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This month is about giving “back.” Get it? Chiropractor, giving “back”? Clever right? OK, maybe not so much. In all seriousness though, this is the time of year when most of us try to give back to our community and others in need.
A lot of us do this throughout the year, but we try to go above and beyond this time of year. There are many things we can do to help others and not break the bank. Giving support to your local church or a civic group you’re familiar with is a positive way to go.
My Rotary Club, for example, adopts needy families so each child gets a Christmas present and the family gets a week’s worth of food. This is not one person doing this; collectively we are stronger and can do much more.
Some people offer money to buy gifts, some offer their time wrapping presents, others offer to help drop food and gifts off to the needy families. Not all parts involve the actual giving of money. One’s time is the most precious gift given.
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5. FINALLY, IF YOU JUST LOVE to be with your family, why not organize an extra-special family fun night that will start a great tradition and begin giving your undivided attention wholeheartedly to your own family.
In the above scenario, I can tell you the actual act of doing something, helping to prepare, or delivering to those families did much more for me than I did for them. They say you get back what you put into things, I disagree. I believe you truly get more back in knowing that you have helped your fellow man.