Legacy Giving

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If you have already made provision for Aiglon in your Will or would like to, please let us know so that we can thank you properly and recognise you as a member of the John Corlette Society. Click here



The John Corlette Society

Aiglon has grown upon a foundation of generosity. Our first permanent home was purchased with gifts made by parents and friends of founder John Corlette.

After meeting the commitments of loved ones and dependants, you may choose to remember the other causes and organisations that have played a significant part in shaping your life. By making a bequest to Aiglon, your loyalty and kindness will live on for years to come. Your legacy will stretch further, reach more people and help to ensure the success of the school for generations to come. We invite you to consider leaving a gift to Aiglon in your Will and become a member of the John Corlette Society. While this is a new programme, we hope to find and unite members of our community who share the same vision. The John Corlette Society was founded in 2021 as a means of thanking those who have indicated that they intend to support Aiglon in their Will.


John Corlette Aiglon's Founder



Linking past, present and future

Make your story part of Aiglon's future by planning a gift from your estate. Traditionally, our community funds immediate priorities such as scholarship and buildings. Aiglon, however, is able to accommodate a wide range of areas of support, and naming opportunities. THE JOHN CORLETTE SCHOLARSHIP FUND Aiglon seeks to admit the best students, regardless of social or economic circumstances. We invite you to consider giving to the John Corlette Endowed Scholarship Fund in honour of our Founder. CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT FUND Aiglon is much the same as it was in its early days: a school focused on the holistic development of mind, body, and spirit. While our ethos remains rooted in the important principles established by John Corlette, our campus has had to grow and adapt. Despite the need for new facilities, and we've maintained our unique, alpine-village character. WILLIAM CARGILL ENDOWMENT FUND The fund was created in memory of the late William Cargill (Belvedere, 1974), a former student and Governor of the ACA. William Cargill recognised the importance of establishing alternative sources of funding for Aiglon and advocated the building of a significant school endowment. In keeping with the ideas and principles of William Cargill the fund is intended to grow until its earnings are capable of providing a significant contribution to Aiglon's annual income. 5

About Legacy Giving

When planning your future, please speak to your solicitor who will provide impartial legal advice and suggest the most efficient way to implement your wishes.

THE PECUNIARY LEGACY: The gift of a specific sum of money. The value of this type of legacy will decrease over time linked to the Retail Price Index, however it is possible to index-link this so that it maintains its current-day value. THE REVERSIONARY LEGACY: This is a method of providing for your family first and then benefiting Aiglon. It involves leaving your assets to trustees so that the beneficiaries can enjoy the income during their lifetime, with the whole or a portion reverting to Aiglon on their deaths. THE RESIDUARY LEGACY: This involves leaving all or part of the net residue of your estate to Aiglon after all expenses have been deducted and bequests to your loved ones and dependants have been made. THE CONDITIONAL LEGACY: A gift dependent on the occurrence of an event that may or may not happen. For instance, a legacy that only applies if other beneficiaries named in the Will die before the person who made the Will. THE SPECIFIC OR NON-MONEY LEGACY: The gift of a specific item that might be used by Aiglon, either in its original format, or that could be sold and any proceeds used to support Aiglon. LIFE INSURANCE POLICY: You may choose to make Aiglon the beneficary of a life insurance policy.






Inheritance Tax Mitigation

Including Aiglon in your Will is, in certain countries, a tax-efficient way of supporting the school.

The amount of inheritance tax on a gift to certain charitable organisations can reduce the amount of inheritance tax you will have to pay. It could be advantageous to distribute your estate in advance of your passing so that your family and friends are left gifts below the tax threshold, meaning they will not be subject to inheritance tax. Aiglon is a named fund member of the Chapel & York Foundations in the US, Canada, and UK (leaving a legacy to a UK Charity reduces the overall tax on the estate from 40% to 36% and no tax is levied on the gift itself). These foundations are charitable organisations in their local jurisdictions and provide donors with tax and legal benefits in their home country. Leaving a legacy to Aiglon can be included when writing a Will or added as a codicil to an existing Will. If you intend to leave a legacy to Aiglon, please make the bequest note the beneficiary as: Aiglon College Association Avenue Centrale 61 1885 Chesières, Switzerland If you have already made provision for Aiglon in your Will or would like to, please let us know so that we can thank you properly and recognise you as a member of the John Corlette Society here. 9


Avenue Centrale 61, 1885 Chesières, Switzerland +41 24 496 61 61 www.aiglon.ch

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