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THE ONLY DOPE WORTH SHOOTING WAS NIXON!!! MY VIEWS ON SMACK BACK IN 1965, JIMI HENDRIX CAME INTO THE CAFE WHA WHERE I WORKED AS CASHIER AND DISHWASHER AND TOLD ME THAT ERIC BURDON DUG HIM OVER AT THE CAFE AU GO-GO AND WAS TAKING HIM TO ENGLAND TO OPEN FOR HIM. HENDRIX SAID "WEBERMAN, NOW I HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO TAKE EVERY DRUG THERE IS." I SAID "YOU SURE EVERY DRUG MAN?" Okay, Jimi did not die of a smack overdose. It was on Mandrax, the U.K.'s equivalent of Quaalude or Sopor. Jimi had gone to one of his female acquaintance's apartment, and she had made him a tuna salad sandwich. He had gotten high on Mandrax and passed out for the night. Apparently, he had regurgitated his food during his sleep, but he and his friend were so drugged out that he wasn't able to awaken himself, nor was his friend able to arouse herself in order to turn him onto his side, which would have saved his life. So, he ended up aspirating the contents of his stomach into his lungs, which caused him to suffocate. But a downer is a downer. THE BAD-ASSED ORIGINS OF SMACK Created in the same Bayer/I.G. Farben labs that gave the world Zyclon B that was used in the Nazi death camps, and Methadone (originally named Dolophine after Adolf Hitler) and Tabun and Sarin (nerve gasses still in many arsenals around the world and the first toxic gasses used in World War One), heroin might be called the world’s first designer drug. HEROIN IS THE OPIUM OF THE MASSES - Dana Beal Wherever there is misery, there will be heroin. People become junkies for different reasons. Bob Dylan became a user after being exposed to it by Ray Gooch, who let Dylan crash at his crib, when Dylan first came to New York. Dylan was about 19 at the time. Dylan began by "experimenting" with dugi - in a parody of a Woody Guthrie song that Dylan sang in 1961 he changed some lines to "Howdy Hoodie Hugie, how'd you like to do some dugi." His girlfriend, Suzie Rotelo, (who won the dumbest bitch in the world prize in 1965) left him and he used it more. He began to realize that it took him into the world of dreams where symbolism resided. After all the first symbolism in literature comes from the Bible, where dreams

are interpreted to mean all sorts of things - in retrospect of course. Dylan a crasher, doper, basket house case, and queer-dodger was a hardcore motherfucker, I'll give him that. He had fucking balls compared to most Jewish kids his age who had been nurtured by overprotective Jewish mothers. Jim Morrison used smack more and more as his career progressed. His first interest in flooding his brain with dopamine was provided by sex. His bitch used it because she was missing love in her childhood. She got him more and more into it, just like the Bible says. I draw a distinction between middle class junkies and lower class junkies. Blacks in the ghetto use it as a short cut to happiness cause there is no other route for them to travel. Hey if you can't dine at Lutece (the best French restaurant in NYC now closed) or if you don't even know that the place exists, you can get the same or greater feeling of happiness from smack. I have had many a discussion with people in and out of prison, who pointed to the fact that one kid living in the PJs or in the ghetto would become addicted whereas the kid next door, under similar circumstances, would go on to enter the professions, live the American Dream. I am sure that is the case but for one thing we are talking similar circumstances, not identical circumstances. We are also talking about predominant trends, not about deviations from the norm. For most people in the world their script in life is written for them by racism (when you are rich, white and protestant you win the office gene pool) economics (how the material wealth of the planet is distributed) and by other factors rather than by themselves. The only script they end up writing themselves is a script for heroin. Dig, there is also the proximity factor: The closer you are to heroin or morphine itself, the more likely it is you are going to be addicted. That's why many doctors and nurses have "drug problems." When I was locked up I heard stories about kids in the hood (Sunset Park) who witnessed dealers getting shook down by the narcs. The dealers would discard the bags of smack they were holding and the 12 year olders would pick them up, at the least the bags the narcs missed, then sell some, and use some. Heroin fell into their lives, literally. Its true. EVEN ANGELDUST HEADS SAY SMACK IN UNCONTROLABLE Smack is no good for you no how. When I was locked up in Central Booking in the Tombs I heard I heard angel dust heads warn others about the dangers of heroin. These guys were exchanging the location of various crack houses in Harlem, exact locations, and I figured that these places could not have stayed open without corrupt cops going along with the game because every low life motherfucker knew of their existence. But I was not about to go up to Harlem and investigate. Even these dusters said no one could handle dugi. One doesnt have to try everything in life, for example I am not going to try strychnine. The shit turns you into a psychopath in many instances. Junk is like a weird social scene. Another time, when I got locked up for throwing a tomato at Nixon I heard all these junkies talking about various shooting galleries on Avenue C on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. They were saying "Man there was 100 people in that place all doing up." Like these were stone cold junkies, they are dead or have AIDS by this time. That is another problem with junk, you get so stoned out that you forget about junkie hygiene and pass around the works. You get too fucked up to think, it is difficult to determine the dosage inherent in a white powder. I was first offered

smack by my buddies Donald Ingram and Jeff Blonder in the first car of a subway train in New York City in 1964. I turned the white powder down - one of the smartest decisions I ever made in my life. I attribute this to the fact that I was raised in a Kosher home. When I looked at the bag of junk they offered me there was no or on it and I believed it was traif. So far I have still been unable to find a glatt kosher bag of junk. The closest I ever came to becoming a white powder person was in England in 1967, after my judgment had been clouded by numerous LSD trips. I bought opium and smoked it. After about three days I started getting a "chippie" the first signs of addiction. I vomited and was sick. I said to myself, William Burroughs is the devil, he claimed in his book Junkie that you have to shoot the stuff for a month before you became addicted. Burroughs was lying in order to cause more people to become addicts. He killed his wife in Mexico trying to shoot an apple off her head. This was no accident. Burroughs hated women and for years refused to even talk with them. I witnessed this first hand when he refused to talk to my old lady, Ann Duncan. How do I know this? I knew the dude during the 1980's. I never smoked opium again.

THE ULTIMATE MATERIALSIM: GENERATION H I assume heroin is very pleasurable, euphoric drug, otherwise intelligent people would not devote their lives to it. The problem with heroin is that, as stated, it changes personality for the worse, people loose their human values, and devote their lives to a thing, a substance, rather than to an idea or to another human being. Heroin is a toxic substance. It is a dangerous poison. I will be honest: I never liked junkies. There were times I would have liked to see a Compulsory OD Program instituted. Now I feel sorry for them and just want to see a Voluntary OD Program instituted. They make me puke.

EXAMPLES OF HEROIN KARMA Heroin Karma destroys people's lives. The people who deal in it have bad karma about them. I feel happy when they OD. For example Linda Twigg of the Lower East Side, a snitch and a rip-off artist who was in bed with cop killers, but never got arrested, cooked up some new designer drug that resembled insecticide, and OD'd. Great! Her exhusband, Billy Twigg, who figured prominently into Federal Search and Seizure Law, was shot to death by a jealous husband in Texas. Billy Twigg contributed to death of Gail (LNU) a basket case child of holocaust survivors. Linda Twigg's associate, Hank Nueslein, let his bathtub overflow, and when the landlord entered his apartment along with a police officer, an arsenal of bombs, handguns, shotguns, and grenades was discovered. Hank was intent on killing everyone who resided at Nine Bleecker Street in Manhattan, the headquarters of CURES NOT WARS, an anti-heroin, pro-pot organization, headed by Irvin Dana Beal. Hank was a one-time member of the Nazi Party who I met at Abbie Hoffman's office. Hank worked for the telephone company at the time and gave us some very valuable information. I should never have introduced Hank to the Yippies, after having been told by him of his former connection to the Nazis.

Being a Nazi is like being a child molester, once you cross that line it is unforgivable. After these two events occurred Dana made up this verse "Hank's in Attica, Linda is dead, all that's left is a fellow named Fred." Fred was Fred Gottbetter, another child of holocaust survivors and long time heroin addict. With in a month Fred was Dead. (The autopsy reports indicated Fred died of pneumonia.) So long suckers This is East Village Heroin Karma. Sid Vicious. His mother was a registered heroin addict. She copped the smack he OD'd on for him on that fateful night. Sidney, your heroin is getting cold!! Jimi Hendricks, my buddy, choked on his own vomit. Lenny Bruce: The late slime ball high level Federal Informant Chic Eder once told me: "My best friend sold Lenny the bag he OD'd on." Chic figured prominently into the late Albert Goldman's book on Lenny Bruce. Chic was close to Lenny. Chic was in prison at the time for bombing the Bank of America. (Part of his cover). This is heroin karma. It stinks.

HOWIE LOTSOFF DISCOVERS METHOD OF INTERRUPTING HEROIN ADDICTION In the 1960's Howard Lotsoff was a dude who never met a drug he didn't like. As a result, according to Dana Beal, he became the first person ever busted for L.S.D., although I believe that distinction belongs to Nicky Sands. Unfortunately, Howie also became a heroin addict but this did not deter his appetite for new and exotic drugs and the dude stumbled upon ibogaine, a root that was used by the indigenous population of Gabon. Howie had a far out trip and was moving and a-groovin along when the fucker discovered HE NO LONGER WANTED TO SHOOT SMACK! What the fuck? Not take smack? It had to be the ibogaine trip! IBOGAINE WORKS. It interrupts addiction. How do I know it works? I have never been a heroin addict nor have I have yet to take Ibogaine, although I plan to do so. I know the people who promote it - Dana, Cisco, Howie and others. These guys are not in it for the money, these guys know the drug culture from top to bottom and these dudes have been helped themselves by Ibogaine. If they say it works - they don't say it cures addiction, they say that it interrupts it - it gives addicts a chance to ask themselves, "Do I really want to be an addict?" For more on ibogaine (or ibocohen as I call it because Howie was Jewish) click HERE. Â

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