MOO U, EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 1962 PARADISE LOST My parents sent me to Michigan State University to get me away from all the bad influences in New York City. However, what they failed to realize, was that transplanted in a less sophisticated environment, I became like a major bad influence on the other students around me. When I entered Emmons Hall dormitory the first thing I did was play the bongo drums. This brought every kid on our floor to my room. Like my first roommates were Jewish. The authorities at MSU lumped all the New York and Detroit Jews together. I think my first roommate was Lyle Victor. I heard from Lyle Victor a few weeks ago. He is now a doctor who specializes in curing people who snore. I am trying to get him to help me with my pug, Hector, who snores like a motherfucker. Hector is no pug, he's a homo thug. He seems to prefer young male dogs. I made him watch the reenactment of the Michael Jackson trial but it had no effect. I would hate to have him as a cellmate. When it comes to bitches his motto is "Jump 'em, Hump 'em and Dump 'em." Lyle had a brother, Rick Victor, who could fart voluntarily and was my roommate at the smoke shop. He was good people and would split when my lover Debra Dixon would show up. Hey, you only get one chance in life for love man, and if you blow it, than you are fucked for the rest of your life. I realized this in prison and a lot of the prisoners agreed, for whatever that is worth. Rick was amazing. He had control over his involuntary muscular system. You could say like, "Rick would you please fart" and Rick would blow one anytime, anyplace. He is now a 3rd degree black belt in Shorin Ryu Karate-do and can not only fart anytime he wants but he can fart anywhere he wants. Don't fuckin tell me that this degree of mental control did not play a part in his becoming a marital artist! Fuckin Rick is kewl. Click to see Rick!