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How to take it easy

The right pill

This innovative new concept is like having a family pharmacist right there in your own home. Your meds and supplements are prepackaged in the exact dosages you need. It is unmistakably simple. Each prepackaged dose is sealed and clearly labeled with the date and name of each medication it contains.
The right time
With over 32 million Americans taking more than 3 prescription medications each day and 3 out of 4 not taking their prescriptions properly, Medicine-on-Time® is an idea whose time has come. It takes the guesswork out of taking your medicine. Each daily dose comes in color-coded packages that let you know the exact date and time to take each medication.

Every time
It is as simple as reading a calendar. When you waken, you simply reach for the easyto-open calendar package and take the right pills at the right time. Going to lunch with a friend? Simply tear off the midday dosage tab and take it with you.
Going on vacation? No more bulky bottles of medication to pack in your luggage. Simply tear off the days of medications you need to take with you.
Ease of mind
Monique Burschard, a nurse with Florida Heart and Vascular Multispecialty Group, knows the importance of taking the right medication at the right time from the viewpoint of a seasoned healthcare professional.
When her father Joseph, who lives alone, began exhibiting symptoms of new onset dementia, he began taking several medications and supplements throughout the day. Monique tried to prepare pre-doses for two weeks in advance, yet even though family members checked on him twice daily, she found herself being called to the Emergency Room quite often.
Since she started using Starx Medicine-on-Time® three months ago, the ER visits have become a thing of the past.
“I love this new Starx system,” she says. “I can simply call and ask Dad if he has taken the medicine in the yellow or blue package and if he says yes, then when I check on him later that day, one quick look tells me if he has taken it. It has given me such ease of mind. And another thing I love about Starx is the fact they are a family pharmacy. When I walk in or call, there is no waiting; they always give me immediate attention and the help I need.”
Cost effective
Starx pharmacy monitors refills of both Rx and overthe-counter medications, coordinates patient care with physicians and insurance companies, and delivers the pre-packaged medications directly to your door. Starx is the region’s sole provider of the Medicine-onTime® innovative personal prescription system.

Judy Martin of The Villages is a woman on the go. She is a retired teacher, her husband is a retired dentist, and she visit locals in need with her loving therapy dog. Living The Village lifestyle means plenty of travelling and with Medicineon-Time®, Judy is ready to go anywhere, anytime.
“I love the ease of use with Medicine-on-Time,” she says. “Everything I need to know about my medication or supplement is written clearly on the back of each packet. I just push through the paper on the tab and the meds I need for that day and that time are conveniently in my hand and ready to take.”
Judy also likes the fact that Medicine-on-Time® is cost effective and more organized than her former insurance provider.
“Starx is so organized! They call me to verify it is time to refill my meds and then they deliver them right to my door. They even call my physician when it is time to renew a prescription. My old medical insurance provider couldn’t find my name on their list of members even when I gave them my prescription order numbers off the bottle I was holding in my hand. And they wanted me to order three months at a time. Not with Starx. I get my meds each month, so if a medication is discontinued, I don’t end up paying for meds I am not going to use. And when it comes to cost, I am much better off than before. Starx and Medicine-On-Time® takes all the guesswork — and the work — out of receiving and taking my meds. Like they say, the right pill at the right time every time…”
For more information, call Starx Pharmacy at 352.323.9555.