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Hotel Information Systems

FAQ Hotel Information Systems

WHAT MAKES A GOOD SYSTEM? Simply speaking, a good system should be tailored to the specifi c requirements of a hotel - this tends to refl ect the size, scope and star-rating of the property.

Whilst systems come in all shapes and sizes, a few common rules do exist. Think about: • Simple and intuitive – Easily navigable menus and logical pathways are key. Can BBC One be located quickly? How easy is it to cast content on the TV? A clear, intuitive menu system is the defi ning feature of a quality platform. • Quick and responsive – Isn’t it frustrating when your smartphone is old and sluggish? Well, the same applies to a hotel information system. The user experience should be slick and responsive (gone are the days when a two-second wait for a page change is acceptable). • Convenient – A good system should o er a quick, seamless method of updating content, allowing regular, hassle-free information updates. • Flexible – The best systems o er the designer a “blank canvas” to create exciting, bespoke designs that conform to a hotel’s branding and provide wow factor. Whilst template-based systems do have a place, they can be restrictive and less visually appealing. • Upgradeable – Things change, times move on. Don’t be stuck with a system that can’t be amended without considerable resource and expense. The best platforms are future-proof, easily updated and provide regular (FOC) software updates and new features. • Design – Whilst user experience is critical, fi rst impressions count. A thoughtful, professional design elevates a system. • Price – Of course, price will vary considerably alongside the complexity of a system but the hard and fast rule is: don’t pay for features you don’t need! WHAT’S A HOTEL INFORMATION SYSTEM?

Hotel Information Systems deliver interactive services and additional features to the guest-room TV.

Systems range from simple splash screens (using text and images to welcome a guest) to feature-rich, sophisticated interfaces that can communicate with a hotel’s management system.

Fully customisable and remotely managed, well-designed systems enhance the guest experience, improve operational e ciency and provide additional revenue streams.

I WANT AN INFORMATION SYSTEM, BUT DON’T HAVE SMART TVS You don’t need SMART TVs; a number of platforms can run on existing RF infrastructure (also known as coaxial cabling) or can be implemented via external hardware.

It’s also possible to run a SMART TV system via coaxial using DOCSIS (data over cable service interface specifi cation) technology - particularly useful for hotels that want SMART functionality but can’t sanction costly/disruptive cabling upgrades. I CAN’T AFFORD AN INFORMATION SYSTEM Entry-level systems can be surprisingly a ordable, have you considered a simple welcome screen with a branded image? this type of solution is especially suitable for small, boutique hotels and B&Bs.

It’s also worth considering return on investment potential; room service, spa bookings, video-on-demand movies, local services advertising – just a few examples of potential revenue streams that a welldesigned system can provide.

Still unsure? How about investigating Airwave sister company, Switchsure’s, fi nance and leasing packages? (for more details, get in touch: info@airwave.tv) allowing cost to be spread over a fi xed-term contract?

I JUST WANT SOMETHING CHEAP AND SIMPLE Absolutely! Sometimes a simple, branded welcome screen with an image or logo and text is all that’s needed.

It’s worth noting that a system can be designed, implemented, and then (remotely) enhanced or redesigned at a later date if required (every sell is future-proof in this sense). This allows a hotel to ‘go small’ initially and then upgrade if and when necessary.

system that Airwave

HOW CAN AIRWAVE HELP? Airwave’s team of content engineers design, deploy and manage most leading information systems, including: Otrum Enterprise, CTRL & Start, AirMedia RF & IP, Samsung REACH, Philips CMND and LG Pro:Centric.

Whilst the choice may seem overwhelming, each platform o ers similar features and functionality. We fi nd that fi nal purchasing decisions are often made as a matter of personal taste, based on the ‘look and feel’ of a system. However, rest assured, Airwave is here to advise, demonstrate and guide you. Why not get in touch for an exploratory chat or online demo?

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