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D evelopment & Fundraising C ommittee Report
Development & Fundraising Committee Report
Governance Committee Members: Dr Joseph Lee Mr Gavin McDougall Ms Natalie Glanville Ms Brigitte McNamara The Development Committee has this year worked together to establish and action various new strategies, and to further build on existing foundations for continued success. In line with recommendation from the AISFL Board of Governors, in 2019, the Development Committee was re-named the Development and Fundraising Committee (DFC). The Development and Fundraising Committee continues to be chaired by Dr. Joseph Lee, and supports the Development Office and considers marketing, communications, stakeholder engagement and major fundraising strategies. The Committee benefits from the expertise and community connections of Board members critical to the fundraising success of AISHK, and draws on support from staff, parents, and the entire School community. This year, by strategising with the committee, a campaign was devised and launched to promote a renewed Academic Scholarships program, which offers a number of scholarships for students from other schools, entering AISHK for Years 7-11. The program has seen successful scholarship placements for students in the 2019 school Dr Joseph Lee
Chair of Development Committee year. The school also established a Bursary program which provides bursaries for students whose families are experiencing financial hardship.
The Development and Fundraising Committee also works closely with the AISHK Development Office and its function in supporting the Parent Association (AISHK PA). This includes collaboration on community relations and events.
2019 was off to a positive start with our traditional Welcome BBQ, which was enjoyed by students, families staff and Board members. August saw the inaugural Summer Soiree take place at AISHK; an evening event which was an opportunity for parents and staff to gather informally, enjoy student performances, live music and great company with community members.
Despite some disruption and challenges in Hong Kong, particularly later in the year, AISHK held a very successful and well-attended Jingle and Mingle event. The last community event of the year saw our whole school community end 2019 on a festive note, complete with Christmas carols, student performances, live bands, food and gift stalls.
All proceeds from AISHK PA events are directed to enhancements of the teaching and learning environments for our students. The School thanks the community for their attendance and support of events and initiatives,
which result in refurbishments to areas, such as the now fully-functioning and utilised 7th Floor Design and Technology area, the construction of which took place over the 2018-2019 end-of-year break.
The Development and Fundraising Committee has continued to support the Development Office by advising on school marketing, communications and publications. This year the Development Office has placed greater emphasis on producing video content, and, in line with our aim to be an environmentally responsible school, The Lion Rock quarterly magazine along with many other printed materials have successfully transitioned to purely digital publications.
This has resulted in a more interactive, versatile and sustainable publications, marketing and communications offering. The Yearbook has also significantly decreased in its printing volume and is available as now a digital publication. It has been a privilege to capture and convey the dynamic school life at AISHK. Thank you to students, parents and staff who have contributed to school publications in 2019.
I take this opportunity to thank The Development and Fundraising Committee members for their continued commitment this year. 2019 has seen some periods of disruption and unrest, resulting in the delay or adjustment of some events and plans. We thank our school family for the ongoing understanding and support.
2020 marks the School’s 25th Anniversary and we look forward to celebrating this special milestone for the School, while further focusing on our strengths and building upon these for future improvement.
I look forward to collaborating with the Committee and broader community in what will be a very special year ahead for the school.

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