EARLY SIGNS OF DEMENTIA IN AJ WEBERMAN The pharmacies in Brooklyn would sell you anything during the 1950's. I first obtained the ingredients for gunpowder in 1955, when I was ten years old, by looking up any pharmaceutical value the ingredients of gunpowder (sulphur, charcoal, and potassium nitrite) possessed. Then I forged a note that read, "I give my son Alan Weberman permission to buy charcoal because he has a stomach ache and it helps him. Sara Weberman." I bought each ingredient at a different pharmacy. Some of the pharmacists were skeptical and did not believe I suffered from the condition described in the notes. But they all sold the chemicals to me. What did I do with the gunpowder after I made it? I put it on a round metal tray, placed the tray on the toilet seat in my family's bathroom and ignited it. The tray was so thin that the god dam toilet seat caught on fire!!! My parents could not believe their eyes when they tried to use it!! This episode makes me recall the anti-war slogan - "Nixon, liar, we gonna set your ass on fire!"
HEY KID WANNA BUY SOME SPANISH FLY Thanks to a pharmacy on Flatbush Avenue I got into the aphrodisiac (Spanish Fly) and vomiting pill businesses. I would purchase 20 double-0 capsules by telling the pharmacist, who was getting know me rather well by this time, that I gagged when I took aspirin tablets, so I had to crush them up and put them in a capsule. I filled the capsules with salt and pepper then sold them as either vomiting pills, or Spanish Fly. One of my customers, Sammy Fishman, asked me to meet him Flatbush and Church Avenues. He said, "I gave the Spanish Fly pill to my older sister. I put it in her food. She got really sick." I thought fast. I said, "I mixed up the vomiting pill with the Spanish fly, Sammy. They look alike." I didn’t want to deal with the dude if he was giving them to his sister...the motherfucker might try it on his mother next!
REEFER Marijuana was instrumental in the development of computer hardware and software. Longhaired, pot smoking, dudes from the West Coast, formed Apple, a company similar to John Lennon's Apple Records. They capitalized Apple on money made from selling toll fraud devices - red boxes and blue boxes - that had first been designed by Yippie Captain Crunch. Crunch wrote the first Word Perfect-like program, Easy Writer. Because pot improves creativity in already creative people, the people at Apple found a use for the serial mouse, which had been invented by the UNIX people at Bell Labs. This led to the proliferation of computers using American made chips and software and reinvigorated the American economy. The high tech stocks fuel the market. DIG WHAT STEWART BRAND LAID DOWN: