AIH_Connect The Australian Institute of
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IPA - It's All About Benefits
(cont. p. 2)
Inside this issue: IPA –All About 1 Benefits New AIH Member
Goals are not strategies
Dean’s Column
Want a break?
Nothing is better than seeing IPA General Manager for NSW and ACT region Joanne Parker and her Graduate Services Officer, Vicki Le present the benefits of IPA membership and details relating to the IPA qualification to the Bachelor of Accounting students of AIH. It was the second time the General Manager visited AIH since the institution initiated the Speaker Series. The Institute Of Public Accountants (IPA) is a recognized professional accounting body. It is also the full member of the International Federation Of Accountants (IFAC). IPA is proud to be one of Australia's oldest professional bodies and equally proud and supportive of
each of its members and students in 51 countries. Vicki Le, Graduate Services Officer described the benefits of IPA membership to the students of the college and about the IPA programs and its advantages in the job Market. Membership to IPA is free to students and allow them to use the
Mr Kwan Yee Hew, a
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Recognitions 6 and Announcements
I am known as ―Kwan‖, my first name. My last name is Hew and I am born into a Malaysian Chinese family. My late father, of Chinese descent, was a professional civil engineer involved in construction of some landmark high rise buildings in Kuala Lumpur in the early days. My mother was born and raised in Taiwan, married my father and settled down in Kuala Lumpur. I started my career as a structural engineer after obtaining my Masters degree in civil engineering from the University of Washington and have worked in several engineering specialist firms from Swiss, German, UK and US
facility provided by the IPA. It is also the assessment body for Accounting graduates for Immigration purposes. Vicki stresses the importance of networking for fresh graduates as the first job is also difficult to find in the market place. General questions have been answered in Q&A sessions by the Graduate Services Officer and the IPA website showed the important contents and information. Almost all students have signed up the student membership with IPA which will surely give them a chance to progress their career to next step if they wish to continue their career as an Accountant.
“Goals are not strategies.”
new member of AIH
Around the 3 World and Back Home Menagerie
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international firms as an expatriate engineer / regional head in countries such as Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong. On a Sunday morning in 1991 (I was working in Hong Kong then) I came across some interesting news in the South China Morning Post about the establishment of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology offering scholarships for 2-year MBA program. I was accepted into the program and was inspired by an Indian visiting professor from UCLA teaching me accounting. This professor made me appreciate the fun with accounting numbers and after more than a decade later (and after learn(cont. p. 2)
―Goals are not strategies.‖ Those are the striking words from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Oxford Shops, Mr. Simon Herro, during a short talk regarding ―Strategies‖ which was held at AIH. Setting goals alone is not enough to lead a company to success unless the right strategies are performed. Mr. Herro, being in the business for more than 10 years now, had both made good and bad decisions in the course of the business which taught him much. He makes sure that through those strategies the business is able to maintain its competitive advantage, which is not easy. Especially being in a fashion industry, wherein fashion trends change quickly, it has to keep up with what people want. Thus one of the key strategies it possesses is innovation. Together with the other key strategies such as regression analysis, value chain analysis, product allocation, improvement of logistical planning and omnichannel
retailing, Oxford Shops was able to expand its market and now it has over 40 branches all over Australia. He took risks in executing those strategies because he wanted to step forward and he did succeed. When asked what to expect with Oxford Shops, Mr. Herro said, ―We hope to give the best experience to the customers that other shops don’t provide and through customer value strategies, Oxford Shops will be able to retain and grow their relationships with them.‖ April Agorto
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“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”
The Dean’s Column
Dr. Joo-Gim Heaney Executive Dean
Dear Students and Friends: As AIH Higher Education approaches its third year, it is timely to think what students should aspire to in their being educated here at AIH. And so the thoughts of Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of an American President, Franklin Roosevelt, came to my mind. We are all so busy with the daily need to survive, and for students,
Eleanor Roosevelt
Suggested Reading/s:
busy with the need to balance study and work. Students’ daily lives are filled with what to eat; how to get ourselves from one place to another safely, quickly and cost effectively; where we have to be, when, why; when our deadlines are for assessment items, lectures, tutorials; and of course, students work hard at their jobs and also have to deal with financial and visa issues. That is a lot on a student’s plate. But we have to grow. We cannot stay as we are and not develop in maturity and philosophically. We have to develop and mature in our outlook in life and our understanding of humanity. This becomes inherently important when we reflect back on how to respond to particular issues. For example: what
should be the appropriate response to the American movie which denigrated the Muslim religion? Another example: what should be the correct balance between studying and working? Or – why does AIH ask students to speak English on campus? Is it just to develop English proficiency? These questions all require some thinking – thinking about our ideas, our philosophy and about our end goals as a human. A simple discussion about events and people simply does not suffice. Travelling all the way to Australia to study should not just be about daily operational events; it should also be about developing and (continued bottom page)
Want a break from studying? The next time you are in the library be sure to check out the new fiction collection. This collection features titles from John Grisham, Stephen King and Dan Brown to name just a few. Reading fiction is one of the best ways to improve your English and can serve as a nice break from reading textbooks all day.
Mr Kwan Yee Hew ing the achieved HKUST alumni award), I finally have a chance to further my training / qualification (post-graduate professional accounting program) in accounting when I was semiretired in New Zealand and later joined UTS as an accounting research student in 2005. I was the first accounting researcher at UTS who used the US financial data and the school has expanded the available research resources by subscribing to the
You can see all the titles in the fiction collection by visiting the library during opening hours. Select which book you would like, present your student card and away you go. Alternatively you can view the collection from home via the library catalogue. If you let me know your selection by email or phone I can even leave the item with reception ready for you to pick up when it
(from p. 1)
relevant US data bases. In late 2006, my supervisor moved to University of Melbourne and as I was already busy teaching at various universities from Macquarie to Campbelltown, I choose to devote all my time in teaching. I find that students’ learning processes intrigued me as much as the relations between published financial statements’ numbers (my research work).
is convenient. So don’t delay in checking out all the fantastic stories waiting for you in the library.
By: Luke Carter
Dean’s Column (from top) growing in thought and understanding, in cultivating and nourishing the ability to deal with different ideas and perspectives. I encourage all students at AIH, regardless of their background or circumstance, to grow in their stature of ideas. Students can discuss their ideas in class discussions, students can learn about other cultures (e.g. work with other students which are not from your country), learn about why people do certain things (e.g. what are
the differences between the Labor and Liberal governments in Australia – in a democracy, what are their differing viewpoints – and the consequences?), and read books and articles in the library about different ideas. All students can be educated in their degree and it is my wish that students also be educated about so many other things as well.
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Around the World and Back Home International Students’ Welfare Gets Australia’s Concern October 4, 2012 was an important day for overseas students because it is the day when the Australian International Education Conference was held in Melbourne. A very important aspect of the conference was the launching of the Principles to promote and protect the human rights of international students led by Race Discrimination Commissioner, Helen Szoke. The commissioner’s speech highlights four core principles: 1. Enhancing the human rights of international students 2. Ensuring all international students have access to human rights and freedom from discrimination protections 3. Understanding the diverse needs of international students 4. Empowering international students during their stay in Australia It is truly comforting for students like us who are living in another country away from family, friends and all the things that we grew up with, to know that our host country has our welfare in their list of concerns. The principles were drafted in collaboration with the international education sector representatives, international students and their representative bodies, people from the academe, government agencies, together with key stakeholders and organizations that give services to international students.
The Commissioner spoke of these principles as identifying the important key human rights to be considered when creating policies or providing services, making sure that international students have a safe and productive stay in Australia, promoting the key goals of equality and nondiscrimination.
President of the Advisory committee of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development (AWBMAMD).
―They promote principles of good practice and will provide guidance to people, organizations and government agencies that provide services to students and develop policy in relation to them,‖ said Commissioner Szoke. These principles touch on the following international students’ human rights, including the right to non discrimination, equality of treatment, security of the person, access to justice, housing, information, freedom of religion and culture, and labour rights.
International Students gathered to hear the commissioners speech.
Whether we are in Australia for a short stay or intending a longer one, what is important to know is that our rights and welfare as current overseas students of this country are assured. It will surely render us more confident in traversing the challenges that lie ahead. REFERENCE: Australian Human Rights Commission http:// racial_discrimination/ international_students.html CCH a u / N e w s/ S h o w N e w s . a s p x ? PageTitle=Commission-launchesinternational-studentguidelines&ID=38864&Type=F
Race Discrimination Commissioner, Helen Szoke
World Business, Marketing and Management Development (AWBMAMD) Conference
Professor Heaney standing in front of the 31 flags representing the countries the Conference participants
Professor Heaney attended the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development (AWBMAMD) Conference in Budapest, Hungary, from 16 – 18 July 2012. Hosted by the Budapest Business School, the conference was attended by over 100 delegates from a large number of universities all over the world. Professor Heaney presented two peer reviewed papers, entitled ―A comparative study of funding, tuition, privatization and exporting of higher education in Hungary and Australia‖, by Professor Joo-Gim Heaney, Dr Peter Ryan and Professor Konczosné dr. Szombathelyi Márta; and ―Branding Private Higher Education institutions in Australia: emulating strategies of private schools,‖ by Professor Heaney and Dr M Heaney. Both papers were well received and have been invited for possible consideration in journals and book chapters.
Professor Rachel Barker and her spouse from South Africa; Professor Konczosné dr. Szombathelyi Márta from Hungary, Professor Joo-Gim Heaney from Australia; Professor Gabriel Ogunmokun from USA (President and Conference Executive Director of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development
Parliament House on the Danube River
Budapest's Chain Bridge and Castle Hill
Professor Heaney was also the master of ceremonies for the closing dinner, which included a local Hungarian music group and presentations to Track Chairs. The next conference will be held in Dubai, and Professor Heaney has been invited to be the Deputy Vice
Budapest Basilica
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Menagerie Can’t you see!!! Baby why do you do this to me I love you! Can’t you see Please forget your past And make our love long last Why are you mean to me My love for you can’t you see I love you with all my heart Let our love journey start Pain is all I get from you But still I love you Don’t know what to do But ya, I will love you... UDEEP JOSHI
AIH Student Council for year 2012 The Australian Institute of Higher Education Student Council (AIHSC) was established on October 26 2011 by a group of students who decided to help other students and share their own experience. AIHSC is a student organization of AIH. If you have any difficulties with your studies or if you want to raise any issues related to AIH, you can do it through AIH-SC. All AIH-SC members are very friendly and co-operative. This year’s program of AIH-SC was the 2nd Multicultural Party in week 11, October 19 Friday, from 11:30am to 1:30pm. We decided to do this kind of activity which help students to bring positive attitude and respect towards each other’s cultures. We are from different countries and we also have different cultural background. Therefore, Multicultural Party is here so that we can show a share our culture and delicious food with others. If you want to become a member of the Student Council or if you want to participate in the group work you can also talk to us. It could help you to develop your leadership skills and knowledge as well. Members of the AIH Student Council for year 2012 were: Kumar Dhakal
Md Nur-A-Alam
Risty Leo Capricho
Muhammad Salman Khan Awan
Tilat Afrin
Daniel Al-Zaber
Raymond Joseph Ventura
By Kumar Dhakal and the Student Council
Preparing for the Exams The first step in preparing for the exam is psyching ourselves. Negative attitude and pessimistic perception about exams get in the way to an efficient preparation for the "big day". Be positive. Exams are not meant to terrorize us but are given to gauge how much we have learned. The primary goal is to check which topics need more emphasis and what areas of the subject require more studying. Quit whining. There is no point in feeling bad about exams because whether we like it or not, the exam is a course requirement that we have to take.
would collectively comprise a bulk of exam. Hence, I would barely pass or worse, fail. The trick is to study every day, preparing as if there is a surprise quiz next meeting. Ask for pointers. Some teachers give a "Pointers to Review" list. Others are generous enough to give a breakdown of the exam questions - how many points are allotted per topic and what type of questions would be asked (multiple choice, essay, or identification). Ideally, we have to review all topics regardless of the point allocation. However, there are times when we are pushed against the wall due to time constraints and we are left to choose and prioritize.
Study Ahead of Time. The activities that we have been doing for the whole quarter or semester- making assignments, reciting in class, and listening to lectures-are all ways of preparing for the exam. We do not only fulfill other course requirements when we give our best in quizzes and when we keep a good notebook. We also gain knowledge about the must-knows that are likely to come up in the exam.
Plan the Attack. Soldiers don't go in the battlefield without planning; otherwise they will be blindly shooting, wasting time and resources. Similarly, reviewing requires planning. Allot more time for topics with more point allocations. If the breakdown of the questions per topic was not given, allot more time for complicated and unfamiliar chapters. Arrange your schedule in such a way that the day before the exam is "mastery day". No more new topics to learn, just plain and simple rereading of previously highlighted books and notes.
I have this maxim: "Three hours a day keep failing grades away. " If we allot time for studying every day, even three hours only, cramming would be minimized. Reviewing would be a breeze. Take note that the word review comes from the prefix re and the word view meaning, to view again. Hence we must already be on our second reading during review period.
Get a Goodnight Sleep. Avoid staying up late to cram the night before the big day. Make sure you get a good night sleep to keep your mind alert and focused during the exam. There is no use preparing for the test if you will just be dazed and half awake while taking the exam.
Quit Procrastinating. I used to review only a week before the scheduled exam date. Either I would underestimate the subject or overestimate my capacity to absorb information. As a result of my complacency, I would not have enough time to study everything. I would then be forced to pick only "more important" topics to study. The danger of this cramming strategy is that the "less important" topics
By Hensley De La Vega
Gangcuangco L, 2008, Gee My Grades Are Terrific!, Louie Mar's Publication, Mandaluyong City, Philippines.
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Menagerie Chicken Pork Adobo Recipe
The party of nations: 'The Multicultural Party' The date was 29th of October 2012. It was an ordinary Friday for many but for the AIH community it was a day of jubilation...celebrating oneness amidst differences in culture, tradition, practices and even in color. Both AIH students and staff (actually not all of them since others are too busy studying and doing their own stuff) seemed too eager or had a can't-wait-feeling to join and witness the 2nd Multicultural Party of AIH Higher Education. It was indeed a well attended occasion where a substantial number of students and school personnel turned out and noticeably had fun during the party. The master of ceremonies was the Student Council Secretary in the person of NurA-Alam Chowdhury whose charisma lit up the venue into a real party mood added by the colourful cultural costumes worn by most of the students. Part of the program was a brief and yet meaningful message from the Dean herself. Student Council members were formally introduced to the body. Group presentations by country were all entertaining however it was the Nepali group whose accessorized cultural costumes and well performed dance number amazed the audience so much. There were also contests on best costume and best food prepared. A couple of artists also took control of the floor and gave their shot as well (just another way of saying 'shared their talents'). Kumar, the Student Council President rendered a Nepali song in his acoustic version. Nikko, yes you are right it was Nikko who momentarily conquered the stage and showed some of his antique dance moves as a real ma*#o dancer, so to speaka very entertaining one man show. The author personally had a great day not just because of the enormous amount of food he tried to savour (of course who can forget the Brazilian sweet banana and the something hard-soft yellowish from the Pakistan table) but because of what everybody had shown on that momentous school affair. By joining the party one could fathom the importance of knowing the culture of people from other countries. Such a great day indeed! The event was spearheaded by the Student Council headed by Kumar Dhakal and such success would not be possible without the support of AIH Dean Dr. Joo-Gim Heaney and her team. By Risty Leo Capricho
Multicultural Party winning recipe by: Risty Leo Capricho
1/2 kg chicken, cut into serving pieces 1/2 kg pork liempo or 1/2 kg pork belly, cubed 1/3 cup vinegar 2 tablespoons crushed garlic 1 bay leaf 2 -3 tablespoons soy sauce 1/2 teaspoon peppercorns water 1 tablespoon oil Directions: 1 Combine chicken and pork with a mixture of vinegar, 1 tablespoon garlic, bay leaf, soy sauce and peppercorns. 2 Boil, then simmer uncovered for about 10 minutes or until almost tender. 3 If mixture is dry, add about 1/2 cup water. 4 Simmer covered until completely tender. 5 SautĂŠ remaining garlic in hot oil until brown. 6 Add meat then fry until brown. 7 Add adobo sauce and simmer.
Multicultural Party winning recipe by: Risty Leo Capricho
I m a g e s
f r o m
M u l t i c u l t u r a l
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Editorial Board: Editor-In-Chief: Natalia Kotrasova (Student Administrator)
Dean’s Scholarship and Dean’s List Students
Managing Editor: Abigael Placido-Candelaria (BBus Student) Layout and Graphics Editor/ Photo Editor: Jackie Mitrevska (Graphic Designer/ Student Services)
Associate Dean, Argele and Executive Dean
Dr. Hassan, Mark and Executive Dean
Executive Dean, Mary Jane and Lecturer Mr. Hew
Executive Dean, Granna and Lecturer Mr. Hew
Announcements AIH Diary:
Student Labs:
Semester Break:
Monday to Friday: 9am—5pm
or call the UNSW number: 93856111
ID Cards:
Office hours:
Summer Program:
Minimum to recharge: $5
Trisandhya Bhainashni (Account Officer)
Weeks 1 - 3 Lectures: 3rd December 2012 —21st December 2012
Useful Information for students:
19th November 2012 - 10th March 2013
Christmas Break: 24th December 2012—4th January 2013 Weeks 4 - 6 Lectures: 7th January 2013—25th January 2013 Examination Week: 28th January 2013—1st February 2013 Semester 1, 2013 Start Date :
Co-op Bookshop: 3 Broadway (Crn Broadway & Harris Street), Ultimo NSW 2007 Second-hand books: If you are looking for second hand books, please go to the following websites:
Monday to Friday Morning: 9:30am till 12:00pm Afternoon: 1:00pm till 5:00pm
Natalia Kotrasova (Student Administrator) Monday to Friday 8:30am till 5:00pm
Monday, 11th March 2013 Library Opening Times: Monday:
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