April 2015 Flamingo

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Flamingo is published by Media Nova Namibia www.media-namibia.com ISSN: 2026-7924 Publisher Mynard Slabbert Contributors • Anne Schauffer • Helge Denker • Neil Strydom • The Roving Ambassador • Jermanneke Havemann • Quintin Kotze • Don Shimoda • Wicus Leeuwner • Johann van Heerden • James Siddall • tuvie.com • Helene Wiggett • Anna Mart Kruger www.hawkphotography.org Advertising Sales Media Nova Namibia Ferreira’s Garden Centre Shop #2 Maxwell Street Southern Industrial Area Windhoek, NAMIBIA MARNOX MEDIA 122 Barkston Drive, Blairgowrie, 2194 South Africa Tel: (+2711)789-6614 Fax:(+2711)789-8320 Cell: +2782 4581629 E-mail: mark@marnox.co.za Web: www.marnox.co.za Namibia and Africa Mynard Slabbert +264 (0)85 227 2380 mynard@media-namibia.com Chris Coetzee +264 (0)81 668 0697 chris@media-namibia.com Godfrey Lancellas +27 (0)83 501 5999 godfrey@madhattermedia.co.za Art & layout design Ministry of Magic +264 (0)85 149 9608 henri@ministryofmagicnam.com Printers: Solitaire Press, Brahman Street Northern Industria Windhoek, NAMIBIA


IN THIS MONTH’S FLAMINGO 6 Visitors’ Filo-facts Usefull and interesting information on Namibia 7 Air Namibia Information


Travel information, Frequent Flyer Information, Cargo Service, Destination Map and Fleet Information 16 Events Calendar Your reasons to travel Namibia and the rest of the world 22 Riana - Singing Superstar Flamingo chats to Riana Nel - our Namibian gem 30 The Clarendon The Roving Ambassador visits The Carendon in Bantry Bay 42 Namibia - Land of Contrasts I Dream Africa takes us on a trip from Meob Bay to Walvis Bay 54 Fairy Circles


After many years of study and research, the mystery still lives on 60 Radio Today Quintin walks us through the days of old right into the radio scene in Namibia today 66 Architecturally Speaking A novel solution that has been sitting under our noses for a long time 72 Good Wine Neil Strydom walks us through the vineyards at Hillcrest wine estate 78 High Humor Time for a smile while you are high above the clouds 82 Namibian Splendour We can take some lessons from Wicus and Johann


90 Motoring

TEAM NAMIBIA Media Nova Namibia cc is a proud partner of Team Namibia Disclaimer All material is strictly copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without prior written permission from the publisher. Opinions expressed in Flamingo are not necessarily those of Air Namibia.

From practical to exotic and a few stops inbetween, this months section gives everybody something to get excited about 102 Sci Tech Gadgets, gizmos, concepts and utter innovation 108 Entertainment Try your hand at Sudoku - easy, medium and hard 112 Air Namibia’s Flight Schedule Plan your next trip on your favourite airline



hough his time with us was limited, the two-time African Footballer of the Year attended a media conference and engaged with staff at the brewery. The highlight of his trip was when Namibians from across the country, who had won the opportunity to meet Drogba in person, had a penalty shootout with him in front of a stadium packed with adoring fans. True to form, and much like the Drogba we see on TV screens, his visit was fast-paced and captivating.

Windhoek Lager and Didier Drogba’s journey together came full circle in November, when the football legend touched down in Namibia to meet some of his fans.

In person, Didier Drogba showed once again why the classy striker is the perfect brand ambassador for Namibia’s WorldClass beer. Like Windhoek Lager, Drogba comes from humble beginnings, but with hard work and staying true to his calling, his journey has taken him to great heights on the world stage. Windhoek Lager’s commitment to its brewing traditions has lead to multiple awards, and the beer that put Namibia on the map, is now sought after in 19 countries, taking Namibia to the world. When discussing his life off the field, the striker spoke about the work the Drogba foundation does in helping to improve education and healthcare for young Africans. For both Windhoek Lager and Didier Drogba, no matter how far we go, we’ll always remember where we started. From one international award winner to another, here’s to being proudly African and truly World-Class.

Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly. 4|




A Manufacturing Basket that Overflows with Opportunities‌

Namibia is endowed with rich natural resources and offers lucrative investment opportunities across a broad spectrum of economic sectors such as Agriculture, Energy, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Mining, Services and Tourism. With fast turnaround times and a professional service at all times, the Namibia Investment Centre (NIC) is proud to welcome you to the land of the brave. Contact us today for a tailored FDI solution. Namibia, a gem worth investing in‌ Executive Director | Telephone: +264 61 283 7335/2837254 Facsimile: +264 61 220278 | www.mti.gov.na


VISITORS’ FILO-FACTS General Surface area: 824,268 km² Capital: Windhoek Independence: 21 March 1990 Current president: Hifikepunye Pohamba Multiparty Parliament Democratic Constitution Division of power between executive, legislature and judiciary Secular state – freedom of religion (90% Christian) Freedom of the press/media Environment Nature reserves, 15% of surface area Highest mountain: Brandberg Other prominent mountains: Spitzkoppe, Moltkeblick, Gamsberg Perennial rivers: Orange, Kunene, Okavango, Zambezi and Kwando/Linyanti/ Chobe Ephemeral rivers: Numerous, including Fish, Kuiseb, Swakop and Ugab Flora 14 Vegetation zones 120 species of trees 200 endemic plant species 100 plus species of lichen Living fossil plant: Welwitschia mirabilis

Main Airports: Hosea Kutako International Airport, Eros Airport, 46 airstrips Rail network: 2,382 km narrow gauge 6.2 telephone lines per 100 inhabitants Direct-dialing facilities to 221 countries Mobile communication system: GSM Agreements with 117 countries/255 networks Postal Service affiliated to Universal Postal Union

contact Ministry of Information and Communication Technology – Tel +264 (0)61 282-9111

Social infrastructure One medical doctor per 3,650 people Two privately run hospitals in Windhoek with intensive-care units Medical practitioners (world standard) 24-hour medical emergency services

Climate in °C Feb 16-30°C Apr 13-29°C Jun 7-22°C Aug 9-24°C Oct 12-30°C Dec 16-30°C

Population 2.1 million Density: 2.2 per km² 240,000 in habitants in Windhoek (15% of total) Official language: English 13 regions, 13 ethnic cultures 16 languages and dialects Adult literacy rate: 85% Population growth rate: 2.6% Schools: 1,450

Economy Main sectors: Mining, Fishing, Tourism and Agriculture Biggest employer: Agriculture (46%) Fastest-growing sector: Tourism Mining: Diamonds, uranium, copper, lead, zinc, magnesium, cadmium, arsenic, pyrites, silver and gold, lithium minerals, dimension stones granite, marble, blue sodalite) and many semi-precious stones

Fauna Big game: Elephant, lion, rhino, buffalo, cheetah, leopard, giraffe, 20 antelope species 240 mammal species 250 reptile species 50 frog species 676 bird species Endemic birds include: Herero Chat, Ruckrunner, Damara Tern, Monteiro’s Hornbill

Physical infrastructure 5,450 km tarred roads, 37,000 km gravel roads Harbours: Walvis Bay, Lüderitz

Foreign representation More than 50 countries have Namibian consular or embassy representation in Windhoek. For information,


Tax and customs All goods and services are priced to include value-added tax of 15%. Visitors may reclaim VAT. Enquiries: Ministry of Finance – Tel +264 (0)61 23-0773 in Windhoek 60-86°F 65-84°F 45-72°F 48-75°F 54-86°F 61-86°F

Money matters The Namibian dollar (N$) is fixed to and equals the SA rand. The South African rand is also legal tender. Traveler’s cheques, foreign currency, international Visa, Master Card, American Express and Diners Club credit cards are accepted Drinking water Most tap water is purified and safe to drink. Visitors should exercise caution in rural areas Transport Public transport is NOT available to all destinations in Namibia. There are bus services from Windhoek to Cape Town/ Johannesburg/Vic Falls/Swakopmund. Namibia’s main railway line runs from the South African border, connecting Windhoek to Swakopmund in the west and Tsumeb in the north. There is an extensive network of international and regional flights from Windhoek. Domestic charters to all destinations. www.namibiatourism.com.na

We are very proud to be your prefered airline. Rene Gsponer Chief Operating Officer & Acting MD

Dear Guest,

Sehr geehrter Gast,

Caros Convidado

It is our honour at Air Namibia to congratulate our new President His Excellency Dr. Hage Geingob, and to wish him every success and good health.

Uns allen von Air Namibia ist es eine Ehre unserem neuen Staatspräsidenten, Seiner Exzellenz Dr. Hage Geingob, herzlich zu gratulieren. Wir wünschen ihm jeden Erfolg und beste Gesundheit.

É com enorme privilégio que a Air Namibia felicita o nosso novo Presidente Sua Excelência Dr. Hage Geingob e deseja-lhe as maiores felicidades e boa saúde.

I would also like to take this opportunity to wish all our customers a very Happy Easter. I hope the holiday allows you some time to spend with family and friends. We are very proud to be your preferred airline, and are continously working on ways to improve and ensure that your experience with Air Namibia exceeds your expectations. Our aim for 2015 is to consolidate our successes to date, and to expand our route options. 1. 2. 3.

Best in class service, winner of “The Feather Awards” (Best regional airline in Johannesburg and Cape Town) Offer our guests more route options and better connections for both the domestic and international markets. Leading airline for Best On Time Performance.

I look forward to Air Namibia’s success reflecting that of its great leaders and citizens, and hope all our guests on board have the opportunity to enjoy the peace and beauty of this wonderful country.

Auch möchte ich gerne die Gelegenheit ergreifen und allen unseren Kunden ein frohes Osterfest wünschen. Ich hoffe, dass Sie die Feiertage gemeinsam mit Ihrer Familie und Freunden genießen können. Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, Ihre bevorzugte Fluggesellschaft zu sein. Wir suchen ständig nach Wegen uns weiter zu verbessern und Ihre Erwartungen in Air Namibia übertreffen zu können. Unsere Zielsetzung für 2015 ist es die bisher erreichten Erfolge zu festigen und unser Streckenangebot auszubauen: 1.



Klassenbester im Service, Preisträger des „Feather Award“ (Beste regionale Fluggesellschaft in Johannesburg und Kapstadt). Erweiterung des Streckenangebotes und Optimierung der Anschlüsse sowohl für regionale als auch internationale Verbindungen. Führende Fluggesellschaft für pünktliche Ankunftszeiten.

Ich freue mich wenn Air Namibias Erfolg ein Abbild des Erfolges der großartigen Politiker und Bürger des Landes ist und hoffe, dass alle unsere Gäste an Bord Gelegenheit finden, in den Frieden und die Schönheit des wunderbaren Landes Namibia einzutauchen.

Gostaria de também aproveitar esta oportunidade para desejar a todos os nossos clientes uma Feliz Páscoa. Espero que este feriado vos permita passar algum tempo junto das vossas famílias e amigos. Estamos muito orgulhosos de ser a vossa companhia aérea de preferência. Temos trabalhado continuamente em formas de melhorar e garantir que a vossa experiência com a Air Namíbia exceda as vossas expectativas. O nosso objectivo para 2015 é consolidar os nossos sucessos até à data e expandir as nossas opções de rotas: 1. 2.


Melhor serviço da classe, vencedor do “ The Feather Awards “ (Melhor companhia aérea regional em Johannesburg e Cape Town) Oferecer aos nossos clientes mais opções de rotas e melhores conexões, tanto no mercado doméstico como no internacional. Companhia aérea líder pela pontualidade - Best On Time Performance.

Estou ansioso que o sucesso da Air Namibia reflicta aquele dos seus grandes líderes e cidadãos, e espero que todos os nossos convidados a bordo tenham a oportunidade de desfrutar da paz e beleza deste país maravilhoso.







Thank you for choosing Air Namibia. We will do everything to ensure you have a pleasant flight. If you need assistance, please ask any of our cabin attendants.

Obrigado por ter escolhido voar com a Air Namibia. Nós prometemos fazer tudo o que podermos para garantir que você tenha um vôo agradável. Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou precisar de ajuda, não hesite em pedir a qualquer um dos nossos assistentes de cabine por favor.

Danke, dass Sie sich dafür entschieden haben mit Air Namibia zu fliegen. Wir werden alles tun um Ihnen den Flug so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten. Wenn Sie Fragen haben oder Hilfe benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an einen unserer Flugbegleiter oder Flugbegleiterinnen.

Our highly trained cabin attendants are at your service on all our flights, for your safety and comfort.

Todos os nossos voos são servidos por assistentes de cabine altamente profissionais. Eles estão à sua disposição em todos os momentos para fazer o seu voo mais confortável.

Unser versiertes Flugpersonal steht Ihnen während des Fluges jederzeit zur Verfügung. Für Ihre Sicherheit und Bequemlichkeit sind Sie bei unserer Crew in besten Händen.

We carry first-aid kits on all our flights, should a passenger need assistance for minor conditions.

Existe um kit de primeiros socorros a bordo de nossos voos, e se os passageiros precisarem de gotas para os olhos ou medicamentos para dores de cabeça, náuseas, azia ou qualquer outra condição relativamente menor. Faça mais perguntas sobre os nossos serviços especiais ao fazer reserva

Eine medizinische Erstversorgung ist auf allen unseren Flügen sicher gestellt. Eine Erste-Hilfe-Ausrüstung befindet sich immer an Bord.

As a safety precaution, it is important to read the safety card stored in the seat pocket in front of you

Por favor, leia o folheto de segurança no bolso do assento à sua frente e observe a sua saída de emergência mais próxima. Nos voos superiores a três horas (voos de longo curso), recomendamos que você revise o conteúdo do panfleto de segurança novamente.

Zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit bitten wir Sie, sich die in der Zeitschriftentasche vor Ihnen befindliche Sicherheits-Instruktionen aufmerksam durchzulesen.

Life vests are stored under your seat. Only use them as demonstrate, and only when instructed by the cabin attendants.

Por favor, tome nota que o colete salva-vidas está localizado embaixo do seu assento. O assistente de cabine vai demonstrar quando e como usar o colete salva-vidas em caso de emergência

Ihre Schwimmweste befindet sich unter Ihrem Sitz. Bitte benutzen Sie diese nur auf Anweisung der Flugbegleiter/-innen.

Smoking is prohibited on all Air Namibia flights.

De acordo com a lei da aviação é proibido fumar em todos os voos da Air Namibia, isso inclui fumar quaisquer dispositivos artificiais ou cigarro, como e/ou cigarros eletrônicos. Só é permitido fumar em áreas designadas no edifício do terminal dos aeroportos.

Auf allen Air Namibia Flügen gilt ein absolutes Rauchverbot.

Seats must be in the upright position during take-off and landing. For your own safety, you are required to fasten your seat belt whenever the seat belt sign is illuminated and we recommend that you keep your belt fastened throughout the flight.

Para a descolagem e aterragem, todos os assentos devem estar na posição vertical. Por favor, tome nota que os assentos nas linhas de saída de emergência não reclinam. Por favor, apertem o cinto de segurança sempre que o sinal do cinto de segurança se acende. Para sua segurança, recomendamos que você o mantenha apertado durante todo o vôo.

Während Start und Landung müssen sich die Sitzlehnen in aufrechter Position befinden. Bitte schnallen Sie sich an, sobald das Anschnallzeichen aufleuchtet. Zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit empfehlen wir während des gesamten Fluges angeschnallt zu bleiben.

We offer complimentary meals and beverages on all our flights. Special-diet or vegetarian meals are available upon request when making reservations.

Uma refeição quente ou um lanche é servido em todos os nossos vôos. Alimentação-Special ou refeições vegetarianas estão disponíveis mediante solicitação no momento da reserva. Nós oferecemos uma grande variedade de bebidas.

Auf unseren Flügen werden Mahlzeiten und Getränke serviert. Diätische oder vegetarische Mahlzeiten können bei der Flugbuchung angefragt werden

We carry an extensive range of duty free products at competitive prices on selected flights. Please refer to our catalogue for details.

Nós carregamos uma grande variedade de produtos com isenção de direitos a preços competitivos. Por favor, consulte o catálogo no bolso em frente do seu assento.

An Bord ist ein umfangreiches Sortiment an Duty-Free-Produkten zu attraktiven Preisen erhältlich. Informationen hierzu entnehmen Sie bitte unserem Duty-FreeKatalog.

Audio and visual entertainment programmes are available on flights operated using our A330 and A319 aircraft.

Programas de entretenimento de áudio e vídeo estão disponíveis nos nossos voos de longo curso e de médio curso

Audio- und Videoprogramme sind an Bord unserer Airbus A330 und A319 Maschinen verfügbar.

Our A319 and ERJ 135 aircraft have individual air vents which can be adjusted to provide a refreshing stream of air.

Alguns dos nossos aviões têm saídas de ar individuais, que podem ser ajustados para fornecer um fluxo de ar.

Unsere Fluggeräte des Typs Airbus A319 und Embraer ERJ135 verfügen über individuelle Frischluftdüsen.

Health regulations in some countries require that the aircraft cabin must be sprayed. The spray is harmless, but if you think it might affect you, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief.

Regulamentos de saúde em determinados aeroportos exigem que a cabine da aeronave deve ser pulverizada. O spray é inofensivo, mas se você acha que pode afetá-lo, por favor, cobrir o nariz e a boca com um lenço.

Um den Gesundheitsvorschriften einiger Länder zu entsprechen, muss die Flugzeugkabine mit einem für den Menschen unbedenklichen Spray behandelt werden. Wir empfehlen dennoch, die Atemwege durch Vorhalten eines Taschentuchs zu schützen.

Should you travel with a baby we recommend you request a bassinet especially on the longhaul flights.

Se você viajar com um bebê, recomendamos que você reserve o seu voo mais cedo e não se esqueça de pedir um berço especialmente nos voos de longo curso

Sollten Sie mit einem Baby reisen, empfehlen wir Ihnen besonders auf Langstreckenflügen ein Babybett zu beantragen.

Please do not place any luggage under seats at the emergency exit seat.

Por favor note que no assento da saída de emergência é proibido colocar bagagem de mão debaixo dos assentos. Excesso de bagagem de mão será colocada no porão Para garantir uma gestão eficiente e minimizar os danos, certifique-se que os artigos não pesam mais de 32 kg. Certifique-se de etiquetar sua bagagem e garantir que devidamente bloqueado.

“Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Verstauen von Handgepäck unter Ihrem Sitz an den Notausgängen nicht gestattet ist.“

Exercício durante a espera para o banheiro. Esta é uma boa oportunidade para se esticar e se mover enquanto em pé na fila. Beba muita água durante todo o vôo Use roupas folgadas, confortáveis para que você se possa descolar facilmente Use sapatos confortáveis, macios para que você possa deslizar ou descalçar facilmente Leve apenas um pequeno saco como bagagem de mão, assim você não precisa de sobre-carregar seus pés e restringir o seu espaço para as pernas

Versuchen Sie, sich während des Fluges möglichst oft zu strecken und zu bewegen. So wird Ihr Kreislauf angeregt.

Carry-on luggage should be stored in the overhead stowage.

We suggest that passengers do stretching exercises, and move during the flight to improve blood circulation.

Handgepäck ist in den Gepäckfächern über Ihrem Sitz zu verstauen.


Our Frequent Flyer Programme Air Namibia’s Frequent Flyer Programme is called “Reward$”. Becoming a member enables you to earn valuable miles from all your travels with Air Namibia. These miles can be used to buy tickets, pay for upgrades to business class and pay for excess baggage. Miles are transferable between members and can also be used to purchase tickets for persons other than the member. Joining is absolutely free, PLUS you get up to 500 complimentary miles upon successful subscription. For more specifics on the programme, please refer to the appropriate topic below.


Electronic Bonus

You can register online by visiting our website: www.airnamibia.com.na, or at any Air Namibia ticket office. You will receive a membership pack, including your permanent card, 2-3 weeks after your first flight after registration.

An Electronic Bonus of 300 miles will be allocated to the member on first activity if the member has registered online and selected his communication preference to be e-mail.

Miles Expiry

Miles are valid for five (5) years after the year in which they were earned. Miles due to expire will always be reflected on your Mileage Summary.

Activation Rules

A membership account will automatically be activated after the first flight and successful completion of registration.

Missing Miles

Enrolment Bonus

If your Miles are not credited for any reason, they can be promptly credited provided the relevant documentation is submitted. It is essential to keep all the relevant documentation including original boarding passes and copies of airline tickets. Members can also claim missing miles online by entering the e-ticket number without the airline code “186”, or contact our Call Center for assistance.

Enrolment Bonus is 500 miles. Enrolment bonuses are allocated to the member’s account on the first activity after registration.

Spending Miles

Corporate Clients

For more information visit:

Air Namibia has also introduced the

www.airnamibia.com.na. If you do not

Corporate Client component to the

have enough miles for a free ticket, you


can purchase miles in batches of 1000

For more information on the Corporate






miles at N$220 – this is only applicable



if you have 50% or more of the value of

employees. Members can accumulate

the Award ticket available. Award tickets

miles in both corporate as well as personal

are valid for 12 months from the date of

accounts, depending on directives from

issue and are processed and issued after

their corporate head.

payment of Airport taxes is received.

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Client enrollment, please contact our Call Centre at Tel: +264 61 2996111/6333/6444 or Call.Center@airnamibia.aero

Very Important Note:

Members need to fly once after registration in order to activate their accounts and before miles can be used to redeem tickets, request upgrades or to transfer miles from his/her account to another member’s account.

Our Fleet Average Fleet Age: 6 years

Airbus A330-200 Business Class

Economy Class

Number of Aircraft




Height (m)


Cruising Speed

860 km/h

Maximum Passengers


Wing Span (m)


Maximum Fuel Capacity

138 000l

Maximum Take-off Weight

233 000 kg

Airbus A319 -100 Business Class

Economy Class

Number of Aircraft




Height (m)


Cruising Speed

820 km/h

Maximum Passengers


Wing Span (m)


Maximum Fuel Capacity

23 860l

Maximum Take-off Weight

70 000 kg

Number of Aircraft




Height (m)


Cruising Speed

820 km/h

Maximum Passengers


Wing Span (m)


Maximum Fuel Capacity

4 198l

Maximum Take-off Weight

19 000 kg

Embraer ERJ135 All Economy Class

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to Frankfurt and beyond Luanda

We get you there

Lusaka Katima Ondangwa Rundu Mulilo Victoria Falls Harare Maun


Walvis Bay Luderitz Oranjemund


Cape Town

International Regional Domestic

Call Centre: +264 61 299 6111 or contact your local Travel Agent 12 |

Book Online: www.airnamibia.com.na

Baggage Guidelines

At Air Namibia we are committed to ensuring that our passengers are re-united with their luggage at end of their journey. Given the complexity of the environment in which we operate, passengers’ luggage often gets out of our control and care, (for brief moments when they are subjected to control and handling by various agencies.) It is for this reason we request passengers to check their luggage on point of arrival (immediately after collecting their bag) to ensure that bag was not tampered with; and to report any suspected losses immediately. We request passengers not to check-in valuable items, especially those that are susceptible to theft, such as cash, jewellery, electronic devices like mobile phones, watches, sunglasses, to mention a few. In line with International Industry Conventions on passenger baggage liability, Air Namibia cannot be held liable if these valuable items are pilfered from checked-in baggage. We encourage our passengers to lock or wrap their bags where possible.

Our rules pertaining to baggage include the following We offer our passengers a generous free hand baggage allowance, with maximum weight of 10kg each, and maximum size 55 x 38 x 20 cm; plus an overcoat, an umbrella, a walking stick, a ladies hand bag, a reasonable amount of reading material, and a laptop. We also allow a fully collapsible wheelchair and/or a pair of crutches as hand baggage.

Excess baggage fees on extra pieces of baggage carried, per bag up to 10 bags per passenger are Domestic routes Routes within Southern Africa Frankfurt route

US$ 100.00 per extra bag US$ 110.00 per extra bag US$ 200.00 per extra bag

Free allowance for checked in baggage

Airbus A330-200 Airbus A319-100 Embraer ERJ 135 operated flights operated flights Business: 2 pieces each weighing not more than 32 kg’s

Business: 2 pieces each weighing not more than 32 kg’s

Economy:1 piece weighing not more than 23 kg’s

Economy: 2 pieces each weighing not more than 23 kg’s

Applicable excess baggage fees on excess weight over the free baggage allowance per bag. Domestic routes Routes within Southern Africa

1 piece not exceeding 23 kg’s

Frankfurt route

US$ 100.00 per bag US$ 110.00 per bag US$ 200.00 per bag

• No item of checked in baggage may exceed 32 kilograms.

• For further information on sports, highly fragile items, and security guidelines, we recommend that you visit our website on www.airnamibia.com.na

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Kodiak.de 2014

Pioneers of PASSION

Welcome to Sney Rivier Lodge, your exclusive destination in the heart of the Namibian wilderness. Breath-taking sceneries and exquisite luxury invite you to indulge in pure passion. As pioneers of intelligent rifle technology and experts in worldwide hunting, Blaser makes sure that your safari becomes a success in every possible respect.


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NAKARA SWAKOPMUND The Arcade, Tel/Fax: +264 64 405907 NAKARA BOUTIQUE Shop G4 Mutual Tower Independence Avenue Windhoek Tel/Fax +264 61 224 209 NAKARA SHOP WINDHOEK Independence Ave 131, Gustav Voigts centre Tel: +264 61 231518 NAKARA FACTORY WINDHOEK 3 Solingen Str. Northern Industrial Tel/Fax +264 61 215003

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Afrojazz Mondays

Warehouse Theatre,

Boiler Room, Warehouse Theatre,

Windhoek, Namibia

Windhoek, Namibia

11 April 2015

Every Monday

Steffen List is a namibian artist known as TONETiC who writes, records and performs for film, studio and stage. Influenced by the intricacies of his country’s endless landscapes, powerful primal energies and its diverse people, TONETiC writes songs with a sensitive edge tracing emotional complexities and the ever-questioning trials of life. TONETiC’s debut album ‘Tones of Red’ was released in February 2013. Generally classified as Indie-Rock, TONETiC’s music fuses rock, pop, classic and African influences into an emotional carousel of soft whites, cold blues and raging reds. For more information: www.warehousetheatre.com.na

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On Monday nights, Jazz is alive and well living in the city centre. The weekly Happy Hour at the Boiler Room includes great savings on selected drinks from 16h00 until 20h00 and is followed by the live local Boiler Room Jazz Band. Entrance: Free www.warehousetheatre.com.na www.facebook.com/warehousetheatrewindhoek

EVENTS CALENDAR aKing Live in Concert Warehouse Theatre, Old Breweries, Windhoek, Namibia 10 April 2015 aKING will be performing live at the Warehouse Theatre In April. aKING is a melodic Pop-Rock band. The band was formed when Hunter Kennedy and Jaco Venter from Fokofpolisiekar, teamed up with friends Laudo Liebenberg and Hennie van Halen, joining their combined creative forces in making music that expresses their shared experiences and influences. aKING`s debut album “Dutch Courage” was released on 1 February 2008. The album was recorded at BSharp Studios in Boksburg and contains 11 original English rock tracks. Delivering three no. 1 hit singles, “Dutch Courage” has been hailed as one of the best rock releases in SA in 2008. The first single, “The Dance”, was play-listed on 5fm and reached the no. 1 chart position on the 5fm Hi 5 at 5 Chart, as well as the no. 1 position on the following campus radio stations: Tuks fm, UJ fm, RMR, MFM, and Kovsie fm. A video of “The Dance” rotated on MK, SABC 2, MTV Base and MNET. The video reached and maintained the no. 1 position on MK Top 10 for seven weeks in a row. The second single, “Safe as Houses”, was submitted to radio stations nationwide in June 2008. The track was playlisted on 5fm, Highveld Stereo, Jacaranda fm and OFM. “Safe as Houses” followed on the chart-topping footsteps of “The Dance” by also reaching the no. 2 position on the 5fm Hi 5 at 5 chart; as well as the no. 1 position on 5 campus radio stations. A video of “Safe as Houses” was on rotation on MK and selected DSTV channels. The video reached no. 1 on MK Top 10 Chart on Sat, 12 July. Dutch Courage reached the no. 3 position of Best Albums of 2008 in FHM March 2009 issue. (1st and 2n positions went to Metallica and AC/DC.) aKING released their second full length album “Against all Odds” in May 2009. Following the runaway success of their first full length album “Dutch Courage”, “Against all Odds” is their next delivery of chart-topping power tunes. The first single, title track “Against all Odds” is currently playlisted on 5fm, Highveld Stereo, KFM, OFM, East Coast Radio, JacarandaFM, Red Cap Radio and campus radio stations nationwide. “Against All Odds is a rare and beautiful thing that shifts our collective pop rock reality into a space that aKING now dominates uncontested.” Jason Curtis, New Media Publishing. The third full-length album, “The Red Blooded Years”, was released in March 2011. “The Red Blooded Years reflects a band intently focused on releasing their best album yet, and shows their growth with a mastery of their medium that makes listening a pleasure.” Douglas Rodger, MIO, the mixture of inspiration, influences and musical sensibilities vary from new wave electronic to soulful country rock, to down-to-earth rock ‘n roll. The Red Blooded Years stands out as a young rock band’s coming of age. This album is still unmistakably aKING, but the sonic influences of their new member, Andrew Davenport, are impossible to ignore. Fans can expect the raw Rock ‘n Roll edge heard on “Dutch Courage” combined with the three-part vocal treatment that created the sound of “The Red Blooded Years”. The band says that they are “eager to get back to their energetic rock roots but at the same time experiment with different production techniques.” For more information and tikctes: www.staytoday.com.na/events

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EVENTS CALENDAR Desert Knights Tour 2015 Ai-Ais Richtersveld Transfrontier Park, Namibia 30 April to 06 May 2015 The /Ai/Ais-Richtersveld Transfrontier Park is a unique environment for adventure sports activities, having beautiful mountainous scenery, a remote wilderness character and the presence of a major river within a desert environment. The perfect home for the Desert Knights MTB Tour – which combines 5 days of cycling, some of it at night under the full moon, and 1 day of canoeing on the Orange River. Deserts are spectacular during the day, yet under the light of a full moon this becomes an unforgettable experience. By cycling during the evening and at night, the challenge of cycling in the heat of the desert is substantially reduced. The aim of the tour is to contribute towards unlocking the tourism potential of the /Ai/Ais-Richtersveld Transfrontier Park through the staging of a world class annual multi-stage MTB event. Proceeds of the tour will support joint conservation activities of this unique Transfrontier Park. The cost is N$11,000 per person all inclusive of tented camp, meals, drinks, activities and shuttles as outlined in programme overview. Non-cyclist participants are welcome, and will be accommodated at same tour fee. Participants are to bring their own cycling equipment. For more informatiom: www.desertknights-mtb.com

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EVENTS CALENDAR Taste of Cape Town Greenpoint Cricket Club, Cape Town, South Africa 10 - 12 April 2015 COME AND TASTE WHAT’S NEW ON THE FOOD SCENE. Decadent treats, unique handcrafted drinks, nostalgic flavours and interesting new food creations are what you can expect at this year’s Taste of Cape Town. The festival will have the same, much-loved format, but with some exciting new flavours. “Our 8th year promises to be more festive than ever, with loads of new features, a collection of delicious restaurants and of course the sun, sea and mountain that make Taste of Cape Town so iconic,” says Justine Drake, Festival Director. Held at the Green Point Cricket Club again, Cape Town’s popular food festival will run from 10-12 April 2015. Joining the pop-up restaurant line-up for a third year is 96 Winery Road with their chef Natasha Wray. Other old favourites include The Bakery at Jordan with George Jardine and Ernie Els Winery Restaurant with Amelia Hanekom. In addition to the pop-ups, a few top restaurants and their chefs will be there to show festival goers why they’re considered the cream of the crop in and around the Mother City. The restaurants taking part include a few Taste-veterans like Azure Restaurant at The Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa with Christo Pretorius, Camissa Brasserie with Jocelyn Myers-Adams & Jason Franco, Cosecha Restaurant at Noble Hill with Riana Robertson and Longridge Restaurant with Bruce Von Pressentin. Making their debut at the festival this year are Beluga with sushi master Alan Huang, Don Armando with Daniel Toledo of Il leone fame, Hemelhuijs with its innovative owner & chef Jacques Erasmus and Kitima at The Kronendal with Lai Kuan Geo. Taste of Cape Town 2015 will operate on an official festival currency known as crowns. Festival goers use these crowns to purchase their pick of sample dishes and drinks from exhibitors and bars. Each Taste of Cape Town crown is worth R5 and prices range from 4 to 8 crowns per dish. Taste of Cape Town is part of the largest food event in the world, celebrating the city’s status as an internationally recognised gourmet centre. Taste Festivals collectively draw over 325 000 visitors annually, is hosted in 18 international cities, linking cities as far flung as Amsterdam, Auckland, Dublin, Dubai, London, Melbourne, Milan and Sydney through a shared love for ground-breaking food, dining out and chefs that make it possible. For more information: www.tasteofcapetown.com

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EVENTS CALENDAR Neon Night Run Cape Town, South Africa 18 April 2015

Ever been to a race where to Glow is the only fashion? South Africa’s most Electric Night Event Series is BACK! What is a Neon Run? Many of you out there are asking just what is a Neon Run? They are probably just about the wildest events you can take part in, not to mention just about the most fun you can have in the dark! A Neon Run is a 5km run with Glow Stations / LED Worlds along the route where individuals Run / Cycle / Skate or Walk a 5Km route at night with glow. It ends at a fun-filled festival with loads of neon, music and entertainment featuring SA’s biggest artists. THE BASIC IDEA - Neon Run SA is set to become the highlight on South Africa’s sports and entertainment lifestyle calendar. An outrageously fun event aimed at bringing together thousands of people, at a great location, to complete a 5km course all in the name of Sport and Entertainment. Let’s Ready, Set, GLOW! For more information visit: www.neonrun.co.za

SA Cheese Festival Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa 25 - 27 April 2015

When the versatility of cheese and innovative ideas are paired, you are guaranteed an extraordinary experience that will keep your taste buds tingling! The increasingly popular SA Cheese Festival offers the widest variety of cheese, exciting new products, cooking demonstrations, live entertainment, famous personalities and hours of fun for the whole family. Spoil yourself with a ticket to this event and invite friends and family to join you for a day of ultimate enjoyment on Sandringham, the home of the SA Cheese Festival. Tickets are available at any Computicket outlet, Shoprite or Checkers store at R130 per day. Senior citizens pay R100 and children 13 years and younger enter absolutely free. No tickets will be sold at the gates. For more information visit: www.internetworld-messe.de

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EVENTS CALENDAR International Experience, the World of Fly Fishing Munich, Germany 18 - 19 April 2015

International Experience, the World of Fly Fishing is a 2 day event being held at the Event Forum Furstenfeld in Munich, Germany. The EWF is a special event specifically designed to promote fly fishing and provide useful information, demonstrations, product presentations, and an opportunity to exchange experience. The EWF enjoys the participation of well-known manufacturers and leading trade representatives from all over the world. The product presentations focus on variety and the presence of the individual brands. This event showcases products and services like Oil paintings, hand painted fly boxes, Clothes, Echo Rods, Splitcane Rods, Flies, BFC rods, reels, lines, accessories, Fly Tying Materials, Hackles and Feathers, Sunglasses, Elastic Tungsten and many more related products and services etc. in the Sporting Goods, Toys & Games industry. Surely not to be missed

For more information visit: www.erlebniswelt-fliegenfischen.de

International Veggie Expo Munich, Germany 02 - 03 May 2015

Veggie Expo is a 2 day event being held from 2nd May to the 3rd May 2015 at the MVG Museum in Munich, Germany. This event showcases products from the Food & Beverage industry. Whenever a person decides to live a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, our world improves a little. They’re all coming together now at the International VeggieExpo: vegetarian gourmets, animal protectors, environmentalists, sustainability enthusiasts… and you! Make the most of an inspiring day that will give you a wealth of new ideas. Meet like-minded people. Enjoy the unique ambience of this very special trade fair. Veggie Expo will exhibit healthy food and liquids, vegetarian gourmets, animal protectors, environmental friendly products and equipment, sustainability services, eco-friendly clothes, services that make the surroundings better to live etc.

For more information visit: www.veggieexpo.de

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SINGING SUPERSTAR Namibian born and raised, gorgeous songstress and songwriter Riana Nel will be one of the crowd’s favourite sounds at the Namibian Annual Music Awards (NAMA) this year. Flamingo chatted to her about her life, her work and her dreams

by: Anne Schauffer


iana is a Namibian, born, she says, in the middle of a heatwave, “not uncommon for Namibians,” she laughs. When she talks about growing up in Namibia, she has strong memories of a childhood spent barefoot, always walking everywhere whether to school or friends, running from tree to tree for the shade...and the scent of raindrops on the tar: “Nothing beats that smell, so when it rained, we just had to go outside.” Riana comes from a musical family, that’s for sure. As she says, “My dad can basically play any instrument, and he

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is totally self-taught. And, of course, my big sister, Nianell.” Riana’s first recollection of singing in public was at church when she was four years old: “It was probably my worst - and cutest - performance ever. And every afternoon while Egoli was on TV, I would play piano and sing my little heart out. School beauty pageants and functions always gave me the opportunity to sing.” But it was Mrs Bruwer, her geography teacher, who entered her into the competition which kick-started everything for her. “In 2000, I won Crescendo, and moved to Pretoria to

record my first album. From there it all just happened. While I was recording, I started singing backing vocals for a Christian artist, Louis Britz - I even studied music for six months just to make friends. It can be a lonely place when you’re in a new country and work weekends.”

Riana smiles when asked at what moment she knew her singing was something special: “I guess I still don’t really feel or know it. But I love doing it and love the way I get to give people words for their situations, when they themselves sometimes don’t know how to describe what they are feeling. That feels like a gift!” | 23

She says that although everyone thinks singing is more a hobby than a career – and tried to persuade her to ‘get something behind her name’ - she never wanted to do anything else: “Even though I was told that only one in a million makes it, I guess I’m one in a million, thanks to everyone who buys my music. I get to do this every day – I’m so thankful! Now I get to rub shoulders with some of the biggest Afrikaans singers in South Africa, and I’m proud to say most of them are from Namibia.” Growing up, Riana always admired Sheryl Crow, Sting and Coldplay: “I like writing, playing and singing, so all artists that do all of the above really inspire me! They have a story to tell!” And when she talks about what else inspires her, “There’s no secret about my love for Jesus Christ, so my songs are filled with hope and words to encourage myself and others - about love and commitment and faith. God has sent so many people on my path that seriously helped me grow and become more of whom I could be. All of them just loved me and never really pointed out my faults, because most artistic people know just how flawed we are. We need to be encouraged; give us wings! Just believe in us! “But if you ask who I think is my biggest mentor, I’d say my husband! His consistency leads me every day to believe that I can do anything.” She smiles, “Believe me, you want to marry

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a man who is secure in who he is!” Riana lives in Pretoria now, but still gets to holiday in Namibia! “For me, that keeps it special. Visiting family in Stampriet is awesome, and the red dunes of the Kalahari are breathtaking. Wherever I travel, I always compare it with Namibia. Guess who wins?” Riana describes her music as pop rock with a little country... “and I often make up songs on stage for people.” For her, the highlight of her career so far is getting the award for best seller in 2014. “God is good. Knowing that you sold more albums than anybody else really is a great feeling. It says it all.” But she is just at the beginning of her road. She still has dreams to fulfil; “I want to be a mom, holiday in the States, make my own clothes, have an art exhibition and direct a movie. Why not?” Why not indeed Riana? See Riana and her sister, Nianel, perform live at The Namibian Annual Music Awards on Saturday, May 2, in Swakopmund.


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by: The Roving Ambassador

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SPECIAL FLAMINGO READERS’ OFFER Stay two nights and get one free. Contact: Andrew Shapland TEL: +27 21 426 0991 SKYPE ID: tcorp_andrew EMAIL: andrew@therovingambassador.com WEB: www.therovingambassador.com


estled peacefully along the peninsula of one the world’s most spectacular settings, The Clarendon Bantry Bay is a 5 Star fusion of pure sophistication and beachside charm. An unimpeachable enclave of tranquility, privacy and beauty. Find your place amidst the turquoise bays and sparkling shores and enjoy the promise of utter contentment. The Rooms are sensuously styled and elegantly contemporary; each of The Clarendon’s rooms embraces it’s own design, tastefully appointed with sumptuous touches of modernity. Rich dark wood, natural colours and flooded with light, The Clarendon offers privileged comfort enveloped with lush greenery. Adorned for its handsome space, The Clarendon Penthouse exemplifies the essence of luxury. This expansive suite is light and airy, with its own lounge, dining area and cascading windows leading onto a 220 sq. metre terrace, perfect for starlight gazing or humouring the afternoon sun. Appropriated with flushes of marble, under floor heating and every contemporary amenity, the Penthouse Suite also offers sublime views of the Atlantic waters greeting the shoreline.

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Rhino Facts: In the late 1970s aggressive poaching took the Namibian Black Rhino to the brink of extinction. Thousands of rhino were slaughtered to satisfy the demand for fashion accessories and oriental medicines. By the early 1980s the population had plummeted from 65,000 to just 60. The ‘Rhino for Erongo’ project was established to reintroduce and conserve rhino in the Erongo region, reintroducing Black Rhino into the area after the last of its kind was caught in 1974. For every bottle of OASIS sold a contribution is made to the ‘Rhino for Erongo’ project, helping to conserve and protect these beautiful creatures.

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NAMIBIA LAND OF CONTRASTS There are vast stretches and corners of Namibia so different, so extraordinary, you’ll feel you’re crossing borders into different lands. Five days, 600 kilometres, a million memories, from Betta via Meob Bay to Wavisbay

by: Jermanneke Havemann for I Dream Africa 42 |

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rom plains to mountains, dunes and sea – from Betta via Meob Bay to Walvisbay, each moment, each place, each changing landscape, absolutely breathtaking. An adventure, a journey and a voyage of discovery – come along. Leave your concrete jungle, office or home behind, as we welcome you to a Betta world. From busy roads and hordes of people, you’ll gradually adapt to a special kind of silence. It’s quiet, the stars above are like tiny fairy lights, and there’s hardly a person in sight. This is the trip where you forget about work, empty your mind and fill your heart and soul with the peace and beauty of this landscape. Before we depart on our five day trip, we congregate at Betta, a little settlement with a petrol pump, small shop and a camping site with wonderful warm water (our last real shower for a few days). The next few days involves an atmospheric “bush” shower. Welcome to the adventure! It’s here where we’ll meet tour leader Armand Basson and his right-hand help, Nessie, who works magic with meals, puts up our shower and toilet facilities along the trip, and builds up our campfire every night. All cars are equipped with a radio transmitter so Armand can keep in touch. It’s a two-way conversation, so if you’re keen to stop and take a photograph…just let him know. He will also explain how to follow in his tracks, as this is very important for preservation of the environment. FIRST STOP, NAMIB DESERT We leave early on day one, ready for the Namib Desert. We set out along the main, well-kept dirt road, passing a sensational chain of mountains; just past the fence of farm Kanaan, we turn off on a small two spoor track and enter the gate of the Namib Naukloof Park. Only permit holders have a key to the gate, so we won’t see other people for the next few days. At first glance, the scenery consists of mountains and trees. But slow down, take a good look, even stop at one of the ‘family nests’ you’ll be passing – this is a large compound community nest, rare among birds. The bird is the Common Social Weaver (Philetairius Socius), and when standing below the nest, you’ll see a whole range of entrances. Sometimes they’re even on telephone poles. It’s quite something to watch them building these structures…and snakes love them! Gradually, the tracks turn to red, and between them, the yellow grasses stand out clearly. Here we enter the wide open spaces of the Namib, the grass almost a bleached white. Depending on the time/quality of the rainy season, the grass may even be green. The contrast between the grass-mountains and the red of the tracks is unbelievable, and you’re going to want to stop every kilometer or so to take photos…but we do need to tear ourselves away in order to find a good place to overnight (Overnight spots are not fixed, as this depends on the route conditions). Lunch is always made by each individual, so you can create your

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sandwich just the way you like it! On our route, we pass herds of Oryx, either running or just looking at us – they’re not used to traffic, so they tend to stop and stare. We enter what we call the “streets” between the dunes - long stretches of plains with grass. The contrasts are simply amazing, and we just quietly soak in the beauty around us. It’s difficult to describe, you need to experience it for yourselves…but still, you’ll be left at a loss for words. We stop for the day. Camp is set up, the fire is going, and we just sit, relax, think and talk about the beauty we saw on this, our first day. The sunsets are stunning In Namibia because of the clear sky and no pollution, so you have a treat in store. We’re up early the next morning and travel along the most beautiful mountain range. The colours are incredible, and after travelling for a while, we approach the dunes. We wait for the other vehicles to draw nearer - the countryside is so wide, there’s just a dot or two approaching from the distance; we can hardly see them. No chance of getting lost, because there’s only one track. Armand is very strict about vehicles remaining

within the spoor, as a new track stays there forever. It’s only on the dunes that the tracks are swept away by the wind. Winding our way through and over the dunes we notice the long grass, fortunately growing there to stabilize the dunes. The contrasts we see are incredible, and we stop regularly for photos – it’s a true photographer’s paradise. Notice the beautiful patterns on the dunes formed by the wind. The colours of the sand vary from black (Magnetite) and red (Garnet) to white and yellow. If you have something magnetic with you, hold it over a black patch and see what happens. We have a lunch stop and something to cool us off. As you’d expect, it’s cold at night in the desert, but hot during the day…so a cold Lager goes down well! If there are children in the group, you won’t know about them…because where else do they get such a huge sandpit? We even plan ‘children stops’ en route to let them unwind! The nearer we get to the coast, the more barren the dunes become. Further along, there is no growth at all, and this is where we get some of the walking dunes as we call them. | 47

Moved by the strong south westerly or easterly winds, the dunes are always shifting. We sleep another night between those dunes, and when we rise in the early morning, we can see the mist at the coast. We travel up and down the dunes, following Armand who knows this area like the back of his hand. NEXT STOP, MEOB BAY Meob Bay is our next stop for two nights. Here, you can relax, go on fun drives on the dunes, walk along the beach or 48 |

just enjoy the quietness. Look out for Oryx as they often wander around, even in the camp itself. For those who want to test their fishing skills, there is an opportunity to go fishing for the day – if you catch something, Nessie will make the most lovely fish nuggets for the evening meal. Most of the fish caught is returned to the sea, only fish for the evening pot will be kept. The last stretch is driving mostly on the beach towards Walvisbay, dependant on high or low tide. At high tide, the sea comes right up to the dunes, leaving no access - Armand is a very cautious driver and won’t take chances; he often turns back

to go further over the dunes. DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER Next on our itinerary, are the diamond villages, or what is left of them, abandoned and lonely, standing in the harsh environment - old wheels that will never turn again. It is difficult to imagine how people could work here in fierce winds and extremely hot conditions at times, looking for diamonds. Grillenberger, Chalottenfelder and Holsatia are spellbinding places to visit and we make sure we have ample

time for photographs. At Charlottental, there was even a school that went as far as grade 3 – the older children had to go to Luderitz. In 1931, the mine closed and people left. All employees lost their jobs. The history of that time is fascinating. Further along, we see the Eduard Bohlen wreck, beached in 1909 at Conception Bay. It now lies about 600 metres inland from the shore. You may be lucky to see jackals, as they love using the boat as their hotel! It is sad to see how the boat is almost falling apart because of the rust.

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It’s our last night, and we sleep near the Shawnee wreck which we will see the next morning on our way to Walvisbay. This boat was a fishing trawler that beached South of Walvisbay in 1976. Often only the top of the boat can be seen, but lately, because of heavy storms and high waves, sand was washed away from the boat leaving it more visible. Again, rust is taking over. At our last evening together, we sit around the

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bonfire as stories are told - it isn’t easy to say good bye to this beautiful stretch of the Namib Desert. Memories will be forever, and it is a privilege to have been able to visit and experience the loneliness and wide open spaces of Namibia. But as hard as it is to say goodbye, you’ll carry away unforgettable memories of this unspoilt, beautiful land. And until we meet again…

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FAIRY CIRCLES The mystery lives on...

by: Helge Denker

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he fairy circles of the Namib, those enigmatic pockmarks covering entire landscapes like a rash on the face of the Earth, represent one of the most tantalising puzzles of the natural world.

After forty years of study by dozens of scientists from different parts of the planet, a lot is known about fairy circles. Yet it is not enough. The mystery remains unsolved. What is causing those strange, circular patches of bare ground in the midst of endless grasslands? Why do they occur in such densities in some areas, and not at all in nearby landscapes

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with seemingly similar conditions? Even the world’s first Fairy Circle Symposium, held on the NamibRand Nature Reserve at the end of February of this year, did not lead to consensus amongst the most eminent experts studying the phenomenon. More work is obviously needed. NamibRand, with its breathtaking landscapes and stunning accommodation options – and some of the highest concentrations of fairy circles found anywhere – is perhaps the best place to see this marvel for yourself. The Wolwedans Collection of Lodges and the NamibRand Conservation

modelling, generating further postulates. Fairy circles apparently occur only in the Namib, and are most common in Stipagrostis grasslands on sandy ground along the eastern fringes of the desert, where average annual rainfall is around 100 millimetres. They are extremely common in places such as the Marienfluss and Hartmann Valleys in the northern Kunene Region, occur in isolated pockets along the central fringes of the desert, and are abundant again in the Dieprivier and NamibRand areas on the eastern periphery of the Namib Dune Sea. They are found as far north as Chamune in Angola and south to just across the Orange River at a few sites in South Africa. The puzzle has aroused the interest and subsequent research focus of scientists from Chile, Germany, Israel, South Africa, the United States and obviously Namibia. Around thirty fairy circle experts and enthusiasts came together for the Fairy Circle Symposium, to present research findings, discuss hypotheses and share ideas. The symposium also included visits to research sites on NamibRand, and generated plenty of heated debate, but no final consensus. From amongst scores of theories, scientific postulates and fanciful suppositions, three main hypotheses for the emergence of the circles currently remain: either that living organisms such as insects, fungi or bacteria are killing the grass; or that poisonous compounds such as natural gases or biological toxins are responsible; or that competition for water and nutrients amongst plants, referred to as self-organisation, is creating the circles. Whatever the cause, fairy circles are amongst the most distinct and magical characteristics of the Namib. That the mystery remains unsolved may be frustrating for science, yet is a homage to the marvellous complexity of the natural world – and the legend of the desert fairy.

Foundation jointly sponsored and hosted the event. Scientists have used the reserve as a research site for decades and, together with information collected from other parts of the fairy circle range, have amassed a wealth of data that seeks to prove – or disprove – a great variety of hypotheses. In recent years, the evaluation of satellite imagery has added a new dimension to the quest, and spawned diverse spatial distribution analyses and mathematical

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The meeting encouraged information sharing and debate, yet did not lead to consensus on the cause for fairy circle formation Some of the fairy circle experts and enthusiasts who attended the symposium: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

Dr Carl Albrecht (South Africa) Dr Nichole Barger (USA) Dr Siegie Bauermeister (South Africa) Dr Golan Bel (Israel) Albi Brückner (Namibia) Stephan Brückner (Namibia) Professor Michael Cramer (South Africa) Dr Stephan Getzin (Germany) Felicitas Gunther (Germany) Quintin Hartung (Namibia) Vanessa Hartung (Namibia) Sebastian Hanss (Germany) Eric Hesemans (Namibia) Dr Willem Jankowitz (Namibia) Dr Norbert Juergens (Germany) Dr Eugene Moll (South Africa) Dr Yvette Naudé (South Africa) Nils Odendaal (Namibia) Cristián Fernández Oto (Belgium/Chile) David Peddie (South Africa) Dr Egmont Rohwer (South Africa) Danica Shaw (Namibia) Sandy Todd (South Africa) Dr Walter Tschinkel (USA) Victoria Tschinkel (USA) Dr Noël van Rooyen (South Africa) Professor Gretel van Rooyen (South Africa) Dr Hezi Yizahaq (Israel)

More information on fairy circles and NamibRand: www.namibrand.org www.fairycircles.com www.namibrand.org/Tourism.htm

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2015/03/13 1:42 PM

RADIO TODAY Radio date stamps the best of times and worst of times through the experience of it all. Let’s take a tour of radio - from the days of old to today.


it back, relax and think for a moment – the first time you consciously listened to the radio. Not the mood setting tunes that ran in the background in moms’ kitchen …

Think of that first time when the DJ announced the number 1 song on the Top 20 that was your absolute favourite, that news bulletin that made you stop and gasp for air as if someone has slapped you on the chest. The weather forecast that finally said that rain is coming after a long drought, that song request you sent that was actually played and they said your name, and if you’re a little older, that short story that left you hanging in midair and you could not wait for the next episode to continue the following day. Now that you have reminisced about the good old times and you think about it for a second, it has nothing to do with radio. You remember the ‘’Summer of 69’’

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with fond memories. Not because it is a good song, it’s because of what you were doing at that time; the first kiss, the best beach day ever, the moon landing … Radio date stamps the best of times and worst of times through the experience of it all. Back then the variety of radio stations were few and far between, so it was easy for you to just flip the switch and record your eventful memories. And as a fun fact, radio is the only medium that can do it. You cannot experience your first dance to the written words of Jules Verne… To make a short story longer, radio confirmed experiences back in the day … but what about today? Do you still switch on the radio to listen to a particular show? Or is it just habit because it gives you something to do on the way to work. Or does it numb the

by: Quintin Kotze

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sound of the printer running in the background at the office?

age group between 16 and 35, located in urban music areas”.

Besides the setting, was it the radio station that you wanted to listen to or was it just the majority rule? When was the last time you consciously listened to the radio?

This is where you slap yourself on the forehead (Facepalm) and ask yourself; “does this really matter for the listener?” For the mega money making machine it matters… and that is not all. There is more…

Things have changed and they have changed drastically. Where radio changed from a source of entertainment, a source of information from a listeners point of view, it has moved to a commercial money making machine from the radio owners’ point of view. Radio has now been categorized according to genres. The good old days when rock and roll was the only true art form, has now gone through adult contemporary music, through urban music. (And what is Jawaiian anyway?) Not only that, radio is further niched into demographic (the statistical data of a population, especially those showing average age, income, education, etc.) and coverage footprint. As a listener you ask yourself what does this all mean. It means this: ‘’Taylor Swift sings Country, which qualifies as crossover Country, which is also categorised within Hot Adult Contemporary for listeners of the 62 |

The age of instant gratification has set in… Which is great for radio as radio is a ‘’now’’ industry. But has our social media distracted from radio? Not even close. Social media is a huge asset to the radio industry. Remember the old school theory “you cannot read a book and drive, but you can listen to the radio”. New school it seems, although illegal, you can Facebook and drive at the same time as listening to the radio. We have gone from staring into the sunset with tunes in the background, to having massive amounts of media distractions that messes with what we remember as pure experiences. Radio listeners have gone to a whole new level of psychology, to the commitment of the red number and whistle tones. The Facebook views to see who finds me

Back: Gert Koekemoer and Marcel Theron Front: Hannes Kaufmann

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interesting. The instant messages via Facebook and WhatsApp need my attention as soon as humanly possible, or I might miss something. Never do we stop and think that, no red number, no whistle tones, means I might be missing something real. Make no mistake, I have not even touched Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and a million others that I have not heard about, which is being over-used as we speak. I am not downplaying any other media, nor giving them a bad cred. You will also reach a point where you might ask: “Where are you going with this and please get to the point.” Bear with me for a few more shakes and it will all make sense. With all media, statistics drives our industry. Allow me to throw some numbers at you… This portion of our article is proudly brought to you by UNESCO. UNESCO, building peace in the minds of men and women. (A little radio humour). •

If satellites are taken into account, then practically the whole world is covered by broadcasting.

Radio reaches over 95% of virtually every segment of the population.

In Africa, generally between 80% and 90% of households have access to a working radio set.

Everywhere there is an explosion in the number of radio stations, particularly those broadcasting in local languages.

On the listeners’ side, radio is increasingly being accessed on mobile phones.

Internet radio’s listener base has grown 27% annually since 2000.

Let us draw some lines to Namibia with the above-mentioned statistics. As an example, let us use 1FM (103.5 fm) – a private commercial radio station broadcasting from Windhoek. 64 |

Namibia’s towns are wide-spread and distance makes it hard to cover them all with one single transmitter. But 1FM is available in 26 cities/towns across Namibia, through 15 transmitters strategically located to serve two, sometimes three towns at the same time. According to the census done in 2011, 1FM has a potential reach of more than 95% of the Urban Population. That is the

core, the underbelly, the engine, the heartbeat of radio; if no-one can hear you its pointless playing the best music. With the aforementioned genres and demographics and social medias and what not, how does that tie together. The answer is really easy. “YOU’’. With the growth of the other media and the variety of choices available, it was really necessary for a radio station to find you and give you the opportunity to cement the best times of your life with radio. We do not want to lose you in the media quagmire. The radio industry is working daily on the best mix to find you and give you what you want. Without you, we know we would dabble in the mother of all assumptions; what we think you like, therefore statistics rocks. With all the information gathered we have built a composite of our average listener of 1FM (103.5 fm) We have a ratio of 60% / 40% female / male with an average age of 35. He or she has 2 and a half children. He or she works in a mid to senior position and each drive their own car. They have disposable income to buy whatever is needed when it is required, but need to save a few months for the overseas holiday.

With this we build radio. Hot Adult Contemporary will be the ideal music. News, sport and weather information is done on the hour to keep you up to date. Local content with the Namibian humour flavour, break the habit of the grindstone. We should give our average listener a name; let’s go with Jade. Jade is old enough to enjoy sundowners and young enough to post it in Instagram, which she linked to Facebook. With this information we engage Jade through these same mediums. To conclude, to me a radio station is a piece of steak, just a chunk of meat. But the delivery must be mouth-watering and succulent, soft and tender, just enough to say, wow, this is the greatest steakhouse - and it is not just about the steak. A radio station is about the radio. It is the sizzle and the ambiance that makes good radio. We see you and Jade in a crowd and we can put our finger on your shoulder and say: “Hi, how are you? Let me entertain you! Try our steak!” www.planetradio.com

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ARCHITECTURALLY SPEAKING... Have the cost- and time effective alternative to traditional bricks and mortar construction been hiding under our very noses?

by: Don Shimoda

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n developing nations, there is a never ending need for housing. In Namibia we have seen the longest uninterrupted expansion in the property market. For the past 12 years, property values in Namibia especially Windhoek - have appreciated by as much as 18% per annum. The general consensus is that property remains the level best investment that one can make, and with Namibia being such a phenomenally investor friendly destination - from a politically stable, infrastructure and tax haven perspective, property is well worth investing in. As with all markets where the returns and sustained growth is far above average, the price of investment and commercial property followed the macroeconomic model, resulting in property becoming rather expensive. If one follows the less fatalistic approach, and refuse to accept that entry into the property market is prohibitively high, a whole world of alternatives happily present themselves. In short - if one is willing to consider some awe-inspiring alternatives, one will soon realize that property is actually quite accessible and with considerably less heart ache. Shipping containers used in construction, offer several very attractive benefits: They are readily available, very affordable (One can expect to pay N$ (R) 23,000 for a 6 meter container and around N$ (R) 35,000 for the 12 meter version), they are super sturdy, and structurally virtually indestructible. From an environmental perspective, they are already manufactured. A disproportionate percentage of property cost goes into labour and materials that do get purchased; it just appears never to be actually utilized in the project that it was intended for! Imagine a property project in which less than a week’s worth of labour is required! | 67

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Building with containers offers the innovative person as many options as the game of LEGO. Anything is instantly possible - from warehouses, to apartments to offices, to holiday homes, to mass housing projects, to workshops to luxury homes. All that is needed is to consider this alternative - it gets the creative juices flowing in no time at all! Let’s consider mass housing projects for a moment. It is not hard to imagine entire neighbourhoods being constructed at a fraction of the cost and time. Al that is needed is serviced plots - roads, water, electricity and sewerage. Once those services are rendered, entire neighbourhoods - to which owners can add to and expand later - is possible in days, not months. It is not hard to imagine a basic porch and roof structure, manufactured from wood or steel, to accompany one or two refitted shipping containers to make lovely, sturdy, practical homes. To cut away portions for doors and windows is simple, and to fit these with aluminum or wooden doorand window frames, is a straightforward process.

Editors’ Note... Shipping containers offer as many options as Lego toys. Its modular, and every angle that it is placed in, creates different effects. It’s cheaper than traditional building by miles. It’s virtually indestructible. Construction time is a fraction of traditional building. It can be moved, changed, and added to when needs change, or additional funds become available. Is this not the answer for Africa’s needs - from low cost housing, to top end developments, to offices, to tourism accommodation? At N$ (R) 35,000(ballpark) per container, it begs the question why this fabulous option is not exploited with vigour... | 69

In his bestselling book - The Shackled Continent, Robert Guest makes the very persuasive and powerful point that much of Africa remains trapped in poverty because people do not own their properties. Hence they do not benefit from the fantastic appreciation that property brings, and accordingly they do not have the ability to mortgage the property to utilize as start-up capital for businesses and projects. Untold scores of middle class businesses were capitalized by people taking a mortgage on an owned property to capitalize small businesses. Take the property ownership out of that equation, and - stalemate. A basic 12 meter container will cost approximately N$ (R) 35,000. Add to that cost some basic alterations for cutting out panels for doors and windows, fit the doors and windows, and then all that is left is some panelling inside, 70 |

and the fitment of a basic kitchen and bathroom. It gets one thinking, not so? All that is needed to get the creative juices literally gushing, is to investigate some of the websites listed below. This astonishing alternative to time, and cost-consuming bricks and mortar options, have been around for eons. Is it not time to seriously shake off the mundane and look at alternatives?


www.containerhomesinternational.com • www.pinterest.com • www.earthsci.org • www.ihomedecoration.com www.docktohome.com • www.piotton.com • www.onehomedesigns.com • www.probablenotes.com

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GOOD WINE by: Neil Strydom



Wine Farm

rom the picture perfect Durbanville wine valley with its combination of the cool Atlantic breeze, fertile soil and awesome people, comes this Boutique winery called Hillcrest. When arriving at the winery you cannot help but to feel on top of the world, with the view that seems to never end. Hillcrest is situated in a section of the valley where the cool breeze from the sea congests in between two hills. It was not always a wine farm, but the owners soon saw the potential of the valley with some help from the persuading skills of the current winemaker Dr Graeme Read. Planting various noble cultivars soon showed the owners what potential there is in these deep, fertile soils. The estate boasts of various great soil types in The Red coloured Hutton, versatile Oakleaf soil and a good base in the Clovelly soils, to name but a few. I mention this because this

is the base from which each great wine starts and is the true essence of this unique terroir. In all my years as winemaker I have tasted some magnificent wines that come from these soil types and am always humbled to realise, that it all starts with that one thing we seldom think of when popping that cork. The Northwest facing slopes will also contribute to a good gradual

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ripening, with many cool hours before the summer sun comes down on the treasure below the leaves. Blessed with good winter rain and slow ripening the grapes develop all that is needed, as nature intended. Durbanville is not known to be excessively hot in summer, so cultivars like Sauvignon Blanc and Merlot tend to find it a bit easier to develop the unique avours that get lost in warmer areas. With vineyards that stretch from 200-380 meters above sea level, they can plant vines according to the specific needs of the particular vine. Having said all that, proof is in the pudding. I have tasted several Hillcrest wines in the past and have never been disappointed. I find the wines to have a specific elegance and round finish every time. This is a sign of meticulous attention to detail that I wish to see in every cellar. Looking from a winemaker’s perspective it is truly special to see how all the wines are rounded-off perfectly. They boast with several awards that are great for an estate that is still young, considering others in the industry. The Merlot won the Grand Roche Trophy for the best Merlot in 2007 at the Old Mutual wine show. With Platter wine guide ratings of 4 stars, these are wines that should be taken serious. I am truly impressed with the exceptional quality of the venue, vineyards and of course the wines. This is a must visit if you are in Cape town with a mere 30 minute travel time to this stunning Estate. The fact that there is the restaurant, winery and several outdoor activities on the Estate makes it a day trip worth doing

Hillcrest Atlantic slopes


2014 Sauvignon Blanc

2012 Hornfels

It is very refreshing to taste a Sauvignon Blanc with such elegance, but yet huge potential for aging. I was very impressed with the beautiful packaging that brings the whole story together. Sauvignon Blanc sometime gets the negative perception of extreme acidity, but not in this case. The wine was well balanced with the acidity contributing to mouth feel in the wine.

Hornfels is a Bordeaux style blend consisting of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Malbec and Petit Verdot. In most of these style blends Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot will be the main components and the last three contribute as the “salt and pepper” of the blend. Do remember that we seldom go without those. This blend has all the finesse of a good red blend and the structure of a great deep bold red wine we all like to swirl.

Nose of the wine This wine is a great example of why this valley is rated amongst the best Sauvignon Blanc areas in South Africa. It shouts Asparagus, green beans and freshly broken lettuce. As the wine opens up, the aromatic passion fruit and gooseberry aromas fill the glass. The sipping test The freshness of the green asparagus continues through to the pallet with an explosion of lime and citrus that fills your mouth. As the wine warms up in the mouth, the Passion fruit and litchi aroma arise. There are different layers to this wine, which shows me the potential of the wine to age. Long after the first sip, the mineral like flavour still remains. What to eat ….. Due to the higher acidity, this wine can hold its own with fish like Kingklip, Yellowtail or even Tuna steak. Pairing this wine with creamy food like seafood pasta or light Thai Curry can enhance those sweet passion fruit aromas. Having said all that, less is more, so try it with Sushi. The acidity of the Sushi should be a great pairing.

Nose of the wine A lovely aroma of liquorice with hints of lavender and thyme. As the glass warms in my hand, I sense that leather smell. The sipping test This intense, well blended wine shows high volumes of Cocoa, spices and cassis. On second glance there are signs of beef Carpaccio, wet Biltong with a leathery finish. The bold structure becomes velvety over time and the wine shows incredible elegance. This wine can still age some time due to the full bodied nature of the wine. What to eat….. Think thick cut red meat…… seriously you can pair this wine with spicy curries, lamb shank or Venison. The wine has strong legs due to good tannins and a very elegant aromatic spice profile. Serving this with high protein like meat, the tannins will fade away and all that Cocoa and spices will contribute to the experience.

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Other Services Offered Embroidery Screen Printing Corporate Branding

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African journey D A A N V I L J O E N N A M I B I A

Sun Karros Daan Viljoen is a stylish yet relaxed lodge a mere 20km from Windhoek. Located inside the Daan Viljoen Game Park a perfect start or end destination for your safari. We offer overnight options to all nature enthusiasts be it on a comfortable camp site for the outdoor adventurer or in a modern stylish chalet for the nature lover enjoying the fine comforts in life. A visit to the Daan Viljoen Game Park is a must when passing through Windhoek. Day visitors welcome to visit our Boma Restaurant.

Call: +264 61 232393 Email: reservations@sunkarros.com Follow us: Facebook

“sunkarros� |

www.sunkarros.com 76 |

• 5 Different room types • Bar & A la Carte restaurant • Walking distance to town • Fitness room • Massage service

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HIGH HUMOR Mail your submission to humor@media-namibia.com and you might become our latest high altitude joker.

Some Namibian Camping Tips • When using a Namibian campground, a tuba placed on your picnic table, will keep the campsites on either side vacant. • Get even with a badger who raided your food bag, by kicking his favourite stump apart and eating all the ants. • Old socks can be made into high fi bre biltong by smoking them over an open fi re. • When smoking a fi sh, never inhale. • A hot rock placed in your sleeping bag will keep your feet warm. A hot cheese works almost as well, but the cheese sticks between your toes. • Acupuncture was invented by a Namibian camper who found a porcupine in his sleeping bag. • While the Swiss Army Knife has been popular for years, the Swiss Navy Knife has remained largely unheard of. Its single blade functions as a tiny canoe paddle. • Lint from your navel makes a handy fi re starter. Warning: Remove lint from navel before applying the match. • You’ll never be lost if you remember that moss always grows on the north side of your compass. • You can duplicate the warmth o f a down-fi lled bedroll by climbing into a plastic garbage bag with several geese. • When camping, always wear a long-sleeved shirt. It gives you something to wipe your nose on. • You can compress the diameter of your rolled up sleeping bag by running over it with your car. • Take this simple test to see if you qualify for solo

camping in Namibia. Shine a fl ashlight into one ear. If the beam shines out the other ear, rather pick the group option. • A two-man infl atable tent apparently does not include two men, or a pump. • A potato baked in the coals for one hour makes an excellent side dish. A potato baked in the coals for three hours makes an excellent cricket ball. • You can start a fi re without matches by eating Namibian chillies, then breathing on a pile of dry sticks. • In emergency situations, you can survive in the wilderness by shooting small game with a slingshot made from the elastic waistband of your underwear. That’ll show them a thing or two. • The guitar of the noisy teenager at the next campsite makes excellent kindling. • Check the washing instructions before purchasing any apparel to be worn camping. Buy only those that read “Beat on a rock in river. Then beat crocodile.” • The sight of a bald eagle has thrilled campers for generations. The sight of a bald man, however, does not seem to excite the eagle. • It’s entirely possible to spend your whole vacation on a winding mountain road behind a large caravan being towed by foreign campers. • Lion bells provide an excellent element of safety for hikers in Namibia. The tricky part is getting

them on the •

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lions. A great deal of hostility can

be released by using newspaper photos of politicians for toilet paper. • In an emergency, a drawstring from a parka hood can be used to strangle a snoring tent mate. • Given a chance, matches will fi nd a way to get wet. • The distance to a given camp site remains constant as twilight approaches. • The number of mosquitoes at any given location is directly proportional to the amount of repellent that remains. • The probability of diarrhoea increases with the square of the thorn content of the local vegetation. An experienced ultra runner is experiencing incredible pain all the way up his left leg. He hobbles to the doctor’s offi ce, well aware that he needs to get this fi xed so he can get back to training without excruciating pain. The doctor puts his stethoscope to the runner’s shin and hears a tiny voice saying ‘Doc - lend us a dollar’. He moves the stethoscope up the knee and hears another distinct voice: “Can I borrow 20 bucks Doc? You know I’m good for it.” The doctor shakes his head and tuts, as the runner looks on with a worried expression on his face. He moves the stethoscope up to the thigh and sure enough another voice pipes up: “Hey Doc - I’m a bit short. Can I have fi ve bucks?” “Well Doc, how bad is it?” asks the ultra runner. “I’m afraid it’s just as I suspected: your leg is broke in three places.” A woman is hiking through Namibia and one afternoon spots a sign on a farm: ‘Talking Dog for Sale’. Intrigued, she knocks on the door and asks about the dog. “Oh, him,” the farmer replies a little irritably, “Yeah, he’s in the back.” The woman wanders round the back and fi nds the

d o g : an aging black Labrador, sitting on a bench reading the newspaper. “Yes?” says the dog in a kindly voice, as the woman approaches. “You can talk!” expresses the woman, and the dog just nods, smiling.

The woman is dumbstruck - “I suppose you’ll want to know my history”, says the dog, removing his glasses and polishing the lenses. “Well, I’ve always known I was different: I was the only pup in my litter who could talk, and my gifts were quickly recognized. In my youth, I paced some of the best ultra-runners in history, able to keep them motivated with my fl uent English, and keep up with them with my boundless energy.” “After that, I trained as a spy! I travelled the world, working for the FBI - nobody would suspect the dog of spying,” he enthused, going misty eyed in his reminiscence. “Then in my later years, I worked in airport security, sniffi ng packages and telling everyone what drugs people were carrying. But those days are behind me now. Now I’m quite content to sit here with my paper enjoying my retirement.” “Well, you’re amazing,” says the woman. I’m going to buy you right now!” The dog wags his tail, and smiles: “excellent,” he says and goes back to his newspaper. The woman returns to the house and asks the man how much he wants for the dog. The man shrugs: “Five bucks?” he says. “Five dollars? Why on earth are you selling him so cheaply?!” she asks. “Because he’s a damn liar! He’s never done any of that stuff!!!”

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AIRPORT TAX - A TAX WORTH PAYING? Great flights begin at well-maintained airports; in terms of service delivery, superior facilities, and memorable experiences. In Namibia, Airports are run and maintained by the Namibia Airports Company (NAC), a State-Owned Entity (SOE) formed in 1998 by Act of Government (Act 25 of 1998). The NAC provides airport infrastructure, amenities, and facilitates airport services for domestic and international airlines and passengers. In fulfilling its mandate, the NAC ensures that airport infrastructure and safety and security equipment are well maintained and meet world-class standards. Airports under the NAC are: Hosea Kutako Airport, Eros Airport, Walvis Bay Airport, Luderitz Airport, Keetmanshoop Airport, Ondangwa Airport, Rundu Airport and Katima Mulilo Airport. HOW DOES THE NAC GENERATE MONEY TO MAINTAIN THEIR AIRPORTS? The NAC generates revenue via airport tax fees charged to the different publics – such as airport tax payable by departing and arriving passengers who use their services. WHAT IS AIRPORT/PASSENGER TAX? Airport tax, as it appears on return or one way flight tickets, refers to the fee charged to departing passengers. When you buy your flight ticket (whether directly from the airline, or as part of a holiday package), a portion of the total cost for the ticket is for airport taxes. This service fee is in line with Section 5 (1) of the Airports Company Act 25 of 1998.

WHAT PORTION OF AN AIR TICKET’S PRICE IS PAYABLE TO NAC? In line with NAC Tariff Publication 2013/2014 the following VAT inclusive tariffs currently will apply at the airports/aerodromes under the NAC’s management:

WHO REGULATES / CONTROLS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AIRPORT TAXES IN NAMIBIA? The charging of these fees is regulated in compliance with ICAO Doc 9562. In Namibia, the NAC, in compliance with Doc 9562 and its mandate per the Airports Company Act. Both these statutory documents regulate and control the continued implementation, review and collection of these fees.

Description International passengers

NAC tariff excluding VAT 2013/2014

Value Added Taxation (VAT)

NAC tariff including VAT 2013/2014

N$ 376.78


N$ 376.78

N$ 218.03


N$ 218.03

Regional passengers (Passengers departing on an aircraft whose final destination is an airport within Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa or Swaziland)

Domestic passengers

N$ 98.58

N$ 14.79

N$ 113.37

All passenger service charges for foreign-bound flights are zero-rated for VAT administration purposes.

HOW REGULARLY IS AIRPORT TAXES REVIEWED AND BY WHOM? The NAC reviews the charges in consultation with the Board of Airline Representatives (BAR), who represents the airlines, and aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), who represents general aviation operators.

“How airport tax is shown on a ticket”

This review is conducted annually or as decided by the relevant parties in order for the fees to remain commensurate with ever escalating operational and other costs.

WHAT ARE AIRPORT TAXES USED FOR? Airport tax is one of the key revenue streams of any airport and is levied on passengers to recover the cost of running and for the up keep of passenger terminal facilities that are dedicated to passenger services, including the costs of security services attributable thereto (unless security services are charged for separately), and the cost of ground handling facilities and services attributable to passenger arrivals and departures.

Since inception NAC has over the years invested billions of dollars into its key capital projects to improve amongst others; runways and terminal facilities at its various airports. In line with its mission and vision , the NAC ensures that every experience at landing and departure is of world - class standard and airport taxes play an integral part in making it all possible.

We hope we have answered your questions. If you have any more questions or comments about our airports feel free to contact us: Namibia Airports Company 154 Independence Avenue, Sanlam Centre, 5th Floor PO Box 23061 Windhoek, Namibia Tel: +264 (0) 61 295 5127 Fax: +264 (0) 61 295 5053 E-mail: pr@airports.com.na Namibia Airports Company Limited


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SPLENDOUR Wicus Leeuwner and Johann van Heerden host photographic workshops at Klein-Aus Vista in Namibia, and according to the participants, this is a life-changing week...


aybe it’s the light, perhaps it’s the landscapes, the group energy or the joy of becoming one with your camera, but whatever it is, a photographic workshop in Namibia with a professional photographer by your side, takes your photography, and apparently your soul, to the next level. Ask anybody who’s been. Wicus Leeuwner and Johann van Heerden are professional photographers. Independently, they’ve spent many years travelling through Namibia capturing their own images, falling in love with the country and its people. After being asked on so many occasions about the opportunities for photographers and photography in Namibia, they decided to formalise a photographic trip. That was 15 years ago. These Namibian workshops are always held in early winter because of the soft light in the mornings and afternoons. It’s also the time of year when the desert grasses turn into their characteristic blonde colour, emphasizing the soft colours of this dramatic landscape. Wicus and Johann’s workshops are held in southern Namibia, just outside Aus at Klein-Aus Vista, on the edge of the escarpment, overlooking the vast gravel plains of Garub all the way to Lüderitz, 110km away. The escarpment is the official edge of the Namib. It offers easy access to the Sperrgebiet and Namib Naukluft National Parks. Just north of Aus, the red sand dunes of the central Namib meet the gravel plains in the Koichab riverbed. The wild horses of Garub are an easy 15 minute drive away. The numerous Inselberg and mountain ranges lend drama and an enhanced sense of scale to the landscape. Both Wicus and Johann say with content smiles on their faces: “If we do not visit the desert at least once a year, we cannot live next to other people the rest of the year. Here, sunsets last forever”. Wicus and Johann are on hand for specialist advice, while local guides are there for the field trips. Using people who know the area intimately, enables the participants to visit sites such as the Koichab River - where the red Namib dunes meet the gravel plains of the southern Namib - the ghost town of Kolmanskop, Lüderitz, the wild horses at Garub, and the vast landscapes of the Namib Naukluft and Sperrgebiet National Parks. Klein-Aus Vista supplies the accommodation, meals, lecture venue and logistics such as specialist transport where required.

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Who are Wicus Leeuwner and Johann van Heerden? Both Wicus and Johann are protégés of Canadian photographer Freeman Patterson, whose photographic philosophy spoke to his experience in design. From 1993 to 1997, Johan was a presenter of the Kamieskroon photographic workshops with Freeman and Namaqualand photographer Colla Swart. In 1998, he teamed up with Wicus to launch the Overberg Photographic workshops. Johann stresses the importance of being acutely aware of light: “Photographs with impact are usually not about striking subject matter, but about the interaction between light and the subject matter.” His photographic philosophy is that photographs are not taken, but are made very carefully. His work is often published and exhibited. He uses his audio-visuals (images set to music) to raise awareness of environmental issues and to raise funds for environmental causes. His passion for nature and especially desert environments clearly shows in his work. He believes campaigning for environmental causes are the modelling fees every nature photographer is obliged to pay. Johann owns a photographic shop in Stellenbosch, and his workshops are a hobby; his way of sharing his passion with like-minded people. He is an image contributor to Getty Images. Wicus is a dairy farmer turned photographer with a passion for nature. He has been actively involved in the conservation of South Africa’s National Bird, the Blue Crane, for the past 17 years. His statement “I believe you can’t live without a passion” underscores his twin loves of nature and photography. His knowledge of plants, birdlife and nature as a whole makes a workshop far more than just a photographic experience. What comprises an average day on the workshop? The day starts before sunrise, so as to be at the destination for the first light of the morning. This means a very early start when visiting distant locations such as the Koichab River and Kolmanskop. The group then returns to Klein-Aus Vista for a good breakfast, followed by formal lectures until lunchtime. After lunch, images created by participants are evaluated and discussed before heading out again for a late afternoon outing which lasts until after sunset. After supper, Johann or Wicus usually present audio-visual shows to any participants still on their feet after an exhausting, but exhilarating day!

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Trips to the horses start early enough to catch the first light...and participants are rewarded with horses running to the waterhole and the dust created being backlit against textured light-toned desert oor. Magic. Who is eligible to come on a workshop? The accommodation is superb and is suitable for all ages. The field trips require no strenuous walking and anybody who can handle a camera is welcome (a number of participants have been in their 80s!). People of all skill levels, too, are welcome, because the group learns from each other. People with only a basic knowledge are helped to get to grips with their own cameras, whereas professional photographers can enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and the chance to boost their portfolio, as well as learning from the group. Participants are predominantly from South Africa, but increasingly from Europe. Contact details/website: Tanya Stergianos: +27 84 608 2992 Upcoming workshops: Aus, Namibia: 26 May – 1 June 2015; Overberg: 28 October- 31 October 2015 www.photoworkshops-sa.co.za

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12/03/2015 08:36

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A REAL SPORTS CAR...THE 86 by: Don Shimoda


e don’t normally do this. Write motoring reviews, that is. With motoring gurus like James Siddall who brightens up the unrelenting hour with his motoring articles, trying our hand at this, is inviting ridicule on a frightening scale. On the other hand - as the Marquis de Sade is rumoured to have said on occasion - “I have a wicked little tale to tell...”

domination. By sheer fluke and absolutely no deviousness at all (and I’m sticking to that) I have fumbled and stumbled upon discoveries that have subsequently caused me to make pacts with various gods across a surprisingly wide spectrum - in the vain hope to spare my kids similar insights. Until the tender age of 40 or so. At least.

We received a call from our friend Hans Steinkopf of Indongo Toyota, Windhoek, the other day. He had a wicked proposition: That we take into our loving care a dashing red Toyota 86 for a few days, and.... Just drive it... No strings attached. Mmmmm. The hedonist’s favourite phrase, that is ..... NSA.

Delving into the (very) pleasant memories of that iconic Summer in ‘86, I have come to realise that curves and lines were in all probability the primary culprits to my subsequent wayward ways, and academic results on the far side of the alphabet. Yes, curves & lines. Gentle, firm, inviting, smooth, crisp lines & curves, accentuated by an underlying seductive look and purr that guarantees woe and damnation to all who even contemplates proximity and (may we dream it) ... exploration.

Now, ‘86 - or more accurately 1986 - holds a special place of enviable vividness in the recesses of my memory. I was in my final year of high school, and was poised for inevitable World

Getting behind the wheel of the Toyota 86, the gentle wheel-arch curves pop into view immediately. The view from the cockpit really departs from the mundane. It’s like the cockpit

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MOTORING view from a Corvette or Ferrari. The 86 is superbly stylish from all angles - inside and out, with a combination of curves and crisp lines that maketh the heart go BOOM, BOOM, BOOM... This is the stuff of adventure. Serious adventure, and raw, raw driving pleasure. Under the bonnet lies the sublime Subaru 2 litre, 147 Kilowatt monster engine that will happily spin up to 7,500 RPM. Disengage the traction control, and follow these instructions: Keep your eyes wide open, and hang on, big boy. The 86 is a real sports car. Not a make-believe wannabe who had some discreet help from persons in white coats, skilled in the art of making the exterior appear as if the rest of the package is still up to real excitement and performance. With the Toyota 86 what you see, is a fraction of what you get. She will break through the 100 km/h mark from standstill in 7.6 seconds, and you will be screaming like a little girl for the entire duration. Admittedly, there are whisper-quiet electric devices masquerading as cars that may claim to match this. What they will not do, however, is put that smile on your face that the 86 guarantees. After getting to 100, accompanied by a real soul-nourishing growl from that Subaru power plant - there is a LOT of scope left. Top speed is claimed at a blistering 233 km/h. The only question is this: You’ve started it. Can you follow through?

universally across the sexes - and age spectrum. Women loved the offered outings to the point of inquiring about our social plans for the weekend, accompanied by sideways glances that happily belong in the realm of the mystical, and men saw the end to menopausal mediocrity in under 10 minutes. The 86 is sheer, undiluted excitement. It attacks the road. It does not drive it. Without exception, the feedback (after the screaming subsided) was this: for only N$ (R) 337,000 why don’t we see scores of these blue-bloods on the roads? This car is criminally overlooked. We’ve stressed the point: It is a drivers’ car - in every sense of the word. Honestly: It is the answer to boredom, depression, a general lack of friends and excitement, and it is the answer to matrimonial bliss that may have gone a bit ... astray. The 86 deserves an opportunity to prove this. Trust us. Just go and book a test drive. You’ll love it. NSA. Really. Indongo Toyota. Windhoek. +264 61 237 130

The gear changes on the 6 speed ‘box’ are remarkably crisp, with a racing car’s short, precise and intuitive travel between changes. The car redefines driver feedback. Brilliantly and toe-curlingly so. The steering is crisp and precise, and with its impossibly low center of gravity and firm suspension, there is almost no body-roll. She steers as if she’s on tracks. We have never driven a car that delivers more smiles per mile than this - and this applied

Indongo Toyota Windhoek 061 237 130 Okahandja 062 501 722 Walvis Bay 064 203 561 www.indongotoyota.com.na | 91


THE NEW BMW I8 Now available in South Africa


ith its ultra-dynamic proportions, elegantly sporty lines, low-slung silhouette and innovative design features, the new BMW i8 represents a new generation of sports car. Bringing together hallmark features of the BMW brand with the design language developed specially for BMW i cars creates a progressive aesthetic which faithfully communicates the performance attributes, efficiency and innovative premium character of the plug-in hybrid sports car. The launch of the new BMW i8 sees the world’s first sports car to be purpose-built with sustainability in mind complete its journey from vision to reality. Its unmistakable, emotion-stirring looks can be put down to a prototype design that was first unveiled in the guise of the BMW Vision EfficientDynamics, meticulously refined for the BMW i8 Concept exhibited at the 2011 Frankfurt Motor Show and now adopted virtually unchanged for the production version. Both the exterior and interior of the emotionally-led 2+2-seater embody a revolutionary, pioneering take on the Sheer Driving Pleasure for which BMW is renowned. Clean, minimalist lines, homogeneous surfaces defined by a small

number of crisp edges and functionfocused details underline the forward-looking nature of the BMW i8. As the second series-produced BMW i model on the road, the new BMW i8 also reveals the versatility of the design language which is establishing itself as an unmistakable signature of BMW i cars. Its design signals lightness, safety, efficiency and pure driving pleasure – stand-out qualities that the new BMW i8 plug-in hybrid sports car shares with the new BMW i3, its pure-electric sibling conceived for agile and comfortable urban driving. The key to this versatility is the innovative LifeDrive architecture, which opens up an exceptional degree of freedom for the design of BMW i cars. The central element of the Life module is the carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) passenger 92 |

cell. The Life module is fixed to the aluminium Drive module, which houses all the drive and chassis technology. This distinctive two-way split is reflected on both the outside and the inside of the car by the visible layering and intertwining of different surfaces, with three-dimensional and flowing transitions between the Life module and Drive module accentuating the dynamic appearance of the new BMW i8. A length of 4,689 millimetres, width of 1,942 millimetres and height of 1,297 millimetres (including roof fin) give the BMW i8 typical sports car proportions. Its dynamic character is

also reflected in its long bonnet, clearly visible aerodynamic aids, stretched roofline, short overhangs and long, 2,800-millimetre wheelbase. The pioneering combination of sporting ability and efficiency is translated into the design of the 2+2-seater with intoxicating élan – and with the signature BMW i design language to the fore. The car’s wide track 1,644 millimetres at the front axle, 1,721 millimetres at the rear completes the powerful dynamic presence generated by the car’s proportions. The new BMW i8 featrues a wide range of BMW ConnectedDrive features: options include DriveAssist package with High Beam Assist, rear view camera, Surround View, Speed Limit Info display and Collision and Pedestrian Warning with City Braking function; internet access; standard features include Intelligent Emergency Call, BMW ConnectedDrive Services with Concierge Service and Real Time Traffic Information along with mobility services developed specifically for BMW i, such as the BMW i Remote app and BMW TeleServices.


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MOKKA JAVA Trivia time. What do you think is one of the most competitive vehicle segments here in the southern reaches of Africa?


f you said the compact SUV segment you’d be right. It seems that down here in our part of the world we just can’t get enough of small softroaders. And now this category has just got a whole lot more competitive with the advent of the frankly brilliant new Opel Mokka – which has just hit our showrooms. The chunky Mokka is all part of Opel’s international resurgence, and it follows hot on the heels of the new Corsa and ADAM (Opel spells it in capitals so we’ll let them have it). It has certainly proved popular in Europe, with sales passing the 240 000 mark last year. This is understandable. The Mokka is a handsome vehicle with all the go-anywhere style of a full-sized SUV – except here it’s presented in a compact format. Indeed, from the steeply raked windscreen to its wind-cheating aerodynamics (figure on a Cd factor of 0.35) to its wide-shouldered appeal to its short overhangs, it’s a headturning machine. There are four derivatives in the range with a choice of two trim levels, and a choice of a six-speed manual or a six-speed automatic gearbox. Drive is to the front wheels only. And it so happens that the 1.4-litre turbocharged ECOTEC petrol engine fitted to all models is a punchy beast. Figure on 103kW between 4 900 and 6 000rpm, and 200Nm of torque across a wide band stretching from 1 94 |

850rpm to 4 900rpm. It’s a nippy machine, too. With the six-speed manual models, zero-to100km/h comes up in 9.8 seconds. Top speed is 196km/h. The two automatic derivatives turn in a time of 10.7 seconds with a top trot of 191km/h. It’s good to know that the Mokka will tow up to 1 200kg (braked) or 500kg (unbraked). More happy news is that it’s a parsimonious machine. The 1.4T Enjoy manual sips six litres per 100km in the combined cycle. The 1.4T Enjoy automatic 6.6 litres. The 1.4T Cosmo manual 6.3 litres. And the 1.4T Cosmo automatic seven litres. Yet more good tidings are that this Opel is loaded with the sort of cutting-edge technology, safety features and equipment that you might only logically expect from a far bigger, more expensive SUV. All models, for instance, come standard with the likes of start/stop

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technology, front and rear fog lights, daytime running lights, cruise control with speed limiter, and a hot audio system with six speakers as well as Bluetooth and USB input. This is especially important for those of us who regard music on the move as an absolute essential.

to what’s termed Opel SAFETEC – a comprehensive safety system – all aspects of active and passive safety are integrated. And it’s reassuring to know that the Mokka carries a five-star EuroNCAP safety rating, helped of course by the fact that the vehicle has no less than six airbags.

Yet more standard features include speed-sensitive power steering, a multi-function steering wheel, electronic climate control, power windows, electric and heated side mirrors, and a solar-absorbing windscreen, as well as 17-inch alloys.

The Mokka also comes standard with ESPPlus and, naturally, ABS with EBD and BASB mated to all-round disc brakes.

Move up the range and equipment levels grow yet more sybaritic. In Cosmo derivatives you can expect to find the likes of rain-sensing wipers, automatic headlights with Active High Beam assist, electric folding mirrors, heated front seats, 18-inch alloys, and leather upholstery. To this list you can add a heated, leather-bound steering wheel, a rear-view camera, front and rear parking sensors, and a power socket that’s useful for charging laptops or cellphones. Standard, too, on Cosmo models – and available as an option on Enjoy models – is Opel’s remarkable IntelliLink infotainment system. This is fronted by a seven-inch colour monitor and allows you to access phone, audio and other functions. It also allows for voice control for certain functions, and revolves around apps which can be downloaded via smartphone. In addition – and I like this – it includes Stitcher, which is a global podcast radio app that lets you access over 10 000 on-demand podcasts and live radio. Nice. Safety, meanwhile, takes top priority. Thanks

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On the move handling tends towards the sporty and dynamic – even on dodgy and challenging roads. You can get your Mokka in a choice of 10 colours including the likes of Orange Rock, Blaze Red, and Deep Espresso Brown. Better yet, the Mokka comes with Opel’s comprehensive five-year/120 000km warranty and a fiveyear/90 000km service plan.


2015/03/18 2:55 PM

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THE WHEEL STORY NEW MODEL ROUND-UP JAMES SIDDALL on what’s happening in the wonderful world of wheels...

SUBLIME SUPECAR If you’re a fan of Nissan’s GT-R – and I am – you couldn’t possibly imagine it being improved on. It’s that brilliant, that complete. Yet that’s just what has happened thanks to Nissan’s giant-slayer getting a host of vital handling, interior and exterior tweaks for 2015. It’s now a crisper, sharper drive than ever, while the brakes are improved as are the noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) levels. The Nissan GT-R maintains its 3.8-litre turbocharged V6 engine as standard which, thanks to its 397 kW and 628 Nm, is good for a zeroto-100 km/h surge in just 2.9 seconds and a top trot of 315 km/h. Prices for the three car range stretch from R1 490 000 to R1 542 000. By supercar standards that’s an absolute bargain. SOFTROADER SENSATION Honda’s much-loved CR-V softroader has had a host of changes for the 2015 model year. They’re far too comprehensive to list in depth here, but they do include a more striking exterior and improved levels of standard equipment. All this builds on its stellar reputation which has seen awards being heaped on it locally and abroad, while customer satisfaction is almost unprecedented. Indeed, 87 percent of CR-V owners polled say they’d replace their vehicle with another Honda. Prices for the six-model line-up stretch from R347 400 for the CR-V 2.0 Comfort FWD Manual to R544 400 for the range-topping CR-V 2.4 Exclusive AWD Auto. OUTLANDER EXCELLENCE Mitsubishi’s rather likeable Outlander – a premium mid-sized SUV – gets some mild mechanical and cosmetic improvements for the 2015 model year. All of which contribute to yet more reasons why you really should put this machine on your prospective shopping list if you’re looking to buy in this category. The Outlander keeps its proven 2.4-litre DOHC MIVEC petrol engine, while the all-wheel drivetrain allows drivers to choose between three drive modes. The CVT – Continuously Variable Transmission – remains in improved guise, and levels of equipment are excellent. Yours for R439 900.

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MOTORING MARVELLOUS MARANELLO MISSILE It’s difficult indeed to avoid going heavy on the superlatives when describing the new Ferrari 488 GTB which was recently unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show. Now this machine is part of Ferrari’s new wave of turbo-charged vehicles, and it traces its heritage back to the 308 GTB which is now some 40 years old. The 488 GTB’s heartbeat comes courtesy of a 3 902cc V8 turbo, which is capable of hurling this missile from rest to 200km/h – that’s right 200km/h – in just 8.3 seconds. Styling, handling, performance and all-round desirability are quite frankly off the scale. Expect the 488 GTB to be available in our part of the world in early 2016. The price is still to be announced. AND THE WINNER IS... I’ve always had a soft spot for the Kia Sportage. Now here’s another reason to like it – the JD Power 2015 Vehicle Dependability Study (VDS) has ranked the Sportage as the leader in the Small SUV category. This is Kia’s first-ever VDS award. But given the vehicles that this South Korean manufacturer is currently building, it seems safe to say that it won’t be its last. BRUTAL BEAMER The BMW X6 was never the most introverted and self-effacing of machines. And even less so in its newly launched guise which sees the big vehicle improve on its predecessor with yet sharper, more imposing styling, and a vast list of standard equipment. Think bi-xenon headlights, 19-inch light-alloy wheels, and a superb eight-speed Steptronic sport transmission. Performance is somewhere between excellent and utterly astounding, while fuel consumption has been slashed by up to 22 percent, although not for the first time I wonder if anyone buying in this million-rand bracket really cares very much. The four-model range stretches from R947 500 for the xDrive35i to R1 327 000 for the M50d, with an X6 M halo model set to complete the line up soon. KEEP TRUCKIN’ The current-generation Toyota Hilux might be coming to the end of its model life. But that hasn’t stopped Toyota from launching a new Hilux Dakar. And as Toyota itself says, it’s a fitting tribute to the rallying prowess of Giniel de Villiers and Dirk von Zitzewitz who pulled off a class win (T1 Petrol) and an overall second place on the podium at the 2015 Dakar in the Toyota Imperial Hilux. The new Hilux Dakar builds on the already desirable Legend 45 package, complete with a host of additional aesthetic and cabin enhancements. Prices of the huge 13 model range stretch from R315 100 for the Hilux 2.7 VVTi Raised Body Dakar (Single Cab) to R532 700 for the Hilux 3.0 D-4D 4X4 Dakar AT (Double Cab)

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Salt Yacht

Helix Folding Bike

It’s a 55-meter concept yacht that offers pragmatic design, elegant, and clean energy use, turning these ideas into a magnificent floating architecture. The open space design offers flexibility and easy lifestyle; passengers would be allowed to truly enjoy life aboard. We really love how the steps fold down to the water; they look like they blend in really well with the ocean. The Glass façade slides open to transform the deck house into a beachside cabana. The central living space is cradled by two masts as a place for communal living.

Helix Folding Bike is claimed to be world’s best folding bicycle that you can own. This bike folds down to the size of its wheel, it’s small, light, safe, and easy to use compared to other folding bikes in the market. When you park your bike to ride train or bus, it might get stolen or vandalized; a bicycle is a great urban vehicle that unfortunately is not easy to travel with due to its size.

Rain Soft Shower Smart Rope Smart Rope, a conceptual LED-embedded jump rope that works with your smart phone to bring you fitness data in front of your eyes. This jump rope communicates with your phone to bring you a better user experience when you exercise, this is the first active fitness wearable device for Smart Gym platform. 102 |

The Rain Soft project is a waterfall-inspired shower design to bring you the experience of showering in nature in your own home. The waterfall views in nature attracts everyone, watching or showering under it creates a relaxing feeling. Keeping this in mind, these 2 designers attempted to simulate the relaxing scene of the waterfall inside houses and apartments, so that you can also experience the joy of taking shower under the waterfall in the comfort of your own home.

Lexus LF-LC GT

Spiral Washbasin

Gran Turismo fans, if you happen to be Lexus fans as well, you will be thrilled to know that this auto maker has announced the Lexus LF-LC GT “Vision Gran Turismo”. If you can still remember the memorable race season in 2014 where Lexus entered its new RC F GT500 in Super GT GT500 class, it fought for the title up to the very last race. For the following year, Lexus has also planned to enter the RC G FT3 category, a special category that serves as a gentlemen’s race while at the same time, it’s an ultimate manufacturer’s championship series.

Inspired by the magnificent view when a snake surrounds a water fountain, it looks so mystical as if the snake guards natural water resource in nature. These duo designers have submitted their Spiral washbasin design based on that inspiration. Fresh water is one of most valuable natural resources; there are many legends that snakes usually guard these valuable and precious treasures. This project takes the snake-inspired form to make a beautiful washbasin that stands elegantly in your bathroom. It uses a foot pedal to open/close the tap, because let’s face it; most people don’t like using their hand to open the tap. Just in case you don’t like the pedal, we’re pretty sure, it can be replaced with auto sensor faucet.

Creatura Drink for Humans Isn’t it time you upgraded your soft drink? Pounding empty calories and questionable ingredients is so 1985. We felt the world deserved more from their soda, so we developed Creatura. Creatura is an ultra pure cola made from the finest all natural ingredients. Bottled in a super sexy, ergonomic package, Creatura makes a statement of quality from the first sip. Best of all, our packaging uses 30% plant-based materials that are 100% recyclable – we are committed to keeping our planet “green”! With original recipes, Creatura offers a full line of flavour experiences, so everyone can satisfy their own tastes. From our exclusive Private Cola, to our energy infused drinks and ultra hydrating water, Creatura invigorates your senses as well as satisfies your thirst.

SWYP Card Hate a bulky wallet? Well, with smart phones, smart TV’s and smart car’s; it’s time for smart wallet. SWYP introduces you to ultra thin metal card that can save more than 25 credit, debit, loyalty, and gift cards, eliminating that bulky wallet as well as making it easy to pay your shopping items. SWYP Card will be equipped with sophisticated algorithms to make sure the security of your digital wallet. The dynamic magnetic stripe learns from your behaviours, patterns, and surroundings, predicting your next purchase decision. It looks like you will have a robotic wallet in your pocket that understands what you want, when you want, and make your payment smart, secure; and simple. | 103

Burnie All Wood Self-Burning Grill

L.Y.N.X 9

When you go camping, you don’t need to find the perfect campground. You can light Burnie when you’ve got a match, that easy since you can carry the grill around with you. The best thing about this grill is that it’s 100-percent natural, it’s made of 100% wood, no chemicals whatsoever, this also means, when you’re done, Burnie burns itself out as well. You don’t need to deal with any waste or clean up and it’s great for the environment. Everyone loves to grill, it’s a social activity that gathers a crowd, combine that with food and the grill becomes the center of a gathering. It is a portable fire that you can light with one match and burn for hours.

An un-compromised controller for your Android smart devices. It’s a radical gamepad designed for portability and enjoyable game playing on-the-go. Keeping passionate gamers in mind, L.Y.N.X. 9 has been designed for gamers who typically play across multiple devices. Different gamers have different preferences for the controller; L.Y.N.X. 9 is uniquely designed to allow you to assemble it in a variety of different configurations to suit your gaming style. It features 3 primary components: left wing, right wing, and controller brain. You can break it apart and attach it to the included tablet stand, keeping your tablet up to 7 inches into portable games console.

Philips Wake-Up Light

Snow Crawler

Waking up in the morning is still one of the biggest problems that many people have to face every day. There are some people who still enjoy being woken up by sunlight because our body reacts naturally to the light. An alarm clock forces our body to suddenly wake up, the result is: stress and drowsiness. We have a featured concept alarm clock that mimics the rising sun: Revive Alarm Clock or even a lamp that works just like sun rise. This time, we would like you to know about Philips HF3520 Wake-Up Light With Coloured Sunrise Simulation. The colour changing light effect provides you with pleasant, natural way to start your morning.

Snow Crawler is a concept transportation idea that aims to make you love winter. Unlike any other available snow mobiles on the market, all of them are chilly and windy for riders/passengers. It is also claimed to be the perfect combination of an all terrain vehicle, and has a closed cabin for the driver. This snow mobile has been designed for a single person, the pleasure of driving, its functionality and common sense, just like features you’ll get from a super car. It is equipped with efficient electric drive that can easily take you up the slope, even those which are hardly accessible; you can explore a snowy road easy.

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For people who love cooking, functionality and practicality would be the main point when it comes to kitchen design, even our every day routines of making a meal can be difficult with a poorly designed kitchen, especially to those with extraordinary needs. Simple cooking tasks can be problematic for some people to perform, especially disabled and elderly people; making a meal would become a daily struggle. ChopChop has incorporated universal design philosophy in its design to provide useful tools as well as aesthetic design for any household where people can prepare meals in their adaptable kitchen space.

Our world is suffering from nutrition crisis and it’s getting worse by day. Proscan is a compact food scanner with ability to scan any food and display a list of energy, calories, carbohydrates, cholesterol, protein, and dietary fibre. It’s not going to be easy to detect all this nutrition from the food, hopefully the company delivers what it’s promised. Even most food with “fresh” labels are loaded with salt, chemical, or any other unhealthy ingredients. Therefore, we need to find a way to make sure what we eat is as healthy as possible, less chemicals and other unhealthy ingredients.


Folding Sled

It’s a high performance VTOL Transformer Drone that takes off just like a chopper and when it picks up speed with its high powered thrusters, it transforms into cruise flight with its high speed wings. It is equipped with a multirotor takeoff mechanism that folds away in-flight to give SkyProwler optimum aerodynamics and better range compared to pure copters or airplanes. For your missions, there are times when you need maximum hover time with tight turns, it doesn’t matter, because you can simply re-configure SkyProwler without tools. You can take the wings off, change its tail, or create wingless SkyProwler with Hornet configuration.

Folding Sled, just like its name suggests, it’s an innovative sled that folds flat for easy storage as well as high portability. Sleds are seasonal products that you usually use in winter or snowy areas; unfortunately they are bulky objects to carry around. Folding Sled wants to answer that challenge; it reduces many clunky characteristics that you find in traditional sleds and improves the overall performance while increasing utility. Due to its foldable design, you can pack more sleds in your car. You can easily keep them under a sofa, in a garage, or in a wardrobe, they won’t take your precious space.

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Yulanda Marais People and Change Associate Director Tel: +264 61 284 1328 yulanda.marais@na.pwc.com

Proudly celebrating 40 years of service to Namibia.

© 2015 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. In this document, PwC refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers Namibia, which is a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity.

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NAMIBIA FLY-IN SAFARI Covering some of the finest and most iconic areas of Namibia, the Best of Namibia Circuit is a flying safari that showcases the legendary dunes of Sossusvlei, the rugged topography of the Damaraland region with its desert-adapted elephant and free-roaming black rhino as well as the wildlife of Etosha National Park and surrounds. Set within private concessions, accommodation is in small luxury or tented camps, while Wilderness Air transfers guests seamlessly between destinations. The Best of Namibia itinerary allows guests to experience the dramatic scenery that Namibia has to offer, along with its desert-adapted wildlife and clear, star-filled night skies for breath-taking stargazing. Last but not least, this safari has another wondrous facet the opportunity to observe this vast country from the air.

14 DAYS / 13 NIGHTS FLY-IN SAFARI N$73,233 per person sharing

Day 1: WINDHOEK: Hilton Hotel (BB) Day 2: SOSSUSVLEI: Wolwedans (FI) Day 3: SOSSUSVLEI: Wolwedans

(FI) 9+10+11 7+8 Day 4: SWAKOPMUND: Entertainment Centre (BB) Day 5: SWAKOPMUND: Entertainment Centre (BB) 12 Day 6: SWAKOPMUND: Entertainment Centre (BB) 1 + 13 + 14 4+5+6 Day 7: PURROS: Elephant Lodge (FI) Day 8: PURROS: Elephant Lodge (FI) Day 9: ETOSHA: Mushara (FI) 2+3 Day 10: ETOSHA: Mushara (FI) Day 11: ETOSHA: Mushara (FI) Day 12: CENTRAL: Okonjima (FI) Day 13: WINDHOEK: Hilton Hotel (BB) Day 14: WINDHOEK: Hilton Hotel (BB)

Boulders Bedroom Wolwedans

221 - 224 Independence Avenue Windhoek Tel: +264 61 285 5700 Fax: +264 61 225 430 www.trip.com.na flamingo@trip.com.na 110 |



4 nights / 5 days N$10 200 p.p.s.

4 nights / 5 days N$12 400 p.p.s.

01 April - 30 June 2015

01 May - 30 June 2015

7 nights / 8 days N$12 250 p.p.s.

All packages include: - Airfare Johannesburg - Zanzibar - Johannesburg - South Africa air departure tax and air passenger tax - Zanzibar air departure tax - Return airport transfers (seat-in-coach) - Accommodation (Garden Room) - One, return shuttle trip to Stone Town, per three night stay. - All non-motorized water sports, bicycles, tennis, squash, children’s club, table tennis, snooker, darts and afternoon tea.

Valid: 1 MARCH 2015 - 30 NOVEMBER 2015

7 nights / 8 days N$15 550 p.p.s.

- HALF BOARD: Breakfast & Dinner - ALL INCLUSIVE: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Drinks from 10h00 – 24h00, included are house wines, house spirits, and a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails, local beers, juices, still water and tea/coffee.

Price Excludes: - Visas ($50) obtained upon arrival in Zanzibar (not applicable to South African passport holders) - Yellow Fever injections – No longer required by South African residents - Zanzibar is a malaria area

221 - 224 Independence Avenue Windhoek Tel: +264 61 285 5700 Fax: +264 61 225 430 www.trip.com.na flamingo@trip.com.na | 111

Schedule 05 April to 05 September 2015 (All time local) Note: check-in time should be two hours before departure.

* NOTE: No flights between Windhoek & Frankfurt on Tuesdays from 06 April 2015 to 23 June 2015.

International Flight No






SW 286






SW 286/ 703


Cape Town (via Windhoek)




SW 286/ 723


Johannesburg (via Windhoek)




SW 285






Regional Flight No






SW 702

Cape Town





SW 704

Cape Town





SW 704

Cape Town

Frankfurt (via Windhoek)




SW 714

Cape Town

Walvis Bay




SW 373



Mon, Fri



SW 413



Wed, Sun



SW 413


Windhoek ( via Lusaka)

Wed, Sun



SW 722






SW 724






SW 728






SW 728


Frankfurt (via Windhoek)




SW 730


Walvis Bay




SW 304






SW 373



Mon, Fri



SW 373


Windhoek (via Harare)

Mon, Fri



SW 413



Wed, Sun



SW 403


Victoria Falls

Mon, Wed



SW 403


Windhoek (via Victoria falls)

Mon, Wed



SW 405



Fri, Sun



SW 403

Victoria Falls


Mon, Wed



SW 405

Victoria Falls


Fri, Sun



SW 405

Victoria Falls

Windhoek (via Maun)

Fri, Sun



SW 303






SW 373



Mon, Fri



SW 373


Harare (via Lusaka)

Mon, Fri



SW 403



Mon, Wed



SW 403


Victoria Falls (via Maun)

Mon, Wed



SW 405


Victoria Falls

Fri, Sun



SW 405


Maun( via Victoria Falls)

Fri, Sun



SW 413



Wed, Sun



SW 413


Lusaka (via Harare)

Wed, Sun



SW 703


Cape Town




SW 709


Cape Town




SW 723



Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun



SW 723






SW 727






112 |

Regional Flight No






SW 729






SW 713

Walvis Bay

Cape Town




SW 739

Walvis Bay





Domestic Flight No






SW 101



Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun



SW 103



Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun



SW 107



Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun



SW 107






SW 125

Katima Mulilo


Mon, Fri



SW 127

Katima Mulilo


Wed, Sun



SW 127

Katima Mulilo

Windhoek (via Rundu)

Wed, Sun



SW 143



Mon, Fri



SW 143


Windhoek ( via Oranjemund)

Mon, Fri



SW 145



Wed, Sun



SW 125


Katima Mulilo

Mon, Fri



SW 125


Windhoek (via Katima Mulilo)

Mon, Fri



SW 127



Wed, Sun



SW 143



Mon, Fri



SW 145



Wed, Sun



SW 145


Windhoek (via Luderitz )

Wed, Sun



SW 102



Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun



SW 104



Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun



SW 108



Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun



SW 108






SW 125



Mon, Fri



SW 125


Katima Mulilo (via Rundu)

Mon, Fri



SW 127



Wed, Sun



SW 127


Rundu (via Katima Mulilo)

Wed, Sun



SW 143



Mon, Fri



SW 143


Oranjemund (via Luderitz)

Mon, Fri



SW 145



Wed, Sun



SW 145


Luderitz ( via Oranjemund)

Wed, Sun



SW 165


Walvis Bay

Tue, Thu, Fri, Sun



SW 165


Walvis Bay




SW 167


Walvis Bay

Mon, Wed



SW 166

Walvis Bay


Tue, thu, Fri, Sat, Sun



SW 168

Walvis Bay


Mon, Wed



Winner of the 2014 Feather Award - Best Regional Airline operating into and from O. R. Tambo International airport for the 8th time since 2004 At Air Namibia we are on this quest to continue serving our purpose of providing the best air transport services in the safest manner, with consistency and reliability.

Call Centre: +264 61 299 6111 or contact your local Travel Agent

Book Online: www.airnamibia.com.na | 113


KINGDOM One of the most amazing conservation areas on earth

Erindi Private Game Reserve offers the widest selection of exciting species in the greatest numbers (Over 15 000 animals & 300 bird species), the most dynamic and informed guides, the finest cuisine, the best facilities, and the friendliest welcome you could imagine.

00264 64 570 800 Flamingo_Fold_Out.indd 4

114 |


reservations@erindi.com 2014/12/10 9:43 AM

| 115

Bank Windhoek Branches / Agencies and ATMs Bureau de Change / Foreign Exchange Services and American Express / Bank Windhoek Joint Venture

Access to Foreign Exchange Services wherever you are

When visiting our beautiful country, we want to be sure that you have access to Foreign Exchange Services, no matter where you go. Bank Windhoek caters for all your foreign exchange and banking needs offering you American Express agencies, a large distribution network of 54 branches and agencies as well as 342 ATM’s and Cash Express Machines across Namibia.

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