1 minute read


Every few days something very wonderful takes place in my life. I get married. Each ceremony is remarkably similar and yet each time it is just as special.

The bride is five-years-old, and even though my daughter named this bundle of energy Alani, I renamed her “The Mighty Dukras” before she could walk. That has now been shortened to Doot.

I am the proud groom.

It takes place like this: I come home from work and am immediately ready for my chair and supper. (Yes, I was born in Virginia.) Many times, Doot is there waiting for me, since her mother works the night shift at the hospital and her dad is not yet home from work. She greets me and never immediately mentions the upcoming wedding.

week it was The Field by Lynne McTaggart… and I know God smiled.

Hana solemnly says, “Jim, do you take Teresa to be your lawfully wedded wife?” (Doot insists on being named Teresa for each wedding.)

“I do.”

“Teresa, do you take Jim to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

Doot beams. “Yes!”

“Please put on the rings,” Hana intones. We exchange rings. “You may now kiss the bride.” Doot kisses me on the cheek, and I kiss her on the top of her head. She then throws the plastic “bouquet” of flowers Hana keeps on hand just for the occasion.

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