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Unfortunately, the holidays are a time when people are most prone to depression. Because of commitments and financial stress, people anticipate the holidays with dread rather than joy. Fortunately, there are several things we can do to ensure we enjoy “the most wonderful time of the year” rather than suffer through it.
Remember Why We Celebrate

Large Christmas trees, lots of presents, and tons of food typically signify Christmas. The fun and frills are great, but they do not overshadow what this time of year is actually about—God’s love for us and our love for one another through him.

Make It About Family
Life can certainly be a rat race, but it is imperative to spend Christmas with your loved ones. Make new traditions and celebrate old ones. One idea is for families to sit down with each other and share what they’re thankful for— without distractions from television and cell phones.
DON’T HAVE Is putting a smile on someone’s face in December worth extra debt and frustration in January? Are you going to cringe when your credit card bill appears in the mailbox? It’s important to carefully evaluate your finances before Christmas. That way, when January rolls around, you can meet your financial goals instead of being deeper in debt and regret.
Make Christmas About Others
Acts 20:35 says, “You’re happier for giving than getting.” In a world that is often selfish and selfseeking, acts of kindness are refreshing. They can be something as simple as donating food to a shelter or inviting a friend to church. These small acts mean the difference between being depressed or being happy during the holidays. The things that matter most are not the things we can wrap and put under a tree.