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F acilities Committee Report
Facilities Committee Report
Facilities Committee Members: Mr Adrian Jenkins Mr Steve Palfrey Mr Ian Marsh Ms Lowan Chu The Facilities Committee convenes on a regular basis to: • Review the monthly facilities report from our facility management company ISS Eastpoint • Plan and review the operations and maintenance for all facilities of the AISHK campus • Plan and review all Operational Health and Safety (OH&S) and security issues relating to the campus facilities • Plan for future upgrade projects such as maintenance, renovations, and new facilities • Liaise with and seek advice from professional architects with regards to major building projects All aspects of the campus are taken into consideration, including but not limited to classrooms, bathrooms, gymnasiums and the Aquatic Centre. The committee is tasked with ensuring the entire facility is run smoothly, safely and efficiently, all to serve the school community as best as possible. As the building ages, we recognise that costs relating to maintenance will rise and upgrades will be regularly reviewed. It was a busy year for the Facilities Committee, focusing on a number of significant projects for completion in 2019. Throughout the year, regular meetings were held with project managers to plan and organise the tender process for these projects. Contractors were appointed and commenced work at the end of 2019. Mr Adrian Jenkins
Chair of Facilities Committee Enhancements were made in the following areas:
• The Innovation and Design Centre Early 2019 saw the completion of the 7th Floor Innovation and Design Centre which is now a fully functioning and utilised area, equipped with new furniture and machinery. The area has been reconfigured to create additional, contemporary and innovative learning spaces. • Chillers The second of two chillers was installed in early 2019. These chillers replace 20-year-old equipment and are responsible for regulating the cool air in large, communal areas of the school. • Aquatic Centre At the end of 2019, maintenance work was undertaken on the roof of the Aquatic Centre to further enhance its durability. Repainting of the internal walls and ceiling were also completed at the end of 2019.
As we look ahead into 2020 the Committee is considering enhancements to the 3rd and 4th Floor classrooms to further improve learning environments. The air conditioning units will also be replaced in line with our maintenance schedule. The Facilities Committee will liaise with an appointed project manager to oversee this capital project.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks and gratitude to the hard work of our members, who have given of their time and invaluable expertise.