2008年度報告 Annual Report 2008

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Amnesty International’s vision is of a world in 國際特赦組織的願景就是世界上人人 which every person enjoys all of the human 都能享受所有受到《世界人權宣言》及 rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international 其他國際人權標準保障的人權。 human rights standards.

Amnesty International’s mission is to undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights.

國際特赦組織的抱負,是集中就預防及 停止肆意侵犯身體以至精神方面的健 全、良心及表達的自由、免受歧視的自由 等各方面進行研究,並採取行動,以及 在這些範疇推廣人權。

Content 目錄 3

Messange from the chair



Treasurer’s report 司庫報告



Resources management


Voices from supporters 香港分會的支持者



Activism and membership development report

8-14 Campaigns 人權運動 14

Fundraising report


Organisation chart


籌募報告 組織架構圖

Executive Committee Members for 2008 2008年執行委員會

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR In the year 2008, AI envisioned its work on promoting and defending human rights for the next six years. The current Integrated Strategic Planning (ISP) from 2006 to 2010 is in its last phase. This nearly six-year endeavour has brought positive changes through the lobbying of UN bodies and states officials; engaging with NGOs and citizens locally and globally to work for more effective campaigning; and also through endless petitioning for the human rights defenders who were in crisis. There were also lessons learned that could inspire us on our next six-year plan stretching from 2010 to 2016 to make better choices as to what to do and what not to do, and finding more effective ways to achieve human rights goals that could have far-reaching impact. In the last phase of the ISP, AI also developed a Youth Strategy, and has involved more youth by integrating new methods of activism. The youth have been a minority in the AI movement. The Youth Strategy allows us to extend AI’s work to young people who are targets of human rights violations themselves, and who can also be agents of social change. In May 2008, the first Asia-Pacific Youth Meeting was held in Hong Kong. The meeting was co-organised by AIHK, AI South Korea, and the International Mobilisation Programme of the International Secretariat. The meeting gathered youth activists from the AsiaPacific region including Malaysia, South Korea, Australia, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Mongolia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand. Youth participants of this meeting formulated their own campaign action for the Beijing Olympics. They also brainstormed and shared unconventional ideas on campaigning. Impressed by their zest and creativity, I believe that the youth are becoming an essential part of the AI movement. Following the Asia-Pacific Youth Meeting, the Asia-Pacific Amnesty International Forum (APAIF) in May 2008 was also held in Hong Kong. This is a forum for AI Directors and Chairs of Asia-Pacific sections who meet to explore and discuss regional collaboration and concerns. We discussed human rights trends in Asia-Pacific as paving the way for the next ISP planning session. We also explored youth strategies for both membership and activism growth in the region. On the section level, AIHK recruited a full team of staff this year. Clara Law (Campaign Manager), Billy Leung (Campaigner), Yaki Wo (Campaigner) and Kin-man Ma (Senior Fundraising Officer) have joined AIHK. I sincerely welcome them to the AI movement. I would also like to thank Milabel Cristobal (Director) for her leadership, Dinah Tsen (Finance and Administrative Manager), Danny Lau (Administrative and Programme Officer), and Ms. Chrisdine Yuen (Administrative Assistant) for their commitment, diligence and teamwork in solving problems and keeping the section functioning while there were only administrative and managerial staff. On December 10, 2008, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) celebrated 60 years since its inception in 1948. The UDHR recognises the intrinsic dignity of every person, and states that each of us is born with inalienable and equal rights. AI also endorses the indivisibility of human rights wholeheartedly, and is committed to promoting and defending these human rights. I believe that the end of 2008 is a new start to further human rights challenges. Let’s join hands on this new journey.

主席致辭 2008年是國際特赦組織展望未來六年的推廣及捍衛人權工作 的一年。現時2006年至2010年的綜合策略性計劃已踏入最後 階段。接近六年在人權上的努力;透過遊說聯合國機構及各 國政府官員;在本土及全球間聯系非政府組織及市民發起行 動;並從未間斷地為危難中的人權捍衛者申訴,我們為人權狀 況帶來了正面的改變。 而且在當中我們亦學習到要做甚麼、不 要做甚麼以及更加有效的方法達成人權目標,這些都能夠啟 發我們在制定下一個六年計劃 (2010年至2016年) 時,作出更 佳的決定,及達至較深遠的影響。 國際特赦組織在現行綜合策略性計劃的最後階段展開了“青 年策略”計畫,我們透過新的參與方式令青年人投入國際特赦 組織的行動。青年在全球的國際特赦組織運動中一直以來也 屬於少數,所以“青年策略”要讓國際特赦組織的工作擴展至 青年,因為他們既可能成為人權被侵犯者,但亦可能成為社會 變革的原動力。 香港分會聯同南韓分會,以及國際特赦組織總部在五月舉辦 了首個亞太區青年會議,此次會議集合了來自亞太區包括馬來 西亞、南韓、澳洲、香港、印度、日本、蒙古、新西蘭、菲律賓、 台灣及泰國的青年活躍份子。與會青年制定了自己的北京奧運 行動計畫,他們同時也進行了頭腦震盪活動並分享了一些新穎 的行動理念。他們的熱心及創意使我深刻地感到青年正在成 為國際特赦組織運動的一個重要組成部份。 緊接著青年會議,國際特赦組織亞太區論壇同樣於五月在香 港舉行。這是一個亞太區國際特赦組織分會主席及總幹事的 會議,當中探討及討論了區域性的合作及關注事項。我們討 論了亞太區的人權趨勢,為下一個策略性計劃的制訂奠定了基 礎。同時我們亦探討了本區域的青年策略,即如何讓更多的年 輕人成為會員及開展更多的活動等。 在香港分會方面,今年所有的職位空缺都被填補了。經過多輪 的招募,策劃經理羅櫻子小姐、策劃主任梁子俊先生及胡盈 姬小姐亦先後到職。在此誠意歡迎他們加入國際特赦組織運 動。同時,我感謝總幹事祈美寶女士的領導,財務及行政經理 曾澤玲小姐、行政及活動主任劉慶揚先生及行政助理袁玉玲 小姐在分會人手不足的情況下,盡責、投入及發揮團隊精神, 使分會得以如常運作。 2008年12月10日是“世界人權宣言”發表六十週年,世界人權 宣言確認了每一個人與生俱來的尊嚴,以及平等和不可分割的 權利。人權的不可分割性亦是國際特赦組織全心推動及捍衛 和維護的工作。我相信2008年的終結是人權挑戰的新開始, 讓我們共同攜手迎接新的旅途。

2008年主席 陳江秀

Kong-sau Tan Chair 2008

TREASURER’S REPORT AIHK experienced a decline in fundraising activities in 2008, but an increase in human rights education and campaign activities, resulting in more money spent, and a decrease in net surplus. The net surplus of HK$2.3 million (after repayment of a loan) dropped substantially as the section paid off a loan obtained from the International Secretariat for starting up the Direct Dialogue Programme. Fundraising for the Direct Dialogue Programme took up most of the section’s income for the past years. But the programme did not take off as planned. Difficulties in working with our partner worsened, prompting us to cut our relationship with them in the early part of the year. The search for other partners proved frustrating as few of them were interested in taking up work with an organisation dedicated to advocating human rights issues, which is generally not popular in Hong Kong. Towards the end of the year, two other partners who initially agreed to work with us on the Direct Dialogue Programme backed out soon after they started, citing difficulties in recruitment of fundraisers. Figures for this year reveal a decrease of 20% in our Direct Dialogue income of HK$5.9 million, from HK$7.4 million the previous year. And with our repayment of the loan, AIHK has continued to maintain its financial independence from the international movement. With limited recruits for the year, and with the attrition rate, membership suffered a decrease of 357 members, from 4,094 to 3,737. Income for the year came mainly from donations, and there was a notable decrease in membership development expense due to limited recruitment activities. On the other hand, there was an increase in the human rights education and campaign work as new staff came on board to focus on this work. There was an increase in administrative support expenses due to the registration of our trademark, and an increase in fees paid for management and equipment. The recruitment of new campaign staff led to an increase spending on human rights education and campaign work by the section from $701,581 to $1.59 million culminating in the celebration of the 60th year anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Accordingly administrative costs showed an increase from 15% in 2007 to 23% in 2008. Human rights education expenditure increased from 22 %to 46%, while spending on membership development has fallen from 63% to 31% of total expenditure, i.e. from $2,056,545 to $957,416.

司庫報告 國際特赦組織香港分會2008年的籌募活動數量下降了,但人 權教育及人權運動活動則有所增加,結果是支出多了,總盈 餘則有所下降。我們的淨盈餘明顯地減少至230萬港元。這是 由於香港分會今年全數歸還了國際特赦組織秘書處用作開 展“直接募捐運動”計畫的貸款所致。 作為過去多年香港分會主要收入來源的“直接募捐運動”計畫 今年未能如計劃中推行。由於雙方的合作差強人意,我們在年 初已跟早前的合作夥伴終止了合約。在尋找新夥伴上亦未如理 想,因為人權議題在香港並不被廣泛關注,很少公司有興趣願 意跟我們這類專注人權事務的組織合作,開展籌募活動。 在下半年,兩間原已初步同意跟我們開展直接募捐運動的公司 也因為在招聘籌募員上出現困難,未能正式開始。因此,今年 直接募捐的收入下降了20%,由去年的740萬港元跌至590萬港 元。我們今年已歸還了國際秘書處的全數貸款,香港分會繼續 維持其財務上的獨立性。 由於今年分會招募新會員非常有限,加上流失率,會員人數 減少了357人,由4,094人下跌至3,737人。今年的收入主要來自 捐款,基於上述同樣理由,用於會員拓展方面的支出亦顯著下 降。另一方面,因為新的策劃團隊到職,開展了人權教育及人 權運動等方面的工作,致使這方面的經費支出有所增加。其他 行政費用的上升主要用於商標註冊、管理費增加及新設備的添 置。 在招聘了新的策劃團隊後,香港分會的人權教育及人權運動 量增加了,支出由70多萬港元上升至159萬港元,這包括了12月 慶祝世界人權宣言六十週年的活動。 行政費由2007年的15%上升至2008年的23%。人權教育經費則 由22%上升至46%。會員拓展經費由63%下降至整體支出的 31%,即由約205萬降至約96萬。 至2008年底,國際特赦組織香港分會錄得盈餘為340萬港元, 較去年錄得的盈餘下跌34.6%。 展望2009年,鑒於新的策劃團隊全面就位,香港分會在本地的 活動及參與都會有所增加,並於區內發展國際特赦組織的工 作上擔當領導角色。此外,職員會作一些內部調整,籌募工作 亦須作多方面發展,以增加分會的實力。2009年的預算收入為 740萬港元,支出為860萬港元。

At the end of 2008, AIHK reported a surplus of HK$3.4 million, a 34.6% decrease from the previous year. For 2009 with a full campaign staff on board, we look forward to a growth in section activity and participation in Hong Kong, with Hong Kong taking on a leading role in the development of AI’s work in the region. Some internal staff adjustments are likely to be given more attention, with efforts and focus on developing and diversifying the fundraising work and increasing the capability of the section. The 2009 budget forecast is HK$7.4 million income and HK$8.6 million expenditure. Ho Wai Yang Treasurer 2008

2008年司庫 何慧縈





HK$ Income Membership Fee and Donation 6,067,562 Fundraising Income 2,645 Human Rights Education and Campaign Fundings 400,300 Other 16,102 6,486,609


收入 會費及捐款 籌募收入 人權教育及運動有關基金 其它




Fundraising Expenses 430 Membership Development 957,416 Human Rights Campaign and Education 1,404,786 Administrative Support 705,867 3,068,499

會員拓展 人權運動及教育 行政經費

630 2,056,545 701,581 486,840 3,245,596

3,418,110 5,230,927



7,475,889 66,987 813,364 120,283 8,476,523

2008 Expenditure

2008 Income


收入 Fundraising Expenses 籌款經費

Human Rights Campaign and Education Fundings



Administrative Support

Membership Development





Fundraising Income


Other 其它




Human Rights campaign and Education

Membership Fee and Donation







Clara FOK (AIHK member)

霍漪綾 (會員)

A few years ago, I needed to do some volunteer work for my university application, so I signed up to become a member of Amnesty International. I was not exactly an active volunteer (since I was just doing it for my university application and I never thought that my opinion mattered), but one memorable event changed my life. One summer, I was invited to attend a consultation to discuss human rights development related to environment, poverty and corporate responsibilities. I was surprised by the diversity of the participants, young and old, men and women, from different ethnicities and industries, gathered to discuss human rights issues. Our discussion consisted of opinionated characters and heated debates over a spectrum of human rights concerns, and that was when I realised the relevance and significance of human rights work. I also discovered that my voice was in fact not insignificant, but of great importance. My fascination with the complexity of the issues and Amnesty’s ability to address global human rights concerns through collective efforts have led me to focus my university studies in international politics. I am a part-time intern at Amnesty, and I plan to pursue a career in human rights advocacy after graduation. As a volunteer, Amnesty gave me an opportunity to make a difference in the world and a sense of achievement that cannot be put into words. It gave me a chance to participate in global affairs, which I never thought I could do, especially in such a depoliticised city. My volunteering experience at Amnesty International has been life changing, and it has prepared me for a path to greater global opportunities and challenges.

幾年前,由於申請大學要填寫一些志願工作經驗,我就加入 成為了國際特赦組織的會員。當時我不是個活躍的義工(因 為我只是為了申請大學而加入,而且我從來沒有想過自己的 意見是重要的)。但後來一個活動改變了我的想法。一個夏 天,我應邀參加了一個諮詢會,討論人權發展與環境,貧困, 和企業責任的關係。參與者的多樣性令我很驚訝,青年人和 老年人,男性和女性,來自不同的民族和行業,都聚集在一 起討論人權問題。討論包括堅持己見的和有關多個人權議 題的激烈辯論,使我驚覺人權工作的相關性和重要性。我還 發現我的聲音其實是非常重要的。我對人權問題的複雜性非 常感興趣,加上國際特赦組織能通過集體努力來解決全球 的人權問題,促使我在大學時專攻國際政治。目前我是國際 特赦組織的兼職實習生。畢業後我亦計劃從事人權推廣的工 作。作為一個義工,國際特赦組織讓我有改變世界的機會, 並給予我一種非文字所能形容的滿足感。國際特赦組織又讓 我有機會參與世界事務,在這樣一個非政治化的城市裡,這 是我從來沒有想過的。我在國際特赦組織的義務工作經驗 改寫了我的人生,並為我在全球機遇和挑戰作好準備。

Kwan Ting CHEUNG (AIHK intern)

張堃婷 (實習生)

The guidance given to me by my supervisor was flexible and enlightening. There were many occasions when I could work independently and with little constraint. I learned to approach myself in a new way, and subsequently came to realise my own strengths and weaknesses. Upon the evaluation of my work, I was given valuable and earnest feedback, which I cherish as a direction in my career development. I never regretted joining Amnesty International, and I am still a volunteer because this internship has made me realise that words are not simply words when they are put into action.

上司給我的指導靈活而有啟發性。有許多場合,我可以單獨工 作而不受限制。我學懂以全新的方式瞭解自己,隨後發掘到自 己的長處和短處。在我的工作評估中,我得到了寶貴和真誠的 意見,我亦非常珍惜這些意見,因為它們幫助我找尋事業的方 向。我從來沒有後悔加入國際特赦組織。現在我仍在國際特 赦組織做義工,因為這次的實習經驗讓我明白:當付諸行動 時,文字不僅是文字。

My experience working with Amnesty International was interesting and fulfilling. Not only did I gain precious work experience, but I also developed practical analytical skills upon completion of the various tasks. I was given a thorough overview of the organisation and introduction to its multifaceted work on human rights. I got to understand and even apply fundraising techniques when tailor-making the introductory booklet and some of the educational material, which allowed me to further my ability and interest in the field of marketing. Other than these clerical tasks, I also had the chance to participate in conferences with overseas human rights activists, which broadened my horizons and helped me to understand the current situations of other countries better.

我在國際特赦組織的工作經驗非常有趣和有滿足感。我不 僅獲得寶貴的工作經驗,而且從完成各個任務中學會實際 分析。我徹底瞭解組織的概況與其多方面的人權工作。製作 介紹小冊子和教育材料時,我學會並應用到籌款的技巧,使 我進一步發揮我在市場推廣方面的能力和興趣。除了文書工 作,我也有機會與海外的人權活躍份子一起參加會議,這無 疑擴大了我的視野,亦能讓我更瞭解他們國家當前的情況。

Vivian WONG (AIHK volunteer)

Most teenagers of this generation have probably used “the violation of human rights” as an excuse not to obey orders from adults. Living in a developed city such as Hong Kong, the term “human rights” is no longer unfamiliar. On the contrary, it has been commonly used as a defence for most citizens in court or in the community. Apparently the concept of "human rights" has become deeply rooted in our lives. However, despite this widespread idea, there seems to be an increasing trend towards unfairness in society as reflected in recent news reports. Why is that so? In this era of egoism, perhaps the public has already forgotten the true meaning of “human rights” All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights (Article 1, Universal Declaration of Human Rights). “Human rights” are not unqualified. Since humans are social by nature, we must respect others’ rights and compromise whenever necessary. A stable and harmonious society can only be built on our respect for each others’ differences. Unfortunately, nowadays many people misinterpret or even abuse this concept. On the one hand, they extend the scope of “right” without limits; but on the other hand, they confine the interpretation of “human” to their circle of friends and relatives, turning a blind eye to those who have been deprived of their fundamental rights and dignity. Of course it is not wrong to defend one’s own rights, but shouldn’t we also respect the rights of others? While we all declare how much we cherish “human rights”, shouldn’t we consider this issue more globally, and lend a helping hand to those who are even deprived of their basic right of survival?

黃苡琛 (義工) 這一輩的孩子們大抵十居其九也曾以「侵犯人權」來拒絕大 人的種種要求。生活於香港這個發達的城市裡,「人權」不再 是陌生的議題,反之卻成了很多人在法庭裡、社會上保護自己 的工具,「人權」這概念仿佛已深深植根於我們的生活裡。 既然這個概念在社會裡有如此廣泛的認知,為何近日的新聞 報導卻反映出社會上有著越來越多不公義的事呢? 在這自我主義膨漲的年代,或許大眾都漸漸忘記了「人權」 的本義──人人生而自由,在尊嚴和權利上一律平等。(《世 界人權宣言》第一條)「人權」並非完全沒有限制的,在群體 社會裡,惟有互相妥協尊重、發揮「和而不同」的精神,才能 建立安定和諧的局面。但現在很多人卻曲解濫用了它,只把「 權」的範圍無限放大,但卻將「人」的定義局限於自己及親朋 的圈子裡,反而對其他真正被剝奪基本權利和尊嚴的人卻 視而不見、不聞不問。捍衛自己的權益當然不是錯事,但同時 大家是否也應該尊重其他人的權利?當大家都聲稱重視「人 權」時,是否應該把眼光放遠,向許多連生存這基本權利也 得不到尊重的人施以援手?


活動報告 組織者培育及會員發展

Asia-Pacific Youth Meeting


In May, youth delegates from AI sections in the Asia-Pacific region held a conference in Hong Kong to set up the Asia-Pacific Youth Network. The conference was co-organised by the Hong Kong and South Korean Sections, together with the International Mobilisation programme of the International Secretariat. Delegates aged between 22 and 27 from Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Philippines, South Korea, Australia and India, among others, gathered in Hong Kong to discuss ways of mobilising the youth in their respective countries to become young human rights activists. The meeting was a huge success, despite the fact that the youth delegate from Nepal was unable to join the conference because of a delay in the issuance of a visa.

五月,亞太地區國際特赦組織分會的青年代表在香 港舉行了一次會議,並成立了亞太區青年網絡。會議 由香港分會、南韓分會及國際秘書處聯合主辦。代表 的年齡介乎22至27歲,來自香港、馬來西亞、菲律賓、 南韓、澳洲及印度等。他們一起討論了在各自國家動 員青年成為人權活躍份子的方法。儘管尼泊爾的代 表因為簽證延誤未能參加會議,此會議仍然是一個 很大的成功。

與會青年籌劃 的“奧運傳承” 行動 Participants organize an action on the Olylmpics Legacy Campaign

與會者在尖沙咀也參加了由香港分會舉辦有關奧運 傳承運動。大家呼籲中國政府信守改善中國人權的承 諾,運動的焦點在於表達自由、媒體審查、尊重人權 捍衛者及停止處決、廢除死刑。行動非常成功,因為 青年人與途人的互動及街頭表演都得到友善的回應, 且收集到很多簽名。

青年發展網絡 The conference participants organised an action in Tsim Sha Tsui on the Olympics Legacy campaign being carried out by the HK section, calling on the Chinese government to honour its promises to improve the human rights situation in China. Our campaign focused on the issues of freedom of expression, media censorship, respect for the rights of human rights defenders and the abolishment of executions and the death penalty. The action met with great success, as the youngsters’ street performances and their interaction with passersby were warmly welcomed, and many signatures for the petitions were collected.

一個動員青年參與的工作小組已經成立。小組有 18位成員,其中七位為核心成員,當中包括中學生、大 學生及在職青年。他們討論了策略,並會組織活動, 動員青年參與國際特赦組織的人權運動。除策劃青 年人的人權教育工作,成員也就北京奧運、死刑及暴 力對待婦女等議題交流,這同時加深他們對世界人 權事務的瞭解和認知。

Youth Development Taskforce A taskforce on mobilising youth participation has been set up. The taskforce is composed of 18 members, seven of which are core and active members, The taskforce is made up of university, secondary students and working youth. It has discussed strategies and will organise activities to mobilise youth in participating AI’s human rights campaigns. Besides setting plans on human rights education for young people, members also had debates on topics such as the Beijing Olympics, the death penalty and violence against women, which deepened their understanding on human rights issues worldwide.

Members Development Two members’ consultations have been held to collect members’ views on campaign work of AIHK. Topics on the Beijing Olympics and the integrated strategic plan of Amnesty International in the coming years were discussed at the meetings. Members shared their views on AI’s work. Based on the discussion, it became clear that Amnesty International had excelled in two areas: raising public awareness of global human rights issues; and providing a platform for organising global solidarity with human right defenders. However, the feedback also raised the need for Amnesty International to diversify it membership in terms of the background. Members from countries where grave human rights abuses are apparent, however, still see the great support from AI.

會員發展 我們舉行了兩次會員咨詢會收集會員對國際特赦組 織香港分會工作的看法。咨詢會討論了北京奧運及 國際特赦組織未來的綜合策略計劃。會員認為提升 公眾對國際人權事務的意識及提供平臺凝聚全球的 人權捍衛這兩個範疇是國際特赦組織表現最出色的 地方。當然,也有意見提出國際特赦組織需要使其會 員的背景多元化。此外,來自有嚴重人權侵犯國家的 會員仍期待國際特赦組織的強大支持。

會員咨詢會 Members’ consultation meeting



Beijing Olympics


In the run-up to the Beijing Olympics, a series of related activities were staged in several busy areas of Hong Kong. Action desks were set up on four different occasions to spread AI’s message to the Hong Kong public, with the last event coinciding with the Olympics torch relay in Hong Kong. Banners on the areas of focus of AI’s campaign were put up in these areas. This action was received with mixed reactions from the Hong Kong public. Some people were supportive and concerned about the development of human rights in China, while many found this action to be “anti-China” or “anti-Olympics”. The Beijing Olympics campaign also gave the section opportunities for exposure outside of Hong Kong. Our street campaigns were covered by Hong Kong Cable TV, and the section was interviewed by a French TV channel and a Spanish news agency.

在北京奧運臨近時,我們在香港數個繁忙的地區舉行了一連串 的活動。在四個不同的場合,我們設置了攤位傳播國際特赦組 織的資訊,而最後一次剛好是奧運火炬在香港傳遞的日子。我 們在這些地方展示了多幅京奧運動焦點的直幡,行動引起了香 港公眾一些不同的反應。有些市民對行動支持及關注到中國的 人權發展。一些則認為這是『反中國』及『反奧運』。 京奧運動也給香港分會在香港以外曝光的機會,我們的街頭行動 得到香港有線電視的報導,一個法國電視台及西班牙新聞社亦訪 問了香港分會。

香港分會就 北京奧運舉 行的活動

Stop Violence Against Women (SVAW) Forum on the International Day of Peace A forum on Women, War and Peace was held on September 21 to explore violence against women in conflict and their role in the peace-making process. The AIHK Director shared her experience in fighting for justice for the “comfort women”, and Dr. Chan Shun-hing of Lingnam University extended the dialogue by sharing her research into sexual violence as a weapon of war. Rape and violence against women during wartime continues to be a real and present concern. The participants included members of AIHK, college students, volunteers from women NGOs and church members. In support of the ongoing campaign for justice for the Comfort Women, the participants were asked to support the campaign of the comfort women, with one action focusing on asking governments in the region to take action and pressure the Japanese government to officially acknowledge its responsibility and to pay wartime compensation to the victims. 國際和平 日論壇 Forum on the International Day of Peace Resolutions have been passed by the Taiwanese and South Korean parliaments which call on the Government of Japan to accept historical responsibility and to apologise to the victims of Japan’s military sexual slavery system. On this occasion, the target of our action was the Philippine legislature, and those present were asked to sign the petition directed at the Filipino parliament and to collect signatures from their network as part of this effort.

Street Performance during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence During the “16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence”, street performances were held in Tsim Sha Tsui and Causeway Bay to raise public awareness about violence against women worldwide. Cards with unfinished stories about women suffering from domestic and sexual violence were distributed to the public. The public were invited to go to AIHK’s website to find out the ends of the stories, and to join the petition, asking related state actors to take action to end violence against women.

AIHK’s Beijing Olympics activity

停止暴力對待婦女 國際和平日論壇

一個關於婦女、戰爭與和平的論壇於9月21日舉行,它旨在探 討在衝突中暴力對待婦女的問題及婦女在締造和平過程中的 角色 。香港分會總幹事分享了她為慰安婦爭取公義的經驗, 而嶺南大學的陳順馨博士將此議題帶到其性暴力作為戰爭武 器的研究上延續對話。戰爭時強姦及暴力仍是一個真實及迫 切的關注點。來自香港分會的會員、大專學生、非政府機構的 婦女組織義工及教會人士等參加了本次論壇。 我們請參加者支援為慰安婦爭取公義的運動,其中的一個焦點 是要求區域內的政府採取行動及向日本政府施壓,正式承認 其責任及向戰時受害者賠償。 台灣及南韓國會已通過決議案促請日本政府接受歷史責任,及 向日本軍隊性奴制度下的受害者道歉。在這個論壇上,我們針 對的對像是菲律賓立法機關,參加者簽署了遞交給菲律賓國會 的申訴書,並會在其各自的網絡收集簽名。


在『拒絕性別暴力16天運動』中,我們在尖沙咀及銅鑼灣舉行 街頭表演,提升公眾意識,關注全球性的暴力對待婦女情況。 我們也派發單張,當中有一些關於婦女受家庭及性暴力故事 的部份內容,有興趣知道故事結局的公眾,我們邀請他們登 入我們的網站,並發送申訴書予相關政府官員,採取行動停止 暴力對待婦女。



Death Penalty


The Anti- Death Penalty Asia Network (ADPAN)

亞洲反死刑網絡(ADPAN) 亞洲反死刑網絡第二次咨詢會議於2008年6月在香港舉行。參 加者包括有律師、不同宗教團體的成員、非政府組織及民間團 體的代表。是次會議旨在界定跨地區的死刑議題,並為未來兩 年的行動擬定計劃。

The 2nd Consultative Meeting of the Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network (ADPAN) was held in June, 2008 in Hong Kong. Lawyers, members of different religious groups, representatives from non-governmental organisations and civil society groups gathered in Hong Kong to identify cross-regional issues on the death penalty, and to plan the next steps for action in the coming two years. Amnesty International HK joined the meeting, with the aim of reactivating its campaign and members’ participation in the abolition of the death penalty campaign in Asia. A loose network was established among participants from Hong Kong, Japan and Pakistan.

Crane Action Against Death Penalty in Japan On the campaign against the death penalty, several schools in Hong Kong were mobilised and asked to sign petitions calling on Japan to adopt the UN Moratorium against the Death Penalty. We are particularly concerned that not only is Japan practicing capital punishment, but it is also becoming a practice for Japan to sentence minors to death. This is a violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Japan is a signatory, and other forms of international human rights covenants. The section worked with several schools to make 500 Origami cranes, symbolising hope and wishes in Japanese culture, and more than 300 signatures were collected from the public. The cranes and petitions were presented to the Japanese-consulate in mid-November, while the petitions were collected. An action preceding the presentation of the petition to the Japanese Consulate was carried out in the IFC grounds. Later, when AIHK presented the petition and the cranes, the cranes were rejected by the Consulate-General’s officials.

國際特赦組織(香港)參與是次會議目的,是恢復本會在要求亞 洲廢除死刑的運動上的積極參與。會議後,香港、日本及來自 巴基斯坦的成員之間加強了聯繫。

「摺紙鶴.延生命」反對日本死刑行動 在反對死刑行動方面,本會動員了多間學校簽署請願書,要求 日本採納聯合國停止執行死刑決議。我們尤其關注的不單是日 本執行死刑,而是她讓死刑延用在較年輕的罪犯上。日本為兒 童權利公約的締約國,這樣做正正違反了該公約及其他形式 的國際人權公約。 香港分會聯同幾間學校,製作了接近500隻日本紙鶴──在日 本文化中,紙鶴象徵了希望和期盼── 及收集了300多個市民 的簽名。於十一月中,在中環國際金融中心收集簽名,並把紙鶴 及請願書一併遞交日本領事館。使領館官員後來接收了請願 書,卻拒絕接收紙鶴。

在日本領事館所在大 廈外準備「摺紙鶴. 延生命」行動 The preparation of “Crane Action” outside the building of the Japanese Consulate.



60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) AIHK launched a poster design contest in early September for all high schools students in Hong Kong. Members of the panel of judges included Ho Seeman, Kan Tai Keung, BBS and Mr Zunzi (Wong Kei-kwan). More than 350 entries were received from 45 schools. A photo exhibition of almost 40 pictures representing the 30 different articles of the UDHR were displayed in different parts of Hong Kong. The exhibition is also being shown in six high schools in Hong Kong.

世界人權宣言 圖片展 The UDHR photo exhibition

With the International Secretariat, AIHK co-organised Fire Up with King George V School on the evening of December 9 (Cover photo). Members, volunteers, students and youngsters were invited to join and light sparklers as part of a mass symbol of people around the world standing together in solidarity for the human rights cause.

Human Rights Defenders

Human rights defenders are always at risk of attack because of their courage to speak out the truth. In 2008, more than a few hundred petitions had been issued to express our concern over the human rights defenders whose safety is being threatened, or who are under arbitrary detention, risk of torture or ill-treatment. Our members, volunteers, students and the public were mobilised through the urgent action network to send appeal letters to related government /state actors demanding them to stop the prosecution of human rights defenders.

Human Rights Education

A human rights education package has been designed and sent to secondary schools, community centres and churches. Several schools invited AIHK to deliver talks. AIHK has organised human rights ambassadors since September 2008, and there are ongoing discussions for the campaign team to set up AI clubs in schools. AIHK was invited to deliver talks and workshops in primary and secondary schools and universities to share our work on UDHR, the Olympics and freedom of expression, the death penalty and discrimination against different sexual orientation. Workshops had been held at schools which include topics of human rights in general, children’s rights, and torture …

International Human Rights Day

AIHK co-organised and led the preparation, with 30 other local NGOs participating, to hold a carnival in the run-up to the International Human Rights Day. The theme was around the 60th anniversary of UDHR: “born free and equal”. The core message is freedom, equality and rights, which the UDHR embraces. The organisers called for an independent human rights commission, which could be one of the workable solutions to realise these rights.

Media Coverage

AIHK has been working with the media to raise public awareness on different human rights concerns in Hong Kong. The Olympic legacy action and AIHK’s work and concerns on the refugee issue were reported by Cable TV, and several other activities were featured in the newspapers and magazines. There was also increased coverage over work concerning the Beijing Olympics issues. Also, during the AI annual report launch which had a special focus on the Asia-Pacific region, there was coverage from several print media organisations such as the South China Morning Post, The Standard, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Metropolitan Daily, RTHK (internet) and Macau Daily Times. 10

世界人權宣言60週年 為紀念世界人權宣言發表60週年,國際特赦組織(香 港)在九月初舉行一次海報設計比賽,邀請所有中學生參 加。評審團包括何詩敏小姐(二吠十一咪)、靳埭強教授 (BBS)及黃紀鈞先生(尊子)。是次活動本會最終收到來 自45間學校超過350份作品,非常教人鼓舞。 本會亦有在不同地方舉行圖片展,按世界人權宣言的 30條條文展出約40張珍貴圖片。圖片展亦在本港的6所 中學巡迴展出。 本會亦呼應總部行動,發起「FIRE UP」運動。與英皇佐治 五世學校合作舉辦是次活動。是次活動在12月9日(封面照 片)晚上順利舉行。作為是次大型集會活動的一部份,本 會會員、義工、學生及年輕人均獲邀參與並一起燃起螢光 棒,向世界展示我們團結一致捍衛人權的決心。

維權人士 勇於說出事情的真相,是維權人士常身處受襲邊緣的原 因。2008年,我們就發出了數百封請願書,表達我們關注 維權人士的安全受到威脅,或遭任意羈留,又或正處於 酷刑或被虐危機。本會透過緊急行動網絡,動員會員、 義工、學生及公眾人士寄發申訴書給有關政府或國家的 執行者,要求他們停止起訴維權人士。

人權教育 本會已設計了一套人權教育計劃並已寄往不同的中學、 社區中心及教會。本會也收到多間學校的邀請去進行演 講。自2008年9月起,本會也開始實施人權大使計畫,在 學校成立AI club的事宜則仍在商議中。 國際特赦組織(香港)獲小學、中學及大學邀請去演講及 舉辦工作坊,以分享我們多方面工作的心得,如:世界人 權宣言、奧運及表達自由、死刑及性取向歧視方面。在 學校舉辦的工作坊多圍繞以下主題:人權概論、兒童權 利及酷刑等。

國際人權日 國際特赦組織(香港)連同本地30多個非政府組織,在國 際人權日前夕舉行嘉年華會。大會主題是圍繞世界人權 宣言60週年所提出的「落實天賦人權」。當中主要訊息 乃是宣言所包含的自由、平等和權利。大會亦期望獨立 人權委員會儘快成立,讓人權得以實現。

傳媒報導 國際特赦組織(香港)一直希望透過傳媒以喚醒普羅大眾 對人權事件的關注。有線電視曾就本會「奧運傳承」的行 動,以及關注在港難民的境況作出報導;而隨著奧運的臨 近,傳媒的關注亦增加,部分報紙及雜誌分別刊登了本會 有關奧運之特寫及訪問。 此外,在國際特赦組織發表年度人權報告期間,不少本 地傳媒對亞太地區之人權狀況作出報導,包括:南華早 報、英文虎報、香港經濟日報、都市日報、香港電台(網 上)及澳門日報。 香港分會代表 宣讀大會宣言 The representatives of AIHK read out the event statement.



LGBT Group

女同性戀、男同性戀、雙性戀及跨性別者 (LGBT)組

Educational Activities With support from the Straight/Gay Alliance and a photo exhibition by people who support equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) people, the IDAHO Rally and March was held on May 18, 2008, and the event was covered by some newspapers. AIHK shared stories of violence against transgender people and the danger of LGBT discrim ination in schools. The formation of the Hong Kong Pride Parade Committee, with involvement from the AIHK LGBT group, held its first meeting on July 8, 2008 marking the first step towards organising the first Pride Parade in Hong Kong. The date of the Pride Parade was set for December 13, 2008 with the main theme being “Celebrating Love”.

公眾教育活動 本年的國際反恐同日遊行於5月18日舉行,除了遊行之外,本 年得到「直人撐同志」及一些支持平等對待LGBT人士的協 助,亦舉辦了照片展覽,部分報紙傳媒對本活動亦作出報導, 國際特赦組織(香港)則在活動中講述因跨性別或不同性傾向 而受歧視的校園暴力事件。 隨著籌委會的成立及在7月8日的會議後,香港第一次公開同志 遊行將於12月13日以「驕傲愛上街」主題舉行。

AIHK continued to sponsor the Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Films Festival on November 20 to December 1. This year we have chosen two films: “Football Under Cover” and “A Jihad for Love”. We also had the opportunity to speak the audience about the human rights concerns of Amnesty for LGBT people.

Amendment of Domestic Violence Ordinance The fight for equality and the inclusion of LGBT people continued from the previous year when the government proposed a bill to reform the Domestic Violence Ordinance to the Legco Bills Committee. The major fault of the bill was the exclusion of LGBT people under the Ordinance’s protection. Following up on the submission and after a public meeting with the Bill Committee last year, we made a further submission to the Bill Committee on the Domestic Violence Ordinance this year. The AIHK submission reminded the government of its obligation not to discriminate based on sexual orientation under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), and urged the government to include LGBT people within the scope of the protection under the reformed ordinance. The Bill was passed on June 18, 2008, with the government promising to include LGBT people in the next phase of the reformation of this Bill under the new Legislative Council elected in September 2008.

Engaging Local Partners and Lobby work The revival of the Tongzhi Joint meeting was an attempt to build a stronger network for LGBT activists. The AIHK LGBT group attended the meeting and agreed to assist in informing LGBT activists about any government action that would have an impact on LGBT people. LGBT youths continued to be the focus during the Sexual Minorities Forum held by the Constitution and Mainland Bureau.

Pride Parade in December


國際特赦組織(香港)繼續於11月至12月舉辦的香港同志電影展 中贊助了兩齣電影,兩齣電影分別是《捍衛愛情》及《女人踼 波唔比面》,本會更有機會在電影播放前向觀眾講述組織關注 LGBT人士之人權。

家庭暴力條例修改 在立法會法案委員會討論家庭暴力條例修改議題期間,國際 特赦組織(香港)爭取將LGBT人士納入條例保護範疇,以體現 對LGBT人士的平等及包容;本會認為草擬修改中條例的主要 漏洞是將LGBT人士擯出家暴條例保護以外。隨著2007年與 法案委員會的公開會議及遞交立場書後,本會在今年繼續積 極向法案委員會表達意見,提醒政府須實踐在《公民權利和政 治權利國際公約》的義務,將LGBT人士納入條例保護範疇, 以避免造成對他/她們的歧視。家庭暴力條例修改於本年6月 18日得到通過,而政府則承諾在下年度立法會進行第二階段 的法案修改時將LGBT人士納入條例保護範疇。

協作及遊說工作 重整後的學聯社會運動資源中心同志聯合會旨在建立個較 穩固的組織者網絡,本會的LGBT小組亦有參與會議並負責 將影響LGBT人士之措施及政策發放予各組織者。此外,在 參與政制及內地事務局下的性小眾論壇時,本會繼續關注 LGBT青年之權利。 IDAHO in May 五月的國際反恐同日遊行




South East Asia Group




On the anti-death penalty work, this year Indonesia resumed executions on June 26, 2008 after a 14-month break, with the shooting of Samuel Iwachekwu Okoye and Hansen Anthony Nwaliosa, two Nigerian men convicted of drug-related offences. The Indonesian authorities have further publicly stated their intention to execute 57 long-term death row prisoners who have exhausted the appeal process.

反死刑工作方面,印尼在2008年6月26日恢復執行已停止了 14個月的死刑,兩名尼日利亞藉毒犯 Samuel Iwachekwu Okoye 和 Hansen Anthony Nwaliosa 因而被槍決。印尼當局 更公開表明將會處決57名已用盡所有上訴機會的長期死囚。

The execution of the “Bali Bombers” who were convicted of involvement in the bombings on the island in 2002 where 202 people were killed and 209 injured, also gained worldwide attention. There were several reports throughout the year that their execution was imminent, so from January onwards, AIHK launched several letter-writing actions urging the authorities not to carry out the executions. They were executed on November 9, and AIHK issued a press release expressing regret over the executions. Additional letter-writing actions were launched for five other death-row prisoners, all of whom were executed over the year. In May this year, AIHK took part in the worldwide letter-writing action urging Indonesia to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Malaysia Amnesty continued to be concerned about the use of the Internal Security Act (ISA). The Act contravenes international standards on detention without trial, and the Malaysian government has on many occasions in the past used the ISA against people engaged in legitimate activities that include peaceful expression of their political and religious beliefs. AIHK launched two letter-writing actions in January calling for the release of five activists from the Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF) detained under the ISA for taking part in a peaceful demonstration. In April, May and June three more actions were launched, focusing on the urgent need for one of the detainees to receive medical treatment. The activists are still in detention.

Myanmar A public talk was organised with guest speaker Htein Lin, a former political prisoner and artist from Myanmar. AIHK also worked with other members of the Hong Kong Coalition for a Free Burma to organise a series of exhibitions in August to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the 1988 movement and its violent suppression. A seminar with the Burmese human rights activist Nyo Ohn Myint was also organised and attracted about 30 participants.


被判參與印尼2002年峇里島爆炸案,造成202人死亡和209人 受傷的放炸彈者終被處決,事件再次引起國際關注。過去一年 多份報導不斷指出他們死刑將近,所以由1月起,國際特赦組 織(香港)發起多次寫信活動,要求當局不要行使死刑。放炸彈 者最終在11月9日被處決,國際特赦組織因此發表聲明,對事 件表示遺憾。 另外,我們亦為其他死囚發起了五次寫信行動,但全部人都已 在今年被處決。 今年五月,國際特赦組織(香港)參加了一個全球性的寫信行動, 要求印尼政府落實《國際刑事法庭羅馬規約》。


國際特赦組織繼續關注當地使用《國內安全法令》(Internal Security Act)。該《法令》違反了須經過審訊才能作出拘禁的 國際標準,而馬來西亞政府在過去曾多次利用該《法令》來打 擊人民以合法及和平的途徑表達政見和宗教信仰。 國際特赦組織(香港)在1月期間發起了兩次寫信活動,要求當局 釋放五名因參與和平集會而被政府引用《國內安全法令》拘禁 的印度人人權行動力量 (Hindu Rights Action Force)成員。在 4月至6月期間,我們曾三次為其中一名需要治療的被羈留者發 出寫信活動。目前為止,多名社會活躍分子仍然被羈留。


國際特赦組織(香港)亦舉辦公開講座,邀請緬甸政治犯並藝 術家士登林作嘉賓講者。國際特赦組織(香港)與「香港爭取 緬甸自由聯盟」在8月舉辦一連串的展覽活動來紀念1988年 之民主運動及暴力鎮壓。此外,我們亦舉辦了研討會,邀請 流亡海外之緬甸人權活躍份子姚傲敏作講者,研討會吸引 了近30人出席。



Work on Legislation


On the Domestic Violence (Amendment) Ordinance Work primarily done by the LGBT group continued on the amendment of the Domestic Violence Ordinance (DVO) which was passed, expanding its scope of protection to virtually all relatives of the same family living in the same households, former spouses and opposite-sex co-habitants. The government has pledged to amend in this following legislative year to include same-sex co-habitants in the DVO. We will monitor the development and continuously lobby to the government to ensure that same-sex couples are not excluded from legal protection.

On the Race Discrimination Ordinance

有關《家庭暴力條例》 同性戀者、雙性戀和變性人士組繼續爭取修改已通過的《家 庭暴力條例》,使其保障範圍擴展至所有共同居住的家庭成 員、前伴侶及異性同居者。政府已承諾在下一個立法年度修改 條例,使同性同居者都可以得到相關的保障。我們會監察其進 展並會繼續遊說政府,以確保同性伴侶都得到法律保障。 有關《種族歧視條例》

國際特赦組織(香港)聯同11個會員及義工參與了七一遊行,表 達我們對《種族歧視條例》的看法,要求政府履行作為《消除 一切形式種族歧視國際公約》公約成員的義務,修訂條例。

AIHK together with 11 members and volunteers joined the July 1 Rally to express our view on the Race Discrimination Bill (RDO), demanding that the government live up to its obligations as a signatory member of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination and amend the bill.

國際特赦組織(香港)及其他非政府機構召集會員及義工參與 行動,遊說議員施加壓力以期在7月9日及10日的立法會中通過 一個更完善的條例。條例通過之前,國際特赦組織對該條例 的立場於辯論中曾被引用。條例最後獲得通過,而有關反對語 言歧視可獲豁免的修訂亦獲得通過。

Along with other local NGOs, AIHK mobilised members and volunteers to join the action to lobby legislators to press for a better bill in the Legco sessions on July 9 and 10. AI’s position on the bill was cited during the debate which preceded the passage of the Bill. The Bill was finally passed with the amendment that rejected the exemption of language-based discrimination.

國際特赦組織(香港)會繼續監察條例的實施。政府已草擬一份 《種族歧視條例僱傭實務守則》,並已向公眾發佈以作諮詢。 國際特赦組織(香港)會繼續參與各個論壇,討論有關守則和政 府可能推出的相關規例。我們希望確保指引不會出現斷層從而 引發更惡劣的歧視。

AIHK will continue to monitor the implementation of the Ordinance. The government has drafted the code of practice for employment of the RDO, and has presented it to the public for consultation. AIHK will continue participating in the different forums discussing the proposed code of practice in employment, and other such regulations which the government may propose. We want to ensure that the guidelines have no gaps which may induce further discrimination.

On the Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance The government is presently conducting a review of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance, and AIHK is taking part in the review in order to safeguard against unfounded limitations on the freedom of expression. Its proposal is to increase penalties which may lead to a possible chilling effect on the production and distribution of articles and materials, thereby affecting the right of expression.

On the proposed Sex-offenders Registry The Law Reform Commission has proposed the setting up of a sex offender registry, which needs to be looked into to ensure that there is a balance on the rights of potentially affected offenders with those of the children and mentally incapacitated persons whom the proposed registry to be established seeks to protect. AIHK’s greatest concern is that the list of offences to be included in the sex offender registry is too broad, and infringes too greatly on the privacy and labour rights of former offenders who have committed no crime in relation to children or mentally incapacitated persons, and to emphasise the importance of individual assessment of the risk of the offender to enable the government to design protective measures instead of stereotyping most of the sex offenders.

七一遊行中的香港分會隊伍 AIHK’s team in July 1 Rally

有關《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》 政府現時正檢討《淫褻及不雅物品管制條例》,而國際特赦 組織(香港)亦有參與檢討以確保言論自由免受不合理的限制; 組織關注政府加重刑罰的提案,可能對物品的製作及發佈造 成寒蟬效應,繼而影響行使言論及表達自由的權利。 有關性罪犯名冊 法律改革委員會建議設立一個性罪犯名冊,當中必須注意的是 在兩者──有機會被影響的犯案者,和名冊希望保護的兒童 及精神上無行為能力人士──的權利之間取得平衡。國際特 赦組織(香港)最關注的是性罪犯名冊中所列的罪行過份廣泛, 又過度侵犯那些沒有牽涉兒童及精神上無行為能力人士的前 犯罪者的私隱及勞工權益。我們強調犯罪者個人風險評估的 重要,讓政府設計保護措施而非將大部份的性罪犯標籤化。 13



The Human Rights Forum


AIHK continues to take part in the Human Rights forum, which convened twice this year. The forum’s initial concerns for the year have focused on human rights education, the promotion of Sexual Minorities forum and the further development of the HR forum. Towards September, the forum once again convened to ask forum members to submit their views on Hong Kong’s part in the China report for the Universal Periodic Review which is conducted by the United Nations Human Rights Council, and to further discuss followup concerns on the Race Discrimination Ordinance, especially on the issue of its application to the Government.

The Human Rights Press Awards

This year there were 193 entries for the 2007 Human Rights Press Awards, which is an annual event co-sponsored by AIHK with the Hong Kong Journalists Association and the Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong, to demonstrate the importance put on rights reporting in Hong Kong and the region by local journalists and foreign correspondents. The winners were announced at a ceremony on March 29, 2008 at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club. The independent judging panels of journalists, professionals, academics and human rights experts awarded eight Prizes and 15 Merit Certificates in English-language categories, two Prizes and five Merit Certificates in Chinese-language categories, and two Prizes and seven Merit Certificates in Photography.

今年召集了兩次人權論壇,而國際特赦組織(香港)亦一如以 往地繼續參與。第一次論壇的焦點落在人權教育、性小眾論 壇推廣和人權論壇的發展上。 踏入9月,人權論壇再次召集,並請論壇成員提交對於聯合國 人權委員會例行性普查對中國報告關於香港部份的意見,又 討論到對《種族歧視條例》最新情況,尤其《條例》在行使時 對政府本身的適用性。

人權新聞獎 今年有193篇新聞報導競逐2007年度人權新聞獎。人權新聞獎 每年由國際特赦組織(香港)、香港記者協會及香港外國記者 會合辦,以展示本地記者及外國駐港記者報導香港及鄰近地 區人權狀況的重要。獎項頒贈儀式於2008年3月29日在香港 外國記者會舉行。由記者、專業人士、學者及人權專家組成 的獨立評判團在英文組別頒贈了8個獎項和15張優異證書,在 中文組別頒贈了2個獎項及5張優異證書,另外又在攝影組別 頒贈了2個獎項和7張優異證書。

Work with Other NGOS




With monthly donations as our major source of income for the year 2008, the total revenue raised is HK$5.93 millions.

每月捐款仍然是組織2008年的主要收入來源。本會今年共籌得 港幣593萬。

Compared to the year 2007, there was a 20.27% decrease in income which stood at HK$7.45 million since the Direct Dialogue (DD) donor recruitment programme was suspended for most of the year. So the number of active donors by the end of 2007 was 3,925 and by 2008, it was estimated at 2,975. The overall monthly attrition rate is 2.36%, slightly up on last year’s 2.64%.

由於直接募捐運動在今年大部份的時間處於停頓狀態,相對 於2007年港幣745萬的捐款收入,今年下降了20.27%。每月捐 款者的人數也由2007年底的3925人下降至2008年底的2975人。 整體的每月流失率為2.36%,比去年的2.64%略為改善。

The DD programme had difficulties since August 2007 due to the fact that the out-source agency suffered serious successive staff turnover, which led them to suspend their services. When the resumed recruitment for AIHK in January 2008 after the contract was re-negotiated, they were given better terms than before. The DD programme then re-started in January 2008, but stopped again after Chinese New Year after the agency management decided to suspend operations on our programme indefinitely, citing business losses.

直接募捐運動由2007年8月開始遇到困難,原因是外判的籌 募公司出現嚴重的員工流失,被迫暫時終止服務本會。直至 2008年1月,本會給予該公司較佳條件重訂合約,並於該月重新 展開直接募捐運動。可惜由於公司指在推行本會的募捐運動 上出現虧損,在農曆新年後,她們決定終止雙方的合作。

AIHK also worked with other NGOs to show concern on different human rights abuses in the region. A joint action with other groups, such as the Asia Human Rights Commission, was held for the June 26 UN International Day co-organised with the Asian and International Studies (AIS) Network of Postgraduate students and the HK Coalition for a Free Burma and Christian Solidarity Worldwide HK. We also worked with the HK Coalition for a Free Burma to organise a series of activities in memory of the 20th anniversary of the 8888 uprising. AIHK continues to work with local NGOs to organise activities on the eve of International Human Rights Day to raise public concern about different human rights issues.

國際特赦組織(香港)亦與其他非政府機構合作,關注地區的 人權被侵犯狀況。6月26日,亞洲及國際學系研究生網絡、香 港爭取緬甸自由聯盟及全球基督徒團結陣線協辦支援酷刑 受害者國際日,國際特赦組織(香港)亦聯同其他組織(例如亞 洲人權委員會)一起行動。我們亦和香港爭取緬甸自由聯盟一 起策劃了一連串活動紀念8888民運20週年。國際特赦組織(香 港)將繼續和其他本地非政府組織合作,並在國際人權日前夕 組織各項,活動以提高公眾對各人權議題的關注。

The fundraising team has been searching for new agencies and exploring possibilities of setting up in-house DD teams as well. Several discussions with agencies were initiated to explore new partnerships, which resulted in two agencies signing agreements with us to conduct DD, with targets of recruiting 100 donors a month. However, the 1st agency and 2nd agency were not successful and did not continue with the programme.

本會之籌募部亦有試圖另覓籌募公司,亦有研究成立自己的直 接募捐團隊的可能性。經過與外判公司的多次商討,本會跟兩 間新公司簽訂了合約,委託他們每月招募一百位月捐者。然而, 兩間公司均未能成功按計劃行事並停止了有關計畫.。

We now face the situation of an increasingly competitive donor recruitment market as more charities resort to starting their own DD programmes to raise funds, leading to rising costs. So effective choices and decisions must be made to continue the DD programme and explore new avenues for fundraising to ensure the long-term development of the section’s work.

由於越來越多的慈善團體也開始直接募捐運動,我們現正面對一 個日趨競爭激烈的市場。因此,要令直接募捐運動可以延續下去, 我們必須作出有效的選擇及決定,並探索新的籌款方法,確保本 會工作的長遠發展。


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