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Jetblue - #FlightEtiquette

Jetblue - #FlightEtiquette

Whether it’s kicking the seat in front or listening to music in headphones that’s audible from several rows back, poorly behaved passengers are an all-too-common occurrence in the air.


JetBlue is looking to change that by teaching travellers better manners though a series of humorous video clips centered on the Twitter hashtag #FlightEtiquette .

Snoring, slouching sleepers and the challenges of climbing over fellow passengers for a trip to the restroom are the first issues targeted in by JetBlue in a planned series of over-thetop videos posted on Facebook and Twitter to encourage passengers to think about their behavior and be more considerate of eachother.

The first video in the series - titled “How Not to Take a Nap” depicts a traveller that would rather use your shoulder, lap, or the entire row of seats as a pillow than stay in their own seat. The second video - “How Not to Make an Exit” shows a window seat flyer who insists on consuming every available beverage and then disrupting surrounding passengers in a less-than-subtle way to make a quick bathroom escape.

As JetBlue explains, “Flight Etiquette is not only entertaining and humorous, it also says to our customers that we get you. We understand that on a plane, you’re sometimes forced to rub elbows—literally—with people you don’t know, and a little etiquette goes a long way. We’ve all been there.”

More clips in the Flight Etiquette series are planned throughout 2015.

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