2 minute read

Identifying Migraine Triggers

If you are a migraine sufferer, recognizing the causes of your migraines is invaluable in helping you manage your condition.
It also gives your doctor the information needed to make a proper diagnosis and a recommendation for the best treatment options. Some of the most common causes of migraines are weather changes, emotional stress, and caffeine. However, the key to figuring out which triggers, or combination of triggers, could be the cause of your migraines is careful self-observation.

Many people report that their migraines are caused by changes in the weather. For some people, the trigger is specific, such as the onset of rain, a sudden drop in temperature, or a sudden pressure change. Others report that any sort of change at all — whether from hot to cold or cold to hot — is likely to bring on a migraine. Pay close attention to the weather to figure out if this is the case for you. When you feel a migraine coming on, check the weather outside and then check it in a few hours. Make sure to note any drastic weather changes. Over time, you should start to see a pattern emerging.

Sinus problems can also be a common cause of migraines. An allergic reaction to certain allergens, such as dust, pollen, mold, or pet dander, can often lead to the release of histamine, which can cause or worsen a migraine headache. If you find your migraines tend to be located in one specific part of your head — most typically above one of your eyes — then this may be the source of your problems. Let your doctor know and perhaps ask for a referral to an ear, nose, and throat specialist, particularly if you often feel your sinuses are congested during your migraines. Any number of problems could be causing your condition.
If you find that neither the weather nor your sinuses seem to be causing your migraines, then you might need to take a close look at your diet. Some people report that certain chemicals and preservatives in foods act as triggers. According to WebMD, certain foods and beverages, such as aged cheese, alcoholic beverages, and food additives like nitrates (in pepperoni, hot dogs, luncheon meats) and monosodium glutamate (MSG, commonly found in Chinese food) may be responsible for triggering up to 30 percent of migraines. To see if you suffer from any dietary triggers, keep a food journal and keep track of everything you eat when your migraines come on. Over time, you should be able to see if your migraines are more common after eating certain foods.
Though these are common triggers for many suffers, it is possible your migraines are not due to any of them. Migraines can also be hereditary or caused by hormonal imbalances and other medical conditions. That is why it is always best to make careful observations about possible triggers and seek a doctor’s professional care for pain relief. Such information will be very helpful in building a treatment or management plan that works best for you.