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IS IT REALLY the most wonderful time of the year? For many of us, the holiday season is delightful, but for some the holidays bring more stress than joy. Headaches, Back Pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome are 3 common symptoms related to stress.

Historically, Centra Care doctors see an increase in the number of patients complaining of stress-related illnesses, beginning with the Thanksgiving holiday, and not leveling off until after the New Year.
Centra Care offers these recommendations of things you can do to help better manage the increased stress:
Coping With Holiday Stress
Seek support - if you are feeling isolated or down, seek out family, friends, community religious or social services. Getting involved and helping others can lift your spirits and broaden your social circle.
Set differences aside - try to accept family members and friends as they are, set aside grievances. Be understanding if something goes awry, chances are you’re not the only one stressed.
Plan ahead - set aside specific days for shopping, baking, visiting friends and other activities. Plan your menus and make one big trip to the grocery store. Leave yourself some extra time for travel so that delays won’t worsen your stress.
Learn to say no - people will understand if you can’t do certain projects or activities.
Try your best to eat “normally” – things like chocolate, caffeine and sugars not only cause weight gain, but also headaches.
Don’t abandon healthy habits - some indulgence is okay, but overindulgence will only add to your stress and guilt. Have a healthy snack before holiday parties so you don’t go overboard on sweets. And get plenty of sleep.
Take a breather - make some time for yourself, spending just 15 minutes alone, without distractions, may refresh you enough to handle everything you need to do. Take a walk, stargaze, listen to soothing music and taking deep breaths can re-store you to a calming mood.
Forgot about perfection - holiday TV specials are filled with happy endings, but in real life this might not be the case, so expect and accept imperfections and take it in stride from one day to the next.
Pray or meditate, focusing on those things you’re thankful for.
If your symptoms persist – see a doctor to make sure your symptoms are merely stress related and not an underlying indication of a more serious illness.
If you need to see a doctor, Centra Care is open 7 days a week. Some locations remain open on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day. Centracare. org has all the details.
If you want to know more of What’s Going Around in this area throughout the year, visit CentraCare.org and sign up to receive weekly health email alerts m
Initially I came to TNT asking them to Initially I came to TNT them to help me make healthier food chocies me make healthier food chocies that would improve my health and that would my health and weight, now and in the future They weight, now and in the future. They provided a total program of testing , a total program of testing, evaluation, education, and ongoing and guidance They also provided me with guidance. also me with a better under standing of foods and a better understanding of foods and supplements, which have improved which have my ever yday energ y and fitness TNT my everyday energy and fitness. TNT has been wor king with my doctor and has been working with my doctor and at this time I have been able to stop at this time I have been able to stop two of my medications I am looking two of my medications. I am looking forward to continuing this experience forward to this to maintain these improvements and to maintain these and suppor t my future needs. support my future needs.
I was frustrated with years of not feeling well. My stomach would hurt a lot, and my energy was decreasing more and more. The science behind the program at TNT gave me the answers I needed to make healthy lifestyle changes tailor made for my body and nutritional needs. I’m on a recovery journey that gets better with each day and each lifestyle choice I make. Lori Esarey and everyone at TNT are passionate about what they do and are there for me every step of the way. Each week I learn something new about nutrition or my test results. They show me how to apply that new knowledge to my personal lifestyle choices. Without TNT, I was guessing at how to solve my health issues. They’ve taken the guesswork out of it so now I can put my energy toward being the healthy and vibrant person I want to be.
At 50, I found myself overweight and
At 50, I found myself overweight and lacking energy. I also dealt with hot energy. I also dealt with hot flashes, insomnia, and an underachieving and an thyroid I called TNT desperate for thyroid. I called TNT desperate for help, and these ladies went above and and these ladies went above and beyond! I had a plan tailored to my I had a tailored to my specific needs Lori spends so much time needs. Lori spends so much time counseling and educating her clients I and her clients. I have learned so much from her about so healing with food, how my body works, healing with how my body works, and what it needs Thanks to this amazing and what it needs. Thanks to this team, I have lost weight, balanced my team, I have lost balanced my hormones and thyroid levels, and feel hormones and thyroid levels, and feel AMAZING! Thank you TNT for all you have AMAZING! Thank you TNT for all you have done to teach me the skills I need to lead to me to a long and HEALTHY LIFE! a and HEALTHY LIFE!
Going Beyond Weight Loss To Achieve Wellness For Life
Spinach Pesto Ciabatta With Balsamic Glaze
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Make first.
1/2 c. balsamic vinegar
3 T. dark brown sugar
Heat both ingredients in small saucepan on high until sugar dissolves. Simmer another 10 minutes or until mixture has reduced 1/3 size and thickened slightly. Stir occasionally. Remove from heat.
1 fresh loaf of unsliced Ciabatta bread
2 c. (2 all-you-can-hold handfuls) fresh spinach
½ c. grated Pecorino cheese

4 garlic cloves
1 bunch of fresh basil
¼ tsp. Sea salt

1/8 tsp. black pepper
3 T. olive oil

¼ c. pine nuts
2 large sliced tomatoes
Fresh sliced mozzarella
Put all spinach in a food processor or blender. Blend for 10 seconds.

Add next ingredients: cheese, salt, pepper, pine nuts, garlic, olive oil. Adding the olive oil as you blend will provide the pesto with a more consistent texture.
Slice bread length wise all the way through to give you two long pieces of bread.
Spread pesto generously over the open bread. Top with tomato and mozzarella. Bake in oven on a cookie sheet for 5-7 minutes or until toasted.

Top with fresh Basil.
Drizzle Balsamic Glaze.
Slice into rectangular pieces. Makes 8 servings.
Dr. Johnson and Dr. Boardman are part of a group of trained surgeons performing minimally invasive surgeries with the use of robotic technologies. One of the procedures is TIF.

Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF) treats the underlying cause of GERD without incisions. This innovative procedure uses the EsophyX device to reconstruct the antireflux valve and restore the body’s natural protection against reflux.
TIF is performed under general anesthesia and requires patients not to eat or drink several hours prior to the procedure. The procedure itself generally takes less than an hour.
Typically, patients can go home the following day as well as return to work and most normal activities within a few days.
For more information regarding this minimally invasive procedure, along with other surgical procedures performed by the group, please visit our website: www.MidFloridaSurgical.com

TIF: AN INCISIONLESS SURGICAL SOLUTION FOR GERD If you have heartburn more than once a week, you may have chronic acid reflux, or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Heartburn is the most common symptom, but you may also experience:
• Regurgitation
• Pain or discomfort in chest
• Trouble sleeping
• Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
• Frequent swallowing
• Persistent cough
• Intolerance of certain foods and liquids
• Gas and bloating
• Excessive clearing of the throat
• Excessive salivation
• Hoarseness or laryngitis
• Asthma or asthma-like symptoms
• Dental erosions or therapy-resistant gum disease or inflammation
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