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The Faculty Handbook outlines the policies and procedures governing the recruitment, promotion, roles, rights, responsibilities, and other important aspects concerning faculty members employed at Ajman University of Science & Technology.

June 2009


Table of Contents FACULTY HANDBOOK ....................................................................................................... 1 June 2009.......................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Table of Contents .................................................................................................................... 2 1 FACULTY RECRUITMENT AND APPOINTMENT ..................................................... 4 1.1 Recruitment Policies ................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 Recruitment Procedure ........................................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Academic Ranks ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.4 Terms of Contract.................................................................................................................................................... 7 1.5 Contract Renewal and Termination ...................................................................................................................... 8

2 FACULTY RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................. 9 2.1 Faculty Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Faculty Rights ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 2.3 Faculty Role............................................................................................................................................................. 11 2.4 Teaching Load ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 2.5 Professional Development ................................................................................................................................... 12 2.6 Intellectual Property Rights .................................................................................................................................. 13 2.7 Orientation of New Faculty Members ............................................................................................................... 13 2.8 Academic Honesty ................................................................................................................................................. 13 2.9 Part-Time Faculty Members................................................................................................................................. 13 3 PROMOTION POLICY AND PROCEDURE ................................................................ 14 3.1 Faculty Promotion Policy ..................................................................................................................................... 14 3.2 Faculty Promotion Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 14 4 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION .................................................................................. 16 4.1 Evaluation Policies ................................................................................................................................................. 16 4.2 Evaluation Procedure ............................................................................................................................................ 18 5 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE........................................................................................... 19 5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 19 5.2 Faculty Grievance Committee ............................................................................................................................. 19 5.3 Faculty Grievance Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 20 Evaluation Form of Applicant for Faculty Position ........................................................... 22 Contract for Teaching Staff ................................................................................................. 24 Faculty Development Policy ............................................................................................... 31 Intellectual Property Policy ................................................................................................. 36 Promotion Regulations for Faculty Members ..................................................................... 45 The Strategic File .......................................................................................................................................................... 45 The Legal File ................................................................................................................................................................ 49 The Administrative and Organizational File ................................................................................................................. 50 The Financial & Investment File ............................................................................................................................... 54


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Data, Information and Promotion File .................................................................................................................... 54 Standards, Quality Assurance & Quality Control File ........................................................................................... 54 Follow up, Updating & Development File .............................................................................................................. 55

GRIEVANCE FORM ......................................................................................................... 57 Grievance Form for Faculty Members ..................................................................................................................... 57




1.1 Recruitment Policies Ajman University of Science & Technology (AUST) follows an orderly process for recruitment and appointment of faculty members. Its recruitment policies are designed to ensure that qualified and competent faculty members with the required qualifications and experience are hired for all vacant or newly created positions. As part of its recruitment policies, AUST does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, age, national origin, or marital status. In fact, the University prefers to employ faculty members from a variety of educational and cultural backgrounds who have obtained their terminal degrees from internationally recognized and broadly respected institutions and have contributed to, or demonstrated their potential for quality teaching, research, and service to educational institutions and the community. The five main criteria used in the selection of new faculty members are listed as follows: 1. Teaching 2. Research 3. Training 4. Practice 5. Expertise All faculty members employed by the University must be competent in spoken and written English. They must also be familiar with the credit hour system of higher education and able to work with students from a variety of backgrounds. In addition, the faculty members must be competent in the use of computers for teaching and research purposes. They must also be familiar with academic advising and be able to contribute to the development of courses and curricula.

1.2 Recruitment Procedure The Dean of a College determines the needs for new faculty members. For a newly-created position, the approval of the Vice-President for Administrative and Financial Affairs is required, while for an existing position left vacant by a faculty member, the termination report and/or approved resignation letter is needed to initiate the recruitment process. For every vacant position, 4

Faculty Handbook the Dean of the concerned College, in consultation with the head of the academic department or unit, shall provide written information concerning the needed specialization, minimum qualifications and required experience. The Dean presents the needs analysis to the Vice President for approval. After getting the official approval for a vacant position, it is the responsibility of the Human Resources (HR) Department at Ajman University of Science & Technology (AUST) to complete the recruitment process. The recruitment steps are described in the following.

Step 1: Advertising The HR Department prepares the description for the vacant position on the basis of the information received from the Dean of the concerned College and posts it on the University website. The HR department also determines the timing, nature of advertisement and needs for contacting hiring agencies, if any, and notifies the General Administration for Communication & Public Relations for the placement of the advertisement along with a draft of the advertisement and a list of publications in which the advertisement would appear.

Step 2: Review Process The HR Department receives and acknowledges the receipt of résumés/applications and retains them for a minimum period of six months. The same applies to all communication and correspondence between the applicant and the University during the selection process. Résumés/applications of qualified applicants are then forwarded to the concerned Dean. The Dean, in consultation with the head of the concerned department or unit, forms a search committee comprised of qualified faculty members to conduct the search, review applications and make recommendations to the Dean. The search committee evaluates all applicants in accordance with the general selection criteria adopted by AUST and the specific requirements of the vacant position. The evaluation form used by the search committee for this purpose is presented in Appendix I. The search committee then submits the names of at least three short-listed applicants along with the basis and rationale for their selection. The Dean forwards the list of recommended applicants to the HR Department.

Step 3: Interviews The Dean or Deputy-Dean must conduct personal interviews with each of the short-listed applicants residing in the U.A.E. Short-listed applicants from outside the U.A.E. are interviewed by the Dean or Deputy-Dean via telephone or videoconference, as appropriate. All interviewed applicants are informed of the outcome soon after the results are finalized. The Dean forwards the name of the selected applicant, along with the merit list of the remaining short listed applicants, to the HR Department for necessary action.


Step 4: Appointment Letter The HR Department validates the authenticity of all degrees and letters of references provided by the selected applicant. It then prepares a letter of appointment and gets it approved from the concerned authority. The HR Department is responsible for dispatching the official letter of appointment along with other documents providing information about the general policies of the University, resident visa and medical requirements, academic ranks and their salary ranges, other financial benefits, length and type of contract, etc.

1.3 Academic Ranks Ajman University of Science & Technology (AUST) employs full-time faculty members in the following academic ranks: •


Associate Professor

Assistant Professor


Teaching Assistant

In addition to the above-mentioned full-time academic ranks, adjunct faculty may be employed in accordance with the ratio of adjunct to full-time faculty and the teaching load regulations specified by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The description for each academic rank is provided below.

Professor It is the highest academic rank that is obtained after successfully being promoted from the Associate Professor rank in a reputable institution. An appointee to this rank must have earned the Ph.D. degree from an internationally-recognized institution and must have served as a full-time Associate Professor for at least four years with significant contribution in research and service to the academic institution and community.

Associate Professor This rank is obtained after successfully being promoted from the Assistant Professor rank in a reputable institution. An appointee to this rank must have earned the Ph.D. degree from an internationally-recognized institution and must have served as a full-time Assistant Professor for at least four years with noteworthy contributions in research and service to the academic institution and community.


Faculty Handbook

Assistant Professor An appointee to this rank must have earned the Ph.D. degree from an internationally recognized institution and must have demonstrated potential as an effective teacher and a promising researcher with a strong commitment to serve the institution and community.

Lecturer An appointee to this rank must have earned a Master's Degree from an internationally recognized institution. He/she must have demonstrated strong potential as an effective teacher and have had prior teaching experience. The lecturer will, in general, teaches readiness-level courses, regular course tutorials, and performs other teaching-related activities.

Teaching Assistant An appointee to this rank must have earned a Bachelor degree from an internationally recognized institution. He/she must have demonstrated strong potential as an effective teacher and had prior administrative experience. The Teaching Assistant will assist the instructor in classes delivering and presenting, grading and student evaluation.

1.4 Terms of Contract AUST employment contract for faculty members shall be signed by both the University and the faculty member after acceptance of the employment offer and commencement, and is provided in Appendix II. A summary of some important issues concerning the terms of the contract is provided in the following. The employment contract is usually for a period of two years and is renewable as per University regulations. The faculty member is bound to abide by the published policies, rules and procedures stipulated by the University. He/she shall honestly, diligently, and to the best of his/her abilities carry out assigned duties under the contract. These duties include attending scheduled teaching sessions and meetings (classroom and/or laboratory), academic advising, conducting examinations, carrying out research, offering expertise, and contributing in students training. He/she shall not accept any other professional appointment outside AUST without prior written approval from the University. He/she shall abide by the confidentiality regulations of the University and strive for professional development on regular basis. The faculty member is entitled to the remuneration package mentioned in his/her contract along with specified annual increments. The package includes Basic Salary, Experience Allowance, Transportation Allowance, Cost of Living Allowance, Furniture Allowance, Housing Allowance, Tuition Fee Allowance, Rare Specialization Allowance (as applicable), and Annual Tickets for travel


by air. The University also provides health insurance for all faculty members. In addition, the faculty member is entitled to a generous End of Service Gratuity (one month basic salary for every year of service at the University). The faculty member is entitled to annual leave, sick leave and maternity leave as per regulations specified in the contract.

1.5 Contract Renewal and Termination The contract is renewable at the expiry of its original period unless the University or the faculty member informs the other party by a minimum of 3 months written notice, prior to the contract expiration date. Otherwise, the one who fails to act accordingly will be liable to compensate all the damage that may affect the other party. The contract also specifies conditions (academic or moral violations and misconduct) that may result in disciplinary actions up to termination of the faculty member’s contract. These conditions are clearly stated in the faculty member’s contract provided in Appendix II. However, the faculty member will be given the opportunity to present his/her case before a final disciplinary decision is taken.


Faculty Handbook



2.1 Faculty Responsibilities The primary responsibility of faculty members is to teach, conduct research, acquire skills through ongoing training, take part in communication-related practices and activities within and outside the university borders, and gain practical experience in their fields of expertise. They are also required to take part in revising and developing programs of study in terms of updating curriculum, course syllabi, textbooks, etc. Other responsibilities, as stipulated in the contract, relate to professional development, institutional confidentiality, professional ethics, as well as responsibilities towards the development of their department, College and the University.

Teaching Faculty members are required to: •

Teach AUST students in classes and in laboratories (as applicable).

Establish course policies and requirements.

Establish clear grading standards in order to fairly evaluate students on the basis of their academic performance.

Advise students on an ongoing basis outside regularly scheduled classes.

Supervise graduation (capstone) projects.

Supervise students’ research projects, such as term papers and practical works, within the rules and regulations of the department, the College and the University.

Maintain professional demeanor within and outside the classroom.

Adhere to the University administrative policies and procedures on issues related to exams, incompletes, withdrawals, drop-adds, and so on.

Advising Faculty members are required to know the academic rules, regulations and procedures that apply to advising responsibilities. They are also required to be familiar with different university services and agencies pertinent to students in order to work together when necessary. In that regard, faculty members should: 9

Schedule office hours in order to meet with students outside prescheduled class meetings.

Post office hours and include them in the course syllabus.

Ensure that the number of office hours reflect the teaching load and size of the classes.

Be in the office during office hours.

Ensure that office hours are flexible enough to provide reasonable contact with students who may have class conflicts.

Make it possible for students to make appointments outside of scheduled office hours.

Schedule additional office hours during registration periods.

Participate and assist other faculty members and students in the registration process.

Keep, update, and refer to students’ records during each advising session.

Research Ajman University of Science & Technology (AUST) considers research an essential activity in the production and dissemination of knowledge. AUST faculty members are encouraged to devote a reasonable amount of time and effort to scholarly research in order to maintain academic competence and development of students’ education. The following is a description of what constitutes “academic research”: •

Studies and works that can be published in books, journals and/or other means.

Individual or group research to be published and/or presented in academic conferences or seminars.

Research aiming at developing teaching skills and techniques.

Research undertaken for outside persons or organizations can be considered “non-academic research”. Some restrictions may apply to non-academic research if it involves the use of the University facilities and resources.

Training, Expertise and Practice The University encourages faculty members to gain practical experience in order to keep up with the new developments in their disciplines and areas of expertise. It also encourages faculty members to serve the community in order to further develop a positive image of the University and enhance its reputation. In that regard, faculty members are encouraged to engage in consulting work as long as it does not interfere with their duties and responsibilities vis-à-vis the University. These service activities include participating in civic and social programs such as: •

Representing the University in a public forum.

Attending meetings and conferences.


Faculty Handbook •

Presenting reports to professionals.

Working with the government and/or industry to enhance the University image, invigorate teaching and provide helpful contacts for students.

Faculty members are expected to perform all the duties assigned to them. Any departure from a normal work schedule should receive prior approval from the Dean.

2.2 Faculty Rights The rights of faculty members are well explained in their contracts. A copy of the contract is provided in Appendix II. According to the terms of the contract, faculty members are entitled to the followings: •

Health insurance

Sick leave

Maternity leave

Annual leave

Bereavement leave


Public holidays

For further details about the above-mentioned rights of faculty members, please refer to Appendix II. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that the University has a well-defined policy concerning intellectual property rights of faculty members. The University also provides technical and production support services to its faculty members. It specifically encourages the faculty members to become proficient in utilizing and managing a variety of instructional technologies. Furthermore, the University provides ongoing training of faculty members and is committed to their professional development, as explained in Section 2.5 below.

2.3 Faculty Role The faculty members are responsible for developing, evaluating, and periodically updating all educational programs offered by the University. In every College, committees comprising of faculty members analyze the feedback received from various sources and accordingly revise and update the courses and curriculum. The same applies to the development of laboratories, training programs, and other related aspects of an academic program. For every program, a faculty member is assigned as


the Program Coordinator who has the overall responsibility of program coordination, curriculum development, assessment and updating.

2.4 Teaching Load The maximum teaching load for full-time faculty members is 12 credit hours per semester for undergraduate programs and 9 credit hours per semester for graduate programs. The teaching load of part-time faculty members is limited to a maximum of 6 hours per week.

2.5 Professional Development The University recognizes that its faculty members are its most valuable resource and that their competence, commitment and capacity to change are fundamental to the successful achievement of its mission. It is for this reason that the annual report of each faculty member should include development activities during the preceding year and should mention areas of progress and their impact. On its part, the University is committed to foster and support faculty development and thus set up a policy that provides opportunities for individual faculty to: •

Improve teaching effectiveness.

Maintain current academic and technical knowledge and skills.

Develop computer and technological proficiency skills.

Pursue research and creative projects.

Exchange information and ideas.

Engage in curriculum updating.

Develop innovative and effective instructional and administrative techniques.

Faculty members from all disciplines and campuses are encouraged to participate and attend academic conferences, professional meetings and engage in research activities both inside and outside the UAE. The financial assistance provided by the University for attending conferences is described in the following. For details about the Faculty Development Policy adopted by AUST, please refer to Appendix III.

Financial Assistance Any faculty member who is on official business travel to participate and/or attend academic conference is entitled to a return air ticket in addition to the “business travel allowance” that covers the costs for the period of time spent abroad. Tickets and business travel allowance are paid according to the University defined categories and destinations scheme:


Faculty Handbook

2.6 Intellectual Property Rights AUST has published Intellectual Property Policy to guide faculty members on the practices related to ownership, exploitation and use of the university facilities and/or resources. The policy draws upon acclaimed Intellectual Property policies as practiced elsewhere and based on guidelines set by the World Intellectual Property Organization. For provisions of the AUST Intellectual Property Policy see Appendix IV.

2.7 Orientation of New Faculty Members New faculty members will receive a proper orientation about the University policies, philosophy, and work ethics with regard to their specific job. They will be briefed about the program, its curriculum and the role of faculty members in its development, their rights and responsibilities. They will also be provided with all relevant information about the registration as well as the advising systems. The Dean, head of the concerned department, and senior faculty members will take part in the orientation process.

2.8 Academic Honesty Academic honesty is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner. Academic honesty is a basic guiding principle for all academic activities at the University, and all members of the University community are expected to act in accordance with this principle. Academic honesty includes a commitment not to engage in or tolerate acts of falsification, misrepresentation or deception. Such acts of dishonesty violate the fundamental ethical principles of the University community and compromise the worth of work completed by others. It is worth emphasizing here that the University expects all its faculty members to abide by the highest standards of professional ethics in all their activities conducted inside or outside the University campus.

2.9 Part-Time Faculty Members Part-time faculty members teach courses that are beyond remedial or readiness levels. Their employment is subject to the same requirements of professional competence and experience as their full-time counterparts. Their number shall not exceed 25% of the total faculty members for any program offered by the University. In addition, the teaching load of part-time faculty members shall not exceed 6 hours per week. The net salary for part-time faculty members is determined on the basis of their teaching load.




3.1 Faculty Promotion Policy AUST faculty members are promoted in accordance with the terms, conditions and rules stated in the executive regulations of AUST and in accordance with the criteria, requirements and procedures stated in the provisions of these regulations (see Appendix V for promotion regulations). A faculty member shall only be entitled to apply for promotion after the passage of two years from the date of his/her appointment as a resident, i.e., full-time faculty member in AUST and shall not be awarded a promotion unless he/she continues to be employed by the University. One of the major duties of the Promotion and Placement of Academic Ranks Committee (PPARC) is to review the assessment provided by the Dean of concerned College regarding the eligibility of a faculty member to apply for promotion, and accordingly perform an overall assessment of the applicant taking into account a number of factors including the feedback received from external evaluators.

3.2 Faculty Promotion Procedure An applicant for academic promotion should submit a written application to the head of the concerned department along with the following documents: •

Five copies of his/her curriculum vitae.

Completed promotion form related to research work submitted with the application.

Copies of current research papers, articles and/or books.

A report on the applicant’s own contribution to at least one of the three fields concerning service to University and community (training, practice, expertise).

A copy of the title and table of contents of the Master's and Ph.D. thesis and/or dissertation degrees and abstracts of these as appropriate.

A written statement attesting that no part or whole of the work submitted for promotion is directly drawn from the Master's or Ph.D. thesis/dissertation or that these works as submitted have been previously used to obtain an academic degree.

Any other relevant documents that the applicant may wish to submit.


Faculty Handbook •

In case of applying for promotion to the rank of professor, a list of the books and research works that had previously been submitted for promotion to the rank of associate professor should be attached to the application.


The concerned department shall submit the applicant’s published research work (publications) classified into three categories: local, regional, and international.

The performance of an applicant for promotion shall be evaluated on the basis of his/her contribution towards teaching, research and service to AUST and community in terms of training, practice and expertise. The applicant's research work shall be sent to three external referees for evaluation and grading. The PPARC shall recommend to the President of the University a promotion for the applicant or deny it on the basis of the internal and external (research reviewers) assessment. The President shall make the final decision. For more details about the promotion procedure, please refer to Appendix V.




4.1 Evaluation Policies The creation of an innovative environment and the realization of quality education demands AUST's selection, retention and continued development of dedicated and creative faculty members. This requires an objective and thorough appraisal of each faculty member at the selection stage, for renewal of contract and for promotion in academic rank. A thorough evaluation of faculty members' performance has several advantages. It would: •

Identify those who are worthy of reward and promotion.

Encourage the faculty members to further develop their performance, especially in areas where some weakness is noted.

Require substantial improvement from those faculty members whose overall performance is determined as unsatisfactory.

Help in designing an adequate faculty development plan.

The performance of the faculty is monitored on a regular basis. It is the policy of AUST to carry out an annual detailed evaluation of performance. As in faculty recruitment and in faculty promotion, the general annual evaluation is based on faculty performance in the following areas: •



Service to AUST and Community in at least one of the three areas of training, expertise, and professional practice. This covers the contribution of faculty towards the development of the institution, the enhancement of education standards, development of faculty members through consultancy and services provided to the community. These activities may be delivered through the academic unit.


Faculty Handbook

The relative evaluation weight for each of the above three categories is as follows: Teaching 40% Research


Service to AUST and Community (training, expertise, practice)


The outcome of the assessment is categorized into three levels: •



Needs Improvement.

The general guidelines for determining the contribution in each category are as follows: Teaching •

Performance in the classroom.

Developing and implementing new courses.

Designing online courses.

Guiding students in and out of the classroom.

Using innovative techniques and tools to enhance learning.

Effective utilization of a variety of instructional strategies and appropriate information technologies to enhance the learning process.

Research •

Developing and/or implementing research plans.

Contribution in acquiring and completing externally-funded research projects.

Publishing research papers in national or international journals.

Participation in scientific meetings.

Training, Expertise and Practice •

Contribution towards the development and/or implementation of training programs in and outside AUST.

Active involvement in student advising.

Administrative and organizational contributions towards the operation of AUST and its development.

Professional contribution in the field of specialization within AUST or towards community.


4.2 Evaluation Procedure The performance evaluation of faculty is conducted normally by the next higher-level academic administrator with the appropriate input from multiple sources. All departments/Colleges follow the general policy on evaluation as set by AUST. However, there are differences in the details among departments and Colleges. These differences are due to the nature of the departments and their individual needs.

Levels of Evaluation •

Normally the evaluation starts at the head of the department who, based on the available information, submits his/her report on faculty members to the Dean. The material on which the recommendation is based is also made available to the Dean.

The Dean, in consultation with the head of the department makes his/her assessment of the faculty. Sometimes, it is more appropriate to form a reviewers committee at the College level to assess the faculty performance. The Dean or Deputy-Dean normally chairs the faculty reviewers committee.

The Dean submits the final recommendations to the Vice-President's office for approval on the course of action to be taken to address any weaknesses.

Sources of Information for Evaluation The evaluation of faculty performance is based on the information obtained from the following sources: •

The report submitted by the faculty member highlighting his/her accomplishments in the last year.

Students' feedback on course evaluation. All students carry this out, electronically, towards the end of each semester.

Students' feedback on the effectiveness of academic advising. This is also completed electronically by the students towards the end of each semester.

Any other material provided by the head of the department or the Dean, which could help in evaluation.


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5.1 Introduction Ajman University of Science & Technology aims at providing a workplace with an ambience of mutual respect so that faculty members, administrative staff and students can all work amicably and discharge their duties effectively without any harassment or problems. However, as is natural, disputes may arise from time to time between a faculty member and an administrator or other individual. In such a case, if the dispute is not resolved informally between the concerned parties, the faculty member may report it to the Dean for his/her intervention. If the Dean’s intervention also fails to resolve the dispute to the satisfaction of the concerned faculty member, he/she may proceed to file a formal complaint to the Chairperson of the Faculty Grievance Committee (FGC) at the university level. In this case, the complaint shall be referred to as “Grievance” and the concerned faculty member filing the complaint shall be referred to as “Grievant”. It is important to note that a grievance may also be filed if a non-action by an administrator has adversely affected the faculty member’s terms of contract, academic freedom, or other provisions as stated in the Faculty Handbook or other published documents.

5.2 Faculty Grievance Committee The Faculty Grievance Committee (FGC) shall determine if the grievant has been substantially harmed as a result of the filed grievance, and if so, what relief should be given to the grievant. The University President appoints members of the FGC and its Chairperson. The findings and recommendations of the FGC will be forwarded to the University President for necessary action, if any. In making its recommendations, the FGC shall make a determination of whether a violation of regulation, policy, or procedure has occurred. If it is determined that there was a violation, the FGC shall consider factors such as whether the violation was intentional or unintentional and if it was due to some negligence or misunderstanding of rules and regulations.

The duties of the Chairperson of FGC shall include the following: •

Provide relevant information to the grievant for filing a grievance.

Receive the written grievance.

Arrange for FGC meetings and schedule the hearings.


Preside over the meetings and ensure the hearings are conducted in accordance with the specified procedure.

Ensure that all records are maintained.

Submit the findings of FGC and its recommendations to the President of the University.

Inform the concerned parties about the final decision taken by the President. The members of the FGC are responsible for:

Reviewing the grievance and ensuring that it is complete with all required information and documents.

Deciding if the grievance does in fact need processing by FGC.

Hearing the evidence presented by the grievant as well as arguments presented by the defendant(s) and questioning both sides with the aim of finding exactly what happened. This shall also cover the witnesses from both sides and their cross-examination.

Reaching a decision on the basis of evidence presented, discussions, and cross-examinations and making recommendations.

Making sure that confidentiality is strictly maintained.

In case the chairperson or any other member of the FGC is him/herself the grievant or defendant, he/she must quit the Committee. The University President will appoint a replacement for that member. The same will apply to a member who is on leave or absent during the hearing process.

5.3 Faculty Grievance Procedure The grievance must be filed within one month after the grievant becomes aware of a substantial violation of his/her rights as stipulated in published documents, including the Faculty Handbook. The Grievance Form is provided in Appendix VI. In filing the grievance, the grievant must provide the following information: •

A detailed account of the incident, situation or circumstances that caused the grievance. The grievant must specify the party against whom the grievance is filed, and specifically explain how that party has violated his/her rights or affected his/her ability to work in a professional or academic capacity, and accordingly what harm or damage occurred.

Explain what informal actions were taken to resolve the dispute. It is required that the grievant mentions the date when he/she informed the Dean about it, and why he/she is not satisfied with the solution, if any, achieved by the Dean. If the Dean was not involved before filing the grievance, the grievant must provide reasons for not doing so.

Specify what relief is being sought through the grievance procedure.


Faculty Handbook •

Provide the name, phone number and e-mail address of each person that he/she would like to call as a witness during the hearing process.

Upon receipt of the grievance, the Chairperson of the FGC will conduct an informal inquiry and meet with the grievant to resolve the matter. If the grievance cannot be resolved within two weeks of its receipt, the Chairperson will forward it to the committee members for review, and they will decide if the grievance requires a formal hearing. If it does, the process for a formal hearing shall be initiated; otherwise, the President of the University and the concerned parties shall be informed in writing that the grievance does not deserve a hearing by the FGC as it does not fall within its jurisdiction. As a first step in the hearing process, the FGC shall notify the President of the University about initiation of the process. It will also inform the concerned parties and provide them with relevant information and documents in order to prepare for the hearing. In this regard, the Chairperson of the FGC shall be responsible for all communication. The concerned parties shall be given reasonable time for preparation and allowed to present their views personally, provide evidence, call witnesses and cross-examine the witnesses of the other party. Each party shall be informed about the identity of the witnesses at least three working days prior to the date of the hearing. It must, however, be noted that the witnesses will only come to the hearing on a voluntary basis and cannot be forced by either party to attend the hearing. A record of the hearing shall be prepared. The FGC will try its best to obtain reliable and sufficient information to reach a decision. At the completion of the hearing, the FGC members will deliberate and reach a decision by majority vote. Within one week of the decision made by the FGC, the Chairperson shall present a report to the President of the University describing its findings and giving its recommendations. The report shall also include the account of the evidence presented by all parties. It must be noted that the recommendations of the FGC are of an advisory nature only and the President of the University makes the final decision. Also, the report of the FGC may not be used as evidence by either party in a related legal action. After the President has made a decision, the Chairperson of FGC shall inform the concerned parties about the final decision.


APPENDIX I Evaluation Form of Applicant for Faculty Position Evaluation Form of Applicant for Faculty Position Name: …………………………………….. Nationality: …………………………….. College: …………………………..…….………..…….. Department: …………….……………………………... Job Title & Rank: ……………………………………… Job Code: ………………………………………………. Degree: …………………..…….………. Specialization: ………………...…………… Place & Date: ………….........….………………………



Teaching 1 Number of years of teaching at the university level I

2 Relevance of courses taught to AUST program courses 3 Teaching capabilities 4 Development of study plans and syllabi 5 Experience of teaching in credit hour system 6 Laboratory/practical experience (if applicable) Total


Research 1 Quality of published research papers and books II

2 Experience in supervising theses and graduation projects 3 Participation in scientific conferences 4 Participation in research proposals and funded research Total






Expertise (A 1 Participation in various committees 2

Contribution towards community services

3 Organization of meetings, conferences and seminars 4 Membership/contribution in scientific societies 5

National and international awards

Training (B 1 Participation and contribution in organizing training programs and workshops. 2 Training courses attended as trainee Practice (C 1 Actual practicing in the field of specialization 2 Administrative activities assignments 3 Computer use and skills 4



Consultancy experience Total


Grand Total Points


Note: In view of the different set of hiring requirements for each College/department, the

above-mentioned activities can be valued differently depending on rank/specialization and general skills required for the vacant position. Accordingly, each activity could be given its own importance i.e. “assessment points”. Hence, each College/department has the option of setting its own “points proposed” provided the total should tally with the set totals presented above.

Evaluation Committee Name: ………………………. Job Title: ………………… Signature: ………….. Date:



Name: ………………………. Job Title: ………………… Signature: ………….. Date:



Name: ………………………. Job Title: ………………… Signature: ………….. Date:



Approval by Dean: …………………….……………… Date:




APPENDIX II Contract for Teaching Staff Employment Contract for a Faculty Member 1.



The University shall employ the Faculty Member in the position of [insert academic title], for a term of [insert length], commencing on the [insert date] (the "Commencement Date") and ending [insert date] unless this Contract is terminated earlier in accordance with the terms of this Contract. The University and Faculty Member may agree in writing to extend this contract for subsequent terms at least three (3) months prior to the expiration of the current term then. This Contract Term and any subsequent Renewal Terms are collectively referred to herein as the “Term”).


The Faculty Member agrees that the terms and conditions of this Contract are subject to and shall be construed in accordance with: (a) the bylaws and regulations of the University; (b) the regulations of Ministry of Labor; (c) Federal Law No. 8 of 1980 (as amended) (the “UAE Labor Law”); and (d) Rules and regulations of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The employment is expressly dependent upon the Faculty Member being medically fit to reside and work in the Emirate of Ajman and the United Arab Emirates (“the Territory”) and the employment being and continuing to be permitted by the appropriate authorities in the Territory.




During the term of employment, the Faculty Member shall devote the Faculty Member’s entire working time and attention to such duties as may be assigned

by the University, in addition to the duties set out under clause 2.6 below, and shall further faithfully and diligently serve and endeavor to meet the University’s requirements. 2.2


The Faculty Member represents to the University that the Faculty Member has the required skills and experience to perform the duties and exercise the responsibilities required of a Faculty Member.

Faculty Handbook


In carrying out these duties and responsibilities the Faculty Member shall comply with all lawful instructions as may from time to time be given by the University. This shall include all policies, practices and rules of the University which may be in force from time to time.


At all times and in all respects the Faculty Member shall comply with all laws, rules and codes of conduct, in force from time to time and/or required by any regulatory body in relation to the business of the University or status of the Faculty Member.


The Faculty Member agrees and acknowledges that the nature of the Faculty Member’s position as described in clause 1.1 above requires that the Faculty Member shall always attend classes, examinations, conduct research and training as well as offer expertise, practice and other similar activities to students and staff as required by the University from time to time.


The Faculty Member undertakes to perform and assume the following duties (in addition to any other duties as may be assigned to the Faculty Member by the University from time to time; however, Faculty Member shall not be entitled to

any additional remuneration not stipulated in this Contract). 2.6.1

Teaching: The Faculty Member undertakes to abide by Faculty Member’s assigned teaching tasks as set out in the 2007 book of Standards for Licensure & Accreditation by the Commission for Academic Accreditation and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the United Arab Emirates. The Faculty Member undertakes to accomplish such tasks in a professional and accurate manner and undertakes to maintain the highest standards of quality in performance of the Faculty Member’s duties that can be expected of a person with the Faculty Member’s qualifications and title, by the use of the latest methods of teaching.


Research: The Faculty Member shall conduct research and studies in accordance with the requirements of the University; therefore, the Faculty Member shall commit him/herself to active involvement in research and work teams, such teams being the mechanism for accomplishing research and the application of such research.


Training: The Faculty Member shall participate in training programs and continuous education initiatives (internally and externally) in accordance with the training regulations applied by the University from time to time.


Expertise: The Faculty Member undertakes to maintain the highest standards of expertise in the Faculty Member’s particular field of specialty that can be expected of a person with the Faculty Member’s qualifications and title in performance of the Faculty Member’s duties and executing projects, programs and assignments adopted by the University.



Practice: The Faculty Member shall comply with the professional practice criteria set out in the regulations, policies and circulars of the University when: (a) performing the Faculty Member’s duties as set out under this Contract; and (b) in order to link theory to practice; and (c) in order to interact positively with the business community.


The Faculty Member will be required to work for the University at the University's usual place of business, [insert address], or such other offices or places of work as the University may require from time to time.




The Faculty Member shall not hold any remunerated or non-remunerated position with or for any person or corporate body or participate (directly or indirectly) in any private or commercial activities for the Faculty Member’s own account whilst employed by the University, without the University’s prior written consent.


The Faculty Member agrees not to undertake any activity that could prove prejudicial to or incompatible in any way with the University’s interests.




During or after the term of this Contract, the Faculty Member shall not: 4.1.1

Divulge, furnish, transfer or make accessible to any person any confidential information pertaining to the business of the University and its Faculty Members and any other confidential documents and information acquired by the Faculty Member in the course of the Faculty Member’s employment with the University, or


Use or attempt to use any confidential information for the Faculty Member’s own benefit or for the benefit of any other party or institution, or in any manner where the use of such confidential information is not for the purposes of the performance of the Faculty Member’s professional duties as set out under this Contract.




The Faculty Member shall be entitled to monthly remuneration of AED [insert amount] (the “Remuneration”), payable monthly at the end of each Gregorian calendar month.


The Remuneration is comprised of:


Basic Salary

AED [……]


AED [……]


AED [……]

Faculty Handbook 6.



The Faculty Member shall be entitled to the following benefits in accordance with the University’s policies and bylaws (as may be amended from time to time at the sole discretion of the University): 6.1.1

Housing Allowance: the Faculty Member shall be entitled to an annual housing allowance of AED [insert amount] which shall be payable in two equal installments.


Furniture Allowance: The Faculty Member shall be entitled to a one-off payment of AED [insert amount] payable in two (2) equal installments during the first year of service. For the avoidance of doubt, the furniture allowance will be payable once only and will not be payable upon any renewal of this Contract. The eligibility of this amount is due over four (4) continuous years of work for the University; i.e. 25% per year.


Medical Benefits: The Faculty Member, the Faculty Member’s spouse and two (2) dependant children shall be entitled to participate in the University’s private medical insurance scheme in accordance with the University’s medical policy (as amended from time to time at the sole discretion of the University), subject to the providers/insurers of such programs/plans being willing to accept the Faculty Member into membership on reasonable terms. The University will pay all the contributions in respect of the Faculty Member’s medical insurance to the insurance provider on behalf of the Faculty Member. However, the University will only pay half of the contributions in respect of the Faculty Member’s spouse and two dependants and the balance will be deducted from the Faculty Member’s monthly salary.


Annual Education Allowance: The Faculty Member is entitled to an annual education allowance in accordance with the University’s education allowance policy (as amended from time to time at the sole discretion of the University), provided that such education allowance shall not exceed AED [insert amount].


Air Ticket : The Faculty Member, the Faculty Member’s spouse and three (3) dependant children shall be entitled to one annual round trip economy class air ticket each to the Faculty Member’s home country after completion of each year of service, provided that the total cost of the annual air tickets does not exceed the sum of AED [insert amount]. No cash payments will be made in lieu of annual air tickets and the Faculty Member is not entitled to claim a pro rata portion of the annual air tickets if the Faculty Member’s employment terminates (for any reason whatsoever) prior to completion of a full year’s service.


End of Service Benefit: The Faculty Member is entitled to an end of service gratuity calculated as thirty (30) days Basic Salary for each completed year of service, provided that the end of service gratuity shall not exceed the amount of two (2) years' salary.





The Faculty Member shall (in addition to any statutory public holidays announced for the United Arab Emirates) be entitled to paid holiday in accordance with the provisions relating to holiday leave as set out in the University’s academic calendar, provided that such holiday leave shall not exceed [insert amount in figures] [insert amount in letters] calendar days in each holiday year. The University's holiday year for faculty member is the academic calendar year.


Holiday leave (fully or partly) may only be taken during the academic calendar holidays as set out in the University’s academic calendar.




Subject to the compliance with the University's procedures relating to the notification and certification of periods of absence from work, the Faculty Member shall continue to be paid salary and to receive the other benefits provided under this Contract during any periods of absence from work due to sickness, injury or other incapacity in accordance with the UAE Labor Law.




The employment of the Faculty Member may be terminated by the University prior to expiry of the Term by giving the Faculty Member not less than three (3) Months' notice in writing or making a payment in lieu of such notice period (and no additional compensation shall be payable to the Faculty Member).


The employment of the Faculty Member may be summarily terminated by the University without notice or payment in lieu of notice if the Faculty Member:



adopts a false identity, nationality or submits forged certificates or documents


does not perform the Faculty Member’s duties under this Contract and persists in violating them despite the fact that the Faculty Member has been the subject of a written investigation for this reason and that the Faculty Member has been warned of dismissal if such behaviour continues; or


reveals any secret of the University; or


is finally sentenced by a competent court for an offence involving honour, honesty or public morals; or


assaults the Faculty Member’s responsible manager or any of the Faculty Member’s work colleagues; or


is absent from work without a valid reason for more than twenty (20) nonconsecutive days, during one year, or more than seven (7) consecutive days.

Faculty Handbook 9.3

The Faculty Member shall not be entitled to terminate the employment prior to expiry of the Term without University's written consent. The Faculty Member agrees and acknowledges that the Faculty Member shall not be entitled to any end of service gratuity in the event that the Faculty Member terminates the employment prior to expiry of the Term of this contract without the University’s written consent and, in addition, undertakes to pay to the University on termination of employment, compensation of one month’s Remuneration for each three month period remaining on the Term of this contract.


Upon termination of the Faculty Member’s employment (for whatever reason) the Faculty Member:



Shall immediately repay all outstanding debts or loans due to the University. The University is hereby authorised to deduct from the salary of the Faculty Member a sum in repayment of all or part of any such debts, loans or monies;


Shall return to the University all documents, discs, keys, security passes, credit cards, softwares, tapes and any other property belonging to the University in the Faculty Member’s possession or control.

Upon termination of the Faculty Member’s employment the University shall meet

the costs of the return of the Faculty Member, Faculty Member's spouse and three (3) dependent children to the Faculty Member’s home country unless the Faculty Member takes up alternative employment or the sponsorship of the Faculty Member is transferred to any other sponsor within the United Arab Emirates.




The Faculty Member shall promptly communicate and disclose in writing to the University all Intellectual Property (whether or not patentable), suggestions, concepts, formats, arrangements, discoveries, developments, ideas, licenses, writings, designs, software (whether in source or object code form), patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, know-how and patents, copyright and trademark applications which are made, conceived, developed or reduced to practice by the Faculty Member alone, or jointly with others, during the time of the Faculty Member’s employment with the University (hereafter, collectively (“Intellectual Property”. Faculty Member hereby assigns all of Faculty Member’s right, title and interest in all such Intellectual Property to the University or to a party designated by the University, free and clear of any claims or demands for

compensation. Only exempt from the above are copyrights of books or pintables published by other publishing entities without any contribution (financial or non-financial) from the University, provided that the Faculty Member got a written approval on that.



As to such Intellectual Property, upon request of the University, the Faculty Member shall: (i) execute all documents and provide all assistance necessary or proper to enable the University to record and defend the Intellectual Property and to enable the University to file and prosecute patent, copyright, and trademark applications in the UAE and any foreign country to the extent applicable; and (ii) do all other things (including the giving of evidence in suits and proceedings) to obtain, maintain and assert patents, copyrights, trademarks or other rights in such Intellectual Property.


The Faculty Member agrees that, immediately upon termination of the Faculty Member’s employment with the University, the Faculty Member shall deliver to the University, without further demands, all Intellectual Property (including all copies and extracts thereof and/or stored electronically on any medium) which are then in the Faculty Member’s possession or under the Faculty Member’s control.




The Faculty Member agrees to the University holding and processing both electronically and manually the data which it collects relating to the Faculty Member in connection with his/her employment for the purposes of its business, administering and managing its Faculty Members and complying with applicable laws, regulations and procedures. The Faculty Member herein agrees to the University disclosing personal data to any third parties where such disclosure is to further a legitimate business purpose of the University.




In the event that any provision, clause or sub-clause herein shall be deemed void or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, then such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions, clauses or identifiable parts thereof in this Contract.




This Contract contains the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all (if any) subsisting Contracts, arrangements and understandings (written or oral) relating to the employment of the Faculty Member which such Contracts, arrangements and understandings shall be deemed to have been terminated by mutual consent. The Faculty Member acknowledges that he/she has not entered into this Contract in reliance on any warranty, representation or undertaking which is not contained in or specifically incorporated in this Contract.




This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws applicable in the United Arab Emirates as applied in the Emirate of Ajman and all disputes subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Ajman Courts.


Faculty Handbook

APPENDIX III Faculty Development Policy 1. Introduction Aware that faculty development is tantamount to institutional development, Ajman University of Science and Technology (AUST) has always endeavored to provide the best training opportunities and resources to its faculty. This policy is aligned with AUST’s vision and objectives, mainly: •

To achieve academic excellence.

To encourage faculty to meet what is termed the five main criteria: teaching, training, research, expertise and practice.

To endow faculty with the kind of skills that make students’ learning an enjoyable experience and allow them to develop both intellectually and individually.

Accordingly, AUST has set up a faculty development program whereby faculty members are trained so as to develop at the personal and professional levels, to become highly motivated, and to be able to perform at the highest possible levels. The faculty development program of AUST tries to ensure that: •

Each faculty member understands the duties and responsibilities incumbent upon him/her.

Each faculty member is trained to fulfill his/her duties and responsibilities according to the standards set by the University.

Each faculty member is given the opportunity to develop his/her potential whether personally or professionally.

Faculty members get the necessary help and information to develop their performance and effectiveness.

Appropriate faculty development activities and mechanisms are provided.


2. Faculty Development Objectives Faculty development aims at achieving the following objectives: •

To improve the quality of teaching and research at AUST.

To provide quality service based on the concepts of equal opportunities.

To enable the University to determine the implications on faculty development of changes in higher education and of the Ministry of Higher Education’s requirements, and to respond to these changes.

To respond to guidelines from the University as well as to the recommendations of the Ministry of Higher Education.

3. Faculty Development Scheme To achieve the above objectives, AUST offers, through its faculty development program, a wide range of activities and opportunities to all faculty members. These include presenting approach seminars, offering tailored workshops and courses, providing training in particular issues and subject matters for particular purposes, and providing necessary financial help.

Approach Seminars Approach seminars are one of the main aspects of faculty development at AUST, since they are meant to create a dynamic academic environment conducive to research and creativity. Held every academic year by faculty members from each of the eight Colleges at the University, these seminars deal with specialized subject matters. They are an excellent research opportunity for faculty who are required to research the subject matter extensively and present it in an accessible manner, since the seminars are addressing both specialized and non-specialized audiences from inside and outside the University.

Workshops, Courses and Training AUST intends to provide, through the Curricula and Study Plans Committee, tailored workshops and training courses to its faculty members. The topics of the workshops and courses depend on the needs of each College, as identified by the said committee and by external reviewers participating in the external review scheme, otherwise known as the "Examining Eye" or External Reviewer Program. So far, AUST has run workshops on how to draft a sophisticated course description as per the highest standards in American universities, and on developing new teaching and evaluation models. The University is planning to offer all faculty members technology workshops to enable them to have a hands-on experience on how to effectively and efficiently use technology in the teaching process, including computers, specific software, the internet and on-line learning systems.


Faculty Handbook Financial Assistance Faculty members are encouraged and required to attend and take part in academic conferences both inside the country and abroad in order for them to: •

Keep abreast of the latest academic and scientific developments.

Exchange information and knowledge with peer academicians and researchers and improve their research skills. Financial support for participation in international academic conferences shall be given to the faculty who meet the requirements provided in the Regulations for Participation in Academic Conferences (see attachment). The financial support shall cover travel expenses, participation fees and up to 100% of the travel allowance. Faculty members are urged to submit their applications for participation in academic conferences at least two months prior to the date of the conference. Applications should be approved by the Department Council, the College Council, the Research, Information and Training Council, and the External Relations & Cultural Affairs Committee.

Regulations for Participation in Academic Conferences

(Issued by the External Relations & Cultural Affairs Committee) Preamble Bearing in mind the importance of scientific gatherings in the academic growth and development of AUST teaching staff, the following regulations are meant to offer equal opportunities for all faculty members to attend academic conferences abroad. AUST also encourages academic staff to attend academic conferences held in the UAE and provides financial support as to the registration fees.

Article I These Regulations are called “Regulations for Participation in Academic Conferences” and have come into effect as of October 15, 2001. The terms provided for in this document can be updated, if need be, upon the recommendation issued by the External Relations and Cultural Affairs Committee.

Article II Approval for participation in a conference is contingent upon the availability of funds in the approved Faculty budget for professional development of faculty members.

Article III Participation in any academic conference shall be done upon a decision issued by the President of AUST who may refer to the recommendations of the Department Council, the Faculty Council, the Research, Information, and Training Council, and the External Relations & Cultural Affairs Committee.


Article IV Priority in participation shall be given to conferences, which address themes of interest to AUST or themes that serve its academic projects in the future. The faculty member participating in the conference shall give an overview of AUST terminology and its comprehensive vision. He/she shall also distribute leaflets and brochures.

Article V In case of limited funds left in the approved Faculty budget for professional development, the faculty member who shall be eligible for participation in an academic conference is he/she: •

Whose academic specialization is the closest to the theme of the conference.

Whom AUST asks to represent it in the conference.

Whom AUST asks to conduct a research paper or study for the conference or who has already conducted a research paper in the theme of the conference and was accepted by the Scientific Committee thereof.

Who is assigned an organizing task in the conference.

Who has not participated in another conference in the same year.

Who did not participate in a conference in the preceding year.

Who has a minimum two-year academic experience in AUST.

Article VI Part (A): The faculty member participating in a conference is entitled to: •

A round-trip ticket from the UAE to the venue of the conference. The class of the ticket is determined by the Regulations for Transportation Allowances.

The conference registration fees.

Only 50% of the allowances if he/she is hosted by the organizer(s) of the conference. Should the faculty member be not hosted, he/she shall receive the allowances in full.

Part (B): In determining the allowances of transportation and other related allowances provided by the University for the participation of a faculty member in a conference, the following shall be taken into consideration. 50% of the allowance shall be paid to the faculty member prior to his/her departure while the other 50% shall be paid only after he/she submits the following documents to the office of the Vice President for External Relations & Cultural Affairs: •

A report on participation including the research paper he/she presented in the conference.

A copy of passport showing the entry visa and exit stamp.


Faculty Handbook Part (C): A faculty member may participate in a conference at his/her own charge, provided that his/her participation does not conflict with the interests of the University or students.

Article VII The department of Public Relations shall be in charge of carrying out the procedures for securing an entry visa for the faculty member to the country hosting the conference. A Public Relations Officer shall contact the travel agency for issuing the ticket, see the faculty member to the airport on time of departure and receive the faculty member at the airport when he/she is back.


APPENDIX IV Intellectual Property Policy 1. Introduction This policy provides guidance for faculty (academic and general) and students (undergraduate and graduate) on the practices of Ajman University of Science and Technology (AUST) with respect to Intellectual Property. Matters considered include the nature of Intellectual Property, its ownership, exploitation and the specific procedures adopted within the University. The goal of AUST’s research is to inform and improve its teaching and produce outcomes of benefit to the UAE and the world. Intellectual property generated by AUST researchers should be used to maximize the flow of benefits to society, particularly the UAE, and to enhance the reputation of the University and encourage and assist faculty in their careers. The University is committed to providing an environment where scholarship and innovation can flourish and those participating can be justly rewarded for their efforts. At the same time, recognizing that certain Intellectual Property is developed as a result of the environment provided by the University and that special relationships exist between the University and its faculty and students, the University wishes, where appropriate, to gain benefit from the activity, with the benefits flowing on to future generations of faculty and students. In developing the present policy, which draws on past practice, the University has been guided by Intellectual Property policies elsewhere and by statements provided by stakeholders, including the World Intellectual Property Organization. The University reserves the right to modify or add to this policy at any time, provided that such change will only apply to works, inventions and other subject-matter in which Intellectual Property Rights subsist that come into being after the effective date of the change.

2. Interpretation In this Policy: •


Course Materials means all materials produced in the course of or for use in teaching in any form (including digital, print, video and visual material) and all Intellectual Property in such materials and will include lectures, lecture notes and material, syllabi, study guides, assessment materials, images, multi-media presentations, web content and course software.

Faculty Handbook •

Exceptional University Resources means resources of the University which, for the avoidance of doubt, includes facilities, funds, services, equipment, paid leave, faculty time and support faculty in excess of those normally used or available to faculty for producing Course Materials.

Intellectual Property means all statutory and other proprietary rights (including rights to require information be kept confidential) in respect of inventions, copyright, trade marks, designs, patents, plant breeder's rights, circuit layouts, procedures, trade secrets and all other rights as defined by the UAE laws.

Specifically Commissioned means where particular consideration (which includes, but is not limited to, financial consideration or relief from teaching or other duties) is provided or offered by the University by agreement.

3. Intellectual Property Ownership 3.1 Ownership by the University of Intellectual Property Except as otherwise agreed in writing by an authorized officer of the University, or stated in this Policy, the University asserts legal and beneficial ownership of Intellectual Property: 1.

Created by academic or general faculty in the course of their employment by the University.


Created by students of the University where:


Generation of the Intellectual Property has required use of University resources.

Generation of the Intellectual Property has resulted from the use of pre-existing Intellectual Property owned by the University.

The Intellectual Property belongs to a set of Intellectual Property generated by a team of which the student is a member.

The Intellectual Property has been generated as a result of funding provided by or obtained by the University.

Created by Visitors, Adjunct or Conjoint appointees where: •

Generation of the Intellectual Property has required use of University resources.

Generation of the Intellectual Property has resulted from the use of pre-existing Intellectual Property owned by the University.

The Intellectual Property belongs to a set of Intellectual Property generated by a team of which this person is a member and other members are University employees.

The Intellectual Property has been generated as a result of funding provided by or obtained by the University. In the absence of any written agreement to the contrary, Visitors, Adjunct and Conjoint appointees who create Intellectual Property falling under this clause will be treated as academic faculty for the purposes of this Policy. 37

3.2 Ownership of Course Materials and scholarly works not specifically commissioned or created with use of Exceptional University Resources The University does not assert its right to ownership of any Intellectual Property in scholarly books, articles, Course Materials, or other scholarly works or subject matter generated (whether in written or any other form) by faculty or students, other than: •

Where Specifically Commissioned by the University.

Where produced with the assistance of Exceptional University Resources. The faculty member grants to the University a non-exclusive right to use such Course Materials, works or subject matter generated by that faculty member for the University’s teaching purposes should the faculty member leave the University.

3.3 Ownership of Course Materials Specifically Commissioned The University asserts legal and beneficial ownership of all Course Materials, which are Specifically Commissioned. The University may, at its discretion, give the creator(s) of Specifically Commissioned Course Materials a non-exclusive license to use the Course Materials for teaching purposes only provided that such a license will not extend to use of the Course Materials for a course in direct competition with a course of the University. Where the University does not commercialize commissioned Course Materials the creator may request assignment of the rights to the creator for commercialization by that individual (or team) subject to agreement including a non-exclusive license to the University for educational purposes.

3.4 Ownership of Course Materials created with the use of Exceptional University Resources Where Course Materials are or may be created in whole or in part with the use of Exceptional University Resources, a written agreement should be developed between the faculty member and the University as soon as practicable which specifies ownership of the Intellectual Property in the Course Materials and rights to revenue in the event of any commercialization of the Course Materials and any Intellectual Property generated from the production of the Course Materials. In the absence of a written agreement, the University will own the Course Materials, but the faculty member(s) who provided content for the Course Materials will be entitled to compensation in case of commercialization.

3.5 Ownership of creative works The University does not assert any right or claim to ownership of the Intellectual Property in artistic or other creative works created or composed by its faculty or students, except where these works have been Specifically Commissioned by the University, or are created in whole or in part with the use of Exceptional University Resources.

3.6 Assignments of Intellectual Property The University and faculty members will execute, in a timely manner, all assignments of Intellectual Property necessary to give effect to the ownership provisions set out above and to allow


Faculty Handbook for the use and commercialization of the Intellectual Property by the University in accordance with this Policy.

3.7 Effect of this Policy on existing arrangements Despite any contrary provision in this Policy, all contracts and arrangements existing at the time of the adoption of this Policy between the University and governments, corporations or other external organizations, which relate to Intellectual Property and in which the University has an interest, will remain in full force and effect, including those where the ownership of developed Intellectual Property is vested in a third party.

3.8 Assignment of ownership by the University The University reserves its right to transfer the ownership of its Intellectual Property to third parties in accordance with this Policy, or otherwise, where practicable, following consultations with the creator(s) of the Intellectual Property.

3.9 Dealings by faculty members or students Except where expressly permitted under this Policy no faculty member or student may apply for his/her own name, assign, license or otherwise deal with Intellectual Property, which is the property of the University without the written consent of the University.

4. Students 4.1 Conditions applicable to students Where students are involved in activities that could lead to the development of Intellectual Property over which the University or a third party may claim ownership, the following conditions will apply: •

Participation in the research should not interfere with the assessment of the student's academic performance.

The student's rights in Intellectual Property in any thesis or publications arising from the research should be protected.

The student should receive considerations and returns commensurate with those provided for faculty, including a say as to the integrity of the Intellectual Property.

The student's future career choices should not be closed by the choice to work in a confidential area of research.

It should be made clear to students what the nature of the work is before they undertake the activity that leads to the claimable Intellectual Property.

Any confidentiality and ownership of Intellectual Property agreement should only be signed by students after they have been first advised to obtain independent advice.

Any delays in publication of the thesis that arise from a confidentiality agreement should be limited to a maximum of two years.


4.2 Student research at other Institutions Where students of the University may be involved in research at institutions which are affiliated with the University or at institutions other than the University, agreement should be reached with that institution regarding the rights of the student to Intellectual Property with a view to ensuring that the student’s rights under this Policy are maintained as far as practicable.

4.3 Supervisors Where reasonably practicable, supervisors electing to supervise a student in an area likely to lead to claimable Intellectual Property should ensure a confidentiality and Intellectual Property assignment agreement is completed with the student before the work is commenced.

5. Exploitation of Intellectual Property Owned by the University 5.1 Completion of a Notification Form Where a faculty member or student develops Intellectual Property over which the University claims ownership (excluding Intellectual Property referred to in Section 3.2 and 3.5), the faculty member or student must complete and return a confidential notification form (Notification of Intellectual Property Development) to be provided by the office of the Vice President for External Relations and Cultural Affairs.

5.2 Importance of non-disclosure for Intellectual Property Protection In order for the University to comply with laws of Intellectual Property, faculty members and students should be conscious of the need to avoid premature disclosure of research results to third parties prior to completing a Notification and consideration of the need to obtain intellectual property protection that specifies the rights that will accrue to the faculty member or student and the University.

5.3 Sharing in the benefits of Commercialization The faculty member or student whose creative work is commercialized will be compensated on a pre-agreed amount and will waive his rights to the creative work to the University. Student creators of Intellectual Property will be treated equivalently to faculty members in determining their share of benefits flowing from the commercialization of Intellectual Property.

5.4 Commercialization with a Third Party The University will consult with the creator of the Intellectual Property before determining the appropriate commercialization pathway to be taken. This may include the filing of patent applications, the identification of possible licensees or the formation of a limited liability company to exploit the Intellectual Property.


Faculty Handbook

5.5 Assistance to the Third Party The creators of Intellectual Property being commercialized by a Third Party must provide them with all reasonable assistance in the exploitation of the Intellectual Property including by providing information promptly, attending meetings and executing appropriate documents without delay.

5.6 Commercialization of Specifically Commissioned Works The procedures outlined in Section 5 do not apply to Specifically Commissioned Works. For such works a contract will be developed prior to the work being commenced, with the assistance of the University's Legal Reference Authority, and a copy of the contract will be maintained on the Intellectual Property register held by the office of the Vice President for External Relations and Cultural Affairs.

5.7 Commercialization of works for which ownership is not asserted by the University Not withstanding the exclusions to ownership of Intellectual Property in Sections 3.2 and 3.5, the University reserves the right to approach faculty authors of works, which fall within those Sections, which are not, Specifically Commissioned and which have not been created with the use of Exceptional University Resources.

5.8 Collaborative Research Partners Not withstanding the need for the University to ensure an equitable return on Intellectual Property, the University acknowledges that, in the context of collaborative research, flexibility in the approach to Intellectual Property negotiation is necessary to ensure that the rights of the third party collaborator are respected.

6. Moral Rights The University recognizes the moral rights of the originators of Intellectual Property in accordance with the UAE copyright laws in force. These include the right of fair attribution of authorship or invention, the need for work not to be altered or used in such a way that it harms the reputation of the originator, and an opportunity for the originator to be involved in determining the final outcome of his/her labors. The University will use its best endeavors to assist authors in asserting their moral rights in cases where clear breaches of accepted academic conventions occur.

7. Resolution of Disagreements Over IP Ownership 7.1 AUST Intellectual Property Committee Membership The membership of this Committee will consist of: •

The Vice President for External Relations and Cultural Affairs


Dean of Graduate Studies

Secretary General of Research

Dean of Students Affairs

Representative of the Finance Department

Representative of Legal Reference Authority at AUST.

7.2 Purview of the Committee The Committee will have the following terms of reference: •

To make recommendations within the framework of this policy on Intellectual Property matters that are contentious or, due to exceptional circumstances, fall outside this Policy.

To review this Policy from time to time to ensure it is consistent with best practice.

To make recommendations on Intellectual Property involving students matters where there is a dispute.

7.3 Resolution of disputes regarding ownership of Intellectual Property In the first instance, AUST Intellectual Property Committee will be the arbiter as to whether the University has a legitimate claim to Intellectual Property developed by faculty or students. Where a member of faculty or a student believes that he/she may have grounds to contest the University's claims to ownership of any Intellectual Property, they should bring the dispute to the attention of the Intellectual Property Committee at the time that the development of the Intellectual Property is notified or as soon as practicable. Should he/she disagree with the decision of the Intellectual Property Committee, they may ask His Excellency the President of AUST to refer the matter to an independent expert, who will be agreed upon by all the parties. The decision of this independent expert will be conducted according to all principles of procedural fairness, and shall be regarded as final and binding on all parties. The process of determining the ownership of Intellectual Property should be completed expeditiously and, except in unusual circumstances, within one month.

7.4 Resolution of disputes regarding arrangements with a Third Party Where a faculty member or a student is unable to reach agreement with a Third Party with respect to the exploitation of Intellectual Property under Section 5.5, they may refer their grievance to H.E. the President of AUST or to the Officer appointed by him for that purpose who will attempt to resolve the dispute by mediation within a period of one month. In the event of a continuing grievance, the matter will be determined by an independent expert nominated by H.E. the President.

7.5 Confidentiality of disputes All matters associated with the resolution of Intellectual Property disputes under this Section will be held confidential.


Faculty Handbook

8. Copyright Material Faculty members and students of the University are required to follow the guidelines set out below when doing any of the following with copyrighted material: •


Copying of computer programs

Copying of sound recordings, films and broadcasts; and public performance of literary, dramatic or musical works, and playing sound recordings or films and videos in public.

8.1 Photocopying Photocopying of copyright books, periodicals, journals, newspapers, artistic works, plays, scripts, graphs, directories and other literary, dramatic, music and artistic work is prohibited under the Copyright Law in UAE, except where: •

Copyright has run out.

Copyright owner has given permission or license.

A copy is made for purpose of research or study, but only of a 'reasonable portion' usually not more than 10%.

Unpublished Dissertation/Thesis held in a library - required for research and study.

8.2 Copying of Computer Programs The reproduction of computer programs is prohibited by the Copyright Law in UAE, except where: •

Copyright owner has given permission or a license to copy.

Backup copy is made - but only for use as a backup - except where there is a notice on the program prohibiting making a backup copy and only by the person who purchased the original and within the terms of the license.

It is also illegal to adapt a computer program.

8.3 Copying of Sound Recordings Films and videos, the copying of a record, compact disc, tape recording, a film or video is prohibited by the Copyright Law, except where: •

Copyright has run out.

Copyright owner has given permission or license to record.

Recording a sound, film or video for the purposes of research and study, but only if 'fair dealing' rules are observed relating to only a 'reasonable portion' unless the record, disc, tape, film or video is unavailable for purchase at an ordinary commercial price.


8.4 Copying of Radio and Television Broadcasts The copying of radio and television broadcasts is only permitted for the 'private and domestic use of the person by whom it is made'.

8.5 Performing Works or Playing Sound Recordings or Showing Films in Public The acting out, recitation or performance of a literary, dramatic or musical work or causing a sound recording to be heard or a film to be shown in public is prohibited by the Copyright Law in UAE, except where: •

All the copyrights have expired.

The copyright owner has licensed or permitted the work to be performed or the recording or film to be played or heard.

The performance or playing is used for educational instruction.


Faculty Handbook

APPENDIX V Promotion Regulations for Faculty Members Council for Academic and Scientific Affairs Promotion and Placement of Academic Ranks Committee (PPARC)

The Strategic File In line with the comprehensive vision and educational philosophy articulated by His Excellency Dr. Saeed Abdullah Salman, President of Ajman University of Science and Technology (AUST) with its three dimensions: Education, Information and Investment, and with a view to establishing the rigorous academic principles conducive to the development of teaching cadres in their various fields and specializations, and in accordance with the university's mission to keep abreast with technological and information developments, as well as its desire to provide material and academic incentives to the workers in this field, these regulations and articles have been issued.

Article One: Members of the academic staff at AUST shall be promoted in accordance with the terms, conditions and rules stated in the executive regulations of AUST and in accordance with the criteria, requirements, and procedures stated in the provisions of these regulations. One of the major duties of the Promotion and Placement of Academic Ranks Committee (PPARC) is to review the assessment provided by the Colleges concerning the eligibility of a member of staff to apply for promotion, and this shall be done via the assessment of the points given on the form provided for this purpose.


The Intellectual and Academic File

Article Two: The academic staff promotion system is based on assessment of the applicant’s performance in Teaching and Academic Research and in one of the areas under Development of AUST and Community Service listed below and in accordance with the weighting assigned to each of them. 1. Teaching: 40 points 2. Academic Research: 30 points 3. Development of AUST and Community Service: 30 points

(Training, Practice, Expertise) A member of the academic staff shall only be entitled to apply for promotion after the passage of two years from the date of his/her appointment as a resident (i.e. full time staff member in AUST) and shall not be awarded the promotion unless he/she continues to be employed by the University. Points awarded to individual or joint research items submitted for academic promotion shall be calculated as shown in the following table: Type of Research Submitted

Range of Points

Individual research


Joint research with another researcher


Joint research with two other researchers


Joint research with three or more other researchers


Research work submitted for the purpose of promotion shall be sent to three referees. Each referee shall assign points, based on point ranges shown in the above Table, for each research. The applicant must receive at least 18 points for his/her research work, that is, at least 60% of 30 points assigned for research items. If one of the three referees has failed to submit his/her report for a period exceeding two months then he/she shall be reminded to submit it. In case the report is not submitted within an additional period of two weeks from the date of the reminder, the chairperson of the PPARC shall select an alternative referee.

Article Three: The teaching performance of the academic staff member applying for promotion shall be assessed in two stages:


Faculty Handbook Stage (1): Internal Assessment Internal assessment by the department and the Faculty shall include all that is relevant to the educational process such as curricular and co-curricular activities, in particular the following: •

The teaching load of the academic staff member and the diversity of courses he/she is teaching.

Development of and being up-to-date in the academic field.

Development of programs, study plans, and courses.

Supervision of practical training and graduation projects.

Use of modern methods and techniques in teaching (if applicable).

Interacting with students and guiding them to develop their skills and self-learning abilities.

Stage (2): Student Assessment •

Preparation of examinations and ways and means of evaluating student performance in a manner compatible with the educational objectives of the courses and appropriate assessment and testing standards.

Assessment by students of the courses offered and the academic advising given by the member of staff concerned.

Article Four: Evaluation of the performance and achievements of the candidate in the fields of academic research and innovative contribution shall consider all aspects of academic, intellectual and innovative activities including the following elements in particular: •

Academic research published in refereed academic journals.

Published books and references - each refereed book shall be considered as one item of research.

Research published in refereed proceedings of conferences. A research presented at a refereed conference shall be considered a refereed research (following its publication).

Participation in conferences, symposia and academic forums.

Innovative activity.

Article Five: The following are the terms and conditions for promotion: •

The applicant for promotion shall obtain at least 60% points in the fields of both research and teaching, that is, at least 18 (out of 30) for research and at least 24 (out of 40) for teaching. 47

The applicant for promotion shall obtain at least 10 points (out of 30) in the third category "Development of AUST and Community Service" that covers the fields of training, practice, and expertise, separately or combined together.

The total points obtained by the applicant for promotion shall not be less than 70 points.

Article Six: The assessment of the performance and achievements of the teaching staff member in the Development of AUST and Community Service shall include his/her contributions in the following fields:

1. Expertise Participation in and contributing to: •

Committees at the levels of university network, College or academic department.

Working groups or assessment teams.

Establishment, administration or development of departments, programs, Colleges, centers or any special unit of department or College.

Planning or implementing professional or academic development programs for teaching staff.

Offering academic advising and other services to students as appropriate.

Application of and compliance with the academic standards of the Ministry of Higher Education in the UAE.

Exchange of academic and professional expertise with other universities and specialized associations and organizations.

Offering own academic and professional expertise as required by other bodies from AUST.

2. Practice Participating in and contributing to:


Academic and professional consultancies relevant to his/her field of specialization.

Work on professional committees outside AUST.

Workshops and symposia outside AUST.

Participating in the activities of the relevant professional societies and organizations on the local, regional and international levels.

Membership of the editorial boards of academic periodicals, magazines, refereed professional publications and membership of their advisory boards.

Faculty Handbook •

Acting as a referee for research presented for publication in academic periodicals, or submitted for academic promotion and conference proceedings.

Acting as a referee for books and academic writings for publication purposes.

Participating in viva boards for post graduate studies.

Students' co-curricular activities.

3. Training Participating in and contributing to: •

In-house training of AUST students or outside training at government departments, specialized firms and organizations.

Training the members of the community by organizing specialized training courses for government employees or those working in the private sector or organizing training courses to upgrade the performance of university employees.

Providing outstanding professional service for all members of the community, by putting into practice his/her academic specialization inside AUST and outside it, as approved by the university.

The Legal File Article Seven: 1. Applicants for promotion to the rank of associate professor should satisfy the following conditions: •

Having occupied the post of assistant professor for a period of no less than five years at AUST or any other recognized university.

Having conducted at least two studies at AUST.

2. Applicants for promotion to the rank of professor must satisfy the following conditions: •

Having occupied the post of associate professor for a period not less than five years at AUST or at any other accredited university.

Having conducted at least two studies at AUST.

Published specialist refereed books shall be treated as one single research work. Only one such item shall be allowed for the purpose of promotion.

Research published in the proceedings of academic conferences shall be treated the same as research work published in a refereed journal provided that the number of the research works submitted and published in the proceedings of the conference shall not


be more than one research. Such research should have been published during the period of service in the University. The publication work shall also carry the name of AUST. •

The period of service at AUST required for promotion may be reduced for a period not exceeding one year in the case of those who had, prior to joining AUST, occupied posts of scientific research nature, and submitted distinguished research work in reputable institutions. This requires submission of the case by the PPARC, the recommendation of the Council for Academic and Scientific Affairs, and the approval of the President of AUST. Each and every one of such cases shall be treated on its own merit.

The Committee may consider the promotion of a member of the university academic staff on the basis of the three criteria--training, expertise, and practice--and in accordance with his/her distinguished role in the service of AUST upon the recommendation of His Excellency the President of the AUST.

Article Eight: A member of the academic staff may apply for promotion to the relevant department or College six months before satisfying the condition of completion of the required period provided that the applicant shall obtain his/her promotion on and not before the completion of the period given in clause 1 of Article Seven, no matter what academic rank is applied for.

The Administrative and Organizational File Article Nine: 1. An applicant for academic promotion shall submit a written application to the relevant head of department attached to a file containing the following: a. Five copies of his/her curriculum vitae. b. A comprehensive report on the teaching activities and all other relevant activities together with the following documents: •

Code numbers and titles of courses taught to date.

Copies of the examinations written and administered by him/her.

Copies of student activities accomplished under his/her supervision.

c. Completed promotion form related to research work submitted and classified accordingly. d. A report on the applicant’s own contribution to at least one of the fields of AUST development and Community service namely: expertise, training and practice. Elements stated in Article Six above must be taken into consideration.


Faculty Handbook e. A copy of the title and table of contents of the M.A./M.Sc. and Ph.D. thesis/dissertation degrees and abstracts of these as appropriate. f. A written statement attesting that no part or whole of the research work submitted for promotion is directly drawn from the Master or the Ph.D. thesis/dissertation or that these works as submitted had been previously used to obtain an academic degree. g. Any other documents the applicant for promotion may wish to submit. h. In the case of applying for promotion to the rank of professor a list of the books and research works that had previously been submitted for promotion to the rank of associate professor should be attached to the application. i. The department concerned shall submit the publications that include the applicant’s research work and shall classify those journals into three categories: international, regional and local. 2. If the applicant for promotion is head of a department, or deputy dean of the College: the applicant shall submit a written application to the Dean of the College covering all conditions of clause 1 under Article Nine. A 3. If the applicant for promotion is a Dean of a College or a Vice President of the University or a director of a campus or the chairperson of one of the reference authorities such applicant shall submit a written application to the chairperson of the Council for Academic and Scientific Affairs or his deputy covering all conditions of clause 1 under Article Nine. 4. The duration of service of the member of the academic staff applying for promotion shall be calculated from the date the PPARC deems it that the application has satisfied all necessary conditions, and on that basis accepted the application and that it would be considered. At this stage the committee shall write to the dean of the College indicating the date on which the application has been completed. This date shall be considered as the date of accepting the application. 5. In the case of approval by the referees and the PPARC to award the academic rank to the applicant for promotion, the promotion shall be deemed to have been effective as from the date of approval of the minutes by the President of AUST.

Article Ten: 1. Upon receipt of the application for promotion, the head of the academic department shall address the Human Resources administration to ensure that the applicant for promotion has satisfied the duration of service requirement stated in Article Seven of these regulations. 2. The application for promotion shall be presented to the promotion committee in the academic department, where this committee shall conduct a preliminary assessment of the applicant’s achievements in the fields of teaching, academic research, innovative activities, development of the University and community service. In this context the evaluation should be carried in line with of the elements given in Articles Three, Four and Six of these regulations. 3. The department council shall make a recommendation giving reasons for proceeding with or stopping the promotion procedures. 51

4. The head of the academic department shall submit a complete and comprehensive report to the Dean of the College. This report shall include the following: •

The original application for promotion attaching the file referred to in clause 1 of Article Nine.

The letter of the Human Resources administration confirming that the condition regarding the duration of service has been satisfied.

A copy of the report by the department academic council.

A report from the head of the academic department containing his/her appraisal as to the extent of compliance by the member of staff applying for promotion to university conventions and traditions, his/her cooperation in regard to realizing departmental objectives, his/her relation with their colleagues, interaction with students and comprehension of the vision & philosophy of AUST.

5. The Dean of the College shall present the head of the department’s comprehensive report together with the recommendation of the department to the Faculty Council to take the appropriate decision. 6. In case of decision by the Faculty Council not to proceed with the promotion procedures, the application by the member of staff shall be returned to the relevant head of academic department to inform the applicant for promotion of the decision and the justification for it. In this case the applicant for promotion may submit a written appeal to the dean of the College. Such appeal shall be presented to the Faculty Council for consideration and for taking the appropriate decision. At this stage the Faculty Council's decision shall be deemed final. 7. Should the Faculty Council agree to proceed with the promotion procedures, the Dean shall submit the file of the applicant to the chairperson of the PPARC together with the following: •

The application for promotion together with the comprehensive report received from the academic department.

The recommendation of the department council and the recommendation of the Faculty Council.

The report of the head of the academic department.

The approval of the Dean of the College including his appraisal as to extent the member of staff applying for promotion is adhering to the university conventions and traditions, his/her cooperation with regard to putting into practice faculty objectives and the philosophy of AUST in addition to his relation with his colleagues and interaction with his/her students.

8. Participation in the assessment of the promotion applications and the making of decisions related to these in the Faculty Council and academic departments shall be confined to those of equal or higher academic rank to that of the applicant. 9. The Dean of the College shall be in charge of all the duties of the head of the department stated in these regulations in case of application by the head of the department himself/herself for promotion.


Faculty Handbook 10. Should the PPARC decide to proceed with consideration of promotion, it shall require the Dean of the College to provide PPARC with names, contact addresses and telephone numbers of ten referees from different countries. 11. Should the PPARC decide not to proceed with consideration of promotion any further, the chairperson of PPARC shall return the promotion application together with a letter explaining the reasons for rejecting the application to the Dean of the College concerned so that the applicant may be informed of the decision and the reasons therein.

Article Eleven: 1. The PPARC may add names of prominent referees in the applicant’s field of specialization without consulting the academic department or the College. 2. The PPARC shall select three referees to assess the academic work submitted by the applicant. 3. It is a condition that none of the candidates selected as referees for the application for promotion should have acted as supervisor for the Master or the PhD thesis or dissertation of the applicant for promotion or had conducted a joint academic research with the applicant at any university. 4. It is a condition that all referees shall be of the same or higher rank as for which the applicant is applying. 5. Contact shall be made with the selected referees individually to find out whether they are willing and ready to act as referees. 6. The chairperson of the PPARC shall forward the academic research of the applicant for promotion to the three referees together with the regulations for promotion of academic staff members at AUST and the comprehensive vision and philosophy of the University. Each referee will be required to assess each individual work in terms of: the subject matter, its academic worth and methodology followed, its relevance to the specialization of the applicant for promotion, the merits of each item of research or book and its contribution to the field.

Article Twelve: 1. Referee reports shall be referred to the PPARC to study the case in its totality. 2. The committee shall prepare a comprehensive report including its recommendations and submit it to the President of AUST for final decision. 3. The approval of the promotion shall be made in accordance with the decision made by the President of the University and issued in two original copies. One copy shall be given to the applicant for promotion and the other shall be used for documentation.


The Financial & Investment File Article Thirteen: The President of AUST shall take a decision with regard to the promotion of the academic staff member concerned in the light of the recommendation by the PPARC. In case of approval for the promotion, he/she shall be appointed in the new higher rank effective from the date of approval by the President of AUST. 1. Promotion to the academic rank will have the same effects as initial appointment on the same rank. The basic salary of the promoted member of staff shall be set at the first point of the salary scale for the rank he/she is being promoted to. His/her increments and allowances will be calculated as from the date of award of the academic rank. 2. Financial remuneration allotted to referees shall be sent immediately to them following the receipt of the result of their assessment by the committee.

Data, Information and Promotion File Article Fourteen: 1. All correspondence and reports relating to promotion and deliberations conducted at the levels of the department, the College, the PPARC, the Council for Academic and Scientific Affairs, and the names of the selected referees shall be treated in top confidentiality. 2. The names of those promoted shall be published and publicized in the media.

Standards, Quality Assurance & Quality Control File Article Fifteen: 1. The promotion committee shall recommend a promotion or deny it on the basis of the assessment provided by the College and the referees. 2. Should the application for promotion by a member of the academic staff be denied for any reason, that member of staff may reapply for promotion after the passage of one full year from the date of denial of promotion. This reapplication may include the submission of additional published research work.


Faculty Handbook 3. The applicant for promotion has the right to appeal to the President of AUST in his official capacity within 1 (one) month of being notified of the decision of denial of his/her application for promotion with a view to reconsideration of the decision. 4. The President of AUST shall have the right to order the reassessment of the work of the applicant. The chairperson of the Promotion and Placement of Academic Ranks Committee (PPARC) shall submit the decision of new referees appointed for this purpose to the President. The President will subsequently make the appropriate decision. The applicant for promotion shall be notified of the outcome of his/her appeal within 3 (three) months of the date of submission of the appeal.

Follow up, Updating & Development File Article Sixteen: Follow up: The President shall direct, in accordance with the recommendation of the Council for Academic and Scientific Affairs, the issuance of the necessary measures to enforce implementing these regulations.

Article Seventeen: Updating and Development: His Excellency the president of AUST shall set up, at the beginning of every academic year, a committee for the promotion of the academic staff members of AUST. The terms of reference of the committee shall be determined in accordance with what has been stated in these regulations.

Article Eighteen: All parties concerned shall execute these regulations within their own terms of reference.

Reference Authorities: No.



Research, Information, and Training Council


Council for Academic and Scientific Affairs


Central Committee

Date of Presentation

Date of Approval



Dr. Saeed Abdullah Salman President AUST


Faculty Handbook

APPENDIX VI GRIEVANCE FORM Grievance Form for Faculty Members Name: _________________________________

Date: _____________________

Department: _________________________ College: ____________________________

Please provide the information requested below. Limit your response to no more than five typewritten pages and attach it to this form. a. Provide a detailed account of the incident, situation, or circumstance from which the grievance resulted. Be specific as to which policy or policies were apparently violated or might be lacking, which persons were involved, what harm or damages occurred, and what steps have been taken in an effort to resolve the complaint. b. Explain what relief is being sought through the grievance process. c. Provide the name, phone number, and e-mail address of each person you might wish to call as a witness at a grievance hearing. d. Please state if you have any objection regarding the presence of either one voting member of the Faculty Grievance Committee or the Chairperson to be present at the hearing. If you wish to make such a request, please indicate the just cause. Attach supporting documentation (if any) and submit the complete package to the Chair of the Faculty Grievance Committee.

Note: The College Dean must be consulted prior to the filing of grievance. Indicate the date

you met with the Dean: _______________


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