English Minimagz - Ambient Media issue

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english mini magz ambient media issue

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What was that? Ambient Media started to appear in British media jargon around 1999, but now seems to be firmly established as a standard term within the advertising industry. It is the name given to a new breed of out-of-home products and services determined by some as non-traditional or alternative media. Ambient media advertising can be used in conjunction with mainstream traditional media, or used equally effectively as a stand-alone activity. The key to a successful ambient media campaign is to choose the best media format available and combined with effective message.

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However, ambient media advertising is only a niche for advertising agencies of overcoming traditional methods of advertising to get the attention of consumers. Ambient media in a larger scale define the media environment and the communication of information in ubiquitous and pervasive environments. The concept of ambient media relates to ambient media form, ambient media content, and ambient media technology. It's principles have been established by Artur Lugmayr and are manifestation, morphing, intelligence, and experience.

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Reason well, it is about placing ads in unusual places you wouldn’t normally see.

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There are many reasons why ambient media is more effective than other ads media. To begin with, the ambient media can make the interaction between ads media and target audience directly.

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Ambient media also usually packed with interesting packaging, so It can make memory of the target audience be strong.

So, those were reasons why ambient media can be said as media that more effective than other ads media. who knows?

it can be found anywhere and anytime without limitation of place and time, such as in the toilet, park, building, in the bus and many more.

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Growth applied media now are growing stronger, and also increasingly compelling, in short it must be caused by the ambient media. It is said there are some reasons of the growth of ambient media. These are the following reasons of the growth of ambient media.

First, it's a decline in the power of traditional media.

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Also, it has an ability to offer precise audience targeting. Then, it's a greater demand for point-of-sale communication. Last but not least, it's general versatility.

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Function There are many functions from using Ambient Media. Ambient Media can be used by many designers. Designers use it to show their work in different way.

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There are many adventages if we use the Ambient media.

Ambient Media can take the form of any advertisement placed in unique and innovative atmosphere, my father ever told me that the Ambient Media can be used to advertise a product or service and we do not need to spend a lot of money.

First, the price is more affordable because it only modifies existing public facilities

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Function of Ambient Media is the work of designers can better known by com munity because Ambient Media conveniently located public so that everyone can see. advertisement are interested. Ambient Media also can increase the sales of the products because they are curious with the products. Last, it is easy for many people to remember the products

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And some people easily annoyed with trivial things, like in the back of airline tickets, and images projected into buildings.

Therefore, as advertisers, we should create ambient media as intended, so it does not interfere with the comfort of the target audience.

Also, the application of a less precise ambient media will make it looks untidy and be a disturbing scene.

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can be said More creative And the target audience was reached because the views by all share among the young to old.

So, you can use the Ambient Media to advertise your product because so many advantages it brings if we use the ambient media

Third, It's easy to remember and more attracted the attention of the audience because the designs made so creative and also very effective. more communicative because ads can be seen in pairs directly can even beseen clearly at long distances.

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Benefits There are so many benefits from using Ambient Media. So, the conclusion is you’ll get a lot of benefits from use Ambient Media.

First, able to sinergize a message and experience to customer, thought the customer can getting a right message that will sent. Then, a need to connecting with customer that more significant to the product. After that, if we use the Ambient Media it has a low prices for the invesment. And, this media will be sharperning the creativity.

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Ambient Media, Annoying? we’re not going to talk about disadvantages of ambient media, it’s more like the way of thinking. what did that mean?

First, ambient media sometimes annoys people, such as pop up ads in web that is popping when we accidentally click on it.

Some people usually got annoyed with ambient work, as in ads that appear in more unusual places. There are some reasons why some people annoyed by ambient media.

Not to mention, ambient media in the form of pop –up web makes surfing the web most of it’s victims waste time for things they didn’t like.

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Table of Content https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambient_media http://www.creativeguerrillamarketing.com/guerrilla-marketing/42-kickass-ambient-advertising-examples-2014/ www.pinterest.com/ambientmedia https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwig1P-7kYnMAhUFGY4KHWgXAtcQjB0IBg&url=http%3A%2 F%2Fwww.groundreport.com%2Fthe-essentials-of-advertising-your-business%2F&psig=AFQjCNF_L T5us6bxEDk_f7U7u1cAEuDv4g&ust=1460551743977105 https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lovecreativemarketing.com%2Fambient -media-examples%2F&psig=AFQjCNHgBmoeWOk9VbuVYuTilz-_exdVMg&ust=1460550970171852 https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0ahUKEwiU_Z7_kYnMAhXTW44KHZQGAvkQjB0IBg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.hight oweragency.com%2Fretargeting-to-your-truck-driver-prospects&psig=AFQjCNG6NhQXT3MnxVPVY SLYhNWEP15O5A&ust=1460551899348528&cad=rjt https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjr7s6skonMAhXLcI4KHRakAE8QjB0IBg&url=https%3A%2F %2Fwww.lovecreativemarketing.com%2Fambient-media-examples%2F&psig=AFQjCNHzbZ0DCyrQ 3QXcRjwyVMYhxPwbSQ&ust=1460552001681718 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/366691594632404124/ https://komunikasiana.wordpress.com/2009/09/02/abstrak-tesis-bambang-sukma-wijaya/ http://vacantboards.com/ambient-advertising-can-amplify-ooh-campaign/ http://www.headspacedallas.com/blog/

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