology in our lives, we are also conscious that limits are important for young people.

Phone use is prohibited during class, mealtimes, prep and after hours. For students up to Year 11 devices are collected each night before bedtime. Use in the Junior School is restricted to specific times. We always make sure students have the ability to call home at a reasonable hour!

Please note: A Casio CG-50 calculator is also required for students in Year 10 and above. (See the packing list).

Boarding life

Boarding is at the heart of student life. Creating a balanced and supportive community is our priority in determining your house and key to your Aiglon identity.

Both your houseparent and assistant houseparent live full-time in your boarding house. They are supported by an "aide de maison" and tutor team. The house team should be a parent's first point of call for questions about social life, needed permissions and practicalities. A student’s academic tutor, however, is the first point of contact for academic issues. FACILITIES Our village-style campus means that every house is unique, but they all offer similar facilities including a kitchen, common room, dining room and other communal spaces such as a games room. ROOMMATES You will have between 1-3 roommates. Students in Years 12-13 normally have one roommate. Single rooms are reserved for House Captains, Prefects and Guardians. Your roommate(s) are normally in your year group, but may be one above or below you. 16

MEET YOUR HOUSE You are assigned a boarding house the summer before arrival. We ensure that each house community reflects the diversity of our student body. When confirming your placement we have considered the nationalities and personalities of all students as well as the specific needs of the house. We also respect family legacy, sometimes with many generations of Aiglonians all calling the same house home.

House assignments are for the duration of your time at Aiglon and are not negotiable. But don't worry, house identity runs strong and deep at Aiglon —we know that you will love your new home.

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Bring ro You’ll wa om decoration s n feel like t to make your roo you items th r own, so bring m at rem small People o ind you of home ft ! e n have blankets or string cosy lights an pictures d on their walls.

HELPFUL MOVING FACTS! — Each room is fitted with wardrobe space, a sink, study desk with lamp and a safe. — Houses provide storage area for suitcases, expedition gear and other bulky objects. — Beds measure 90x190cm. Bed sheets and towels are provided. Further bed linens are included on your packing/purchase lists. — Plan to change rooms once per year!



Mon: Tutor time, Tues: 09h00 Assembly, Wed-Fri: Meditation/Faith groups (Thu)

0830 - 0920

Period 1

0925 - 1015

Period 2

(No Period 1 during the autumn and summer terms)

1015 - 1045 Break 1045 - 1135

Period 3

1140 - 1230

Period 4

1235 - 1515

Years 5 - 11, Lunch

Years 5 - 11, Period 5b (1325 - 1415)

1420 - 1510

Period 6

1515 - 1605

Period 7

1530 - 1730

Activities Session

1600 - 1900

Dinner or house meetings

1900 - 2030

Prep session with tutor meetings

(1235 - 1325)

Years 21 - 13, Period 5a (1235 - 1325) Years 11 - 13, Lunch

(1325 - 1415)

WEEKDAY EVENINGS Autumn/summer and winter timings differ. Winter timings are in brackets. 2030 - 2130 (2100) Senior school free time (Houses and Sports Centre open until 2125)

Return to houses

2130 (2100)

Years 9 - 11

2200 (2130)

Years 12 - 13

Lights out

2130 (2100)

Years 5 - 8

2200 (2130)

Years 9 - 10

2215 (2145)

Year 11

2230 (2200)

Years 12 - 13


Use a planner etable as my I set my class tim nd! Aiglon is a ou gr ck ba e on ph ep a physical busy place, so ke all your th wi schedule o list for -d to A . es lin ad de sential. es is ek each we

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Daily life

Routine is important and understanding what your average day will look like is helpful as you get used to life on the mountain.

Our daily routine changes with the seasons; knowing whether you are skiing in the afternoon or in class, is all down to your personal timetable and the Aiglon schedule. Regular attendance checks throughout the day help us to know where everyone is. EVENINGS & WEEKENDS During free time you have access to the Sports Centre, Music and Art Departments, can visit your friends' houses or go into town. Weekend programmes include further excursions, expeditions or cultural trips. EXEATS An exeat is a weekend away with parents or other adult (with parent permission). Approval is granted at the houseparent's discretion. More info about exeats and other important parts of school life are in our Handbook. MONEY You have everything you need at school, but for extras, a weekly allowance is an option. We recommend the following: Year 9: Year 10: Year 11: Year 12-13:

CHF 30 CHF 40 CHF 50 CHF 100

Students younger than 15 must have a parent present to open a local bank account. For the Junior School, students receive CHF 20 per week. This pocket money is charged as part of the school fees. 19

School life

Even though so much is happening at Aiglon, you will spend most of your working days in class. Our academic programmes are top-notch and we are here to help prepare you for whatever lies ahead. SUBJECT CHOICES If you are joining the IGCSE or IB programmes, our Studies Office will work with you to choose your subjects. You will meet with them to make sure that your courses will work for you and your plan. COLLEGE & CAREERS From Year 10, our dedicated team will send you important information about beginning the university application process. EXTRA LESSONS Many students take private music lessons or can take extra lessons for additional support. Information about these costs are in the Financial Information document. REPORTS & MARK READINGS Academic reports and regular mark readings / grades are released each term. This information is available on an online portal. Parents are also invited to schedule teacher meetings at the end of each term.


YOUR TUTOR Your tutor is like a guide through Aiglon's academics. Assigned to your boarding house, tutors work with you and a few other students to help make sure you stay on track. They are on duty in the evenings and weekends and are available to help with your homework/prep or offer extra support in case you need help. For parents, a student's tutor should be your primary contact for all academic questions or concerns. Tutors will write to you during the first few weeks of the term to introduce themselves and answer any questions.

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Welcome to Villars

At 1,200m with beautiful views over the Rhone Valley, our village is both an excellent ski station and holiday resort with plenty to offer students and families alike.

Students will get to know our village quite well: the ski installations, local shops and variety of restaurants are an easy walk from campus. The calm pace of life on the mountain is appreciated by both our students and their families.

PLANNING A VISIT? RECOMMENDED TAXI PARTNERS Taxi Zorro: +41 24 495 84 84 Car Pro: +41 79 629 74 77

VILLARS PERMISSION On weekday afternoons students are able to sign-out and walk to the centre of town to visit local supermarkets or shops. On weekend evenings, students are permitted to to visit local restaurants to eat with their friends. Specific arrangements apply to junior school students.

PUBLIC TRANSPORT Rail: Bus stop: Chesières -- Aiglon College HOTELS Consider booking your stay in advance as the start of school and term breaks are often busy times in the village. Chalet RoyAlp Hotel & Spa Eurotel Victoria Villars Hotel Alpe Fleurie Hotel Viu Les Mazots du Clos Aiglon is 120km from Geneva and 250km from Zurich. Geneva (GVA) airport is closest, but both cities are served by frequent international flights.


FOLLOW US! Stay updated on everything happening at Aiglon through our various social media channels! @aiglonswitzerland @aigloncollege Aiglon College


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Who can I talk to?

We recognise that you still may have questions, but don't worry, we are here to help. And we look forward to seeing you on campus very soon! Through your arrival with us, the Admissions Office is here to help, but sometimes it is helpful to contact the specific department you need. I HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT. . . Enrolment and visas: Travel and transport: Academics: Finances or fees: College counselling: Health or medication:

ADMISSIONS OFFICE +41 24 496 61 77 SCHOOL RECEPTION +41 24 496 61 61


Please familiarise yourself with this document before arrival.

Dates & Downloads

Use this web page to find all the term dates, events and other documents.

Aiglon Life

A dedicated networking platform for our parent and alumni communities.

Admissions Portal Checklist

Please do not forget to complete all the outstanding items!


Guardia ns School chosen Guardians are each Prefects year from the , our leadersh student ip team .

Get involved: Sign up for different activities in order to discover something you love, you never know what you can do until you try! This is also a great way to make friends. Finding your way around: Campus may take some time to get used to, especially finding your classes. One of your house mates will be happy to help show you around during your first week! Enjoy the fresh air: Being outside can be a big stress reliever so enjoy the chance to go on walks around campus with friends. This is a great way to take in the positive energy found amongst our community. Get a bouquetin: This award is for completing five or more expeditions in a term. Expeditions are special and are where your best memories are made! 26

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Meet the Aiglon Guardians. Our school guardians have been offering you helpful advice throughout this booklet, but we thought you might like to meet these two who were new not long ago —just like you! Kaan lives in Alpina and Lulu in Clairmont and are happy to share more about life at Aiglon. Eat healthy: Eat well in the school restaurant and make the most of the food in your house (the kitchen is always stocked!) Eating in town with friends on weekends is always fun. Rest: Even though there is so much to do, make sure to get a good amount of sleep each night so you can focus in class. Bring layers: It can get cold up here at times, make sure to have lots of layers with you like hoodies, sweatpants, etc. The school shop sells warm clothes for skiing and expeditions. Get to know your teachers: Every Aiglon teacher is able and willing to help you achieve success. Be friendly and develop a mutual respect - this will enhance your Aiglon experience and your academic abilities. 27

Avenue Centrale 61, 1885 Chesières, Switzerland +41 24 496 61 61

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