6 minute read
Dr Tankson is the h ONLY boardd certified e , or thoppaedic surgeon fellowship p trained in foot and ankle surgery, y serviing the tri-county y ar a ea.
As the first surgeon to perform ankle replacement surgery in n Lake County, he is allso s the only surgeon in a three-couunty area witth the expeeri r ence, skill and training g to o perform highly-advanced d ankle replacemmen e t suurg r erry. y Dr. Tankson receives refferrals from physicians acrross the state who waannt to ensure the best options are avvailable to t their patieentss.
From conservative care for ankle injuriees to o complex care for foot and ankle trauma; arthroscopic surgery of the foot and n ankle to an a kle and foot fusion surgery to alleviate pain and instability; from joint repplacements of the h foot to total ankle replacement, trust the foot o and ankkle specialist other physicianns trust WHEN EXPERTISE MATTERS.
Diagnoosi s s and Trreatmmennt (Medical and Surgical) for:
• Ro R utine and Coomplex Fractures of the Foot and Annkle
• Ad A vanced Treatment foor Arthr h itis of the Foot and Ankkle
• Symptomatic Adult Flat Foot
• Achilles Tendon Disorders
• Bunions, Claw Toes, Hammer Toes
• Revision Surge g ry
Cal l today for an appointment.
Compassionate Specialized Care by Board Certified Fellowship-Trained Surgeons
Center for Advanced Foot & Ankle Surgery
701 Medical Plaza Dr., , Leesburg • 326-8115
Summit Medical Park, 765 Highway 466, Lady Lake • 753-9105
Cedric J. Tankson, MD
Cedric J. Ta k nksonn, MD
J. M
Foot and Ankle Specialist
F d A kl Si li
Joint Replacement of the Ankle
Kerina, MD Board Certified, Fellowship Trained, Advanced Joint epl p accemen e t Surgerry of f the Knenee e an a d Hip
Isaac L. Mitchell, MD Board Certified, Fellowship Trained, Shoulder/Upper Extremity & Sports Medi d ci c ne n
Claudia L. Thomas, MD Board Certified, Fellowship Trained, Orthopaedic Trauma, General Orthop o aedics
Alfred J. Cook, Jr., MD
Board d Ceertified, Fellowwship Trainnedd, Sporrts Meddic i inne e annd Ca Carttillag a e Rejuvenation
John n T. W Will l iams, Jr J ., MD
Boaard Ceertified, Fe F llowship Trained, Advanced Joint Replacement Surgery of the Hip
February 2013 1
Wekiva River Paddling Trip
Enjoy the beauty of the Wekiva River during this paddling and waterway cleanup excursion. Participants traveling the river can experience the abundant wildlife of Florida’s National Scenic River while also helping maintain the health of the river by picking up litter along the way. Meet at 10a.m. at Katie’s Landing at the Lower Wekiva River Preserve State Park in Sanford. For more info call 352.343.3777 or visit www.lakecountyfl.gov/parks.
Open Bowling Tournament (February 1–3)
Grab your shoes and shine your bowling balls because local bowlers are welcome to play with the professionals during this three-day Professional Bowlers Association competition at Break Point Alley in Tavares. Saturday is pro-qualifying, and there will be a $5 cover charge Sunday for the finals. Call Richard Kosto at 352.343.5333.
5 Weight Loss Challenge

Keep that New Year’s resolution to lose weight with E-Z Nutrition. This twelve-week weight loss program will educate and motivate participants to lose weight and keep it off!
Everyone will meet each week for weigh-ins and educational topics. At the end of twelve weeks, winners with the biggest percentage of weight loss will win cash and prizes. Contact Lisa Johnson at 352.516.9855 or email eznutrition101@aol.com.
Heart Failure
Heart failure is when the heart can’t keep up with its workload. If the heart muscle cannot pump enough blood, it cannot meet the body’s demands for blood and oxygen. Join Dr. Mark Rothschild to learn more about how heart failure develops and what treatment options are available. Preregistration is required, but the class is free. Held 1–3p.m. at Comfort Suites in The Villages, 1202 Avenida Central North. Visit www.cfhalliance.org to register.
Stand-Up Paddleboard Yoga (February 5–26)
For those looking for a new and interesting fitness challenge, yoga on top of a stand-up paddleboard may be it. Each Tuesday class includes paddleboard instruction, as well as the opportunity of learning the poses of yoga from a registered yoga instructor. This is the perfect time to relax and renew. The cost for the class is $35, including the use of a paddleboard. Call Mary Prescott at 352.406.0904 or email mary@ floridafromakayak.com for additional information.
9 Friends of the Library Summer Book Sale
Want some new reading material? The Friends of the Cooper Memorial Library will host a book sale with a large selection of books, CDs, and videos. Prices range from twenty-five cents to $1 per item. Items not sold during the sale and various other items will be available at further reduced prices during the library’s normal operating hours the following week. Money earned helps provide funding for special projects and programs at the Cooper Memorial Library. The sale is 9a.m.–2p.m. at Cooper Memorial Library, 2525 Oakley Seaver Drive, Clermont. Call 352.536.2275 for more information.

The Mount Dora Music Festival (February 14–17)
In keeping with its mission to make music available to everyone in the community, The Mount Dora Music Festival is an annual four-day celebration of music that entertains and educates through musical performances, lectures, and workshops. The headline act Jefferson Starship, the counterculture band that initially rose to fame in the 1960s as Jefferson Airplane, will take center stage in Saturday’s Showcase Concert at 7:30p.m., at the Mount Dora Community Center. Tickets for all performances are now available online at mountdoramusicfest.com or by calling 352.385.1010. Advance tickets are available at the Mount Dora Chamber of Commerce and Donnelly Euro Footwear. For more information, contact Nancy Howell at 352.383.2627.
Blood Screening
The Sunrise Rotary Club of Leesburg will provide its annual blood-screening event at the Leesburg Community Building, 109 E. Dixie Ave. The cost of the basic blood screening is $40. For an additional $25, men can also have a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. Funds generated are used for numerous community projects. Preregistration is required no later than February 13th. For more information, call 352.365.3714 or 352.787.3076 or visit www.leesburgsunriserotary.org.
23 Open Your Heart
From 9a.m. to noon, The Father’s House in Leesburg will host a large foster and adoptive informational fair highlighting the accomplishments of local foster families, the need for foster and adoptive homes, and the necessity to increase Lake County’s licensed homes. A light breakfast will be served before guest speakers take the stage. Afterward, professional staff, volunteers, and foster/adoptive parents will be available for personalized meetings with families interested or curious about becoming foster or adoptive families. Call 352.315.1815 for further info.
Pain Free, Worry Free, Live Free
This varicose veins seminar features Sebre Gabre-Madhin, M.D. (Dr. Sebby). Learn all about how to live “pain-free and worry-free” at the Florida Hospital Waterman Garden Conference Room A and B. To R.S.V.P. or for more information, please call Amy McCrory 352.343.2141. Light refreshments will be served.
Grief Support Group (Every Wednesday)
The free Lake Grief Group meets at the First Church of Christ at 10a.m. The church is located at 510 W. Minneola Avenue, Clermont. The 2013 program, which began January 9th, features thirteen weekly seminars with nationally recognized experts on grief recovery covering the journey of grief. For more information, call 352.658.1408.
Cooking For A Cause
The Signature Chef’s Auction, an event put on by the March of Dimes, was held at Mission Inn Resort and Club. This year’s theme was “A Recipe for Healthy Babies.” The event featured six of the area’s finest chefs and caterers who presented their signature dishes. Money raised from the silent auction, live auction, and tasting reception went to the March of Dimes, an organization that attempts to prevent premature births.
1. Sydney McWilliams, Dr. Al Moffitt, and Linda Tucker

2. Dawson and Leslie Kirkland

3. Jennifer Weber, Elizabeth Pabarroo, and Pamm Campbell
4. Amanda Walsh

5. Brian and Vicki Wynns with Bill and Monica Wonus

The Lake Sumter Medical Society’s Expo 2012 allowed vendors, physicians, and practice management personnel to network and share ideas. The annual trade show was held at Mission Inn Resort and Club. During the event, South Lake Hospital showcased its da Vinci Surgical System robot, which can perform minimally invasive surgery.

1. Chris Thorpe, Jennifer Fortuno, and Terri Cleaver

2. Shane Carr, Nancy Cornelius, and Mary Mizelle
3. Carol Millwater and Dr. Pete Marzek

4. Kim Couch and Amanda Cowan
5. Joy Eley, Dr. Jason Boardman, Connie Welch, and Ali Fender

Show Off Your Brain
Cognitive skills were put to the test at Sterling House in Leesburg’s Brain Bowl MMXII. Participants enjoyed an afternoon of challenging and fun activities that taught them about the six areas of cognitive function. These hands-on activities addressed language, motor skills, vision, attention span, and more. The event also included a special presentation of Cross Train Your Brain by renowned geriatrician Dr. Kevin O’Neil.

1. Kevin Mahany and Seth Colpoys

2. Debbie Flaherty and Maegan Safford

3. Kelly Wise
4. Marie Ellis, Dr. Kevin O’Neil, and Rosemary Brown

5. Pat Steinberg, Jackie Frugè, Janet Couch, and Licia Sterbinsky
6. Jean Miller and Angie Duncan

7. Angela Lindsay, Lisa Archer, Dori Hanna, Carol White, and Rosemary Brown