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Virgin Atlantic - The Idea

Virgin Atlantic - The Idea

Ad agency Adam & Eve/DDB’s first TV ad for Virgin Atlantic since winning the airline’s creative account in August challenges customers to pursue their goals and “let it fly”. The spot – which is called ‘The Idea’ – first aired in the UK in early January and will run in 30, 60 and 80-second edits.


The fast-paced ad opens on a man coming up with a business idea and then shows him travelling with Virgin Atlantic on a trip to pitch his brainwave.

Throughout the spot, a voiceover talks about how ““Life doesn’t come to you, so go to it and let it fly.” The ad is backed by an instrumental version of Depeche Mode’s Personal Jesus.

Replacing the airline’s ‘Flying In The Face of Ordinary’ advertising campaign, this advert is much more of a direct sell, driving the product, rather than the ethos of the airline. Showcased in just a fraction of the commercial, is the Upper Class Wing, with chauffeur check-in, Heathrow Clubhouse, 787 Upper Class bar and the new Upper Class Suite.

Hamish Rickman, the head of brand engagement at Virgin Atlantic, said:

Virgin Atlantic naturally attracts customers who are passionate about seeking new experiences and this campaign throws down the gauntlet to them to turn their ideas and dreams into reality. We’ll always be a challenger brand but for this campaign, instead of challenging the competition, we are challenging ourselves and the customer to ‘let it fly’.

In addition to the TV ad, the “let it fly” campaign also includes print, digital, outdoor and social media executions.

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