April 2012

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ACPET Journal for Private Higher Education - Editorial Board meets to finalise inaugural edition

Education Newsletter

Inside this issue: ACPET


A Visit from CIMA


(cont. p. 2)

The Editorial Board of the lum design ACPET Journal for Private · quality assurance Higher Education met in Mel· postgraduate education bourne to finalise the inaugu· academic leadership and ral edition of the e-journal, management, and which is well on track to be academic work. published on the ACPET website. Papers adopting interBoard members (l-r): Professor Joo-Gim Heaney, The ACPET Journal for Private Editorial disciplinary and comparaDr Peter Ryan, Professor Hilary Winchester (Chair), Higher Education is a biannual Professor Mike Berrell, Professor Rosie Wickert, Laura tive international perspecjournal for scholarly articles Hougaz (Editor). Absent: Dr Michael Tomlinson tives, written in the form of on the theory and practice of consultants. comparative reviews, critically higher education in the context ACPET welcomes articles on a reflective case studies or emof the private sector. The jour- continuous basis. Papers are pirically-based papers are parnal aims to provide up-to-date invited on research in: ticularly welcome. All papers perspectives, of benefit to edu- · higher education policy and are refereed through a doublecators, scholars, students, prac- practice blind peer review process. titioners, policy makers and · teaching, learning and curricu-

Malaysia New AIH


Welcome to Dr. Luz Stenberg

Member Dean’s

of Arts (Economics) degree from the University of the Philippines. She has taught various units in Economics and Quantitative Methods at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.


Column Moodle


Around the World and Back Home



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Recognitions and Announcements


Dr Luz Stenberg joined the AIH team as Lecturer in Business and Accounting at the start of Semester 1 2012. She currently teaches three units: BUS101 Statistics, ACC103 Economics, and BUS211 International Business Dr. Stenberg graduated from the University of New England, Australia, with a PhD in Economics. Prior to this she completed her Bachelor of Science degree (with honours) and Master

Her research and publications are in the following areas: forestry economics, international trade, environmental economics and computable general equilibrium (CGE) modelling. She has been affiliated with Central Queensland University, Curtin University and the University of Notre Dame Australia.

A Visit from CIMA Malaysia

Ms Karen Phang, Higher Education Partnership Manager at the regional office of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, visited AIH Higher Education on the 19th of March 2012. AIH Higher Education degree programs are accredited by CIMA and students who complete a Bachelor’s degree in either Accounting or Business qualify for exemptions when enrolling in the CIMA program. Ms

Phang addressed the Auditing class during her visit and the students were delighted to learn of the number of exemptions they would qualify for, as well as other benefits they would receive, when they apply for CIMA student membership after completing their respective degrees. CIMA is indeed well known as a professional management accounting body worldwide, particularly in the UK and in Commonwealth countries such as Sri Lanka and Malaysia. Accreditation with CIMA also carries a mutual recognition and tie-ups with other professional bodies such as CPA Australia and AICPA in the USA.

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