Report on Building Information Modeling

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MODELING The infrastructure future of India



Contents 1.

Introduction ............................................................................. 3


Understanding BIM.................................................................. 3


BIM Timeline ........................................................................... 5


The Implementation of BIM in India ......................................... 6


BIM Concept ........................................................................... 7


Conclusion .............................................................................. 7


References .............................................................................. 7

BIM | The infrastructure future of India


Introduction Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the documentation process consisting of information about different phases of any project like design, construction planning, construction, facility management and operation. It is one holistic documentation process beneficial for operational visualization, and construction application such as estimating, scheduling and design coordination.

The main advantage of implementing BIM application is the coordination of the building systems such as MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) it also identifies the possible conflicts between the building systems. By detecting the conflicts, problems can be resolved before actual construction which in turn saves money and time invested. The National Standards and Technology (NIST), reported that the lack of adequate interoperability cost the U.S facilities industry about $15.8 billion per year. In India, the BIM application is not widely practiced till now has scope to use this technology on a much wider scale.

The primary focus on geometry in first-generation BIM applications is perhaps unavoidable. Relational database software architecture as complex as it is built upon the presumption that the data is alphanumeric; that it consists of words and numbers. It is relatively easy, from a software design point of view, to maintain a bright line in a relational database between the data itself and the software that is used to act upon it. It is nearly impossible, however, to separate geometric data from the complex algorithms that are used to create or display it. This makes it extremely challenging to compile both geometrical and alphanumeric building information into a single relational database, or to exchange building information reliably among dissimilar software applications.

Understanding BIM With BIM, Architectural Documentation process has reached maturity. Systematic documentation can be traced back during Renaissance when Filippo Brunelleschi represented the plans for Santa Maria del Fiore in Italy in the drawings format to make them look like. Through ages, Architectural Documentation has evolved. Availability of computers opened scopes for creating a data model for a complete design process starting from the conceptual phase to the operational phase. In the following section, a brief sketch of the evolution has been depicted.

BIM | The infrastructure future of India


Figure 1. The Process of BIM

From a technology perspective, a building information model is a project simulation consisting of the 3D models of the project components with links to all the required information connected with the project planning, design, construction or operation as depicted in Figure 1. The principal difference between BIM technology and conventional 3D CAD is that the latter describes a building by independent 3D views such as plans, sections and elevations. Editing one of these views requires that all other views must be checked and updated, an error-prone process that is one of the major causes of poor documentation. In addition, data in these 3D drawings are graphical entities only, such as lines, arcs and circles, in contrast to the intelligent contextual semantic of BIM models, where objects are defined in terms of building elements and systems such as spaces, walls, beams and columns. A building is an information model carries all information related to the building, including its physical and functional characteristics and project life cycle information, in a series of “smart objects�. For example, an air conditioning unit within a BIM would also contain data about its supplier, operation and maintenance procedures, flow rates and clearance requirements. BIM can be viewed as a virtual process that encompasses all aspects, disciplines, and systems of a facility within a single, virtual model, allowing all team members (owners, architects, engineers, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers) to collaborate more accurately and efficiently than

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traditional processes. As the model is being created, team members are constantly refining and adjusting their portions according to project specifications and design changes to ensure the model is as accurate as possible before the project physically breaks ground.

Figure 2. A Comparison between Traditional and BIM Process

The foundations of BIM are laid on two pillars, communication and collaboration. The successful implementation of BIM requires early involvement of all project stakeholders. It means that the traditional project delivery systems have a very limited role in BIM-based projects. Recently the Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) concept emerges as a natural companion to BIM. IPD brings key construction management, trades, fabrication, supplier and product manufacturer expertise together with design professionals and the owner earlier in the process to produce a design that is optimized for quality, aesthetics, constructability, affordability, timeliness and seamless flow into lifecycle management. Figure 2 illustrates the difference between traditional and BIM process.

BIM Timeline Till the early 1980s: Before documents are made traditionally by drawing lines to represent a building. These documents like the plan, section and elevation are the main sources to describe the building to be built. In these traditional drawings, each line meant to convey design so that a building can eventually be constructed. The 1980s to Late 1990s: With the introduction of computers, the major switch drafting towards the computer-aided drafting, which helped in producing drawings faster. As buildings became more complex, specialization in the construction process emerged, turn to lead to forms of information. Use of computers, especially for 2D drawings and reports are revolutionary changes into Architectural Documentation. In the present day, buildings are much more complex than ever before. The numbers of drawings are too large. With the growth of technology, building systems are also many. Today, more security, electrical, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning), and energy requirement. Computer-based reduce errors, but in the end, they are still collections of manually created, nonintelligent lines and text.

BIM | The infrastructure future of India


The Implementation of BIM in India BIM work-sharing in India has become the 1st choice for overseas-based companies like General Contractors, Design Consultants, Architects and Developers. Apart from companies in the AEC sector, there are other companies that are providing services in BIM such as HCL, Wipro, Accenture, Tata and many more. A variety of BIM services have been outsourced to Indian companies which include: 3D BIM Services, Scan to BIM services, Drawing Production, Virtual Reality, 4D Construction sequencing, 5D Cost Integration and Facility Management. These services make the future look promising, this, making India a prime destination for BIM outsourcing or work-sharing for global countries.

Figure 1 BIM Projects in India 2018

As far as the implementation in India, there are many opportunities. The Indian market is one of the largest and fastest growing construction industries. The Indian AECO industry employees more than 35 million people, and has the second highest inflow of foreign direct investment after the services sector, and contributes to about 11.1% of India’s GDP. Recent initiatives set by the Indian government, such as Make in India, is serving to grow the AECO industry, however, a mandate from the government has not been put in place yet. Countries like the US, the UK, the Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, and Australia and a few other countries have mandated the use of BIM in the public sector. BIM adoption efforts from the public sector are happening in more than thirty countries. This is not the case for India. Nevertheless, many big projects (including infrastructural projects) have been undertaken using BIM and related methodologies.

BIM | The infrastructure future of India


BIM Concept A shift in process and expectation is happening in the Indian construction bloom and gloom, and stepping up to the challenge. is shifting from traditional 2D based to a with respect to functional, economic, energy, etc. involved with a project can share a single database. Architecture, structure, mechanical, electrical, infrastructure, are tied together and challenge to coordinate them is unprecedentedly possible. the early stage of design and construction costs are becoming more predictable. BIM allows the use of a parametric 3D model to auto-generate traditional building documents such as plans, sections, elevations, details, and schedules. Drawings produced using BIM supported software’s are not coordinated lines, but interactive representations of a model. The changes made in this Model are automatically coordinated throughout the project, which eliminates the coordination mistakes, improves the overall quality of the work. There are many modelling software packages in the fields which have excellent application for conceptual level models, but these models don’t have the ability to document a building design for construction.

Conclusion The BIM is a new and promising approach in India which is gradually gaining acceptance by the owners, architects, engineers, and builders. The survey explores the BIM potentials when used in the and integrate construction information across different trades, allowing for efficient work processes and better decisions. More specifically, the study concentrated on the deployment of the model to support planning, scheduling and site operations in India. There is no doubt that the situation is not so favorable for BIM adoption in India. But, with time, things will look up. The benefits of adopting BIM in construction cannot be denied and thus the adoption will not stay denied for long.

References 1. Building Information Modeling- A Strategic Implementation Guide by Dana K. Smith and Michael Tardif. 2. Autodesk Inc. 2019 The future of Building Information Modeling in the Construction. 3. Berlo, L.V. and Laat, R.D. (2011) ‘Integration of BIM and GIS: The Development of the City GML GeoBIM Extension’, Advances in 3D Geo Information Sciences, Kolbe, T. H., König, G. and Nagel, C. (Eds.), Springer.

BIM | The infrastructure future of India

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