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Board Chairman’s Message
On behalf of your Board of Governors, welcome to the 2019 edition of the Annual Review.
For many years I have had the pleasure of serving and being part of the AISHK community, holding a position on the AISFL Board since 2004, and I am delighted to share a message in this publication.
Your Board of Governors comprises members of the Australian Community in Hong Kong who, on a volunteer basis, convene to discuss, forecast and facilitate action on a range of strategic initiatives which guide the direction of the School.
There are various Board Committees which are made up of Governors, School Executive Members, and other volunteers who are recruited for their proven experience and knowledge within relevant fields. Professor Richard Petty Board Chairman
The Committees are:
The Governance Committee led by Mr Ken Gordon (resigned late 2019), who review and renew School policy, and ensure prudent and transparent management.
The Finance Committee led by Mr Andrew Macintosh, which has ultimate responsibility for the School’s finances.
The Facilities Committee led by Mr Adrian Jenkins, which monitors and advises on the School building’s ongoing maintenance, expansion and capital projects.
The Development and Fundraising Committee led by Dr Joseph Lee, supports the Development Office and considers marketing, communications, stakeholder engagement and major fundraising strategies.
I am thankful to the community for warmly welcoming me during my first year as Chair of the AISFL Board. The Board works collaboratively with the School Executive, representatives of the Parent Association, and the community at large to advance AISHK.
At the forefront of our minds, at all times, is our mission to ensure that the best possible education is provided to the students in the School’s care, and that they are given every opportunity to develop and grow to their full potential in a caring and supportive environment.
AISHK is fortunate to have a wonderful and dedicated staff who, under the outstanding guidance of Head of School, Mark Hemphill, are committed to this mission. 2019 presented difficult and unexpected circumstances; despite this, the efforts of the school staff and leadership have not wavered.
I wish to express sincere appreciation for the support of AISHK parents who entrust their children to the School. In 2019, parents of students in years 2, 6, 9 and 12 were invited to complete the MMG Parent Survey. This year, the survey resulted in an excellent response rate with 178 parents completing the survey; a 61% response rate. Thank you very much to all parents who took the time to complete the survey.
The School and Board are very pleased with the results which indicate that we have made significant improvement across all areas. Key outcomes of the Parent Survey are further detailed in this Annual Review. Several colleagues left the Board this year, and we welcomed several others. Gautam Dev left the Board in July, Charles Ng left in October, and Veronica Monaci and Ken Gordon attended their last meeting in November, all having made great contributions to AISHK.
Adrian Jenkins joined the Board in February, Kym Fortescue joined in May and Jenny Huang joined in October, providing further depth and experience around the board table in fields of expertise that are key to the ongoing success of the School. the Board’s commitment to maintaining sound governance and a balanced Board membership which reflects the diversity of AISHK.
The support of the AISHK community is one of our defining factors which sets us apart from other schools. This unity is critical to the success of our School and has been pivotal in seeing us overcome many challenges in 2019.
I express my sincere gratitude to students, teachers, staff and parents for your ongoing contributions to the School and for your support and dedication this year. As the School approaches its 25th Anniversary in 2020,
I encourage us all to build further on our strengths and celebrate our place in Hong Kong as a leading international school. I wish you all a safe and relaxing break and I look forward to seeing you next year.