「人權新聞獎」自1996年起,由香港外國記者會、香港記者協會、及國際特赦組織香港分會聯合主辦,屬香港首個新聞獎項盛事;那些年,適值主權移交前夕,不少人均對香港的人權狀況感到憂慮。20年後,香港的人權狀況,經歷甚麼轉變?國際特赦組織香港分會藉人權新聞獎20年之機,出版《堅守公義 – 人權新聞獎20年》,透過回顧20年來人權新聞奬不同的得獎作品,以及不同人權公約於香港的實施狀況,讓公眾對這些年來,香港於不同範疇包括表達自由、經濟權利、性別平等、少數族裔、兒童權利、殘疾人士權利等各方面的人權狀況轉變有更深入認識。
Now in their 20th year, the Human Rights Press Awards were the first press awards held in Hong Kong. Founded by the Foreign Correspondents’ Club Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Journalists Association and Amnesty International Hong Kong, the awards were first held in 1996. Over the past two decades, the Human Rights Press Awards have witnessed changes in different dimensions of human rights across Asia. What then has changed in Hong Kong? This book compiles a select number of award-winning works into different categories in accordance with their related articles in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with the purpose of giving readers a deeper understanding of the human rights situation in Hong Kong.