Swipekings Brand Guidelines

Page 18


Primary Colors

HEX Hexadecimal color code is a way of specifying color using hexadecimal values. The code itself is a hex triplet, which represents three separate values that specify the levels of the component colors. The code starts with a pound sign (#) and is followed by six hex values or three hex value pairs RGB (Red-Green-Blue) refers to a system for representing the colors to be used on a computer display. Red, green, and blue can be combined in various proportions to obtain any color in the visible spectrum.



00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 100

CMYK (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black) is a color model in which all colors are described as a mixture of these four process colors. It is the standard color model used in offset printing for full-color documents.

Brand Guidelines


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