October 2015
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Flamingo is published by Media Nova Namibia www.media-namibia.com ISSN: 2026-7924 Publisher Mynard Slabbert Contributors • Alan Winde • Anne Schauffer • Bill Stott • Bruno de Comarmond • Christie Keulder • HAWK Photography • internationallandscapephotographer.com • James Siddall • Kirsty Coetzee • Melanie Allen • Mark Pettipher • Phil Ruimte • The Roving Ambassador • tuvie.com • zambeziqueen.com
In this month’s Flamingo
October 2015
Advertising Sales Media Nova Namibia Ferreira’s Garden Centre Shop #2 Maxwell Street Southern Industrial Area Windhoek, NAMIBIA 120 |
MARNOX MEDIA 122 Barkston Drive, Blairgowrie, 2194 South Africa Tel: +27 (0)11 789 6614 Fax: +27 (0)11 789 8320 Cell: +27 (0)82 458 1629 E-mail: mark@marnox.co.za Web: www.marnox.co.za Namibia and Africa Mynard Slabbert +264 (0)85 227 2380 mynard@media-namibia.com Chris Coetzee +264 (0)81 668 0697 chris@media-namibia.com Godfrey Lancellas +27 (0)83 501 5999 godfrey@madhattermedia.co.za Art & layout design MPDPS (PTY) Ltd +27 (0)21 856 1276 mark@mpdps.com
Visitors’ Filo Facts Useful and interesting information on Namibia
Air Namibia Information Travel information, Frequent Flyer Information, Cargo Service, Destination Map and Fleet Information
16 Onguma, under canvas HAWK Photography spent some quality time at the tented camp at Onguma Game Reserve, and as they say, the pictures speak more than a thousand words 26 Wildlife Photographers Up Close and Personal
32 The 2nd International Landscape Photographer of The Year 2015 Whether you’re an armchair traveller, a real live traveller, or somebody who just adores landscape photography, these are for you 40 Cape Town – It’s the Wheel Deal Will Cape Town be the new cycle capital of Africa? 44 Pairing leisure with pleasure Of the many destinations available to Flamingo readers, the wine lands of the Western Cape offer a collective variety of experiences 54 Lüderitz Speed Challenge 5th October to 15th November 2015 62 Flying over the Smoke that Thunders There can’t be many sights more thrilling than an eagle’s eye view of the Zambezi River crashing over the Devil’s Cataract
Printers: Solitaire Press, Brahman Street Northern Industria Windhoek, NAMIBIA
72 Motoring
TEAM NAMIBIA Media Nova Namibia cc is a proud partner of Team Namibia
100 Manarin Oriental
James Siddall gives us a new model roundup 96 Four Seasons Hotel The Roving Ambassador The Roving Ambassador
104 Tintswalo Atlantic Cape Town Utopia 104 The Zambezi Queen Collection It’s an extraordinary African safari from a sensational vantage point 126 Sci Tech Gadgets, gizmos, concepts and utter innovation 132 High Humour
Time for a smile while you are high above the clouds 140 Entertainment
All material is strictly copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without prior written permission from the publisher. Opinions expressed in Flamingo are not necessarily those of Air Namibia.
Try your hand at Sudoku - easy, medium and hard 142 Air Namibia’s Flight Schedule Plan your next trip on your favourite airline
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A Manufacturing Basket that Overflows with Opportunities‌
Namibia is endowed with rich natural resources and offers lucrative investment opportunities across a broad spectrum of economic sectors such as Agriculture, Energy, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Mining, Services and Tourism. With fast turnaround times and a professional service at all times, the Namibia Investment Centre (NIC) is proud to welcome you to the land of the brave. Contact us today for a tailored FDI solution. Namibia, a gem worth investing in‌ Executive Director | Telephone: +264 61 283 7335/2837254 Facsimile: +264 61 220278 | www.mti.gov.na
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JAZZ AFFAIR Hage Geingob Stadium, 24 October 2015
Do you remember the first time you heard jazz music? Relive that experience and fall in love with jazz all over again at this year’s Windhoek Jazz Festival. Join us in the Windhoek Lager VIP dome and enjoy performances by Africa’s best jazz musicians. Let Jonathan Butler, Sean K and Fu Jazz All Stars remind you of how seductive jazz can be, while you relax in comfort with an ice-cold Windhoek Lager and gourmet cuisine. For more details on how to get into the Windhoek Lager VIP dome visit www.windhoekbeer.com.na Windhoek Lager has been a proud premium sponsor of the Windhoek Jazz Festival for three years, and we look forward to welcoming you to this year’s star-studded event.
Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. 10 | Drink Responsibly.
Acting Managing Director’s Remarks
During the first Sunday of September 2015, Namibia returned to its I have only just joined the Namibia summertime schedule. ThisAirmeans ourTeam, timeaisshort now on equal time while ago and I am looking forward to working with zone with most of our neighbours in the region, e.g. South Africa, the Team of the National Air Carrier. All Namibians are Zimbabwe, Zambia and Botswana. Angola remains in the usual proud of Air Namibia, and the Air Namibia aircrafts’ time difference of one (-1) hour behind Namibia. tails which are emblazoned with the Namibia flag and represents us on all flights whether local, domestic, This time in Namibia, spring is in full bloom, and the sunshine is regional or international.
at its best. As we welcome so many enthusiastic travellers to this beautiful country, we urge them to take care in the beautiful We at Air Namibia believe in our Country and that by Namibian sunshine, as thevia sun’s rays may have harmful effects to flying visitors to Namibia, a positive experience, the Equally thistourism time, many have started preparing willskin. ensure that the sector travellers is further boosted. their festive season. Weofatmore Air Namibia are keen to Thisholidays would in for turnthe have the ripple effect jobs tailor make your itinerary toexpanded fit in with your needs. Please contact created, more infrastructure and ultimately assisting theagent National your travel or Goals. our call centre to make your reservations. Alternatively, you can do that in the comfort of your home or office Enjoy with us whilst we take you when youthe logflight onto our website, www.airnamibia.com.
Adv. Mandi E.P. Samson
Adv. Mandi E.P. Samson Acting Managing Director Acting Managing Director
• •
At Air Namibia weI have appreciate, only andjoined hold the in the just highest esteem, Air Namibia Team all passengers on board our flights. • •
to new height!
Client Focus: At Air Namibia we appreciate, and hold in the highest esteem, all passengers on board our flights and we will do everything possible to ensure they have a memorable time with us. I personally wish to extend a word of appreciation and thanks to all our Reward$ clients. May I draw passengers’ attention to the following aspects; • Quote your membership number every time you make a booking. This will ensure that miles are loaded to your frequent flyer number after each flight. • Remember that you can buy tickets with miles for a passenger other than yourself. • Use your miles to pay and upgrade to Business class anytime (only for yourself ) from economy class. Upgrades may be done only within two days of your departure. Use miles to pay for excess baggage. Please do request this a day before your intended departure. All Gold and Platinum Reward$ members qualify for 1 piece free baggage additional to the normal allowance. Members can transfer miles amongst themselves at any time. Companies can also register with our Reward$ programme.
As we continue to strive for high customer service standards, we value your opinions and positive criticism. Therefore please feel free to contact our call centre for any enquiries that you might have at +264 61 299 6111 or email CallCentre@airnamibia.aero
We look forward to welcoming you on board very soon.
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Thank you for choosing Air Namibia. We will do everything to ensure you have a pleasant flight. If you need assistance, please ask any of our cabin attendants.
Obrigado por ter escolhido voar com a Air Namibia. Nós prometemos fazer tudo o que podermos para garantir que você tenha um vôo agradável. Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou precisar de ajuda, não hesite em pedir a qualquer um dos nossos assistentes de cabine por favor.
Danke, dass Sie sich dafür entschieden haben mit Air Namibia zu fliegen. Wir werden alles tun um Ihnen den Flug so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten. Wenn Sie Fragen haben oder Hilfe benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an einen unserer Flugbegleiter oder Flugbegleiterinnen.
Our highly trained cabin attendants are at your service on all our flights, for your safety and comfort.
Todos os nossos voos são servidos por assistentes de cabine altamente profissionais. Eles estão à sua disposição em todos os momentos para fazer o seu voo mais confortável.
Unser versiertes Flugpersonal steht Ihnen während des Fluges jederzeit zur Verfügung. Für Ihre Sicherheit und Bequemlichkeit sind Sie bei unserer Crew in besten Händen.
We carry first-aid kits on all our Existe um kit de primeiros socorros a bordo de nossos flights, should a passenger need voos, e se os passageiros precisarem de gotas para os assistance for minor conditions. olhos ou medicamentos para dores de cabeça, náuseas, azia ou qualquer outra condição relativamente menor. Faça mais perguntas sobre os nossos serviços especiais ao fazer reserva
Eine medizinische Erstversorgung ist auf allen unseren Flügen sicher gestellt. Eine Erste-Hilfe-Ausrüstung befindet sich immer an Bord.
As a safety precaution, it is important to read the safety card stored in the seat pocket in front of you
Zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit bitten wir Sie, sich die in der Zeitschriftentasche vor Ihnen befindliche Sicherheits-Instruktionen aufmerksam durchzulesen.
Por favor, leia o folheto de segurança no bolso do assento à sua frente e observe a sua saída de emergência mais próxima. Nos voos superiores a três horas (voos de longo curso), recomendamos que você revise o conteúdo do panfleto de segurança novamente.
Life vests are stored under Por favor, tome nota que o colete salva-vidas está Ihre Schwimmweste befindet sich unter your seat. Only use them localizado embaixo do seu assento. O assistente de Ihrem Sitz. Bitte benutzen Sie diese nur auf as demonstrate, and only cabine vai demonstrar quando e como usar o colete Anweisung der Flugbegleiter/-innen. when instructed by the cabin salva-vidas em caso de emergência attendants. Smoking is prohibited on all Air De acordo com a lei da aviação é proibido fumar em Auf allen Air Namibia Flügen gilt ein Namibia flights. todos os voos da Air Namibia, isso inclui fumar quaisquer absolutes Rauchverbot. dispositivos artificiais ou cigarro, como e/ou cigarros eletrônicos. Só é permitido fumar em áreas designadas no edifício do terminal dos aeroportos.
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Seats must be in the upright position during take-off and landing. For your own safety, you are required to fasten your seat belt whenever the seat belt sign is illuminated and we recommend that you keep your belt fastened throughout the flight.
Para a descolagem e aterragem, todos os assentos devem estar na posição vertical. Por favor, tome nota que os assentos nas linhas de saída de emergência não reclinam. Por favor, apertem o cinto de segurança sempre que o sinal do cinto de segurança se acende. Para sua segurança, recomendamos que você o mantenha apertado durante todo o vôo.
Während Start und Landung müssen sich die Sitzlehnen in aufrechter Position befinden. Bitte schnallen Sie sich an, sobald das Anschnallzeichen aufleuchtet. Zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit empfehlen wir während des gesamten Fluges angeschnallt zu bleiben.
We offer complimentary meals and beverages on all our flights. Special-diet or vegetarian meals are available upon request when making reservations.
Uma refeição quente ou um lanche é servido em todos os nossos vôos. Alimentação-Special ou refeições vegetarianas estão disponíveis mediante solicitação no momento da reserva. Nós oferecemos uma grande variedade de bebidas.
Auf unseren Flügen werden Mahlzeiten und Getränke serviert. Diätische oder vegetarische Mahlzeiten können bei der Flugbuchung angefragt werden
ENGLISH We carry an extensive range of duty free products at competitive prices on selected flights. Please refer to our catalogue for details.
Nós carregamos uma grande variedade de produtos com isenção de direitos a preços competitivos. Por favor, consulte o catálogo no bolso em frente do seu assento.
An Bord ist ein umfangreiches Sortiment an Duty-Free-Produkten zu attraktiven Preisen erhältlich. Informationen hierzu entnehmen Sie bitte unserem Duty-FreeKatalog.
Audio and visual entertainment Programas de entretenimento de áudio e vídeo estão Audio- und Videoprogramme sind an Bord programmes are available on disponíveis nos nossos voos de longo curso e de médio unserer Airbus A330 und A319 Maschinen flights operated using our A330 curso verfügbar. and A319 aircraft. Our A319 and ERJ 135 aircraft Alguns dos nossos aviões têm saídas de ar individuais, Unsere Fluggeräte des Typs Airbus A319 have individual air vents which que podem ser ajustados para fornecer um fluxo de ar. und Embraer ERJ135 verfügen über can be adjusted to provide a individuelle Frischluftdüsen. refreshing stream of air. Regulamentos de saúde em determinados aeroportos exigem que a cabine da aeronave deve ser pulverizada. O spray é inofensivo, mas se você acha que pode afetá-lo, por favor, cobrir o nariz e a boca com um lenço.
Um den Gesundheitsvorschriften einiger Länder zu entsprechen, muss die Flugzeugkabine mit einem für den Menschen unbedenklichen Spray behandelt werden. Wir empfehlen dennoch, die Atemwege durch Vorhalten eines Taschentuchs zu schützen.
Should you travel with a baby Se você viajar com um bebê, recomendamos que você we recommend you request a reserve o seu voo mais cedo e não se esqueça de pedir bassinet especially on the long- um berço especialmente nos voos de longo curso haul flights.
Sollten Sie mit einem Baby reisen, empfehlen wir Ihnen besonders auf Langstreckenflügen ein Babybett zu beantragen.
Please do not place any luggage Por favor note que no assento da saída de emergência é under seats at the emergency proibido colocar bagagem de mão debaixo dos assentos. exit seat. Excesso de bagagem de mão será colocada no porão Para garantir uma gestão eficiente e minimizar os danos, Carry-on luggage should be certifique-se que os artigos não pesam mais de 32 kg. stored in the overhead stowage. Certifique-se de etiquetar sua bagagem e garantir que devidamente bloqueado.
“Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Verstauen von Handgepäck unter Ihrem Sitz an den Notausgängen nicht gestattet ist.“
Health regulations in some countries require that the aircraft cabin must be sprayed. The spray is harmless, but if you think it might affect you, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief.
We suggest that passengers do stretching exercises, and move during the flight to improve blood circulation.
Handgepäck ist in den Gepäckfächern über Ihrem Sitz zu verstauen.
Exercício durante a espera para o banheiro. Esta é uma Versuchen Sie, sich während des Fluges boa oportunidade para se esticar e se mover enquanto möglichst oft zu strecken und zu bewegen. So wird Ihr Kreislauf angeregt. em pé na fila. Beba muita água durante todo o vôo Use roupas folgadas, confortáveis para que você se possa descolar facilmente Use sapatos confortáveis, macios para que você possa deslizar ou descalçar facilmente Leve apenas um pequeno saco como bagagem de mão, assim você não precisa de sobre-carregar seus pés e restringir o seu espaço para as pernas
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Our Frequent Flyer Programme Air Namibia’s Frequent Flyer Programme is called “Reward$”. Becoming a member enables you to earn valuable miles from all your travels with Air Namibia. These miles can be used to buy tickets, pay for upgrades to business class and pay for excess baggage. Miles are transferable between members and can also be used to purchase tickets for persons other than the member. Joining is absolutely free, PLUS you get up to 500 complimentary miles upon successful subscription. For more specifics on the programme, please refer to the appropriate topic below.
Electronic Bonus
You can register online by visiting our website: www.airnamibia.com.na, or at any Air Namibia ticket office. You will receive a membership pack, including your permanent card, 2-3 weeks after your first flight after registration.
An Electronic Bonus of 300 miles will be allocated to the member on first activity if the member has registered online and selected his communication preference to be e-mail.
Miles Expiry
Miles are valid for five (5) years after the year in which they were earned. Miles due to expire will always be reflected on your Mileage Summary.
Activation Rules
A membership account will automatically be activated after the first flight and successful completion of registration.
Missing Miles
Enrolment Bonus
If your Miles are not credited for any reason, they can be promptly credited provided the relevant documentation is submitted. It is essential to keep all the relevant documentation including original boarding passes and copies of airline tickets. Members can also claim missing miles online by entering the e-ticket number without the airline code “186”, or contact our Call Center for assistance.
Enrolment Bonus is 500 miles. Enrolment bonuses are allocated to the member’s account on the first activity after registration.
Spending Miles
Corporate Clients
For more information visit:
Air Namibia has also introduced the
www.airnamibia.com.na. If you do not
Corporate Client component to the
have enough miles for a free ticket, you
can purchase miles in batches of 1000
For more information on the Corporate
miles at N$220 – this is only applicable
if you have 50% or more of the value of
employees. Members can accumulate
the Award ticket available. Award tickets
miles in both corporate as well as personal
are valid for 12 months from the date of
accounts, depending on directives from
issue and are processed and issued after
their corporate head.
payment of Airport taxes is received.
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Client enrollment, please contact our Call Centre at Tel: +264 61 2996111/6333/6444 or Call.Center@airnamibia.aero
Very Important Note:
Members need to fly once after registration in order to activate their accounts and before miles can be used to redeem tickets, request upgrades or to transfer miles from his/her account to another member’s account.
Our Fleet Average Fleet Age: 7 years
Airbus A330-200 Business Class
Economy Class
Number of Aircraft
Height (m)
Cruising Speed
860 km/h
Maximum Passengers
Wing Span (m)
Maximum Fuel Capacity
138 000l
Maximum Take-off Weight
233 000 kg
Airbus A319 -100 Business Class
Economy Class
Number of Aircraft
Height (m)
Cruising Speed
820 km/h
Maximum Passengers
Wing Span (m)
Maximum Fuel Capacity
23 860l
Maximum Take-off Weight
70 000 kg
Number of Aircraft
Height (m)
Cruising Speed
820 km/h
Maximum Passengers
Wing Span (m)
Maximum Fuel Capacity
4 198l
Maximum Take-off Weight
19 000 kg
Embraer ERJ135 All Economy Class
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To North America and beyond
To Asia and beyond
Lusaka Katima Ondangwa Rundu Mulilo
Victoria Falls
Walvis Bay Luderitz Oranjemund
Cape Town
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ABZ - Aberdeen, United Kingdom | Aberdeen Dyce Airport AMS - Amsterdam, Netherlands | Amsterdam Schiphol Airport ARN - Stockholm, Sweden | Stockholm-Arlanda Airport ATH - Athens, Greece | Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport BCN- Barcelona, Spain | Barcelona International Airport BGO - Bergen, Norway | Bergen Flesland Airport BHX - Birmingham, United Kingdom | Birmingham International Airport BIO - Bilbao, Spain | Bilbao Airport BLL - Billund, Denmark | Billund Airport BLQ - Bologna, Italy | Bologna / Borgo Panigale Airport BRE - Bremen, Germany | Bremen Airport BRU - Brussels, Belgium | Brussels Airport BUD - Budapest, Hungary | Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport CDG - Paris, France | Charles de Gaulle International Airport CPH - Copenhagen, Denmark | Copenhagen Kastrup Airport DME- Moscow, Russia | Domodedovo International Airport DRS - Dresden, Germany | Dresden Airport DUB - Dublin, Ireland | Dublin Airport DUS - Dusseldorf, Germany | Dusseldorf International Airport EDI - Edinburgh, United Kingdom | Edingburgh Airport FAO - Faro, Portugal | Faro Airport FCO - Rome, Italy | Leonardo Da Vinci (Fiumicino) International Airport FMO - Muenster, Germany | Muenster Osnabrueck Airport FRA - Frankfurt, Germany | Frankfurt International Airport GOJ - Nizhny Novgorod, Russia | Nizhny Novgorod International Airport GOT - Gothenburg, Sweden | Gothenburg-Landvetter Airport GRZ - Graz, Austria | Graz Airport GVA - Geneva, Switzerland | Geneva Cointrin International HAJ - Hannover, Germany | Hannover Airport HAM - Hamburg, Germany | Hamburg Airport HEL - Helsinki, Finland | Helsinki Vantaa Airport IST - Istanbul, Turkey | Ataturk International Airport KBP - Kiev, Ukraine | Boryspil International Airport KRK - Krakow, Poland | John Paul II International Kraków-Balice Airport KTW - Katowice, Poland | Katowice International Airport
KUF - Samara, Russia | Kurumoch International Airport LCA - Larnaca, Cyprus | Larnaca International Airport LED - St. Petersburg, Russia | Pulkovo Airport LEJ - Leipzig, Germany | Leipzig Halle Airport LHR - London, United Kingdom | London Heathrow Airport LIN - Milan, Italy | Linate Airport LIS - Lisbon, Portugal | Lisbon Portela LYS - Lyon, France | Lyon Saint-Exupéry MAD - Madrid, Spain | Madrid Barajas International MAN - Manchester, United Kingdom | Manchester Airport MLA - Luqa, Malta | Luqa Airport MUC - Munich, Germany | Franz Josef Strauss International Airport MXP - Milan, Italy | Malpensa International Airport NAP - Napoli, Italy | Nápoli / Capodichino International Airport NCE - Nice, France | Nice-Côte d’Azur NUE - Nuremberg, Germany | Nuremberg Airport OPO - Porto, Portugal | Francisco de Sá Carneiro OSL - Oslo, Norway | Oslo Gardermoen Airport POZ - Poznan, Poland | Poznan-Lawica Airport PRG - Prague, Czech Republic | Ruzyn International Airport RIX - Riga, Latvia | Riga International Airport SOF STR - Stuttgart, Germany | Stuttgart Airport SVG - Stavanger, Norway | Stavanger Sola Airport TLL - Tallinn, Estonia | Tallinn Airport TLS - Toulouse, France | Toulouse-Blagnac Airport TRN - Torino, Italy | Torino / Caselle International Airport TXL - Berlin, Germany | Berlin-Tegel International Airport VCE - Venice, Italy | Venezia / Tessera - Marco Polo Airport VIE - Vienna, Austria | Vienna International Airport VKO - Moscow, Russia | Vnukovo International Airport VNO - Vilnius, Lithuania | Vilnius International Airport WAW - Warsaw, Poland |Warsaw Chopin Airport ZRH - Zurich, Switzerland | Zurich Airport
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Baggage Guidelines
At Air Namibia we are committed to ensuring that our passengers are re-united with their luggage at end of their journey. Given the complexity of the environment in which we operate, passengers’ luggage often gets out of our control and care, (for brief moments when they are subjected to control and handling by various agencies.) It is for this reason we request passengers to check their luggage on point of arrival (immediately after collecting their bag) to ensure that bag was not tampered with; and to report any suspected losses immediately. We request passengers not to check-in valuable items, especially those that are susceptible to theft, such as cash, jewellery, electronic devices like mobile phones, watches, sunglasses, to mention a few. In line with International Industry Conventions on passenger baggage liability, Air Namibia cannot be held liable if these valuable items are pilfered from checked-in baggage. We encourage our passengers to lock or wrap their bags where possible.
Our rules pertaining to baggage include the following We offer our passengers a generous free hand baggage allowance, with maximum weight of 10kg each, and maximum size 55 x 38 x 20 cm; plus an overcoat, an umbrella, a walking stick, a ladies hand bag, a reasonable amount of reading material, and a laptop. We also allow a fully collapsible wheelchair and/or a pair of crutches as hand baggage.
Excess baggage fees on extra pieces of baggage carried, per bag up to 10 bags per passenger are Domestic routes Routes within Southern Africa Frankfurt route
US$ 100.00 per extra bag US$ 110.00 per extra bag US$ 200.00 per extra bag
Free allowance for checked in baggage
Airbus A330-200 Airbus A319-100 Embraer ERJ 135 operated flights operated flights Business: 2 pieces each weighing not more than 32 kg’s
Business: 2 pieces each weighing not more than 32 kg’s
Economy:1 piece weighing not more than 23 kg’s
Economy: 2 pieces each weighing not more than 23 kg’s
Applicable excess baggage fees on excess weight over the free baggage allowance per bag. Domestic routes Routes within Southern Africa
1 piece not exceeding 23 kg’s
Frankfurt route
US$ 100.00 per bag US$ 110.00 per bag US$ 200.00 per bag
• No item of checked in baggage may exceed 32 kilograms.
• For further information on sports, highly fragile items, and security guidelines, we recommend that you visit our website on www.airnamibia.com.na
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With over 700 scheduled flights per month, our network and reliable service makes us the best solution for your freight needs. No matter how big or small your parcel is, from the size of an envelope to the size of an elephant, we will get it there for you in GOOD TIME. We provide security for valuable and dangerous goods. We also handle highly perishable goods, and even live animals.
For bookings contact us on telephone number +26461299 6610/11 or via email on cargo.@airnamibia.aero. For more details, please visit our website on www.airnamibia.com.na, select the cargo icon and navigate easily to get all information you need.
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Namibia: a land of culture, heritage... and flavour!
Welcome to another Spur country. Okahandja
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Corner of 5th Avenue & Ernst Kalweit Street. (00264) 63 22 4123
Maroela Mall. (00264) 65 23 2064
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Walvis Bay
Tsumeb Shopping Centre. (00264) 67 22 1270
Walvis Bay
140 Ninth Street. (00264) 64 20 7991
The Grove Mall, Shop 500, Kleine Kuppe. (00264) 61 25 0423 Keetmanshoop 6996S Air Namibia Magazine
Maerua Lifestyle Centre, Centaurus Street. (00264) 61 30 3711
1st Floor, House of Southern Estate, Independence Ave. (00264) 61 23 1003 www.spurcorp.nl | Customer Care: +27 21 525 6670
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Onguma, under canvas HAWK Photography spent some quality time at the tented camp at Onguma Game Reserve, and as they say, the pictures speak more than a thousand words. Credit: HAWK Photography
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ituated on the eastern border of Etosha National Park, Onguma
Game Reserve offers the intrepid explorer 34 000 hectares of exquisite wilderness… and five unique accommodation styles from which to choose. It’s an ideal destination on your Namibian journey and an absolute must for photographers. Onguma is situated on the eastern side of Etosha, bordering Fisher’s Pan. Here you’ll have the opportunity to submerge yourself in Africa in all her beauty and diversity. The reserve boasts over thirty different animal species consisting of plains game, including kudu, giraffe, eland, onyx, hartebeest, zebra, impala and many more… as well
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as predators such as lion, cheetah, and
searching for Onguma’s nightlife and
leopard, common residents of the area.
nocturnal creatures; a guided wilderness
In addition to the already abundant
walk with a highly specialized guide,
wildlife, is a family of rare black
exploring the Namibian bush on foot; a
rhinos! More than 300 bird species is
wonderful opportunity to join the Onguma
the latest bird count at Onguma, and
team to go on a Rhino Research early
during the Namibian summer months,
evening drive and capture behavioural
the nature reserve is renowned as a
data; and for serious photographers,
bird-watcher’s paradise, with thousands
consider booking time in the Onguma
of species migrating to the wetlands
underground hide - who knows what
created by the seasonal rains and
could appear across your lens while you
ephemeral river systems.
are sitting at the waterhole at eye level?
The choices are vast: a two to two and a
half hour afternoon sunset nature drive on
accommodation, from simple to stylish.
the Onguma Reserve where expert guides
Camping sites for those of you who
explain the many intricacies of the bush; a
have your own camping equipment, and
one to two hour night drive after dinner,
really want to get close to nature; a bush
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20 |
camp for the medium budget traveller, with bungalows and rooms (perfect for families, as it is the only fenced lodge on the Reserve); a tented camp for a more exclusive safari experience, in seven exquisitely styled tents; a tree top camp for an intimate and slightly rustic wildlife experience with tented rooms on stilts; The Fort – a luxurious lodge famous for its breathtaking sunsets over the Etosha Pan and dramatic Moroccan touches; and Etosha Aoba for a traditional bush lodge experience in private rondawels. Whatever your mood, there’s a room, a tent, a space at Onguma designed to captivate.
Where we stayed The 14-bed, 7 luxury tents in the Tented Camp are built around an active waterhole. The spacious tents extend the u-shaped design, combining both privacy and fantastic views. The main guest area also overlooks the waterhole and includes a reception, lounge, dining room, as well as a rim flow swimming pool. Every comfort is there, every need
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Ideally situated in the heart of Windhoek CBD, Fig Tree Guesthouse operating in Bed & Breakfast Style, offers boutique accommodation to business executives and elegant tourists. This timelessly stylish guesthouse offers you comfortable accommodation in a relaxed atmosphere, with that extra personal touch. Guests can unwind at the swimming pool, gym or in the shade on our “deck”. A delicious breakfast is served daily, while lunch and dinner can be supplied on pre-order. Enjoy a good night’s rest in one of our well-appointed and comfortably furnished, en-suite bedrooms. 86 |
A-grade beds/mattress/bed-linen, air-conditioning, satellite-TV, assist-kitchenette, safe and printer will make your stay comfortably unforgettable.
22 |
t: (+264) 61 400 966
w: www.figtree.com.na
t: (+264) 61 400 967
e: info@figtree.com.na
c: (+264) 81 140 0090
t: 11 Robert Mugabe Ave, Windhoek
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NAKARA SWAKOPMUND The Arcade, Tel/Fax: +264 64 405907 NAKARA BOUTIQUE Shop G4 Mutual Tower Independence Avenue Windhoek Tel/Fax +264 61 224 209 NAKARA SHOP WINDHOEK Independence Ave 131, Gustav Voigts centre Tel: +264 61 231518 NAKARA FACTORY WINDHOEK 3 Solingen Str. Northern Industrial Tel/Fax +264 61 215003
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attended to, and the bush-chic styling ensures guests are cocooned in luxury.
Our Highlights The night drive where we spotted a beautiful leopard at one of the waterholes; a python in a Fever tree at one of the waterholes trying to catch a bird for lunch; and all the cubs we saw - cheetah; black-backed jackal, and hyena.
When did we visit: 8 - 10 November 2014
Best time to visit for Photography purposes: July - November
Minimum recommended time spent: 3 - 5 days Gear needed: Beanbags or car mount; minimum 400 - 600mm zoom lens; wide-angle lens for the beautiful landscapes with, of course, a tripod.
Contact: Onguma Private Game Reserve, Etosha National Park, Namibia;
Email: reservations@onguma.com; Tel: +264 61 237 055
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Wildlife Photographers: Up Close and Personal During one of my recent visits to the Etosha National Park, I once again had the opportunity to observe one of the most interesting species that roam the planet. One that is often overlooked and understudied, but is everything as interesting as Africa’s big five… Wildlife photographers. By: Christie Keulder Cartoons: Bill Stott
o fully appreciate the truly unique
qualities of the species, one has
commonly known as the “Social Club”,
to study them in the two locations that
this taxon consists mainly of females,
make up their natural habitat: waterholes
and campsites.
spotted in recent times. Their defining
Based on interests and behaviour,
characteristics include the amount of
several sub-species can be identified.
chunky jewellery that is worn, often in
Many years of observation and close
combination with very small items of
study have led me to develop the
clothing such as the bikini or speedo.
following taxonomy for the species,
Their natural habitat is the vast open
Photographus Wildlifii.
grasslands (called lawns) that surround the open waters of the camp’s swimming pool, where they are often observed precariously perched on creaky plastic deck-chairs in full sun. It is the persistent prolonged exposure to full sun, that commonly changes the original pale, pasty complexion of the
Cartoons extracted from “the crazy world of photography” by Bill Stott and Exley Publications Ltd
Social Club, first into a bright pink, then
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into a deep, dark brown or bronze. This
grumpy and erratic behaviour, during the pinkification period when the skin is quite sensitive and painful. Among the
pinkification is commonly accompanied by blistering and peeling of the skin, a period during which they often retreat into cooler, more shady spots such as luxury cabanas. At night, they roam the bar areas. Photographus Sociallii hardly ever leave their sunny pool areas and thus, is seldom observed outside in the
“My eye problem? Well, apparently it’s due to persistent use of a wide-angle lens...”
wild. As such, their equipment is limited
“Be patient - they’ll be here. This is one of the most inconspicuous hides around”
to a basic point-and-shoot or cellphone.
constantly feel and endure the painful
As the ultimate pack animals, this group’s
entity that is life.
themselves or members of their pack
emotional behaviour when disturbed,
posing against exotic backdrops such
members of the Emo Club are quite
as the restaurant, public bathrooms, the
unapproachable and are best left alone
local shop and with eager-to-please local
with their electronic devices, such as cell
staff. Their photographic outputs are
phones and iPods, listening to “emocore”.
best observed on Facebook or Google+.
Fully atomised, members of the Emo
Photographus Emotionalii or commonly
Club are forced to become wildlife
known as the “Emo Club”, are quite a
rare group, not commonly observed
dragging them out of their beloved urban
outside their natural deep urban habitat.
environment. Their equipment is a Holga
This group is closely connected to emotional turbulence associated with urban decay and despises anything peaceful and beautiful in nature. Hence, their preference for metal piercings, multi-coloured
made of rusty chains, sharp spikes and dull razorblades. They also love the deep contrast between pale skin and dark clothing. The older members of this group might have very little natural skin left, due to frequent visits to their local ink shops. It is suspected that this behaviour is driven by a deeply rooted desire to
“Sometimes I don’t know why we bother saying anything at all!”
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camera, known for its substandard lenses
legs or belts to ensure their safety, whilst
that cause natural vignetting, and with it
swinging from a bus window or bridge
the latest hard to find red-scale film.
to capture what Cartier-Bresson called
After a single attempt to photograph
the “decisive moment”. In their case it is
two mating ostriches from 100 metres
“decisive moments” because they employ
away, they abolish all future attempts.
‘continuous shoot’ mode.
Their biggest source of frustration
they retreat into the infrequently used
is caused by limited budgets, and as a
result, many of their conversations start
with “when I ...” or “if only…”. Until
wildlife shots are of two dung beetles
then, they survive with entry level or
fighting their way through a fresh oil
third-party cameras and lenses… and
spill on the hanger floor. It can be viewed
lots of frustration.
in one of the Urban-Exploration sites on
They have trouble understanding why
Flickr. Their next holiday destination is
close friends and family avoid personal
likely to be Chernobyl.
contact with them for some months or
after their latest photographic ventures.
“Of course with shy timid creatures, a good
commonly known as the “Enthusiastic Club”,
Hell, you would have thought they’d be
zoom is absolutely essential...”
this special group of photographers
pleased to view all 1,568 photographs
are best known for their energetic
neatly assembled in an iPhoto slideshow.
behaviour, with camera at hand. They are
most commonly observed at waterholes
Enthusiastic Club will point you to the
hanging from bus and car windows or
332 Flickr groups containing their posts.
roof racks, trying to get closer to their
subjects. During quiet periods, they can
known as the “Hardcore Club”, an
be seen driving between waterholes, at
high speed, whilst discussing the merits
members, instantly recognizable by the
of faster lenses, better ISO capabilities
sheer size of the lenses they employ, and
or the benefits of Gimbal-type tripod heads over ordinary ball-heads. Photography rules their world and they often carry the latest edition of Digital Photography with them. They follow Moose Peterson’s blog and often enquire about the latest pro-tips on Twitter. Only
conditions, will members of Photographus Enthusiasticallii be observed within the encamped area after 06:05am. They complete the sightings book with great detail: “sleeping Cape Crow, Waterhole 1, 03:48am” this is typical of their dedication to share their experiences. They are also known to employ assistants to improve their location shoots.
required to hold on to the photographer’s
“Now do you believe there’s such a thing as the too perfect hide?”
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the grunting noises that they make as
or monopods, beanbags, metal platforms
they prepare or lift their lenses for a shot.
that are designed for car windows, and
Members of this group once had
large, heavy tri or monopod heads.
substantive financial resources. Now,
This not only contributes to their
they walk or sit stooped forward as a
poor financial state, but also adds a few
result of contracted stomach muscles
degrees to their stoop. It is not unknown
caused by constant hunger. Thus, they
for this group to start pilfering dried
are constantly looking for new ways to
beans or raw rice from their beanbags,
conserve energy. “I am only interested in
toward the end of their excursions. Those
one type of animal” or “I need only a few
with sponsorships might be observed
pictures to update my portfolio”, are all
in the local camp store scavenging for
ways to conceal the real reason for not
precooked pizzas, past their sell-by dates.
being very active. They are most often
Their images are characterised by
observed in a battered old Land Rover
large digital watermarks and can only be
reading a book at the waterholes, waiting
viewed in a small, unusable format. Of
for the right animals to arrive. Their
course, given their financial predicament,
past whereabouts are easily tracked by
you could buy them from SmugMug
following the rather large oil patches
or ShutterProtect.
from their old Land Rovers.
Of course, my taxonomy is not final
Of all the taxa of Photographus Wildlifii,
or complete. There are many more
this group has the most gadgets. Not
that could be added at a later stage.
because they can afford it, or because
My recipe this week is an ode to these
they want to show off, but because they
wonderful people who venture into the
have to. The sheer weight and size of their
wild, camera in hand. It is olive bread
equipment rules out hand-held shooting.
baked in a cast iron pot over an open
As a result, they have to carry very heavy tri
fire. Perfect for a camping trip.
“And ambient metering is by cell in the viewfinder - flash metering too, so it’s multi-mode. Synch speed on the dedicated flash to about 1/900, backlight button, quartz controlled manual shutter speed... I’m not going too fast for you?”
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The second International Landscape Photographer of The Year competition 2015 Whether you’re an armchair traveller, a real live traveller, or somebody who just adores landscape photography, these are for you. Credit: www.internationallandscapephotographer.com
Luke Tscharke, from Australia The winner of the International Landscape Photograph of the Year Award (awarded for a single image)
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Luke Austin, Australia The runner-up International Landscape Photograph of the Year Award
rofessional and amateur photographers worldwide were invited to enter
Photographer of the Year competition.
There are also some special awards for a bit of fun and bragging rights. From 2604 entries, the winner of
with black and white film and certain tasks and projects that we had to complete. It was great to have the experience of playing
around in the darkroom and developing
The competition was run with the aim
Photographer of the Year Award (based
our own black and white photographs,
of finding the best 101 landscape images
on a portfolio submission of at least 4
even though for me it seemed to be a bit
from the past 12 months and publishing
images) is Luke Austin from Australia.
of a hit and a miss.”
them in a beautiful coffee table book,
“It was a number of years later that
which will be available in a variety of
Luke Austin
I decided to get back into photography.
formats, including a free e-book.
“I enjoy the solitude of being in the
I was inspired by a particular National
landscape, surrounded by nothing but
Geographic issue that featured a project
the natural environment. I find being out
of Jim Brandenburg’s where he took one
there with a camera in hand allows me
photo a day for 90 days (from the Autumn
solitary, so it is with great pleasure we
to slow down and appreciate the finer
equinox to the Winter solstice). The body
bring together the work of the world’s
details of the world.”
of work was beautiful and just about
Chairman of Judges, Peter Eastway says,
a be
“When I am not on location actually
second book again features the top
shooting, I am at home in Perth, trying
“This National Geographic issue was in
101 landscape photographs as curated
to juggle all the other bits and bobs that
the lunch room where I was working part
by our experienced panel of judges. In
come with operating as a photographer,
time, while studying Environmental Science.
addition, we award places for both the
as well as running another business. I
I studied those shots during the majority
best photographs and the best landscape
was recently married, so kids are yet to
of my lunch breaks for a solid year. Once I
photographers, the latter based on a
come - and the reality is I’ve got no idea
completed my studies (2003/2004), I bought
portfolio of work. We’re confident this
how challenging it really can be!”
a Nikon D70 and headed around Australia,
every photograph moved me.”
will be one of the best collections of
“My love for photography started in
living out of a van (mostly) for a year.
contemporary landscape photography you
high school. We were supplied with a fully
This is when the obsession for landscape
will ever see.”
manual Pentax K1000 film camera, along
photography really began.”
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Luke Austin, Australia Winner of the second International Landscape Photographer of the Year Award (based on a folio submission of at least 4 images)
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Ricardo Da Cunha, Australia The runner-up International Landscape Photographer of the Year Award
Ricardo Da Cunha
landscape images from locations across
The Runner up of the International
Australia and other parts of the world.”
New Zealand and Australia, working on
Landscape Photographer of the Year
developing my vision and style which I
find continually challenging.”
Australia (ricardodacunha.com.au).
“Over the past few years, I have spent
“Currently I am working on projects
“I have been fascinated by the natural environment ever since I was a kid and I have great fulfillment merging this interest with my love of bush-walking.
with a collective of photographers (Adam
Luke Tscharke
This combination has enabled me to
Williams, Ignacio Palacios, Paul Hoelen
The winner of the International Landscape
photograph some of Australia’s most
and Ricardo Da Cunha) where the focus
Photographer of the Year Award (awarded
stunning and wild natural environments.
will be on Australia and its wide range of
for a single image) is Luke Tscharke, also
I am drawn particularly to wilderness
landscapes. This is something I am really
from Australia (luketscharke.com).
photography and tend to use up all
of my annual leave each year on trips
photographer based on the Northern
hiking through Tasmania, my favourite
Luke uses a Nikon D800E with the
Beaches of Sydney, Australia. I am trained
place to photograph.”
Nikkor 14 24mm f2.8, 45mm f2.8 Tilt
as a Quality Assurance professional and
“I have always been interested in
Shift and 70200mm f4. He uses Feisol
have worked for some of the world’s
photography, but really only became
Pro and Tournament series tripods,
largest food and beverage companies,
passionate about it when I first moved
which he says are incredibly good
to ensure the quality and integrity of
to Melbourne. I found the city skyline
value. Other useful equipment includes
their products. I try to instill the same
so fascinating that I was compelled
a pair of waders and an SPL underwater
approach to my work in photography,
to photograph it and would head
housing (lukeaustinphotography.com).
where my aim is to create memorable
into the city most nights after work to
enjoying and looking forward to in the years ahead.”
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Warren Keelan, Australia Third place for the International Landscape Photographer of the Year AND the International Landscape Photograph of the Year Awards
shoot it. When I moved to Sydney, this
amazing image quality in such a small
easy to take our phones for granted, but
interest changed towards seascapes and
package and is fantastic for hiking
these days they can provide invaluable
landscapes, due to the abundance of
because it helps keep the pack weight
information to ensure we get to the
amazing locations quite close by.”
down. I use the A7S for its incredible
location at the right time and during the
“One of the things I love about
low light capabilities. It is capable of
best light.”
photography, is that I’m always learning,
capturing stars and nightscapes better
“I edit using Adobe Lightroom CC,
which means there is always something
than anything I’ve ever used before.
Capture One for Sony and Photoshop
new to drive me forward. As I learn, I
I also use an infrared converted Canon
CC. I also use luminosity masks quite
would love to eventually transition to full-
5D Mark II camera, which enables
time work as a professional photographer.
me to capture scenes literally in a
approach to post processing is to try
Recently I provided images for the cover
different light.”
and make the image represent the
of Australian Geographic Magazine, a
“Other than my cameras, my single
scene that I saw, to show the beauty
publication I very much admire. It was
most useful piece of equipment is
that was present. Sometimes this can
a real thrill to be associated with such a
my iPhone, whether it is using the
be straightforward, but other times
respected magazine.”
Photopills app to plan a photography
it can be quite involved. I believe
shoot, Weatherzone app for weather
“I currently use Sony A7R and Sony A7S
integrity to
with a selection of Canon L series
cloud conditions, Google Maps app
and therefore don’t prepare images as
lenses, including the amazing TS-E
for scouting and directions, or the
composites. However, I do exposure
tilt shift lenses. I use the A7R for my
ViewRanger app to store off-line maps
general landscape work, because it has
and track my hikes on the GPS. It’s
where required.”
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Thierry Bornier, China The Abstract Award Jon Martin, United Kingdom The Snow & Ice Award
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Cape Town – It’s the Wheel Deal Alan Winde, South Africa’s MEC of Economic Opportunities, shared the Western Cape’s newest tourist attraction proposal – a single cycle track from Plett to Cape Town. Will Cape Town be the new cycle capital of Africa? Credit: Alan Winde
ycling is the new golf, particularly
the roads – and towns – less travelled and
single tracks, jeep tracks, roads, and even
mountain, track or trail biking.
explored, which could be a tidy injection
unused railway tracks. The Cape to Plett
So, while the well-heeled amble around
of tourism – translated into jobs – into
is going to be on every cyclist’s bucket
the vineyards of France on bicycles – all
areas which had previously been (literally)
and or wish list – the beauty of the route,
luggage driven from overnight castles and
bypassed; everything from bicycle repair
the variety of terrain, the entertainment
friendly locals – the rest of us will be able
shops to restaurants, bed and breakfasts to
value... this single, safe and scenic
to revel in the scenic route from two of the
day tours to elsewhere.
continuous track is going to be a major
Western Cape’s, if not South Africa’s most
Behind the project is the Western Cape
scenic spots - Plettenberg Bay to Cape
government, Wesgro, local municipalities
Winde said cycling events generated over
Town. The plan involves a single cycle track,
and private enterprise. Envisaged is a five
R700m for the Western Cape’s economy
and naturally enough, the local cycling
year plan which kicks off with a 160km
each year. “Visitors travel from across the
associations are fully supportive of this
stretch between Plettenberg Bay and
world to participate in these flagship events.
concept, both for South Africans and the
Mossel Bay, completion estimated to be
We envisage that this route will have the
oodles of international guests who enjoy
by 2017. Developers plan to incorporate
same global appeal”.
adventure tourism. One of the plusses too,
existing tracks as well as a range of
is that everybody will be able to explore
challenging mountain trails, scenic forest
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draw-card to the area.
So, you’ve a few years to start training. What are you waiting for?
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Pairing leisure with pleasure Of the many destinations available to Flamingo readers, the wine lands of the Western Cape offer a collective variety of experiences, from the foot hills of the Schapenberg to the shores of False Bay we continue our series on unique finds and talk to Cameron Boustead, shareholder of the Hathersage Boutique wine farm and owner of Westbank Guest House in Gordon’s Bay. Words by: Phil Ruimte Photographs by: Mark Pettipher
A little time after settling down to discuss the guest
o you’ve come to South Africa for a bit of a
house, John Stephan, Cameron’s cousin, arrives.
break; we’ve found you a 100 year old family
guest house to stay in. This colonial style home
“Just popped in to see how the renovations were
has been in the Stephan family since it was built
going” says John. It doesn’t take long and John regales
as a halfway staging house between Hermanus
us with the Stephan family history. It’s a veritable
and Cape Town, it’s ideal for a long weekend
who’s who of the early days in South Africa’s history,
away to relax and get some real fresh sea air.
Cape Town’s Mayor was Colonel Henry Stephan.
Westbank is now owned by Cameron Boustead.
The family business includes the renowned
A drive along the beach front past the local pubs,
Stephan Brothers, which ran and owned many of
restaurants and supermarket, gets you to Westbank
the trading and harbour facilities up the length
Guest House, it’s a five bedroom family home with
of the West Coast, to as far away as Lamberts Bay.
four of the bedrooms having en-suite bathrooms, a
The Stephans were merchants, land owners
living room, which is furnished with classical and
and hoteliers. They would take clothes and “After my mother passed away, we decided to
utensils up the coast in their ships and return with
keep the house in the family and put it to good
bountiful produce, such as wheat and livestock
Sitting on the enclosed veranda, refreshment
use, hence the guest house. I grew up running
from the West Coast fishermen and farmers.
in hand, we watch as the sun gently sets over
around on the beach out front, you can get to
It emerges that Cameron is also a business man
Table Mountain far across False Bay and the
it from our private access” Cameron points out.
who has a wine interest, which means that as a guest
surrounding Hottentots Holland mountains.
“The house was always an intriguing place to
in his family home, a foray into the wine-lands of the
Yes we’re that close to Cape Town, Gordon’s
be, my mother loved coming here, and we spent
Western Cape, would not be complete without a visit
Bay is just a fifty minute drive from the CBD,
many an evening listening to Granddad telling
to the family owned Hathersage wine farm.
and nearer still only thirty five minutes to Cape
us of the family and our history and connections
Town’s International Airport.
with the area.”
comfortable furniture, some antiques and many pieces that have been in the family for years.
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Cameron’s sister, Catherine Laubscher, is also a co-owner of Westbank and a trustee of Stephan
Hathersage boasts nine boutique wine labels. Black and white Inset: Colonel Henry Stephan, Mayor of Cape Town (1931 - 1933) seen here on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Far left: Westbank seen from its privately accessed beach. Left: Westbank’s verandah, many a fine tale can be and will be told, whilst enjoying a glass of one of South Africa’s finest boutique wines, an opportunity not to be missed.
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Holdings. Catherine currently lives in the UK and runs her own property development business together with her husband Craig. Taking us back up the N2 to Somerset West, twenty minutes from Cape Town International Airport, the unique and rustic Hathersage wine farm, lies along the foothills of the Schapenberg in the Helderberg valley and closely hugs the meandering Lourens River. Professor Roworth originally named Hathersage after his ancestral village in England and its iconic St. Michaels Church, depicted on the Hathersage label, serves as an inspiration for the nature and quality of its wines. Developed by Stephan Holdings, the farm has a rich history dating to Governor Willem Adriaan van der Stel.
Westbank Guest House offers spacious accommodation and modern facilities, without loosing any of the feeling of a home from home filled with old world charm. Opposite : Look out for a special reserve, Cameron Boustead stands proudly above Hathersage’s own Brandy, it will soon be ready for tasting and halfing before its matured for a further ten years.
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Technical Analysis: Alcohol 14.0%vol. Ph 3.65 Acidity 5.5g/l Residual Sugar 1.9g/l
Technical Analysis: Alcohol 14.0%vol. Ph 3.56 Acidity 5.6g/l Residual Sugar 2.2g/l
Tasting note: Hathersage Cabernet Sauvignon has a complex bouquet dominated by aromatic ripe berries with underlying earthy notes.
Tasting note: The wine is a classic Bordeauxstyle blend that is fruit driven, medium bodied with smooth ripe tannins.
On the palate, the wine is full bodied, supported by elegant structured tannins that give way to a lingering finish of pencil shavings and dark chocolate.
On the nose, aromas of red berries give way to a lingering finish that hints of violets.
Cameron explains, “The farm has been in the family for a number of generations. It was originally bought in 1955 by Harry C. Stephan, son of the colonel, and grandfather to Cameron. Initially the farm produced fruit, but today this 42 hectare farm has 12,5 hectares under vine, after being converted by Dr Harry Stephan, Cameron’s uncle, who took over the management of the farm in 1988.” In making the conversion, Dr Stephan commented, “The family business has been sinking
roots into the soil of the Cape for 200 years. We now feel that we have reached a stage where we
Technical Analysis: Alcohol 13.5%vol. Ph 3.49 Acidity 5.1g/l Residual Sugar 1.4g/l
Technical Analysis: Alcohol 14.0%vol. Ph 3.52 Acidity 5.7g/l Residual Sugar 2.2g/l
Tasting note: Hathersage Chardonnay is produced from fully ripened grapes that are matured on their lees to create a bouquet of crusty baked bread.
Tasting note: Hathersage Merlot has a rich deep ruby colour. Velvety tannins support a luscious fruitcake bouquet underlined by spice and sour cherries.
years ago, and produce 50 to 55 tons each year.
On the palate, the wine is fruit driven with citrus notes and subtle vanilla oaking.
On the palate, the wine is full bodied with a lingering nutty finish.
of wine annually, split across nine different
are producing grapes of rare distinction.” “We planted the vineyards a little over sixteen At present, the farm bottles around half of this production of about 15,000 to 20,000 bottles labels.” Cameron goes on to say, “Much of the Hathersage wines are being exported to
Europe with its main ‘port’ of entry being Antwerp. These sales have been developed and
Technical Analysis: Alcohol 14.5%vol. Ph 3.64 Acidity 5.7g/l Residual Sugar 2.0g/l
Technical Analysis: Alcohol 15%vol. Ph 3.64 Acidity 5.5g/l Residual Sugar 2.0g/l
Tasting note: Hathersage Mouille Grange is our tête de cuvée designed to showcase the noble red varieties on the farm.
Tasting note: A Bordeaux-style blend that is fruit-driven, medium bodied, with smooth ripe tannins that eventually develop into a dominant Cabernet Sauvignon finish with hints of pencil shavings.
a business I had built up over a ten year period,
On the nose, opulent aromas of blackberries, black currents, plums, pepper and spice.
with fiancée Charmaine Cheminais, to market
Cabernet Sauvignon dominates this 2011 vintage with its dry elegant tannins that seamlessly integrate on the palate with sour cherries and fragrant spice.
are handled by Dr Stephan, who spends time abroad marketing the wines internationally.” “After Selling my IT business, Mobilite.co.za, I joined Stephan Holdings to generate synergy within the family business and was tasked, along the wines in the Western Cape in the short-term
Technical Analysis: Alcohol 14.5%vol. Ph 3.61 Acidity 5.5g/l Residual Sugar 3.8g/l
Technical Analysis: Alcohol 13.0%vol. Ph 3.33 Acidity 5.6g/l Residual Sugar 2.6g/l
Tasting note: These upfront fruit flavours give way to asparagus and a lingering crisp concentrated finish on the palate.
Tasting note: This Special Edition Hathersage white wine is made up of a blend of 62 percent Sauvignon Blanc and 38 percent Sémillon. As such, it takes on the fresh characteristics of the Sauvignon Blanc with the seriousness of the Sémillon.
On the nose, Hathersage Sauvignon Blanc has developed a bouquet dominated by citrus and passion fruit.
BISTRO WHITE 2013 Technical Analysis: Alcohol 14.0%vol. Ph 3.50 Acidity 5.3g/l Residual Sugar 2.4g/l Tasting note: On the nose, Hathersage Bistro White is dominated by fresh citrus and passion fruit. These luscious fruit flavours give way to a crisp finish of gooseberries, elderberries and a hint of honey.
The wine is subtle on the nose and palate. Intense citrus blends with complex passion fruit, white peaches and pears.
and in Africa as a long-term project,” Cameron enthuses, “Working on our local success, we went to Johannesburg and building on that success, we are developing a sustainable market growth now throughout Southern Africa.”
What makes Hathersage wines unique In Dr Stephan’s own words “The terroir at Hathersage, the mixture between its soils and the soft maritime climate of Somerset West is much like the Bordeaux region in France Indeed, the terroir at Hathersage is very similar to the Haute Médoc, its duplex soil mimics the soils along the Gironde. Also the daytime and night-time temperatures throughout the year are identical. The one difference between Hathersage and Bordeaux, is the amount of
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summer rainfall and a small amount of water is added to the vineyards at Hathersage during the summer months. Like the Haute Médoc,
Hathersage is somewhat cooler than St Emilion in Bordeaux, which includes the Pomerol, giving Hathersage a singular elegance to its wines, especially if we examine the flavours and typicity of its Cabernet Sauvignon.” A lot has been written on the meaning of terroir, the unity between soil, a corresponding climate that is suitable for the varieties that are introduced to a particular soil, and the way the vines are managed and cared for by the viticulturist. Dr Stephan adds, “Many enthusiasts will debate on the primacy of any one of these elements. Certainly the French are fixed on the nature of their soils, and the Californians tend to laud climate to glorify their varietal wines. At Hathersage, the focus is on the balance between soil and climate and varieties are planted with this idea uppermost in mind. Much like Bordeaux, Hathersage is split into distinct soil types. The key element has been to understand which variety will be best suited to each soil type and its corresponding relationship to air flows that determine day-time and nighttime temperatures in the vineyards. Hathersage wines clearly show an indication of its terroir.” We are told that Hathersage has a unique connection with Namibia, as for a number of years, Hathersage wines have featured as the house pour at the Old Trader’s Lodge, at Erindi Private Game Reserve. Erindi (The Place of Water in Herero) boasts
Cabernet Sauvignon 2011, Chardonnay 2013 or Sauvignon Blanc 2014 price includes VAT and delivery to Westbank Guest House. Public price per case
Special rate to readers per case
R70.00 x 6 = R420.00 Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 R65.00 x 6 = R390.00 R60.00 x 6 = R360.00 Chardonnay 2013 R55.00 x 6 = R330.00 R55.00 x 6 = R330.00 Sauvignon Blanc 2014 R50.00 x 6 = R300.00
some 15,000 head of game, roaming on 71,000 hectares of malaria free wilderness, a landscape that varies from Savannah to mountain and is acknowledged as one of the largest private game reserves in the world. Wine tasting at Hathersage is by appointment only. For more information about Westbank Guest House or Hathersage wine farm contact Charmaine Cheminais on tel: +27 (0)83 703 9650 or wine@hathersage.co.za
15% OFF your stay at Westbank This offer is valid for the month of October 2015, to make use of this exclusive offer scan the QR code on the right and send the resulting e-mail conection to wine@hathersage.co.za. Alternatively scan the coupon and send it when booking your stay at Westbank, e-mail enquiries can be sent to wine@hathersage.co.za
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L端deritz Speed Challenge 5th October to 15th November 2015 By: Bruno de Comarmond
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üderitz is a quaint, eccentric and historical fishing harbour town
located in southern Namibia. This undulating town enjoys a truly unique setting overlooking Lüderitz Bay, with its rocky peninsula to the west and the massive Namib Desert dunes to the north. With approximately 25000 inhabitants and its wonderful array of early 20th Century German Art Nouveau buildings, Lüderitz is also home to the annual Lüderitz Speed Challenge event; the world’s fastest speed sailing event! The 2015 event has attracted the very best in windsurfing and kite surfing from Germany, the United Kingdom, Namibia, South Africa, France, Serbia, Belgium, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Croatia, Fiji, Sweden, Switzerland and Italy. All will be competing during these six weeks to break their national records and at the very least, improve on their PBs. The world record is up for grabs – the ultimate prize! Since
Challenge has produced an unbelievable twelve World and seventy-five National Windsurfing and Kite Surfing speed records. Event founder and organizer, as well as the first speed sailor ever to surpass the mythical 50 and 55 knots barriers, Sébastien Cattelan (France), is the brainchild behind the specially
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made *very fast* channel. This inspiring artificial 1km long channel, is located in the natural Lüderitz Second Lagoon, just a few kilometers outside Lüderitz in the middle of the Namib Desert - en-route to Diaz Cross. The
holder in windsurfing, Antoine Albeau (France) achieved an astonishingly fast 52.05-knots/96.4kph
over the official 500m run at the 2012 event. This year, Antoine will once again be competing alongside Italian record holder Patrik Diethelm, winner of the 2014 event and Anders Bringdal, Swedish record holder and #2 in the world. Former ladies windsurf world record holder Karin Jaggi (Swiss) and fellow country-woman, Heidi Ulrich, will both go all out to beat Zara Davis’ (UK) world record, established at the 2012 event in Lüderitz. Sébastien Cattelan (France) will also be competing. He will undoubtedly go for the world record in kite surfing (56.62 knots) but he will face stiff opposition from other very fast riders such as Sébastien Salerno and Sylvain Hoceini, both from France.
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For the latest on the event and riders: www.luderitz-speed.com
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What to do and see in and around Lüderitz The world famous Kolmanskop Ghost Town - Catamaran Tours to Halifax Island
colony of endangered African penguins plus Heaviside dolphin, Cape fur seals and whales (Humpback and Southern Right) in season. The Lüderitz peninsula offers the visitor two excellent routes with rocky fjords, wild open beaches, a cave, wildlife including Flamingos, the historical Diaz Cross (1487), lighthouse and an old whaling station. Full day 4x4 guided desert tours include southern Africa’s highest coastal rock arch and Pomona Ghost Town in the Tsau//Khaeb Park and the fabulous Khoichab Dunes in the Namib Naukluft Park. Both tours must be pre-booked in advance as special permits are required to gain entry into these pristine and remote areas – both tours provide for an unforgettable experience. The Lüderitz Heritage Route consists of 95+ German Art Nouveau buildings including the iconic Felsenkirche and Goerke Haus. For the visitor seeking all modern comforts, one of Namibia’s leading resort hotels, the four-star Lüderitz Nest Hotel, is located directly on Lüderitz Bay.
For the latest on the event and riders: www.luderitz-speed.com
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Halfway between Windhoek & Etosha
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Flying over
the Smoke that Thunders There can’t be many sights more thrilling than an eagle’s eye view of the Zambezi River crashing over the Devil’s Cataract. Words by Roy Watts
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osi-oa-Tunya - ‘the Smoke that Thunders’ - is better known as
the Victoria Falls. Still the showpiece of Africa, some five million litres of water power over its craggy basalt chasm every second in the peak season. Stretching 1,7 kilometers in length and plunging 100 metres into the gorge below, the resultant curtain of spray rises higher than the Eiffel Tower with a visibility stretching over 30 kilometers. Unlike Niagara Falls, which has succumbed to crass commercialism, visitors enjoy a pristine Eco-experience little changed since
missionary David Livingstone became the first European to visit Mosi-Oa-Tunya in 1855. Sited at the exact spot where Zambia meets Zimbabwe, the borderline runs across the ancient ‘Meccano’ bridge linking the two countries. For years, the debate raged about which of the two sides affords the best vantage point for one of the world’s greatest natural icons. The perspective on the Zambian side is more oblique but no less spectacular, and visitors are also guaranteed a rain forest soaking. What is beyond dispute, is that the best place to really take in this extraordinary panorama is from the air. Tapping into this reality are fleets of helicopters taking well-heeled tourists, on exciting flips over the tumbling
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waters. But there is a cheaper and much
Many believe that flying in a microlight
with their capacity to glide good distances at
is a risky business, and this may certainly
the height at which they fly - the microlights
At Batoka Sky Adventures, tourists
be true in the realm of ‘hobby’ pilots. My
would be even safer than helicopters
unfazed by the very real prospects of
faith in this caper was bolstered by the fact
vertigo can sign up for the experience
that the Batoka airmen have been flying
engines fail.
of a lifetime, and take off strapped into
since 1993 without a single mishap. They
A surprising burst of speed was followed
a microlight - the aerial equivalent of a
are all professional fixed wing or helicopter
by an exhilarating leap into the air and we
motorcycle. And so it was, that I found
pilots, who treat each flip over the ‘Falls’
were soon at one with nature as we soared
myself at the end of a runway, about to
with deference to the flying principles they
skywards. This was definitely how God
fulfill another of my bucket list ambitions.
would apply to any aircraft. The fact is, that
intended us to fly!
more electrifying option.
| 65
DO YOU KNOW WHO TO CALL? In case of a road crash, medical assistance is only a quick call away!
Always keep the MVA Fund Crash Response Number 081 9682 close and use it to report road crashes anywhere in the country.
By simply dialling 081 9682 you can save a life. Be ready with the following information: Location of the crash Number of vehicles involved Number of people injured Where possible, the type of injuries
an ambulance will be dispatched and a life will be saved
22 |
Microlights combine exposure to the elements with a leisurely pace - providing those with a head for heights with a most extraordinary celebration of the senses. All of this climaxed as we flew over the surging Zambezi crashing recklessly over the yawning chasm. From our lofty perch we had an eagle’s eye view of the drama below, and a glimpse of this adventurous river’s onward journey as it headed through spectacular gorges towards Lake Kariba, Cabora Bassa and ultimately the sea. Puttering back towards the Batoka airfield we saw a herd of elephants, a large pod of hippos, and just before landing, a huge croc sunbathing on the banks. With great panache the plane landed on the gravel runway - bringing to an end the most exciting sixteen minutes of my life. Batoka Sky Adventure: Tel: +260 21 3320058 / +260 21 3323589; Web: www.livingstonesadventure.com
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The decision to retire is never easy. This is why we invite you to our caring Swakopmund Retirement Village Estate and the Haven Apartments and Frail Care Unit community. Whether you’re trading wide-open spaces for wide-open beaches or a family home in the city for a little place in the sun, with an option of free-standing houses, apartments and a full frail care unit, take all the time in the world to enjoy your retirement, safe in the knowledge that everything else is taken care of. For more information about this exciting new development visit our website: www.faanberghwinckler.com or simply contact Daniela Vorster on: +264 (81) 484 8133 or info@faanberghwinckler.com or one of our approved agents.
22 |
SWAKOPMUND RETIREMENT VILLAGE ESTATE (FREE-STANDING, FULL TITLE HOUSES) Welcome to the most exclusive retirement village in Namibia. This luxury development is situated in Swakopmund Extension 16, Mile 4, allowing you peace and quiet in tranquil surroundings where the ocean, pristine beaches and various shopping and lifestyle centres are always near at hand.
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When you retire, you might not want a freestanding house. Maybe you’re travelling and want a lock-up-and-go option, want a smaller space to relax in or may be in need of 24-hour assistance. The luxury Haven Apartment Units, Assisted Living Units and Frail Care Units are the perfect alternative within the Swakopmund Retirement Village.
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| 113
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Winners | 113 2011/2013/2014
The wheel story: New model round ups James Siddall on what’s happening in the wonderful world of wheels...
‘Stang Bang’
Lexus give thanks
This shouldn’t come as too much of a
I’ve always been sweet on the capacious,
surprise – the new Ford Mustang was the
ultra-comfortable Lexus ES, which is
world’s bestselling sports car in the first
sort of a spiritual successor to the
half of 2015.
Toyota Camry.
And during the first six months of
Now it has just become even more
2015, customers globally registered 76 124
covetable thanks to bolder rear styling,
vehicles – a 56 percent increase versus the
same period last year.
headlights and updated finishes, as well
The new Ford Mustang is on sale
as a yet more refined interior.
in more than 100 markets, and for
The whole package looks just a little
the first time ever a right-hand-drive
crisper and cleaner than ever, especially
model is available, with the brilliant
news being that we can expect the
and wheels.
car in our part of the world later this year.
72 |
dynamics, newly
The Lexus ES’s ride quality is also even more magic carpet like than before, while
– get this – by removing in-car navigation
The new Toyota Prius will go on sale
The exterior is just as hot, with a
on the basis that it’s proving less popular
in Japan at the end of 2015, while local
wider front and rear track, 21-inch
with so many customers using mobile
introduction is currently under study.
wheels, and RS-specific front and rear
phones instead, prices are actually down. The ES 250 costs R464 200 (down
bumper treatment.
Yours for R1 465 000, including
by R14 700), and the ES 300h R549 100
It’s an estate – or station wagon as they
the standard five-year/100 000km Audi
(down by R16 600). Nice.
used to be called – but it’s one like only
Freeway Plan. Smoking!
Audi can build.
Electric Dreams
Meet the new Audi RS6 Avant, which
Safe my mate
The all new, fourth generation Toyota
follows on the heels of the face lift of the
We didn’t expect anything less – the simply
A6 range earlier this year.
stellar, blindingly brilliant new Volvo XC90
excellent evolution of the world’s first mass-produced
has been awarded five stars and top ratings
a four-litre V8 TFSI engine, performance is
electrifying. Figure on a zero-to-100km/h
“This is further proof that with the
internationally in 1997. So far over
run in 3.9 seconds, and a top speed of
Volvo XC90, we have developed one
3.5 million have been sold in about
of the safest cars in the world. In fact
80 countries, with the car first hitting
package plus. That’s super-car territory.
And with 412kW and 700Nm on tap from
the southern part of Africa in 2005 in second-generation guise.
You can also expect an eight speed
in the 2015 Euro NCAP tests.
we scored one hundred per cent in the Safety Assist category. From an industry
perspective Volvo Cars remains the leader
It’s an attractive beast being longer,
drivetrain, with a self-locking centre
in car safety innovation and miles ahead
wider, yet lower than the outgoing
differential to help glue it to the road
of the competition with our standard
model, while pretty much every internal
– as well as stellar levels of equipment
safety offer,” says Dr Peter Mertens, Senior
component of its engine is either new or
and the sort of quality interior unique
Vice President, Research & Development
substantially revised.
to Audi.
at Volvo Car Group. Touche.
| 73
Good on you, Sport! The like-able little Hyundai i20 is now available in a Sport derivative, packing a 1.4-litre engine upped to 85kW and 160Nm. It also gets a lower stance and stiffer suspension for better road holding, while other add-ons include new 17-inch alloys, a sports body kit, and a stainless steel free-flow exhaust system. The i20 Sport is yours for R235 500.
Latin Stunner It’s here. The Maserati Ghibli – the most affordable car in the famed Italian maker’s line up – is now available in South Africa. It’s an E-segment vehicle of around the same size as a Mercedes E-Class or BMW 5 Series, but only way more exclusive – and just a little more expensive. Styling is simply sublime, performance is punchy, and equipment levels are lavish, while the line up includes a brace of turbo-petrol, three-litre
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R1 322 000, the Ghibli D R1 370 000,
Yours for R449 900 – insane levels of
and the Ghibli S R1 622 000.
entertainment included.
Trophy time
Van-tastic Vito
So I’ve just spent a week with the
Say hello to the new Mercedes-Benz Vito.
Renault Megane RS 275 Trophy – and
And when its makers say that it’s poised
it’s surely one of the more explosive hot-
to be the benchmark in the mid-size van
hatches to pass through my hands. It’s
segment, we rather believe them.
also a little uncomfortable on anything approximating a longish trip.
The Vito is pitched at everyone from skilled crafts and trades to retail, service
But that’s not the point of this
providers and shuttle services, and rather
edgy, track-focused screamer, with
unusually is available with two different
power fractionally up over the standard
drive systems.
Megane RS’s, with 201kW (as opposed
The front-wheel drive Vito
has a
to 195kW) coming from its two-litre,
transverse-mounted, compact four-cylinder
16-valve, turbo-petrol motor, while it’s
engine with a displacement of 1.6 litres,
good for 360Nm from 3 000rpm.
and is available in the Vito 111 CDI with
Zero to 100km/h comes up in six
84 kW. For more muscle, there’s the Vito
seconds, and top speed is 255km/h.
with rear-wheel drive and a four-cylinder
What’s more, a Cup chassis mated to a
limited-slip differential makes for thrilling,
available at three power output levels.
gripping handling. Styling cues abound,
A six-speed manual and a 7G-Tronic
from Trophy lettering in the front bumper,
Plus auto can be had, while the vast
rear diffuser and lip spoiler to black
range includes 10 models, stretching
19-inch Trophy aluminium alloys, with
from the entry-level 111 CDI Panel Van
red Brembo brake calipers to grippy
at R372 780 through to the range-topping
Recaro bucket seats.
19 CDI Tourer Select at R744 386.
| 75
Danric Auto,Windhoek the proud merchants of true blue-blood adventure The F 800 GS Adventure
GS Adventure: the reliable and robust
Character: Unequalled
It has once been remarked, and quite
companion for unbounded adventure.
The F 800 GS Adventure is a true
correctly so, that one is never too young
globetrotter from its high windshield
for a midlife crisis. How very true. Never
Power: Uncompromising
too young, or too old! Sometimes the
Powered by the potent 63 kW (85 hp) parallel
protector and pannier mountings. In spite
internal crisis lies not in what has been
twin engine, the F 800 GS Adventure helps
of its striking side panels and the larger
achieved, or which boxes had been
you to leave civilisation behind with ease.
fuel tank, the distinctive fly-line makes
dutifully ticked, but rather in adventures
And with a torque of 83 Nm, this enduro
the F 800 GS Adventure a clear member
that lie untapped, and unexplored. If
has enough power reserves to overcome
of the GS family. This motorcycle strives to
these words resonate, and if mediocrity
even the toughest off-road challenge with
conquer the world, whether in Sandrover
has not yet been elevated to best-friend
supreme confidence. Thanks to a 24-litre
Matt or dynamic Racing Red.
status, a visit to Danric BMW in Windhoek
tank and fuel consumption of 4.3. l at
may be just what the good doctor ordered
90 km/h, it can cover distances where
- if he really cared about his patient! Less
others have already run dry.
Heed to that inner voice - the one that
reminds us that life is fleeting, and there for
is - as the cliché correctly suggests - often more. Consider two wheels for instance,
Control: Unconditional
living, not merely existing. Listen when it
such as those of the F 800 GS Adventure.
Be it sand dunes, mountain passes or
screams that the momentum of mediocrity
river crossings, the F 800 GS Adventure
is stifling - and worth declaring war against.
Adventure: Unbounded
can master any task it may be faced with
Visit Danric Auto in Windhoek. Consider
No matter where you travel, no matter
in faraway places. Its core is the torsion-
true adventure. The F 800 GS Adventure,
what the terrain – with the F 800 GS
resistant tubular steel frame with spring
that is.
Adventure you can master any adventure.
travels of 230mm at the front and 215mm at
This travel enduro has been created for
the rear. The rider is electronically supported
true globetrotters for whom no destination
with the “Enduro mode”, which optimises
is too remote and who want to conquer
suspension response on loose surfaces. ABS
the world off the beaten track. The F 800
is of course a standard feature.
76 |
Danric Auto: Cnr Bismarck Street and David Hosea Meroro Road, Windhoek Tel: 061 295 8100
The Ultimate Riding Machine
| 113
Brrrave new world The future of the car is clean, green and self-driving – but don’t worry performance missiles will still abound, writes JAMES SIDDALL...
eeh, they don’t make them like
1950s, give drivers limits and they’ll use
to detect many hazardous situations in
they used to. That’s a common, breath
them up. So perhaps we have become
road traffic and react if needs be. In
sucking refrain from the older generation
too complacent with all these electronic
effect, they drive semi-autonomously,
when it comes to vehicles, and they’re
aids, failing to develop our driver skills
being equipped with features such
quite right. Today’s vehicles aren’t remotely
and forgetting that in extremes the laws
as Distronic Plus with Steering Assist
like the ones of a few decades ago – or
of physics will always override.
even 10 years ago, come to think of it.
But no matter. In just a few years
Pilot jam
autonomous vehicles are likely to be
Active Parking Assist with Parktronic
This is both a good and a bad thing.
a reality. Google, for one, has been
allows automated parking with active
For one we’ve seen what Mercedes-Benz
ploughing untold billions of dollars into
steering and brake control in both
– a pioneer long in vehicle technology
its driver-less vehicles.
parallel and end on spaces.
terms “the democratisation of safety.”
Meanwhile, with its autonomously
Today all but the cheapest vehicles have
advanced vehicles on our local market
driving research vehicle F 015 Luxury
airbags, ABS and very often vehicle
are practically semi-autonomous. Probably
in Motion, Mercedes-Benz provides an
stability control systems that incorporate
the most cutting-edge vehicle available
idea of what form “Intelligent Drive”
traction control and automatic braking
in our part of the world is the Mercedes
might take in the future. As the company
functions, so providing an electronic
S-Class – at least until BMW plays catch
notes, the vehicle’s role is evolving from
nanny. And today even affordable vehicles
up and launches its all-new 7 Series
merely a means of transport towards that
incorporate luxuries and technology, that
locally next year. And the apex of the
of a comfortable retreat, too. Drivers can
only a few years ago were the preserve
range is the S 65 AMG Coupe which sells
choose at any time whether they wish
of prestige mobiles.
for a little over three million, before you
to drive themselves, with support of
start loading on options.
intelligent systems, or whether the vehicle
The down side of this is that as
Sir Alec Issigonis, the brains behind the
Thanks to what’s termed “Intelligent
Mini, once remarked way back in the
Drive,” vehicles like these are already able
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is to take them to their destination in autonomous mode.
In the F 015, six high-resolution displays are installed along the interior, in the dashboard, and the back and sides of the vehicle. The passengers are able to interact with the vehicle by eye tracking, gesture control or touching the screens. They get information about the environment, use the entertainment system, make video calls or bring virtual worlds into the vehicle. The F 015 also incorporates highresolution
continuously surroundings,
which, vehicle’s effective
communication and interaction between the vehicle, the passengers and the world outside. This “extended sense” enables the vehicle to keep tabs on its surroundings at all times. The interactive LED fields at the front and rear and the high precision laser system informs the driver of specific traffic conditions at an early stage. So for instance, the F 015 is able to project a virtual crosswalk onto the road surface, which lets pedestrians know that the road is clear. That’s not just clever. That’s like something straight out of science fiction – science fiction that is rapidly becoming reality. Indeed, over in the US the Freightliner Inspiration
| 79
Truck with Highway Pilot system has
heads entertained. And aside, I remember
unbelievable 1 014kW (or about twenty
just become the world’s first autonomous
as a kid in the early eighties reading a
– 20! – times the output of a tame little
truck to be granted a license for road use
coffee table book on Ferrari, in which
shopping trolley of a vehicle). That’s
in the state of Nevada.
there was a picture of the gorgeous
enough to take it from zero to 400km/h
512 BB with the forlorn caption, “Last of
in around 20 seconds, a figure on which
the supercars?” I needn’t have worried.
you should just meditate for a minute to
engine, well, its future is debatable, at least as far as everyday vehicles go.
Today, we don’t just have supercars
Hybrid vehicles – using an internal
that would make the 512 BB look like
And it runs on biofuel, race fuel, or
combustion engine supplemented by
it was stuck in reverse when it comes to
normal fuel with not an autonomous
an electric motor – are fast gaining
performance – as would, in fact, some of
driving system in sight.
traction, pun intended. So too are all
your more muscular performance saloons.
electric vehicles. And they need not
We don’t even have hyper vehicles as
be dull. Witness the scorchingly fast
embodied by the likes of the La Ferrari
range of Tesla vehicles, which naturally
or Bugatti Veyron (with the La Ferrari,
is headed by that great visionary Elon
incidentally, being a hybrid). Oh no!
Musk – although Tesla is an exception when it comes to electric vehicles. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are also
We now have mega vehicles. Well, we have one mega vehicle – with the first and only being the recently released
making great strides – although none are
available (yet) in our part of the world,
of a machine that makes an utterly
partly because of the infrastructure necessary to support them. The Toyota Mira hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, for one, has just proved the real world usability of these machines, with an estimated driving range of 502km on a single tank, achieving 3.5 litres per 100km in official US
calculations. That’s further for any other zero emissions vehicle on the market. But worry not. While the future of motoring is clean and green, there will still be plenty to keep high-octane petrol
80 |
fully fathom just how incredible it is.
Now the only thing we need to tackle is road congestion...
HANGALA CAPITAL PRIVATE EQUITY (PTY) LTD NAMFISA License no. 15/UIM/09 Hangala Capital Private Equity (Pty) Ltd is an Unlisted Investment Manager (UIM) in which Hangala Capital (Pty) Ltd has 60% shareholding and Prescient Global 40% shareholding.
Hangala Capital Fund (Pty) Ltd
NAMFISA License no. 15/SPV/09
The Hangala Capital Fund was established and licensed as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) by the National Financial Regulator, NAMFISA, and is managed by Hangala Capital Private Equity (Pty) Ltd. By soliciting capital from accredited investors, we invest in the following asset classes: • Venture capital • Private equity • Mezzanine financing (subordinated debt) • Special situations. We invest in all industries, with a particular interest in agribusiness, manufacturing and infrastructure. We pride ourselves on a deep-rooted understanding of the Namibian environment, while Prescient offers their proven creative approach to investment – together, Hangala Capital Private Equity (Pty) Ltd offers clients the services of a formidable team of professionals, with the sole aim of providing you with solid returns and preservation of your capital.
Come and talk to our team. Hangala Capital Private Equity (Pty) Ltd Telephone: + 264 61 41 0700 Email: info@hangala.com
Hangala 1/2 page ad Final.indd 3
2015/09/11 10:43 AM
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Invest in China:
but it’s not for the faint hearted China is currently the buzzword, sending shock-waves through markets, spooking investors. China has seen fear and panic in the market, stocks selling off regardless of quality. Coming off a high base, the initial sell off was well justified, but the recent sell off was extreme and silly. By: Melanie Allen
here was much talk in late 2013
market had to correct itself back to
and early 2014 that China is in a
reality. A 30% drop on a 120% return still
bubble and a huge slowdown, if not,
makes a good case.
a crash in their economy is bound to
happen. When this did not materialise,
leveraging that was happening around
we saw an almost over eager market
about June, and put an end to it.
participation. According to Bloomberg,
Suddenly, no borrowed funding was
available anymore. Possessions had to be
investors in China opened up accounts
sold, which jeopardised the security for
to get their slice of the cake. More
other possessions, more possessions had
than 40 million trading accounts were
to be liquidated and the domino effect
opened from June last year to May 2015.
kicked in. Still after all this, studies show
These individuals were able to borrow
that the Chinese are very asset rich. They
against their current share holdings
even have as much as 50% stashed away
to buy even more shares, and to add
in savings, keeping away from debt. This
insult to injury, even exploited certain
deserves recognition.
possibilities of borrowing against their
For those smart investors amongst
pension money. Massive leverage was
building up.
When things tend to go south, healthy
The result was a market that rallied
companies get sucked in, unfairly so,
about 120% in a year’s time. The Chinese
because the value is still there. It is in
1 Year Forward PE Ratio
source: Bloomberg
China South Africa USA
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 0
05/09/01 05/11/01 06/01/01 06/03/01 06/05/01 06/07/01 06/09/01 06/11/01 07/01/01 07/03/01 07/05/01 07/07/01 07/09/01 07/11/01 08/01/01 08/03/01 08/05/01 08/07/01 08/09/01 08/11/01 09/01/01 09/03/01 09/05/01 09/07/01 09/09/01 09/11/01 10/01/01 10/03/01 10/05/01 10/07/01 10/09/01 10/11/01 11/01/01 11/03/01 11/05/01 11/07/01 11/09/01 11/11/01 12/01/01 12/03/01 12/05/01 12/07/01 12/09/01 12/11/01 13/01/01 13/03/01 13/05/01 13/07/01 13/09/01 13/11/01 14/01/01 14/03/01 14/05/01 14/07/01 14/09/01
82 |
such instances where the calm investor
growth around 20%-30%, with returns on
still be required to build four more cities
comes in and picks up the bargains.
equity and assets that have doubled in
the size of Cape Town, in one year.
the past 10 years.
Percentage wise everything seems to
Have a look at Chinese companies’ PE ratios. This is the ratio of a company’s
price that it trades on the stock exchange,
ratios to historic PE ratios in China,
relative to its earnings calculated per
as per the illustration, it makes a
share. The higher the PE, the harder
good case.
be coming down, but put some Dollar values to that and it’s huge. To conclude: It’s going to be a bumpy ride, but certainly a market one has to
the company needs to work to keep up
Concerns are out there, with the
the good earnings in order to satisfy
recent move of China to strengthen its
investor appetites. Take note, that the
currency by using a chunk of its healthy
There are Unit Trusts in South
large stocks of good companies in China
pile of foreign exchange reserves to buy
Africa that offer exposure to China and
are trading on a PE ratio of 11 to 12.
back its own currency. What will happen
they are accessible to any individual
Compare that to an average PE ratio of
if more capital outflows were to weaken
investor that has an appetite for it,
19, of all stocks on America’s S&P500
the Yuan even further, but who’s to say
also Namibians can invest. Make sure
index, as reported by Bloomberg in June
that the People’s Bank of China will
the asset managers have Mandarin
2015. This already makes a case for a
always want to strengthen the Yuan?
speaking people in the office. There
possible 50% more upside.
They might just at some point accept the
is a huge translation gap between
devaluation, but this makes for a topic
Mandarin and English, and it helps if
on its own.
they hold a special Qualified Foreign
Big banks in general are regarded as a solid investment; big Chinese banks are trading at PE’s of 5 and on top of that paying about 10% dividends.
As for growth in general, the historic magnitude of the manufacturing boom
EMH Prescient Goose 80x110mm Ad2.pdf
Chinese consumer companies, whether
will come down, however, just looking
retailers, cars, wines, etc., are showing
at their urbanisation strategy, they will
Sculpture by Beth Diane Armstrong
be part of when putting the world into one basket.
Institutional Investor (QFII) license from China.
11:12:47 AM
A sincere thank you to Liang Du from
Prescient Ltd for his input.
At Prescient our fund managers consistently follow a reliable process called QuantPlus®, a deliberate and proven way to reduce investment risk.
| 83
7 En-suite bedrooms. Spacious well equipped kitchen with a breakfast bar. Dining room, 3 reception rooms, study, sun room and a large entertainment area with a built-in sleeper wood bar. 2 Separate flatlets. 4 Garages and lots of extra parking. All furniture and fittings of the highest quality. Registered in (PTY) - Guest House permission.
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supporting rhino conservation
We sell the most beautiful houses in Namibia. Contact one of our offices to see what we have to offer:
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1st namibian solar powered company
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Rhino Facts: In the late 1970s aggressive poaching took the Namibian Black Rhino to the brink of extinction. Thousands of rhino were slaughtered to satisfy the demand for fashion accessories and oriental medicines. By the early 1980s the population had plummeted from 65,000 to just 60. The ‘Rhino for Erongo’ project was established to reintroduce and conserve rhino in the Erongo region, reintroducing Black Rhino into the area after the last of its kind was caught in 1974. For every bottle of OASIS sold a contribution is made to the ‘Rhino for Erongo’ project, helping to conserve and protect these beautiful creatures.
84 |
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Where The Skeleton Coast Comes To Life
The Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre offers the perfect balance between charming, old world tradition with the thrill and excitement of modern day entertainment, be it the Casino & Entertainment Centre, dune boarding, quad biking, golf at the nearby desert course, the dolphins and the flamingos of Walvis or a romantic banquet in the desert. • • • • • •
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Tel: +264 (0) 61 205 5109/5911 Fax: +264 (0) 61 205 2797 windhoek@legacyhotels.com
Your Namibian Gem
| 87
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On top of the world Secure, top quality and brand new with the ultimate view! Last 5 units for sale: Starting at N$ 4.3 million. Units to let: N$ 25 000.00 per
To arrange for a viewing, please contact Gert Hamilton on +264 (0)81 170 1552 “Namibia offers property investors some of the highest returns and growth in the World. Windhoek properties in particular appreciate by between - 12 - 18% per annum. Namibia has no capital gains tax. This specific development is situated in the neighbourhood that has rendered among the highest property growth and value escalations in Namibia to date. This is an unrivalled opportunity. If you are looking for a unique investment and exceptional growth call without further delay.�
| 89
Conferencing: Our state of the art conference facility features the very latest technology and equipment, with surround sound, seating and lighting to complement your corporate image and colours. Accommodation: Atlantic Villa offers five main facets, namely the Luxury Suites, Standard Rooms, Deluxe Rooms, Luxury Rooms and Self Catering units. Atlantic villa offers the most upmarket and comprehensive accommodation and conferencing facilities at the Coast! Plover Street, Vogelstrand, Swakopmund u PO Box 522, Swakopmund, Namibia www.atlantic-villa.com u bookings@atlantic-villa.com Tel: +264 64 463511 u Fax: +264 64 463510
90 | 82
African journey D A A N V I L J O E N N A M I B I A
Sun Karros Daan Viljoen is a stylish yet relaxed lodge a mere 20km from Windhoek. Located inside the Daan Viljoen Game Park a perfect start or end destination for your safari. We offer overnight options to all nature enthusiasts be it on a comfortable camp site for the outdoor adventurer or in a modern stylish chalet for the nature lover enjoying the fine comforts in life. A visit to the Daan Viljoen Game Park is a must when passing through Windhoek. Day visitors welcome to visit our Boma Restaurant.
Call: +264 61 232393 Email: reservations@sunkarros.com Follow us: Facebook
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Nitzsche -Reiter Since 1934 l Cameras and photographic equipment l Data cards and batteries l Binoculars and tripods l Film and accessories t: +264 61 231116 e: nitrei@iway.na Sanlam Centre, Ground Floor Shop 20 Independence Avenue Windhoek, Namibia
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CONTACT THE EAR INSTITUTE: The one-stop for all your hearing solutions. Call +27 (0)12 333-3130 or visit www.earinstitute.co.za *selected branches
| 95
About Four Seasons Hotel The Westcliff Johannesburg Air Namibia has become the discerning traveller’s choice airline on the Windhoek Johannesburg, and Frankfurt - Johannesburg routes - and for superb reasons too! Now discerning Air Namibia passengers - who demand not only the best airline, but also the best accommodation, can benefit from yet another sublime offer by The Roving Ambassador - Africa’s leading tourism company.
96 |
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our Seasons Hotel The Westcliff
action, just minutes from major business
Johannesburg is the first property in
centres and tourist attractions. With
the brands portfolio in Southern Africa.
stunning 240-degree views across the
Formerly known as The Westcliff, the
city’s famed green canopy and the
iconic hillside hotel closed its doors to
Johannesburg Zoo right next door, the
the public in June 2013 for a complete
Hotel is nestled among eight acres (three
renovation and reopened its doors on
hectares) of lushly landscaped gardens
1 December last year.
cascading down a hillside, that is also
Guests and visitors can enjoy five
less than thirty minutes from two major
exciting new dining outlets, a nine-
airports, including the largest and busiest
treatment room destination spa, deli;
in all of Africa. Thus, the hotel is ideally
lap pool and 117 newly decorated
positioned as a gateway for international
contemporary African inspired rooms
air travellers to explore the Sub Continent
and beyond. In addition, thirty six of
panoramic elevators will take guests on
South Africa’s top 100 golf courses are
a striking visual journey to the upper
within an hour of the Hotel – some just
part of the property, where the two main
minutes away - and open air markets, art
restaurants; View and Flames are perched
galleries, hip restaurants and more await.
high up on the Westcliff hillside offering spectacular views of the city below. Conceived as an iconic urban resort, Four
Johannesburg is in the middle of the
98 |
For more information contact: Tel: 0027 (0)11 4816000 www.fourseasons.com/johannesburg
| 99
The Roving Ambassador’s
Choice in London
Many Air Namibia passengers are making use of the superbly convenient code share agreement offered between Air Namibia and Lufthansa - the ultra convenient arrangement to connect to any European destination via Frankfurt. Research has shown that more and more Air Namibia passengers are connecting to London, UK on this superb code share agreement. As a result, The Roving Ambassador - Africa’s premium tourism company, have arranged a very special offering for all Air Namibia passengers connecting to London - the sublime Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park hotel. Air Namibia passengers are offered a special 10% room discount, and a very special room upgrade (availability dependant) . Enquire when making your booking!
100 |
| 101
ith the glamorous shopping of Knightsbridge and leafy Hyde
Park on its doorstep, the iconic five star Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park boasts London’s
where town meets country. Behind the handcrafted finishes in each of the hotel’s rooms and suites, lie the latest technology and a level of refined luxury. Two award-winning restaurants, Bar Boulud, a French inspired bistro and wine bar, and two-Michelin starred Dinner by Heston Blumenthal, place the hotel firmly at the centre of London’s dining scene, whilst the Mandarin Bar remains one of London’s most popular destination bars. The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, London, is a haven of tranquillity, where the boundaries of east and west blend in harmony. New in 2014, Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park opened a 17-meter indoor swimming pool and state-of-theart fitness centre as well as The Rosebery, serving continental breakfast, afternoon tea and an Asian-inspired evening menu. Reservations are essential. Contact the Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park hotel and inquire about the special offer to all Flamingo Readers.
Address: 66 Knightsbridge London, SW1X 7LA United Kingdom
Email: molon-reservations@mohg.com; Tel: +44 (0)20 7235 2000
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Tintswalo Atlantic – Cape Town Utopia By: Kirsty Coetzee
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a National Heritage site. The hotel
coastal drive, which embraces the
is built elevated above the ground,
Atlantic facing mountainside, offers a
in an entirely eco-friendly manner.
scenic drive to what feels like the edge
Constructed under strict requirements
of the world. Blanketed in indigenous
that if, at the end of Tintswalo Atlantic’s
fauna and that wonderful white haze
25 year concession agreement, the South
that only a seaside location can boast,
African National Parks board requests
the drive to Tintswalo Atlantic is already
that the structure be removed, the hotel
a screenplay of postcard worthy views.
can be deconstructed with no damage
Arriving at the hotel feels like a bit of a mystery at first, as I’m asked to park
to the environment; simply plucked from the mountainside without a trace.
my car in a secure lot and wait for a
At the base of the mountain, a
vehicle to transfer me to the boutique
friendly Tintswalo Atlantic host assists
hotel. As I’m escorted down the steep
me from the car. After the quiet of the
mountainside, it makes sense as to
air-conditioned vehicle, the ocean’s roar
why I’m not able to drive down myself:
is everywhere, and I realise just how
the winding single carriage brick road
close to the water’s edge I am. Thick
makes for a challenging drive. As I
with the scent of salt, the gorgeous
feel myself gradually being cut off
coastline air begins to soak into my skin
from the outside world, I may as well
and hair – nature’s beauty therapy!
be ferrying off to a remote, private island destination.
My luggage is whisked away, and I’m led to the main hotel reception. On the
As explained by the driver, Tintswalo
exterior, the buildings look like humble,
Atlantic is the only hotel that is located
timber frame homes. It is only once I
within the natural beauty of Table
enter the hotel that I realise that I have
Mountain National Park, which is also
truly arrived at a five-star, world-class
106 |
hotel, with every single detail carefully attended to. The host explains that the hotel’s design and décor has been personally facilitated by the motherdaughter owners, Gaye Corbett and Lisa Goosen, who are well travelled and clearly have impeccable tastes. The hotel is bright with daylight, thanks to the abundance of floor-toceiling windows and sliding doors. With light hickory wooden floors, light lime washed beams and light painted walls – it feels like I have arrived in paradise, and every beautiful item, mirror, artwork and piece of furniture is the perfect colour, texture and hue for its designated space. Never before have I seen such harmony in décor, understated yet glorious. This is elegance!
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The Tintswalo Atlantic staff members
tear my eyes away from the scenery, as
are charming and warm. If you are
my host asks if I am ready to check into
really fortunate, the delightful General
my suite.
Managers Ryno and Melissa du Rand
A short walk along wooden pathways
will be there to greet you themselves,
ends at a beautifully carved door. I’m told
but any of the welcoming staff will make
that each room is named after a different
you feel as though you have arrived
Island of the world, and then decorated
home. After being handed freshly made
to reflect the personality of that island.
lemonade with fresh ginger, served
My suite is called Sicily, named after
stylishly in a Martini glass, I am ushered
through the hotel for a quick tour of the
which forms a part of Italy. As I enter,
facilities, the lounge, the restaurant and
I am left breathless by the knowledge
the main hotel deck.
that for tonight, this is my own private
sanctuary. I have somehow wandered
endless. Hout Bay harbour stretches out
into a timeless Italian utopia, with light
before me, yawning into the expanse of
beachy tones, classic designs, and subtle,
the Atlantic Ocean. The pebbled beach
soft splashes of blues and beige.
is quite literally at the foot of the deck,
with white waves crashing onto the
floors and ceilings, to textures and
shore just meters from where I stand.
fabrics that have been hand selected
Across the bay looms an iconic mountain
to give this suite its own persona, to
called The Sentinel, its dramatic profile
the giant freestanding tub in the en-
rising above the humble fishing villages
suite bathroom, I am surrounded by
of Hout Bay and Hangberg. Hypnotised
understated luxury. Add to all of this,
by the views, I feel as though I could stay
here for hours. With some hesitance, I
sliding doors throughout the suite, and
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my own private balcony overlooking the beach with panoramic ocean views! After a brief tour of the room’s facilities, my host departs, leaving me to settle and unpack some personal comforts – not that much is needed here! A jar of home-made cookies tempts me, as does my very own Illy coffee machine! After helping myself to a fresh espresso, I spend some much needed time on my patio chair, breathing in the sea rich air and letting time pass me by. Once I’ve whiled away a full hour paging through a magazine, I decide to change into my swimsuit and head back to the main hotel. The hotel features a heated swimming pool, built directly over the beach – with the weather cooperating so well, it would be a sin not to take a dip while here! Heated to a delicious 37 degrees, the water provides a balmy swim just a stone’s throw from the frigid Atlantic surf, which is crashing onto the pebbled beach just beyond the deck. Later, the sun descends toward the horizon as I am welcomed onto the hotel deck for refreshing sundowners and the most delectable canapés that have graced my taste-buds – mouthfuls
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of pure delight, some of them served straight from a braai. I have to resist the urge to completely overindulge myself,
because I know that dinner consists of five courses! So I sip my cocktail instead and watch as the sun disappears behind The Sentinel. The kaleidoscope of colours that evolve before me is just inconceivably beautiful – this deck is arguably the best location to watch a sunset in Cape Town. I can only imagine that marriage proposals, birthdays, weddings and special occasions would be simply unforgettable here! However, dining at Tintswalo Atlantic is a special occasion all on its own. The kitchen is managed by executive chef, Jeantelle van Staden, and it’s my lucky day, because she is on duty and in top form. It’s explained to me that the menu at Tintswalo Atlantic changes daily, and that the chefs are able to cook according to each guest’s preferences – I’ve never heard of such a personalised culinary (and overall!) experience, and it’s one of the things that impresses me most about this hotel. I don’t want to give away too much, but I do take Chef Jeantelle’s advice when it comes to one of the courses, and I order the Confit Duck and Feta Bon Bon, which is served with Minted Peas, Spiced Plums and Shitake Mushrooms and Cinnamon Jus. This is one of the Chef’s favourite meals, and I can understand why! She explains that they confit the duck overnight. The meat is then left to cool, before being shredded and layered over a cube of truffle marinated Danish feta. This is then crumbed and deep-fried… it is heavenly! I must also mention that there is a large window between the dining room and the kitchen, which makes for a wonderfully personal, interactive cooking encounter, and it’s fascinating to watch as your meals are prepared right before you. This is a huge highlight, whether you are a serious connoisseur,
We will offer Air Namibia passengers a “Pay for 2 nights, Stay for 3” special, with standard inclusions being dinner, bed and breakfast, and excluding all beverages and other extras.
Pay for 2 nights, Stay for 3 Central Reservations: +27 (0)11 300 8888 res@tintswalo.com www.tintswalo.com Hotel Direct: +27 (0)21 205 0025 reception@atlantic.tintswalo.com
or a casual diner.
| 111
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The Zambezi Queen Collection Whether you choose The Zambezi Queen or one of the smaller Princess Safari boats, there’s little doubt you’ll get the royal treatment. It’s an extraordinary African safari from a sensational vantage point – water. By: Anne Schauffer
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icture this. You – with somebody special or even solo – boarding a
luxurious floating houseboat for two or many more days, on the legendary Chobe River, surrounded by more beauty than you’ll have memory cards for. Sound like your flute of champagne? The Chobe River in Botswana’s Chobe National Park is one of Africa’s, indeed, perhaps the world’s, most Eco-rich belts, which draws an astonishing wealth of wildlife - including the world’s largest population of elephant, buffalo, leopard, and lion along with a variety of antelope and abundant bird-life. Wonderful tiger and bream fishing (in season), game watching, photography, extensive birdwatching, lazing, wining and dining... it’s
views to match the grandeur of the accommodation and experience. From African sunrise to sunset, life slows to the languid pace of this vast slow-moving river, with only the thrilling sounds of the wild and your accelerated heartbeat as you encounter the wonders of the river and riverbanks. Little beats an icy G&T accompanied by the echoing sound of a pod of hippo.
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You choose. What’s it to be? The sumptuousness
Zambezi Queen, or the personalised intimacy of either of the luxury Princess Safari boats – previously The Pride of the Zambezi or Ichobezi. The two latter house boats – the Chobe Princess Safari boats – don’t have set departure dates or minimum number of nights, so you can fit in your cruise with other elements of your African itinerary. The Zambezi Queen offers two or three night safaris, travelling a distance of around 25 kilometres. Each house boat has attendant smaller tender boats, which you board so as to facilitate maneuverability when game-watching close to the river banks and up little tributaries, and of course, for fishing. Game watching from the elevated deck of your house boat too, is not only pleasurable but immensely rewarding, and you can choose to stay feet-up there or head out to unexplored territory. For guests who enjoy visiting a local village – on the Namibian side of the river – locals welcome you with open arms, as they show off their handmade crafts and share their simple rural lifestyle with you.
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This luxurious African experience is not defined by a clock. It’s your vacation, and you’re not compelled to go anywhere, or do anything. When you see your cabin, the decks, the views... it’ll be a tussle. Stay or go... The Zambezi Queen offers 14 stylish suites in two superior categories – 10 Standard Suites and 4 Master Suites on the lower and middle decks. All suites feature magnificent views from floor to ceiling windows, and an outer deck is there for you to capture the African breeze. Each private space is fitted with shutters and air-conditioning, so even during the heat of summer, it’s a cool experience. Step on board the Zambezi Queen, and it’s clear no expense was spared in creating one of the world’s most unique experiences. From the muted furnishings so as not to detract from the majesty of the vista and landscapes, to the wonderfully sociable lounge and bar area, all areas are designed as much for intimacy and solitude, as they are for convivial gatherings. Scrumptious
all meals are prepared using only fresh
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ingredients sourced from the local markets. The menus for breakfast to the buffet lunch to the al la carte or buffet-style dinner are meticulously researched and selected, so guests enjoy only the finest five star fare, the finest wines and the finest ambiance. The Chobe Princess Safari boats are more intimate, with enormous flexibility of itinerary. Each Safari boat has four large stylishly furbished double/twin cabins, with a large sliding window on to the changing landscapes. The cabins also have en-suite bathrooms, fitted with a modern shower, toilet and hand basin. Unlike the Zambezi Queen, these smaller Safari boats travel a distance of around 50 kilometres along the Chobe River, and guests have all amenities on board to make this a luxurious and entirely unique and personalised safari. This is Life with a capital L. Worldclass sophistication in one of the most remote locations on earth.
Contact: info@zambeziqueen.com Tel: +27 (0)21 715 2412 www.mantiscollection.com www.zqcollection.com
| 121
TO BE AT THE HEART OF 25 YEARS OF THE NATION’S PROGRESS We are happy to join the rest of Namibia in celebrating 25 years of a nation unlocking the sparkle of freedom. Shine on Namibia. DEBMARINE NAMIBIA Namdeb Centre 10 Dr Frans Indongo Street P.O. Box 23016 Windhoek, Namibia Tel: + 264 61 297 8000, Fax: + 264 61 2978100
96 |
| 113
Trip Travel assists any company with meeting, conference and incentive needs. We offer creative, innovative and personalised itineraries and incentives for rewarding clients or staff members.
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Trip Travel American Express
Your leading travel management company in Namibia. For a comprehensive presentation contact: Herbert Burmeister on +264 61 285 5700 or email herbert@trip.com.na
Independently owned and operated by Trip Travel (Pty) Ltd | 113
Lane Splitter: Futuristic car that splits into motorcycles
source: www.tuvie.com
left and right to turn it, and also balance it with your legs as you ride. However, you don’t need to balance a car since it
Mark Wilson of Fast Company has a cool (or crazy) idea
uses four wheels and stays flat at all times. Keeping this in
about a futuristic car with the ability to split into two
mind, Walter’s vision was a hub less steering mechanism for
motorcycles. Argodesign has done a great job in visualizing
the car mode with a range of motion of about 35-degrees.
this futuristic idea into something tangible and beautiful.
It gives this vehicle an ability to turn, while fat tyres keep
Called a Lane Splitter, this futuristic vehicle is an all-electric
surface contact with the ground, but each wheel has the
vehicle that splits into two closed-top motorcycles when
ability to tilt on its side just like a motorcycle wheel. When
needs be. As a car, it might not look really cool, but when
in motorcycle mode, the front wheel splits into two so as
it transforms into two personal urban motorcycles, it looks
to widen the motorcycle’s posture, thus providing extra
kinda stylish.
stability for the pod. Smart isn’t it?
This project was lead by Chipp Walters, who had designed several projects for NASA in the 80’s and 90’s. As you can see here, he has turned something from an idea and sketches into something realistic enough that people might buy. This innovative car embraces asymmetry, where the motorcycles could be flat on the inside but curved on the outside. It features safe locking mechanisms that attach the vehicles near to the bottom of the frame. The equipped auto parking system, like some smart cars have today, can guide these motorcycles to park while docking together. There are two different ways in handling this when motorcycles versus cars. With a motorcycle, you can tilt it
126 |
Designer : Nathan Dearsley
Blanket for Airlines : a wearable blanket
free. The blanket would stay in place at all time, especially
This is a cozy and comfy
when you are sleeping.
blanket to wear when you
You can eat and read
are on a plane. Blanket for
comfortably without having
airlines is a project to bring
to hold the blanket in place
passengers an easy to wear
with one hand, passengers
blanket. Instead of just square
would have an even more
shaped fabric, this blanket
comfortable flight all the
features sewing rings for head
way to their destination.
and hands; in this way, you can enjoy a warm and cozy
Designers: Gal Bulka and
cover while your hands are
Idan Noyberg
Qlocktwo Watch : time in words by Biegert & Funk The company says that QlockTwo Watch is the world’s first wristwatch in words; well, perhaps they haven’t heard about Tokyoflash Kisai Kaidoku LCD watch. Similar to Tokyoflash, QlockTwo features a grid of 110 letters where words will light up in unexpected places to describe the time when the stainless steel button is pressed. It is an easy to read watch with a unique display. There are two options: natural brushed stainless steel or black with leather or natural rubber strap.
Turing Phone by Turing Robotic Industries
Designer: Adin Mumma
Turing Phone is an innovative liquid metal phone from Turing Robotics Industries. It’s a revolutionary phone that redefines phone engineering while creating a way for trustworthy communication. Built with a material called Liquidmorphium, it’s an amorphous “liquid metal” alloy that is tougher than titanium or steel, a first ever smartphone that uses a liquid metal case, move away iPhone! Supporting Android OS, you won’t have to deal with “Bendgate” with this phone. It features a sleek look with minimalist design. Aside from being sturdy, this phone is coated inside and out with a nanoparticle treatment that makes it waterproof. Turing Phone boasts 5.5-inch full HD display, Chipset MSM8974AC Quad Krait 2.5GHz, 3GB RAM, 16GB/64GB/128GB storage, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, TuringUnique-Identification X-RFID. The battery is un-removable (unfortunately), but this cell phone is still at a prototype stage, let’s wait and see what the final product looks like.
From: Turing Robotic Industries
| 127
Elegant and classy Wobble Chess Set It would be hard not to brag when you own this gorgeous Wobble Chess Set. You can place it in the living room, or any room for that matter, it will be the focal point that draws everyone’s attention. This chess set features a concave landscape that helps stabilize the freely trembling chess pieces. A chess game becomes more enjoyable to watch with this live interaction between each piece and the board. Designed by Adin Mumma, this chess set design has won an Award of Merit from the How Magazine International Design Award competition. It is a perfect lover. It has an
Corkcicle Arctican stainless steel can cooler, keeps your beverage can cool up to 3 hours
elegant and classy
Do you want to enjoy a cold can of beer on the go? Corkcicle
design. You might
Arctican Stainless Steel Can Cooler allows you to easily do that.
think this gift is a bit pricey at US$250, but this game set
It is a can cooler that keeps your 12oz /350ml can cold for up
is extremely well-made and you get what you pay for.
to 3 hours. From the same company that released the Corkcicle
Even those who do not play chess will love to watch you
beer chiller, this little tool is three times colder and three
moving each piece on a board that wiggles and wobbles.
times longer than the average Koozie (a thermal insulation
gift for any chess
material). It also keeps your hand from getting cold. The main
Designer: Adin Mumma
component that keeps this cooler working is the cooling core. You need to freeze it, twist it on, and attach it to the arctican. On a hot summer day, you do not have to deal with lukewarm drinks or sweaty cans anymore. Even when the core is no longer cold, the insulation sleeves would still keep it cool. Its sleek modern design makes you look pretty cool when holding it and the matte stainless steel material feels good in your hand.
From: Corkcicle
Mobiado m|Cube luxury charger stand is made of glass cube
m|CUBE is compatible with the Professional 3, Grand Touch, and
The Mobiado m|CUBE is a
Grand Touch Executive lines and is
revolutionary new approach for a
available in Black, Black Satin, Silver,
charger stand. Made as a perfect
Gold Guilloche, and
glass cube with a metallic centre,
Gold Matte.
the patented design holds the phone in a unique levitated position. The
128 |
Designer: Mobiado
Bolt M-1 Electric Bike: riding uphill is as easy as downhill
electric bike can be connected to your
M-1. No need to pedal, just feel the
smart phone, where you are able to
wind on your face, and the quiet.
The Bolt M-1 Electric Bike brings the
wirelessly unlock the bike, check your
joy of 2-wheels in this digital era.
range, and other essential data.
It’s an electric bike with pedals, but
Inspired by his moped when he
Since it’s an electric bike, it doesn’t need any gas or oil. It features two modes: economy and sport modes. You
pedalling is not really required to get
first moved to San Francisco, Nate
can reach a top speed of 20MPH and
to your destination. Once you have
Jauvtis, the founder of Bolt Motorbikes,
a range of 50 miles in economy mode
ridden a motorcycle or a scooter, you
realised that using his moped was the
and a top speed of 40MPH and a range
will get the idea. But this time, imagine
best way to get around the city. Having
of 30 miles in sport mode. This electric
all the torque you will need right off
ridden a bike before, most of you have
bike is password protected to prevent
the line. You don’t have to deal with
felt how awesome it is to go downhill,
thieves from stealing it.
clutches or gears to shift, and you’ll
but now imagine that you can feel the
also enjoy a super quiet ride. This
same when going uphill on the Bolt
From: Bolt Motorbikes
Paralo PLAY VR Headset Virtual reality headsets are super cool, they turn ordinary games and movies into a totally immersive 3D experience. But most are either too bulky to carry around, or way too expensive. So we decided to make the excitement of virtual reality accessible to everyone! Introducing PLAY, which is the first truly affordable VR headset. Designed from a single piece of durable silicone, its ergonomic shape makes it ultra comfortable to wear and take anywhere. Just download a VR app, slide your smart phone in and GO! Now you have a front row seat to some of the hottest VR games and experiences! PLAY is compatible with iOS and Android. This is a designer’s vision of an affordable Virtual Reality headset.
Designer: Chengtao Yi
| 129
Micro Drone 3.0
a modular gadget, this drone
Vernon Kerswell has
is expandable to fit your
released a crowd-funding
needs, that is why it is perfect
campaign for his latest
for everyone, whether you
project: Micro Drone 3.0.
use it as a hobby toy or as a
of 45mph. You can get live
to carry the main controller
It is a tiny drone that fits
video enthusiast, this flying
streaming video to your smart
around. The intelligent motion
inside your palm.
gadget will not disappoint
phone from the camera that
sensors allow Micro Drone
Do not underestimate
you. You can expand the
shoots 720Ă—1280 HD video
3.0 to fly and hover in perfect
the size, this drone is smart
capability of this drone as
at 30 frames per second.
straight lines, thus, giving you
and capable to stream HD
your skill levels grow.
According to HobbyDose,
great focus when filming and
you have full control function
less worry in controlling the drone.
footage to your smart device
The sensor-assisted flying
thanks to a micro-gimbal that
technology gives this drone
from the combination of
constantly sends you live
a stable flight even when
companion apps and your
streaming video. Designed as
the wind blows at a speed
smart phone, you do not have
Xbox Elite wireless controller features faceted d-pad and rubberised grip
Designer: Vernon Kerswell
that suits you best. Some players love these paddles, as they can give your fingers more control. You can execute
In October 2015, Xbox will launch Xbox Elite Wireless
devastating moves with more efficient control. Download the
Controller. Designed in collaboration with pro-level game
custom app to assign a wide range of inputs for each paddle.
players, this device unlocks your full potential by adapting to
You are allowed to create as many controller profiles as you like
your unique style of play. It is a performance-class controller
in the app. It allows you to tailor settings for different games.
which meets today’s competitive gamers. Explore game-
The rubberized diamond grip provides you with a
changing accuracy, faster speed, and it is tailored made to
more substantial feel, while giving better stability. The
make you feel like you’ve never felt before. You can swap
enhanced grip allows you to hold the controller with less
between a variety of metal thumbsticks and D-pads (included
effort, allowing you to play longer with more comfort.
in the box) for more personalized control and ergonomics.
Each controller comes with a carrying case. Inside, you will
Game players have their own gaming styles, using this
find a variety of interchangeable components namely the
controller, they can improve their speed, accuracy, and reach,
main controller, a set of four paddles, six thumbsticks, two
thanks to thumbsticks of different shapes and sizes. Xbox Elite
D-pads, USB cable, AA batteries, and product manual.
Wireless Controller adapts to different hand sizes for better control, whether you play racing, fighting, FPS, or any other genres. If you pay close attention, you will notice that Xbox Elite features a faceted D-pad. It has been designed to allow an easier and more reliable combo execution. However, the traditional D-pad would offer you precise control to change weapons or call in a strike. There are four slots for interchangeable paddles. You can easily attach or remove them without additional tools. You can choose to attach some or even all of the paddles. You are free to configure the controller
130 |
From : Xbox
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84 |
| 131
Highhumour I
f you’re not familiar with the work of Steven Wright, he’s the famous erudite scientist who once said: “I woke up one morning, and all of my stuff had been stolen and replaced by exact duplicates.” His mind sees things differently than most of us do, to our amazement and amusement. Here are some of his gems:
1 - Borrow money from pessimists - they don’t expect it back.
2 - Half the people you know are below average. 3 - 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name. 4 - 82.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot. 5 - A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good. 6 - A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. 7 - If you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain. 8 - All those who believe in psychokinesis, raise my hand. 9 - The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. 10 - I almost had a psychic girlfriend, but she left me before we met. 11 - OK, so what’s the speed of dark? 12 - How can you tell when you’re out of invisible ink? 132 |
13 - I’d kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.
14 - If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
15 - My mechanic told me, “I couldn’t repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.”
Mail your submission to humor@media-namibia.com and you might become our latest high altitude joker.
16 - When everything seems to be coming your way, maybe you’re in the wrong lane.
23 - What happens if you get scared half to death...
17 - Hard work pays off in the future,
24 - Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?
laziness pays off now.
18 - I intend to live forever... so far, so good.
25 - If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
19 - If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
20 - To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.
26 - A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking. 27 - Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.
21 - Ambition is a poor excuse for not being smart enough to be lazy.
22 - Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
28 - The hardness of the butter is proportional to the softness of the bread.
29 - The sooner you fall behind, the more time you’ll have to catch up.
30 - Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don’t have film.
31 - If your car could travel at the speed of light, would your headlights work?
32 - Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines.
| 133
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Good business is good for development.
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Š 2015 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. In this document, PwC refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers Namibia, which is a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity.
| 113
Schedule 06 September to 24 October 2015 (All time local) Note: check-in time should be two hours before departure.
International Flight No
SW 286
SW 286/ 703
Cape Town (via Windhoek)
SW 286/ 723
Johannesburg (via Windhoek)
SW 285
Regional Flight No
SW 702
Cape Town
SW 704
Cape Town
SW 704
Cape Town
Frankfurt (via Windhoek)
SW 714
Cape Town
Walvis Bay
SW 373
Mon, Fri
SW 413
Wed, Sun
SW 413
Windhoek ( via Lusaka)
Wed, Sun
SW 722
SW 724
SW 728
SW 724
Frankfurt (via Windhoek)
SW 730
Walvis Bay
SW 304
SW 373
Mon, Fri
SW 373
Windhoek (via Harare)
Mon, Fri
SW 413
Wed, Sun
SW 403
Windhoek (via Victoria falls)
Mon, Wed
SW 405
Fri, Sun
SW 403
Victoria Falls
Mon, Wed
SW 405
Victoria Falls
Windhoek (via Maun)
Fri, Sun
SW 303
SW 373
Mon, Fri
SW 373
Harare (via Lusaka)
Mon, Fri
SW 403
Mon, Wed
SW 403
Victoria Falls (via Maun)
Mon, Wed
SW 405
Victoria Falls
Fri, Sun
SW 413
Lusaka (via Harare)
Wed, Sun
SW 413
Wed, Sun
SW 701
Cape Town
Mon, Fri
SW 703
Cape Town
Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat, Sun
SW 709
Cape Town
SW 723
Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
SW 723
SW 727 22 |
Regional Flight No
SW 729
SW 713 Flight SW 737No
Walvis Bay From Bay Walvis
Cape Town To Johannesburg
SW 729
SW 713
Walvis Bay
Cape Town
SW 737
Walvis Bay
Flight No
SW 101
Daily Days Daily
13:45 Arrival 19:40
11:35 Departure 17:25 17:35
Daily Days Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun
Tue, Thu
19:20 19:40
SW 103
Flight SW 107No
From Eros
To Ondangwa
DaysTue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun Mon,
SW 105 101 SW
Eros Eros
Ondangwa Ondangwa
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun Sat
07:00 15:55
08:05 17:00
SW 125 103 SW
Eros Mulilo Katima
Ondangwa Eros
Tue, Fri Thu Mon,
11:00 13:35
12:05 15:15
SW 127 107
Eros Mulilo Katima
Ondangwa Rundu
Mon,Sun Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun Wed,
17:00 12:40
18:05 13:40
105 SW 127
Eros Mulilo Katima
Ondangwa Eros (via Rundu)
Sat Sun Wed,
15:55 12:40
17:00 15:15
125 SW 143
Katima Mulilo Luderitz
Eros Oranjemund
Mon,FriFri Mon,
13:35 11:10
15:15 12:00
127 SW 143
Katima Mulilo Luderitz
Rundu ( via Oranjemund) Windhoek
Wed,Fri Sun Mon,
12:40 11:10
13:40 13:45
127 SW 145
Katima Mulilo Luderitz
Eros (via Rundu) Windhoek
Wed,Sun Sun Wed,
12:40 12:45
15:15 13:45
143 SW 125
Luderitz Rundu
Oranjemund Katima Mulilo
Mon,FriFri Mon,
11:10 11:50
12:00 12:50
143 SW 125
Luderitz Rundu
Windhoek ( via Oranjemund) Eros (via Katima Mulilo)
Mon,FriFri Mon,
11:10 11:50
13:45 15:15
145 SW 127
Luderitz Rundu
Windhoek Eros
Wed,Sun Sun Wed,
12:45 14:00
13:45 15:15
SW 143 125
Oranjemund Rundu
Windhoek Katima Mulilo
Mon, Mon,FriFri
12:30 11:50
13:45 12:50
SW 145 125
Oranjemund Rundu
Luderitz Eros (via Katima Mulilo)
Wed, Mon,Sun Fri
11:25 11:50
12:15 15:15
SW 145 127
Oranjemund Rundu
Windhoek (via Luderitz ) Eros
Wed, Wed,Sun Sun
11:25 14:00
13:45 15:15
SW 102 143
Ondangwa Oranjemund
Eros Windhoek
Mon, Mon,Tue, Fri Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun
08:35 12:30
09:40 13:45
SW 104 145
Ondangwa Oranjemund
Eros Luderitz
Tue, Thu, Wed, Sun
12:35 11:25
13:40 12:15
SW 108 145
Ondangwa Oranjemund
Eros Windhoek (via Luderitz )
Mon, Wed,Tue, SunWed, Thu, Fri, Sun
18:35 11:25
19:40 13:45
SW 106 102
Ondangwa Ondangwa
Eros Eros
Sat Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun
17:35 08:35
18:40 09:40
SW SW 125 104
Eros Ondangwa
Rundu Eros
Mon, Tue, Fri Thu,
10:15 12:35
11:30 13:40
SW SW 125 108
Eros Ondangwa
Katima Eros Mulilo (via Rundu)
Mon, Mon,FriTue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun
10:15 18:35
12:50 19:40
SW SW 127 106
Eros Ondangwa
Katima Eros
Wed, Sat Sun
10:15 17:35
11:55 18:40
SW SW 127 125
Eros Eros
Rundu Rundu(via Katima Mulilo)
Wed, Mon,Sun Fri
10:15 10:15
13:40 11:30
SW SW 143 125
Windhoek Eros
Luderitz Katima Mulilo (via Rundu)
Mon, Mon,Fri Fri
09:50 10:15
10:50 12:50
SW SW 143 127 SW SW 145 127
Windhoek Eros Windhoek Eros
Oranjemund (via Luderitz) Katima Oranjemund Rundu (via Katima Mulilo)
Mon, Wed,Fri Sun Wed, Wed,Sun Sun
09:50 10:15 09:50 10:15
12:00 11:55 11:05 13:40
SW SW 145 143 SW 165 SW 143
Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek
Luderitz Luderitz( via Oranjemund) Walvis Bay Oranjemund (via Luderitz)
Wed, Mon,Sun Fri Tue, Thu, Mon, Fri Fri, Sun
09:50 09:50 11:10 09:50
12:15 10:50 11:50 12:00
SW SW 165 145 SW 167 SW 145
Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek
Walvis Bay Oranjemund Walvis Bay( via Oranjemund) Luderitz
Sat Wed, Sun Mon, Wed,Wed Sun
10:00 09:50 14:55 09:50
10:40 11:05 15:35 12:15
SW SW 166 165 SW 168 SW 165
Walvis Bay Windhoek Walvis Bay Windhoek
Windhoek Walvis Bay Windhoek Walvis Bay
Tue, Tue,thu, Thu,Fri, Fri,Sat, SunSun Mon, Wed Sat
13:20 11:10 16:05 10:00
14:00 11:50 16:45 10:40
SW 167
Walvis Bay
Mon, Wed
SW 166
Walvis Bay
Tue, thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
SW 168
Walvis Bay
Mon, Wed
Departure 17:00
Arrival 18:05
Winner of the 2014 Feather Award - Best Regional Airline operating into and from O. R. Tambo International airport for the 8th time since 2004 At Air Namibia we are on this quest to continue serving our purpose of providing the best air transport services in the safest manner, with consistency and reliability.
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At Air Namibia we are on this quest to continue serving our purpose of providing the best air transport services in the safest manner, with consistency and reliability.
PASSENGER’S AIRPORT TAX Great flights begin at well-maintained airports; in terms of service delivery, superior facilities, and memorable experiences. In Namibia, Airports are run and maintained by the Namibia Airports Company (NAC), a State-Owned Entity (SOE) formed in 1998 by Act of Government (Act 25 of 1998). The NAC provides airport infrastructure, amenities, and facilitates airport services for domestic and international airlines and passengers. In fulfilling its mandate, the NAC ensures that airport infrastructure and safety and security equipment are well maintained and meet world-class standards. Airports under the NAC are: Hosea Kutako Airport, Eros Airport, Walvis Bay Airport, Luderitz Airport, Keetmanshoop Airport, Ondangwa Airport, Rundu Airport and Katima Mulilo Airport.
WHAT PORTION OF AN AIR TICKET’S PRICE IS PAYABLE TO NAC? In line with NAC Tariff Publication 2015/2016 the following VAT inclusive tariffs currently will apply at the airports/aerodromes under the NAC’s management:
Description International passengers
WHAT IS AIRPORT/PASSENGER TAX? Airport tax, as it appears on return or one way flight tickets, refers to the fee charged to departing passengers. When you buy your flight ticket (whether directly from the airline, or as part of a holiday package), a portion of the total cost for the ticket is for airport taxes. This service fee is in line with Section 5 (1) of the Airports Company Act 25 of 1998.
“How airport tax is shown on a ticket”
Value Added Taxation (VAT)
NAC tariff including VAT 2015/2016
N$ 410.69
N$ 410.69
N$ 237.66
N$ 237.66
Regional passengers (Passengers departing on an aircraft whose final destination is an airport within Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa or Swaziland)
Domestic passengers
HOW DOES NAC GENERATE MONEY TO MAINTAIN AIRPORTS? The NAC generates revenue via airport tax fees charged to the different publics – such as airport tax payable by departing and arriving passengers who use their services.
NAC tariff excluding VAT 2015/2016
N$ 107.45
N$ 16.12
N$ 123.57
All passenger service charges for foreign-bound flights are zero-rated for VAT administration purposes.
WHO REGULATES/CONTROLS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AIRPORT TAXES IN NAMIBIA? The charging of these fees is regulated in compliance with ICAO Doc 9562. In Namibia, the NAC, in compliance with Doc 9562 and its mandate per the Airports Company Act. Both these statutory documents regulate and control the continued implementation, review and collection of these fees. HOW REGULARLY IS AIRPORT TAXES REVIEWED AND BY WHOM? The NAC reviews the charges in consultation with the Board of Airline Representatives (BAR), who represents the airlines, and aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), who represents general aviation operators. This review is conducted annually or as decided by the relevant parties in order for the fees to remain commensurate with ever escalating operational and other costs. Since inception NAC has over the years invested billions of dollars into its key capital projects to improve amongst others; runways and terminal facilities at its various airports.
WHAT ARE AIRPORT TAXES USED FOR? Airport tax is one of the key revenue streams of any airport and is levied on passengers to recover the cost of running and for the up keep of passenger terminal facilities that are dedicated to passenger services, including the costs of security services attributable thereto (unless security services are charged for separately), and the cost of ground handling facilities and services attributable to passenger arrivals and departures.
In line with its mission and vision , the NAC ensures that every experience at landing and departure is of world - class standard and airport taxes play an integral part in making it all possible.
We hope we have answered your questions. If you have any more questions or comments about our airports feel free to contact us: Namibia Airports Company 154 Independence Avenue, Sanlam Centre, 5th Floor PO Box 23061 Windhoek, Namibia Tel: +264 (0) 61 295 5127 Fax: +264 (0) 61 295 5022 E-mail: pr@airports.com.na
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N$699 p/m
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