A J AB S A M RAI ha s c e me nt e d hi mse l f a s one of t he mos t a wa r de d c r e a t i ve s i n t he wor l d, with over 300 pr of e ssi ona l c omme nda t i o n s an d a wa r ds t o hi s n ame.
Online advertising strategies change constantly; here are three of the top trends that are currently making waves in the world of online ads.
Volkswagen ran an end-toend AMP campaign using only AMPHTML ads on AMP pages, which saw an amazing 76% increase in conversions.
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AMPHTML Ads provide website visitors with a better user experience – as well as providing the advertiser with a better return on investment – as they are lighter, faster and safer than other many other forms of advert. AMPHTML Ads use Fast Fetch rendering and are equally as successful for animated or static ads. Volkswagen ran an end-to-end AMP campaign using only AMPHTML ads on AMP pages, which saw an amazing 76% increase in conversions.
Online and Offline
In the future, retail will require a clever combination of online and offline activities – with every bricks-and-mortar shop also requiring a strong digital presence. A well-functioning website is essential for any brand, which should provide customers with all the basic information and tools that they might require, as well as telling the story of the brand and its products and linking to ecommerce opportunities.
Mobile Advertising
Data shows that we spend almost four hours every day on our mobile devices, making them a great option for advertisers looking to target their customers. Mobile ads make shopping more convenient for the customer, as they are already using their device throughout the day – and there are lots of ways to make mobile ads even more frictionless, by integrating with popular messaging apps, for example.
To learn more about this topic, visit the blog of Ajab Samrai.
AJAB SAMRAI has cemented himself as one of the most awarded creatives in the world, with over 300 professional commendations and awards to his name.