2004 januarytomarch newsletter

Page 1

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As you may already know, Al will launch its 2-year Stop Violence Against Women (SVAW) campaign in early March 2004. On March sth, Al will begin four days of campaign and media activities culminating on March Çth, lnternational Women's Day, and the release of thefeport, lt's in our hands: Stop violence against women, in which regional statistics on violence against women, its causes, forms and remedies, and its relationship with povefty, discrimination and militarization will be explored. The responsibilities of the state, the community and individuals for taking action to end violence against women (VAW) will also be highlighted. Violence against women constitutes a violation of the rights

and fundamental freedoms of women under general international law. According to the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Womenl , these rights include: 1.

2. 3.

4. 5. o. 7. B.

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equality liberty and security of person equal protection under the law be free from all forms of discrimination The right to the highest standard attainable of physical and mental health The right to just and favourable conditions of work The right not to be subjected to torture, or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment 2


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E[ÍlÈt] 2002 +É\="ß -++ã 14,000 l:y&.|'+

Despite these rights, women throughout the world are victims of violence just because


they are women! ln early 2002, the Russian government stated that 14,000



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women die there every year at the hands of their husbands

or other relatives.3 ln the USA, a woman is battered ev-

ery 15 seconds and 70,000 are raped every year.a



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However, women have organized themselves to counter VAW and achieved dramatic




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changes in legislation, policies


and cultural oractices.

The SVAW campaign aims to achieve international solidarity in support of women's movements worldwide and the victims and sulivors of VAW, and participation by local sections and structures in national and local initiatives to address VAW in their own countries and in activities to Jm -




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mainstream Al's long-term commitment to gender equal-

ity within the organisation. ln Hong Kong, our aims for this campaign are to increase awareness of international standard of women's human rights in the region and to participate in a joint platform to

monitor the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Right after the campaign launch, we will have

the honour to invite Ms Clara Law, Centre-in-charge of the Lai Kok Centre of the Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres and experienced counselor in womenoriented seruices, to share her frontline experience and her observations on local VAW situations. The talk will take place on 12 March 2OO4in the AIHK Office, beginning at 7:00pm and ending at B:30pm. lt will be conducted in Cantonese. Please contact the office at 2300 1250 if you are interested in attending. Violence is not far away from us. Maybe some áf us, or our friends or relatives are now suffering from some form of violence. Act now; another world is possible!

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Si-si Liu I General

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Assembly resolution 481104 of 20December 1993.

'zIbid. A¡ticle 3 I Amnesty Intemational Russia Campaign material. 4




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Annesty Intemational Stop Torture Campaign material.

Thu Stup Viuluncu ägäih$t \ffötxuh cärtxþäign (SV,{W)

f-=ttfilI#El*HæniEÍll Mexico


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Paloma was one of several hundred young women raped and killed over a period of 10 years in Ciudad Juárez, on the Mexican/US border. The authorities did not investigate because the victims were poor, many having come to Ciudad Juárez to work in factories set up by multinationals. Despite opposition, the mothers of the victims have been agitating for justice and, with Al and others, have succeeded in pressurizing the Government to intervene to try and end the killings.



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After her wedding in 1991 to a man more than twice her age 16-year-old Sabira was told by her husband that she

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must never see her family again. When in December 1993 she tried to break this rule, he and his mother


poured kerosene over her and

set her on fire, though she was three months pregnant.

Despite 60/o burns she survived, horribly scarred. Jan -


2004 Newsìetter


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Many governments turn a blind eye. Laws, policies and practices frequently discriminate against women, denying them equality. ln many parts of the world, women are trapped in a cycle of povefiy which breeds violence. Gender roles and societal structures often reinforce the power of men over women. Religious leaders and the media may promote roles, attitudes and customs which subjugate women. Warring groups often use rape as a tactic to defeat and humiliate.

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are bound by a common thread of violence - often at the hands of the state or armed groups, the community or their own family. Women in Asia and the Middle East are killed in the name of honour. Girls in West Africa undergo genital mutilation in the name of custom. Migrant and refugee women in Western Eurooe are attacked for not acceoting the social norms of their host community. Girls in southern Africa are raped and infected with HIV/AIDs because the perpetrators believe that sex with virgins will cure them. And in the richest countries of the world, women are battered to death by their padners.



Women from different countries, religions, cultures and social backgrounds, educated or illiterate, rich or poor,

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The action plan Through the SVAW, Al intends to: o call on leaders, organizations and individuals to publicly pledge to make human rights a reality for all women o lobby governments to ratify the UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women

o o o o o

and its Ootional Protocol without reservations demand the abolition of laws which discriminate against women and perpetuate violence call for the adoption of laws to protect women and criminalize all sexual violence

engage with communities to support programs that enable women to live free from violence fight for the equal access of women to political power and economic resources and challenge religious, social and cultural attitudes that belittle and endanger women campaign to end impunity for violence against women, whether on the battlefield or in the bedroom

The purpose of the campaign is not to poftray women as victims or stigmatize men; it is to condemn the


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This Al campaign is unique because it calls on individuals to take responsibility. Violence against women will only end when everyone pledges not to do it, permit others to do it, tolerate it, or rest until it is eradicated.



2004 Newsletter


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Uev¡IE ;ËilìEtÆ,

Human Rights Day


On 10 December 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was unanimously adopted by the UN General Assembly. DecembellOrh thus became Human Rights Day. ln Hong Kong, a carnival to commemorate this imporrtant day took place on 7 December at Sha Tin Town Hall Plaza. "Pafiicipation, Analysing, lmplementing, and Shaping" was the slogan chosen by the Organising Committee in order to attract younger citizens to care

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and participate in our society and to have a better understanding of global human rights situations, for examole that of mainland China. As a member of the Committee, AIHK, along with other NGOs, arranged a series of HRE workshops and debates. With the support

of a number of civic groups, the carnival had'18 stalls

exhibiting a range

human rights

issues. There was also a final debate

on the tooic

of "China should put more effort into

The perfommce by ethnic minority children

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development than on enhancing civil and political rights."

Students from Tseung Kwan O

Government Secondary School (against) beat


People read¡ng the materials at the




AIHK booth

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YMCA College and took the trophy home. Also, there were performances by ethnic minority children, the dumb, and foreign workers. The event was bigger and better than last yea¡ and attracted more people. Expenses were sponsored by the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education.



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This year's walkathon was successfully completed on 31 November. Children with mental disability in the Russian Federation were chosen as the theme: their needs are continually being disregarded and their human rights


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disrespected. AIHK intended to raise awareness of their plight

through this event. lt was a beautiful day, with glorious sunshine, and some 60 people took pafl, raising a little more than $20,000. AIHK would like to express our thanks to students from Canadian lnternational School, Hong Kong lnternational School, Korean lnternational School and South lsland School for organising the event, and to The Sandwich Club and Prêt-A-Manger for sponsoring the

food. Monique

Oakley received the award for the individual who raised the

most and Dee Day was the runner-up; Cheng Chek Chee


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Secondary School was the organisation that raised the most.

Jan -

Mar 2004 Newsletter

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Aú1rvrlY uevAlE ;Ëil¡EtÆ, Human Rights Education ln the last newsletter, we mentioned the Children's

| ftËEÅ=|iÉhftF,frE Edition .t-HEÉ!ÊËitg+Ëe ^+ËãÍÊ


Urgent Actions (CEUA). The second case was sent

before Christmas. l'm sure most members vividlv recall its subject: the Reverend rhadeus Nsuyen




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imprisoned by the vietnamese government for striving t., . retigious freedom. At has now adopted Father Thad"eus as a prisoner of conscience. Recently, I also received some calls from teachers who want to know the current situation of the 16-year-old Honduran boy seeking asylum in the US. According to the US Section, the boy is still detained but another 16year-old boy has been released from Homeland Security detention into a group home and will not be ¡ppatriated to Guinea. lf you want to know more about CEUA or join the network, please feel free to contact me directly.

Al has campaigned against the death penalty for many years. Although more states have joined the abolitionisl club, a handful of governments remain reluctant to abolish this cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment. Some of them, namely China, DR Congo, lran, Nigeria, Pakistan, SaudiArabia, USA and Yemen, even use the death penalty on minors. During the lnternational Week of Student Action

2004 between 16 and 23 February we will campaign against the death penalty for children. We have already sent off 2 oostcards to all Civic Education teachers and all secondary students can sign a petition. lf you want to learn more about this "Stop Child Executions!" campaign, please contact me or Liz Whitelam, our Death Penaltv coordinator.

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Jason Chan Human Rights Education Officer

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coMMtsstoN 11... ON THIS BÁN IS

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Dgar Presidenl, I urgo you



lo commule the dealh

sentences of all ch¡ld ofl€nders in

md lo ensur€ lhal no luñher

child otlenders are senlenced lo death. in accorddce with Pakìslan's

Deâr Secrelary Powell:

obligêtions under ¡nlernat¡onâl lsw

I urge you lo ensure thal lhe United


Slates ol America complies with ils obligât¡on udner ¡nlernalional law nol Colln

to use lhe dealh penally agâ¡nsI



Secrelary of State US Departmsnl of State

people under 18 al the lime ol the




Wæhinglon DC 20520 lJniled Slêtes ol America


Nmei Address:

The Chinese versions of these postcards are enclosed with this newslette. Pleðe send them out

;ÉHETì] FTJt¿ +Ïffi.EÅ tr

Jan -





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pagc 5

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The Malaysìa Group

Aú1rvrlY UtvrrE ;fr iliEtÆ, ffixðÞîH

The group started off the new year, with a campaign on behalf of two detainees who are victims of the ISA (lnternal

Security Act).

Ahmad Yani Bin lsmail, a bank officer, and Abdul Samad Shukri Mohamad, an accountant, have been held under the lSA, which allows for indefinite detention without charge or trial, since December 2001. The grounds for the detention order are their alleged involvement in Jemaah lslamiah (Jl), a group that allegedly aims to establish a pan-lslamic state in South East Asia through militant means. The de-

tainees deny these claims. Regardless of their involvement or otherwise, the detainees are being denied their right to defend themselves in a court of law The detention orders for these two men will expirEon February 4,2004. Amnesty lnternational is calling foír them to be charged with a recognizable criminal offence and

brought before a court of law,

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the president of the Malaysian ruling party. The group also wrote to a number of commonwealth bar associations. They were asked to write a letter of concern to the president of the ruling party and human rights






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commission to urge reformation or abolition of the lSA, which undermines international human rights standards.




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AIHK, together with representa-


tives of a number of other



NGOs, held a demonstration at the Malaysian Consulate Gen-


eral on 28 January. We deliv- Ihe AIHK director hmds in the g¡mt "lai see" packet to the representat¡ve of the Malaysim Consulate General. EtP-+4+frfitHf,Ëiã)Ë¡^ ered a giant "lai see packet" to É;åâÊ#g+î+Ér,€*@4Þî-8.ÊÊ^ Ë îti r f lË r Ê¡¡+EËgÍlü1!l'.ffi the Malaysian Consul-General, tHtfrÉ!ltË!-E -+ containing our message that the two detainees should J æá1,8 J E *ËBFîFIÉÊË* 1i either be charged with a recognisable offence or released. -^EiftÉ' " ft fr rÍlJË+lr ^ ,E*ÉHí,B'îF+ 'lEÉ*åÉ!Ë Thanks go to one member's students who drew pictures -{8tr1sÊ! for the "lai-see". +fi1'Éì,FÉrtËëãF ' ÆffirË¡lËffi€ bÈ.+fiæãÊy=,â' "



For decades Malaysia has been the subject of international criticism in relation to its security legislation, particularly the lSA. The.legislation violates internationally recognised human rights standards, and has been used against people peacefully expressing their religious and

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political beliefs. However, since the attacks on the United




States of America on 11 September 2001 , governments






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that were once critical of such legislation have fallen silent.

Having enacted similar security legislation in their own countries they no longer speak out for the protection of fundamental human rights in Malaysia. Under the lSA, the Malaysian authorities have arrested and detained over 90 people suspected of 'militancy' and involvement in'terrorist' organizations. To get involved in this campaign, please contact us at 2300

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2004 Newsletter



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2 0 0 3 + fJ ã ;ö & E tH ++ fi,Í tE f,Êt * Ei¿ Ëß Ë ä Ë É! 2003 was an eventful year for Hong Kong and for Am- + " tüll f I nesty lnternational. ln presenting the Annual Report of r ah Carm i chae I ê tfi Ê Ë ããæã,Ë ,z^ Ê4+F E+ lf É! ÈÆSa AIHK to our membership, the outgoing Chair, Sarah EÊt)Í',\ Ê Ë - + Ff É #J É! +,ts Ht e-+#,Ê " Carmichael, outlined some of the oppofiunities and chalf lenges that the section had faced. I


Long-term members will be aware that AIHK has always struggled financially; however, we now have the chance to obtain a loan from the international movement to invest

in a fundraising program. At the AGM, the outgoing Treasurer, Roseann Rife, presented the budget for 2004 and explained that for the financial year 2004 the income for AIHK would depend on the Direct Dialogue Fundraising Program and a loan from the international movement (the Fundraising lnvestment Loan). A copy of the annual repoft and the budget are enclosed with this newsletter for members and donors. During 2003, the entire Al movement was working towards the lntegrated Strategic Plan (lSP) which outlinesAl's strategy from 2004 to 2010. Each section has also drawn up a shofter operational plan. These are based on the international plan but, particularly for small sections like AIHK, are much more limited. AIHK's plan was adopted by the membership at the AGM and a copy is enclosed for members and donors.

AIHK consists of two entities: Amnesty lnternational Hong Kong Section Limited and the Human Rights Education Charitable Trust. The limited company is governed by

Memorandum and Articles of Association which were drawn up in 1988. Much has changed since then and some of the clauses are out-dated. For example, according to

our statutes, we should not do work on human rights abuses in the UK as this is our "own country"! Clearly the M&A need to be reviewed and at the AGM the membership adopted a motion to form a committee to review the M&A and present recommendations for change to either an Extraordinary General Meeting or to the 2004 AGM. Roseann Rife has offered to chair this committee and AIHK would like to invite any interested members to join. Please contact the office if you would like to be involved.

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One change which could not wait was a change in the financial year of AIHK. At the

moment this is 31"t March to 'l"tAoril. However, the rest of Al operates on a cal-

endar year, and our different financial year has made it very difficult for us to file our financial reoorts to the lnternational Secretariat on time. The membershio therefore approved a proposal to change our financial year to the 1"t of January - 31"t December of the same year.



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Finally, a new team of office-bearers was

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elected. The new Chair is Sisi Lui Pui-shan,

and the new Treasurer is Peter Mok Waiman. Roseann Rife is now Vice-Chair while Liz Whitelam remains Secretary. The other co-opted and ex-official members for the Executive Committee are: Shirley Chan, Jeanne Park, Dominique Healey, Raquel Amador and the immediate former chair, Sarah Carmichael.

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Carmichael4+. The new chair (left) presents flowers to the outgoing cha¡r at the AGM to lhmk her for her 3 yeus of senice (Ë> <Ë> ìåtår?¿ '

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Kong people continue to be treated as less-than-equal members of the human family because of their sexual orientation. Lesbian and gay rights relate to fundamental aspects of human identity. Amnesty lnternational rejects identity-based discrimination, be it based on race, ethnic origin, gender, sexual identity or sexual orientation.

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The LGBT community in Hong Kong faces considerable discrimination in housing, job benefits, and immigration to


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cite a few areas where equality is denied. Hong Kong has

yet to lend legislative protection from discrimination on


grounds of sexual orientation. AIHK wants that to change. With the sponsorship from the Equal Opporlunities (Sexual Orientation) Funding Scheme of the Home Affairs Bureau and in cooperation with the students of West lsland School, the LGBT Group recently produced a set of exhibition panels for public display. They were first shown at the Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry in January and will be shown again at

The University of Hong Kong soon.

Copies of this newsletter can be obtained in the following areas: Ét Ê-ñll





2lF- 3lF, Pacific Mansion, 172 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui

Bloomsbury St. John's

tr^f' TtU


2lF, Club Lusitano Building, Duddell Street, Central


Garden Road, Central Foreign Correspondents' Club 2, Lower Albed Road, Central Students' Union of Universities and Terliary lnstitutions ãxF1ft&.æ+Ê

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If you would like additional




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copies of the newsletter to distribute to your friends, please contact the

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AIHK office


Unit 83, Best-O-Best Comm. Centre, 32-36Feny Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong

ãùËnËEÌËf Phone

ÉãÉ:(852) 2300


å|tj 32-36 "#,HflJ/rñ#ttF =tg B Æ lëF: (852)27820583 Email €fl: admln-hk@amnesty.org


Web site Jan -




Mar 2004 Newsletter

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page 8

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