The Big Picture 2023

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Is there a sense of irony in a technology company producing a paper-based publication in today’s digital world? Maybe so, but isn’t it a nice change to flick through the pages of a glossy magazine? A tangible reference point, sitting alluringly on your desk, available to browse at a moment’s notice…

Of course, as with most things in life, there are pros and cons. And one of analogue media’s obvious shortcomings is a finite amount of space.

It’s becoming increasingly di cult to summarise Airwave’s year within the shackles of 32 pages - especially as we endeavour to include as varied an overview as possible.

This year, amidst the hustle and bustle of the last 12 months, an obvious theme presents itself in the form of travel.

In line with our ever-growing presence on the continent, we explore a few of the projects that put the ‘Europe’ into Airwave Europe. We travel north of the border to stunning Scotland, and pop to an assortment of towns and cities across England’s many nooks and crannies.

I hope you enjoy the journey, as much as the read.


…not the 90’s Keanu Reeves & Sandra Bullock classic, but a notably common theme across the last few Big Picture publications.

Fuelled by IoT and a proliferation of streaming services & OTT content, the pace of evolution within hospitality technology has been relentless, (at the time of writing, Speed, was available to watch on Disney+, Amazon Prime, Sky, Apple TV, Google Play and Rakuten TV).

However in 2020, Covid-19 presented itself as a metaphorical bomb on a bus, threatening not just the pace of hospitality tech’s evolution, but the very future of the hospitality sector.

Big Picture 2021 was released in the throng of fear, uncertainty and craziness, yet 12 months later, the 2022 edition spoke of optimism, recovery and Covid-19’s catalyst for positive change - expediting the adoption of technology in our sector.

The speed theme continues in 2023’s publication, and thankfully, we’re still whizzing along at somewhere above 50 mph


Naturally, Covid-19 triggered a significant uplift in demand for infection control


06 David Fogelman, CEO 07 Airwave at Work 08 Airwave at Work - Philips Displays 09 Chromecast for Hotels 10 Guest Entertainment Systems FAQ 12 Techlive International 14 Airwave at Work, Serviced Apartments 16 Airwave at Work

18 Airwave Europe in Europe 20 Hospitality Software Solutions 22 Sky - Hotel TV Insights 23 Airwave in Scotland 24 Airwave at Work, LG Electronics 26 Airwave Healthcare 28 PPDS 30 Samsung Display Solutions

technology in the hospitality industry. Having sold many thousands of wipe-clean remote controls and antimicrobrial displays into the healthcare sector, infection control was nothing especially new for Airwave.

However, a drive to reduce the number of physical touchpoints within the hotel, has resulted in a spike in demand of our

bread-and-butter product - the guestroom entertainment system (GRE). Also known as a hotel information system, the GRE negates the need for paper-based information manuals, instead holding information in a series of on-screen pages.

The GRE also creates a vehicle for health & safety messaging. Indeed,

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Airwave implemented a multitude of ‘Covid-19’ pages within our systems, allowing properties to use their estate of TVs to send infection control policy and H&S protocol to every guestroom. We covered a hotel’s public areas via the design and deployment of digital signage systems – creating further uplift in demand in this area of our product portfolio.


Here we start to see Covid-19’s role as a catalyst for change. As hoteliers ticked the infection control box, they soon realised that technology bought to mitigate the spread of infection, could also provide additional revenue streams.

Eureka moments filled hotels from Pitlochry to Penzance as technology’s multifaceted role in the provision of a better guest experience was realised.

Digital signage displays and GRE’s were increasingly used for promotional messaging, and the operational benefits of the technology assumed real value in line with growing worker shortages in the hospitality industry.


A recent government publication (1) highlighted this stark decline; from January-March 2020 to OctoberDecember 2021, workers in the sector fell by 90,000. In the 3 months prior to February 2022, there were 166,000 job vacancies in the hospitality sector - a staggering 8% of all available positions.

Exacerbating the issue is consultancy firm Oxford Economics’ forecast that the hospitality & leisure sectors are expected to be the fastest growing parts of the economy over the next 5 years.

So, is technology the answer?

‘Yes’ according to respondents of the Transforming The Employee Experience In Hospitality survey (2), 90% of who feel ‘technology is needed to improve the workplace.’

The Mercantile Hotel in New Orleans agrees, ‘employing’ Suga, the robot butler who cheerfully assists with all sorts of tasks, such as room service requests and even the mixing of drinks!

Suga is diligent, obedient, and unlikely to pull a sickie, but let’s be honest, isn’t really a credible solution for the UK’s sta ng issues (at least not for a number of years). However, realistic or unrealistic, it’s clear that technology will play a critical role in hospitality’s future.


If Covid-19 has expedited tech adoption, now seems like a good time to invest in a new system, right?

Well, that’s the million-dollar question. Now is a good time to invest, but we often see hoteliers delaying purchasing

decisions, worried that ‘tomorrow’s technology will be more sophisticated.’

The science behind this thinking becomes increasingly tenuous as each year passes, with smart technology and IOT to a large extent, future-proofing today’s systems.

We’re even seeing a saturation point in the aesthetics of TV hardware – with chunky bezels and cumbersome fascias, long since a thing of the past.

Perhaps most pertinent, if a hotel indefinitely hangs on for ‘better tech,’ what’s happening to the guest experience in the meantime?

We can categorically tell you - it’s su ering! Any hotel that isn’t providing a credible guestroom entertainment experience, is a hotel that isn’t competing.

So, invest smart. Quite literally. Airwave is on hand to guide you through this process, making sure you invest in technology that can be updated and upgraded on an ongoing basis, o ering new features and improved performance (this is a particular strength of the increasingly prominent cloud-based system).


For the ultra-cautious amongst us, it’s worth considering leasing.

Airwave sister company, Switchsure, o er finance & leasing packages that essentially de-risk technological obsolescence, allowing the upgrading or refurbishment of systems as and when required.

And of course, without the financial headache of capital expenditure to worry about, hotels can obtain systems, previously una ordable on a capex basis.


So, bullet bitten, payment plan in place, now’s the right time to choose your TV system.

But there’s so much to think about, how do I choose the right system? Well, we covered this in last year’s publication

(if you missed it, check out the TV TIPS QR code) but will reiterate what we feel are the two most important considerations:

First things first, choose a hotel TV, not its slightly cheaper domestic equivalent. You may save a few pennies if you buy from an etailer, but you’re immediately voiding the warranty (which doesn’t cover use in a commercial environment), exposing guests to security concern and allowing the tampering/changing of settingsbut most importantly, you’re o ering a distinctly sub-standard TV experience.


Secondly, make sure you incorporate casting functionality on your guestroom TVs.

As if by magic, (hospitality certified) Google Chromecast (see page 9 for more details) turns the humble TV into an entertainment platform that can single- 4 01403 783483

handedly occupy your guest for hours. The term revolutionary is perhaps over-used in the technology environment, but in Chromecast’s case, it’s hammer on nail.

Gone are the days when guestroom entertainment means an expensive and clumsy VOD system, costly for both guest and hotel - and still fairly restrictive in terms of the amount of content on o er.

Chromecast o ers access to 1,000+ apps, including most free and subscription-based streaming services. This essentially provides an infinite amount of content, and in turn, the much soughtafter home from home experience.

So, get Chromecast! And if you needed any more persuading:

Facilitated by the 80% of UK households with internet connected TVs, we’re now spending nearly a third of our waking hours watching TV and online video content, and viewing of subscription VOD (SVoD) services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime almost doubled in 2020 (3)

Compelling evidence that Chromecast joins beds and showers in the guestroom list of must haves, agreed?


We champion Chromecast in the hotel room, but also advise our customers to not put all their eggs in one basket.

In a 2022 world that champions inclusivity and becomes increasingly cognisant of exclusion and marginalisation in society, this must be reflected in the hotel room.

Chromecast ticks a box for the majority guests, but as much as we would love it to be, it’s not an all-encompassing solution.

There is still demand for a premium content o ering (such as Sky) in the guestroom, and many still enjoy (and expect) the romance of the traditional hotel VOD system (see page 12 for details of Airtime’s cloudbased movie streaming APP).

Perhaps most importantly, a hotel needs to complement Chromecast with a credible line-up of terrestrial TV channels, satisfying those that – perish the thought - just like to watch terrestrial TV. This might include elderly guests, or simply those that aren’t tech savvy.


A hotel must get its terrestrial TV o ering right. This should incorporate a curated channel line-up (does your guest really want to scroll through 15 shopping stations?), including all key channels, positioned logically and with crystal clear picture quality.

And if we’re talking inclusivity, let’s not forget about the 40 million overseas tourists that frequent the UK’s shores each year.

Especially important in London, city centres, and the serviced apartment sector,

international channels o er entertainment options and a home from home experience for the UK’s influx of foreign visitors.

And as broadcasting companies increasingly adopt streaming ( opposed to satellite delivery platforms, international content is becoming more cost e cient, and quicker and easier to deliver. Indeed, depending on a hotel’s existing infrastructure, the implementation of international channels can, theoretically, be deployed in a matter of minutes.

This o ers hotels flexibility - got an influx of Chinese tourists arriving next week? Why not stick China Central Television on your channel line-up?

For service-orientated hotels looking for real wow factor, channel-line ups can be tailored to each guest room. Japanese guest in room 200? lead your channel-lineup with JSTV. French guests in room 201? not a problem, France 24 to the rescue!

Naturally, there’s an element of resource involved with this initiative, but nothing overly onerous, especially in view of the net result – a very happy guest, whose expectations have been well exceeded.


Inclusivity. We’ve covered most angles and talked about technology solutions that cater for di erent demographics. But what about lazy people? It’s not big news that people can be idle, especially in a hotel environment

With this in mind, does your hotel cater for lazy guests?!


Making life easier, perhaps technology’s defining purpose, and few innovations have better suited the lazy person, than the voice assistant. Those that have spent any length of time in the company of Siri, Alexa or Google Home, will agree.

No longer do we need to raise a wrist to tell the time, or move a muscle to change the channel. So, If a hotel wants to cater for lazy guests, surely voice tech is the next big thing?

Previously, we haven’t advocated voice technology in the hotel room, not convinced with the relative infancy of the platform and hit and miss NLU (naturallanguage understanding) rendering the technology more miss than hit.

However, in last year’s Big Picture, we spoke about the advancements in NLU, AI and speech recognition that are making voice tech in the hotel room a very credible option.

This year, we’ve put our money where our mouth is and welcome the brilliant Aiello intelligent Voice Assistant (AIVA) to our product portfolio.

Built specifically for the hospitality industry, AIVA not only performs a series of functions to assist the lazy guest, but provides a number of operational e ciencies and additional revenue streams.

It might seem ridiculous that a guest won’t pick up the phone to order a pint of Heineken, but that’s life.


Most of what we do on a day-to-day basis is digital, but we do love putting our passion for tech on paper. We hope this shines brightly, and you enjoy the read. If you have feedback, questions or suggestions, please do feel free to get in touch – or 01403 783 483.

(1) HOUSE OF COMMONS LIBRARY, Hospitality Industry and Covid 19, Research briefing).

(2) Harri and CGA’s ‘Working in Hospitality’ survey

(3) Ofcom

Report 2021

David Fogelman, CEO


They say “time flies when you’re having fun,” and that’s certainly been the case for me as I contribute to my fifth Big Picture publication.

Five is a nice round number, and I’d plans to celebrate accordingly, writing about the ups and downs of my journey at the helm of a technology systems integrator.

Imagine my surprise when I was assertively informed that the CEO’s introduction had to be reduced to accommodate an overflow of case study material! I’ve lost 300 words and a third of a page, but am of course aware, it’s a nice problem to have.


So, I’ll save my 5-year summary for another time, and instead will (concisely) report on the successes of the last 12 months – all of which, my team and I are abundantly proud of.

There’s no better place to start than news of our award as a nominated supplier to Accor Hotels. Having been technically and commercially evaluated by the world’s 6th largest hotel chain, Airwave is privileged to become one of only two UK-based suppliers of display technology to Accor’s portfolio of 54 brands.

Naturally, I’m e ervescent with pride, what better vindication of our hard work and business scope? I look forward to

AIRWAVE at work


The 4-star Mercure Milton Keynes forms part of the brand’s 80+ estate of UK properties, situated just west of Milton Keynes’ city centre.

Featuring views over neighbouring Abbey Hill golf course, Mercure’s newly refurbished property o ers a host of amenities - modern guestrooms include AC, high speed wifi and a top draw guestroom entertainment system (GRE)naturally, provided by Airwave.

Airwave recommended 43-inch Philips HFL5114 Series hospitality TVs, wall-mounting 103 x displays in the guestrooms.

An Otrum Mirage GRE was embedded on each TV, featuring a homepage and 10 content pages - including local area information, guest services, connect your device functionality and a dedicated Netflix page, o ering quick and easy access to the popular streaming service.

Airwave also implemented a TigerTMS to Mirage interface, adding extra functionalities - such as the personalised welcoming of guests via the TV.

Finishing o the installation, 55-inch and 65-inch displays were wall-mounted in the bar and reception areas.


Launched in 2022, the Harbour Beach Club sits on South Sands Beach in Salcombe, Devon, o ering 44 individually designed rooms and 6 stunning suites, with glorious ocean views aplenty.

Featuring a beachfront restaurant, indoor pool & spa and a full programme of events, the Beach Club o ers a veritable feast of activities for its lucky guests.

The more facilities and activities o ered by a hotel, the greater the requirement for an interface to pull the information together.

In the Harbour Beach Club’s case, Otrum’s Mirage GRE o ered the perfect vehicle to do this - featuring local area information, restaurant menus, shuttle & ferry timetables and spa packages.

Of course, the trusty hotel information system isn’t just used for the dissemination of information, it also provides a handy receptacle for the provision of OTT content.

On this occasion, Airwave implemented pages containing: smart apps (including BBC iPlayer, ITV Hub, All 4 and YouTube), hospitality certified Google Chromecast and VOD APP, Airtime

In-room TV technology was housed in wall-mounted 43-inch Samsung 690 Series TVs.

increasing our footprint within brands such as Mercure, Ibis, Sofitel and Novotel.


2022 marked our 15,000th Chromecast installation, and 35,000th registration of an Otrum license. Wow! I’m confident


Described as the ‘UK’s Sexiest Townhouse Hotel’ by the Evening Standard, The Roseate Reading o ers 55 luxury bedrooms, in Reading’s city centre.

Winner of multiple travel awards, the boutique property features wide hallways, vaulted ceilings and an Italian glass bead chandelier that hangs resplendently from the top floor to the ground floor.

Facilities include a fine dining restaurant, a patisserie & boulangerie, cocktail bar, cinema, several meeting & event spaces, a spa with 3 treatment rooms, sauna, steam room and gym.

Following a TV reception equipment survey, Airwave upgraded the hotel’s reception infrastructure, improving the number and quality of available Freeview channels. These were supplemented with a full grid, multiday EPG service.

Airwave installed 50-inch Samsung ET690U Series displays, on swing brackets, to o er optimum viewing angles across the guestrooms.

Further technology implemented includes hospitality certified Google Chromecast, allowing guests to cast content from a smart device to the TV, and VOD movie app, Airtime. 6 01403 783483

that Airwave’s partnership with this brilliant software developer o ers the best guestroom entertainment & digital signage technology in the industry. Our complementary skillsets are responsible for growth that has well exceeded expectations, and we are resolute in our ambition to maintain this.

What better time to catch up with Otrum’s Executive Vice President, Nigel Bateson? - see page 20 for insight into the world of a display tech software developer.


All those that know Airwave well, understand the strategic importance of our long-standing relationship with Whitbread’s

Premier Inn chain. The e cient servicing of this 800+ estate of hotels necessitates operational infrastructure, that essentially underpins our business.

Infrastructure implemented to service Premier Inn properties from the southwest of England to the north-eastern corner of Scotland, allows us to o er quick response service and technical support to every postcode on the UK’s mainland.

The rapid expansion of Premier Inn’s portfolio in Germany presents a compelling parallel, strengthening our business scope and facilitating the delivery of hotel TV systems throughout the European continent (to find out more,

see pages 18 & 19).


I’m delighted to report that 2022 was Airwave’s busiest ever year. Driven by the relentless force of evolving technology, we installed over 30,000 displays and hundreds of TV systems across a 12-month period.

I’m resolute in my belief that Airwave’s technology and services o ering is peerless in our industry, and with the complementary skillsets of the SCCI Group of companies on the table, our future seems very bright. Here’s to the next five years, I can’t wait...



Following a £30M build, the Courtyard Exeter Sandy Park sits within Exeter’s Sandy Park complex - home to Premiership Rugby club, Exeter Chiefs.

The 8-storey property features 250 bedrooms, a glut of amenities, and a stunning glazed bridge, connecting the site to the Exeter Chiefs stadium.

In keeping with the state-of-the-art facility, Airwave implemented an Otrum Enterprise GRE, featuring a series of Marriott branded pages, smart APPs, Google Chromecast, and VOD APP, Airtime.

Airwave implemented an IPTV headend, enabling the delivery of Freeview, international channels and BT Sports, and flat-to-wall mounted 262 x 55inch Samsung ET690U Series displays.

Further displays were installed in the hotel’s public areas, meeting rooms and rugby club academy – and used to play a variety of sport (with an emphasis on rugby, of course) from BT Sports channels.

Airwave was delighted to work with Wi-Fi partner, Mikenopa, in the deployment of a Wi-Fi 5 system, providing guests with super-fast Wi-Fi, in both the guestrooms and public areas.


Founded in 1832, The City of London Club (COLC) sits amidst the skyscrapers of London’s city centre. The building’s Edwardian stone frontage juxtaposes its modern surroundings, but stands proud, exuding 200 years of history and tradition.

COLC’s TV system remit was simple: easy to use (catering for the club’s elderly demographic) and low footprint, sensitive to the aesthetics of the guestroom.

Having installed RF infrastructure, Airwave implemented an Otrum Mirage  GRE, featuring information pages, catch-up TV services, Airtime, and Chromecast.

The latter features connection instructions and a QR code, allowing a simple ‘scan’ to initiate casting.

Airwave wall mounted 32-inch Samsung ET690 series TVs. The average size of a 2022 hotel TV display is 43-inches, however 32-inches is the perfect compromise - not dominating a room, yet providing a comfortable viewing experience.

A further technique to maintain a room’s aesthetic, is to implement a mirror overlay, turning the TV into a mirror when turned o . Airwave did just this on 75-inch displays in the Prince Philip Suite and the Churchill bar.


Occupying the site of a former hat factory, Moxy Manchester City provides a heady experience for guests, in the centre of Manchester’s trendy Spinningfields district.

The hotel’s 146 bedrooms are situated over 8 floors, o ering modern tech, fast Wi-Fi, and a state-of-the-art TV entertainment system.

Airwave implemented reception equipment and an IPTV headend, supporting technology installed into guestrooms, and public areas.

Samsung ET690U Series hospitality TVs were flat-to-wall mounted, maintaining the property’s space conscious aesthetic, and an Otrum Enterprise GRE was deployed, featuring Google Chromecast.

Incorporating Otrum’s signage software as a platform, Airwave installed a 2 x 2 video wall display, using Philips X Line BDL3005 displays, and used to play terrestrial TV, premium channels (such as Sky and BT sport) and branded Moxy content.

A further 2 x 50-inch Samsung ET690U Series TVs were mounted in the work-space/meeting rooms.


Professional Display Solutions In partnership with PHILIPS


Holiday Inn London Gatwick Worth o ers convenient lodging and facilities for travellers using Gatwick airport - which sits a handy 10 minutes north of the property.

The hotel o ers 5 meeting & event rooms, an outdoor kitchen, a modern bar & brasserie and 158 stylish rooms.

Looking to upgrade the TV system in conjunction with the hotel’s refurbishment plan, Gatwick Worth enlisted Airwave’s services.

Having explored the various technology options, the hotel chose a system based on Philips display technology - fronted by 43-inch HFL5114 Series MediaSuite TVs.

The Android-powered MediaSuite range features UHD resolution, integrated Google Chromecast and a fully approved Netflix service.


AIRWAVE at work

Having wall-mounted the displays, Airwave implemented a Philips CMND display management platform, consolidating the management of the TVs, and providing each TV with a customised guest user interface. This allows guests to choose either terrestrial TV or a “Connect Your Device” feature,

Set over 65 acres of landscaped hillside, the Rutland Hall Hotel & Spa o ers sweeping views across Rutland Water - the UK’s largest man-made lake.

The resort o ers rooms, lodges and apartments, allowing guests to choose between a traditional hotel stay, or flexible living & self-catering options.

All guests however, benefit from the resort’s chocolate box of amenities, including swimming pool, gym, crazy golf, tennis and direct access to Rutland Water and its host of watersports.

Rutland Hall’s array of amenities is sure to keep guests happy throughout the day, however come nighttime, those that wish to relax in the guestrooms need a credible entertainment option.

Naturally, Airwave was more than happy to help, and ticked a few boxes via the implementation of Philips display technology and an IPTV headend.

Each TV was integrated within a Philips CMND display management platform, allowing the hotel to centrally manage and send content to the bank of displays.

115 x 43-inch Philips HFL5114 Series hospitality displays were wall-mounted in the guestrooms on flat-to-wall brackets.

As well as an integrated Netflix service, HFL5114 displays come with the Google Play store app embedded, o ering access to most other streaming apps - such as YouTube, Amazon Prime, BBC iPlayer, Disney+ etc.

Finally, Airwave implemented the cloud-based movie streaming app Airtime, perfect for guests looking for a more traditional hotel movie experience.

enabling the casting of content from a smart device to the TV.

Philips technology installed in the hotel’s public areas includes a 50-inch BDL3150Q digital signage display (also operable via Philips CMND) and various HFL4014 Series hospitality displays, playing Freeview TV and BT sports.


Boasting a dream location on London’s Waterloo Road, H10 London Waterloo sits a short stroll from Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey.

Receiver of multiple travel awards, H10 Waterloo o ers 177 bright, modern rooms and a host of F&B facilities – including the stunning 8th floor Waterloo Sky Bar & Terrace, o ering a sweeping London skyline panorama.

Looking for an equally impressive hospitality TV hardware solution, H10 approached Airwave, who were delighted to recommend and supply 50-inch Philips HFL5214 MediaSuite displays.

Powered by Android, the HFL5214 Series o ers UHD picture technology, integrated Netflix (with a dedicated RC button) and Google Play access for apps and media. 01403 783483 8


AIRWAVE is proud to be a Google Authorised Reseller of Chromecast for Hospitality, partnering with specialist software solution provider, Otrum, to provide best in class Google Chromecast technology for hotels.

Designed specifically for use within the hospitality and healthcare sectors, Otrum’s Otrum CAST technology allows guests to stream their own content on the guestroom TV. Your guests. Their content. Any time.


Hospitality certified Google Chromecast is designed specifically for use in a hotel environment. The device is configured to prevent interference between rooms and housed in protective casing to reduce tampering and theft.

Chromecast can also be integrated into a TV information system, providing an intuitive point of acccess, returning the user to a branded interface when casting has finished.


Using a portable device (such as a smartphone or tablet), the guest chooses content from a compatible app, and simply casts the content from the device to the in-room TV.

All that’s needed is an internet connection, a Chromecast unit and a television with an HDMI port.

Airwave will then take care of the technical stu , it’s as simple as that!


• Breathes new life into an existing system

• Compatible with 99% of TVs

• Delivers a customisable guest experience

• Turns a TV into a digital signage display

• Cloud-managed - intuitive, powerful

• Provides a home from home experience


• Stream from 1000+ plus apps, including:

YOUR GUESTS. THEIR CONTENT. ANY TIME. ‘Point and Play’ - one-step, QR based authentication


Guest entertainment systems deliver interactive services and additional features to the guestroom TV.

Systems range from simple splash screens (using text and images to welcome a guest) to feature-rich, sophisticated interfaces that can communicate with a hotel’s management system.

Fully customisable and remotely managed, well designed systems enhance the guest experience, improve operational e ciency and provide additional revenue streams.


The best systems are tailored to the specific requirements of a hotel - reflecting the size, scope and rating of the property. Systems come in all shapes and sizes, but a few common rules do exist. Think about:

• Simple and intuitive – Easily navigable menus and logical pathways are key. Can BBC One be located quickly? How easy is it to cast content? An intuitive menu system is the defining feature of a quality platform.

• Quick and responsive – Isn’t it frustrating when your smartphone is old and sluggish? Well, the same applies here. The user experience should be slick and responsive (gone are the days when a two-second wait for a page change is acceptable)

• Convenient – A good system should o er a quick, seamless method of updating content, allowing regular, hassle-free information updates.

• Flexible – The best systems o er the designer a blank canvas to create exciting, bespoke, on brand designs. Whilst template-based systems do have a place, they can be restrictive and less visually appealing.

• Upgradeable – Things change, time moves on. Don’t be stuck with a system that can’t be amended without resource and expense. The best platforms are futureproof, easily updated and provide regular (FOC) software updates and new features.

• Design – Whilst user experience is critical, first impressions count. A thoughtful, professional, wow factor design makes such a di erence.

• Price – Of course, price will vary considerably alongside the complexity of a system, but the hard and fast rule is: don’t pay for features you don’t need! (we can help you with that...) 01403 783483 10 Guest Entertainment SYSTEMS FAQ


Entry-level systems can be surprisingly a ordable, have you considered a simple welcome screen with a branded image? this type of solution is especially suitable for small properties, boutique hotels and B&Bs.

It’s also worth considering return on investment potential: room service, spa bookings, video-on-demand movies, local services advertising – just a few examples of potential revenue streams that systems can provide.

Still unsure? How about investigating Airwave sister company, Switchsure’s, finance and leasing packages? (for more details, get in touch: allowing cost to be spread over a fixedterm contract.


Airwave’s team of content engineers design, deploy and manage most leading entertainment systems, including: Otrum, Samsung, Philips and LG platforms.

Although the choice may seem overwhelming, each platform o ers similar features and functionality. We find that final purchasing decisions are often made as a matter of personal taste, based on the ‘look and feel’ of a system. Naturally, Airwave is here to advise, demonstrate and guide - so why not get in touch for an exploratory chat and online demo?


You don’t need SMART TVs!

A number of platforms can run on existing RF infrastructure (also known as coaxial cabling) or can be implemented via external hardware - such as a set-top box.

It’s also possible to run a SMART TV system via coaxial cabling using DOCSIS (data over cable service interface specification) technologyparticularly useful for hotels that want SMART functionality but can’t sanction costly/disruptive cabling upgrades.


We’ll always recommend casting functionality (such as Chromecast), essentially o ering your guests unlimited content to choose from.

Other requirements will vary from hotel to hotel - sometimes a simple, branded welcome screen with an image and text is all that’s needed.

It’s worth noting that a system can be designed, implemented, and then (remotely) enhanced or redesigned at a later date if required - every system that Airwave sell is future-proof in this sense.

This allows a hotel to go small initially and then upgrade if and when necessary.


Creators of the cloud-based movie streaming APP, Airtime, Techlive is the global leader in the delivery of international TV & movie content to the hospitality, healthcare and marine sectors.

Airtime –the Premium Streaming App for Hospitality & Healthcare

Airtime is a cloud-based APP providing the latest and greatest Hollywood movies, wellbeing and lifestyle content, together with live streaming international TV channels.


Airtime can be provided to the hotel at no cost, if the guest selects and pays for the content on their smart phone or tablet. Alternatively, the service can be provided to guests free of charge, the hotel paying a flat monthly fee per room – an ideal valueadded service for luxury hotels or suites/ exec rooms.


Airtime works on smart hospitality TVs and STBs from Samsung, Philips, LG and Apple - the only other requirement is an internet connection (we recommend a wired connection for reliable connectivity) to receive the streaming service. Airtime uses variable bitrate technology to ensure a smooth trouble-free experience.

Airtime is cloud-based, so there’s nothing extra to be installed on site. Once

downloaded and activated, Airtime is ready to go.


Airtime now supplies content in up to 14 di erent languages & subtitles. Indeed, it is even possible for guests to watch content in one language, with the subtitles displayed in another language.

We’ve recently added My Zen TV fitness & wellness to our growing content portfolio, giving guests the chance to

Did you know? Techlive …

• was established in 1989 (supplying movies on good old-fashioned video tapes!)

• now has over 3,500 hours of digital content in its library

• serves content to 5 million people in hotels, hospitals and ships every year…

• …in over 50 countries across the globe.

• supplies content to 150+ merchant ships across the world

• encodes in 14 di erent languages and subtitles.

unwind in their room. Airtime also delivers a range of international news channels at no cost to the guest, or hotel.


Delivering content from the world’s top studios (including Universal, Paramount, Dreamworks, Disney, Pixar, Marvel and Fox), Airtime’s library is extensive, holding 240+ movies - that are regularly updated and replenished.

Airtime is typically implemented in conjunction with casting platforms, and should be seen as a complementary service. Airtime provides content for ALL guests, not just those with technical savvy and/or access to streaming services. It can also be seen as an indulgence and a luxury – providing that classic hotel room VOD movie experience. 12 01403 783483


We’re big movie bu s, so are proud and honoured to have implemented an Airtime service into some iconic movie hotels…

Royal Lancaster Hotel –The Italian Job

The Royal Lancaster Hotel has been host to star-studded movie sets over the years, from the Beatles Yellow Submarine to the Italian Job, filmed in 1968. Since then, the hotel has seen substantial renovations, and also chosen to honour its link to the Michael Caine classic, featuring toy Minis in the rooms.

The Peninsula, Hong Kong –James Bond, The Man with the Golden Gun

The Peninsula’s flagship hotel has been considered the best hotel in the world for many years. It also makes an iconic movie location, and provides a backdrop for scenes in Roger Fleming’s, The Man with the Golden Gun

The Headland Hotel –The Witches

The iconic ‘Hotel Excelsior’ in the 1990 film adaption of Roald Dahl’s The Witches, is in fact the Headland Hotel in Cornwall. The fabulous seaside hotel not only lent its iconic exterior, but rooms 205, 223 and 227 as well!

Gstaad Palace –Return of the Pink Panther

The magic of Gstaad Palace was first captured on film in the 1975 movie starring peter Sellers - which features the famous ‘revolving door’ scene. Much more recently, the hotel featured as a location on Roman Polanski’s ‘The Palace,’ featuring Mickey Rourke, Oliver Masucci and John Cleese.

Hotel du Cap Eden Roc –James Bond, Diamonds are Forever

150 years old, the most photographed hotel in the world has hosted a who’s who of icons, including F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Noël Coward, Marlene Dietrich, Elizabeth Taylor, Winston Churchill, the Kennedys, Charles De Gaulle, Picasso, Matisse, and Chagall.

And if that’s not enough to impress its lucky guests, the hotel’s restaurant features in the James Bond classic, Diamonds Are Forever.

01 02 03


The serviced apartment, or ‘aparthotel’ sector is becoming increasingly popular with travellers looking to bridge the gap between AirBnB, and hotel accommodation.

Especially suitable for long stays, serviced apartments are typically more comfortable than a hotel, and more reliable and service orientated than AirBnB stays.

Hotel, AirBnB, serviced apartment - Airwave always strive to provide homefrom-home experience TV systems, so it’s business as usual as we grow our portfolio of serviced apartment providers across the UK, Ireland and Europe.


The Brand

Locke’s lifestyle brand provides design-led aparthotels that combine the convenience of a hotel, with the freedom and comfort of the home environment.

With 13 properties located in the UK, Ireland and Germany, each Locke venue immerses itself in the local neighbourhood, and o ers a deep-rooted sense of community via bespoke-designed communal spaces.

Airwave is privileged to partner with Locke in the supply and implementation of display-based technology, and has implemented guest entertainment systems and network infrastructure in over 2,000 rooms, across both UK and internationally based Locke properties.

The Technology

“We believe life shouldn’t stop when you’re away from home. So when you stay with us, you stay on your terms – whatever they may be”Locke Living

With Locke’s ethos in mind, Airwave have designed a TV system that caters for a guest’s own terms. This of course, is based on a platform that facilitates content casting and hospitality certified Google Chromecast, allowing guests to watch their own content on the in-room TV.

“Google Chromecast allows guests to watch what they want, when they want, and as such, is the ideal solution for the Locke brand”

– Matt Cox, Business Development Manager, Airwave

Locke’s brand standard TV system consists of Samsung 690 Series hospitality TVs, an Otrum Mirage guest entertainment platform, Google Chromecast and VOD movie app Airtime.

The system provides quick and intuitive access to terrestrial TV, video on demand movie & programming content, and an almost infinite amount of entertainment options via apps such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, YouTube, BBC iPlayer etc


Dao by Dorsett West London comprises of 74 highquality serviced apartments, overlooking West London’s Shepherds Bush Green.

Situated in the throng of Shepherds Bush and a 5-minute walk from the UK’s largest shopping centre, Dao by Dorsett needed a tool to inform guests of the local area’s attractions and geography.

Airwave was happy to assist, implementing an Otrum Mirage guest entertainment system, featuring a homepage and 10 additional content pages, built by Airwave’s technical design team.

A mixture of 50 and 55-inch Samsung ET690U Series hospitality TVs were wall-mounted across the property’s 74 apartments, providing a large screen, small footprint solution.

Embedded on each TV is the cloud-based movie app, Airtime, o ering new release blockbuster movies and ondemand programming services, via a dedicated button on the TV’s homepage.

An ‘External Input’ button also features on the homepage, allowing guests to plug their own device, such as a gaming console, into the TV – an especially useful feature in any environment that caters for long-term guests.


The Staycity Group – consisting of Staycity Aparthotels, and Wilde Aparthotels by Staycityoperate over 6,000 apartments in 15 European cities.

Both brands o er a collection of stylish and comfortable serviced apartments, aiming to “perfectly blend the home and hotel”. Amenities, include 24-hour reception service, fully equipped kitchens, cafes, gyms, laundry rooms, lounges and working spaces.

Catering for the varying requirements of individual properties, Airwave has supplied and implemented a variety of systems across the Staycity and Wilde Aparthotel portfolio - including TV hardware from LG and Philips, Chromecast casting functionality, and entertainment platforms from Philips CMND and Otrum. 01403 783483 14
at work


Room2 is the world’s first ‘hometel’ brand, born from the realisation that guests strive for the homeliness of AirBnB, but with the services and quality assurance of a hotel.

Looking to ‘give people a place to live, not just stay for the night,’ Room2 provide guestroom environments that o er a true home-from-home experience.

Room2 Chiswick marks the third of the brand’s growing estate (joining properties in Southampton and Hammersmith) and o ers 86 bespoke designed rooms, each with a kitchenette.

Airwave evangelise a home-from-home technology experience, so Room2 Chiswick’s remit of exactly that, was delivered with minimal fuss and maximum e ciency.

Otrum Mirage provided the guest entertainment system’s platform, delivered on wall-mounted 43-inch Samsung ET690 Series hospitality TVs.

Mirage provides a benchmark in functionality, o ering an API centric platform and limitless design possibilities. This was taken full advantage of, as Airwave’s design engineers built a user interface with a series of information pages, and access to Google Chromecast and cloud-based VOD app, Airtime.

The inclusion of Chromecast allows guests to cast content, from over a thousand streaming apps - o ering a real homefrom-home television experience.


The Cheval Collection is an award-winning hospitality group, operating over 675 luxury apartments in 12 locations across London and Edinburgh.

With over 40 years’ experience in the premium serviced apartment sector, Cheval boasts a reputation for exceptional service and quality. Guests can expect generously sized, luxuriously furnished apartments, in premium city-centre locations.

With the provision of modern tech, high on Cheval’s agenda, Airwave have implemented guest entertainment systems in a number of the brand’s properties, including: Gloucester Park, Lexham Gardens, Old Town Chambers Edinburgh, Thorney Court and Three Quays.

“Cheval’s property portfolio is eclectic in nature, and this was reflected in the technology o ering across the locations we’ve worked with” said Airwave head of hospitality sales, Wayne Bowring.

This o ering consisted of a brand standard TV interface, a series of information pages, smart TV apps and screen sharing functionality.


Airwave AT WORK


The Brand

Part of the PPHE Hotel Group, Art’otel is a collection of premium lifestyle hotels - each inspired by a signature artist.

Situated in cosmopolitan centres across Europe - locations include Amsterdam, Berlin, Cologne and Budapest - each Art’otel property provides a cultural, gastronomic and social hub for its guests.

The Hotel

Art’otel London Battersea Power Station marks the first UK property in the brand’s portfolio. And what an entry!

Situated in London’s Battersea Power Station development, the hotel lies adjacent to the iconic Battersea Power Station, and set amongst the shops, restaurants and bars of Electric Boulevard.

With 164 bedrooms, 4 restaurants & bars, a public art gallery, rooftop pool and event & meeting spaces, Art’otel London Battersea o ers a glut of activities. And in keeping with the brand’s artist theme, all interiors are designed by award-winning Spanish designer, Jamie Hayon.

The Technology

Having previously implemented AV technology into Art’otel’s Amsterdam property, Airwave was delighted to once again, work with the brand.

On this occasion, Airwave was tasked to provide a premium guest entertainment system, incorporating a comprehensive portfolio of content options.

No premium content o ering is complete without a line-up of premium Sky channels. This was implemented via a Sky Select Bright Box, delivering channels via the hotel’s comms room - meaning no requirement for in-room hardware.

Sky’s HD content looks great on the 50-inch Samsung 690 Series hospitality displays, desk-mounted in each guestroom. An Otrum Mirage guestroom entertainment system was deployed on each TV, providing an intelligent platform for the customisation of the display’s user interface.

This includes several pages, including access to hospitality certified Google Chromecast, cloud-based VOD app, Airtime, and a series of information pages.

PMS integration was also implemented, o ering additional features, such as guest check-out, and personalised greetings & messages via the TV.

A number of digital signage displays were onboarded with Otrum signage software and installed in various locations throughout the hotel, including:

• 10 x Philips 10-inch BDL4551T smart signage screens, mounted outside the hotel’s meeting rooms.

• 2 x Samsung 55-inch QBR Series displays

The signage displays can be used for a multitude of purposes, including (but not limited to): wayfinding, news & weather RSS feeds, F&B & facility promotions, and of course – the displaying of art…. 01403 783483 16


Part of the Accor portfolio of brands, TRIBE is a series of contemporary hotels, catering for the needs of the modern traveller. Combining functional, design-led spaces with social connectivity and an emphasis on modern tech, TRIBE is THE brand for today’s generation.

With an estate of 5 hotels and 547 rooms in 5 countries, TRIBE is spreading its wings fast - with a further 46 hotels in the pipeline.

TRIBE Canary Wharf marks the brand’s entry into the UK hospitality market, choosing London’s capital and financial hub as a location for its debut property.

Interestingly, TRIBE Canary Wharf is the only hotel located within Canary Wharf itself, enjoying an enviable position in the shadow of London’s third tallest building, and a short hop away from the London Underground, DLF and Crossrail stations.

Featuring a 24-hour hub with a sun-soaked outdoor terrace, the hotel is a beacon for business travellers and tech-minded tourists alike, but of course, it was the guestrooms that were predominantly of interest to Airwave...


With tech-minded tourists firmly in mind, Airwave implemented a guestroom entertainment system, in keeping with the demands of the modern traveller.

Of course, content casting is top of any techie’s wish list, so Airwave incorporated hospitality certified Google Chromecast, via an Otrum Mirage guestroom entertainment system. Here, guests can cast their own content onto the hotel TV, but also benefit from a series of information pages, and access to a tailored list of terrestrial TV channels.

These include a number of international channels - a reflection on the influx of foreign business travellers visiting the area - delivered via the implementation of network infrastructure, including two satellite dishes and an IPTV headend.

314 x 43 & 50-inch Samsung HAU8000 Series hospitality TVs provide an able and aesthetically pleasing platform for each room’s system, all wall-mounted on low footprint, tilt brackets.

Leven Manchester is situated in a landmark building, slap bang in the middle of Manchester’s buzzing village area.

The building’s red brick walls hold a series of beautifully designed spaces, fostering a community spirit and inspiring the guest to “live the best life.”

Each of the Leven’s rooms is thoughtfully designed, allowing the guest to feel at home amidst bespoke furniture, oak parquet floors, and courtesy of Airwave, a top notch TV entertainment system.

After installing various infrastructure equipment to support the new technology, Airwave implemented an IPTV headend, enabling the delivery of digital television services via the Leven’s IP network.

Otrum’s Mirage guest entertainment system was embedded on each of the 43 and 65-inch Samsung ET690 Series hospitality TVs, providing an intelligent platform for the customisation of each TV’s guest user interface.

On this occasion, a homepage and five additional content pages were deployed by Airwave’s technical design team - these consist of a ‘Watch TV’

certified Google Chromecast. A QR code also enables guests to access the

room service experience.

button, access to VOD movies app, Airtime, and hospitality hotel’s food and beverage menu, facilitating a contact free


Part of the Edyn collection of lifestyle aparthotel and serviced apartment brands, Cove operate design-rich, serviced apartments in city centre locations.

Cove Centrum, is located in the centre of the Netherlands’ political powerhouse, The Hague, amidst the commerce of the city centre, but only a short bike ride to a sweeping stretch of white-sand beaches.

With a strong emphasis on community and co-working spaces, Cove Centrum is perfect for both leisure, families and business, and with a philosophy based on “the things that guests really care about” Airwave set about designing a guestroom entertainment system, that focussed on just that.

Naturally, a clearly presented line-up of TV channels is key, this was implemented in conjunction with a multiday electronic programme guide, o ering guests advance visibility of linear TV scheduling.

On-demand content was provided via smart apps (including BBC iPlayer, ITV Hub, All4 and YouTube) and hospitality certified Google Chromecast - allowing


Airwave Europe in


What puts the ‘Europe’ into Airwave Europe?

Whilst Airwave’s key focus is UK centric, we enjoy working with several hotel partners across the European continent.

AIRWAVE at work

guests to cast content from a smart device to the in-room TV. Cloud-based VOD app, Airtime, was also implemented, giving guests access to a catalogue of earlyrelease blockbuster movies & programming content.

Otrum’s Mirage guestroom entertainment system provided an able vehicle to house all these features, sitting

alongside an information portal, including apartment details - such as cleaning schedules, utility info, and a QR code, containing a series of appliance manuals.

Having designed an entertainment system in accordance with Cove’s philosophy, Airwave wall-mounted 121 x 43inch Samsung 690 Series hospitality TVs, across the building’s five floors.


Having installed almost 100,000 TV systems into UK based Premier Inns over 15 years, Airwave was naturally delighted to commence a partnership with a newly conceived German arm of the hugely popular hotel chain, in 2016.

Since the installation of satellite infrastructure, Samsung hospitality TVs and Samsung Lynk Sinc into Premier Inn Germany’s first site in Frankfurt, Airwave have since installed guestroom and public area technology into 42 hotels and 1,750 rooms across Germany.

With a further 25 sites and 4,500 rooms in the pipeline, we look forward to a busy few years ahead.

Part of the Accor portfolio of brands, 25 Hours operate 15 hotels and 2,600 rooms across Europe.

Centred around a social hub and community ethos, 25 Hours hotels are individually designed, full of personality, and inspired by the art, culture and gastronomy of their surroundings.

Airwave was delighted to work with a local systems integrator, in the design and implementation of an Otrum Enterprise guest entertainment system, across 25 Hours hotels in Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich and Zurich. 01403 783483 18


The Park Plaza Hotels Europe group (PPHE) consists of 48 hotels and 9,100 rooms across the UK and Europe.

Over 1,000 of the 5,000 Park Plaza rooms serviced by Airwave, are located in the Netherlands (Park Plaza Utrecht and 3 properties in Amsterdam - Victoria, Vondelpark and Amsterdam Airport).

Airwave’s latest project involved a technology refurbishment across Park Plaza Amsterdam Airport’s 342 guestrooms.

The hotel’s TV estate had plenty of life left, so Airwave’s remit was to refresh and modernise the system - without replacing the TV hardware.

Key to the refresh was the implementation of an Otrum Mirage guest entertainment platform. A graphical user interface was created in accordance with Park Plaza’s template design – this includes a welcome video, information pages, Multiday EPG, Google Chromecast, Cloud-based VOD app, Airtime, and PMS integration.

Guests can message sta , and check in or out via the interface’s ‘Go Digital’ page

- which uses QR technology to augment the system’s functionality.

As Mirage is cloud-based, much of the new system’s implementation was done at Airwave’s UK HQ. Site work included the de-installation of each TV, removal of the incumbent hardware-

based system, the installation of a Chromecast dongle, and re-installation of the TV.

The result - minimal disruption, a streamlined installation process, and a brand new TV system, deployed on existing TVS.


Point A provide a ordable, boutique accommodation in 10 properties across Great Britain and Ireland.

Airwave is Point A’s preferred supplier of AV and GRE technology, and was delighted to manage the implementation of technology within Point A’s first Irish site, in Dublin.

Within the new Parnell Street location, Airwave implemented Point A’s brand standard technology system. This includes:

• Wall-mounted 43-inch Samsung ET690U Series hospitality TVs

• An Airmedia guestroom entertainment system

• Hospitality certified Google Chromecast

• A line-up of smart apps

Airwave typically install ET690 Series displays, playing Freeview content, in each hotel’s public area, however the installation of 43-inch LG ULG3 Series signage displays, marks the first of the Point A brand’s bar areas. Here, displays are used for the advertising of special o ers across all areas of the hotel’s F&B services.


Locke Living projects in Europe include the implementation of guestroom entertainment systems in Zanzibar Locke, Dublin, Schwan Locke & Wunderlocke, Munich, Locke at East Side Gallery, Berlin, and Locke de Convento, Lisbon – with further openings planned in Copenhagen and Zurich over the coming months.

For more details of Airwave’s partnership with the Locke Living service apartment brand, see pages 14 & 15.


Hospitality Technology SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS


Founded in 1985 and based in Oslo, Norway, Otrum is a specialist software solutions company, providing the cloud management and control of smart TVs, mobile devices, casting solutions and digital signage across a number of business verticals.

Airwave is proud to partner with Otrum, delivering innovative, guest centric software to the hospitality and healthcare sectors.

Talk to us about Nigel Bateson

Well, I am Nigel Bateson! I’m married with two boys and live and work in Oslo, Norway.

I started in the hospitality TV business back in 1999, then working in the Finnish city of Turku, the home of the ‘NOKIA Guestlink’ hotel TV platform. I moved to Oslo in 2002, following the acquisition of Guestlink by a Norwegian company called ‘Otrum’ and the rest is history.

I’ve always loved Oslo, but had only planned to move here for 2 years - fast forward 20 years, and I’m still here! Norway is a great place to live and work, although it does have a bad reputation for the price of a pint. My Norwegian

language skills have improved over time, but as I need a drink or two to get me started, it can be expensive!

But that’s a small price to play for the splendour of the landscape. I live 5 minutes’ drive from Oslo, yet have a great view of the Oslo ord – and spend summer evenings watching the cruise ships go by. It’s wonderful.

What fills your working day?

My job title is “EVP Market Growth,” with a primary responsibility to introduce Otrum to new markets and partnerships, allowing us to grow our installations base.

This includes the onboarding of new partners in new regions, but

also the implementation of strategic initiatives and directions for Otrum.

I’m often referred to as Otrum’s ‘product evangelist’ and spend much of my time showing o our portfolio of solutions to prospective GRE, casting and signage customers. This is something I love, and hope to continue doing for many years.

Were you responsible for the Airwave partnership?

I was involved, yes, and naturally, was delighted to onboard Airwave as Otrum’s UK & Ireland partner - in 2017 I believe.

I’ve known many of the Airwave team for years, so the signing of a formal

We catch up with Otrum Executive Vice President, Nigel Bateson, and talk about SaaS, guestroom entertainment systems, casting and digital signage.
A global portfolio of properties
your smart screens:
2.5M Monthly users 1,000+ Hotels with Otrum TVs 70+ Countries with live installations 100% Languages supported 37 Years in the industry 01403 783483 20

agreement was a nice moment for me. We’ve enjoyed a productive 5 year relationship thus far, and I’m pleased to report that Airwave is our largest partner across the Otrum network, with a presence in over 35,000 hotel rooms.

I believe Airwave’s early adoption of Otrum’s cloud-based GRE solution was a catalyst for our mutual growth as companies. And the various e ciencies of Otrum’s Mirage platform has resulted in a number of fabulous hotel partners across the UK. Within this partner portfolio, there’s an excellent mix of independent, chain and signature properties – a real vindication of the quality and flexibility of the platform.

How did 2022 treat Otrum?

2022’s big news was Otrum’s introduction to the Uniguest family.

Uniguest is a global provider of digital engagement platforms, so naturally, Otrum was a compelling acquisition opportunity. We’re delighted to join a fantastic organisation, operating a number of like-minded companies. We are super excited about our new owners!

What does this mean for Otrum? Well, I think the biggest impact will be the muscle provided by Uniguest, enabling us to accelerate our growth - both in terms of geographical coverage, and speed to market through investment in innovation.

A bright future, but what are the current challenges?

At this moment in time, the hospitality industry is su ering from two key issues - both related to the covid pandemic: Firstly, hoteliers and industry vendors are struggling to fill vacant positions, leading to a series of bottle necks in projects across all our regions.

Secondly, hardware vendors are struggling to keep up with renewed post pandemic demand, due to component shortages and forecasting issues resulting from the craziness of the last few years.

Tough challenges, but we’re fairly confident that both issues will begin to ease over the next few months.

And current trends?

We see three clear trends, which will only grow in scope:

1. Migration to the cloud, and the proliferation of easy to manage solutions with SaaS business models.

2. The guest’s hunger for content casting in the hotel room –driven by Chromecast.

3. The need to be API centric and 100% open to third party integrations.

Thankfully, these trends are already on Otrum’s agenda, and we’re keeping well ahead of the curve with our product strategy and commercial models.

Tell us what makes you proud?

Two things:

At Otrum, we consistently focus on adapting to change. I’m super proud of my colleagues for what Otrum has achieved over the last few years. We have successfully transitioned the entire company from being an installation and service company, into the SaaS solution provicer we are today – with 190,000 GRE licensed rooms, and 70,000 OtrumCast rooms.

Secondly, Otrum would not be the company it is, without the superb R&D and support teams. Otrum is well known for innovation, but what’s more fundamental than that is the consistent stability and robustness we o er – super important when you’re running a 24/7/365 sotware platform.

To find out more about Otrum’s portfolio of guestroom entertainment systems, OtrumCast or digital signage software, drop us a line at

Interface designs
OtrumCast demo

New research shows Hotel TV is important for guests and enhances their stay

footfall 93%

speNd 23%




Agree they’d be more likely to visit the hotel bar if it had Sky TV as opposed to leaving the hotel and visiting another venue

Guests in hotels with Sky spend over £13 (+23%) more on room service during their stay than those who order in hotels without Sky 33%

Guests who visit hotel bars with Sky spend over £12 (+33%) more in the bar during their stay than those who visit hotel bars without Sky

iNstallatioN spotlight - sky select

Hotels with Sky have more guests who are extremely satisfied with their stay (58% vs 47% without Sky) 93%

In hotels with Sky, 93% of guests watch the hotel TV and only 3% will solely watch content via their personal device

Hotel Du Vin - St Andrews

Recently refurbished Hotel Du Vin in St Andrews is home to 36 beautifully presented rooms, modern bistro dining and extensive wine cellars. It also offers guests the perfect location to explore the many attractions of the town including museums, medieval streets and the iconic St Andrews Links. In August, Hotel Du Vin St Andrews decided to add to their offering and bring guests Sky TV in every room. Installed by Airwave Europe, Hotel Du Vin now offers an unmissable line-up of sport and entertainment all week long via Sky Select, a centralised HD solution that powers all hotel rooms. Herve Bernier, General Manager at Hotel Du Vin explains how the recent adoption of Sky Select has helped the business:

We invested in Sky Select to enhance our offering and add value for our guests. Being based at the home of golf (St Andrews) many of our guests appreciate being able to watch Sky Sports and we are delighted to enhance this even further with additional Sky entertainment channels. Sky Select was installed seamlessly and in a tight timescale by the team at Airwave ahead of this years’ Open. By adding Sky Sports to the bar area also, we have unlocked an additional source of revenue which has helped the business at a critical time. Sky Select: 36

New iNsights demoNstrate how sky adds value to hotels
Content included is correct at
but may be
If you would like to learn more about any of
products or services, please contact your Airwave representative or
month minimum term applies. Installation and subscription costs apply. Compatible HD ready TV’s required. Further terms apply.
time of print 01.09.22
subject to change. Channel and content availability is dependent on your Sky agreement.
*Source: Dynata Hotel Guest Research May 2022
Of guests in hotels with Sky in the bar visited the bar
& viewiNg

Airwave in SCOTLAND

the art leisure facilities and freshly built hotel rooms & luxury lodges.

Looking for world class AV technology to suitably adorn their plush new development, Darwin enlisted Airwave’s services.

Having implemented satellite & reception equipment, including an IPTV headend, a Sky Bar IRS system & Sky Brightbox, Airwave recommended a content o ering based on bring your own device technology, and premium entertainment from Sky TV.

A mixture of 43, 50, 65 and 75-inch Samsung ET690 Series

hospitality TVs were installed across the estate; each TV was wall-mounted and embedded with an Otrum Mirage guestroom entertainment system, featuring Google Chromecast.

A Sky Select service was also installed within each lodge, offering guests premium HD content, including Sky Sports.

Several ET690 Series TVs were wall-mounted in public areas, in-


cluding the reception, bar, club shop and changing rooms. Each display features a Geochron Digital Atlas, o ering a series of customisable dynamic overlays or ‘map sets.’

An audio rack headend was deployed, enabling cloud-based audio to be sent to ‘zones’ throughout the estate – this facilitates the control of ambie players, radio, and Sky feeds - using 50+ ceiling speakers as an output.

Situated a short drive from Scottish west coast jewel Oban, Loch Melfort is a country house with enviable views across the Sound of Jura.

Set in 17 acres of gardens and beaches, Loch Melfort provides an away from it all experience in luxury suites and sea view lodges.

Whilst stunning sea views, tranquility and roaring log fires delight guests, the low definition, limited channel TV service was a problem.

Simply speaking, the remoter the environment, the more di cult it is to provide a TV service. Add an abundance of mountains, trees and rain, and the Scottish Highlands throws up a perfect storm of factors likely to inhibit TV reception.


Raasay House Hotel sits proudly on the Isle of Raasay - a tiny, but stunning island situated between the coast of mainland Scotland and the Isle of Skye.

Small in size (Raasay’s last population census counted 161 inhabitants), Raasay is big in beauty, boasting a barren landscape overlooked by stark mountains and stormy waters.

Visitors to the island enjoy hiking, wildlife spotting and watersports, with Raasay House (the island’s only hotel) acting as the epicentre of the tourism trade.

But as is often the case in remote environments, the hotel’s TV system struggled.  Issues included a limited line-up of channels and regular system crashes, requiring sta intervention.

Raasay approached Airwave, fed up with an expensive incumbent TV system that frustrated guests and the hotel’s sta alike.

After a quick, but enjoyable, site visit, Airwave were able to implement a lower cost, but more appropriate solution, using the local Freeview TV signal and redistributing it in RF over the hotel’s data cable inputs, implementing a balun in each room, connected to the TV’s aerial input.

The result? a simpler, cheaper and more reliable solution, and a load more TV channels!

Having dealt with similar issues at hotels in the Inner Hebrides and Yorkshire Dales, Airwave took to this latest assignment, like a duck to a loch.

Having checked for Freeview reception and drawn a blank, Airwave implemented 2 x OM10 multichannel transmodulators, enabling the transmission of Freeview channels over Freesat instead.

Freesat o ers a satellite alternative to Freeview, with over 170 TV & radio channels and access to catch-up players.

Airwave wall-mounted a mixture of 32-inch LT661H Series and 43-inch US662H Series LG hospitality TVs, utilising DVB-S2 tuners to transmit Freesat.

Loch Melfort’s new TV technology enables the transmission of a comprehensive line up of channels, on high definition displays.

A happy hotel, happy guests and happy Airwave install technicians who spent an enjoyable day in a breathtaking location....

at work

Life’s good with LG ELECTRONICS


Acting as City Square’s focal point, the stunning Queens Hotel is one of Leeds’ most famous landmarks.

Following a £16 million makeover in 2021, the art deco styled property, features 232 stylish guestrooms, 13 event spaces, a restaurant, cafe, gym and a social & workspace hub.

Queens approached Airwave, looking for a smart TV system and content casting functionality - however the hotel’s network infrastructure wasn’t up to the task. With this in mind, Airwave proposed a system based on DOCSIS technology.

DOCSIS is an international telecommunications standard that enables the delivery of an IP service over coaxial cable. This allows a hotel to distribute smart services over existing coaxial cabling.

DOCSIS is particularly advantageous in old or listed buildings, or indeed any property where cabling upgrades would prove expensive or disruptive.

Having implemented a DOCSIS headend in conjunction with an upgrade of the hotel’s RF network, Airwave set about onboarding the technology, in conjunction with DOCSIS compatible 49-


AIRWAVE at work

An Otrum Mirage guest entertainment system was embedded on each display, featuring several information pages, and OTT features including hospitality certified Google

Having served over 100 years as a public library, the Limehouse library building saw a reinvention in 2022, opening as a multifunctional venue, hosting a boutique hotel, library and culinary arts school.

Situated just north of the river Thames in London’s Limehouse district, the Limehouse Library Hotel’s 75 rooms have each been named after a notable historical figure, with past personalities inspiring every detail in the guestrooms, from bed to bathroom.

If we’re talking famous names from the past, it would be remiss to forget John Logie Baird, who demonstrated the world’s first live working television system.

TV technology has moved on a little since Baird’s big moment, and Airwave was glad to demonstrate accordingly, via the installation of a cutting-edge TV system in the freshly refurbished property.

The implementation of an IPTV headend and reception infrastructure kicked o proceedings, enabling the hotel to curate a line-up of 24 international channels and Freeview TV.

This were proudly broadcast on LG hospitality TVs, with a mixture of 24, 32 and 43-inch LT661H and US662H Series TVs wall-mounted in the guestrooms.

Airwave embedded an Otrum Mirage guest entertainment system on each TV, providing guests with a series of information pages and additional functionalities.

Chromecast and cloud-based video on demand app, Airtime.

Recognising that linear TV is still important in the hotel room, Airwave implemented an EPG (electronic programme guide), provided as a feature of the Otrum system.

Limehouse incorporated Mirage’s slideshow feature, scrolling images on the TV’s interface - a perfect feature to show o the characters on which the rooms are based - notable examples including Charles Darwin, Leo Tolstoy and Charles Dickens.

Airtime’s movie streaming app was also implemented, and housed via a MOVIES button on the user interface, this sits next to a CONNECT YOUR DEVICE button, facilitating the casting of content onto the TV, courtesy of hospitality certified Google Chromecast. 01403 783483 24
inch LGUT661H, and 55-inch LGUS662H displays.


Situated in the centre of Perth, Scotland, The Radisson Blu Station hotel was designed by notable Scottish architect, Andrew Heiton, in 1888.

A favourite resting place of Queen Victoria, the 75-bedroom hotel was built to service demand for Perth’s railway station. Today, it retains its historic charm, boasting grand rooms, sweeping staircases and high ceilings.

The hotel is a popular conference & banqueting facility, with space for up to 1,000 delegates across its multiple meeting rooms. Wedding packages, a restaurant, and Starbucks lounge & garden bar o er a multitude of options for overnight guests and visitors.

With this in mind, the hotel approached Airwave, looking to incorporate a TV system to aid publicity of the hotel’s extensive public area facilities.

Airwave recommended LG 50-inch UR762H Series hospitality TVs. UR762H displays o er UHD technology on a Nanocell display.

Nanocell is a proprietary LG technology, that produces a better colour gamut and wider range of colours, and ultimately, a more accurate, vibrant picture.

Other features include slim aesthetics, HDR10 Pro, WebOS 4.5 and voice recognition software.

Having installed the TV displays, Airwave implemented an IPTV headend, Otrum’s Mirage guest entertainment system, and hospitality certified Google Chromecast.


Located in Birmingham’s historic Jewellery Quarter, Stay City Birmingham, is set amongst the bars, restaurants and buzz of England’s second city.

Part of the Stay City brand of aparthotels (for more details of Airwave’s partnership with Stay City, see page 14)

Stay City Birmingham o ers 170-rooms, boasting the comfort of home, with the convenience of a hotel.

Guests can choose between studio, one, or two bed design-focused apartments, complete with fullyequipped kitchens and living & dining spaces. Other amenities include a 24-hour reception, gym, on-site laundry and Stay City’s ‘Staycafe,’ providing round-the-clock refreshments.

Stay City Birmingham chose to incorporate LG’s US662H Series hospitality displays in the guest rooms.

The US662H Series o ers an Ultra HD viewing experience, and sits on LG’s innovative webOS 5.0 platform, providing a series of features for both standalone, and server based installations.


Situated in the transformed former building of the Liverpool Echo, Melia have created a Corstorphine + Wright designed, mixed-use destination hotel.

The 207-room property features an open-plan lobby, restaurant, 24hour gym, and a panoramic skybar on the 18th floor, o ering glorious views across the city’s waterfront.

Business travellers can choose from 1 of 7 meeting rooms, and a dedicated events floor hosts up to 340 delegates.

Wanting to provide a premium guest entertainment experience in the hotel’s 28 suites, and TV reception infrastructure to feed all the guestrooms, Innside Media Liverpool got in touch.

Following a consultation and TV system demos, Airwave installed Freeview reception equipment including a fibre GTU and Easystream IPTV headend - delivering 92 TV & radio channels across the building’s 18 floors.

In the suites, Airwave implemented an Otrum Mirage guest entertainment platform, VOD app Airtime, and hospitality certified Google Chromecast embedded on 43 & 49-inch LG LU661H hotel TVs.

Melia’s initial plan was to install Mirage and Chromecast in the suites only, however the package was deemed such a success, that Airwave was invited back to replicate the system across the other 180 rooms!



With 40 wards and more than 680 beds, the Royal Liverpool University Hospital (RLUH) is the largest hospital in Merseyside and Cheshire, providing emergency, general and specialist treatment to patients across the north-west of England.

An important teaching and research facility, RLUH works closely with the University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University, providing placements for doctors, nurses, dentists, and health professionals. It’s recognised as a centre of excellence in biomedical, clinical, and health service research, and home to the largest emergency department in the country.

In December 2013, a landmark £430 million redevelopment of the hospital began, with an expected opening date of 2017 (this was subsequently delayed to September 2022, at a revised cost of £1 billion).


Airwave commenced discussions with RLUH in 2014, with early dialogue centred around the provision of a cutting-edge patient entertainment system (PES), to be implemented throughout the hospital’s wards and single rooms.

Naturally, the provision of cuttingedge technology is intrinsically linked to time, and the rapid evolution of technology meant the systems and solutions discussed in 2014, were a world apart from those available in 2022.

The introduction of the NHS’ Global Digital Exemplar (GDE) initiative added a further dimension to conversations, with RLUH announced as one of the first 12 exemplars in 2016. The GDE programme strives to achieve digital transformation

in exemplar organisations, enabling the improvement in the quality of care, via the adoption of world-class digital technologies.

With all this in mind, the consultation period for the implementation of RLUH’s PES, was lengthy and deeply nuanced, with the technology and plans constantly evolving.

It soon became clear that Airwave’s task was not just the design and development of a patient entertainment system, but that of an integrated patient experience (IPE).


Airwave’s final submission of an IPE solution tender was based on 62 mandatory, and 10 desirable system deliverables.

A hybrid hardware solution, incorporating both TVs and tablets was proposed. This was underpinned by Airwave’s MYCARE TV CMS, developed on an Otrum Mirage platform, featuring enhancements by Airwave R&D technicians, to facilitate its delivery across multiple devices.

Accessible via a branded user


interface, Airwave’s platform provides patients with a host of entertainment, education, and clinical services, whilst supporting healthcare professionals with clinical applications, designed to improve workflow e ciencies and clinical outcomes (see below features list).

MYCARE TV is connected via the cloud, seamlessly integrating with a range of delivery platforms – such as smart TVs, bring your own device (BYOD) solutions or bedside computers. Designed to minimise installation time and cost, the solution connects with both wired and wireless network infrastructure, and provides a robust platform for future development, feature releases and upgrades.


Any system that o ers future development or upgrade potential is attractive to a commercial property, however in RLUH’s case, this element was critical.

“In order to protect the integrity of RLUH’s clinical services, the opening of the hospital was staggered over the course of many weeks. In parallel, Airwave was able to stagger the implementation of system features in alignment with the hospital’s schedule.”

Jes Redgard

Head of Healthcare Sales, Airwave

Upon its launch, Airwave’s platform o ered reduced features – consisting of a ‘Watch TV’ function with Freeview channels, access to a livestream from the hospital’s chapel, and radio services.

Over the the next few months, new features were (remotely) implemented, 26 HEALTHCARE TV » HOSPITAL TV » CARE HOME TV » NURSING HOME TV » HOSPICE TV
TV, radio & Internet
Meal ordering
Service requests (clinical & hotel services)
Information services
Internet browsing
Treatment & training videos
RSS feeds
PAS integration

available to go live in accordance with RLUH’s schedule - late feature additions will include integration with third party systems (via the system’s open API protocol), such as PAS (patient admission system) and e-catering / meal ordering.

Having also been tasked to provide the signal infrastructure to support the IPE, Airwave implemented reception infrastructure, and an IPTV headend (incorporating HLS streaming, enabling the streaming of content to tablets over WiFI) to service circa 680 TV end points.

Airwave supplied and mounted 43-inch LG US662H Series commercial displays into the single rooms, and (due to design & space restrictions) 32-inch Samsung 690 Series screens in the bariatric rooms.

80 MYCARE embedded Samsung tablets were provided for the multibed wards, each device mounted on a trolley or meal table.


MYCARE TV provides a multitude of features and services, designed not just to entertain the patient, but to provide a series of operational e ciencies for RLUH’s state-of-the-art hospital.

Underpinned by the principles contained within the NHS’ Global Digital Exemplar initiative, the system is flexible, scalable, cost e cient, and o ers plentiful return on investment opportunity.

Perhaps most pertinently, MYCARE TV has been designed to accelerate future rollouts to other Trust sites over their WAN (wide area network), facilitating communication and the sharing of best practice and innovation.


With so much emphasis placed on the NHS’ GDE initiative, it was a surprise when the Trust’s decision to purchase a huge piece of art for the hospital’s atrium, became clear.

The rationale of the plan was challenged:

“If it’s your desire to become the most digitally advanced hospital in the UK, why not implement a digital signage solution, instead of an individual piece of art?”

Of course, digital signage can be used to display an infinite amount of (digital) art. Via a signage system’s CMS, this art can be changed hourly, daily, weekly or even yearly, able to change the ambience and mood of the atrium in conjunction with the time of day, season, or local & national events.

And as digital signage is multifaceted in functionality, RLUH can also use it to fulfil a multitude of additional tasks, many of which are aligned with GDE:

- Public health messaging (addressing key CQUIN targets)

- Promotional messaging & advertising – providing ongoing ROI opportunities for the trust

The many benefits of digital signage were highlighted in a video, produced by Airwave’s technical team, and presented to RLUH’s former CIO, David Walliker.

Following a presentation of the video to the Trust, it was agreed – indeed technology is the way forward!


With a huge space to fill, Airwave recommended a 9 x 5 metre Samsung LED signage display – at the time, the largest indoor display delivered by Samsung UK.

Samsung’s 10mm SMD indoor LED wall is operable 24/7, and features 2000 nit brightness and 281 trillion colours, creating striking, bright and dynamic visuals.

As with all credible signage solutions, content can be uploaded quickly and e ciently via a CMS, o ering infinitely customisable playlists and content scheduling.

Multiple zones can be created on a template, displaying several types of content concurrently – examples include: Freeview TV, video, images, RSS feeds, websites and social media posts.


Weighing in at an estimated 2070 kg, the installation of the video wall was a considerable undertaking, requiring extensive preparation work and a detailed structural analysis of the building.

However, the bigger the undertaking, the greater the satisfaction when a project is successfully completed; on this occasion, all parties involved fizzed with pride at the achievement.

RLUH’s imposing video wall now takes pride of place in the hospital’s atrium, flooding it with personality whilst greeting, informing and engaging all those that enter this state-of-the-art new hospital.


True beauty lies within

Sophisticated. Feature-rich. Philips MediaSuite

It’s all about the experience. Whether in the lobby or the lift, the bar or the spa. In the hotel room, guests expect even more. Last year’s trends for home-fromhome comforts continue to dominate, while sleek style and smarter technology that can personalise experiences are swiftly becoming essential factors that the right hotel TV can deliver – efficiently, effectively and extensibly.

As the world continues to open out to both leisure guests and business travellers, adapting the hotel room to fit their differing needs doesn’t need to be time consuming or cost prohibitive. The right connections are key, giving easy and intuitive access to individualised activity information, personal streaming services and favourite apps for guests’ downtime, while also offering the possibility for casting presentations and documents for work, all onto the big screen.

For hoteliers looking for the competitive edge, easy integration and efficient personalisation are key factors, while reduced cost of ownership and sustainability impact continue to rise in importance.

When it comes to fulfilling those requirements – from guest expectations through to return on investment, Philips MediaSuite has it covered.

Keeping it all within – the power of Android TV with Chromecast built-in

Google-certified and with Chromecast built-in, with Philips MediaSuite guests can easily connect to the apps they want to use – whether that’s for their subscription services such as Apple TV+, YouTube, Spotify and Disney+ or to stream their own content – all in up to Ultra HD 4K resolution.

It also offers full access to the Google Play store, allowing guests to download Google-approved content, including more than 10,000 cast-enabled Android apps, 200,000 TV programmes and films and 30,000,000 music tracks.

Professional Display Solutions
the full
Philips MediaSuite

For hoteliers, Philips MediaSuite brings all the benefits of casting, while delivering on integration efficiency, with no need for additional dongles and peripherals that may be costly, unsightly, and easy to tamper with.

Bringing in guest returns with reduced cost of ownership Promising an extended lifetime and reduced cost of ownership doesn’t come with a catch. Powered by Android, the software on the Philips MediaSuite can be easy updated whenever a new release is available. Which means that the power of the latest model is available on your existing fleet to deliver the latest features and functionality without the need to replace the hardware.

And with some of the best energy ratings on the market, they are less costly for the environment and a more sustainable choice for the bottom line, too.

The Philips MediaSuite range is available in a wide selection of sizes, from 32” to 75” models, including Full HD and 4K Ultra HD options.

Streaming the bigger picture, including Netflix-embedded Netflix is enjoyed globally by over 220 million paid subscribers and, uniquely to this range, Philips MediaSuite hospitality TVs offer the option to have this popular streaming platform as an seamlessly embedded feature. Embedding Netflix is easy to install with a Hotel PMS – and it’s truly secure, with any trace of the guest’s information being wiped from the TV at checkout.

And providing access to guests’ own streaming channels brings the potential for further cost efficiencies for hoteliers, too. On Philips MediaSuite TVs, where Netflix and Chromecast are offered as standard, viewing of linear channels drops by approximately 50 percent, bringing the opportunity to lose expensive licences to some, often unused, linear services.

Bring unrivalled connectivity to your hotel guests with Philips MediaSuite. The hotel TV that is streaming into the future, committed to Chromecast built-in and Netflix-ready.

Discover the full MediaSuite range

87% of business travellers always use the TV in their hotel room. Enabling them to work, rest and play intuitively and efficiently on the big screen can give your hotel the competitive edge.
82% of holidaymakers like to have access to their VoD content. The ability to view their favourite streaming services and apps on the hotel TV brings better returns.

Premium QLED with a billion shades of colour, delivered across the sleek and slim design that blends seamlessly into any room.

Smart Hospitality Display
Launches HQ60A

A first class welcome for a luxury guest experience

– Samsung Premium QLED TV

Core Features

1) A billion shades of color with Quantum dot

Samsung’s new QLED hospitality TV offer hotel guests the flawless viewing experience provided by brilliant, long-lasting colour with Quantum dot technology. Quantum Dot technology delivers our finest picture ever, with Colour Volume 100% Quantum Dot takes light and turns it into breathtaking colour that stays true at any level of brightness.

2) Sleek and slim, more than ever

Ultra-slim design and adjustable stand of this TV provides further flexibility, enabling hotel operators to create optimized room layouts that increase guest comfort.

3) Virtual sound that tracks the action

Realistic 3D sound with virtual top channel audio will allow any room, small or large, to be fully immersed in the audio experience.


1) See it all on screen and simply tap to connect

The Multi-view feature enables content on hotel TVs and guests’ mobile devices on the same screen at the same time. Whether it’s live stats for sports or video guides for games, guests can simply connect their phone and multi-screen like never before. With Tap-view1, when guests tap in-room TV with their mobile device, the TV senses the tap and mirrors automatically. So, it’s quick and easy to switch to the TV and continue enjoying their favorite content.

2) Free TV, no strings attached – Samsung TV Plus

Guests can enjoy various free live streaming TV content on Samsung TV Plus. Get instant access to top news, dramas, entertainment and more. Best of all Samsung TV plus is free with no subscription, sign up or no additional device or credit card required.


LYNK Cloud and H.Browser

Hotel operators can experience a comprehensive hospitality solution ‘LYNK Cloud’2 with this QLED Hotel TV. Samsung LYNK Cloud empowers hotel managers with a powerful set of tools to enhance guest experience. LYNK Cloud provides remote display management and can even analyze guests’ content use to uncover marketing insights that help hotel managers deliver optimized promotions. Further to LYNK Cloud, QLED Hotel TV will be compatible with Samsung’s authorised H.Browser software partners.

1 Tap View is available on Samsung Galaxy devices with Android OS 8.1 and higher. 2 Samsung LYNK Cloud solution must be purchased separately.

True beauty lies within with Philips MediaSuite

Unleash home-from-home comfort and infinite entertainment possibilities with Philips MediaSuite. Integrated VoD allows guests to log in to their own streaming accounts directly from their hotel TV, Android TV™ and Google Play store bring boundless apps to life, and Chromecast built-in allows them to share content from their mobile devices or laptops onto the big screen with 4K Ultra HD quality.

Stylish. Sustainable. Streaming. Discover the Philips MediaSuite range

Professional Display Solutions

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