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H ead of School Message
Head of School Message Mr Mark Hemphill Head of School There is little doubt that 2019 has been a significant We often hear the phrase ‘being agile’ and this has year in Hong Kong’s history, with unprecedented certainly been the case in 2019 as together we carefully change to the fabric of our wonderful city. 2019 was not navigated a changing Hong Kong. without some challenges and a degree of uncertainty, however, in the face of adversity we have all united as 2019 was another incredibly successful year for the a school community and supported one another in true AISHK community as the school grew from strength to Australian fashion. strength and firmly cemented itself as one of the very Although the year started smoothly and the first half of the year was much like any other school year, from July We enjoy an enviable reputation for: to December was like no other we have experienced. As • Our focus on the wellbeing of our students which is a result of the experiences of the second half of the year, our number one priority we could easily view 2019 from a negative perspective. • Our promise to deliver a balanced education However; given the challenges we all experienced, in • Our academic results retrospect, 2019 proved to be an incredibly successful • our broad extra-curricular program and, most year for AISHK. importantly Throughout 2019 I was extremely impressed by how all successful in the future. best international schools in Hong Kong. • Being an inclusive, happy school members of our community coped with the evolving and Some of the major achievements of 2019 include: largely unfamiliar situation. During some very difficult • Successful attainment of NSW Education Standards times, our teachers remained steadfast and committed Authority (NESA) recognition to be able to offer the to the cause of caring for the students and providing NSW HSC for the following 5 years (valid until 2024) them with the very best learning experiences possible, • Important preparation work for our IB Self Study and whilst ensuring that the wellbeing of the students was review in 2020 foremost in all our efforts. • Significant school wide improvement in all areas across the school in the MMG Parent Survey. MMG Our parent community showed incredible faith in the staff commented that our results exceeded many of school. During some very disruptive and stressful the very best independent schools in Australia. times, parents overcame many challenges which would • Appointment of a Director of Student Wellbeing ordinarily be a simple aspect of their daily routine, and further development of our student wellbeing for example, transporting students to school and programs supporting and caring for them. Most noticeably, I was • Restructure of the Personal Development, Health and so impressed with our students’ ability to adapt, to be Physical Education (PDHPE) and Sport Departments flexible, and their unwavering positivity. to enhance our sporting program In sometimes difficult circumstances, we continued as Association of Independent Schools of NSW (AISNSW normal, with very little disruption to our daily routines who continued to provide high quality Professional and programmes. These experiences of adjusting and Learning for all teachers. We enjoy an outstanding responding to a rapidly changing world have developed reputation with AISNSW as one of the best independent many of the skills which will assist our students to be schools in the state • Continued strengthening of our relationship with
• Development of a strong relationship with Growth Coaching International (Australia) which involved training and mentoring of Executive and Middle
Leaders to develop and foster their leadership skills skills utilising a coaching model • Development of staff Professional Learning groups which were cross divisional and cross faculty working on the The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Seven Principles For Effective Learning • Repainting of the pool area in our Aquatic Centre • Continued emphasis on developing sustainable practices by ensuring all publications such as The Lion Rock magazine, Yearbook and student reports are all electronic, and significantly reducing printed materials overall.
During 2019, the relationship between the School and the Parent Association (PA) continued to be a strength of AISHK under the excellent leadership of PA President, Veronica Monaci and her supportive Executive Committee. In 2019 the PA hosted very successful community events such as the Welcome BBQ in January, the Mothers’ Day Lunch in May, the Summer Soiree in August, Father’s Day Breakfast in September and Jingle and Mingle in December.
Given the unique nature of 2019, a conscious decision was made for the PA to focus on friendraising and providing social opportunities, rather than on fundraising. Significant planning and preparation for the 2020 25th Anniversary Ball was undertaken by the PA Executive during 2019.
The 2019 Annual Report provides an overview of the year by providing reports, information and data.
There are reports from the Primary and Secondary Divisions, from the different Board Committees and financial statements for the 2019 year. The financial reports highlight the very healthy position the school is in and, along with the other reports, validate that AISHK is an incredibly successful school, an excellent learning environment for the students and provides outstanding community support for Australian families living in Hong Kong.
AISHK is governed by a highly capable and supportive Board of Governors. These governors all serve the school on a voluntary basis and dedicate countless hours of their time, contributing their invaluable expertise and vast experience to ensure that the very highest standards of governance are achieved and maintained.
Again in 2019, for the second consecutive year, the quality of the AISHK Board was recognised when the AISFL was awarded the Hong Kong Institute of Company Directors Award for Board of the Year in the Not-ForProfit sector. We are very fortunate to have the support of such dedicated school governors.
The true culture of a community often emerges during times of challenge and this was certainly the case for AISHK. Our sense of community, the Australian value of mateship, our support for eachother and a willingness to “get on with the job” and do what needs to be done without fuss, came to the fore.
Although 2019 may have been a very challenging year, thanks to a very committed, talented and dedicated teaching staff, a very supportive parent body and undoubtedly the very best students in the world, we overcame adversity and emerged from 2019 as a stronger and more united school.