November 2015
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Flamingo is published by Media Nova Namibia ISSN: 2026-7924 Publisher Mynard Slabbert Contributors • James Siddall • Corlette Wessels • Johan Steyn • Anne Schauffer • Kabelo Kim Modise • Phil Ruimte • Mark Pettipher • David Sneath • Richard Wiley • Various Sources • Roger de la Harpe • Namibia Exclusive • Roy Watts • Alexander Cahlenstein • Paul Maritz • Sani Mountain Lodge • • Mokuti Etosha Lodge Advertising Sales Media Nova Namibia Ferreira’s Garden Centre Shop #2, Maxwell Street Southern Industrial Area Windhoek, NAMIBIA MARNOX MEDIA 122 Barkston Drive, Blairgowrie, 2194, South Africa Tel: +27 (0)11 789 6614 Fax: +27 (0)11 789 8320 Cell: +27 (0)82 458 1629 E-mail: Web:
In this month’s Flamingo
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Visitors’ Filo Facts Useful and interesting information on Namibia.
Air Namibia Information Travel information, Frequent Flyer Destination Map and Fleet Information.
In July this year, David Sneath of Australia, signed up for a Pangolin Express photographic safari in Namibia. He told Flamingo about the people, the landscape, the laughs, and, yes, the longing to go back. 28 My obsession with wildlife and wildlife photography Corlette Wessel’s with an obsession with wildlife and wildlife photography.
Chris Coetzee +264 (0)81 668 0697
50 Noble standing amongst its peers
Godfrey Lancellas +27 (0)83 501 5999
56 Everything goes better with?
TEAM NAMIBIA Media Nova Namibia cc is a proud partner of Team Namibia
16 Photography on track?
34 Sorris Sorris – authenticity in the wilds
Printers: Solitaire Press, Brahman Street Northern Industria Windhoek, NAMIBIA
November 2015
Namibia and Africa Mynard Slabbert +264 (0)85 227 2380
Art & layout design MPDPS (PTY) Ltd +27 (0)21 856 1276
Sorris Sorris is the first of four Namibia Exclusive joint-venture lodges to open their doors, and the first guests in, don’t want to leave! 42 Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge – private and perfect Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge - the first hint of habitation. On the slopes of the Simonsberg Mountains sits a thirty-hectare vineyard, which produces some of South Africa’s finest wines, among them is the award winning Noble Hill Mourvèdre Rosé. Kabelo Kim Modise is a master of contours, and for this exhibition at the MOAD Museum of African Design. 62 Motoring Namwheels - Launch report: Audi Q7, James Siddall gives us a new model roundups, Beamer Brilliance – BMW. 76 Zambia’s Ark - South Luangwa There’s something for everyone in South Luangwa, and this presents a (pleasant) problem when deciding which lodge to choose from the thirty-five on offer. 88 Gone… mining for diamonds Imagine going to visit a friend somewhere in the German countryside circa 1908 and finding this note on his door: “gone… mining for diamonds.” 94 Wambo chicken What is Wambo Chicken? With a recipe on how to cook it. 102 A kingdom of unspoilt majesty, Sani Pass & Sani Mountain Lodge
Nestled at the very tip of the African continent sits the world’s highpoint – Sani Mountain Lodge, which summits the notorious Sani Pass at 2876m above sea level, not to forget that it is also the world’s highest pub! 112 Mokuti Etosha Lodge – the oasis in the wilderness Being literally a few minutes away from the vastness of Etosha National Park is just one of the many reasons why guests return time and time again to Mokuti Etosha Lodge. 122 Sci Tech Gadgets, gizmos, concepts and utter innovation. 128 High Humour
Disclaimer All material is strictly copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without prior written permission from the publisher. Opinions expressed in Flamingo are not necessarily those of Air Namibia.
Time for a smile while you are high above the clouds. 132 Entertainment Try your hand at Sudoku - easy, medium and hard. 134 Air Namibia’s Flight Schedule Plan your next trip on your favourite airline.
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A Manufacturing Basket that Overflows with Opportunities‌
Namibia is endowed with rich natural resources and offers lucrative investment opportunities across a broad spectrum of economic sectors such as Agriculture, Energy, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Mining, Services and Tourism. With fast turnaround times and a professional service at all times, the Namibia Investment Centre (NIC) is proud to welcome you to the land of the brave. Contact us today for a tailored FDI solution. Namibia, a gem worth investing in‌ Executive Director | Telephone: +264 61 283 7335/2837254 Facsimile: +264 61 220278 |
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JAZZ AFFAIR Hage Geingob Stadium, 24 October 2015
Do you remember the first time you heard jazz music? Relive that experience and fall in love with jazz all over again at this year’s Windhoek Jazz Festival. Join us in the Windhoek Lager VIP dome and enjoy performances by Africa’s best jazz musicians. Let Jonathan Butler, Sean K and Fu Jazz All Stars remind you of how seductive jazz can be, while you relax in comfort with an ice-cold Windhoek Lager and gourmet cuisine. For more details on how to get into the Windhoek Lager VIP dome visit Windhoek Lager has been a proud premium sponsor of the Windhoek Jazz Festival for three years, and we look forward to welcoming you to this year’s star-studded event.
Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. 10 | Drink Responsibly.
Thank you for choosing Air Namibia. We will do everything to ensure you have a pleasant flight. If you need assistance, please ask any of our cabin attendants.
Obrigado por ter escolhido voar com a Air Namibia. Nós prometemos fazer tudo o que podermos para garantir que você tenha um vôo agradável. Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou precisar de ajuda, não hesite em pedir a qualquer um dos nossos assistentes de cabine por favor.
Danke, dass Sie sich dafür entschieden haben mit Air Namibia zu fliegen. Wir werden alles tun um Ihnen den Flug so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten. Wenn Sie Fragen haben oder Hilfe benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an einen unserer Flugbegleiter oder Flugbegleiterinnen.
Our highly trained cabin attendants are at your service on all our flights, for your safety and comfort.
Todos os nossos voos são servidos por assistentes de cabine altamente profissionais. Eles estão à sua disposição em todos os momentos para fazer o seu voo mais confortável.
Unser versiertes Flugpersonal steht Ihnen während des Fluges jederzeit zur Verfügung. Für Ihre Sicherheit und Bequemlichkeit sind Sie bei unserer Crew in besten Händen.
We carry first-aid kits on all our flights, should a passenger need assistance for minor conditions.
Existe um kit de primeiros socorros a bordo de nossos voos, e se os passageiros precisarem de gotas para os olhos ou medicamentos para dores de cabeça, náuseas, azia ou qualquer outra condição relativamente menor. Faça mais perguntas sobre os nossos serviços especiais ao fazer reserva
Eine medizinische Erstversorgung ist auf allen unseren Flügen sicher gestellt. Eine Erste-Hilfe-Ausrüstung befindet sich immer an Bord.
As a safety precaution, it is important to read the safety card stored in the seat pocket in front of you
Por favor, leia o folheto de segurança no bolso do assento à sua frente e observe a sua saída de emergência mais próxima. Nos voos superiores a três horas (voos de longo curso), recomendamos que você revise o conteúdo do panfleto de segurança novamente.
Zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit bitten wir Sie, sich die in der Zeitschriftentasche vor Ihnen befindliche Sicherheits-Instruktionen aufmerksam durchzulesen.
Life vests are stored under Por favor, tome nota que o colete salva-vidas está Ihre Schwimmweste befindet sich unter your seat. Only use them localizado embaixo do seu assento. O assistente de Ihrem Sitz. Bitte benutzen Sie diese nur auf as demonstrate, and only cabine vai demonstrar quando e como usar o colete Anweisung der Flugbegleiter/-innen. when instructed by the cabin salva-vidas em caso de emergência attendants. Smoking is prohibited on all Air De acordo com a lei da aviação é proibido fumar em Auf allen Air Namibia Flügen gilt ein Namibia flights. todos os voos da Air Namibia, isso inclui fumar quaisquer absolutes Rauchverbot. dispositivos artificiais ou cigarro, como e/ou cigarros eletrônicos. Só é permitido fumar em áreas designadas no edifício do terminal dos aeroportos.
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Seats must be in the upright position during take-off and landing. For your own safety, you are required to fasten your seat belt whenever the seat belt sign is illuminated and we recommend that you keep your belt fastened throughout the flight.
Para a descolagem e aterragem, todos os assentos devem estar na posição vertical. Por favor, tome nota que os assentos nas linhas de saída de emergência não reclinam. Por favor, apertem o cinto de segurança sempre que o sinal do cinto de segurança se acende. Para sua segurança, recomendamos que você o mantenha apertado durante todo o vôo.
Während Start und Landung müssen sich die Sitzlehnen in aufrechter Position befinden. Bitte schnallen Sie sich an, sobald das Anschnallzeichen aufleuchtet. Zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit empfehlen wir während des gesamten Fluges angeschnallt zu bleiben.
We offer complimentary meals and beverages on all our flights. Special-diet or vegetarian meals are available upon request when making reservations.
Uma refeição quente ou um lanche é servido em todos os nossos vôos. Alimentação-Special ou refeições vegetarianas estão disponíveis mediante solicitação no momento da reserva. Nós oferecemos uma grande variedade de bebidas.
Auf unseren Flügen werden Mahlzeiten und Getränke serviert. Diätische oder vegetarische Mahlzeiten können bei der Flugbuchung angefragt werden
ENGLISH We carry an extensive range of duty free products at competitive prices on selected flights. Please refer to our catalogue for details.
Nós carregamos uma grande variedade de produtos com isenção de direitos a preços competitivos. Por favor, consulte o catálogo no bolso em frente do seu assento.
An Bord ist ein umfangreiches Sortiment an Duty-Free-Produkten zu attraktiven Preisen erhältlich. Informationen hierzu entnehmen Sie bitte unserem Duty-FreeKatalog.
Audio and visual entertainment Programas de entretenimento de áudio e vídeo estão Audio- und Videoprogramme sind an Bord programmes are available on disponíveis nos nossos voos de longo curso e de médio unserer Airbus A330 und A319 Maschinen flights operated using our A330 curso verfügbar. and A319 aircraft. Our A319 and ERJ 135 aircraft Alguns dos nossos aviões têm saídas de ar individuais, Unsere Fluggeräte des Typs Airbus A319 have individual air vents which que podem ser ajustados para fornecer um fluxo de ar. und Embraer ERJ135 verfügen über can be adjusted to provide a individuelle Frischluftdüsen. refreshing stream of air. Regulamentos de saúde em determinados aeroportos exigem que a cabine da aeronave deve ser pulverizada. O spray é inofensivo, mas se você acha que pode afetá-lo, por favor, cobrir o nariz e a boca com um lenço.
Um den Gesundheitsvorschriften einiger Länder zu entsprechen, muss die Flugzeugkabine mit einem für den Menschen unbedenklichen Spray behandelt werden. Wir empfehlen dennoch, die Atemwege durch Vorhalten eines Taschentuchs zu schützen.
Should you travel with a baby Se você viajar com um bebê, recomendamos que você we recommend you request a reserve o seu voo mais cedo e não se esqueça de pedir bassinet especially on the long- um berço especialmente nos voos de longo curso haul flights.
Sollten Sie mit einem Baby reisen, empfehlen wir Ihnen besonders auf Langstreckenflügen ein Babybett zu beantragen.
Please do not place any luggage Por favor note que no assento da saída de emergência é under seats at the emergency proibido colocar bagagem de mão debaixo dos assentos. exit seat. Excesso de bagagem de mão será colocada no porão Para garantir uma gestão eficiente e minimizar os danos, Carry-on luggage should be certifique-se que os artigos não pesam mais de 32 kg. stored in the overhead stowage. Certifique-se de etiquetar sua bagagem e garantir que devidamente bloqueado.
“Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Verstauen von Handgepäck unter Ihrem Sitz an den Notausgängen nicht gestattet ist.“
Health regulations in some countries require that the aircraft cabin must be sprayed. The spray is harmless, but if you think it might affect you, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief.
We suggest that passengers do stretching exercises, and move during the flight to improve blood circulation.
Handgepäck ist in den Gepäckfächern über Ihrem Sitz zu verstauen.
Exercício durante a espera para o banheiro. Esta é uma Versuchen Sie, sich während des Fluges boa oportunidade para se esticar e se mover enquanto möglichst oft zu strecken und zu bewegen. So wird Ihr Kreislauf angeregt. em pé na fila. Beba muita água durante todo o vôo Use roupas folgadas, confortáveis para que você se possa descolar facilmente Use sapatos confortáveis, macios para que você possa deslizar ou descalçar facilmente Leve apenas um pequeno saco como bagagem de mão, assim você não precisa de sobre-carregar seus pés e restringir o seu espaço para as pernas
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Our Frequent Flyer Programme Air Namibia’s Frequent Flyer Programme is called “Reward$”. Becoming a member enables you to earn valuable miles from all your travels with Air Namibia. These miles can be used to buy tickets, pay for upgrades to business class and pay for excess baggage. Miles are transferable between members and can also be used to purchase tickets for persons other than the member. Joining is absolutely free, PLUS you get up to 500 complimentary miles upon successful subscription. For more specifics on the programme, please refer to the appropriate topic below.
Electronic Bonus
You can register online by visiting our website:, or at any Air Namibia ticket office. You will receive a membership pack, including your permanent card, 2-3 weeks after your first flight after registration.
An Electronic Bonus of 300 miles will be allocated to the member on first activity if the member has registered online and selected his communication preference to be e-mail.
Miles Expiry
Miles are valid for five (5) years after the year in which they were earned. Miles due to expire will always be reflected on your Mileage Summary.
Activation Rules
A membership account will automatically be activated after the first flight and successful completion of registration.
Missing Miles
Enrolment Bonus
If your Miles are not credited for any reason, they can be promptly credited provided the relevant documentation is submitted. It is essential to keep all the relevant documentation including original boarding passes and copies of airline tickets. Members can also claim missing miles online by entering the e-ticket number without the airline code “186”, or contact our Call Center for assistance.
Enrolment Bonus is 500 miles. Enrolment bonuses are allocated to the member’s account on the first activity after registration.
Spending Miles
Corporate Clients
For more information visit:
Air Namibia has also introduced the If you do not
Corporate Client component to the
have enough miles for a free ticket, you
can purchase miles in batches of 1000
For more information on the Corporate
miles at N$220 – this is only applicable
if you have 50% or more of the value of
employees. Members can accumulate
the Award ticket available. Award tickets
miles in both corporate as well as personal
are valid for 12 months from the date of
accounts, depending on directives from
issue and are processed and issued after
their corporate head.
payment of Airport taxes is received.
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Client enrollment, please contact our Call Centre at Tel: +264 61 2996111/6333/6444 or
Very Important Note:
Members need to fly once after registration in order to activate their accounts and before miles can be used to redeem tickets, request upgrades or to transfer miles from his/her account to another member’s account.
Our Fleet Average Fleet Age: 7 years
Airbus A330-200 Business Class
Economy Class
Number of Aircraft
Height (m)
Cruising Speed
860 km/h
Maximum Passengers
Wing Span (m)
Maximum Fuel Capacity
138 000l
Maximum Take-off Weight
233 000 kg
Airbus A319 -100 Business Class
Economy Class
Number of Aircraft
Height (m)
Cruising Speed
820 km/h
Maximum Passengers
Wing Span (m)
Maximum Fuel Capacity
23 860l
Maximum Take-off Weight
70 000 kg
Number of Aircraft
Height (m)
Cruising Speed
820 km/h
Maximum Passengers
Wing Span (m)
Maximum Fuel Capacity
4 198l
Maximum Take-off Weight
19 000 kg
Embraer ERJ135 All Economy Class
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To North America and beyond
To Asia and beyond
Lusaka Katima Ondangwa Rundu Mulilo
Victoria Falls
Walvis Bay Luderitz Oranjemund
Cape Town
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ABZ - Aberdeen, United Kingdom | Aberdeen Dyce Airport AMS - Amsterdam, Netherlands | Amsterdam Schiphol Airport ARN - Stockholm, Sweden | Stockholm-Arlanda Airport ATH - Athens, Greece | Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport BCN- Barcelona, Spain | Barcelona International Airport BGO - Bergen, Norway | Bergen Flesland Airport BHX - Birmingham, United Kingdom | Birmingham International Airport BIO - Bilbao, Spain | Bilbao Airport BLL - Billund, Denmark | Billund Airport BLQ - Bologna, Italy | Bologna / Borgo Panigale Airport BRE - Bremen, Germany | Bremen Airport BRU - Brussels, Belgium | Brussels Airport BUD - Budapest, Hungary | Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport CDG - Paris, France | Charles de Gaulle International Airport CPH - Copenhagen, Denmark | Copenhagen Kastrup Airport DME- Moscow, Russia | Domodedovo International Airport DRS - Dresden, Germany | Dresden Airport DUB - Dublin, Ireland | Dublin Airport DUS - Dusseldorf, Germany | Dusseldorf International Airport EDI - Edinburgh, United Kingdom | Edingburgh Airport FAO - Faro, Portugal | Faro Airport FCO - Rome, Italy | Leonardo Da Vinci (Fiumicino) International Airport FMO - Muenster, Germany | Muenster Osnabrueck Airport FRA - Frankfurt, Germany | Frankfurt International Airport GOJ - Nizhny Novgorod, Russia | Nizhny Novgorod International Airport GOT - Gothenburg, Sweden | Gothenburg-Landvetter Airport GRZ - Graz, Austria | Graz Airport GVA - Geneva, Switzerland | Geneva Cointrin International HAJ - Hannover, Germany | Hannover Airport HAM - Hamburg, Germany | Hamburg Airport HEL - Helsinki, Finland | Helsinki Vantaa Airport IST - Istanbul, Turkey | Ataturk International Airport KBP - Kiev, Ukraine | Boryspil International Airport KRK - Krakow, Poland | John Paul II International Kraków-Balice Airport KTW - Katowice, Poland | Katowice International Airport
KUF - Samara, Russia | Kurumoch International Airport LCA - Larnaca, Cyprus | Larnaca International Airport LED - St. Petersburg, Russia | Pulkovo Airport LEJ - Leipzig, Germany | Leipzig Halle Airport LHR - London, United Kingdom | London Heathrow Airport LIN - Milan, Italy | Linate Airport LIS - Lisbon, Portugal | Lisbon Portela LYS - Lyon, France | Lyon Saint-Exupéry MAD - Madrid, Spain | Madrid Barajas International MAN - Manchester, United Kingdom | Manchester Airport MLA - Luqa, Malta | Luqa Airport MUC - Munich, Germany | Franz Josef Strauss International Airport MXP - Milan, Italy | Malpensa International Airport NAP - Napoli, Italy | Nápoli / Capodichino International Airport NCE - Nice, France | Nice-Côte d’Azur NUE - Nuremberg, Germany | Nuremberg Airport OPO - Porto, Portugal | Francisco de Sá Carneiro OSL - Oslo, Norway | Oslo Gardermoen Airport POZ - Poznan, Poland | Poznan-Lawica Airport PRG - Prague, Czech Republic | Ruzyn International Airport RIX - Riga, Latvia | Riga International Airport SOF STR - Stuttgart, Germany | Stuttgart Airport SVG - Stavanger, Norway | Stavanger Sola Airport TLL - Tallinn, Estonia | Tallinn Airport TLS - Toulouse, France | Toulouse-Blagnac Airport TRN - Torino, Italy | Torino / Caselle International Airport TXL - Berlin, Germany | Berlin-Tegel International Airport VCE - Venice, Italy | Venezia / Tessera - Marco Polo Airport VIE - Vienna, Austria | Vienna International Airport VKO - Moscow, Russia | Vnukovo International Airport VNO - Vilnius, Lithuania | Vilnius International Airport WAW - Warsaw, Poland |Warsaw Chopin Airport ZRH - Zurich, Switzerland | Zurich Airport
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Baggage Guidelines
At Air Namibia we are committed to ensuring that our passengers are re-united with their luggage at end of their journey. Given the complexity of the environment in which we operate, passengers’ luggage often gets out of our control and care, (for brief moments when they are subjected to control and handling by various agencies.) It is for this reason we request passengers to check their luggage on point of arrival (immediately after collecting their bag) to ensure that bag was not tampered with; and to report any suspected losses immediately. We request passengers not to check-in valuable items, especially those that are susceptible to theft, such as cash, jewellery, electronic devices like mobile phones, watches, sunglasses, to mention a few. In line with International Industry Conventions on passenger baggage liability, Air Namibia cannot be held liable if these valuable items are pilfered from checked-in baggage. We encourage our passengers to lock or wrap their bags where possible.
Our rules pertaining to baggage include the following We offer our passengers a generous free hand baggage allowance, with maximum weight of 10kg each, and maximum size 55 x 38 x 20 cm; plus an overcoat, an umbrella, a walking stick, a ladies hand bag, a reasonable amount of reading material, and a laptop. We also allow a fully collapsible wheelchair and/or a pair of crutches as hand baggage.
Excess baggage fees on extra pieces of baggage carried, per bag up to 10 bags per passenger are Domestic routes Routes within Southern Africa Frankfurt route
US$ 100.00 per extra bag US$ 110.00 per extra bag US$ 200.00 per extra bag
Free allowance for checked in baggage
Airbus A330-200 Airbus A319-100 Embraer ERJ 135 operated flights operated flights Business: 2 pieces each weighing not more than 32 kg’s
Business: 2 pieces each weighing not more than 32 kg’s
Economy:1 piece weighing not more than 23 kg’s
Economy: 2 pieces each weighing not more than 23 kg’s
Applicable excess baggage fees on excess weight over the free baggage allowance per bag. Domestic routes Routes within Southern Africa
1 piece not exceeding 23 kg’s
Frankfurt route
US$ 100.00 per bag US$ 110.00 per bag US$ 200.00 per bag
• No item of checked in baggage may exceed 32 kilograms.
• For further information on sports, highly fragile items, and security guidelines, we recommend that you visit our website on
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With over 700 scheduled flights per month, our network and reliable service makes us the best solution for your freight needs. No matter how big or small your parcel is, from the size of an envelope to the size of an elephant, we will get it there for you in GOOD TIME. We provide security for valuable and dangerous goods. We also handle highly perishable goods, and even live animals.
For bookings contact us on telephone number +26461299 6610/11 or via email on For more details, please visit our website on, select the cargo icon and navigate easily to get all information you need.
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Namibia: a land of culture, heritage... and flavour!
Welcome to another Spur country. Okahandja
GRAND LAKE SPUR Okahandja Shopping Centre. (00264) 625 02 711
Corner of 5th Avenue & Ernst Kalweit Street. (00264) 63 22 4123
Maroela Mall. (00264) 65 23 2064
Woermann Street, Stadtmitte. (00264) 64 462 755
Walvis Bay
Tsumeb Shopping Centre. (00264) 67 22 1270
Walvis Bay
140 Ninth Street. (00264) 64 20 7991
The Grove Mall, Shop 500, Kleine Kuppe. (00264) 61 25 0423 Keetmanshoop 6996S Air Namibia Magazine
Maerua Lifestyle Centre, Centaurus Street. (00264) 61 30 3711
1st Floor, House of Southern Estate, Independence Ave. (00264) 61 23 1003 26 | | Customer Care: +27 21 525 6670
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Photography on track? In July this year, David Sneath of Australia, signed up for a Pangolin Express photographic safari in Namibia. He told Flamingo about the people, the landscape, the laughs, and, yes, the longing to go back. Words & Photographs by: David Sneath
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eight-day train trip through Namibia
from Australia, to those from Dubai,
with 40 other guests on what was billed
Switzerland, USA and South Africa,
as a photographic safari. In reality, we
with a wide mixture of ages, couples
had guests with photo skills ranging from
and singles. The ‘Desert Express’ train,
iPhones to state-of-the-art professional
as it’s known when not commandeered
DSLR rigs. Two years ago, I’d done a
by Pangolin Photo Safaris, had recently
photo safari with Pangolin in Botswana’s
enjoyed a fit-out upgrade, so this was her
Chobe National Park, and as soon as I
maiden voyage since her recent face-lift
heard that Gerhard “Guts” Swanepoel
and tummy-tuck.
from Pangolin Photo Safaris was running
this train trip, I signed up swiftly.
chairs, a small table and an overhead
Guts is one of the finest photographic
bunk. While we enjoyed dinner in the
teachers I’ve come across on the 15
evenings, the train staff, to create the
photographic tours, which I’ve done
lower single bed, folded two of the
throughout numerous countries – he was
armchairs down. Each air-conditioned
also supported by a second photographic
cabin was en suite, but in typical
guide, Bianca Preusker (Cape Town Photo
Tours), and between them, they’ve led
planning; if you dropped the soap in
countless tours in Namibia. I wasn’t going
the shower, you may have needed a
to miss this one.
medical procedure to have one of the
Pangolin Express. Guests ranged from
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sanitary fixtures removed from some part of your anatomy.
The meals were exceptional. Everything from Biltong Soup to Fillet of Oryx, all served with local wines. Each night had a new menu, with an equally great variety of choices. We ate, drank and laughed well. This train trip was something I would recommend to everyone, as it’s probably one of the very few adventures left where you can relish a glass of G&T, champagne, wine or beer with an exquisite dinner, as the scenery slowly rolls past the diningcar windows. The quality of the trip went beyond the meals. Pangolin had planned the train’s arrival ahead at each stop so as to coincide with perfect lighting for photography. More impressive still, was their plan for astronomical photography – the train stopped in the middle of the Namib Desert on the very night that there was no moon. As well as arranging hundreds of permits (everywhere we disembarked the train to visit a sight), Pangolin has two brand-new 25-seater busses, which follow the train’s schedule. Wherever or whenever we needed to transfer from the train to a particular site, the busses were waiting at the railway siding. Day one began
Day 1
with us gathering at
Windhoek station, where we were welcomed, briefed and – while our luggage was whisked off - dispatched to our cabins. Smack on midday, the Pangolin Express rolled out of town and headed south, while we settled into our cabins, where we after reconvened in the lounge car to meet up with our fellow travellers. How much better can life get, than watching the glorious scenery slide past as we relaxed in splendid luxury, rolling through the Auas hills, while sipping on a chilled glass of wine or an ice cold Windhoek lager? Not much.
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Day 2
so soothing about sleeping on a train, as it rolls rhythmically through the night, destination Holoog, a railway siding. Up we got, and boarded the coaches to wind our way through pristine, semi arid landscapes to the Fish River Canyon, the second biggest canyon on earth… and undoubtedly a natural wonder of southern Africa. The lighting was just perfect, with the sun behind us – we’d arrived shortly after sunrise, which
spectacular colours of the canyon. Back on the train for brunch, we rolled on towards Seeheim station, where our coaches awaited us for an excursion to the somewhat spooky, archaic looking quiver tree forest and a magnificent sunset. Shortly after the sun dropped, we were schooled on the skills needed to capture the best star-trail photography and “light painting”… and we proceeded to do just that. Pre-dinner drinks and a sumptuous dinner awaited us back on the train, as we sat back sipping… and the train rolled on.
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NAKARA SWAKOPMUND The Arcade, Tel/Fax: +264 64 405907 NAKARA BOUTIQUE Shop G4 Mutual Tower Independence Avenue Windhoek Tel/Fax +264 61 224 209 NAKARA SHOP WINDHOEK Independence Ave 131, Gustav Voigts centre Tel: +264 61 231518 NAKARA FACTORY WINDHOEK 3 Solingen Str. Northern Industrial Tel/Fax +264 61 215003
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Day three was a
dunes, with strongly modelled shadows
bright 5am start to
sculpted by the wind at Dead Vlei. For
the ghost town of
those who fancied it, an alternative
Kolmanskop, well before
adventure was an uplifting, dawn, hot-
any other tourists had arrived. The
air balloon flight, with a champagne
sand dunes creeping into the desolate
breakfast, where the locals cut off the head
structures afforded some spectacular
of the champagne bottles with a machete
and often “eerie” photographs. Our well-
-none of that sissy corkscrew nonsense
deserved lunch was back on board the
for Namibians!
Day 3
Pangolin Express, as it headed back east to the small village of Keetmanshoop.
Everywhere we turned, photographic opportunities presented themselves.
We left the train at Mariental, luggage
We walked through the 30 metre-
in hand, for a two-night stay at the
deep Sesriem Canyon with its layers
Namib Desert Lodge at Sossusvlei. For
of exposed conglomerate stone and
the next two days, we explored the most
particularly challenging photographic
spectacular sand dune desert on the
lighting. Every turn was a learning
planet. We reveled in the solitude and
curve. We headed out in 4 x 4 vehicles
awe-inspiring landscapes of the world’s
along the vivid red petrified dunes,
oldest desert – the Namib. This area is
to lap up a sundowner of nibbles
truly a photographer’s smörgåsbord, with
and G&Ts, as well as experiencing a
strikingly colourful and spectacular sand
spectacular golden red sunset over the
| 25
Namib dunes.
Day 6
Hard to believe, but
already here; time to h e a d out through the Namib Naukluft National Park on gravel roads to the icy Atlantic ocean. We stopped off at Moose McGregor’s famous bakery (pasties to die for) in Solitaire, and to view the bizarre rock formations of the Gaub Pass and the Kuiseb Canyon. The town of Swakopmund on the Atlantic coast has a very German character derived from its colonial past, and we strolled along the waterside promenade, did souvenir shopping, or enjoyed coffee and cake in one of the many street cafÊs.
26 |
Day 7
good to see how others had captured
Express remained
the country. He also recited (almost)
overnight, so day seven
allowed an early start for a variety
embarrassment or memorable events.
of optional excursions, including a
It was a wonderful, fun evening,
boat cruise or a morning simply
shared with great new friends who
shared common interests.
camera departed
This was it, trip over, Windhoek
Swakopmund around lunchtime, and
here we come; but we had time en
climbed eastwards onto the inland
route for one last stop at the Okapuka
plateau with its panoramic view of the
Game Reserve.
desolate gravel plains.
It’s never great ending a holiday,
By the afternoon, we had reached Ebony
but when it’s one where you’ve met and
an excursion to the 1700m high
extended your skills, and thrilled to a
new landscape and its people… it was
a real downer. We took our inevitable
Massive granite blocks balanced over
group shots, swopped details, and all
deep rifts and stunted acacias shaped
agreed, sincerely, it had been magical
the landscape in the golden afternoon
from start to finish.
sun, where we remained until sunset to take advantage of the perfect
We’d see each other again, same place, same train, same Pangolin.
light conditions. On the last night back on the Pangolin Express, Guts had organised a sample from the many photographs participants had taken… and it was
Contact: Tel: +27(0)21 418 2312 Email:
| 27
28 |
My obsession with wildlife and wildlife photography By: Corlette Wessels
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am a mom, wife and business woman
most, nature photography. I am blessed
that I have a family who support and
and wildlife photography. Photography
environment and their interaction with
understand my passion, who enable
allows me to capture a fleeting moment
one another. I obtained my own Nikon
me do this. Although it is becoming
in nature, that I have experienced,
camera only a few years back in 2006,
harder and harder for me to get away
which I am able to share with you. The
when I started to get into photography
due to family commitments and the
image takes us back time and time again
after a trip to the Kgalagadi. After this,
busy schedule of the children, I will
thereby enabling us to experience the
my collection got bigger and my “hobby”
soon have to get away for short long
feeling, the texture, and the emotion
became my obsession!
weekends. The reason that I need to
with an obsession with wildlife
of that very special moment. I enjoy
photographing especially
I run my own business and consult
get away on my own, is so that I can
with a few companies in the Retail
focus on my photography only and if
strategic market. I got married in 1994
needs be, to sit and wait at a sighting
and after 15 years of marriage, we
to get that “shot”. I have waited seven
had our first child. We now have two
hours for a leopard to come out of a
children, a boy and a girl, who both
cave in the Kgalagadi, sitting in my car
keep me very busy. We stay on a game
in temperatures of 42°C+ in February,
farm just outside of Johannesburg,
but it was well worth the wait.
South Africa and have eleven dogs, two
My hope is that you will feel my
cats, geese, ducks and so much more.
deep love and respect for nature and
The best part of each day for me is to
animals through my photography, by
arrive home and stand on our wooden
reading some of my blog posts and also
deck, to watch the kudu come down
by following me in social media, such as
to drink water and to graze on the
Facebook and Instagram, where you can
Lucerne that we feed them. I often
experience a little of what I see when I
go away for a week or two on my own
am out there in nature doing what I love
into Africa, to be able to do what I love
most, nature photography.
Contact: Tel: +27(0)83 326 3331
Email: Instagram: Corlette Wessels
30 |
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Sorris Sorris
– authenticity in the wilds Sorris Sorris is the first of four Namibia Exclusive joint-venture lodges to open their doors, and the first guests in, don’t want to leave! By: Anne Schauffer Photographs supplied by: Namibia Exclusive
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amibia Exclusive, is a Namibian owned and operated company
venture lodges. The team is bound by a common belief that tourism should be organised in a way that preserves, respects and benefits destinations and local people. The four intimate luxury camps are designed for the discerning visitor for whom service, hospitality and conservation trumps price. The camps are located in a broad arc stretching across
Brandberg through Damaraland, Etosha and Khaudum National Park on the border of Botswana. Omatendeka, Sheya Shuushona and Xaudum are still to be completed, with Sorris Sorris being the first one to open its doors and receive guests. The four lodges are some of the most capital intensive investments on
Namibia, and Namibia Exclusive is proud of the community’s participation and involvement in the running of the camps and activities on offer. Visitors
material contribution to the economy, by delivering meaningful benefits to
36 |
indigenous communities. The style and design of each lodge is unique, the choice of building materials influenced by the remote locations. A combination of locally available building materials - rammed earth/stone from site/thatching from local grass, as well as easily transportable materials have resulted in
carbon footprint, blending well with the environment. Namibia
viewpoint about their role in society, and their
rally vision:
“Our vision synergises uncompromising
| 37
luxury, scenic beauty, exceptional wildlife and above all, the local community. The concept is driven by our firm belief in the primary pillar of conservation: sustainable utilisation of natural resources through communal involvement.� Sorris
Brandberg magnificent
the the
across which the Ugab River charts a course towards the Atlantic Ocean. This linear oasis offers sanctuary to the desert-dwelling elephants of the region. Spectacular rocky desert, dotted with trees in non-perennial river beds, sets the scene for a unique experience, as the camp blends in beautifully with the landscape overlooking the dramatic Brandberg Mountain with its orange and pink hues. The lodge’s rammed-earth structures are insulated against both the blazing midday sun and the refreshing desert nights. The highest
Brandberg in
the to
hundreds of rock paintings. Perched on top of granite boulders, Sorris Sorris encapsulates
of African architecture, as its line of green acacia trees creates a dynamic
38 |
| 39
eco-system with its own fauna, flora
community, the Damaras, reside in
and wildlife. There’s no better way
the environs of the Brandberg and
to experience this splendour than
Khorixas (now known as the Erongo
from the birds eye view of a hot air
Region). This tribe - masters of the
balloon, one of the many activities on
skillful “click” language - lives off
offer. The Ugab River is the realm of
small livestock, mainly goats.
the desert elephant, and in its course
from desert to coast, the Ugab River
lodges are complete, guides will assist
also provides a habitat for the black
with connecting to, and travelling
rhino and desert-adapted lion. Hot air
between, the lodges in their fleet of
ballooning, nature drives and soaking
purpose-built off-road vehicles, some
up the vastness, makes Sorris Sorris
of which are specifically designed for
the demands of high-end photographic
balancing rocks.
safaris. High-end photography services
For Namibia Exclusive, they know
are another of the group’s specialist
the role they plan to play is crucial to
offerings, and for lovers of wildlife
the success of authentic conservation:
and photography, there can be no finer
“Conventional conservation methods
place to hone your skills... and fall in
are failing, so Africa’s wild places and
love with Namibia for the first time...
all are facing a precarious future. It’s
or all over again. Ask them about it.
the tourism industry’s responsibility to
communities upon whose ancestral lands safaris take place.” The local
40 |
Contact: Tel: +264(0)61 227 519
| 113
42 |
Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge – private and perfect By: Anne Schauffer Photographs by: Roger de la Harpe
| 43
here, in the distance, intermittent
shimmers of light flash off the
is part of a broader vision to involve
distant hillside. It’s the first hint of
the neighbouring community - the
habitation as you amble west along
NEF is involved in mentoring, while
the dirt road past Thiyene Hide, in the
the Lodge is committed to drawing 80
Hluhluwe section of the game reserve.
percent of staff from the community.
Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge has only been
Brett Gehren, owner of Isibindi Africa,
open for six months, and given that, it’s
is clearly excited: “It’s taken nine
the first private footprint in the reserve,
years of administration, applications
curiosity is piqued as to the shape and
and negotiations. This is a ground-
nature of the mark Isibindi Africa has
made on this age-old, untouched 96 000
community involvement.”
hectare landscape.
The shimmer on approach is light
Isibindi Africa is no stranger to authentic
shareholders. The
unexpected design element, chosen over
sustainable practices, and community
the more conventional thatch. It not only
involvement in their projects. Neither are
facilitated a design which hugs the hill
Durban-based architectural designers,
more snugly, but also curbs the fire hazard.
Frencken & Associates. Jointly funded
The structures follow the landscape’s
by the National Empowerment Fund
contours, and that, together with the
(NEF) and other investors, Isibindi
materials, finishes and blue-green-grey
Africa, Frencken
exteriors, allows them to sink into the
the Mpembeni community form the
surrounds. Low energy air-conditioning
44 |
reflecting off the Chromadek roofing, an
units, grey water recycling for ablutions, and a hydroponic vegetable garden all contribute to the low carbon footprint. Standing high on the ridge on your private deck, you – like every guest in the eighteen rooms – have a glorious 180 degree view of the world. Quite breathtaking, for not only are you privy to the sunrise as it slowly colours your early morning, but any wildlife too. ‘Wild dog’, was the cry which went up from the main lodge deck. The real-life action played itself out in the valley below, as guests stood spellbound, watching the pack speedily kill an nyala, then feast on it, before heading off, we were told, to the nearby den to share the spoils with eight pups. No finer way to begin a safari getaway, than with one of Africa’s most endangered animals doing what they do best... even before the guided game drive was due to depart; all this, within a few
| 45
46 |
hours of arrival. Game drives are twice
and responsibility. It shows, for the staff
daily, three hours each.
are excellent. This co-operative approach
is clearly the way forward for wildlife
conservation, as the community sees
standing units - eight villas, two honeymoon
and feels the benefits of protecting the
villas, and six suites – are double-volume
environment and its inhabitants.
calm, stylish
For the foreign guests, the safari
artistic balance between wood, concrete
experience was superb. For locals, equally
and glass, and stylish furnishings. It’s all
so, in a reserve they may have visited
about attention to detail, down to your own
before, but for those few days there, they
fireplace for cold or romantic evenings.
lived the experience through fresh, new,
Doors open wide on to your private deck,
pampered eyes.
with the wild world at your feet. The Lodge prides itself on fine dining, and it doesn’t disappoint. Not for a second, with superb presentation, innovation and flavour. And when you have time out, the 11m infinity lap pool and day spa beckon. Rhino Ridge Safari Lodge is built on Mpembeni community land, so for them,
Contact: Isibindi Africa: +27 35 474 1473 Roger & Pat de la Harpe Photography: +27 82 882 8496
there’s a deep sense of ownership, pride
| 47
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98 |
Noble standing amongst its peers On the slopes of the Simonsberg Mountains sits a thirty-hectare vineyard, which produces some of South Africa’s finest wines, among them the award winning Noble Hill Mourvèdre Rosé. We talk to winemaker Kristopher Tillery about the estate and their recent win. By: Phil Ruimte
Pride in provenance, humility in
There is an underlying pride in
wines that are juicy yet structured,
craftsmanship”: a standard that the
achieving recognition from notable
elegant and above all unique to the
Tillery family set for themselves
wine critics, Neil Pendock and Allan
place they are grown. Currently
some ten years ago when the
Mullins, though it helps that the
vinified are a Blanc de Blancs,
family, originally from America
estate is in an area that has been
Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay,
working in construction in Nigeria
producing fine wines since the 17th
an Estate Blend, Merlot, a Mourvèdre
came on holiday to South Africa
century. “The estate’s terroir is suited
and bought the farm.
to red wine production guided
and Viognier.”
by the warm Mediterranean-style
“In 2005 we planted one hectare
Economics joined the family business
climate, we are able to produce about
of Mourvèdre vines, and in 2012
eight years ago, and learned the
150 tonnes of grapes per year which
we produced our first rosé from
craft of wine making from scratch.
amounts to roughly 300 barrels
it,” said Kristopher. “Traditionally
He is now proud to say that
of wine,” says Kristopher. “Noble
in South Africa, rosé has been
Noble Hill has gone from strength
Hill is a thirty-hectare vineyard
deemed to be a sweet wine, usually
to strength.
produced from inferior grapes.”
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| 51
“We on the other hand decided that we wanted to produce the very best rosé possible and a rosé from a single varietal. The Mourvèdre grape is wellsuited to this and we have taken our inspiration from Provence in France,
where it is considered that Mourvèdre is the king of rosé.” Kristopher went on to say, “Mourvèdre is a vigorous grower, it grows vertically and strong. We manually stimulate box - or machine-style pruning to reduce the vines’ vigour and create more balance in the canopy. We also decided to remove every second vine, but left the removed vines’ root systems in the ground so that the remaining vines would still compete for water and nutrients, also as a measure of balancing vigour and fruiting to produce optimum quality fruit.” “This
enough grapes to allow us to bottle between 6000 and 8000 bottles.” Says Kristopher, “Once we have harvested and pressed the grapes, we then leave
52 |
the juice on the skins for less than two
explore during your visit. Specials are
hours. In fact, with the 2015 vintage
crafted each day based on the freshest
I only left the juice on the skins for
local ingredients.”
Talking about the restaurant Kristopher
The wine is then fermented in stainless
says, “Our Bocaditos are small plates
steel tanks.”
that are made to share. Choosing a few
“The result of our care and attention to
Bocaditos for the table is an excellent
detail is a beautiful salmon pink colour
way to start your meal and experience
and a bit of orange peel on the rim.
a variety of Latin flavours. Our Platos
The wine elicits aromas of rose water,
include traditional favourites and modern
strawberries, watermelon, and black
Latin dishes with an emphasis on fresh
currant. It has a crisp, dry finish and is
ingredients and refined flavours. We serve
perfect alongside a braai,” explained
breakfast all day, making Cosecha the
Kristopher. “Having won a gold at the
perfect destination for a relaxed brunch
recent Michelangelo International Wine
with friends.”
& Spirits Awards for our Mourvèdre
From the garden, you will have a
Rosé, a little over two weeks ago, we
view of the lawn and reservoir. This area
decided that we should enter the same
is perfect for families: kids can enjoy an
vintage in the Rosé Rocks Competition,
individual picnic basket on the lawn under
where I’m pleased to say that we won
the shade of a willow tree. The deck built
a gold and were named one of the top
Cosecha, where we serve both breakfast
above the barrel maturation cellar, with
ten rosé producers in South Africa.”
and lunch. We recommend that you book
glass windows, allows you to look down
“Going forward, encouraged by our
before coming to the restaurant,” Kristopher
on future vintages of Noble Hill wine with
success with winning these awards, we
says encouragingly. “The name Cosecha
views of the harvest area, vineyards, and
have just planted a further hectare of the
(co-say-cha, Spanish for “harvest”) reflects
Simonsberg Mountains.
Mourvèdre grape, and we hope to be
our location next to the harvest area
After your meal, you can enjoy coffee,
able to increase our production in a few
where our grapes are sorted and crushed.
tea, and dessert on one of the comfortable
years,” said Kristopher.
Ingredients are grown on the farm where
couches or borrow a blanket and take
possible and we maintain a thriving pepper
a nap on the lawn under the shade of an
experience for the whole family, we
and vegetable garden, which you are free to
oak tree.
+27 (0)21 874 3844 Klapmuts-Simondium Rd. Paarl 7670, Republic of South Africa
| 53
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| 113
Everything goes better with? Kabelo Kim Modise is a master of contours, and for this exhibition at the MOAD Museum of African Design - curated by Zanele Mashumi of Mashumi Arts projects in Maboneng Johannesburg - he flipped the cap off this iconic bottle. By: Anne Schauffer Photographs supplied by: Kabelo Kim Modise
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otswana-born artist, Kabelo Kim
workshop held at the Gobabeb Research
Modise was always going to be
Centre in the Namib Desert - this
an artist. Even as a pre-teen, he was
international artists’ workshop was for an
wielding a pencil with the skill of a
intense two weeks, the outcome of which
master. He studied Design & Technology
was a group exhibition at the NAGN.
and Art at school, before heading for
Kabelo’s next exhibition was the
the University of Namibia to make his
‘Contour Bottle Exhibition’, officially
mark on the Visual Arts course. Literally.
opened in conjunction with the Jo’burg
His experience there included two and
Art week of the Jo’burg Art Fair, held at
three-dimensional design, and he began
the Museum of African Design (MOAD)
to experiment with lino-cuts as an art
in Maboneng, Johannesburg – which will
form... and he’d found his niche.
move on to the Coca Cola Premises this
Kabelo’s style is quite unique, as he
month. He was also part of a printing
bases his art on line and rhythm. The
group exhibition entitled ‘Fragments
movement in his pictures is deliberate,
and Fusion’, spearheaded by a residency
and there’s little doubt, the longer you
artist from Germany, Sandra Schmidt, and
look at the ‘drapery’ created by his lines,
officially opened recently at the Franco
the more the picture alters.
Namibian Cultural Centre in Windhoek.
Kabelo has been exhibiting his work since he was 21 – his first solo exhibition
Flamingo asked Kabelo
was in his birth town of Francistown -
about this latest body of work:
and he’s held exhibitions almost every
“As I work a lot with contour lines,
year since then. Last year, he held three
the Coca Cola Contour Bottle was the
exhibitions at the National Art Gallery
perfect focus to venture into and take
it to the next level. The only difference
and this year, he’s had a two-month
here was the popular culture behind
exhibition at the Casa Labia Gallery in
the contour bottle - what a privilege
Cape Town, South Africa, with a second
to explore this culture in line with my
exhibition, which ran in both Namibia
signature style of creating drapery in all
and South Africa. He was also a participant
my artwork. Part of my inspiration is my
in the Tulipamwe International Artists
belief in something which repeats itself
58 |
- the repetitive pattern in each and every subject matter pulls my focus to the point of losing that subject matter as the main focus, and making it an illusion within the concept. Contour Bottle, as it is known, became part of my signature as an artist. For me, there’s a difference between branding and embracing the Contour Bottle. My ideology is that I am embracing the bottle in a visual aspect, and looking to embrace it further in different art media. If the bottle can repeat its popularity through the years/ century, why not embrace it though my lino-cut and painting media? I have found it to be a perfect combination to work with, and my lines portray movement within the subject matter - I try to engage the viewer in an optical manner rather than only still imagery. More drapery in my work is about tricking the eye, and by so doing, there will be some movement between the artwork and the viewer. The more the viewer squints and bounces back and forth trying to look at the imagery of my work, the more I feel content and satisfied
It’s not all about hiding the concept or making it difficult to look at, it’s about the visual practice of embracing the popular culture of the Coca Cola Contour Bottle.” Kabelo is not being paid or sponsored to do Coke or Coca Cola art. He says, “This work is part of Pop Art. I do my art for the love of it and for people to enjoy.” He produces limited edition prints – the exhibition consists of Artist’s Proofs – and original prints are available on request.
| 59
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22 |
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Namwheels – launch report: Audi Q7 Less mass, more appeal – in the new Audi flagship SUV By: Richard Wiley Photographs supplied by: Various sources
hedding lard has become quite a fashionable occupation and not just
in the gym - as the frenzied efforts of many car-makers prove. If ever there was a lardy SUV roaming our roads, it is the outgoing Audi Q7. As you might imagine, Ingolstadt had American tastes in mind when they introduced the Q7 in 2006, but my observations tell me that the Brits took to the big carrier in their droves, despite having some of the tightest roads on the planet. As of now, there’s a new Q7 entering
Sure, it may look a bit more like a
more impressive though, which means
the fray but it’s a very different beast to
station wagon than a SUV in profile, but
that gaining speed after having been
its progenitor, so much so, that you may
does it really matter how it’s perceived,
baulked is ever so easy.
not recognise it on the road thanks to the
when it has loads of interior space. This
Not that it is relevant these days; the
adoption of much more tightly drawn
means that up to seven people can be
listed top speed is 234km/h. What matters
lines. Then there is the increased use of
accommodated – with a new level of
are that when 140 clicks are showing on
lightweight construction materials and
dynamism that had every journo on the
the virtual speedo, the rev counter had
a small reduction in length and width,
launch babbling about the motor and
not quite reached 2,000rpm. That tells you
which collectively result in a Q7 that is
suspension in particular.
nearly all you need to know about relaxed
up to 325kg lighter!
The motor is a re-worked 3.0 V6
motoring, but in this application, you can
Appearance, as we are all regularly
turbo D that truly can be mistaken for
add exceptional isolation of wind noise and
reminded of, is in the eye of the beholder
a petrol engine when it comes to aural
very good deflection of road roar, given
and while the new Q7 can look a little
disturbances. It idles with only the
that (optional) 20 inch wheels adorned
bland in photos, to my eye it scores a
faintest knocking sound and out on the
the test unit. Refinement levels are good
lot more points in the flesh, especially
road, it is as smooth as silk.
enough to rival the best luxury saloons.
with its three dimensional grille and prominent horizontal crease lines.
62 |
At higher revs on full throttle, it can
A combined fuel consumption of 5.7l
very easily be mistaken for a petrol
litres per 100km is listed, but expect a
motor, as the faint hum it emits is a
figure of around 8.0 to be the norm.
archetypical 6-cylinder, sounding like a
The newly developed 8-speed tiptronic
hushed Mercedes or Beamer straight six
auto delivers drive to all four wheels
of yesteryear.
via Audi’s famed Quattro system, now
With an unladed mass of 1995kg to
employing a central diff in place of the
deal with, the hefty torque output of
previous transfer case. Power is normally
600Nm, all of which makes itself available
distributed 40F: 60R but in the event of a
from a mere 1,500rpm, ensures that the
loss of grip, up to 70% can go to the front
Q7 delivers effortless thrust, enough in
and 85% to the rear.
fact, to dispatch the 0-100km run in 6.3
Shift quality of the auto box is excellent,
seconds. The incremental acceleration is
being fast and for the most part, as
smooth as butter. There is none of that
neutralised and the rebound control on
a tablet for rear seat entertainment,
awful wind-up effect that afflicts some
dips and crests is exceptional.
including a link to the sat-nav system, the
On some loose surfaces, a touch
happily for those who enjoy a measure
of under steer can be briefly induced
of personal choice over which cogs are
“middle-mannetjies” and there’s a need
In addition, there is a host of options
selected, paddle shifters are in-situ.
to remain aware of the fact that this is a
on offer, not least a four-wheel steer, but
Wheel selective torque control seamlessly
big vehicle with a relatively high build,
please do not harbour notions that the
applies the brakes to the inside wheel if a
but as long as you allow for the fact that
Q7 is short on standard equipment. That
reduction in load is detected, thereby aiding
the Q7 makes no pretense at being an
is far from the case, especially as far as
and abetting the handling precision. Audi
R8, you’ll soon realise that ground can be
driver assistance systems are concerned.
over the years has copped some criticism
covered very quickly, even when corners
The array includes attention assist;
for the heavy feel of the power steering
are involved.
system. In this case, it is electromechanical
As we have grown to expect of Audi, the
and for my tastes, it works just fine with
fit and finish of the bodywork is exceptional
a nice fluid feel from lock to lock.
and the same applies to the interior.
Internet and the vehicle’s comprehensive functions and media systems.
hold assist, adjustable speed limiter, rear parking system and Audi presence basic plus pre-sense city. In conclusion, the shedding of any
Thanks to the use of the Audi drive
Here, a beautifully executed mix of
select, the responses of the car can be
leather, alcantara and satin metal surfaces
of heavily revised mechanicals and
altered through a prod on the central
greets occupants along with Audi’s ultra-
suspension creates a more dynamic Q7,
screen, so if it’s a comfort day or a dynamic
mod new 12.3 TFT virtual info display,
which simultaneously delivers wonderful
day or a day when you want more
first seen on the latest TFT.
comfort and refinement.
clearance (at least in this air suspended
MMI navigation with MMI touch is
Some observers would say that its
model), the Q7 will oblige. Moreover,
standard along with a DVD drive, two
styling is less distinctive and more of
out on the smooth roads at a speed, the
card readers, a flash memory, Audi
a mainstream Audi, but for me, the
system lowers the body to reduce drag.
sound system and music interface with
simplicity of line is just fine because it
Adaptive air suspension is an option
two USB ports, together with a Bluetooth
ensures that the Q7 now looks like the
and my goodness, does it provide a
interface and smartphone voice control.
cruiser-weight which it is.
superb ride in concert with the Q7’s new
A 8.3-inch retractable high-resolution
5-link front / rear suspension design.
monitor, mounted on the dash, relays
* Namibian price, inclusive of a five-year
all the details in combination with the
100,000km Audi Freeway Plan, is N$930,000.
aforementioned main TFT display.
From early 2016, a 2.0 T FSI model will join
The launch route incorporated a lot of dirt, much of it corrugated and
the range.
notable for undulating surfaces, but all
Optional, sophisticated sound systems
of it is dispatched with disdain. Indeed,
from either Bose or B&O offer 3D sound
* Please check all prices with your
corrugations in particular are magically
and if that’s not enough, Audi offers
Namibian dealership(s).
| 63
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Mandatory insurances are excluded. Pictures shown are for illustrative purposes only. Terms and conditions apply. TREES FOR CARS
64 |
The Ultimate Riding Machine
| 113
The wheel story: James Siddall on what’s happening in the wonderful world of wheels...
Blue-oval beefcake Meet the all-new Ford Ranger, which is sure to top pick up sales – at least until the new Toyota Hilux hits the market early next year. Just some highlights of this muscular machine include a more efficient 3.2-litre five-cylinder Duratorq TDCi diesel engine with 147kW and 470Nm, and an upgraded, more economical 2.2-litre Duratorq TDCi engine with 118kW and 385Nm. Ford says its Electric Power Assisted Steering (EPAS) gives excellent control and
Intelligent 4WD system includes Torque on Demand, Hill Descent Control, Hill
latest, upgraded incarnation the Santa Fe
Tip-top town tot
Start Assist, ESP, Traction Control and
has gone from pretty good to excellent.
The new little Toyota Aygo promises big
Styling changes are minimal, but this
fun – from its unashamedly extroverted
It also happens to have a wading
mid-size SUV now packs a whole lot
exterior to its available two-tone colour
depth of 800mm – that’s close to a metre!
of advanced active- safety technologies
scheme, which is surely not for the shy
– 230mm ground clearance, up to 3.5-
including Smart Cruise Control and Blind
and retiring.
ton towing capacity, and a payload up to
Spot Detection, as well as new comfort
1 175kg. Serious stuff.
and convenience features.
Electronic Rear Diff Lock.
It seems this A-segment car will pick up young buyers aplenty, and
The driving experience is even more
The range has been rationalised to
car-like and quieter than ever, and the
just two models, both using a 2.2-litre
model range is just huge with thirty-three
CRDi diesel engine making 145kW and
customer, seeking a vehicle that is
variants, from pretty spartan to sybaritic,
436Nm of torque, mated to a six-speed
topping out with the 3.2 TDCi Wildtrak
auto ‘box. For the R2.2 2WD 5-seater
versus the more rational and practical
4x4 6AT (147kW) Double Cab.
Elite you will pay R659 900, and for the
R2.2 4WD 7-seater Elite R699 900.
the Etios.
Expect to see a lot – and we mean a lot – of new Rangers on our roads real soon.
Korean cowboy It’s fourteen years since I first had a Hyundai Santa Fe on test – and in proof that time truly does accelerate disarmingly as you get older, it feels like, if not quite the other day, then just a couple of years ago. Anyway. As with its Korean sibling, Kia, Hyundai’s
exponentially over the years, and in its
66 |
extension of
says, a
more their
targeted expressive
personality, such
New model round ups Car of the Year finalists So here they are. The finalists in the prestigious 2016 WesBank/South African Guild of Motoring Journalists (SAGMJ) Car of the Year competition have been announced. And they are: • BMW i3 • Citroen C4 Cactus • Ford Fusion
Shine like a star
• Honda HR-V
Aygo comes courtesy of a one-litre, three-
If anyone thinks that Mercedes-Benz
• Jaguar XE
cylinder engine that makes 51kW and
builds simply breathtaking cars, well,
• Kia Sorento
95Nm at 4 300rpm. Hardly seismic stuff, but
• Land Rover Discovery Sport
surely ample for the urban environment
“autonis readers’ awards,” readers of
• Mazda 2 Hatch
to which the Aygo is so clearly suited.
the motoring magazine “auto motor
• Opel Adam
It’s also replete with features such
und sport” voted Merc the design
• Opel Corsa
as a touch-screen-display audio system,
brand of the year. Meanwhile, the GLE
• Peugeot 308
Bluetooth, air-con and central locking, as
Coupé scooped top spot in the “Large
• Volvo XC90
well as front and side airbags and ABS
cross-country vehicles” category, and
with Brake Assist (BA).
the Mercedes-AMG GT in the “Sports
Our own James
cars” segment.
Siddall will have the
The interior is just as funky, while the
Prices? The Aygo 1.0 is yours for
R138 900, the Aygo X-play Black 1.0 goes
Mercedes repeated the feat in the “Car
honour of serving
for R139 900 and the Aygo X-play Silver
Connectivity Award” taking the three
as a jury member
1.0 for R139 900.
first places.
in the competition, while after stringent, exhaustive testing in February next year, the winner will be announced at a posh black-tie event on 8 March 2016. As a jury member, James brings with him over twenty years experience in motoring journalism.
| 67
The Burmester® high-end 3D surround sound system won in the “Sound systems”
age with the local launch of the new Bolt
Its 2.2-litre four-cylinder turbodiesel engine making 103kW and 330Nm from
hatch and sedan.
category, the C-Class operating system
These machines are way more attractive
1 600rpm remains, and it runs through a
in “Operating systems and displays” and
than the Tata of yore, and standard is a
six-speed manual gearbox. Prices for the
the Driving Assistance package Plus in
Revotron 1.2-litre turbocharged petrol
four-model range stretch from R262 995
“Assistance systems (safety).”
engine making 66kW and 140Nm at
for the XUV500 W4 through to R359 995
1 500 to 4 000rpm.
for the XUV500 W8 AWD.
Daimler’s successful car-sharing service car2go achieved a further first place in the
Much is made of its in-car connectivity,
The French connection
“Car Connectivity Award” for its smartphone
app. Nice. Not to mention well-deserved.
ConnectNext which features a five-inch
In an era of often soulless “world cars,” the
touchscreen, voice control, and more.
French arguably come closest to still being
Bolt from the blue
Audio and infotainment comes courtesy
able to engineer something encapsulating
To us down here in the southern parts
of a collaboration with Harman.
national characteristics. Indeed, drive a
of Africa, Tata is often viewed as merely
The Bolt hatch starts at R132 995, and
machine from, say, Citroen and you’ll know
the purveyor of heavy-duty vehicles
the Bolt sedan at R142 995. So let’s see
that it couldn’t have originated anywhere
and the occasional little car, with the
if Tata can build some local brand equity
but the land of baguettes and berets.
latter being no more than adequate
with this new machine...
at best. But Tata Motors is a giant, as we
So it was good to spend a little time with the face lifted Peugeot 208 on its
Indian summer
recent launch.
sometimes forget, and it’s India’s largest
The Mahindra XUV500 SUV has long
Biggest news in the uprated, updated
automobile company, with over eight-
been held as one of the better Indian
208 are the new colours available and
million vehicles on that country’s roads.
vehicles on our market, and now this
the tidied-up styling, and more the fact
It also owns Jaguar Land Rover, and now
seven-seater has had an upgrade that
that it’s now fitted with the excellent
its car products seem to be coming of
includes interior and exterior tweaks.
PureTech three-cylinder engines.
68 |
And from its excellent ergonomics,
Big ‘n bold
courtesy of its i-Cockpit concept, to
The Audi Q7 is for those who value size
its big seven-inch touchscreen, to its
über alles – but it’s also a techno feast
indisputable feeling of quality, it’s a
of note, and now with the advent of the
covetable little machine.
second-generation model, this C-segment
GT Line styling cues abound. These
SUV has shed up to 325kg.
include a gloss black finish for the grille
It’s also 37mm shorter and 15mm slimmer
surround, fog lamp finishes and exterior
than the outgoing vehicle, so while still
pretty massive it’s fractionally more wieldy.
wheels, as well as GT Line sports seats
The styling is all restrained and rippling
upholstered in red and black. Equipment
muscularity, and it’s more of a techno
The 1.2-litre petrol engine comes in
levels are high, and the whole package
feast than ever, with xenon headlights as
both naturally aspirated and turbo guise,
pulls together well. It’s extroverted
standard. Full LED headlights and Matrix
and it’s the latter that recently won the
without being disturbingly bling.
LED headlights are available as an option.
Engine of the Year Award in the one-litre to 1.4-litre category. The non-turbo 1.2-litre engine used
housings, and
Now it’s true, that if you opt for a VW
A third row of seats is also optional, and
Polo or Toyota Yaris you’ll find a larger
with all seats folded it will swallow up to
dealer footprint, while
2 075 litres of cargo.
resale values
in the 208 1.2 Active pumps out 60kW
– sentiment driven things that they
Only one engine is available at launch,
and 118Nm at 2 750rpm. The turbo
are – will be superior. But opt for the
namely a three-litre TDI making 183kW
version makes 81kW and 205Nm at
208 and you’ll get a touch of flair and
and a massive 600Nm of torque from
1 500 rpm. Claimed combined-cycle fuel
individuality that the other two lack, plus
1 500 to 3 000rpm. Yet for all its vastness,
consumption? With the former you can
of course punchy performance, excellent
it will move from rest to 100km/h in 6.3
figure on 4.3 litres per 100km, and with
economy and surprising solidity.
seconds, topping out at 234km/h, with
the latter 4.5 litres per 100km. But as with
Tough choice, huh? So I’d say go for the
power running to all wheels through an
all these figures, good luck in achieving
German or the Japanese if it’s utilitarian
eight-speed tiptronic. Yet Audi says it will
them in the real world.
transport you need and want. Go for the
drink a mere 5.7 litres of diesel per 100km.
There are a quartet of 208s available,
Frenchman if it’s a touch of flair you’re
And as always, what with being an
starting with the entry-level Pop Art, using
after. Prices for the four car range stretchs
Audi, the interior is matchless in terms
a naturally aspirated one-litre version of
from R159 900 for the entry-level Pop Art
of equipment levels, elegance, and sheer
the PureTech engine, with a claimed fuel
1.0 PureTech to R289 900 for the GT Line
quality. The Q7 3.0 TDI Quattro tiptronic
consumption of 4.4 litres per 100km, and
1.2 PureTech Turbo Auto.
is yours for R924 000.
an output of 50kW and 95Nm at 3 000rpm. But it was the range-topping GT Line that I got to drive. As with the rest of the 208 range, it has a five-star Euro-NCAP safety rating, and is available with a five-speed manual or six-speed auto ‘box. It was the self-shifter I tried, and given its slickness and sheer user-friendliness – important in a car that’s probably going to spend most of its time in the urban environment – I would highly recommend paying the extra R20 000 premium over the manual. Especially as fuel consumption and top end (190km/h) are the same, while the zero-to-100km/h run takes only 0.2 seconds longer (9.8 seconds).
| 69
Beamer Brilliance!
“The BMW plant in South Africa is responsible for some of the best Beamers in the world”, says James Siddall. Here’s why... 70 |
ell, if you’re a BMW owner
impossible by getting even better. By
the way, the PP100 is the JD Power
vindicated to learn that the BMW
standard measurement of problems per
Group’s Plant Rosslyn in South Africa
100 vehicles. The 2015 industry average
was recently awarded the Platinum
is 112 PP100.
Plant Quality Award in the JD Power
In addition to the Plant Rosslyn’s
2015 Initial Quality Study (IQS). This
award, three BMW models – the 2 Series,
was for producing 3 Series models with
the 4 Series and the 5 Series – were
the fewest defects or malfunctions,
also the top-ranked vehicles in their
and it’s not the first time that SA-built
categories in the JD Power 2015 IQS.
Beamers have topped the charts, with the plant receiving this US-based award last in 2002. BMW
As you can understand, BMW is quietly ecstatic about this. “We
Rosslyn being awarded this prestigious
among the nameplates with 99 PP100
– a nine-point improvement from
testament to the quality, craftsmanship
2014, which means that an already
and excellence we strive for in the
brilliant product has achieved the near-
| 71
3 Series Sedan vehicles,” says Tim Abbott,
than an all-new car, and while aesthetic
changes to this iconic machine, now in
South Africa. The massive and immaculate Plant Rosslyn, situated north of Pretoria, was
its 40th year of global production, are pretty minimal, there’s big news under the hood.
the BMW Group’s first foreign plant in
Here the 3 Series gets a raft of superb
1973, and is a vital part of BMW’s global
new engines, and for the first time ever
production network which boasts thirty
the entry-level 318i uses a three-cylinder,
sites in fourteen countries.
1.5-litre turbopetrol motor, which ties
Right now the plant builds the BMW 3 Series Sedan for local and export
in with all 3 Series now having 500cc per cylinder.
markets around the world. In 2014,
This is the same engine used in the
BMW 3 Series Sedan exports from Plant
likes of the smaller 118i and 218i, and
Rosslyn increased by over seventeen
it’s a spunky little powerplant, making
percent to 68 771 – so cementing BMW
100kW and 230Nm. Enough to take it
SA’s enviable position as the country’s
from rest to 100km/h in 8.9 seconds,
leading exporter of premium vehicles.
maxing out at 210km/h.
And to top this , in February this year the
At the other end of the spectrum of
one-millionth car rolled off the plant’s
new motors lies the 340i. This uses a
assembly line.
new three-litre, in-line six-cylinder motor
Yet more good – no, superb – news for
with BMW TwinPower Turbo technology,
adherents of the blue-and-white roundel
and slams down 240kW and 450Nm. An
is the advent of the new BMW 3 Series.
eight-speed auto is standard, and the
All right, it’s more a mid-life upgrade
340i will run to 100km/h in 5.1 seconds,
72 |
topping out at a governed 250km/h. The turbine-smoothness that BMW’s inlines sixes are so famous for is standard, of course. In total, four petrol units (318i, 320i, 330i, 340i) and two diesels (320d and 330d) are new to the range, and all are turbo-charged. Meanwhile, to celebrate the vehicle’s 40th anniversary, BMW South Africa has introduced a special edition. Prices? The 318i (manual) starts at R409 000, and the 340i at R656 000, with a vast range of derivatives and options available, while the whole range
hugely sophisticated. And do we even need to mention that quality is simply stellar? “At DANRIC BMW, Windhoek, Namibia are
displayed, serviced and sold with pride. Visit this crème de la crème of BMW dealerships in Southern Africa for a truly unique insight and service experience.”
Danric Auto: Cnr Bismarck Street and David Hosea Meroro Road, Windhoek Tel: 061 295 8100
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| 113
Zambia’s Ark
- South Luangwa There’s something for everyone in South Luangwa, and this presents a (pleasant) problem when deciding which lodge to choose from the thirty-five on offer. By: Roy Watts Photographs by: Alexander Cahlenstein, Paul Maritz and Roy Watts
76 |
| 77
outh Luangwa is the southernmost
ground by adding a night viewing aspect.
of three National Parks fed by the
After sundowners at popular view sites,
Luangwa River as it courses along its own
guides sitting on special perches in front
valley from the north. It is a 9050 square
of their vehicle use searchlights to look
kilometer woodland savannah featuring
for the shining eyes of animals on patrol.
wide-open plains and a profusion of
Some of the after-dark encounters are
gigantic trees. It is teeming with game, and
quite thrilling, as lions, leopards and many
the Luangwa River supports the largest
other predators are nocturnal, therefore
population of hippos and crocodiles
considerably more active between sunset
in Africa as it heads south. Previously
and sunrise.
a game reserve founded in 1938, it
It was on an afternoon drive on
was declared a National Park in 1972.
our first day that I sensed that game
Today, it supports no less than thirty-
concentrations at South Luangwa were
five lodges of widely varying standards of accommodation and tariffs. This may seem a large number of camps within an area that is smaller than the Kruger National Park, but none of these units have any concessionary land, so they all share the same bounteous wilderness. I
burgeoning popularity on a recent visit as a guest of the Zambian Tourism Board. My party was accommodated at the Mushroom Lodge - a camp originally owned by Kenneth Kaunda - situated on a huge vlei, that provided an ongoing procession of passing wildlife. It is one of the original properties and offers attractive chalets with generous proportions ideal for big families. Being old, it is in need of some renovation and this is in the pipeline‌ but until that happens, the choice is exceptional space, comfortable bedding and an interesting site weighed against some wear and tear. Game drives organized by the individual lodges are used instead of private vehicles making their own way around the reserve. This means that a backpacker on a meager budget can have the same viewing experience as those paying top dollar in more expensive resorts. These game drives have evolved along similar lines in all of the lodges over the years. They set off at dawn, and return three or four hours later for breakfast or brunch. It is the late afternoon drive that breaks new
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higher than most other reserves of my experience. I also discerned different attitudes
notably the elephants. They tended to be more placid as demonstrated when we confronted a female jumbo with her calf within the confines of a narrow corridor. She calmly veered off the path, without a hint of aggression. The only animals we hadn’t seen that day were lions, and we knew there was a large pride in the area. Getting close to home towards the end of our night drive, we ran into a ferociously dramatic scene. Just off the road were nine lionesses tearing into a hippo carcass with tooth and claw. They might hunt as a cohesive team, but this disappears at dinnertime when they growl, scrap and attack each other as they tear away huge chunks of flesh. There was hardly anything left of the hippo the next morning, and the lionesses lay bloated and lethargic under the trees for the next two days. On a morning spent visiting a number of camps near the entrance gates, our group experienced the wide-ranging variations between lodges linked to different rates. It brought home just how important it is to consult tour operators, who are fully conversant with the park in its entirety. During our walkabout, I
| 79
thought that the best choice for backpackers
Africa for 2015. Wandering around this avant-
and tourists with a modest budget would be
garde architecture, I was overwhelmed by
the Marula Lodge. Those keen on walking
the extraordinary design of this spectacular
tours and photographic safaris would be
bush architecture. Pampered guests able
well served by the Track and Trail River
to afford the US$1,250 per person sharing
Camp that also offers some really attractive
in the high season, are transported across
river facing chalets. Campers accessing
the river to the National Park’s mainland by
the reserve (on special permits acquired
boat, where the best guides escort them in
at the entrance) would approve of the
the entire system.
very impressive facilities at the Wildlife
Zambia has it all. Apart from the
Campsite. Like many of the other lodges,
spectacular ‘Big Five’ lodges in the
they also offer self-catering and full board
Luangwa Valley, it enjoys a rich selection
linked to packages that include game drives and walks. When it comes to the top end of the market there really isn’t any debate. Norman Carr – one of the founders of the South Luangwa National Park - built Kapani, his very attractive luxury lodge on the banks of a lagoon; an establishment which continues to draw tourists long after his death in 1997. The management of Norman Carr Safaris today has developed Chinzombo, a spectacular lodge that is definitely one of the best in Africa (if a slew of top awards are anything to go by). It opened in 2013, and immediately set about garnering ten top citations for every single aspect of the wildlife environment - including The Best Safari Experience in
80 |
of wildlife experiences along the banks of the Zambezi River and other pristine locations dotted around the length and breadth of the country. It also enjoys a uniquely oblique portion of the spectacular Victoria Falls that it shares with
Mosi Oa Tunya – the smoke that thunders - is Africa’s top natural icon, and is within the precincts of the resort town of Livingstone. A scant two-hour flight from Johannesburg, it is well within long weekend range, and offers a wide variety of river escapades and a host of other adventurous activities. Bungee off the bridge to Zimbabwe, take an elephantbacked safari, zip line across canyons and tame the Zambezi in a wild white water adventure run by experts. Best of all, fly over the falls in a micro-lite! Backing all of this is a range of superb restaurants and first class hotels. So
abundance of luxury, fun and adventure? Enter Zatex the Zambian travel expo held in Lusaka annually. This year the Zambian Tourism Board flew a contingent of fifty South African tour operators to Lusaka, where they were accommodated in the new flagship Best Western Hotel pursuant to attending an exposition, that would acquaint and equip them with the knowledge to offer expert advice on the profusion of attractive travel opportunities in this charismatic country. After a couple of days of interaction with the stall holders representing the best travel choices Zambia has to offer, the operators were split up and sent to Livingston and South Luangwa to fully enjoy all that they learned from the expo. Returning to Cape Town after a wonderful three days at the Mushroom Lodge, one of my most lasting impressions was the racial harmony I witnessed in a country steeped in multiculturalism. Ubuntu is alive and living in Zambia.
| 81
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Rhino Facts: In the late 1970s aggressive poaching took the Namibian Black Rhino to the brink of extinction. Thousands of rhino were slaughtered to satisfy the demand for fashion accessories and oriental medicines. By the early 1980s the population had plummeted from 65,000 to just 60. The ‘Rhino for Erongo’ project was established to reintroduce and conserve rhino in the Erongo region, reintroducing Black Rhino into the area after the last of its kind was caught in 1974. For every bottle of OASIS sold a contribution is made to the ‘Rhino for Erongo’ project, helping to conserve and protect these beautiful creatures.
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| 87
mining for diamonds Imagine going to visit a friend somewhere in the German countryside circa 1908 and finding this note on his door: “gone… mining for diamonds.” By: Christie Keulder
88 |
| 89
ust what draws a man onto a rickety
wooden ship, across dark, deceitful
Grillenberger, I sat down next to a pile
seas and into godforsaken desert? To toil
of empty wine bottles. No doubt, these
long hours under a scorching sun and
came by ship from some far off land with
sleep through nights filled with hostile
vineyards and cellars. Brought here, to
cold and ghostly fog? What makes him
Grillenberger, by ox wagon to appease or
take a knife or rock to another man in
motivate men, who were long deprived
defense of his honour, his property or
and constantly ready to rebel. If there is
for indulgence with an imported woman?
a little peace in a single bottle, then there
Diamonds, of course.
must be a whole lot more in a crate. So,
The promise of great wealth is
they kept them coming – crate-by-crate,
perhaps the strongest of all human
wagon-by-wagon – to keep the peace
temptations - one so strong, that it can
and fuel the fading dreams.
only be resisted by the purest of souls
At Conception Water, they resurrected,
and strongest of minds. One against
at what was once a morgue, the local
which, he of ordinary composition,
police station. No wonder it was shot
stands no chance at all. All that
full of holes by the very ones who were
remain of these promises today, are
stationed here to protect it, for it must
perished relics: rusty pipes and tools,
have been difficult not to draw a gun
sandblasted bottles, sieves full of holes,
surrounded by all those painful souls
eroded wagons and tracks and wooden
looking for peace or vengeance or both.
skeletons that once was home. Nothing but acres and acres of broken dreams and endless sand. I could not help but think how much easier life is today.
90 |
By all accounts, this venture was a hopeless one, but greed does not perish easily. Not even out here in the desert under the sweltering sun and in the blistering wind. Not if you forfeited
everything and risked the essence of
Where there are rules for courtship and
your very life. Here, among the ruins, it
social customs to obey? And where a
seems that greed outlives all other human
twinkling stone is just a stone? Mostly
conditions. It provided the fuel and
though, how do you live a life with
energy to endure, long after happiness
greed and broken dreams?
and compassion had dissipated, and
On this recent trip deep into the
took with them the sense of adventure
desert, I once again had the chance
that once must have filled hearts. How
to observe camp cooks. Men who are
different the end must have been from
expected to deliver a lot with very
the beginning. I found no note that said,
little means. Very much like the miners
“gone‌ looking for happinessâ€? or any
of yesteryear.
other indication of where they were going to next.
Just like the miners, these men have fierce determination and refuse
They must have known that the end
to accept the odds against which they
was nigh, for all the special equipment
cook. But unlike our miners, they are
was neatly stored and secured. As if they
not driven by greed and dreams of
expected to come back some time soon.
great wealth. Their goal is much more
The journey back could not have been
noble - to feed and to feed well. They
an easy one. To look back on years of
know how to make a sweet dessert
toil, sweat and blood and to admit it was
from nothing but a can of condensed
all for nothing, would have broken even
milk and some flour, and they cook
the greediest of these hardened men.
with the unpredictable heat of an open
How do you find another life like this one? One where the wine is free
fire. Their pans wobble and their pots leak, but they get the job done.
but the water is not. How do you cope
And that, I can assure you, is all that
with life where there is no sun on
matters. Respect and compliments are in
your back and no wind in your hair?
order too.
| 91
Unique Korean cuisine paired with amazing South African wines.
For the first time ever, Pretoria (Tswane) will be exposed to authentic Korean cuisine, matched with premium South African wines. A restaurant coupled with a wine tasting experience, it truly promises to be unique. We offer a range of Korean meals, from starters to deserts. The dishes have in some instances been adapted to suit the South African palate.
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97 || 33
Wambo chicken A few months ago, I ate Wambo chicken for three days flat: six meals in total. I was in the north and with enough free time on hand; I was determined to get my head around this iconic, traditional dish. By: Christie Keulder
made an appointment with the chef,
or possibly more recipes for this dish.
but she refused to part with her
●● The most sought after Wambo chicken
personal recipe. She even declined my
recipes share three common elements:
promise of extensive media coverage and possible countrywide celebrity and fame. But, I did learn a few things about the dish, which I think, is worth reflecting on. Thus far, I have established that: ●● The dish is known by not one, but quite a few names. Wambo chicken, roadrunner chicken, marathon
1. A real free roaming, socially independent, omnivorous, werf hoender, that has thick dense bones that do not bend or break - even when hit by a car or taxi; 2. Marula oil that is as brown and cloudy as the typical Namibian sandstorm; 3. The chicken has to be boiled until
chicken or athlete chicken are all
soft and palatable and this, some of
different names for the same dish. All
my sources insisted, could be as long
these names are inspired by the core
as two or three hours. Wambo
ingredient, the chicken.
chicken is not fast food.
Incidentally, the names also carry reference to the
All remaining elements – the type of pot;
cooking time.
the spice mix; additional aromatics etc. –
There is not
are for the chef’s discretion. Very often,
one, but a
these are not a matter of choice; cooks
making Wambo chicken often make do with what they have got. So I started thinking, just how would I cook my version of Wambo chicken? The typical werf hoender is tough and it has almost no fat, but it has a lovely, intense chicken taste. As a result, the chicken is boiled long and
hard to get
94 |
it soft. This means the chicken is often
you want to refresh your understanding
I wish I could claim that I invented
very dry (especially the white meat) and
of sous vide you can access those
this technique for cooking tough meat
most of the chicken flavour is in the
articles on The Curious Kitchen Blog.
and poultry, but I did not. The technique
sauce and not the chicken.
of cooking meat in loads of fat at very
Almost all of the versions I tried had
infinitely more sense. The relatively low
low temperatures is commonly known
a thin tomato-and-onion-based sauce.
temperature at which the chicken will be
as confit, and is off course, very French.
It contained no herbs (fresh or dried),
cooked will ensure that the meat remains
Back in the old days, confit was used to
moist, whilst the prolonged cooking time
preserve meats. The cooked meat would
wild garlic or the local dried chillies),
will make sure it is tender. So, I portioned
be added to glass containers and the
or additional vegetable content (e.g.
my werf hoender into quarters and put
cooking fat would simply be poured
carrots). All contained marula oil, and
each of them in a vacuum bag. The
over. This would last for a few months, in
some contained a very small amount of
marula oil is a key flavour component
a cool room. Confit fruits were preserved
butter as well.
that I want to retain, so I added about ¼
in a similar manner, but in concentrated
cup marula oil to each of the four bags
sugar syrup (and now you know the
with the chicken.
origins of the Afrikaans word “konfyt”,
Overall, I am more concerned with the chicken than the sauce. For my experiment, I obtained one
Now, given that a werf hoender has
adult werf hoender from an aunt on a
little or no fat of its own, I decided
Once your Wambo chicken is cooked,
farm. Thin and tough as nails, she was. I
to boost the fatty chicken flavour
you could decide to store it, or serve it
also bought some cloudy marula oil from
even more, by adding a tablespoon
immediately. If you choose the latter,
a very friendly lady at the Ongwediva
of Schmaltz to each bag of chicken.
prepare your sauce and sear the cooked
market. She assured me, it was the real
chicken in a hot pan with a little more
McCoy. I added a few bits and bobs to
animal fat (chicken or goose, or pork)
marula oil to colour the skin. Then,
the ingredients table, and then it was
that is sold in local supermarkets
add the chicken to the sauce for a few
time to cook.
minutes just to absorb the flavour. Do not
ingredients. Just make sure you ask for
boil it. Done this way, the werf hoender
chicken Schmaltz.
becomes a thing of luxury and beauty
It makes sense to boil meat or fowl in water, if you are after the flavoured
meaning “jam”).
liquid as a soup or stock. Because
Next, the bags are vacuum-sealed
and well worth its national iconic status.
boiling transfers flavour from the meat
and placed in a pot with water heated
In my view, it is right up there with that
into the liquid, meat or fowl boiled for
to precisely 65.5°C. It is then cooked
timeless French bistro classic confit de
any prolonged period of time, is dry and
for 2 to 2.5 hours, depending on the
canard. But that might just be my view.
relatively flavourless. So I do not want to
size of your chicken. Once cooked,
Let me know what you think.
boil my chicken.
open the bags, if you like to use the
Cooking your Wambo chicken pieces
liquid from the chicken as the base for
sous vide (last year, around this time,
your sauce. I made my sauce with this
two Curious Kitchen columns dealt with
liquid, tinned plum tomatoes, tomato
sous vide cooking in more detail. If
paste, garlic, thyme and oregano.
| 95
Africa’s long-term investment credentials remain intact An opportunity to buy long-term African growth at reduced valuations. By: Johan Steyn
lthough current economic trends
slowing across the board, makes for
development will have a positive long-
grim reading, the positive long-term
term impact.
prospects that have made the continent
Where markets are concerned, the
an attractive investment proposition
remain intact.
becoming bigger. While markets are still
Markets go through cycles and it’s
very illiquid compared with their developed
important for investors in Africa to
counterparts, Initial Public Offerings (IPOs),
look beyond short-term fluctuations.
or so called stock market launches, are
Structurally, Africa remains on track to
becoming more common and liquidity is
deliver superior long-term growth.
improving in line with Africa’s appeal as
For now, investors have to contend
an investment destination. Lower liquidity
with slower economic growth and weaker
contributes to volatility on African markets,
but this creates opportunities for attentive
fund managers with a good understanding
as well as looming increases in US
of prices.
interest rates.
Given the difficulty in finding value
The resultant outflow of investment
in the world now, Africa seems like
funds from Africa has hurt currencies
an obvious place to invest. While the
and stoked inflation. Central banks have
opportunity is currently being passed
responded by increasing interest rates in
Africa is a great proposition for long-
an effort to protect their currencies and
term investors, who can deal with higher
considering where the continent is likely
to contain inflation.
volatility. Institutional investors such as
to be in twenty years’ time, those with
Much of the negative news is already
pensions funds, which tend to adopt
foresight, and the stomach for slightly
reflected in African markets, where
long time horizons, recognise the benefit
higher volatility, should consider an
valuations are significantly lower. Astute
of Africa being uncorrelated with the
allocation into Africa.
investors will be looking for buying
assets they usually invest in.
opportunities as the market cycle in
Aside from the diversification benefit,
Johan Steyn is the Portfolio Manager of
many African countries heads towards
we expect Africa to continue delivering
the South African-based Prescient Africa
the turn.
high risk adjusted returns.
Equity Fund at Prescient Investment
In general, African PE ratios are
Management, a subsidiary of the JSE
catalysts for a turnaround in emerging
listed company Prescient Limited, whose
attractive, presenting investors with an
market fortunes are difficult to predict,
opportunity to buy long-term African
there are reasons to be optimistic.
including Namibia, Europe, Australia
growth at a discount.
Average growth in sub-Saharan Africa
and Asia.
96 |
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HANGALA CAPITAL PRIVATE EQUITY (PTY) LTD NAMFISA License no. 15/UIM/09 Hangala Capital Private Equity (Pty) Ltd is an Unlisted Investment Manager (UIM) in which Hangala Capital (Pty) Ltd has 60% shareholding and Prescient Global 40% shareholding.
Hangala Capital Fund (Pty) Ltd
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The Hangala Capital Fund was established and licensed as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) by the National Financial Regulator, NAMFISA, and is managed by Hangala Capital Private Equity (Pty) Ltd. By soliciting capital from accredited investors, we invest in the following asset classes: • Venture capital • Private equity • Mezzanine financing (subordinated debt) • Special situations. We invest in all industries, with a particular interest in agribusiness, manufacturing and infrastructure. We pride ourselves on a deep-rooted understanding of the Namibian environment, while Prescient offers their proven creative approach to investment – together, Hangala Capital Private Equity (Pty) Ltd offers clients the services of a formidable team of professionals, with the sole aim of providing you with solid returns and preservation of your capital.
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The decision to retire is never easy. This is why we invite you to our caring Swakopmund Retirement Village Estate and the Haven Apartments and Frail Care Unit community. Whether you’re trading wide-open spaces for wide-open beaches or a family home in the city for a little place in the sun, with an option of free-standing houses, apartments and a full frail care unit, take all the time in the world to enjoy your retirement, safe in the knowledge that everything else is taken care of. For more information about this exciting new development visit our website: or simply contact Daniela Vorster on: +264 (81) 484 8133 or or one of our approved agents.
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SWAKOPMUND RETIREMENT VILLAGE ESTATE (FREE-STANDING, FULL TITLE HOUSES) Welcome to the most exclusive retirement village in Namibia. This luxury development is situated in Swakopmund Extension 16, Mile 4, allowing you peace and quiet in tranquil surroundings where the ocean, pristine beaches and various shopping and lifestyle centres are always near at hand.
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When you retire, you might not want a freestanding house. Maybe you’re travelling and want a lock-up-and-go option, want a smaller space to relax in or may be in need of 24-hour assistance. The luxury Haven Apartment Units, Assisted Living Units and Frail Care Units are the perfect alternative within the Swakopmund Retirement Village.
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A kingdom of unspoilt majesty Sani Pass & Sani Mountain Lodge Nestled at the very tip of the African continent sits the world’s highpoint – Sani Mountain Lodge, which summits the notorious Sani Pass at 2876m above sea level, not to forget that it is also the world’s highest pub!
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Once you have reached the top and passed the Lesotho border post, a humble, quaint and charming Lodge awaits to welcome you, with warm open arms and a much needed stiff drink. Sani Mountain Lodge is a small, unexpected and unique Lodge, that is part of an international resort group - Ends of the Earth, whose resorts include very unique and charismatic venues that are all linked by being situated in stunning locations, either with great heights, plateaus or outlying islands. The Lodge consists of cozy rondavels, each with running hot water and a fireplace, or alternatively backpackers’
full camping and catering facilities. Very seldom have patrons and guests left without remarking on the hearty, tasty and wholesome foods available
ani Pass lies between the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal
and the landlocked kingdom of Lesotho, forming part of the Maloti-Drakensburg Park and has been named a UNESO World Heritage Site. The Pass was first challenged in 1948 by a former RAF spitfire pilot and back then, the 9km trek took a grand total of 6 hours all the way to the very top. Being the highest peak after Mount Kilimanjaro, Sani Pass is often a testing ground prior to attempting Kilimanjaro and by no means does it give any free passes.
4x4 community have also used the treacherous Pass to test and validate the prowess of their vehicles, with all the sharp hairpin bends, the loose rock dirt road and the constantly changing weather. For the ultimate trial, multiply all these conditions by ten, should you wish to drive up in winter when the abundance of snow, rain, mist, skidding and slippery turns are all the norm.
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from either the a la carte menu or buffets, served mainly during breakfast and dinner.
There are thrilling outdoor activities to enjoy for novice and advanced adventure seekers, from hiking, skiing, trail walks, mountain biking, 4x4 drives, fauna and flora tours, horse riding to cultural tours. The greatest experience at Sani Mountain Lodge, is simply enjoying the breath taking 360 degree views of the majestic mountain range, which never seizes to dazzle, be it in winter with a divine blanket of clouds and snow or during the sunnier months, when the skies open with beaming sunlight. For a break from the concrete jungle and rat race, Sani Pass and Sani Mountain Lodge await with exceptional landscape splendours and tranquillity.
15% discount for all Air Namibia Passengers, subject to commercial demand Nearest Airports: Pietermaritzburg and King Shaka International Airport, Durban Rack rates start at: R1320 per person Booking/Reservations: +27 (0)78 634 7496
Direct enquiries only: +27 (0)73 541 8620
| 105
Nitzsche -Reiter Since 1934 l Cameras and photographic equipment l Data cards and batteries l Binoculars and tripods l Film and accessories t: +264 61 231116 e: Sanlam Centre, Ground Floor Shop 20 Independence Avenue Windhoek, Namibia
106 94 ||
Flamingo In-Flight Mag ad Swakopmund_PRINT.pdf
Country Club Resort The Windhoek Country Club Resort offers businessmen, conference delegates and families a unique combination of exceptional service, and luxurious accommodation. • 152 rooms & suites • 3km from Eros Airport • 2 restaurants & bars • 24 hour room service • Desert Jewel casino • 18-hole golf course
Contact Details
9:38 AM
Where The Skeleton Coast Comes To Life
• Conferencing for up to 800 delegates • Outdoor swimming pool • Lazy river • Fully equipped fitness centre
Tel: +264 (0) 61 205 5109/5911 Fax: +264 (0) 61 205 2797
Your Namibian Gem
The Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre offers the perfect balance between charming, old world tradition with the thrill and excitement of modern day entertainment, be it the Casino & Entertainment Centre, dune boarding, quad biking, golf at the nearby desert course, the dolphins and the flamingos of Walvis or a romantic banquet in the desert. • • • • • •
90 Rooms 47km from Walvis Bay Airport 2 Restaurants 24 Hour Room Service Mermaid Casino Sightseeing Tours & Excursions
• Conferencing for up to 480 delegates • Outdoor Swimming Pool • Fully Equipped Gym • Hair Salon & Spa • 2 Cinemas
Contact Details
Tel: +264 (0) 64 410 5200 Fax: +264 (0) 64 410 5360
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DO YOU KNOW WHO TO CALL? In case of a road crash, medical assistance is only a quick call away!
Always keep the MVA Fund Crash Response Number 081 9682 close and use it to report road crashes anywhere in the country.
By simply dialling 081 9682 you can save a life. Be ready with the following information: Location of the crash Number of vehicles involved Number of people injured Where possible, the type of injuries
an ambulance will be dispatched and a life will be saved
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Mokuti Etosha Lodge
– the oasis in the wilderness Being literally a few minutes away from the vastness of Etosha National Park is just one of the many reasons why guests return time and time again to Mokuti Etosha Lodge. Idyllic for families, heaven for couples, sociable for singles‌ By: Anne Schauffer Photographs supplied by: Mokuti Etosha Lodge
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okuti – Ovambo for ‘in the forest’ – is the 400-hectare cool, green,
tropical oasis, which shares a common border
National Park, making it the perfect vacation location for those keen to spend quality time in this world-renowned game park. Mokuti is a mere four minutes drive from the eastern Von Lindequist Gate near the fascinating Namutoni Fort, and is the closest lodge to Etosha. Of course, it’s not merely its proximity to the Park which sets Mokuti Etosha Lodge apart. In its green forest-like setting with two sparkling swimming pools – heaven-sent on those steamy Namibian summer days and delightful thatched buildings, it’s both intimate in ambiance and service, and cool and spacious in its numerous facilities and charming layout. You – and your children – will love the ramblings of the resident herd of bontebok, not to mention the busy squirrel families for whom Mokuti is home. The one hundred and six rooms all enjoy gloriously green views of the pretty manicured gardens or rich indigenous bush, and they’re set in one-story chalet style thatched buildings – choose from one of ninety standard rooms, eight luxury rooms (open plan
shared bathroom). All rooms are well air-
Mokuti even offers a laundry service, so
lounge, sleeper couch and bedroom),
conditioned, have LCD TVs with satellite
no chores – welcome to a true holiday.
or eight luxury family rooms (separate
TV, mini fridges and en suite bathrooms
Mokuti Etosha Lodge may rub shoulders
bedroom and lounge, two sleeper couches,
with showers. You’ll lack for nothing.
with the wilds of Etosha National Park, but that doesn’t mean you’re out of touch. The Lodge has free Internet Wi-Fi access, as well as cell phone and land-line reception. At Mokuti, there’s something special, something different for everyone, both day and night, and the Lodge caters as easily for families seeking busy junior activities on site – such as the separate children’s splash pool - as it does for photographic enthusiasts who want nothing more than guided wildlife excursions into Etosha, or to head off on one of the walking trails. There’s even the fascinating reptile park… for the young and mature alike!
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There is more to the North than cattle, craft and cuca shops. Our finance proves it. The Development Bank of Namibia has a proud record of finance for successful enterprises and development of infrastructure, in Northern Namibia. We understand the business environment , it’s cultures, its markets and the vast potential of its regions. If you have a business plan for manufacturing. transport and logistics, tourism or agri-industry in the North, we want to hear from you. Visit for more information then call us in Ongwediva. + 264 65 - 230 129.
Good business is good for development.
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At Mokuti, you’ll have every opportunity to meet and mingle with other guests, swop the day’s stories around a roaring fire, challenge others to a game of pool or billiards, and share an alfresco meal under the breathtaking Namibian stars… or, you may prefer quiet time, clinking glasses with someone special somewhere quiet. You choose. The Lodge offers babysitting facilities, so that a quiet intimate evening is within your grasp. At Mokuti, the options are limitless. And then there’s the bush. Mokuti is fully equipped to guide guests into Etosha, with two nine-seater Toyota Land Cruisers and one twenty-seater Dyna Truck, so no matter the size of your group, you’ll be catered for. A trip in Etosha in a wide-open vehicle with one of Mokuti’s experienced game guides is a must, and with its vast expanses of glorious landscape populated by the Big Five and more, you’ll be spellbound from dawn to dusk. Learn about the flowers, the For adults, there’s a glorious Spa, so if
home, but thankfully, won’t be. The food
birds, the wildlife, the country from people
you’ve earned some precious ‘Me’ time,
is superb. On selected evenings, you’ll
who belong to the land. Etosha provides
you know where to go and what to do.
enjoy a traditional Namibian braai or
a lifetime of memories, and if photography
Enjoy a wonderful massage, luxuriate
barbecue in the outdoor African Boma,
is your passion, you’ll be able to test your
in a specialised facial. For those who
while at other times, you’ll relish a candlelit
skills to the limit.
enjoy healthy, fun exercise, there are two
dinner in the garden, under the stars. As an
Mokuti also has extensive conference
floodlit tennis courts and two swimming
optional extra for special occasions, you’re
facilities, so if you’re looking for something
pools. For those who’re really serious
welcome to host a private dinner for over
about their shape, a well equipped gym
ten people (for your own account) at one of
possibly need… yet provide your delegates
awaits your workout. With the moreish
the numerous venues offered by Mokuti…
with more than they bargained for, you’ve
menus at Mokuti, you may just need it…
and that can include a traditional braai in
come to the right place. There are three
Mokuti prides itself on its highly sociable
the 4 000 hectare reserve, or a delectable
optional venues to choose from; catering
indoor-outdoor venues, from the Tambuti
three course set menu in the Rock Room.
for groups ranging from twenty five to one
Dining room & Marula Bar, the Pool Bar & Terrace, the open-air African Boma to the open fire and conversation pit. With typically hearty Namibian feasts on the menu - served up with many local products – you’ll always have the Namibian choice of both beef and game, and a plethora of home-grown recipes unique to the Mokuti kitchens. Mokuti likes to call its fare, ‘country style comfort home cuisine with a Namibian touch’, and it’s just that. You’ll feel at
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hundred and thirty people, depending on the function and preferred seating style. Mokuti offers an introduction to outsourced Team Building Facilitators as well as Wedding Planners. You’ll find everything from data projectors and screens, to business corners equipped with a PC and an Internet Wi-Fi hot spot… printing, faxing, scanning and copying facilities… and a choice of executive lunches or sweet/savoury snacks. You name it, Mokuti Hasselt Optics, Windhoek
t: +264 61 377800 provides it. And when the day is done, f: +264 61 377801 e:
there’s game drives and bush braais. It’ll be
a memorable conference, that’s guaranteed. A stay at Mokuti Etosha Lodge is everything you’d want in a holiday, a safari, a romantic getaway, or a family reunion. With children of all ages welcome, this is the family holiday you’ve dreamed of – it’s where memories are made. It’s about attention to detail, and Mokuti are masters of that. From the warm Namibian welcome on arrival, to the thrill of Big Five sightings… you’ll be back at Mokuti Etosha Lodge.
Contact: Mokuti Etosha Lodge Central Reservations: +264 (0) 61 207 5360 Lodge Reception: +264 (0) 67 229 084
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Trip Travel American Express
Choose the right global travel management company for your business. For a comprehensive presentation contact: Herbert Burmeister on +264 61 285 5700 or email
Independently owned and operated by Trip Travel (Pty) Ltd 26 |
HIGHLIGHTS: Windhoek / Kalahari / Fishriver Canyon / Sossusvlei / Windhoek Standard option:
N$8,600 pp sharing (N$1,714 single supplement) INCL: 8 days SUV fully covered, 7x overnights, 7x breakfast, 1x activity
HIGHLIGHTS: Windhoek /Sossusvlei / Swakopmund/ Damaraland/ Windhoek
HIGHLIGHTS: Windhoek /Sossusvlei / Swakopmund / Damaraland / Etosha/Windhoek
Standard option:
Standard option:
N$8,105 pp sharing
N$10,019 pp sharing
(N$2,029 single supplement)
(N$1,608 single supplement)
(N$2,018 single supplement)
INCL: 9 days SUV fully covered, one way charges, 8x overnights, 8x breakfast, 1x activity
INCL: 10 days SUV fully covered, 8x overnights, 8x breakfast
INCL: 11 days SUV fully covered, 10x overnights, 10x breakfast
Luxury option:
Luxury option:
N$22,023 pp sharing
N$25,267 pp sharing
(N$4,797 single supplement)
(N$2,018 single supplement)
INCL: 10 days 4x4 dbl cab fully covered, 8x overnights, 8x breakfast, 4x dinner
INCL: 11 days 4x4 dbl cab fully covered, 10x overnights, 10x breakfast, 6x dinner
HIGHLIGHTS: Windhoek / Kalahari / Fishriver Canyon / Sossusvlei / Swakopmund Standard option:
N$10,000 pp sharing
Luxury option:
N$16,476 pp sharing (N$3,522 single supplement)
Luxury option:
N$19,624 pp sharing (N$4,195 single supplement)
INCL: 8 days 4x4 dbl cab fully covered, 7x overnights, 7x breakfast, 5x dinner, 1x activity
INCL: 9 days 4x4 dbl cab fully covered, one way charges, 8x overnights, 8x breakfast, 5x dinner, 1x activity
valid till 31 October 2016
Tel: +264 61 285 5700
Fax: +264 61 225 430 | 111
How do I ensure my staff and I are taken care of when we retire?
LET’S TALK ORION NAMIBIA Orion Namibia are umbrella retirement funds with optimal risk benefit solutions that offers employers a simple way to provide retirement and insured benefits to their employees. Any employer can now offer their employees retirement benefits without the hassle of setting up their own retirement fund. SMS ORION to 65656, or contact your Old Mutual Personal Adviser at (061) 299 3999 or contact your Broker
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Peugeot Fractal Electric Urban Coupe concept: features the Peugeot i-Cockpit
explores a new design and manufacturing process, with 3D printed parts used for more than 80% of the interior trim
Peugeot has released its latest concept car: Fractal. It’s
surface. Teamed up with Amon Tobin, sound designer, the
an electric urban coupe that features the iconic Peugeot
exterior and interior identity of this car has been developed
i-Cockpit exploring your senses, starting from sight and
to sync with its environment. The anechoic materials were
touch to feel. The Peugeot Fractal represents unprecedented
made through generative design, an incremental stochastic
attention to acoustics in automotive design; you can see
process that is used to achieve the perfect component.
here, that results would enrich your driving experience further. This futuristic concept car starts off as an idea that
Wristify : A bracelet that heats and cools you
that heaters can run in one room and cooling units in
Well, want to stay cool in
another. This is an expensive
the summer? Or keep warm
problem for both your bank
in the winter? Apparently
account and the environment.
Embr Labs has made a great
Keeping this in mind, the
attempt to make your dreams
design team tried to address
come true. Wristify is the first
this issue by designing an
bracelet that heats and cools
individual temperature control
you.It will regulate your body
unit in the form of a stylish
temperature, thereby saving
bracelet. This bracelet has
you loads of your hard earned
the ability to regulate the
money on energy costs. When
temperature of its wearer,
you are in a room with varying
rather than modifying an
temperature comfort levels
entire space.
which is shared by many people, there’s a possibility,
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Designer: Embr Labs
Designer: Peugeot
Papilla Food Container: supports healthy eating habits in quick and easy way The Papilla Food Container is a creative food carrying
SmartHalo transforms your conventional bike into a smart one
container, with a battery powered heating concept with USB compatibility. It supports healthy eating habits and allows you
Riding a bike in an urban environment can be confusing and
to carry nutritious foods anywhere, in a quick and easy way.
you might also get lost, that’s why SmartHalo would be a nice
Easy cleaning is a breeze, since all the parts are separable for
companion. It’s a smart biking system that lets you focus on the
cleaning and it is also conveniently dishwasher safe as well.
road and is especially designed for uban cyclists. This device
Different compartments prevent the mixing of food and allows
guides you, when you need it to. It’s equipped with a military-
you to carry a variety of menu combinations. As an outcome
grade locking system, to ensure that it stays permanently on
of a modern lifestyle and busy schedules, we are unfortunately
the handlebars.
doomed to consume fast food. The Papilla is designed to help
The navigation system is pretty intuitive: it provides you with
people with more conscientious eating on the go, thereby
the quickest and safest routes to your destination, while the
changing today’s eating habits, due to time limitations and by
automatic tracking feature saves your biking metrics in real-
also offering alternative options.
time. There’s a powerful front light that illuminates your path
Papilla Food Container’s vision is to support and raise
during low light. Besides being a reliable navigator and tracker,
awareness about healthy eating habits by providing nutritious
SmartHalo also functions as an alarm, keeping thieves away.
food anywhere, in a quick and easy way.
Designer: CycleLabs Designer: Burcin Ceren Olcum
BioLite CampStove cooks your food and recharges your gadgets
transform the heat from a fire into usable electricity. Therefore even when you find
BioLite has combined a stove and a
yourself in the middle of nowhere, you
power charger in one innovative design,
can still get connected (except when
BioLite CampStove. You’ll get to enjoy
there’s no signal). It recharges your
the benefits from both worlds in an
phones, lights, or gadgets while you
interesting way. As you probably already
cook dinner.
know, BioLite produces a cost effective
By the way, you don’t need to go
and compact stove, that offers unique
camping to use the stove, in fact, you can
social and environmental benefits as well.
use it anytime, such as when the power
Enjoy your camping with this stove,
goes out in a storm or after a natural
cook your meals with nothing but twigs,
disaster. You’ll be able to cook and get
so simple isn’t it? It eliminates the need
your gadget charged, even when the
to carry heavy and expensive petroleum
power lines are down.
gas, it is easy and quick to light, yet fast to boil. BioLite CampStove has the ability to
From: BioLite
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Akrapovič Full Moon concept motorcycle stands upright when parked
audiences from visitors, photographers,
Since this project was designed as
journalists, to selected guests. This
a continuation of the Morsus story, the
awesome motorcycle has been designed
personality of this bike has been designed
Stunning, yes, that’s one word that
and developed with the help of Slovenian
to be completely different. To excite
can describe the Akrapovič Full Moon
Dreamachine Motorcycles, the same
anyone who hasn’t been impressed, it is
Concept Motorcycle. This futuristic
team that produced the iconic Morsus
Akrapovič’s first prototype machine.
concept was unveiled by Akrapovič at
in 2011. Similar to its predecessor, the
the Bad Salzuflen Custombike Show in
Full Moon features extravagant, technical
Germany, and managed to captivate all
exceptional, and promotional bike design.
Designer: Akrapovič
Auto Boat: Smartphone controlled boat for a single passenger
Luna Phone: gorgeous minimalist phone design
What happens when a boat builder and a programmer meet?
Even though most people think that a smartphone is the
You can see the result here: Auto Boat. This project was born
ultimate modern necessity, some people still prefer simpler/
out of collaboration between Will Reed, a boat builder and
dumb phones. Unfortunately, most dumb phones are ugly.
Jonas Jongejan, a programmer. Featuring Featuring, wanted to
The Luna Phone is a beautiful minimalist phone, where the
create an experience, rather than just a seat for the exhibition
concept limits itself to the most basic functions of a phone,
of “Out of the Woods: Adventures of 12 Hardwood Chairs” at
calling and messaging. There’s no camera, high definition LCD,
the Victoria & Albert Museum. This exhibition aims to develop
GPS or internet connection. Instead, the Luna Phone features a
a life cycle analysis of every project in the exhibition for AHEC.
sleek geometric screen out of a LED backlight and a touchpad
Auto Boat is a special boat designed to carry a single passenger
at the bottom of the screen. Due to its limited functions, the
in comfort on a pre-determined journey into a smartphone.
battery can run for days instead of hours, therefore less is more.
Designer: Featuring Featuring
Designer: Jorge Arbelo Cabrera
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Weber 121020 Go-Anywhere Charcoal Grill: compact grill with spacious area for grilling
effective barrier against the wind. This is the perfect grill when you plan to do small barbecue grills; it cooks evenly and won’t
Camping is not complete without carrying cooking gear.
flare up. The quality is unquestionable, thanks to the porcelain
Once you use the Weber 121020 Go-Anywhere Charcoal
coating; it guarantees you years of use.
Grill, you might not want to camp without it. It’s a compact, portable grill that makes a great companion when you are
From: Weber
travelling. Even though it’s a compact grill, it actually offers a pretty spacious area for grilling, that is large enough for you to grill four medium steaks at the same time. This unit is solidly engineered without any nuts or bolts. The porcelain enameled coating helps to prevent rust and fading. You can grill your food on the triple nickel-plated cooking grate, on the 160-square inch cooking area. Once you’re done with cooking, simply lock the lid into place with the pivoting legs. You can carry this lightweight grill in one hand. We really love the built-in lid hangers, they allow you to rest the lid on the side of the grill, which turns it into an
Android Men’s AD520BBU Hydraumatic G7 Skeleton Watch with cuff bracelet design The Android Men’s AD520BBU Hydraumatic G7 is a unique skeleton blue watch that will attract all eyes to your wrist. It features automatic movement and an adjustable band with a cuff bracelet design. As it has been designed for men only, this watch has a pretty huge size, but if you love a beautiful and unique timpiece, you can’t go wrong with this one. It is recommended for anyone with big wrists. The weight is just right. Unlike a cheap watch, it doesn’t feel light, is not too heavy and it doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable. The movement of this watch is beautiful and eye catching as it winds itself, so you don’t need batteries. Unless you stop wearing it, this watch will work all the time, you don’t have to deal with the hassle of opening the watch. Water activities shouldn’t stop you from wearing the Android Hydraumatic G7. It’s water resistant to 330 feet (100M), therefore, whether you are swimming or snorkeling, this watch will be fine, but please don’t wear it if diving.
Designer: Android Watches
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EXO: exoskeletal foldable e-board EXO is a concept foldable e-skateboard. The name itself is a shortened form of “Exoskeleton”, describing the aesthetic behind the E-boards construction. It takes the interpretation of a personal
the intention to become the world’s
GoBe Calorie Intake Watcher tracks your calories through your skin
first foldable electric skateboard. Not
GoBe Calorie Intake Watcher is
body. The stylish design of this GoBe
only does it look unique, but it is also
claimed to be the first and only
Calorie Intake Watcher will fit your
highly functional as you’ve never
wearable device that tracks your
style beautifully. Well, it’s no surprise,
seen before.
calorie intake, whether consumed or
since it’s designed by Jozeph Forakis,
burnt. It features high tech sensors
the lead product designer of the
and highly intuitive when being
that track everything through
iconic Motorola V70.
used, the rider simply depresses and
your skin. Therefore, whatever
pivots the boards individual pedals,
you do, GoBe will automatically
which in turn operates the two
calculate your calorie intake, how
150W motors located at the base of
many calories you burn, and your
each wheel. Acceleration, braking
metabolic rate during activity,
and steering can all be done with
without having to log in. You
your feet. In order to accommodate,
can relax now, there is no more
the board is able to determine
guesswork involved. You can count
which foot is placed in the front,
on this device to keep up with your
and can change the orientation
diet regime.
of the electric motors quickly. On
All you need to do, is to wear the
either side of the wheel is an inlet
device. It’ll automatically track
fan for cooling the electric motors
your hydration and stress levels,
and an outlet vent to let the hot
activity, sleep patterns, and much
air escape from inside the wheel.
more. It will deliver all the essential
This is a new interpretation of
information to your smartphone.
e-skateboard and turns it on its head. The board has been designed with
Simple to understand at a glance
air-cooled technology.
GoBe uses HealBe Flow technology and unique algorithm
Designer: Wen-Yo Lu
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with measurements from body
manager’s pressure, accelerometer, and impedance sensors that provides you with vital information about your
Designer: HealBe
employee benefits
Do you have a gap? ...chances are that you do. Most people are unaware of their retirement and insurance gap. Only one in nine Namibians save for retirement in the form of a pension or provident fund. 88% will need help from the government or their family. Almost 5% of our nation is disabled. More than half not being able to find a job. FundsAtWork can assist you, as a business owner, to help your employees to close their retirement and insurance gaps. The tooth fairy won’t. Tel: +264 61 297 3000
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Highhumour I was at the airport, checking in at the gate when an airport employee asked, “Has anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge?” To which I replied, “If it was without my knowledge, how would I know?” He smiled knowingly and nodded, “That’s why we ask.”
A group of Namibian friends go deer hunting and pair off for the day. That night, one of the hunters returns alone, staggering under the weight of a record trophy buck. “Where’s Henry?” the others ask.
Things you don’t want to hear during surgery: • Better save that. We’ll need it for the autopsy. • Someone call the janitor. We’re going to need a mop. • Bo! Bo! Come back with that! Bad dog! • Wait a minute, if this is his spleen, then what’s that? • Hand me that, uh, that uh, thingie. • Oh no! I just lost my Rolex. • Oops! Hey, has anyone ever survived 500ml of this stuff before?
• Darn, there go the lights again. • Ya know, there’s big money in kidneys. Heck, this guy’s got two of ‘em. • Everybody stand back! I lost my contact lens! • Could you stop that thing from beating? It’s throwing my concentration off. • What’s this doing here? • I hate it when they’re missing stuff in here.
• That’s cool! Now can you make his leg twitch?! • I wish I hadn’t forgotten my glasses. • Well folks, this will be an experiment for us all. • Sterile, shcmerile. The floor’s clean, right? • Anyone see where I left that scalpel? • And now we remove the subject’s brain and place it in the body of the ape.
• Accept this sacrifice, O Great Lord of Darkness. • Okay, now take a picture from this angle. This is truly a freak of nature. • Nurse, did this patient sign the organ donation card? • Don’t worry. I think it’s sharp enough. • What do you mean you want a divorce! • She’s gonna blow! Everybody take cover!!! • FIRE! FIRE! Everyone get out now!! • Dang! Page 47 of the manual is missing! 128 |
“Henry had a stroke of some kind. He’s a couple of miles back up the trail,” the successful hunter replies. “You left Henry laying out there and carried the buck back?” “A tough call,” nodded the hunter.
“But I figured no one is going to steal Henry!”
Mail your submission to and you might become our latest high altitude joker.
The following quotes were allegedly taken from actual medical records as dictated by physicians: • By the time he was admitted, his rapid heart had stopped and he was feeling better. • On the second day, the knee was better and on the third day it had completely disappeared. • The patient has been depressed ever since she began seeing me in 1983. Patient was released to outpatient department without dressing. • Discharge status: Alive, but without permission. • The patient refused an autopsy. • The patient has no past history of suicides. • The patient expired on the floor uneventfully. • The patient’s medical history has been remarkably insignificant with only a 40 pound weight gain in the past three days. • She slipped on the ice and apparently her legs went in separate directions in early December. • She is numb from the toes down. • When she fainted, her eyes rolled around the room.
A man goes to the doctor. He says, “Doc, you gotta check my leg. Something’s wrong. Just put your ear to my thigh, you’ll hear it!” The doctor cautiously placed his ear to the man’s thigh only to hear, “Gimme 20 bucks, I really need 20 bucks.” “I’ve never seen or heard anything like this before, how long has this been going on?” asked the doctor. “That’s nothing Doc. Put your ear to my knee.” The doctor puts his ear to the man’s knee and heard it say, “Man, I really need 10 bucks, just lend me 10 bucks!!” “Sir,” said the dumbfounded Doctor, “I really don’t know what to tell you. I’ve never encountered anything like this before.” “Wait Doc, that’s not it. There’s more, just put your ear to my ankle,” the man urged. The doctor did as the man said and heard the ankle plead, “Please, I just need 5 bucks. Lend me 5 bucks if you will.” “I have no idea what to tell you,” the doctor said. “There’s nothing about it in my books,” he said. “However, I can make a well educated guess though. Based on life experience I can tell you that your leg seems to be broken in three places.”
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Do you know how to give me peace of mind & financial freedom should I suffer from a critical illness. With Liberty’s Critical Illness Plan you get a lump sum of up to N$250 000 should you be diagnosed with a listed critical illness.
We know that being diagnosed with a critical illness is not only a stressful time for you and your family, but also a costly one. That’s why we’ve designed a Critical Illness Plan that will change your reality for the better with a lump sum payout to help cover your medical care and lifestyle costs should you fall critically ill. At Liberty, we know how to make your financial freedom possible. The advantage of knowing. For information call us on +264 61 294 2343 Terms and conditions apply.
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17 20
15 18
Across 1.Played at international level (6) 4. It could be wide or silver (6) 9. Twosome (3) 10. Breed of cat (7) 11. Clear, plain (7) 12. Final sum (5) 13. Wading bird (5) 15. Mourning (5) 20. Granny Smith for example (5) 22. __ Oyster is a hangover cure (7) 24. Pardon you from your sins (7) 25. Slang for diamonds (3) 26. Followed an eating plan (6) 27. Put on a show or event (6)
Down 1. Scrounges (6) 2. Pledge (7) 3. Follow on as a result (5) 5. Roman town in North of England (7) 6. Apply force or influence (5) 7. Stinging plant (6) 8. Irritable (5) 14. Supervise (7) 16. Piece of jewllery (7) 17. Limited to a certain sum (6) 18. Witch’s hex or charm (5) 19. Fight off enemy attack (6) 21. Stage in development (5) 23. Spy or representative (5)
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Sudoko Easy
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Developing Namibian Skills PwC Namibia Business School
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela The PwC Business School provides a range of business training programmes for directors, executives, managers and employees. PwC Namibia Business School brings training solutions presented by Namibian experts with practical experience in the Namibian market: • Customised Training Programmes. • Public Training Programmes focused on developing local skills relating to Director’s Duties, Tax, Human Resource Services, Corporate Governance, Accounting and Compliance training. For more information please visit or contact: Daleen Small Manager Tel: +264 61 284 1021
Chantell Husselmann Partner Tel: +264 61 284 1327
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© 2015 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. In this document, PwC refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers Namibia, which is a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity.
Schedule 06 September to 24 October 2015 (All time local) Note: check-in time should be two hours before departure.
International Flight No
SW 286
SW 286/ 703
Cape Town (via Windhoek)
SW 286/ 723
Johannesburg (via Windhoek)
SW 285
Regional Flight No
SW 702
Cape Town
SW 704
Cape Town
SW 704
Cape Town
Frankfurt (via Windhoek)
SW 714
Cape Town
Walvis Bay
SW 373
Mon, Fri
SW 413
Wed, Sun
SW 413
Windhoek ( via Lusaka)
Wed, Sun
SW 722
SW 724
SW 728
SW 724
Frankfurt (via Windhoek)
SW 730
Walvis Bay
SW 304
SW 373
Mon, Fri
SW 373
Windhoek (via Harare)
Mon, Fri
SW 413
Wed, Sun
SW 403
Windhoek (via Victoria falls)
Mon, Wed
SW 405
Fri, Sun
SW 403
Victoria Falls
Mon, Wed
SW 405
Victoria Falls
Windhoek (via Maun)
Fri, Sun
SW 303
SW 373
Mon, Fri
SW 373
Harare (via Lusaka)
Mon, Fri
SW 403
Mon, Wed
SW 403
Victoria Falls (via Maun)
Mon, Wed
SW 405
Victoria Falls
Fri, Sun
SW 413
Lusaka (via Harare)
Wed, Sun
SW 413
Wed, Sun
SW 701
Cape Town
Mon, Fri
SW 703
Cape Town
Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat, Sun
SW 709
Cape Town
SW 723
Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
SW 723
SW 727 100 |
Flight No
SW 729
SW 713
Walvis Bay
Cape Town
SW 737 Flight No
Walvis Bay From
Johannesburg To
Daily Days
17:25 Departure
19:40 Arrival
SW 729
SW 713
Walvis Bay
Cape Town
Flight No SW 737
From Walvis Bay
Days Daily
SW 101
SW 103
Departure 17:25
Arrival 19:40
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun
Tue, Thu
Domestic Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun
SW 107 Flight SW 105No
Eros From Eros
Ondangwa To Ondangwa
Days Sat Mon, Fri Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun Mon,
17:00 Departure 15:55 07:00 13:35
18:05 Arrival 17:00 08:05 15:15
SW125 101 SW SW127 103 SW
Eros Mulilo Katima Eros Mulilo Katima
Ondangwa Eros Ondangwa Rundu
Tue, Sun Thu Wed, Mon,Sun Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun Wed,
11:00 12:40 17:00 12:40
12:05 13:40 18:05 15:15
SW127 107 SW SW 105 SW 143
Eros Mulilo Katima Eros Luderitz
Ondangwa Eros (via Rundu) Ondangwa Oranjemund
Sat Fri Mon, Mon,FriFri Mon,
15:55 11:10 13:35 11:10
17:00 12:00 15:15 13:45
SW143 125 SW SW145 127 SW
Katima Mulilo Luderitz Katima Mulilo Luderitz
Eros Windhoek ( via Oranjemund) Rundu Windhoek
Wed,Sun Sun Wed, Wed,Fri Sun Mon,
12:40 12:45 12:40 11:50
13:40 13:45 15:15 12:50
SW125 127 SW SW125 143 SW
Katima Mulilo Rundu Luderitz Rundu
Eros (via Rundu) Katima Mulilo Oranjemund Eros (via Katima Mulilo)
Mon,Fri Fri Mon, Mon,Sun Fri Wed,
11:10 11:50 11:10 14:00
12:00 15:15 13:45 15:15
SW127 143 SW SW143 145 SW
Luderitz Rundu Luderitz Oranjemund
Windhoek ( via Oranjemund) Eros Windhoek Windhoek
Wed,Fri Sun Mon, Mon,Sun Fri Wed,
12:45 12:30 11:50 11:25
13:45 13:45 12:50 12:15
SW145 125 SW SW145 125 SW
Rundu Oranjemund Rundu Oranjemund
Katima Mulilo Luderitz Eros (via Katima Mulilo)) Windhoek (via Luderitz Eros Eros Windhoek Eros
Mon,Sun Fri Wed, Wed,Tue, Sun Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun Mon, Mon, Fri Tue, Thu,
11:50 11:25 14:00 08:35
15:15 13:45 15:15 09:40
SW102 127 SW SW104 143 SW
Rundu Ondangwa Oranjemund Ondangwa Oranjemund Ondangwa Oranjemund Ondangwa
Luderitz Eros Windhoek (via Luderitz ) Eros
Wed,Tue, Sun Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun Mon, Wed, Sun Sat
12:30 12:35 11:25 18:35
13:45 13:40 12:15 19:40
SW108 145 SW SW106 145 SW SW125 102 SW SW125 104 SW
Ondangwa Eros Ondangwa Eros
Eros Rundu Eros Mulilo (via Rundu) Katima
Mon,Fri Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun Mon, Tue, Fri Thu, Mon,
11:25 17:35 08:35 10:15
13:45 18:40 09:40 11:30
SW127 108 SW SW127 106 SW
Ondangwa Eros Ondangwa Eros
Eros Katima Eros (via Katima Mulilo) Rundu
Mon,Sun Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun Wed, Sat Sun Wed,
12:35 10:15 18:35 10:15
13:40 12:50 19:40 11:55
SW143 125 SW SW143 125 SW
Eros Windhoek Eros Windhoek
Rundu Luderitz Katima Mulilo (via Rundu) Oranjemund (via Luderitz)
Mon,Fri Fri Mon, Mon,Fri Fri Mon,
17:35 10:15 10:15 09:50
18:40 13:40 11:30 10:50
SW145 127 SW SW145 127 SW
Eros Windhoek Eros Windhoek
Katima Oranjemund Rundu (via Mulilo) Luderitz ( viaKatima Oranjemund)
Wed,Sun Sun Wed, Wed,Sun Sun Wed,
10:15 09:50 10:15 09:50
12:50 12:00 11:55 11:05
SW165 143 SW SW165 143 SW
Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek
Luderitz Walvis Bay Oranjemund (via Luderitz) Walvis Bay
Mon, Fri Fri, Sun Tue, Thu, Mon, Fri Sat
10:15 09:50 09:50 11:10
13:40 12:15 10:50 11:50
SW167 145 SW SW166 145 SW
Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Walvis Bay
Oranjemund Walvis Bay Luderitz ( via Oranjemund) Windhoek
12:00 10:40 11:05 15:35
SW168 165 SW SW 165
Windhoek Walvis Bay Windhoek
Walvis Bay Windhoek Walvis Bay
Wed,Wed Sun Mon, Wed,thu, SunFri, Sat, Sun Tue, Tue, Wed Thu, Fri, Sun Mon,
09:50 10:00 09:50 14:55 09:50 13:20 11:10 16:05
12:15 14:00 11:50 16:45
SW 167
Walvis Bay
Mon, Wed
SW 166
Walvis Bay
Tue, thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
SW 168
Walvis Bay
Mon, Wed
Winner of the 2014 Feather Award - Best Regional Airline operating into and from O. R. Tambo International airport for the 8th time since 2004 At Air Namibia we are on this quest to continue serving our purpose of providing the best air transport services in the safest manner, with consistency and reliability.
Call Centre: +264 61 299 6111 or contact your local Travel Agent
Book Online:
Winner of the 2014 Feather Award - Best Regional Airline operating into and from O. R. Tambo International airport for the 8th time since 2004 | 97 At Air Namibia we are on this quest to continue serving our purpose of providing the best air transport services in the safest manner, with consistency and reliability.
The Airport boasts a new modern terminal building valued at N$84 million. The Terminal building was inaugurated by his excellency, President Hage Geingob on 21 August 2015 and allows for more commercial activity at the airport as well as increased local participation through private-public partnerships. The Airport offers a variety of commercial facilities such as car rental, curio shops, restaurants and foreign exchange services for traveler’s convenience. The new terminal at aimed at increasing commercial activities through improved number of passenger handling at the airport, which serves five regions with the highest population in Namibia and It is also in line with the NAC’s 2014-2017 Strategic Plan, which is revenue driven. Another project underway at the airport is runway rehabilitated to the tune of N$208 million. Once completed, the runway will be upgraded to Category 4C from the current Category 3C, which will allow bigger aircrafts to land in Ondangwa and more traffic.
26 |
RED 49861 AFRICA As seen on DStv/SuperSport
| 111
Access to Foreign Exchange Services wherever you are
When visiting our beautiful country, we want to be sure that you have access to Foreign Exchange Services, no matter where you go. Bank Windhoek caters for all your foreign exchange and banking needs offering you American Express agencies, a large distribution network of 54 branches and agencies as well as 347 ATM’s and Cash Express Machines across Namibia.
Bank Windhoek Branches / Agencies and ATMs Bureau de Change / Foreign Exchange Services and American Express / Bank Windhoek Joint Venture
144 |