Flamingo In-Flight Magazine

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August 2015

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Flamingo is published by Media Nova Namibia www.media-namibia.com ISSN: 2026-7924 Publisher Mynard Slabbert Contributors • Anne Schauffer • Andreas Vogt • Axel Kreuter • CSGlobe | The World Online • Don Shimoda • James Siddall • tuvie.com • African Monarch Lodges • Philip Ellis & Partners • Alpsolut | Hanne Mair Advertising Sales Media Nova Namibia Ferreira’s Garden Centre Shop #2 Maxwell Street Southern Industrial Area Windhoek, NAMIBIA MARNOX MEDIA 122 Barkston Drive, Blairgowrie, 2194 South Africa Tel: +27 (0)11 789 6614 Fax: +27 (0)11 789 8320 Cell: +27 (0)82 458 1629 E-mail: mark@marnox.co.za Web: www.marnox.co.za Namibia and Africa Mynard Slabbert +264 (0)85 227 2380 mynard@media-namibia.com Chris Coetzee +264 (0)81 668 0697 chris@media-namibia.com Godfrey Lancellas +27 (0)83 501 5999 godfrey@madhattermedia.co.za Art & layout design MPDPS (PTY) Ltd +27 (0)21 856 1276 mark@mpdps.com Printers: Solitaire Press, Brahman Street Northern Industria Windhoek, NAMIBIA TEAM NAMIBIA Media Nova Namibia cc is a proud partner of Team Namibia

In this month’s Flamingo

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Visitors’ Filo Facts Useful and interesting information on Namibia


Air Namibia Information Travel information, Frequent Flyer Information, Cargo Service, Destination Map and Fleet Information

16 Nambwa tented lodge Nambwa opens its doors with a new level of luxury


24 Earth and Sky This year’s Earth & Sky Photo Contest and its winners 34 The peculiar case of remote sensing The reality of Big Brother surveillance 42 Shout it from the rooftops Renewable energy gets big in France 50 Burning mountains Mountain biking off the beaten track 58 Can market research be affordable Deciding when to outsource market research 64 Motoring James Siddall gives us a new model roundup 74 De Meye


The hidden boutique winery in Stellenbosch’s Wine Route 86 Horseback Safari - The ultimate experiance The initmacy and silence of riding horses in the desert 106 Sci Tech Gadgets, gizmos, concepts and utter innovation 112 High Humour Time for a smile while you are high above the clouds Disclaimer All material is strictly copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without prior written permission from the publisher. Opinions expressed in Flamingo are not necessarily those of Air Namibia.

116 Entertainment Try your hand at Sudoku - easy, medium and hard 118 Air Namibia’s Flight Schedule Plan your next trip on your favourite airline




AMBASSADOR DR HELENA NDUME Winner of the United Nations Nelson Mandela Prize


he United Nations Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Prize was founded in remembrance and as a tribute to the legacy of its visionary namesake. It’s an honorary award presented for the outstanding achievements and contributions of individuals who have dedicated their lives to helping others. Awarded in recognition of their dedicated service to humanity, the promotion of reconciliation, social cohesion, and community development, extraordinary individuals such as Namibia’s own Dr Helena Ndume immediately spring to mind. It was back in 2010, as part of the Windhoek Lager Ambassador Search, that Namibia Breweries first recognised Dr Helena Ndume for her unprecedented humanitarian contributions. Her unrelenting commitment to helping the visually impaired and her pioneering work in the health sector have, and continue to, enable her to better the lives of countless Namibians.

Today, we are proud to congratulate her on yet another World-Class milestone. On 24 July 2015, Dr Helena Ndume will become not only the first Namibian, but also the first person in the world to receive the prestigious United Nations Nelson Mandela Prize. Thank you for your World-Class work.


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Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly.



A Manufacturing Basket that Overflows with Opportunities‌

Namibia is endowed with rich natural resources and offers lucrative investment opportunities across a broad spectrum of economic sectors such as Agriculture, Energy, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Mining, Services and Tourism. With fast turnaround times and a professional service at all times, the Namibia Investment Centre (NIC) is proud to welcome you to the land of the brave. Contact us today for a tailored FDI solution. Namibia, a gem worth investing in‌ Executive Director | Telephone: +264 61 283 7335/2837254 Facsimile: +264 61 220278 | www.mti.gov.na

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Dearest Guest It is my absolute pleasure to welcome you on board an Air Namibia flight. A few months ago we started to introduce to you, our team at Air Namibia. This month, I would like to highlight our team of cabin crew. This dedicated group of men and women are highly trained and motivated to ensure not only your comfort on board our flights, but the safety of all those on board. We are continually receiving positive reports from our customers on the service they receive from our team. We are proud of the members who have gone that extra mile to become trainers and are now able to train our cabin crew in a number of disciplines. This has also contributed to Air Namibia once again winning the feather award in both Johannesburg and Cape Town in 2014 as voted for by the flying public. Our compliance and safety record speaks volumes for their dedication. A number of our cabin crew have now completed courses in Portuguese to ensure we are able to give our passengers choice in the language they speak. We also have a number of crew who are fluent in German. So as you fly with us; we are proud to introduce to you, those who will take

Rene Gsponer Chief Operating officer & Acting MD

Thank you for choosing to fly with Air Namibia, and we look forward to welcoming you on board again soon.



We are very proud to be your preferred airline.

care of you during your flight. We are proud to have them as part of our team.

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Thank you for choosing Air Namibia. We will do everything to ensure you have a pleasant flight. If you need assistance, please ask any of our cabin attendants.

Obrigado por ter escolhido voar com a Air Namibia. Nós prometemos fazer tudo o que podermos para garantir que você tenha um vôo agradável. Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou precisar de ajuda, não hesite em pedir a qualquer um dos nossos assistentes de cabine por favor.

Danke, dass Sie sich dafür entschieden haben mit Air Namibia zu fliegen. Wir werden alles tun um Ihnen den Flug so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten. Wenn Sie Fragen haben oder Hilfe benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an einen unserer Flugbegleiter oder Flugbegleiterinnen.

Our highly trained cabin attendants are at your service on all our flights, for your safety and comfort.

Todos os nossos voos são servidos por assistentes de cabine altamente profissionais. Eles estão à sua disposição em todos os momentos para fazer o seu voo mais confortável.

Unser versiertes Flugpersonal steht Ihnen während des Fluges jederzeit zur Verfügung. Für Ihre Sicherheit und Bequemlichkeit sind Sie bei unserer Crew in besten Händen.

We carry first-aid kits on all our flights, should a passenger need assistance for minor conditions.

Existe um kit de primeiros socorros a bordo de nossos voos, e se os passageiros precisarem de gotas para os olhos ou medicamentos para dores de cabeça, náuseas, azia ou qualquer outra condição relativamente menor. Faça mais perguntas sobre os nossos serviços especiais ao fazer reserva

Eine medizinische Erstversorgung ist auf allen unseren Flügen sicher gestellt. Eine Erste-Hilfe-Ausrüstung befindet sich immer an Bord.

As a safety precaution, it is important to read the safety card stored in the seat pocket in front of you

Por favor, leia o folheto de segurança no bolso do assento à sua frente e observe a sua saída de emergência mais próxima. Nos voos superiores a três horas (voos de longo curso), recomendamos que você revise o conteúdo do panfleto de segurança novamente.

Zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit bitten wir Sie, sich die in der Zeitschriftentasche vor Ihnen befindliche Sicherheits-Instruktionen aufmerksam durchzulesen.

Life vests are stored under Por favor, tome nota que o colete salva-vidas está Ihre Schwimmweste befindet sich unter your seat. Only use them localizado embaixo do seu assento. O assistente de Ihrem Sitz. Bitte benutzen Sie diese nur auf as demonstrate, and only cabine vai demonstrar quando e como usar o colete Anweisung der Flugbegleiter/-innen. when instructed by the cabin salva-vidas em caso de emergência attendants. Smoking is prohibited on all Air De acordo com a lei da aviação é proibido fumar em Auf allen Air Namibia Flügen gilt ein Namibia flights. todos os voos da Air Namibia, isso inclui fumar quaisquer absolutes Rauchverbot. dispositivos artificiais ou cigarro, como e/ou cigarros eletrônicos. Só é permitido fumar em áreas designadas no edifício do terminal dos aeroportos.

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Seats must be in the upright position during take-off and landing. For your own safety, you are required to fasten your seat belt whenever the seat belt sign is illuminated and we recommend that you keep your belt fastened throughout the flight.

Para a descolagem e aterragem, todos os assentos devem estar na posição vertical. Por favor, tome nota que os assentos nas linhas de saída de emergência não reclinam. Por favor, apertem o cinto de segurança sempre que o sinal do cinto de segurança se acende. Para sua segurança, recomendamos que você o mantenha apertado durante todo o vôo.

Während Start und Landung müssen sich die Sitzlehnen in aufrechter Position befinden. Bitte schnallen Sie sich an, sobald das Anschnallzeichen aufleuchtet. Zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit empfehlen wir während des gesamten Fluges angeschnallt zu bleiben.

We offer complimentary meals and beverages on all our flights. Special-diet or vegetarian meals are available upon request when making reservations.

Uma refeição quente ou um lanche é servido em todos os nossos vôos. Alimentação-Special ou refeições vegetarianas estão disponíveis mediante solicitação no momento da reserva. Nós oferecemos uma grande variedade de bebidas.

Auf unseren Flügen werden Mahlzeiten und Getränke serviert. Diätische oder vegetarische Mahlzeiten können bei der Flugbuchung angefragt werden

ENGLISH We carry an extensive range of duty free products at competitive prices on selected flights. Please refer to our catalogue for details.



Nós carregamos uma grande variedade de produtos com isenção de direitos a preços competitivos. Por favor, consulte o catálogo no bolso em frente do seu assento.

An Bord ist ein umfangreiches Sortiment an Duty-Free-Produkten zu attraktiven Preisen erhältlich. Informationen hierzu entnehmen Sie bitte unserem Duty-FreeKatalog.

Audio and visual entertainment Programas de entretenimento de áudio e vídeo estão Audio- und Videoprogramme sind an Bord programmes are available on disponíveis nos nossos voos de longo curso e de médio unserer Airbus A330 und A319 Maschinen flights operated using our A330 curso verfügbar. and A319 aircraft. Our A319 and ERJ 135 aircraft Alguns dos nossos aviões têm saídas de ar individuais, Unsere Fluggeräte des Typs Airbus A319 have individual air vents which que podem ser ajustados para fornecer um fluxo de ar. und Embraer ERJ135 verfügen über can be adjusted to provide a individuelle Frischluftdüsen. refreshing stream of air. Regulamentos de saúde em determinados aeroportos exigem que a cabine da aeronave deve ser pulverizada. O spray é inofensivo, mas se você acha que pode afetá-lo, por favor, cobrir o nariz e a boca com um lenço.

Um den Gesundheitsvorschriften einiger Länder zu entsprechen, muss die Flugzeugkabine mit einem für den Menschen unbedenklichen Spray behandelt werden. Wir empfehlen dennoch, die Atemwege durch Vorhalten eines Taschentuchs zu schützen.

Should you travel with a baby Se você viajar com um bebê, recomendamos que você we recommend you request a reserve o seu voo mais cedo e não se esqueça de pedir bassinet especially on the long- um berço especialmente nos voos de longo curso haul flights.

Sollten Sie mit einem Baby reisen, empfehlen wir Ihnen besonders auf Langstreckenflügen ein Babybett zu beantragen.

Please do not place any luggage Por favor note que no assento da saída de emergência é under seats at the emergency proibido colocar bagagem de mão debaixo dos assentos. exit seat. Excesso de bagagem de mão será colocada no porão Para garantir uma gestão eficiente e minimizar os danos, Carry-on luggage should be certifique-se que os artigos não pesam mais de 32 kg. stored in the overhead stowage. Certifique-se de etiquetar sua bagagem e garantir que devidamente bloqueado.

“Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Verstauen von Handgepäck unter Ihrem Sitz an den Notausgängen nicht gestattet ist.“

Health regulations in some countries require that the aircraft cabin must be sprayed. The spray is harmless, but if you think it might affect you, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief.

We suggest that passengers do stretching exercises, and move during the flight to improve blood circulation.

Handgepäck ist in den Gepäckfächern über Ihrem Sitz zu verstauen.

Exercício durante a espera para o banheiro. Esta é uma Versuchen Sie, sich während des Fluges boa oportunidade para se esticar e se mover enquanto möglichst oft zu strecken und zu bewegen. So wird Ihr Kreislauf angeregt. em pé na fila. Beba muita água durante todo o vôo Use roupas folgadas, confortáveis para que você se possa descolar facilmente Use sapatos confortáveis, macios para que você possa deslizar ou descalçar facilmente Leve apenas um pequeno saco como bagagem de mão, assim você não precisa de sobre-carregar seus pés e restringir o seu espaço para as pernas

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Our Frequent Flyer Programme Air Namibia’s Frequent Flyer Programme is called “Reward$”. Becoming a member enables you to earn valuable miles from all your travels with Air Namibia. These miles can be used to buy tickets, pay for upgrades to business class and pay for excess baggage. Miles are transferable between members and can also be used to purchase tickets for persons other than the member. Joining is absolutely free, PLUS you get up to 500 complimentary miles upon successful subscription. For more specifics on the programme, please refer to the appropriate topic below.


Electronic Bonus

You can register online by visiting our website: www.airnamibia.com.na, or at any Air Namibia ticket office. You will receive a membership pack, including your permanent card, 2-3 weeks after your first flight after registration.

An Electronic Bonus of 300 miles will be allocated to the member on first activity if the member has registered online and selected his communication preference to be e-mail.

Miles Expiry

Miles are valid for five (5) years after the year in which they were earned. Miles due to expire will always be reflected on your Mileage Summary.

Activation Rules

A membership account will automatically be activated after the first flight and successful completion of registration.

Missing Miles

Enrolment Bonus

If your Miles are not credited for any reason, they can be promptly credited provided the relevant documentation is submitted. It is essential to keep all the relevant documentation including original boarding passes and copies of airline tickets. Members can also claim missing miles online by entering the e-ticket number without the airline code “186”, or contact our Call Center for assistance.

Enrolment Bonus is 500 miles. Enrolment bonuses are allocated to the member’s account on the first activity after registration.

Spending Miles

Corporate Clients

For more information visit:

Air Namibia has also introduced the

www.airnamibia.com.na. If you do not

Corporate Client component to the

have enough miles for a free ticket, you


can purchase miles in batches of 1000

For more information on the Corporate






miles at N$220 – this is only applicable



if you have 50% or more of the value of

employees. Members can accumulate

the Award ticket available. Award tickets

miles in both corporate as well as personal

are valid for 12 months from the date of

accounts, depending on directives from

issue and are processed and issued after

their corporate head.

payment of Airport taxes is received.

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Client enrollment, please contact our Call Centre at Tel: +264 61 2996111/6333/6444 or Call.Center@airnamibia.aero

Very Important Note:

Members need to fly once after registration in order to activate their accounts and before miles can be used to redeem tickets, request upgrades or to transfer miles from his/her account to another member’s account.

Our Fleet Average Fleet Age: 7 years

Airbus A330-200 Business Class

Economy Class

Number of Aircraft




Height (m)


Cruising Speed

860 km/h

Maximum Passengers


Wing Span (m)


Maximum Fuel Capacity

138 000l

Maximum Take-off Weight

233 000 kg

Airbus A319 -100 Business Class

Economy Class

Number of Aircraft




Height (m)


Cruising Speed

820 km/h

Maximum Passengers


Wing Span (m)


Maximum Fuel Capacity

23 860l

Maximum Take-off Weight

70 000 kg

Number of Aircraft




Height (m)


Cruising Speed

820 km/h

Maximum Passengers


Wing Span (m)


Maximum Fuel Capacity

4 198l

Maximum Take-off Weight

19 000 kg

Embraer ERJ135 All Economy Class

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To North America and beyond





To Asia and beyond








Lusaka Katima Ondangwa Rundu Mulilo

Victoria Falls



Walvis Bay Luderitz Oranjemund

Cape Town

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Through interline agreements with our partner airlines, Air Namibia helps you reach your final destination almost anywhere in the world ABZ - Aberdeen, United Kingdom | Aberdeen Dyce Airport AMS - Amsterdam, Netherlands | Amsterdam Schiphol Airport ARN - Stockholm, Sweden | Stockholm-Arlanda Airport ATH - Athens, Greece | Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport BCN- Barcelona, Spain | Barcelona International Airport BGO - Bergen, Norway | Bergen Flesland Airport BHX - Birmingham, United Kingdom | Birmingham International Airport BIO - Bilbao, Spain | Bilbao Airport BLL - Billund, Denmark | Billund Airport BLQ - Bologna, Italy | Bologna / Borgo Panigale Airport BRE - Bremen, Germany | Bremen Airport BRU - Brussels, Belgium | Brussels Airport BUD - Budapest, Hungary | Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport CDG - Paris, France | Charles de Gaulle International Airport CPH - Copenhagen, Denmark | Copenhagen Kastrup Airport DME- Moscow, Russia | Domodedovo International Airport DRS - Dresden, Germany | Dresden Airport DUB - Dublin, Ireland | Dublin Airport DUS - Dusseldorf, Germany | Dusseldorf International Airport EDI - Edinburgh, United Kingdom | Edingburgh Airport FAO - Faro, Portugal | Faro Airport FCO - Rome, Italy | Leonardo Da Vinci (Fiumicino) International Airport FMO - Muenster, Germany | Muenster Osnabrueck Airport FRA - Frankfurt, Germany | Frankfurt International Airport GOJ - Nizhny Novgorod, Russia | Nizhny Novgorod International Airport GOT - Gothenburg, Sweden | Gothenburg-Landvetter Airport GRZ - Graz, Austria | Graz Airport GVA - Geneva, Switzerland | Geneva Cointrin International HAJ - Hannover, Germany | Hannover Airport HAM - Hamburg, Germany | Hamburg Airport HEL - Helsinki, Finland | Helsinki Vantaa Airport IST - Istanbul, Turkey | Ataturk International Airport KBP - Kiev, Ukraine | Boryspil International Airport KRK - Krakow, Poland | John Paul II International Kraków-Balice Airport KTW - Katowice, Poland | Katowice International Airport

KUF - Samara, Russia | Kurumoch International Airport LCA - Larnaca, Cyprus | Larnaca International Airport LED - St. Petersburg, Russia | Pulkovo Airport LEJ - Leipzig, Germany | Leipzig Halle Airport LHR - London, United Kingdom | London Heathrow Airport LIN - Milan, Italy | Linate Airport LIS - Lisbon, Portugal | Lisbon Portela LYS - Lyon, France | Lyon Saint-Exupéry MAD - Madrid, Spain | Madrid Barajas International MAN - Manchester, United Kingdom | Manchester Airport MLA - Luqa, Malta | Luqa Airport MUC - Munich, Germany | Franz Josef Strauss International Airport MXP - Milan, Italy | Malpensa International Airport NAP - Napoli, Italy | Nápoli / Capodichino International Airport NCE - Nice, France | Nice-Côte d’Azur NUE - Nuremberg, Germany | Nuremberg Airport OPO - Porto, Portugal | Francisco de Sá Carneiro OSL - Oslo, Norway | Oslo Gardermoen Airport POZ - Poznan, Poland | Poznan-Lawica Airport PRG - Prague, Czech Republic | Ruzyn International Airport RIX - Riga, Latvia | Riga International Airport SOF STR - Stuttgart, Germany | Stuttgart Airport SVG - Stavanger, Norway | Stavanger Sola Airport TLL - Tallinn, Estonia | Tallinn Airport TLS - Toulouse, France | Toulouse-Blagnac Airport TRN - Torino, Italy | Torino / Caselle International Airport TXL - Berlin, Germany | Berlin-Tegel International Airport VCE - Venice, Italy | Venezia / Tessera - Marco Polo Airport VIE - Vienna, Austria | Vienna International Airport VKO - Moscow, Russia | Vnukovo International Airport VNO - Vilnius, Lithuania | Vilnius International Airport WAW - Warsaw, Poland |Warsaw Chopin Airport ZRH - Zurich, Switzerland | Zurich Airport

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Baggage Guidelines

At Air Namibia we are committed to ensuring that our passengers are re-united with their luggage at end of their journey. Given the complexity of the environment in which we operate, passengers’ luggage often gets out of our control and care, (for brief moments when they are subjected to control and handling by various agencies.) It is for this reason we request passengers to check their luggage on point of arrival (immediately after collecting their bag) to ensure that bag was not tampered with; and to report any suspected losses immediately. We request passengers not to check-in valuable items, especially those that are susceptible to theft, such as cash, jewellery, electronic devices like mobile phones, watches, sunglasses, to mention a few. In line with International Industry Conventions on passenger baggage liability, Air Namibia cannot be held liable if these valuable items are pilfered from checked-in baggage. We encourage our passengers to lock or wrap their bags where possible.

Our rules pertaining to baggage include the following We offer our passengers a generous free hand baggage allowance, with maximum weight of 10kg each, and maximum size 55 x 38 x 20 cm; plus an overcoat, an umbrella, a walking stick, a ladies hand bag, a reasonable amount of reading material, and a laptop. We also allow a fully collapsible wheelchair and/or a pair of crutches as hand baggage.

Excess baggage fees on extra pieces of baggage carried, per bag up to 10 bags per passenger are Domestic routes Routes within Southern Africa Frankfurt route

US$ 100.00 per extra bag US$ 110.00 per extra bag US$ 200.00 per extra bag

Free allowance for checked in baggage

Airbus A330-200 Airbus A319-100 Embraer ERJ 135 operated flights operated flights Business: 2 pieces each weighing not more than 32 kg’s

Business: 2 pieces each weighing not more than 32 kg’s

Economy:1 piece weighing not more than 23 kg’s

Economy: 2 pieces each weighing not more than 23 kg’s

Applicable excess baggage fees on excess weight over the free baggage allowance per bag. Domestic routes Routes within Southern Africa

1 piece not exceeding 23 kg’s

Frankfurt route

US$ 100.00 per bag US$ 110.00 per bag US$ 200.00 per bag

• No item of checked in baggage may exceed 32 kilograms.

• For further information on sports, highly fragile items, and security guidelines, we recommend that you visit our website on www.airnamibia.com.na

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With over 700 scheduled flights per month, our network and reliable service makes us the best solution for your freight needs. No matter how big or small your parcel is, from the size of an envelope to the size of an elephant, we will get it there for you in GOOD TIME. We provide security for valuable and dangerous goods. We also handle highly perishable goods, and even live animals.

For bookings contact us on telephone number +26461299 6610/11 or via email on cargo.@airnamibia.aero. For more details, please visit our website on www.airnamibia.com.na, select the cargo icon and navigate easily to get all information you need.

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Nambwa tented lodge In January this year, Nambwa Lodge opened its doors with 10 luxury tent suites, beautifully built in the treetops. Set in Namibia’s Zambezi region, Nambwa epitomises the indelible wildlife experience, complete with a rare sense of peace and sheer well-being. By: Anne Schauffer Photographs by: African Monarch Lodges

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ambwa Tented Lodge is situated on the banks of the Kwando River,

within the Bwabwata National Park. This partnership with the Mayuni Conservancy gives the Lodge traversing rights to over 300 000 hectares of unspoilt wilderness, with over 35 large and small game species, and upwards of 330 bird species. Nambwa is in the heart of the Kavango Zambezi Trans Frontier Conservation Area (KAZA) and forms part of the larger Peace Park initiative. The diversity of habitat not only supports a wide range of wildlife, but provides guests with the most unimaginable varied surroundings: wide open floodplains, thick teak woodlands, reed beds and floating grass mats, as well as spreading knobthorn and jackalberry trees. Your accommodation at Nambwa is in a stylish, spacious 100 square metre luxury tented suite, built up in the trees, overlooking the Kwando River and floodplains. The outlook and views are incredible. Each tent has an en-suite bathroom, with a bath and a large inside shower, an expansive private deck on which to relax, watch the game wander by or even the elephants walking between the tents. Each tent is perfectly positioned so as to have maximum privacy, and you are linked to the main lodge via an elevated wooden walkway. You will be in the lap of luxury, an oasis in the midst of the wilderness. A sense of privilege prevails. The central lodge has all the facilities you could wish for, including a lounge, bar,





tables, a fire pit, and a spacious main deck. A waterhole and views onto the floodplains




viewing opportunities. The wildlife around Nambwa moves freely through the area, and it is a wildlife lover’s paradise. Countless herds of elephant, water buffalo, hippo, roan, sable, wildebeest, zebra, giraffe, letchwe, as well as lion, leopard and the endangered 18 |

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African wild dog roam freely. For birders,

Africa. The extreme beauty, the silence,

Nambwa is home to numerous rare and

the bird song, while watching the sun rise

endemic bird species.

or fall, is the stuff that dreams are made of. They generally last around two hours, and

A photographer’s dream destination

there is no finer way to start or end a day.

Nambwa is situated within a part of

For those who like to fish, Nambwa

the Bwabwata National Park and has

offers a catch-and-release only adventure.

permission to conduct night game drives,

It is more about the enjoyment of the

providing guests with the rare opportunity

activity and makes for a wonderfully

to enjoy elusive sightings of nocturnal

relaxing morning or afternoon.

animals – including some of the big cats.

African Monarch Lodges have as their

From bush babies to aardvark, nightjars

pillars: the community, conservancies

to owls, not to mention the leopards, it

and conservation. The local conservancies

is a thrill.

are partners in all their projects, and they

At Nambwa, activities include Guided

team up with local chiefs and councils to

Game Drives and Morning or Afternoon

help create sustainable communities. As

Boat Cruises on the Kwando River. Guided

part of this interconnectedness, guests

Game Walks through the park are conducted

are able to enjoy a Cultural Village Tour:

by local guides, and give those who enjoy

experience the life of a local village,

being up close and personal with nature,

meet the people who are part of the

a golden opportunity to do so. A Mokoro

conservation and development projects

Trip is another real treat – a mokoro is a

in the area, as well as interacting with the

local canoe, crafted by carving out the

villagers who create and sell crafts.

trunk of a large, straight tree. You will be

At Nambwa Tented Lodge, you’ll find

propelled through the shallow waters of

yourself submerged in the wonders of

the backwaters by a poler, who stands in

the north-eastern Caprivi landscape, its

the stern and pushes along the canoe with

magnificent wildlife and its extreme beauty.

a pole. It is so silent that you stand a good

But along with the undeniable adrenaline of

chance of coming upon unsuspecting birds

Africa, you will discover a rare peace and

and reptiles in the reeds.

tranquility that you are unlikely to find

Nambwa’s bush breakfasts and evening

anywhere else. You will see.

sundowners are a wonderful experience, something on everybody’s wish list for

www.nambwalodge.com | 21

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“Star Trails Above Table Mountain� by Eric Nathan (www.ericnathan.com) | The image juxtaposes a moonlit Table Mountain and the star trails above it with the artificial lights of Cape Town, South Africa; a stack of over nine hundred 30-second exposures, captured in June 2014. The first winner in the Against the Lights category.

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Earth and Sky

The 2015 International Earth & Sky Photo Contest Winners have just been announced. The winners highlight the beauty of the night sky and its battle with light pollution.

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elected from images taken

a special attention to the sky,

professional and amateur/hobby

from over 800 images.” TWAN

from 54 countries, the

astronomical perspectives,

photographers. About

founder and the contest chair,

International Earth & Sky

and celestial phenomena. The

1 000 entries were received and

Babak Tafreshi, adds “The sky

Photo Contest is organised by

contest’s focus on preserving

839 of them were approved for

above us is an essential part

the international programme,

the night sky as part of our

judging. David Malin

of our nature, a heritage for us

The World at Night. According

natural heritage, is to support

of the judging panel, a

and other species on this planet.

to the contest criteria, the

global efforts in controlling

well-known pioneer in scientific

The contest’s main goal is to

submitted images are taken

light pollution. The contest

astrophotography, explains that

present the night sky in this

during 2014 - 2015 and are

was founded by TWAN and

“This competition encourages

broader context that relates to

all created in the “TWAN

the Dark Skies Awareness

photographers with imagination

all of us, while it is also the

style” - showing both the

Project in 2008 as a regional

to push their cameras to their

astronomer’s laboratory to

earth and sky - by combining

programme, subsequently

technical limits, and to produce

explore the universe. Perhaps

elements of the night sky set

it was expanded to a global

eye-catching images that

from this perspective we can

in the backdrop of the Earth

programme in 2009, during

appear perfectly natural and are

better preserve the natural night

horizon, often with a notable

the International Year of

aesthetically pleasing. Hundreds

sky and reconnect it with our

scenery or landmark. Known

Astronomy. It’s growing larger

of nightscape photographers

modern life.” According to the

as nightscape imaging (or

each year.

from across the world rose to

contest theme of “Dark Skies’

the challenge, and the panel

Importance,” the submitted

landscape astrophotography),

The contest was open to

this is similar to general

anyone of any age, anywhere

of nine judges was ultimately

photos were judged in two

night photography but with

in the world; to both

faced with finding the best

categories: “Beauty of the Night Sky” and “Against the Lights.”

Winners: International Earth & Sky Photo Contest

The selected images are those most effective in impressing the public on both how important and delicate the starry sky is as an affecting part of our nature, and also how bad the problem of light pollution has become. Today, most city skies are virtually devoid of stars. Light pollution (excessive light that scatters to the sky instead of illuminating the ground) not only is a major waste of energy, it also obscures the stars, disrupts ecosystems and has adverse health effects. The contest is also a collaboration with the outreach and education group of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory and Global Astronomy Month, the

TOP ROW LEFT TO RIGHT Eric Nathan; Brad Goldpaint; Evgeny Trisko MIDDLE ROW LEFT TO RIGHT Ben Coffman; Caren Zhao; Lyubov Traifonova BOTTOM ROW LEFT TO RIGHT Zhou Yannan; Hui Chieh Teo; Sigurdur Brynjarsson

26 |

Astronomers Without Borders annual worldwide programme in April.

“The Enchanted Forest” by Lyubov Trifonova (www.vk.com/id10329233) | The moon and the northern lights lit up the snow-covered forest in Murmansk, north-western Russia, Dec 2014. The first winner in the Beauty of the Night Sky category.

“Moonlit Darklings” by Brad Goldpaint (www.goldpaintphotography.com) | The moonlight strikes Mt Rainier in Washington, north-western USA, as the Milky Way drifts across the night sky, July 2014. The 2nd winner in the Beauty of the Night Sky category.

| 27

“Above the Light Pollution” by Evgeny Trisko (www.vk.com/trisko_foto) | The Milky Way emerges from the clouds over lights in the valley. In the center is the Peak Terskol Observatory near Mt Elbrus, northern Caucasus Mountains, Russia, photographed in Aug 2014. The 2nd winner in the Against the Lights category.

“A Raising of the Hackles” by Ben Coffman (www.bencoffmanphotography.com) | In a crystal clear winter morning, the Milky Way and the crescent Moon rise above the Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, USA, Feb 2015. The 3rd winner in the Beauty of the Night Sky category.

28 |

“Blood Moon Rises Over Chongqing” by Zhou Yannan (flickr.com/photos/zhouyannan) | As the moon rose and the sun set on 8 October 2014, a lunar eclipse was in progress as seen from Chongqing, China. In this photo sequence, the rising eclipsed Moon began as a dark reddened disk and gradually comes out of the shadow while rising above the Yangtze River. The 3rd winner in the Against the Lights category.

“The Dome” by Sigurdur William Brynjarsson (facebook.com/siggiphoto) | A 180° panoramic view of the aurora borealis in a winter night of Iceland, stretching from the city of Reykjavik (right) to the town of Keflavik to the west (left), Dec 2014. The 4th winner in the Beauty of the Night Sky category.

| 29

“Star Trails over Bromo” by Hui Chieh Teoh of Malaysia (www.mydarksky.org) | A time-exposure image of star trails around the south celestial pole, above volcanoes in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park of East Java, Indonesia. Lit by the rising Moon, Mt Bromo is the steaming crater in the center, June 2014. The 4th winner in the Against the Lights category.

“Strolls in the Star River” by Caren Zhao of China (weibo.com/u/2250248783). | The arc of the southern Milky Way and the zodiacal light above Salar de Uyuni, the world’s largest salt flat, in Bolivia, Feb 2015. The 5th winner in the Beauty of the Night Sky category.

30 |

“Above and Underneath� by Evgeny Trisko (www.vk.com/trisko_foto) | The night sky above clouds illuminated by towns and villages hidden underneath, photographed in Pyatigorsk, the Stavropol region of Russia, Feb 2015. The 5th winner in the Against the Lights category.

| 31

78 |




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| 79

The peculiar case of remote sensing ‘Big Brother Is Watching You’ has shifted very rapidly from a fantasy-type science fiction concept, to a widespread daily reality with, in many ways, unimaginable and far-reaching personal and global consequences. By: Don Shimoda







to be photographed? Did you consent to

Brother is Watching” was the

the images of your private, sometimes

stuff of sci-fi movies. The implied

fenced-off property, being made available

discomfort was that your privacy had

to every person with internet access? That

been compromised, and that an unseen

is everyone, from the property developer,

‘Big Brother’ could track and monitor

to a foreign military power, your own

your every move. Well, gradually that

government, and nosy neighbours, to the

became very true. Via cell phone usage,

people whose informal industry it is to

numerous applications that monitor

relieve you of your possessions in ways

and track from where (and for what

other than the regulated (and expected)

purpose) you use your cell phone, bank

government tax services! Have you looked

card usage, passport control points,

at your neighbour’s house, pool and car on

customer loyalty systems and CCTV

Google Earth? You did have their permission,

systems - we are all monitored. The

right? Makes you think, does it not?

disturbing thing is that this invasion is just the proverbial tip of the iceberg!

Let us start with satellites

Drones, satellites and Google Earth - all

By international law, states have absolute

are changing how we see our environment,

sovereignty over their geographical area,

and making far more of our environment

and over their airspace. The space above

visible and accessible, way more than

any sovereign country is sacred, and

what was previously even contemplated.

internationally respected as that country’s

Both have a serious and significant impact

sovereign domain. Therefore, no aircraft,

on matters like privacy, evidence, markets,

or any flying object for that matter, may

and the way we interact with our world.

enter another country’s airspace without

Have you ever looked at your house on

the host’s express permission. This has

Google Earth? Did you give permission

been internationally recognised by the

34 |

| 35

Chicago Convention of 1944, and was ratified by almost every state on earth. It follows that every country has the right to decide who and what overflies its territory, and for what purpose - a straightforward rule to follow for everyone. During the Cold War, technology deployed from ultra high-flying spy planes like the SR71 - the Blackbird - and the U2, was used to overfly sovereign states without their permission. The objective was spying, monitoring military strengths and movements, and - while you were at it – to have a peek-a-boo at some other interesting snippets that your neighbour was reluctant to share. These included crops, natural resources, mining activities, natural and other disasters, and other snippets of information that may come in handy - economically or otherwise. But the Cold War is over? Is it? This activity of remote sensing continues today, just on a much, much wider scale than the Cold War. In comparison, the Cold War spying was on such a miniscule scale, it is dwarfed by what is going on now. And every country is remotely sensed, photographed, analysed and recorded - without exception. 36 |

Here is the problem

without any permission or consent, is then

main competitors are going to be taking

The difference between the Cold War

sold to parties who can gain leverage off of

to market, months before the fact, one

era and now, is that remote sensing

this information.







is done by satellites (some a mere

Let’s look at one example: the state of

10 x 10 centimetres in size) without the

California buys more than 2 000 analysed

Advance information like this is

countries, being sensed, giving their

satellite images annually, to see how their

immensely powerful in every conceivable

consent and permission. These satellites

citrus crops, production and potential

industry - not just agriculture. It allows

are owned and controlled by states and

yield compare to almost every competitor

those with access to the analysed data to

private entities, who use them for a

in the world - from Chile to Argentina

see into the future - and to prepare for

multitude of applications. As far as the

to Greece. These figures are monitored

exact outcomes, not eventualities.

private sector is concerned, the underlying

almost constantly, and as a result the

As an intellectual exercise, think



Californian industry can prepare for every

about your current industry. Imagine

economical. Data is collected, analysed

international market eventuality, months

you can actively monitor every one of

and then put to some commercial use.

before the crops are even harvested! If

your competitors almost in real time -

That means that data collected, most often

you know what yield and quality your

and prepare accordingly for their future




phenomenally powerful.

| 37

market positions - months in advance!

be practically encouraged. If conducted from

In the formerly mentioned Space Treaties,

This applies to mining and agriculture

“neutral” outer space - whose laws apply?

there are a couple of modest principles

through to fishing and tourism.

The short answer is this: no one is sure. The

to guard against potential apocalyptic

problem is this: no one has a solution!

applications of satellites. It is stated that

Not fair, you say?

Space Law is governed by five

no nuclear weapons, or weapons of mass

The legal problem that all states face is that



destruction may be placed in space. You

the upper limit of their sovereign airspace

subsequently signed and ratified by a

may find that a relief, but define a weapon

has never been set. This means there is no

diminishing number of sovereign nations

of mass destruction. What must its killing

internationally recognised border where

between 1967 and 1979. It has been a

potential be to be branded as such? If it can

sovereign airspace stops, and outer space

full 36 years since the last internationally

kill only 5 people, is it ‘harmless’ and ‘ok’

begins. Australia has recently set the

recognised space treaty was signed. In

to have it up there? How about 50 or 500?

upper limit of their sovereign airspace

that time, the technological advances and

The problem, again, is an elusive, vague,

at 100 kilometres. All this means is that

applications for what space satellites are

legal definition. Weapons in space, per se,

a satellite operating at 101 kilometres is

used for have literally exploded.

were never banned. The definition prohibits



now legally outside Australian airspace,

In the Geostationary Orbit, approximately

and the proverbial hunting season is open!

35 000 kilometres above earth, there

Many other states - including the huge

are more than 400 active satellites. In

There is the similarly altruistic principle

space-faring nations like the USA, the

the Geosynchronous orbit, some 42 000

of the demilitarisation of outer space. The

Russian Federation, China, India, and the

kilometres above earth, there is an active

underlying idea is that technology may not

European Union, have not recognised or set

satellite separated by only 73 kilometres

be employed that has a military application.

an upper limit where their sovereign airspace

from its nearest neighbour! There are an

However, please define a set of binoculars,

stops, and outer space legally begins.

estimated 1 800 satellites in that orbit alone!

a steak knife, or a magnifying glass. Are

If a satellite is not in your airspace, you

Some are there for communications, some

they peaceful, or not? It all hinges on its

have no say over it - legally speaking. That

for GPS applications, some for outer space

application. What it is ultimately used

means the activity of such a satellite is ruled

observation, and some look down on us.

for, determines its ultimate definition.

by international laws other than the sensed

Some monitor weather, some say their

If the same satellite monitors a wildfire

state’s laws of privacy and sovereignty. See

purpose is of similar peaceful and innocent

in the Australian outback, and enables

where this is going? In one country it may be

intent, and others are simply classified

fire fighters and rescue operations to save

illegal to play Peeping Tom; in a next, it may

satellites “for national interest.”

and evacuate people and property - it

38 |

weapons of mass destruction, and no one agrees on the definition of that.

would be classified as humanitarian, and

commercially available data from a host

Big Brother is no longer a singular

essential. But if that same satellite’s images

of private satellite operators, and thereby

ham-fisted schoolyard bully to watch with

are used to monitor a state’s military

levelling the playing field. With the vast

a beady eye. There are now thousands

manoeuvres the next day - and parting

number of satellite operators and data

of Big Brothers up there; watching,

with that information for a small fee - what

being available, this seems like the most

recording activities and developments

shall we classify it as now? The reality is

practical solution - and one most African

with staggering national and multinational

that this is exactly the scenario. As a set of

countries and multinational companies

importance - every second, each day. It is

binoculars can be used for bird watching,

are well advised to consider - unless

no longer in the sphere of science fiction

and less savoury applications, the same

“flying blind” is a commercial activity

either. This massive phenomenon shapes

applies for satellites. The problem is that

and vision that appeals for its adrenaline

our world, our future and our economies,

one can far more easily police a misguided

inducing properties!

every second of every day!





own country, than a satellite travelling at 40 000 kilometres an hour, while monitoring and recording everything with impunity even through dense cloud and smoke. Many - noticeably African and other Third World countries - have recognised the importance of this new and staggering development, but have been hamstrung by the prohibitive costs to procure, launch and maintain own satellites. A country like Brazil has recognised the strategic importance of having access to analysed satellite data for a host of very obvious reasons. Instead of deploying their own costly hardware, they seem to have opted for collating and purchasing | 39

50 |


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| 51

Shout it from the rooftops France declares all new rooftops must be topped with plants or solar panels. By: CSGlobe | The World Online

42 |


new law recently passed in France

summer. They are capable of retaining

partially covered roofs make for a great

mandates that all new buildings,

rainwater and reducing problems with

start and are still a huge step in the right

which are built in commercial zones,

runoff, as well as offering birds a place to

direction. Some say the law that was

must be partially covered in either plants

call home in the urban jungle.

passed is actually better, as it gives the

or solar panels. Green roofs have an




business owners a chance to install solar

isolating effect, which helps to reduce

originally wanted to pass a law that

panels to help provide the buildings with

the amount of energy needed to heat a

would make the green roofs cover the

renewable energy, thereby leaving an

building during the winter or cool it in the

entire surface of all new roofs. However,

even smaller carbon footprint.

| 43

Green roofs are already very popular in Germany and Australia, as well as Canada’s city of Toronto! This by-law was adopted in 2009 by the city





green roofs on all new industrial and residential buildings. Benefits of Green Roofs There are so many benefits to green roofs. Here are just a few: ●● Adding natural beauty and major aesthetic improvement to buildings, which can, in turn, increase the investment opportunity. ●● Helping contribute to landfill diversion by prolonging the life of waterproofing

44 |

| 45

46 |

membranes, using recycled materials, and prolonging the service of heating, ventilation, and HVAC systems through decreased use. ●● Assisting with storm water management because water is stored by the substrate, then taken up by plants, and thus returned to the atmosphere through transpiration and evaporation. They also retain rainwater, moderate the temperature of the water and act as natural filters for the water that does run off. They delay the time at which runoff occurs, which results in decreased stress on sewer systems during peak periods. ●● The plants on green roofs do a great job of capturing airborne pollutants and other atmospheric deposition. They can also filter noxious gasses. ●● They open up new areas for community gardens, commercial and recreational space in busy cities where this space is generally quite limited. France is definitely on the right track, but it should be a mandate that all new buildings, being built worldwide, must adopt this amazing idea to reap all of the potential benefits. | 47

48 |

| 49

Burning mountains

Namibia, a wide open land of extreme harshness and surreal rocks. Three mountain bikers from Austria set out to explore the granite of the “burning mountains” for a rideable trail. A bike adventure into unknown terrain and a story of failure and triumph. By: Axel Kreuter


50 |

Photographs by: Alpsolut/Hannes Mair

here is still room for sure to further

imagination. How would our experience

push the limits of mountain biking

translate in such a terrain, isolated in a

in terms of technical difficulty, but

remote and harsh environment? We were a

another line of thought had developed

group of three riders to find out: Sylvia, Lars

in my mind: why not take our bikes

and myself.

and skills and move to new grounds,

Already during the first hours of

to a totally different kind of mountain,

hiking, reality had kicked in and made it

outside the Alps, outside the familiarity

pretty clear that this was indeed no bike

of vertriding technical but mostly well

terrain, rideable sections were rare. Not

maintained hiking trails.

because of the topography but because

I grew up in South Africa and I still

of the lack of a defined path and the

had vivid memories of Namibia: the wide

abundance of wild vegetation. The rainy

open, simply vast land, the contrasts of

season had been good, after three years

colour and light, the dry heat, and the

of drought, so the grass and bushes were

night skies. It had hit some resonance in

going strong. We had our first break

me. Now it was time to return to Africa.

around noon. The dry heat was not

We would explore the Brandberg Massive,

unbearable, but you would rather seek

just north of the Tropic of Capricorn. The

the shade of some of the large boulders.

130 million years old accumulation of

The typical African hiker’s diet: biltong,

granite hosts the highest mountain in

dried fruit and nuts.

Namibia, 2 600 metres above a savanna

We reached the prominent steep

plain. The absolute remoteness and

slab with the white stripe that we could

harshness of the environment struck my

already see from the base camp. From

| 51

the top, the granite started off almost flat and curved down, becoming steeper, and ending nearly vertically in a gully. One would have to make a well-defined traverse and exit the slab at a lonely tree. So on the way back, a good length of beautiful riding was ensured. I kept saying that at least it was something. Not that I had promised Sylvia and Lars a perfect bike park, but hiking the bikes for three days for a ten metre ride, might be putting some tension on to the group. We





campground just before sunset. The last rays of sun touched over the silvery grass. It was near perfect scenery; we lit a fire, started cooking a rustic dish and talked into the night under the Southern Cross sky. As Colin explained, “In Africa we share everything. We share the food, the stories, and the mountain. But we do not share everything, we do not share our wives. That is the red line, and you should never cross it.”

52 |

The next day we reached the summit of Königstein. The panorama was unsurpassed. Our heads were turning around to digest the views over the genuine




reflected the light brownish colour of a lion’s back. A cool, refreshing breeze was blowing at the top, and in that moment we felt victory! Slowly the thoughts of our bikes crept back into our minds. And what a good first surprise: the first elevation drop from the summit to the first plateau could be called rideable. Well, it was a hard fight to navigate through the bush in the fairly steep terrain, with the rumble of granite constantly slurring the tires’ direction. Nonetheless, it felt like biking. The traverse through grass and a deep sand surface had the odd thorns sticking out. Punctures are a constant minor worry on such a trip. Then we entered a gorge and found a remarkable ride on a solid granite riverbed. Further down, the rock transformed into a labyrinth of giant boulders. In the greed for more photos, Hannes, the photographer, and I stayed behind. We started to hurry back to beat the beckoning twilight and at one stage we realised we had lost our path. When Colin had been leading the way, it was easy to follow. Now, every little stone on a rock could be taken as clue for the path. So we got ourselves into our first real time of trouble, which we managed to get ourselves out of too. It involved abandoning my bike behind an arbitrary rock in the labyrinth rock garden and scrambling through rough terrain towards the bearing where we were expecting the campground. We made it to the camp in the very last light of that memorable day. The next problem was that this second night was not even planned; Colin had expected us to be back | 53

54 |

down at the base that day. It was no big deal, it just

meant that the food

ration now was a bit tight. After a whole day of hiking, biking and working, we shared one sachet of onion soup between the eight of us. Not to mention a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit for dessert. I kept marvelling at how such a dinner could be enough after such an amazing day. But not everybody wanted to agree on that description of the meal. Finally, the next day, we reached the granite slabs. It was truly a magical ride. The rough, brittle but hard granite surface was a novelty for my tyres. Riding into the steep and open surface did induce some feeling of exposure, but at the same time a sincere sensation of freedom. We reached the cars at our base camp with euphoria. Smiley had been watching the parking area and was waiting for us already. And so were plenty of warm cans of beer. We drove back for two hours through the savanna on remote jeep tracks, back to Uis, back to so-called civilisation, and back to the rest camp where we had already pitched our tents. The atmosphere was ebullient; everybody was talking until we remembered we had not eaten for a while. As an earnest celebration, we had a communal feast with T-bone steaks. We talked and laughed into the night, until we realized, we had not slept comfortably for a while either. I cannot remember if I actually bothered to shower that night. So was it worth it? Are you kidding me? Hell yeah!

“A real adventure is something you only in retrospect call good times� - proverb, origin unknown

Contact http://team-vaude.com | 55

56 |

We believe that to prepare the ground for affordable housing, we need groundbreaking finance for affordable land. At the Development Bank of Namibia, we understand the importance of affordable land as the first step on the path to affordable housing. Our track record, over the ten years of our existence, includes finance for demarcating plots, laying out roads, putting in place water, sewage and electricity, and the equipment that contractors need. Our portfolio of recipients includes local authorities, housing developers and SMEs involved in servicing land. If you are involved in provision of affordable land, talk to us about finance. Call 061 - 290 8032. We’re waiting to hear from you.

Good business is good for development.

| 57

Can market research be affordable? In today’s business environment, trying to make your budget work for your business takes concerted effort, but understanding your customer and your market is just as important.


s a business owner, marketing

projects; and then, of course, there is

or research manager, obtaining

the continuous debate of cost versus

affordable, quick and reliable market

financial benefit. Your internal research

information often seems like a hopeless

team probably works exclusively with

exercise. Instead of finding a better

your own data since it is not feasible

solution, you have just been forced


to work around it. If you have to do

alternatively, you are using free survey

market research, you focus on larger

software and trying to make sense of

58 58 ||





the results, while your customers become increasingly frustrated with your lack of responsiveness. Whatever compromises you are making, you are probably not getting the best results and this, in turn, reflects poorly on you and your business’ performance. It is a major balancing act Let us face it, usually owners and managers realise the benefit of proper marketing and/or market research, but they need to balance the expense against the available budget or funds.

need research to answer a specific business

Attempting to conduct some of this

question, so you need a company to work

research yourself, you soon realise it is time

with you to ensure information gathered

consuming and, in some cases, ends up more

adds value to your business.

expensive than hiring a consultant - the end

Find yourself a company with a

result is not always what was intended. Some

cost-effective approach combined with new

might even feel that because of this, research

technology, you will find the cost of research

is a waste of time and money. Others may

is reduced and you will be equipped with

have contacted a research agency in the past

knowledge you lacked previously.

and were dissatisfied with the services they





offered, since some research agencies offer

customers receive the service they expect,

an all or nothing solution, which does not fit

the products they need‌and your business

the business timeline or budget.

will grow, creating sustainable value to the

Data collection is expensive and time consuming. It becomes an even greater burden when you rely on a small team of your own employees to do it. You have tried to recruit your own respondents, but the process is tricky and you probably ended up with a smaller sample than you planned for, while using different criteria than you originally had in mind. Some owners and managers have come to accept these realities as part of business and their

local economy. Contact: Vision Africa Research Services Namibia (Pty) Ltd 8 Otto Nitzsche Street, Klein Windhoek P.O. Box 90700, Klein Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264 (0)61 244 660 Fax: +264 (0)61 244 551 www.vision-africa.com

roles in it. There is an alternative – find the right company for the job. Market and/or marketing research is no longer reserved for large, blue-chip corporates. What you are looking for is a company which specialises in providing affordable, reliable and accurate information that meets the budget and time constraints of modern businesses. Many businesses, big or small, | 59

60 |


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| 61

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62 |

| 63

Cutting-edge crossover Honda’s all-new crossover is an elegant yet highly practical beast By: James Siddall


t seems that the market – not just in our

the sleek aesthetics of a coupé-inspired

part of the world but globally – is close

design with the rugged attitude of a

to limitless when it comes to crossover

sports utility vehicle, and the space and

vehicles. The buying public just cannot

versatility of an MPV.

get enough of them, with offerings from

So essentially you are getting the best of

a plethora of motoring manufacturers

all worlds, and from any angle the HR-V is

varying from adequate to excellent, and

an aesthetically engaging, appealing beast

everything in between.

indeed. Yet as with any Hondas, it never

Now just in case you are wondering,

64 |

tends towards the flash or the vulgar.

the all-new Honda HR-V fits irrevocably

In just one of the areas that the HR-V

into the category of “excellent.” Which is

scores is space utilisation, while it is not

pretty much what you would expect from

an intimidatingly large vehicle by any

a vehicle from this Japanese giant, which

means, the interior is capacious.

has so painstakingly forged an iron-clad

Honda’s unique Magic Seat system,

reputation for building machines that not

already a hugely popular feature in the

only excel in the reliability stakes but have

Jazz and Civic models, is also included,

a distinctly premium appeal.

adding further practicality and flexibility

It is a handsome vehicle, and as Honda

to the interior. With the seats raised, the

itself says, while most contenders in this

luggage compartment offers 393-litres of

segment reflect a scaled-down SUV

boot space. Fold the split rear seat, and

approach, the new Honda HR-V combines

cargo capacity increases to 1 002-litres.

That is truly impressive. The cabin is

as well as Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA),

Under the skin, a highly rigid monocoque,

also exceptionally well crafted, the

Hill Start Assist (HSA), and a high-mounted

employing a significant proportion of

list of standard equipment across the

LED rear brake light; are all included in the

high-tensile steel, creates a stiff platform for

two-model range borders on lavish. Figure

active systems.

the independent, MacPherson strut-based

on the likes of electronically-operated

Two power plants are available. Honda’s

windows and mirrors, remote central

familiar 1 497cc in-line four-cylinder engine,

locking, air-conditioning, cruise control,

already on offer in the new-generation

Electric power steering is standard in the

a multi-function steering wheel and a

Jazz and Ballade models, powers the

interests of overall efficiency, while a lower

multi-information trip computer.

HR-V 1.5 Comfort. Expect an output of

front and raised rear roll centre benefits

Depending on the model, the new

88kW and 145Nm, a zero-to-100km/h

overall stability and neutral, confident

HR-V’s integrated infotainment system

time of 12 seconds, as well as a top speed

handling traits. The ABS braking system

is controlled via a 5-inch monitor, or a

of 179km/h. Combined fuel consumption is

features discs all round. So you can expect

7-inch colour touchscreen display. Both

just 6.2 litres per 100km.

sure-footed handling.

front suspension and torsion beam rear, ensuring effective damping.

systems feature Bluetooth connectivity for

The HR-V 1.8 Elegance, meanwhile,

The new Honda HR-V is offered in a

hands-free telephony and audio streaming,

uses a 1 799cc four-cylinder engine, good

selection of seven especially elegant colours.

USB connections, a CD player, and

for 105kW and 172Nm. This equates to a

As for the cost? For the HR-V 1.5 Comfort

multiple speakers. So there is no shortage

zero-to-100 km/h sprint time of 10.1 seconds,

CVT you will pay R299 900, and for the

of high-tech on this vehicle. But once

while the top speed is 188 km/h. Fuel

HR-V 1.8 Elegance CVT R354 900. That

again, because this is a Honda, all of that

consumption is 6.8 litres per 100 km, only

includes a three-year/100 000 km warranty,

technology is eminently user-friendly.

fractionally up on its smaller sibling’s. Both

a four-year/60 000 km service plan, and a

models use a self-shifting CVT gearbox.

one-year AA roadside assistance package.

Safety is taken care of by an array of passive and active safety systems. Passive measures include six airbags, head restraints, inertia reel seatbelts for all seating positions, and Honda’s Advanced Compatibility Engineering (ACE) body structure. The





Electronic Brake Force Distribution (EBD), Emergency Brake Assist (EBA) and Emergency Stop Signal (ESS) activation, | 65

The wheel story new model round up James Siddall on what is happening in the wonderful world of wheels.

66 |

Focus now!

Daytime Running Lights are now standard across

The Ford Focus ST has always been a little

the range, the Sprinter gets Display Audio with

hand grenade of a car. Now it is more explosive

reverse camera, and even the entry-level Esteem

than ever, with the advent of a new model that

models now have Bluetooth functionality.

packs aggressive styling, uprated suspension,

But prices are only fractionally up, between

and top-notch in-car connectivity, which just

0.5 percent to a maximum of 1.3 percent, and the

skims the surface. Firepower comes from a

prices for the vast 11-model range stretch from

184kW 2.0-litre EcoBoost motor, making

R230 500 for the 1.3 Esteem to R302 500 for the

184kW and 360Nm of torque. That is enough

1.8 Exclusive CVT.

to launch the beast from 0-100km/h in 6.5 seconds, topping out at 248km/h.

Magical Mirai

You will pay R381 900 for the five-door

If you thought hydrogen fuel cell vehicles

ST1 model and R421 900 for the three-door

were still stuck in the development stage,

ST3 model.

think again. The new Toyota Mirai hydrogen fuel

Everything keeps going right

cell vehicle has proved itself in official

The market-leading Toyota Corolla

US combined city/highway driving calculations

has just had a 2015 spec upgrade.

with a range of 502km, averaging 3.5 litres

Among some other things,

per 100km.

| 67







zero-emissions car on the market. Toyota

which represents another big leap forward for the Korean manufacturer.

will introduce the Mirai in limited numbers

It is a large SUV, and an especially

in the UK and other selected European

handsome one, with a distinctly premium

markets later this year, following its launch

appeal. It still contains the high levels

in Japan as well as California. But there are

of standard equipment we have come to

not any current plans to bring the vehicle to

expect from Kia. The new Kia Sorento

our neck of the woods.

SUV is also bigger than the outgoing Sorento, with a choice of a 2.4-litre

Captivating Kia

petrol engine or a 2.2-litre turbo diesel

Kia just continues to go from good

power plant.

to brilliant. Say hello to the new third-generation




It is available in front-wheel drive and all-wheel drive, with a choice between the six-speed manual and the automatic transmissions – the combination dependent on the specification grade. Prices range from R379 995 for the Sorento 2.4 LS to R634 995 for the Sorento 2.2 CRDi SX AWD. People’s bus The VW T5 is part of our collective automotive conscience. It has recently become just a little more desirable with the introduction of the seven-speed DSG transmission in the Kombi 103kW derivative. Kombi is the bestselling derivative in the T5 model range, and I recently spent a week

68 |

with one of these machines – which once more reminded me why we are crazy for them in our part of the world. It is no slouch in power either. The 2.0-litre 103 kW common rail turbo diesel engine develops 340Nm of torque at just 2 500rpm, and it sails from rest to 100km/h in 10.2 seconds, topping out at 172km/h. Yet average fuel consumption is just eight litres per 100km. Prices start at R486 200 for the Kombi. But if it is more sybaritism you seek, there is always the plush Carvelle. There are three

Value leader

of practicality. The entire vehicle is imbued

Caravelles in the VW line up incidentally,

The iconic Jeep Wrangler – and notably

with Volkswagen design DNA, and boasts

and prices for these babies start at

the 2015 model – seems to be a good

crisp, compact design and dimensions.

R655 400. Did anyone say “road trip?”

place to park your bucks. After all,

It also has a five-star Euro NCAP rating,

Edmunds.com, the US-based car-buying

while the three rows of seats (which are



an option) really do make it a vehicle for

Over the course of 105 years, Alfa Romeo

visitors each month, has named the new

has spawned cars ranging from good to

2015 Jeep Wrangler as the winner of its

great. The new Giulia fits firmly in the latter

2015 Best Retained Value Awards.





category, as was so clearly demonstrated at

all seasons. Standard equipment is lavish, and there is a choice of three engines. These options are two turbocharged petrol engines (making

Magical MPV

77kW and 103kW) and a turbo diesel

The range-topping Quadrifoglio version

Let us be honest. Some MPVs are a little

(81kW). Gearboxes include a six-speed

packs a six-cylinder turbo engine banging

boring, but not the VW Touran, which

manual and a six-speed DSG transmission.

out around 380kW. That can hurl it from

packs the sort of premium build quality

Prices for this eminently practical yet

rest to 100km/h in 3.9 seconds. We do not

and feel that you would expect from

rather alluring four-model range start at

like it. We love it.

this German marque mated to lashings

R300 400.

its recent world preview in Italy.

| 69

The new BMW 7 series The world’s most comfortable and advanced luxury sedan is here.


roduction of the new BMW 7 Series

appearance, the BMW flagship model

730d and 740i will start in July 2015,

represents the most innovative and advanced

with the 750i and 750Li planned to start in November 2015.

luxury sedan in its class. The new BMW flagship model will

Having achieved outstanding advances in sporting performance and pioneering electric

have its world premiere at this year’s Frankfurt Motor Show.

mobility with its BMW M and BMW i sub-brands, BMW is now applying the

At a glance:

same commitment to the pursuit of superior

●● Sixth-generation BMW 7 Series

comfort and contemporary luxury in the

●● Now more elegant, luxurious and

new BMW 7 Series. The upcoming sixth

comfortable than ever before

generation of the BMW flagship model represents a significant leap forward, which ensures it will outshine any comparable premium competitor for the foreseeable future. The new BMW 7 Series represents extraordinary superior








innovations in all areas, as well as a unique combination of ride comfort and dynamic performance incorporated with by far the best fuel efficiency in its segment. Exclusive innovations include BMW Gesture Control Danric Auto: Cnr Bismarck Street and David Hosea Meroro Road, Windhoek Tel: +264 (0)61 295 8100 70 |

●● New heights in combining ride comfort and dynamism ●● At SoR (Start of Retail): BMW 730d, 740i, 750i and 750Li ●● All engines best in class, in terms of power, efficiency and CO2 ●● Up to 130kg lighter than the previous generation ●● Numerous world premieres in terms of equipment ●● Media verdict: “New BMW 7 Series has squared the circle”

for comfort functions, Remote Control Parking and the BMW Display Key,

The new BMW 7 Series: the perfect luxury

which provides access to important vehicle

class automobile. Contact DANRIC Auto,

functions. Coupled with its prestigious

Windhoek, for the experience of a lifetime.

employee benefits

Do you have a gap? ...chances are that you do. Most people are unaware of their retirement and insurance gap. Only one in nine Namibians save for retirement in the form of a pension or provident fund. 88% will need help from the government or their family. Almost 5% of our nation is disabled. More than half not being able to find a job. FundsAtWork can assist you, as a business owner, to help your employees to close their retirement and insurance gaps. The tooth fairy won’t.

www.fundsatwork.co.na Tel: +264 61 297 3000

| 73

72 |

| 73

74 |

De Meye The De Meye Estate is a family-owned boutique winery, situated in lush Muldersvlei on the Stellenbosch Wine Route, South Africa’s most prestigious winemaking region, the jewel in Stellenbosch’s Crown. | 75


idden away in the Muldersvlei, on Stellenbosch’s famous Wine Route,

is the charming De Meye Wine Estate. Named after the De Meye River in Holland, this family-owned boutique winery has retained its old-world charm ever since the Myburgh family settled in South Africa in 1665. Five generations later, and not much has changed. Owner Philip Myburgh and his team still like to keep things simple as they were back then, and believe the true elegance of the estate, and the wine it produces, lies in this simplicity. This does not mean they have fallen behind with the times. Their winemaker, Marcus Milner, uses the latest techniques to make elegant, well balanced wines made from the farm’s hand-picked and hand-sorted grapes that are cultivated on the farm’s rich, fertile soil, which is perfect for growing grapes of superior quality. However, in order to sustain this quality Mother Nature needs to be respected, and





managing techniques, great care is taken to bringing grapes from vineyard to cellar, ensuring De Meye can continue producing world-class wines for many generations to come. The farm currently

76 |

produces grapes for Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Shiraz reds and rosé, along with Chardonnay and Chenin Blanc white varieties. De Meye is not only about making great wines, but also great food, and The Table at De Meye, the estate’s quaint little restaurant, showcases the simple art of beautifully cooked meals that are a passion on this wine estate. Owner chef Jessica Shepherd, and her husband Luke Grant, pour their hearts into their food and create a welcoming atmosphere for lazy summer lunches under the trees, and cosy home-cooked winter meals by the fireplace. Situated on the Old Paarl Road just north of Stellenbosch, De Meye Wine Estate will charm you with its old-world beauty, delight you with its selection of world-class wines, and make you feel at home at The Table. So make sure you put this hidden gem of the Stellenbosch Wine Route on top of your list, on your next visit to South Africa’s greatest wine region.

| 77

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The Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre offers the perfect balance between charming, old world tradition with the thrill and excitement of modern day entertainment, be it the Casino & Entertainment Centre, dune boarding, quad biking, golf at the nearby desert course, the dolphins and the flamingos of Walvis or a romantic banquet in the desert. • • • • • •

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78 |

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supporting rhino conservation

1st namibian solar powered company

natural mountain minerals

Rhino Facts: In the late 1970s aggressive poaching took the Namibian Black Rhino to the brink of extinction. Thousands of rhino were slaughtered to satisfy the demand for fashion accessories and oriental medicines. By the early 1980s the population had plummeted from 65,000 to just 60. The ‘Rhino for Erongo’ project was established to reintroduce and conserve rhino in the Erongo region, reintroducing Black Rhino into the area after the last of its kind was caught in 1974. For every bottle of OASIS sold a contribution is made to the ‘Rhino for Erongo’ project, helping to conserve and protect these beautiful creatures.

| 79

Namibia doesn’t have it all By: Philip Ellis & Partners


s a corporate attorney doing mostly

they do not do, such as having to look after

●● Terrorists: One’s heart genuinely

mergers and acquisitions, I often

the interests of your competitor (otherwise

goes out to countries all over the

find myself advising foreign clients

you are anti-competitive - weird), not

world where terrorism has ruined not

as much about Namibia as a positive

bragging too much about the qualities

only the tourism sector but also whole

investment destination as I advise on the

of your unique product (otherwise the

economies, and it is certainly something

Namibian Law.

media ombudsman will charge you with

that can happen to any country on any

unbalanced advertising), and so on.

given day. But until that day, Namibia

It is, therefore, fascinating for me to see how other sectors, especially the

So here follows a list of things that

Namibian tourism industry, market our

Namibia lacks and which not only bring

●● Airline Accidents: The national airline

unique and very special product sold

balance to the hype that the hospitality

of Namibia, previously Namib Air and

under the brand name “Namibia.” Almost

industry tries to create through its

today known as Air Namibia, has been in

every new piece of marketing material

advertising, but which, in some weird way

existence in its current form for 27 years

adds something more to the basket

(I found), does much more for a potential

without a single incident in which any

of “goodies.” The time of marketing

visitor or investor than the Big Five:

passenger lost its life.

Namibia only through its Big Five, sand

●● Downsides: Namibia does not have

dunes, and seals are long gone. It now

Ebola, Yellow Fever, SARS, H1N1,

extremely blessed with an abundance

includes bugs of all sizes, shapes and

MERS, or even malaria (unless you

of natural resources and zero natural

colours, star gazing (which is a product

travel to the most northern parts

disasters. Although in some areas of

everyone in the world has, but sadly

of Namibia). A quick peep on the

Namibia certain people still argue that

cannot see), hot air ballooning, fishing,

World Health Organisation website

they have felt tremors on a certain windy

hunting, quad biking, dolphin watching,

under the heading “Disease Outbreaks

day in the Winter of 1977, it has still not

oyster eating, canoeing, Joe’s Beerhouse,

by Country” shows the following

being confirmed what the cause was, but

Brauhaus, as well as so much more. Make

for Namibia: “7 June 2006: Polio

it was certainly not of the magnitude that

no mistake, these are truly marketable

Myelitis in Namibia, and 11 May

can be measured on the Richter scale.

features and it comes to mind that it

1999: 1999-Plague in Namibia.” Now

As for floods, tornadoes, hurricanes,

cost the Walt Disney Company N$5.7

having lived in Namibia during both

tsunamis and the like, Namibians

billion to build something that people can

those periods, it certainly was not so

have to revert to their television sets to

experience and see, whilst God thought

bad that people remember it. What

understand the concept.

it good to give all of this to Namibia

is, however, important is that the

for free.

last outbreak of any significance,

Maybe the above are not shortcomings

But somehow I still fail to see from

which required reporting by the

regularly seen in the marketing material

other marketers of this unique product

World Health Organisation, happened

of the Namibian Tourism Board, but

any reference to those things that Namibia

9 years ago. And in the entire existence

when you decide to consider Namibia as

lacks. With the modern direction being to

of reporting by the WHO, only two

a potential investment destination, less is

penalise people for all sorts of things that

events were reported.

certainly more.

80 |

is totally free of this evil.

●● Natural




| 81

Nitzsche Reiter Since 1934 ● Cameras and photographic equipment ● Data cards and batteries ● Binoculars and tripods ● Film and accessories t: +264 61 231116 e: nitrei@iway.na Sanlam Centre, Ground Floor Shop 20 Independence Avenue Windhoek, Namibia


84 |

An investment as dependable as our sunshine. The Investec Namibia Managed Fund is a multi-asset fund with a diverse portfolio of equities, bonds, cash, property and offshore investments. It has delivered dependable, inflation-beating returns for over 18 years, making it one of Namibia’s favourite long-term investment choices.

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Investec Asset Management Namibia is approved by the Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority. Past performance does not indicate future performance.

| 85 12345/E

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84 |

| 85

Horseback safari – The ultimate experience? Been through the desert on a horse with no name? Probably not…but others have, and they know you will find this experience is one of life’s most extraordinary journeys, all 360 kilometres of it.

86 |

| 87


ne cannot fail to be intrinsically affected by spending time in the

desert. To be within something so vast, and to have that much space and nothingness around you, is a feeling we rarely get in today’s world. It gives you a perspective from which you naturally begin to consider your life and your values. Namibia Horse Safaris in Namibia offers what today has become the ultimate luxury – SPACE, in a very different way, on a horse of course! “You don’t even have to understand the desert: all you have to do is contemplate a simple grain of sand, and you will see in it all the marvels of creation,” spoken by the Alchemist in Paulo Coelho’s popular story he teaches a young boy that by looking more closely at the simple things in life, one can understand the bigger picture. To combine this introspection with adventure, wildlife, the comforts of a top end safari operation, and stunning horses is a trip of a lifetime. Our journey was to cross the arid, remote, and barely ever traversed, Southern Namib Desert with its roving red dunes… on a horse. Namibia Horse Safari Company

88 |

had been the first to pioneer this route a year before, and much of our 360km ride towards the Skeleton Coast would be unchartered territory. The excitement and enormity of what we were embarking on escalated on Day Four as our eyes panned around finding nothing but miles and miles of hot red sand dunes. Our backup vehicle was forced to abandon us, and the only shade that day would be in the shadow of our horses. Still, spirits were high and with our saddlebags stuffed with biltong, a camera and four litres of water each, we set off chatting and laughing as we had done every day since we met our fellow adventurers in Namibia’s capital city, Windhoek, four days earlier for a sundowner and planning meeting. Water - and water sources - is a daily consideration when planning a trip of this magnitude, and it dictated many of our lunch stops as well as the route. The operations team allocates 120 litres per day for horse and rider. Just one gulp of a horse is roughly a litre so with ten horses on the trip, each break for water can see over three hundred litres consumed. Reservoirs and old farmhouses with boreholes provide a welcome opportunity en route to re-fill our tanks and even have a swim al la birthday suit! Namibia Horse Safari Company has been in successful operation for over twenty years and runs ten rides a year, one of which is an exploratory ride to pioneer new routes. The rides can be challenging and most of the camps are wild and remote, so you quickly learn to look out for each other and take care of yourself and your horse. The thrill seeking, soul-searching, intrepid explorer, or just the pure horse lover, will all get their fix from joining these amazing adventures. Incredibly, riders on these safaris are not spared their creature comforts. Andrew Gillies, Master Guide, Director and Horseman, together with his fun-loving | 89

expert team, mixes drinks and serves cuisine delectable by any restaurant’s standard to the wonderment of the guests. To think that we were drinking our gin and tonics with ice and lime, and being served hot lunches and three course dinners from a campfire and a potjie pot, was something to be marvelled at. Sleeping under the Southern Cross with the Milky Way painted across the sky, more vivid than you can imagine, takes on a whole new meaning when you are engulfed in a five hundred thread Egyptian cotton duvet cover! The planning and precision of the operation is outstanding. Every last wine glass, fork and condiment had its place on our travelling kitchen. Designed and crafted personally by our guide, Telane Greyling, it left nothing amiss from our now seemingly extravagant life. The horses were also a joy, each one

the Namib Wild Horses. For decades their

Garub with some 6 000 cavalry horses.

kind-natured and incredibly fit. We were

origin was shrouded in mystery. How and

An official war report describes how in

delighted that even after a six-kilometre

why these horses came to inhabit such

March 1915, German forces dropped bombs

gallop they made us feel light as a

a harsh environment was perplexing. It

onto this enemy camp scattering the horses,

feather, as they walked out with as much

turns out that in fact, they were there for

many of which would have fled into the

energy and spirit as they had when they

perhaps the very same reason as us - to

desert. Another more romantic origin of

had started the trip.

escape and to be free.

the Namib Wild Horse takes us back to the

Our ten-day expedition was to culminate

During World War One, the Union

famous diamond rush of the early 1900s,

with a rare viewing and interaction with

of South Africa troops were stationed at

the remains of which can still be seen today

90 |

at Kolmanskop. This area boomed in 1908

Fortunately for the horses, Garub and

Dr Telane Greyling has studied these

when Emil Kreplin was mayor. He bred

its surrounding land formed part of the

horses for a little over 20 years, and

workhorses for the mines, and racehorses

Sperrgebiet – a highly protected, strictly

she is now the leading authority on the

for the newly wealthy inhabitants. With

prohibited piece of land for its likely

subject. Her foundation ‘Namibia Wild

the onset of Europe’s great depression

abundance of diamonds. This gave the

Horses’ is dedicated to protecting these

after the war, demand for diamonds rapidly

horses the protection from hunters or

horses in their most natural way of life.

diminished. The town of Kolmanskop and

thieves that they needed to survive, and

Namibia Horse Safaris is honoured to

many of the horses were abandoned, and the

develop into what is now considered a pure

have Telane co-guiding these rides. Her

desert sand took its ownership of them both.

breed of horse – the Namib Desert Horse.

passion and dedication is incredible, and | 91

her horsemanship commands a tangible respect from all those lucky enough to meet her. And so our trip ended with a last sundowner in a hide, watching the wild horses and oryx drink and play at the watering hole. As the wind blew over the sand dunes, our hoof prints were erased and no mark of us was left. We were merely a moment, a passing occurrence in this land, as indeed we are on earth. The Namib Desert is reputed to be over 240 million years old. What is eight days in millions of eons? The reality of our insignificance was deafening. We were a guest in this desert, and had surrendered our very being to it. All five of us came to Namibia on our own journey. Within hours we became an integral part of each other’s paths and, as we sipped champagne, and dismounted for the last time (yes in that order), we finished our journey as one. Friends forever bound by the shared memories of a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. To find out more about riding safaris in Namibia, contact Kate Coleridge at Handpicked Africa: +44 (0)208 354 0458 kate@handpickedafrica.co.uk www.namibiahorsesafari.com www.facebook.com/ NamibiaHorseSafariCompany

92 |

| 73

72 |

| 73

Ideally situated in the heart of Windhoek CBD, Fig Tree Guesthouse operating in Bed & Breakfast Style, offers boutique accommodation to business executives and elegant tourists. This timelessly stylish guesthouse offers you comfortable accommodation in a relaxed atmosphere, with that extra personal touch. Guests can unwind at the swimming pool, gym or in the shade on our “deck”. A delicious breakfast is served daily, while lunch and dinner can be supplied on pre-order. Enjoy a good night’s rest in one of our well-appointed and comfortably furnished, en-suite bed bedrooms. 96 |

A-grade beds/mattress/bed-linen, air-conditioning, satellite-TV, assist-kitchenette, safe and printer will make your stay comfortably unforgettable.

96 |

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Skiing in Livigno, Italy Date: 5 - 12 December 2015 N$ 23 955.00 per person sharing

● High Altitude resort 1800m-3000m ● Duty Free shopping Municipality ● Superb skiing for beginners and intermediates ● Great Kids ski facility’s ● Excellent night life ● Pure ski Hosted resort ● Value-for-money resort ● Pure Skiing entertainment package. Standard terms & conditions apply. Rates subject to rate of exchange changes prior to full payment being received. Rates subject to availability at time of booking. Rates are to serve as an indication only and rates should be checked prior th use in advertising or marketing mediums. Rates subject to 30 day advance purchase

Ski Package Includes

Ski Package Excludes

Return flights from Windhoek via Johannesburg and Dubai to Malpensa, Italy Arrival Malpensa – Livigno Airport Shuttle Transfer 7 nights Double accommodation at Hotel Bernina 2* with Bed & Breakfast (1 room) 6 Day Adult Ski Pass

Passport & Visa’s

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Ski Lessons (6 Day Group lesson 2hrs per day): R1 591.83pp (Optional extra unless otherwise stated) Entertainment Programme (4 x 3 course dinner at different venues): R2 508.56per adult (Optional extra unless otherwise stated) NB: All passengers under 18 will need an unabridged birth certificate

Ski Buff (Neck warmer)

Representation & Ski Guiding

Meals & Drinks not mentioned Gratuities & Items of personal nature Courier Fees if applicable

10 Days ZURICH Travel Insurance 25million per person Return Malpensa Airport Shuttle transfer

Leisure@rennies.hrgworldwide.com www.renniestravelnamibia.com

| 97

Hasselt Optics, Windhoek t: +264 61 377800 f: +264 61 377801 e: hoadmin@optometrist.com.na

98 |



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Call: +264 61 232393 Email: reservations@sunkarros.com Follow us: Facebook

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100 |

TO BE AT THE HEART OF 25 YEARS OF THE NATION’S PROGRESS We are happy to join the rest of Namibia in celebrating 25 years of a nation unlocking the sparkle of freedom. Shine on Namibia. DEBMARINE NAMIBIA Namdeb Centre 10 Dr Frans Indongo Street P.O. Box 23016 Windhoek, Namibia Tel: + 264 61 297 8000, Fax: + 264 61 2978100

| 57

100 |

BEHIND EVERY SMOOTH RIDE IS ROCK-HARD DEDICATION You might not see or hear us, but we're with you: every mile of every journey. Before and after every road is created, the Roads Authority team works tirelessly to ensure your smooth and safe journey. Please adhere to all traffic rules and regulations. Do not overtake at blind spots. The life you safe could be yours.

Private Bag 12030, Ausspannplatz | Windhoek, Namibia | Tel: +264 61 284 7000 Fax: +246 61 284 7655 | Email: pr@ra.org.na | Web: www.ra.org.na

| 73

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72 |

FOR BOOKINGS OR ENQUIRIES +264 (0) 61 213 231 (Namibia) +27 (0) 21 430 5300 (South Africa) info@proteahotels.com.na proteahotels.com






With ten hotels located across Namibia, Protea Hotels Namibia offers you a diverse experience, from the inland Etosha Pan supporting a large and varied wildlife on its plains, to the Walvis Bay Lagoon, one of the most important wetland areas on the African coastline. Protea Hotels Namibia can cater for any type of conference or team building activity, offering both full and half day conference packages. | 73

PHDS 32459/15



source: www.tuvie.com

Vespa 946 Emporio Armani from two of Italy’s most iconic symbols of style and creativity

riding controls. It features a four-stroke electronic injection

Piaggio has teamed up with Giorgio Armani to develop the

safety on the road, this scooter is equipped with 220mm double

Vespa 946 Emporio Armani. It is a special project that celebrates

disc brakes, a 2-channel ABS braking system, and large

two of Italy’s most iconic symbols of style and creativity.

12-inch wheels.

engine with enhanced fuel economy and minimal emissions, making this scooter ideal for city transportation. For maximum

This special edition scooter marks the year 2015 as the 40th anniversary of the foundation of Giorgio Armani and at the

Designer : Giorgio Armani

same time, the 130 birthday of the Piaggio Group. In keeping th

up with Armani’s signature subdued colour palette, this Vespa model features a special combination of greys with subtle hints of green, which is only visible under particular light conditions. The name itself, 946, marks the year of 1946, celebrating the first time this scooter was made. Since then, it has become iconic and famous all over the world. People can easily recognise this vehicle from afar simply due to the design. The Vespa 946 Emporio Armani represents a modern interpretation of the original Vespa style. You can see the words “Emporio Armani” on the side, while the iconic eagle logo is located above the headlight. The metallic parts have been treated in a way to blend harmoniously with the matt effect of the body finishing. The Vespa 946 Emporio Armani is not only about technology but also style. Its aluminium cylinder blocks, brown leather finishes, and luxury accessories are combined with electronic

Stream your music wirelessly, with Bose SoundLink Colour Bluetooth Speaker

device to be featured here is due to its

Looking for a great gift for a music lover?

made out of durable materials; it features

You should consider the Bose SoundLink

a rounded, compact shape that fits

Colour Bluetooth Speaker, especially

perfectly inside your bag. The wireless

for stylish people. This portable speaker

connection has a range of approximately

comes in 5 colour options: black, blue,

30 feet / 9.1 metres, so no need to hassle

mint, red, and white.

with wires. Simply pair it with your

There are many personal Bluetooth speakers in the market nowadays; it can

high portability and oversized sound, a boom box in a compact unit. The body is

tablet, smartphone, or music player through Bluetooth technology.

be challenging to find the one that suits you best. The reason why we chose this 106 |

From: Bose

Dominic Wilcox GPS Shoes navigate you home from wherever you are Never get lost again with Dominic Wilcox GPS shoes; your shoes will navigate you home from wherever you are. Dominic Wilcox has developed a fully functional prototype of these shoes, designer inspiration came from the Wizard of Oz, where Dorothy

You can make your own wine with the Pinocchio Barrique Bottle

can click her shoes to get her home,

With the Pinocchio Barrique Bottle, you do not need to

just like that.

make your wine inside of a barrel. This is the first oak

so we have high hopes that we can soon wear them around. The

Simply upload your destination to your shoes using

bottle that allows you to make your own wine, whiskey,

custom-made mapping software and a USB cable. Since the

grappa or brandy. It is also suitable for all beverages with

GPS is embedded in the heel, you can activate it by a heel

an alcohol content of more than 12%, even if previously

click, simple is it not? It will communicate to the wearer via

bottled. Now everyone can have the chance to create, taste,

a ring of LED lights that point in the required direction. The

and share his or her own production of wine.

shoe which has GPS, will wirelessly communicate with the

This bottle offers one continuous form, where

other shoe in order to inform you how close you are to the

hardware and innovation function in perfect unison. The

destination through the progress bar lights. It starts with a red

oak material comes from responsibly managed European

light and finally ends with a green light when you have arrived

FSC-certified forests, where it is naturally seasoned

to your destination. Dominic Wilcox GPS Shoes use mini-

outdoors for at least 2 years. This bottle is created to take

LED lights because they are visible outdoors in sunlight. It is a

optimum advantage of what oak is capable of. It is easy

great choice instead of using digital display.

to use and beautiful to look at.

From: Dominic Wilcox

Designer: Pinocchio Barrique

Aperture Wrench: Modern adjustable wrench

your workshop or toolbox.

Aperture Wrench is a

thanks to the unique jaw

modern adjustable wrench

design, this wrench can be

with a specially designed

adjusted by rotating the

jaw to fit a wide range

side dial, then press the

of nut sizes. Inspired by

lock button to make sure

the apertures in cameras,

the aperture size is locked.

One tool rules them all;

this unique wrench would drastically reduce the

Designer :

amount of tools needed in

Jordan Steranka

| 107

QBracelet charges your smartphone in style is definitely dedicated to fashion-conscious people. Aside

Smartflower Pop: The all-in-one solar system that directs its solar modular fan toward the sun automatically

from charging your smartphone, it also charges your other

You can produce clean energy right in your backyard

gadgets. It features built-in rechargeable polymer lithium

thanks to Smartflower Pop, the world’s first all-in-one solar

ion batteries with an Apple iPhone 5 lightning connector or

system. This solar system promises easy installation;

a micro-USB for most Android smartphones. This portable

a photovoltaic system that can be plugged in and work, just

A stylish bracelet that doubles as your charger, the QBracelet

charger might look small but it has the ability to power your devices in style. The simple and minimalist design

like any other home appliance. The special construction, along with its perfectly

makes this bracelet suitable for both


men and women; it does look like

components, provide

an elegant piece of jewellery, not


a tacky one. Simply unfold the

4 000 kWh per year.

bracelet to find a pair of hidden

This means that this

charging connectors; you can use

solar system can

one connector to charge your

provide the average

phone and the other one to charge

electricity requirement for

the bracelet. There are 4 LEDs

a household in the central

that show you the charging state

European region.

and battery level. Available in

This device can

brushed black, matte black,

combine with the

matte silver, polished silver,

Tesla Powerwall to bring

and polished gold, you can also

you renewable energy for a better

choose 3 different size options:

environment and dramatically reduce

small, medium, and large.

your electricity bill.

Designer: Q Designs

From: Smartflower

GameVice Controller for iPad Mini

on the go in

your fingers have loved for

thousands of games and it

the same way as

many years.

works with all iOS games

Hardware controllers are

you play them at home.

always better compared to

It features the classic D-pad

iPad Mini onto this device

touch controllers, do you not

and button configuration, a

and have a gaming console

agree? That is why we still

familiar configuration that

to go. This unit supports

get to see manufacturers develop special controllers for our touch screen devices, one of them is the GameVice Controller. This unit is especially designed for the iPad Mini to turn your tablet into a comfortable and powerful handheld gaming system. You can play many games 108 |

You can simply snap your

that support controllers, so relax and enjoy. From: GameVice

Dolfi - next generation washing device

services during extensive travel.

Dolfi is a small device that

Dolfi, thought that there should

could be our next generation

be an easy and efficient way to

of washing device. It is a

get your clothes clean. Keeping

simple white gadget that

that in mind, Solis had the idea

cleans clothes using the power

of utilising ultrasound, which

of ultrasonic technology. The

has been successfully used in

company explains that these

many industrial and medical

precise, modulated ultrasonic

applications for many years.

waves can remove dirt and

Lena Solis believes that this

bacteria right down to the

ultrasonic technology might

microscopic level, leaving

change the way we wash.

Lena Solis, the founder of

your clothes fresh and clean.

Since Dolfi uses ultrasonic

The name itself is a tribute

waves, the fabric of your

to dolphins, those beautiful

clothes will not suffer

animals that are advanced

discolouration or damage.

users of ultrasound.

You can easily clean your

If this compact device

anywhere. It fits perfectly in

have clean and fresh clothes,

delicates, cashmere, or even

works as promised, it could

the palm of your hand. The

at home or on the go.

lace. There is no longer a need

be the world’s smallest and

size really does not describe

gentlest washing device,

the power that this gadget has.

inspired by a few terrible

which you can easily carry

Imagine that you can always

experiences with laundry

The idea of Dolfi was

for a costly laundry service. Designer: Lata Studio

Aumeo Audio: A portable audio-tailoring device to personalise your audio experience

profiles. When you connect this device to a music player,

Our ears interpret a range of audio frequencies in different

outgoing sound to it, giving you unparalleled full range sound,

ways. Just as a human has unique fingerprints, each person

and impressive audio precision to keep your ears unspoiled.

has a different way of perceiving sounds. Aumeo Audio is

Aumeo Audio will retrieve your custom profile and map the

Aumeo Audio features Bluetooth connectivity, 3.5mm

a pocket-sized audio device that allows you to personalise

audio input and output, and a micro-USB charger. Aside

your audio experience. It is equipped with award-winning

from providing you with superior quality, this unit also has

technology, to map your hearing sensitivity to different sounds

a beautiful aesthetic design. It features a sleek aluminium

and to adjust your music based on your audio profile. It sounds

unibody case and a main knob for smooth, one-touch volume

pretty cool, does it not? Can you imagine that you can listen to

adjustment. There are 6 LEDs that light up when in use.

a tailored audio that custom fits your ears only? Do you know that not only do individuals perceive sounds

Designer: Andrea Ponti

differently, but also it differs between left ear and right ear, depending on environment, age, and personal habits? Listening to high volume music can permanently damage your hearing. This audio device makes sure that you receive an unprecedented listening experience, your music is personalised and tuned to your hearing sensibility. When you connect this unit to a standard set of speakers or a headset, it takes a 6-frequency hearing measurement of the user, then analyses the data. It can also store multiple user | 109


Trip Travel American Express

Your leading travel management company in Namibia. For a comprehensive presentation contact: Herbert Burmeister on +264 61 285 5700 or email herbert@trip.com.na


Independently owned and operated by Trip Travel (Pty) Ltd 100 |

SKIING is a dance,

and the mountain always leads



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from N$14,420 pp sharing EXCL: 06 Day SKI School (+/- N$1,950) Entertainment dinners (+/- N$2,860 p/adult)

Packages include:

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From N$17,800 pp sharing EXCL: 06 Day SKI School (+/- N$1,950) Entertainment dinners (+/- N$2,860p/adult)

Packages include:

Return resort transfers 7 nights’ B&B accommodation resort guide travel insurance Christmas dinner 6 day Ski Pass 6 day ski hire VALID: 19 - 26 December 2016


Tel: +264 61 285 5700


Fax: +264 61 225 430 | 101

Highhumour Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.’ - C.S. Lewis

The holy passion of Friendship is so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring a nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money. - Mark Twain Friendship is like peeing in your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warm feeling inside. - Unknown You can always tell a real friend: when

There are three faithful friends: an old wife, an old dog, and ready money. - Benjamin Franklin

you have made a fool of yourself, he does not feel you have done a permanent job. - Laurence J. Peter

The capacity for friendship is God’s way of apologising for our families. - Jay McInerney The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought I did not exist. - Aaron Machado

Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it is too dark to read. - Groucho Marx

A girl is sitting at the bar in a local tavern, furiously imbibing shots of whiskey. Her best friend comes into the bar and sees her. “Mary!!!” says the shocked friend, “What are you doing? I’ve known you for over fifteen years, and I’ve never seen you take a drink before. What’s going on?” Without even taking her eyes off her newly filled shot glass, Mary replies, “My husband just ran off with my best friend.” “But,” says her friend, “I’m your best friend!” Mary turns to her friend, looks at her through bloodshot eyes, smiles, and then slurs, “Not anymore! ... She is!” 112 |

Friends are people who know you really well and like you anyway. - Greg Tamblyn

Mail your submission to humor@media-namibia.com and you might become our latest high altitude joker.

There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate. - Linda Grayson

I bet dying vultures have lots of awkward moments with their friends. - Guy Endore-Kaiser

Sometimes me think, ‘What is friend?’ Then me say, ‘Friend is someone to share the last cookie with.’ - Cookie Monster Friendship will not stand the strain of very good advice for

Friends give you a shoulder to cry on, but best friends are

very long. - Robert Staughton Lynd

ready with a shovel to hurt the person that made you cry. - Unknown

When you are in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, ‘Damn, that was fun.’ - Groucho Marx You and I are more than friends. We are like a really small gang. - Unknown

Between friends, differences in taste or opinion are irritating in direct proportion to their triviality. - W.H. Auden

Love is blind; friendship tries not to notice. - Otto von Bismarck

It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn’t use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like, ‘What about lunch?’ - A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh My mother used to say that there are no strangers, only friends you have not met yet. She is now in a maximum security twilight home in Australia! - Dame Edna Everage

“Money can’t buy friends, but you can get a better class of enemy.” - Spike Milligan

A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked. - Bernard Meltzer

| 113

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Across 7. Glamour plus vitality (7) 9. Proficient (5) 10. One can lend one (3) 11. Beggar (9) 12. Hairnet (5) 14. Ill-defined (7) 16. Construed (7) 18. Radical (5) 19. Penny-pincher (9) 20. Poetic contraction (3) 21. Mountain ridge (5) 22. Arthur’s slayer (7)

Down 1. Placated (8) 2. Shade of blue (4) 3. Body of Jewish law (6) 4. Lunatic (6) 5. Sybaritic (8) 6. Proofreaders’s mark (4) 8. Meditative disipline (3,8) 13. Decreed (8) 15. Ancient Greek epic poem (8) 17. The daily grind? (6) 18. Favourable trend (6) 19. Thick, strong pole (4) 20. Sea bird (4)

| 115

Sudoko Easy

116 |




Namibian Tax Leaders

PwC Namibia tax leaders welcoming Johan Nel as partner. Left to right: Johan Nel, Corporate Tax Partner; Chantell Husselmann, Indirect Tax Partner; Stéfan Hugo, Tax Leader and Nelson Lucas, Indirect Tax Associate Director.

Our purpose is to solve tax problems for our clients. To continuously do this better, we’ve built a team of approximately 50 consultants in two offices that specialise in Corporate Tax, VAT, Indirect Taxes, Employee Taxes and related compliance services. In line with this drive, we are proud to announce that Johan Nel was admitted as Corporate Tax Partner on 1 July 2015. Johan, a Chartered Accountant with over 10 years local and international experience, is a a passionate tax consultant. We believe his skills and leadership will help our clients to build better businesses.

Johan Nel

Corporate Tax Partner

Tel: +264 61 284 1122 Cell: +264 81 141 0497 Email: johan.nel@na.pwc.com

© 2015 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. In this document, PwC refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers Namibia, which is a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity.

| 117

Schedule 01 August to 05 September 2015 (All time local) Note: check-in time should be two hours before departure.

International Flight No






SW 286






SW 286/ 703


Cape Town (via Windhoek)




SW 286/ 723


Johannesburg (via Windhoek)




SW 285






Flight No






SW 702

Cape Town





SW 704

Cape Town





SW 704

Cape Town

Frankfurt (via Windhoek)




SW 714

Cape Town

Walvis Bay




SW 373



Mon, Fri



SW 413



Wed, Sun



SW 413


Windhoek ( via Lusaka)

Wed, Sun



SW 722






SW 724






SW 728






SW 728


Frankfurt (via Windhoek)




SW 730


Walvis Bay




SW 304






SW 373



Mon, Fri



SW 373


Windhoek (via Harare)

Mon, Fri



SW 413



Wed, Sun



SW 403


Windhoek (via Victoria falls)

Mon, Wed



SW 405



Fri, Sun



SW 403

Victoria Falls


Mon, Wed



SW 405

Victoria Falls

Windhoek (via Maun)

Fri, Sun



SW 303






SW 373



Mon, Fri



SW 373


Harare (via Lusaka)

Mon, Fri



SW 403



Mon, Wed



SW 403


Victoria Falls (via Maun)

Mon, Wed



SW 405


Victoria Falls

Fri, Sun



SW 405


Maun( via Victoria Falls)

Fri, Sun



SW 413



Wed, Sun



SW 413


Lusaka (via Harare)

Wed, Sun



SW 701


Cape Town

Mon, Fri



SW 703


Cape Town




SW 709


Cape Town




SW 723



Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun



SW 723






SW 727







118 |

Regional Flight No






SW 729






SW 713

Walvis Bay

Cape Town




SW 739 Flight No

Walvis Bay From

Johannesburg To

Daily Days

16:25 Departure

19:40 Arrival

SW 729






SW 713

Walvis Bay

Cape Town




SW 739 Flight No

Walvis Bay From

Johannesburg To



Daily Days

16:25 Departure

19:40 Arrival

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun



Tue, Thu,



SW 101



SW 103



SW 107 Flight No

Eros From

Ondangwa To

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Days

SW101 107 SW

Eros Eros

Ondangwa Ondangwa

SW103 125 SW

Katima Mulilo Eros

SW107 127 SW SW107 127 SW


17:00 Departure

18:05 Arrival

Sat, Sun Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun

15:55 07:00

17:00 08:05

Eros Ondangwa

Mon,Thu, Fri Tue,

13:35 11:00

15:15 12:05

Katima Mulilo Eros

Rundu Ondangwa

Wed,Tue, Sun Wed, Thu, Fri, Mon,

12:40 17:00

13:40 18:05

Katima Mulilo Eros

Eros (via Rundu) Ondangwa

Wed, Sun Sat, Sun

12:40 15:55

15:15 17:00

SW125 143 SW

Luderitz Katima Mulilo

Oranjemund Eros

Mon, Fri Fri Mon,

10:10 13:35

11:00 15:15

SW127 143 SW

Luderitz Katima Mulilo

Windhoek ( via Oranjemund) Rundu

Mon,Sun Fri Wed,

10:10 12:40

12:45 13:40

SW127 145 SW

Luderitz Katima Mulilo

Windhoek Eros (via Rundu)

Wed,Sun Sun Wed,

11:45 12:40

12:45 15:15

SW143 125 SW

Rundu Luderitz

Katima Mulilo Oranjemund

Mon,Fri Fri Mon,

11:50 10:10

12:50 11:00

SW143 125 SW

Rundu Luderitz

Eros(via Katima Mulilo) Windhoek ( via Oranjemund)

Mon,Fri Fri Mon,

11:50 10:10

15:15 12:45

SW145 127 SW

Rundu Luderitz

Eros Windhoek

Wed,Sun Sun Wed,

14:00 11:45

15:15 12:45

SW125 143 SW

Oranjemund Rundu

Windhoek Katima Mulilo

Mon,Fri Fri Mon,

11:30 11:50

12:45 12:50

SW125 145 SW

Oranjemund Rundu

LuderitzKatima Mulilo) Eros(via

Wed,Fri Sun Mon,

10:25 11:50

11:15 15:15

SW127 145 SW

Oranjemund Rundu

Windhoek (via Luderitz ) Eros

Wed,Sun Sun Wed,

10:25 14:00

12:45 15:15

SW143 102 SW

Ondangwa Oranjemund

Eros Windhoek

Mon,Fri Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun Mon,

08:35 11:30

09:40 12:45

SW145 104 SW

Ondangwa Oranjemund

Eros Luderitz

Tue, Sun Thu, Wed,

12:35 10:25

13:40 11:15

SW145 108 SW

Ondangwa Oranjemund

Eros Windhoek (via Luderitz )

Mon,Sun Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Wed,

18:35 10:25

19:40 12:45

SW102 108 SW

Ondangwa Ondangwa

Eros Eros

Sat, Sun Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun

17:35 08:35

18:40 09:40

SW104 125 SW

Eros Ondangwa

Rundu Eros

Mon,Thu, Fri Tue,

10:15 12:35

11:30 13:40

SW108 125 SW

Eros Ondangwa

Katima Mulilo (via Rundu) Eros

Mon,Tue, Fri Wed, Thu, Fri, Mon,

10:15 18:35

12:50 19:40

SW108 127 SW

Eros Ondangwa

Katima Eros

Wed, Sun Sat, Sun

10:15 17:35

11:55 18:40

SW125 127 SW

Eros Eros

Rundu (via Katima Mulilo) Rundu

Wed,Fri Sun Mon,

10:15 10:15

13:40 11:30

SW125 143 SW

Windhoek Eros

Luderitz Katima Mulilo (via Rundu)

Mon,FriFri Mon,

08:50 10:15

09:50 12:50

SW127 143 SW

Windhoek Eros

Oranjemund (via Luderitz) Katima

Mon,Sun Fri Wed,

08:50 10:15

11:00 11:55

SW127 145 SW

Windhoek Eros

Oranjemund Rundu (via Katima Mulilo)

Wed,Sun Sun Wed,

08:50 10:15

10:05 13:40

SW143 145 SW

Windhoek Windhoek

Luderitz ( via Oranjemund) Luderitz

Wed,Fri Sun Mon,

08:50 08:50

11:15 09:50

SW143 165 SW

Windhoek Windhoek

Walvis Bay (via Luderitz) Oranjemund

Tue, Thu, Mon, Fri Fri, Sun

10:10 08:50

10:50 11:00

SW145 165 SW

Windhoek Windhoek

Walvis Bay Oranjemund

Sat Sun Wed,

09:00 08:50

09:40 10:05

SW145 167 SW

Windhoek Windhoek

Walvis Bay Luderitz ( via Oranjemund)

Mon,Sun Wed Wed,

13:55 08:50

14:35 11:15

SW165 166 SW

Walvis Bay Windhoek

Windhoek Walvis Bay

Tue,Thu, thu, Fri, Fri, Sun Sat, Sun Tue,

12:20 10:10

13:00 10:50

SW165 168 SW

Walvis Bay Windhoek

Windhoek Walvis Bay

Mon, Wed Sat

15:05 09:00

15:45 09:40

SW 167


Walvis Bay

Mon, Wed



SW 166

Walvis Bay


Tue, thu, Fri, Sat, Sun



SW 168

Walvis Bay


Mon, Wed



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| 119

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PASSENGER’S AIRPORT TAX Great flights begin at well-maintained airports; in terms of service delivery, superior facilities, and memorable experiences. In Namibia, Airports are run and maintained by the Namibia Airports Company (NAC), a State-Owned Entity (SOE) formed in 1998 by Act of Government (Act 25 of 1998). The NAC provides airport infrastructure, amenities, and facilitates airport services for domestic and international airlines and passengers. In fulfilling its mandate, the NAC ensures that airport infrastructure and safety and security equipment are well maintained and meet world-class standards. Airports under the NAC are: Hosea Kutako Airport, Eros Airport, Walvis Bay Airport, Luderitz Airport, Keetmanshoop Airport, Ondangwa Airport, Rundu Airport and Katima Mulilo Airport.

WHAT PORTION OF AN AIR TICKET’S PRICE IS PAYABLE TO NAC? In line with NAC Tariff Publication 2015/2016 the following VAT inclusive tariffs currently will apply at the airports/aerodromes under the NAC’s management:

Description International passengers

WHAT IS AIRPORT/PASSENGER TAX? Airport tax, as it appears on return or one way flight tickets, refers to the fee charged to departing passengers. When you buy your flight ticket (whether directly from the airline, or as part of a holiday package), a portion of the total cost for the ticket is for airport taxes. This service fee is in line with Section 5 (1) of the Airports Company Act 25 of 1998.

“How airport tax is shown on a ticket”

Value Added Taxation (VAT)

NAC tariff including VAT 2015/2016

N$ 410.69


N$ 410.69

N$ 237.66


N$ 237.66

Regional passengers (Passengers departing on an aircraft whose final destination is an airport within Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa or Swaziland)

Domestic passengers

HOW DOES NAC GENERATE MONEY TO MAINTAIN AIRPORTS? The NAC generates revenue via airport tax fees charged to the different publics – such as airport tax payable by departing and arriving passengers who use their services.

NAC tariff excluding VAT 2015/2016

N$ 107.45

N$ 16.12

N$ 123.57

All passenger service charges for foreign-bound flights are zero-rated for VAT administration purposes.

WHO REGULATES/CONTROLS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AIRPORT TAXES IN NAMIBIA? The charging of these fees is regulated in compliance with ICAO Doc 9562. In Namibia, the NAC, in compliance with Doc 9562 and its mandate per the Airports Company Act. Both these statutory documents regulate and control the continued implementation, review and collection of these fees. HOW REGULARLY IS AIRPORT TAXES REVIEWED AND BY WHOM? The NAC reviews the charges in consultation with the Board of Airline Representatives (BAR), who represents the airlines, and aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), who represents general aviation operators. This review is conducted annually or as decided by the relevant parties in order for the fees to remain commensurate with ever escalating operational and other costs. Since inception NAC has over the years invested billions of dollars into its key capital projects to improve amongst others; runways and terminal facilities at its various airports.

WHAT ARE AIRPORT TAXES USED FOR? Airport tax is one of the key revenue streams of any airport and is levied on passengers to recover the cost of running and for the up keep of passenger terminal facilities that are dedicated to passenger services, including the costs of security services attributable thereto (unless security services are charged for separately), and the cost of ground handling facilities and services attributable to passenger arrivals and departures.

In line with its mission and vision , the NAC ensures that every experience at landing and departure is of world - class standard and airport taxes play an integral part in making it all possible.

We hope we have answered your questions. If you have any more questions or comments about our airports feel free to contact us: Namibia Airports Company 154 Independence Avenue, Sanlam Centre, 5th Floor PO Box 23061 Windhoek, Namibia Tel: +264 (0) 61 295 5127 Fax: +264 (0) 61 295 5022 E-mail: pr@airports.com.na


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