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Forget a tie for his suit or a television set for his man cave. This Father’s Day, give Dad a gift that will help him remain young and healthy. Here are some ideas:
ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH Research shows that electric toothbrushes remove more tartar and plaque than manual toothbrushes. That big smile will keep him looking young.
PUZZLES, model airplanes and model boats. These gifts will challenge Dad’s mind. According to several studies, people who engage in mind-stimulating activities are two and a half times less likely to develop Alzheimer’s or dementia.
WATER BOTTLE This is a simple gift but an important one. Whether your father is an athlete or outdoorsman, chances are he doesn’t get the recommended eight glasses of water each day.
BLENDER With a blender, he can make delicious and nutritious smoothies at his office or at home.
Source: healthline.com/health-slideshow/ fathers-day-gifts#2

South Lake Hospital recently added 18 inpatient beds. This is one of several expansion projects underway that allow the hospital to continue meeting the health care needs of South Lake County as the area’s population increases. Each of the hospital’s patient rooms are private and offer sleeping accommodations for family and loved ones.
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Umatilla was home of the Florida Elk’s Children’s Hospital, which was founded in 1933 to combat polio. The 100-bed hospital closed its doors in 1998.
If yes then you may have a more serious underlying leg problem. Many people walk around daily with obvious venous insuffi ciency, many don’t know it. If you are one of millions that can see varicose veins, swelling, skin discoloration and even lower leg ulceration then you have venous insuffi ciency until proven otherwise.
Venous insufficiency is a condition where the veins have stretched to a point that the valves which control blood flow direction, allow blood to go the wrong way. Why? Mostly genetics, pregnancy, sitting or standing for long periods, trauma, age, previous blood clots as well as other possibilities.
Treatment options are much better than years past. Support socks/ stockings do NOT fix the problem, but do help slow its progression. All treatments are in the offi ce, under local anesthetic, last 15-20 minutes and does not require any down time. A venous scan is performed to fi nd the problem,then a series of thermal and chemical ablation treatments are used to “close down” the problem veins. It may take more than one visit, depending on the extent of problem. Two things I tell patients, “1, I must treat the bigger problem under the skin, before I treat the surface problems.” “2, Its gonna take some time, If you can see bulging veins on the outside of the leg, then the inside is even worse.”
The reasons we treat venous insuffi ciency is not only for cosmetic reasons. By taking control and treating the bad veins, your legs will have better circulation back up to the heart and will decrease the risk of the unforeseen blood clots.

“If I look into a mirror and cannot see my abs I get upset I try to keep my body y fat t leve v l un u deer r 10 percent. t ”