1 minute read
How can you truly make this holiday season a memorable and special one?
You take time to help those less fortunate. Not only will you add holiday cheer to their lives, you’ll feel even better about yourself.
1. IF YOU LOVE to bake or cook, make extra portions of your holiday treats and take them to your local Ronald McDonald House (www.rmhc.org) to share with the families whose children are ill.
2. IF YOU LOVE to do crafts, make some extra-special holiday cards and take them to a local hospital or homeless shelter.
3. IF YOU LOVE to decorate, gather some of your friends and family and ask your church or nursing home to find out which resident cannot decorate a tree or home themselves and would appreciate the surprise.
4. IF YOU LOVE to de-clutter, go through your closets and donate your gently used items to a children’s home, women’s shelter, or Goodwill.